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Archive => RFF Archived Boards => Big Brother 16 Live Feeds and Spoilers => Topic started by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 07, 2014, 11:00:19 AM

Title: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 07, 2014, 11:00:19 AM
Week 11 - Double Eviction

Eviction # 1:

Nicole by  4 - 0



POV Comp:
Frankie wins

POV Meeting:
Frankie does not use the POV

Eviction # 2:
She stormed out of the house, no hugs to anyone
And the audience booed her as she walked out!

After the Double Eviction:


Noms (Pre-Veto):

Veto Comp:
Frankie wins the veto...not used

Week 11: Rewind



Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 07, 2014, 10:46:20 PM
Random chatter...

The countdown moves closer to "reset"
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 07, 2014, 11:01:42 PM
I'm here for BBAD

All but Frankie in kitchen talking about food
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 07, 2014, 11:06:24 PM
Caleb and Cody goes outside to play pool
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 07, 2014, 11:25:49 PM
Derrick is outside as well, warming up the grill to cook something

Talk is about getting Frankie out next and speculating what the button twist is

Derrick thinks they have 12 days left. Nope, they got 17 to go.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 07, 2014, 11:40:39 PM
Cody folded his freshly dried laundry and then resumed the pool game with Caleb.  Derrick watching while his food is being grilled.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 07, 2014, 11:53:48 PM
Pool game over. Victoria came out briefly but went back in.

Caleb, Cody and Derrick now just chillin' on loungers and having idle chatter.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 12:09:32 AM
Boys speculating the button twist

Victoria fixing something in the kitchen

No sign of Frankie since BBAD started. No clue where he is.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 12:20:32 AM
Cody called to DR

Caleb and Derrick eating the chicken that Derrick just grilled and now are going over the order of who was HOH. Caleb is bad at memory.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 12:28:11 AM
Cody still in DR

Frankie sleeping in HOH

Victoria done eating, joins Caleb and Derrick at the BY couches having idle chatter
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 12:31:37 AM
Cody out of DR, joins the gang outside

Derrick checking on his laundry
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 12:44:07 AM
Caleb, Cody and Victoria discussing about Christine being boo'd

No sign of Derrick, maybe he got called to DR
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 12:59:53 AM
Random chatter about previous seasons in the BY

Cody has his head on Victoria's lap and she is running her fingers thru his hair and rubbing his head for a while per his request

Derrick still in DR

Frankie out for the night

BBAD ended for the night!  :waves:

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 08, 2014, 06:19:30 AM
Derrick and Frankie chat while Frankie takes a bath. 

Frankie thinks that the final speech will seal the deal in the final veto meeting.

Derrick thinks that by the final 2 the votes will be decided.

Frankie: People that I do not think will vote for me - Jocasta, Christine,

Derrick: I disagree about Christine, it depends who you are against.

Frankie: Hayden and Nicole, I don't think.  Donny.   I would say unequivocally, I would love to say I have Zach's vote, I don't know.  I think the only person I'm sure of is that I don't have jocasta

Derrick: That's most people

Frankie: If i were sitting next to anyone, she would pick them over me. You have a prayer alliance.

Derrick: Well, Nicole said some things and then the holla, I told her she was safe after our last prayer.  Did she trust me most?

Frankie: most likely, but we all told her that

Derrick: SHe was extremely hurt by me

Frankie: Because she liked you, she didn't like me.  I think her love for you prior to the betrayal will carry her vote, before her hatred of me period.

Derrick: I hope that even if she doesn't vote for me, she's over it personally.   Like we're even.   She told me in front of Cody, she looks at me and looks at him and she knows the game and why you're hear and I can't play with that.  It was an awkward moment.  She was like I wouldn't do the things to win the game. and I said, I didn't come here to make friends. She said she wouldn't do those tings.

Frankie: She did nothing.  She did the least of anyone in this house.

Derrick: I wonder what she was saying about me in her DRs.

Frankie: I wonder what she was saying about anyone.  If she was crushing people in the DR i'd be shocked.  She was giving a lot of sass, a lot of attitude.

Derrick:  I think Victoria will be pissed at me too for not voting to keep her.  She'll stick it to me.  She's fiesty.  It's what happens when you're friendly with people. I'll wait until after the twist and have a talk with her that Cody is a good competitor and has one things and he deserves the chance to continue on.   As long as she knows its not personal I can live with it.  I wonder if she'll cry.

Frankie: She'll cry when I tell her.

Derrick: I'm actually nervous.  But, I'm a big boy.  But, Wednesday's twist could be she's safe.

Frankie: he's a good kid that cody

Derrick is worried about his finger (he cut it on glass during the JeJo proposal celebration)  He wants to make sure its not infected, but it feels tender.  He's going to ask tomorrow about it because its been 4 days.

Derrick: Caleb and Cody are tight.  The question is who will he go to the final 2 with?

Derrick: The good thing about Donny is that if by chance me and you are in the final 2 Donny has to vote for one of us.

Frankie: if i'm in the final 2, people will give the money to family man over me

Derrick: It scares me when you say that. 

Frankie: ok, well, its true in my opinion.   I don't know if its actually true.  I'm a one man show.  I don' thave other people to take care of,  That's not how people will make their decisions.  Maybe jocasta.  I don't know that Zach cares

Derrick: If you're in that final 2 and you take me great, if you don't then I understand.   

Frankie:  Its just so nervewracking.  Maybe Wednesday will stire things up and I'm not HOH anymore at all.

Derrick: Its so tough to read anything.   

Frankie: You can't.

Fish because Frankie is singing.

Derrick: You really think if you don't win the veto you won't make it.

Frankie: Yes

Derrick: It hurts me a bit because what if i win the veto

Frankie If you win HOH i might be safe.  If you win HOH and you don't put me up and you win the veto then I'm safe.  If Caleb wins HOH and doesn't put me up, which he might not, I'll be like listen how many times have I saved your ass.  If he was the deciding vote, and I was sitting there with you , I'm gone

Derrick:  He said things like that in the past, caleb was like Christine will keep you around because she'll beat you. 

Frankie: If Cody was the deciding vote between me and you I'm gone

Derrick: Not because jits personal, but just because he thinks he can be me. 

Frankie: If Cody is HOH he's putting me  up, he said it in the veto meeting today that he didn't want me to take him down because his two best friends in the house would be up, so. . .

Derrick: Yeah.

Frankie: Nicole told me that Caleb would rather sit next to Cody because he's the biggest beast in the house and he wants to beat the best.   

Derrick: Do you think he means that?

Frankie: I think he speaks alot without thinking, I don't think he meant that.  With me, he's constantly questioning.  He was questioning whether we keep COdy. He's like without COdy, we're final 3

Derrick: He thinks he can beat me.

Frankie: His ego will get him in the final 2 speech. All you have to do is prod him and he'll say ricidiculouse things,

Derrick: True.  It all depends though, if Donny is voting for Caleb and Hayden is a fan of Caleb. 

Frankie: Its not a shoe in.

Derrick: You think Hayden would vote for me over Caleb?

Frankie: no

Derrick; If was you and Caleb you'd vote for me right?

Frankie:  I know things about you that he doesn't? 

Derrick:  Team AMerica?

Frankie: Yeah

Derrick:   I wouldn't say anything about Team America unless its me an you up there.  If you say you're TA and talk about money, you won't get it.  If Donny went to the house and told them that me and you and him were part of team america and won a bunch of money.   I don't think he'd do that, but its plausible.  DO you think he would?

Frankie: no

Derrick: I hope you're right. 

Frankie: I would though, so make sure I'm still here.   

Derrick: It works both ways, so. . . .

Frankie where are all of our other halves.

Derrick: oh man

Frankie: We have this.   We just need to keep having moments like this.

Derrick: I need to win a couple of more comps.  If I win a couple of more comps then I can make an arguement. I think people will be like the kid didn't win any comps. 

Frankie:   Yeah, but it could be a benefit too,

Derrick: Would you talk about that?

Frankie: I don' tknow.  I don't count myself out with a knowledge veto against cody.  He's a machine rattleing off facts about he house, but that he won't get rattled by a competition.  It wasn't that he didn't know, it was that he couldn't pull his **** together.  I'm not counting myself out.  Do you think you could beat me?  Yes.   And there's a part of me that doesn't know what Caleb would do because he's so greedy.  He's so money driven.  If it came down to money and loyalty, I don't know what he would do.  If it were me and you, I don't know what he would do, if it came down to me and Cody and he doesn't think he can beat me

Derrick: Let me ask you the same thing?

Frankie: I'm taking Caleb if its me and Cody and Caleb in the final 3

Derrick: My opinion is tha tyou'd have a better change against Cody.  Cody might have a couple of people, based on what I've heard from Nicole.  Caleb is very well liked by the people that are there.  Cody is liked, but not as much.  I think if Cody and Caleb are the final 3 it'll be a 5-4 thing.

Frankie: As much as I can honor our thing, I will.  If i was going to pull a fast one , I'/d do it this week.  I don't think one or other will make or break my game, and I think if I'm sitting next to one it won't matter which one.   It just depends.  Cody is a great speaker

Derrick: Caleb is not as good, althought Caleb is gettingbetter.  I just wouldn't say antying if I wer ehim.  I would say  i won this number of competitions and no one in there can say that I didn't burn anyone and I didn't tell any lies.  COdy is a very good speaker too

Frankie: I've never heard you speak.   I've never heard you in the hot seat.

Derrick: I'm not a bad speaker, I get nervous reading. For me it'll be simple, I am at a competition disadvantage.  Iwould say I've been loyal to the people I'm loyal too.  I'd love to win, that'd be great, but I'm still getting $50K.   I'm looking at $75K if I'm against you.  I'm 100% able to buy a house.

Frankie: That's why I think you could win it all.  People know you're situation. 

Derrick: You're giving your money to a charity and I'm giving my money to a charity called Derrick.  Do you think that hurts you?

Frankie: In no way does it hurt you.  I don't think it hurts me either.  No one is going to give me the money so I can give it away.

Derrick: COrrect, it'll be based on your performance in the house and giving it to charity will be the topper for you.  I don't know how it'll go.  I just want to get there.   I'm not going to say I don't want the whole thing, but the 50 plus our money is a huge thing.

Frankie: I just want to be a in the final 3, and I think that third person (me, you and Caleb) we'll get america's favorite player.

Derrick: Over Donny?   

Frankie:  YOu're the dad, you have a daughter, you've played a great game,  a great game.   We've completed how many missions?   

Derrick: 5 out of 8.   

Frankie: no one has been given this many missions.   Dan and Regan walked away with 20K.  I didn't come her to become famous.  I came her to win.  I came to do some great things with the money.  I want to keep going.  If the three of us make it tothe finals, its first, second and third.  If Cody goes to the finals over me, will i be shooting myself in the foot over this week?

Derrick: I think not, at some point you have to be loyal.  You will know that you were loyal if the other person burns you.

Frankie: yeah. Its so unlike me as a person, my whole platform in this game since day 50 is that I'm playing as Frankie.  I'm Frankie/  Prior to day 50, I was up to my elbows in everything.  Every single disaster in this house, whose job was it to fix?  Mine.  I spent most of my game babysitting people.  I babysat caleb, zach and Devin and ran around cleaning up there messes.  Everyone told me everything and I would hear the conflicting information I can see the trains heading for each other.  I was basically scrambling the first 50 days.  It'd be nice to be chille, but it'd be boring. Let's be honest that I enjoyed every minute of it.  I did.

Derrick: O frankie, frankie, frankie

Frankie: we've done wonderful work.   We have 2 weeks, but with this button I think we're ending on a Thursday.   Completely possible.   I just hope that its not a double on Wednesday.  That's just too much.

Derrick: A double down to 3 people?   Then what would happen on Thursday?

Frankie: Maybe an eviction on Wednesday and then on Thursday

Derrick: Maybe a live competition?  Maybe a pit stop?  Alright, I'm going todown to see what they're doing.

Frankie: I'll come down too.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 09:43:57 AM
Derrick, Victoria and ? are very restless. First one moves then like a wave the other one moves but all sleeping.

(We can hear footsteps in the wall, which usually means they will have a wakeup call soon.)
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 12:40:27 PM
Frankie putting on his face, Victoria finished, gets something from the BR and in the DR. (Not sure.)
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 12:43:39 PM
Frankie is sitting at the table, still putting on makeup, eating something, running his hands through his hair and says.. Terrified!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 12:50:26 PM
Frankie finished his food, washed the dishes in the sink, looked at the memory wall for awhile, sat back down and sang, Ready to go! Ready to go. BB calls him to the DR and he says.. Here we go!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 01:17:16 PM
Frankie in and out of the DR, Derrick in and out. Frankie sitting in his BR talking to the fish. Telling each one good morning. They all have names. LOL
He tells them Daddy's going to take a nap.

Ugh! Thanks Frankie for using the WC with your mic on... :lala And flushing too!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 01:19:11 PM
Everyone back to bed.  :yess:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 01:58:12 PM
Derrick made a quick trip to the DR, came out and got his water bottle and filled it in the BR. He took some sort of pill then went to the SR and took off a bandage from his finger. (He cut it outside when Jeff and Jordan were in the backyard.)
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 02:02:30 PM
He decided to wash it first, went back to the BR and got some hydrogen peroxide for it and now is putting a new band aid on it.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 02:04:03 PM
Derrick goes outside and says.. So Feedsters, what's different with this picture? ???
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 02:07:43 PM
Back inside and he's getting bread with one hand, not using his left...
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 02:16:31 PM
Scrambled eggs...

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 08, 2014, 02:19:13 PM
Breakfast time for Derrick. He's not using his left hand at all if at all possible.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 05:18:35 PM
general chatter

don't see Vic
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 05:36:20 PM
Derrick the house is starting to drive everyone ****ing nuts we are all getting paranoid

Derrick to Cody like I told you last night Frankie will take you to the end because he says I am like the family guy and I need the money

Derrick talking about Victoria jumping in his bed last night and then the DR asking iof she went in for a kiss and he got really mad and said are you effing kidding me
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 05:39:05 PM
Cody defending his actions with Christine and he chilled with the guys and flirted with all the girls

Derrick and Cody just trading off what is pissing them off in the house now and how all of them are getting on each others nerves

Derrick I am pissed I was like really bro I am married with an effing kid and you just asked me that and that is what you are showing dude on effing tv
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 05:43:13 PM
Frankie and Caleb discussing what will be behind the juror's votes being decided
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 05:59:21 PM
inside LD

Caleb and Frankie have been talking about how the jury will vote and how they will decide their vote

Derrick and Cody have been talking about how to get Frankie out
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 06:30:10 PM
Derrick telling Victoria he is really not working with any of the boys that they would not be taking him to the end and he doesn't feel safe just like she doesn't feel good about her situation

Derrick would I much rather you stay and we go to the end ...yes

Vic I am just trying to accept it and everything has been so calm and peaceful

Derrick that doesn't mean you shouldn't be campaigning

Vic the whole game may reset

Vic I don't want them to think I am not doing it now doesn't mean I won't do it Wednesday

Vic knows at this moment she is being brittany'd

Derrick based on this game thing I could be going home on Wednesday and not you

Vic can I tell you my dream

Derrick yeah

Vic it was chaotic and it was eviction and Donny was here

Derrick and he sent me home? well I sent him home he didn't like me

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 06:33:45 PM
Derrick Frankie said he will take Caleb and not me or Cody and if it is Frankie and Caleb in the end caleb will crush him because I will make sure of it..paraphrasing here
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 08, 2014, 06:36:18 PM
Derrick Donny didn't like me I think because I am a city boy

Caleb if you get blood on your clothes your saliva will bring it right out but your saliva only no one elses learned that in the Army

Caleb it is your dna in your saliva that brings it out
wow didn't know that
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 10:02:40 PM
I'm here for BBAD....three hours tonight

All but Derrick chatting at the hammock
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 10:22:40 PM
Derrick and Victoria talking inside at the LR couches.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 10:31:39 PM
Victoria laying on her bed in the fire bedroom deep in thought

Caleb and Cody shooting pool
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 10:38:29 PM
Derrick joins Victoria in the bedroom to talk

Other boys playing pool
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 10:57:13 PM
Derrick and Victoria plotting to mindscrew Frankie to take Derrick to the end if Frankie makes it that far. They are coming up with lies that Victoria will tell Frankie such as that Nicole told Victoria that the jury hates Derrick, and that Victoria is pissed at Derrick for not voting to keep her this week. The plotting continues.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 11:12:41 PM
Derrick and Victoria continues to plot to mindscrew Frankie

Caleb, Cody and Frankie continues to shoot pool
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 11:24:34 PM
Derrick joins the boys outside and start the motion to fool Frankie....the bashfest on Victoria has started.

She stayed inside.

The boys are playing doubles shooting pool
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 11:30:25 PM
Pool game ongoing

Victoria comes out to watch them
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 11:39:47 PM
Final five being one fake happy family being in good mood with the pool game.

Can't wait for the dog to come in game talk will happen as they all will be playing with the dog all day!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 08, 2014, 11:53:33 PM
Pool game still ongoing....Frankie's body language is very obvious, he's super paranoid!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 12:04:19 AM
Pool game finally ends and all heads inside

Frankie is going to bake cookies
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 12:07:28 AM

Cody making his bed. His sheets got washed.

Random convo ongoing.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 12:21:08 AM
Caleb, Derrick and Frankie in fire bedroom speculating what will happen tomorrow....

Cody and Victoria in the kitchen chatting as he makes tuna fish

Cookies are currently baking in the oven 
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 12:30:59 AM
All in kitchen chatting

Derrick starts to head up to HOH to use the shower

BB: Derrick, please go to the diary room!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 12:33:45 AM
Caleb washing dishes

Cookies are done.

Caleb, Cody and Frankie doing abs on the LR floor before they eat cookies
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 12:49:43 AM
ABS workout done

Just random chatter all around

Derrick showering
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 01:00:09 AM
Cody, Frankie and Victoria in LR, Frankie can't decide on whether to go to bed, take a bath, he is so tired

Derrick out of DR

Frankie to the DR

BBAD ended for the night!  :waves:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 09, 2014, 06:31:35 AM
Earlier this morning 12:26 am BBT time

Derrick and Vic in the fire room. 

Derrick:  Cody and Frankie are sitting right out there talking game.

Victoria: I like how Frankie is in th emiddle of everything. Is it weak if I don't campaign?

Derrick: No.  And there is a twist.  Even if you have my vote you still need Frankie.  YOu're not a dumb girl what is it accomplishing.  You have to do what you feel comfortable with.  I don't want you to be like I should have campaigned.

Victoria: There's not much to say, really

Derrick: Yeah, what are you going to say Caleb?   I'd like your vote, we haven't playedthis game together at all but I want your vote

Victoria: I have a better chance with Frankie.  Like Caleb we never spoke game at all.

Derrick: He's on the couch with Cody righ tnow

Victoria: Frankie loves drama

Derrick: He's going to get drama

Victoria:  Basically. . .

Derrick:  YOu're going to say I came in here, I love you, you're a great friend, I don't want you to get your hopes up, I've been loyal to all of the guys and we chose to keep COdy this week and I"m not going to be able to give you my vote.  We want to be friends out of here, but you weren't buying it and you're pissed.

Victoria: So, you were using me for a vote and now that you don't need me anymore peace out girlfriend.

Derrick: You can say that, I'm not going to say that I said that.   

Victoria; I don't want to get our stories messed up. 

Derrick: I'm just going to say that Cody deserves to be here and you don't have my vote and you're pissed off at me.  What you want to say between that, you can say whatever you want, when I watch it on tv I won't be mad.  You can say that I'll never get your vote and then you can say that the sad thing is that Hayden, Nicole and Donny don't like Derrick either so they won't vote for hime.

Victoria:  Basically that you're loyal to the guys?

Derrick: Yeah, essentially you'll be like you can't believe you did this to me and I don't want to talk to you anymore because you're making me look like a fool.   I don't know if its going to work, but if it does, it'll be genius.  It might help if its a twist.  It could.  It doesn't effect anything when you give your final speech.   You could be like I had your back, loyalty is everything to me, you broke my trust, and good luck to everyone else.  If you get evicted you don't even give me a hug.

Victoria:   I don't want people to think why am I mad because I'm not staying anyway?

Derrick: Its about our friendship.  Even though you're not staying you wanted me to vote for you.

Victoria: That you're not choosing my fate.

Derrick: I'll say that it kills you that I'm the one sending you home. 

Victoria; That's perfect, that's good.

Derrikc: On another note, just so you know I have been loyal to you this entire game.  i've made deals with people and told Cody we'd go to the final 2, they all like me, but I know none of them have my back llike you do.  Regardless of if this helps and I go out next, there is a lot that we have to talk about outside of this house.

Victoria: I hope this doesn't impact anything

Derrick:I appreciate that we are friends, and that you're doing this for me.   If I don't vote you out there will be a target on my back if I don't win HOH.  When the show is over and once you meet my wife you'll know more about me and we can talk and catch up.  If I go out next and they send me home, it doesn't matter and you still did it for me and I appreciate that.  I just don't want you to do it if you can't do it for me. I don't want them to figure it out.  Do you think you'll be fine?   

Victoria: Yeah, it'll be fine. 

Derrick: Its really only one day, on the lockdown we don't talk anyway.   Its good that he'll want to talk to you.   Regardless the show is coming to an end and we'll talk outside of the house and I'll fill you in.

Victoria: I'll make this work.

Derrikc: As faras the jury don't kill yourself.  I have to get there, but I think I can beat Cody and Frankie.   I just need to get there and Frankie will take me based on what you said.  We are out of here in less than 2 weeks.

Victoria: I can handle not talking to you for 2 days. 

Derrikc: If it works it'll be great.  YOu'll have to sell it to Frankie, bust out some tears. This could be so difficult to even get there. I have to try to get there on my ownl. if it doesn't work, it doesn't work and it won't be for not trying.

Victoria: you're going to get there.  If this works and you win, you owe me.

Derrick: of course I do.  I'm going to try to beat him out right.  I plan on winning this HOH and the veto and send him right behind you.

Victoria: you need to win this HOH

Derrick: I need to win the Veto.

Victoria: But the HOH you'll be safe.

Derrick: It'll probably be endurance.  Its weird to think the game is almost over.   

Victoria: Playing the game is exhausting.

Derrick:I can't wiat until you learn more about me.   You'll know that night.  Its all true.   

Victoria: I don't doubt it.   

Victoria is going to leave with tears in her eyes and red eyes.   I'll go out and say I don't want to talk to anyone.  Tomorrow they can ask me.

Victoria: If its not me winning it better be you, that's how much I love you.   

Derrick: i'm going to try and if I don't win i'll see you in the jury house.  I just can't wait to get out of this house.

 . . .

Derrick: this twist keeps you here, we'll have a conversation that we made up, but we're not close anymore.  I don't know what the twist will be.   

Victoria:  You just walk out noow. Shut out the light

Derrick: essentially i said i'm loyal to the guys and you don't have my vote and you're pissed off because you didn't want the person you were loyal to sending you out.  Okay, let's see your acting skills.  First round of drinks on me.   I love you.

Victoria; This is fo you Jana and Tenley.

Derrick: I have a lot to tell you.  Love you good night

Victoria: Love you too and good night.

Derrick leaves the fire room and heads straight up to the HOH room where Cody and Frankie are hanging out and listening to music.

Frankie: What happened? how'd it go?

Derrick: not good

Frankie: Really?

Derrick: nope. Long story short she was trying to campaign to me, I said long story short, I've been working with the guys, its not an alliance, but I'm loyal to the guys and I think COdy deserves the right to be here.  She started with the I had a feeling I was going home, but I didn't want you to be the one to send me home.  She felt hope and I can't in good conscience vote him out because I've been loyal to him.  She's crying downstairs.  She's in the room with the lights off.  She might try to talk to you.

Frankie: She's not going to talk to me  because I can't vote.

Derrick: She said she feels betrayed.   

Frankie: I didn't give her any hope.  I told her that if she was going to regret not campaigning she should do it.  We weren't going to hold it against her.

Derrick: I told her all of the guys wanted to get to the final 4 we worked hard.  She wasn't really taking no for an answer at first but she got it and then I wanted to keep talking to her and she was like I don't want to talk anymore and shut off the lights.

Frankie: I don't think it went . . .

Derrick: I knew it wasn't going to go well.  I told her that I had her back.  HOnestly, I have for the most part.

Frankie: I said that to her.

Derrick: HOw can I vote out a guy that won a bunch of comps and she's been last at everything.

Frankie: I said that to her, that everone in the house has kept her safe and she owes everyone in the house the place where she's at in the house.  I said that's not going to change anything.

Derrikc: She wanted you to vote for her to stay, Caleb to vote for her to go and Frankie to break the tie.  She is blaming me because if I voted her to stay, Frankie would be the deciding vote and that would make her feel better.  She can't believe I'm the one sending her home.

Frankie: That's why Caleb said we could tell her together?

Derrick: But do you understand why I wanted to do it myself.   

Cody: At this point . . .

Derricl:  She's going to talk to you tomorrow.  I didn't pull a brigade move.  I told her we had a gentleman's agreement, we want the final 4 and battle it out.

Cody: What will make it easier, is when we all talk to her.  If everyone goes we've been working together and we feel Cody should make it.  But if everyone pulls the whole, that's how the house is going to vote.   

Frankie: You said you wanted to talk to her so I didn't talk to her.

Derrick: I didn't tell her that we had an alliance.

Cody: We can do that.

Derrick: We can do that if we ant to.  I feel like she'll pull you aside one by one.   

Frankie: Hopefully she'll pull me aside last and I'll say that hopefully you got everything off your chest, and that you can leave now.

Derrick: Brittany got embarrassed, we aren't do that to Victoria. 

Cody: They laughed at her.

Derrick: Victoria wasn't in on the alliance, but we talked alot and were close and I still have to save face.   Its like your situation with Christine.  It didn't go like I planned, but it could have been worse.  Whatever.  I'm good with it.  I wasn't even done speaking.  She was done with it.  YOu know she's done with it because she never goes to sleep. 

Frankie: She'll be up here.

Derrick: She's not coming up here. I'll give her a few minutes, but I'm actually tired.

Frankie: well . . .

They sit in silence

Frankie: I'm sorry it didn't go as planned

Derrick: I feel better about it.

Frankie: You'll feel better about it tomorrow.

Derrick: I didn't try to add salt to the wound, I just said that we're working together and there's a gentleman's agreement that we're going to the final four and will battle it out.   I didn't even say because you haven't won any comps.  Obviously, she knew there was a responsibliity that she'd be going home, but not because I'd be voting her out. 

Frankie: you can say that you're saving Frankie from having to make the decision.

Derrick:I told her she's not staying.  I told her I can't vote for her, I promised my vote elsewhere, she can campaign.  I emphasized my friendship being separate from the game.  She isn't getthing tha tnow, but maybe after she leaves the house she'll get it.  If not, then maybe our friendship wasn't that big of deal anyways.

Victoria out of the bedroom

Frankie: She looks fine.

Derrick: Can you tell she was crying?

Frankie: Nope.  She's fine.   You're a good person.

Derrick: I'm glad I did it.  For all we know there could be a twist on Wed. and she's in power and put me out Wed.  I'm ok with that because I hope that she'd give me the same respect if I was in her position.

Frankie: I said that to her, and I'm like as long as the decision is true to who I am as a person then its not the wrong decision and if it sends me out the door, I know that's good and I'm being true to who i am as a person.  The way that decisions burn your soul i because they're out of character

Derrick: She's eating cereal, I guess she's ok

Franie: you want me to go talk to her?

Derrick: I'd give her some time.

Frankie: blah, blah, blah, decisions, decisions, moral high ground, blah, blah, blah  Every decisions I make from now on is a decision Frankie would make outside of the house and if it sends me out the door I don't walk out regretting anything.

 . . . .

They're talking about if they should disclose the alliance.  Derrick isn't going to say anything.  He doesn't want to make the girl look like an asshole.   she mightnot campaign to caleb.   

Frankie: I think Caleb should say, thank you for talking to me, its not looking good.

Cody: It doesn't make sense to tell her about the bomb squad.

Derrick: Yeah, why would we tell her. 

Frankie: we just tell her the boys have each other's backs.

Derrick: If we decide to tell her later. but she knows it, we're the bros.  I just think its a tough pill to swallow to her.  I think if we want to tell her more we can, but I don't want to kick her while she's down.  Caleb said I don't owe her, but he doesn't know our conversations.

Cody: Caleb's never had a relationship in the house.

Derrick: We talked more personal than game.   That was nice.   But, i told her that I had to vote for Cody and I insinuated that I could vote to keep you but you're still going home.  I don't think she's pissed about going home at all.  I think in a way she feels left out.  You said earlier we're all in the hammock ans she's sitting by herself.  I'll try to talk to her tomorrow.

Frankie: she has no option but to talk to you

Derrick: She does she can tell me to f myself

Frankie: that's not her

Derrick: She now knows 100% she's going home.  that was the purpose of it.

Frankie: m'hmm  You did good.

Derrick: We'll see.  I could have told her tomorrow, but that would be ****ty, short notice.  Get your dress ready.

Frankie: the day before the eviction.  I'm going to the bathroom and go laydown.

Derrick goes to the bathroom.   

Cody tells Derrick that victora went to bed.  What's the time limit for me to go in there?

Derrick: i'm goin in now. I'm going to put a bandaid on and go to sleep.   He leaves the HOH room. 

Frankie: he's a mess

Cody: Why is he so irritated by that?

Frankie: I'm telling you we're the only ones not falling apart.

Cody: He wanted to tell her.

Frankie: He ewanted to, was he pissed at me?  He was like you gave her hope.

Cody: You said all you could have said. 

Frankie: I was like babe, I didn't give her hope, I didn't give her hope at all.

Cody: I would have said if I were you, that you need to do what you need to do so you can walk out of here with no regrets.

Frankie: Derrick is a mess.  He's so concerned about America and the booing and the things.

Cody: I'm extremely concerned about the booing.   The thing where Cody has been HOH and these guys have never put him up, these guys have never put me on the block.  These are the guys I have to go to the end with. He's never been on the block, not eve once.   I get that it sucks and it hurts, but she hasn't benefitted him at all.  We haven't even had a close vote that we were like thank god we have victoria.  Unanimous votes everyweek.  So you know?  I get it because it hurts her feelings.

Frankie: Yeah, but at the same time. . .

Cody: I guess I'm just in a different position because I'm sitting next to her, is it that hard to breakt it to her? am i going to go home?

Frankie: Yeah, I get what you're saying.   

Cody: Liek f'ing christine, I told her I'd never vote her out, and the plan that day was to send her home.  I never warned her or said antying. 

Frankie: you were like bye, good job

Cody: I don't want to seem like an asshole, but  . . .

Frankie: We all agreed not to tell Victoria as a group, you did it yourself, you got your way, I know that it sucks, but i'll be okay.   

Cody: Put it in a letter and send it out.

Frankie: I'll put it in my HOH blog.

Cody and Frankie talking about how Caleb is mean and says that they're fat.   

They're both going to bed. 

Good night.

Meanwhile, after Derrick went downstairs, he put a bandaid on his finger and headed to bed.  He and Victoria had a quick conversation.

Derrick:You still awake. He recaps his conversation with Frankie and Cody.  I told him exactly what we agreed to.   I said you were upset because I was going to vote to evict you.   

Victoria: Did tnhey buy it?

Derrick:  Oh yeah, Frankie said when she comes to talk to me, I'll tell her you did the right thing.  He thinks I did the right thing.

Victoria; I hear someone walking down the stairs.

Derrick: Okay, I'm going to bed.  Good night

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 09, 2014, 06:32:57 AM
Currently - all houseguests sleeping!   They all went to bed close to 1:30 am BBT.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 09:29:46 AM
Everyone still sleeping. There was a noise like a door sliding shut or closing but no one has moved that we can see.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 11:18:44 AM
The doorbell rings and they get their doggy for the day. It's name is Izzy! They all jumped out of bed, Derrick says his heart was beating out of his chest.

They are beside themselves.. LOL
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 11:28:30 AM
Everyone getting a chance to give her a treat, finally Victoria gets her chance to pet her and give her a treat. They are showing her the house even the countdown. LOL
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 11:34:55 AM
Everyone has had a chance to pet him but she is sticking with Caleb for the moment. Up on the couch! (After the treats they keep feeding her.)
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 11:40:38 AM
She is cute! They all are taking turns petting her. Finally Derrick gets his chance and Frankie calls her to him.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 11:45:31 AM
Frankie thinks they should clean the floor... He wants to make pancakes or something since they are all up. No one answers so he says he should just go F himself. (Honestly!)

Derrick wants her to come up on the couch so he can show her what they do all day. (Sleep. LOL)
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 11:54:26 AM
Derrick keeps saying this is definitely not a rescue dog. (Too well trained.)

Derrick talking to Caleb, they are trashing Cody. Cody waits till someone makes food so he can eat. Derrick: Grab a F'ng pan and make your own breakfast. They can't find any bowls, they think they are always left outside and flies are all over them.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 09, 2014, 11:58:16 AM
Derrick and Vitoria have put the plan into effect, she is ignoring him and everyone has noticed. Frankie is taking a shower in the HOH and obviously singing since we went to fish and now see Derrick and Cody playing pool in the BY.

Derrick is telling Cody that they will have a twist tomorrow but he thinks it will come after the eviction. Derrick says the bomb squad was dismantled after week four. They both think Caleb is clueless about the game. Cody says he and Derrick were the :dick hit men.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 09, 2014, 08:47:48 PM
chatter chatter telling stories
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 09, 2014, 08:52:53 PM
Earlier, at about 4:30 pm BBT, as part of Derrick's plan, Victoria and Frankie in the HOH room.

Victoria: Basically, I didn't sleep last night at all.  I didn't think that I had to campaign to Derrick.  I figured that I could talk to you and Caleb and I'd be fine.  But I wanted to talk to Derrick before to see what to say, I don't want to cry . . . She's crying.  When we had the whole blow out 3-4 weeks ago, I felt like someone has taken my heart and crushed it.  We mended things and i thought we were fine and basically he just told me that he's not voting to keep me and he's loyal to the guys.  (She's crying) and even if I couldn't convince the guys to keep me, but the fact that he's doing it, its super hurtful.  I feel like I got dragged and he needed me for a vote or anything.  He used me until, peace out.  I feel super alone and I don't want to talk to him and I don't think that's a loyal game player and he doesn't understand that.  lOyalty is everything in this game, he should know that. Now this is the time it matters and he's not there for me.  I feel played, I can't look at him, he disgusts me. I'm trying to not make the vibes weird in the house and be happy go lucky.  It sucks I'm not ready to leave.  I'm extremely hurt.  I knew it was a lie, like when someone cheats on you. Its like Caleb stabbing you on the back when you need him most. 

Frankie: That almost happened.

Victoria: It hasn't almost happened to us.   

Frankie: the argument that I'll say to you is Derrick and I are close and we've talked to each other, and getting to this point together. I don't think Cheating is what he's done.  I don't think his personal relationship is fake.

Victoria: Personal is game.  We speak game, he said he'd be loyal and if I'm ever on the block we're each other's votes and obviously that's not the case.  I feel super betrayed and I don't want to look at him.  I don't respect him as a person, I do not like him, he's good with his words.  He's good.  Its like when you're done you're done.  Done.  Its embarrassing.

Frankie: I don't know.  When you get to a certain point in the game you can't be loyal to everyone.   Without people hating each other you've made promises to everyone.

Victoria; You don't say I'm with the boys, like when Christine was still here, that doesn't make any sense to me.  If he would have told me from the beginning, i'd be at peace. 

Frankie: Yesterday you said you didn't know about Derrick because he's close to Cody.  I thought you knew yesterday that you didn't have his vote and you'd go to Caleb

Vcitoria: no.  A

Frankie: At this point in the game, my personal relationships and game relationships are better. 

Victoria; but you have that one person in the game.  I feel betrayed.  I speak so highly of him and he doesn't deserve it.   I t should have been one and one.  I was crying a lot and didn't want to talk to anyone.  I wanted him to leave me alone.  I didn't start yelling.  Today I'm just ignoring him.

Frankie: That sucks.  When I told you yesterday, I wanted you to walk out at peace with eveyrone.  I don't know what you and Derrick talk about.  I have no idea.  He doesn't tell me.

Victoria; It sucks.  She's crying.  YOu're number one ally that you trust in the world. 

Frankie: I understand his argument because the 4 of us have fought tooth and nail to keep each other safe.  I've never nominated Derrick/  We have worked together this whole game.

Victoria; I was blinded by that and he never told me. 

Frankie: Its not his place to tell you that he's working with those people. I would have been pissed if he would have told you

Victoria; I get that, we all have our own games, but when it comes down to it you don't tell me that you have my back when you don't have it all of the way.  I'm just so hurt. I don't respect him.  I don't respect him as a game player.

Frankie: Well . . .

Victoria: its like caleb choosing Derrick over you.  Wouldn't you be like what the f, Caleb?

Frankie: Oh yeah, but I do understand its a game

Victoria: Let it be a game, good luck to him.

Frankie: he thinks he owes more to cody

Victoria; Fine than good luck. You want to play dirty, I'll play dirtier.

Frankie: what do you mean?

Victoria:You know what I mean.

Frankie:  Its a shame, he's hlped you get here, you've been super close.  He's helped you get here

Victoria: I don't care about the past.  Its his word. 

Frankie: He said if you're on the blcok he'd vote to keep you?

Victoria: He said don't worry I got you?   

Frankie: Forever?

Victoria: It was implied. 

Frankie: Is this only oyour second time on th block on eviction night? 

Victoria: yea

Frakie: Its your seventh time on the block, 3 time on eviction night.  You're a beast.  Wow.

Victoria:  What other person would put up their closest ally?  Is that a hint? Frankie you tell me.

Frankie: It seems like you're not his closest ally

Victoria; that's exactly what I"m saying.  I don't want to be around him, I don't care for him.  Thank god its the end of the game and I don't have o deal with this tension.

Frankie: I understand.   

VIctoria: I prefer straight up

Frankie:I don't think you'd prefer straight up in this situation.

Victoria: or lie to me

Frankie: He is being straight up

Victoria: don't tell me you have my back

Frankie: You have someone's back until you don't.

Victoria:  Why can't he now?

Frankie:  He's working with the boys.   

Victoria making a case that what Derrick did to her would be like if Caleb turned on Frankie.    Blah, blah, blah, be true to your word, my closest ally voted to keep me instead of it being unanimouse. 3-0 peace out, used ad abused you peace out.  You don't see it

Frankie: I see it, but he's kept you safe too.

Victoria: I was on the blcok and I have a chance of going home when I'm on the block.

Frankie: He put you on the blcok with Christine

Victoria: Nothing is guaranteed when you're in the orange chairs. 

Frankie: He's still your closest ally.  YOu're not his, but he might still be yours.   He has supported you up until this point.

Victoria: when it comes down to it is when you see people's true colors.  That's fine, let him go be with his boys

Frankie: Don't think it doesn't scare the **** out of me.  For me, I have to move forward, knowing that nothing is for certain and I'm the only one that control my fate in the game.

Victoroa; ITs just sucks, she's crying

Frankie: I love you so much.  It really does suck

Victoria: Its almost embarrasing.  She's a good crier.

Frankie: Don't forget the good moments, those were good and you guys went through a lot.

Victoria: if he wants to be with the boys, okay

Frankie: I don't want you forget the good personal moments

Victoria: I can ptu the personal aside.  Victoria making the argument that she's going to take all of this into consideration.   Nicole told me I can't trust Derrick like I think I can.   She said to open up my eyes.   

Frankie: I just wnat you to be okay

Victoria: I'm not

Fankie: you will be. 

Victoria:   I'm just so hurt I can't explain it.   

Frankie: I think there are some very strong people left and weak people left, mentally.  I think its going to come down to who can keep their **** together.

Victoria: well make it to final 2.  Kill it Frankie.  You have to, I can't do it anymore.

Frankie:  I really hope to. 

They hug. 

Frankie: we're going to have a lot of fun for the rest of our lives together. 

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 09, 2014, 08:53:10 PM
for the moment it is the Caleb Frankie hour swapping stories and such
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 09, 2014, 09:12:25 PM
Derrick and Victoria whispering in the fire room.

Derrick is coaching victoria on how to play up Caleb (they want to play up Caleb so Frankie doesn' want to take Caleb to the final 2).   SHe can say that Nicole told her to trust Caleb, that she really liked Caleb

Victoria; I can't wait for you to see my conversation with Frankie.  It took me awhile to cry but when I did I did for 20 straight minutes.

Victoria leaves, Derrick stays to nap.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 11:09:06 PM
I'm here for BBAD

The final five are all in HOH chillin' and chattin' They got booze earlier, a small bottle of wine which Victoria is drinking now and four beers which is long gone now. The boys minus Frankie drank them.

Discussion is of music artists and award shows
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 11:19:38 PM
Caleb and Frankie in HOH BR feeding the fish
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 11:26:24 PM
Victoria listening to Ariana and is dancing to it with her arms

Caleb went downstairs.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 11:40:29 PM
Caleb back in HOH

Discussion is of comps they had

Frankie called to DR
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 09, 2014, 11:51:27 PM
Caleb and Cody down in kitchen fixing food

Derrick and Victoria had a quick convo alone in HOH before she went down

Frankie still in DR
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 12:01:50 AM
Caleb, Cody and Victoria eating at the dining table

Derrick napping on the HOH bed

Frankie still in DR
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 12:17:12 AM
Caleb and Cody playing catch with a ball going back and forth from the kitchen to living room

Frankie out of DR, joins the boys playing catch
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 12:27:24 AM
Derrick called to DR

Victoria laying in bed

Other boys continue with the playing catch the ball
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 12:32:40 AM
Catch game continues but Frankie not playing anymore, no clue where he went

Derrick still in DR
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 12:44:07 AM
Derrick out of DR

Cody to the DR

Victoria still laying down

Frankie taking a bath in the HOH tub

Caleb and Derrick in the kitchen talking what ifs

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 12:47:05 AM
Frankie not in bathtub yet, he is jedi training by himself to the cameras

Caleb and Derrick discussing getting to the end
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 01:01:13 AM
Cody out of DR

Victoria to the  DR

BBAD ended for the night!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 10, 2014, 05:33:07 AM
All houseguests sleeping!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 10, 2014, 11:52:57 AM
Everyone still sleeping. ZZZ  Derrick was up earlier, perhaps called to the DR but he's back in bed now.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 10, 2014, 12:29:25 PM
Wake up call. Today will be a slow day with the feeds, lots of fish probably.  :colors
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 10, 2014, 12:57:13 PM
We had a brief look at the HOH, I think Derrick was there, all covered up and laying on the couch. Frankie was talking in a baby-talk voice about a dream, having an after party when this is over. HOH lockdown.

Jeff highlights now with Donny.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 10, 2014, 04:36:52 PM
The boys and girl have been cleaning. The bathroom has never looked so good. Caleb trimmed Frankie's top knot and Derek shaved his chin strap. (?) Cody was vacuuming the lounge in the bathroom to get it sparkling clean. 

Derek looked in the HN room and discovered that the bell for the surprise has been moved so they all had to look. Derek thinks it's for them to get a screen shot tonight and had to be moved to get them all in the camera.

Now Derek is cutting Cody's hair and Caleb is coloring Frankie's hair topknot pink.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 10, 2014, 04:38:07 PM
Derrick and Cody were reviewing facts in the red room and we get... Jeff recaps.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 07:59:54 PM
We are awaiting the live feed return to see who has won HOH!

As soon as we know we will post it here.

Please bare with us!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: bbjunkey on September 10, 2014, 08:08:22 PM
Can we say Frankie will win it again?
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 08:13:37 PM
Can we say Frankie will win it again?

don't even think that lol
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 08:18:53 PM
As an FYI....

There is no answer if the Team America challenge of a rodent in the house and the money will be replayed, or Jeff & Jordan's engagement.

I would assume no, but who knows...this is BB "Expect the unexpected" LOL!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: bbjunkey on September 10, 2014, 08:27:03 PM
If its a supposed to be a real rewind of the week-- then Team America should have to redo it-- and that means Jeff has to go back and re purchase another rings. :funny: :funny:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 08:37:07 PM
Caleb is the new HOH!
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 08:38:25 PM
Now discussing how the Veto comp will play out..
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 08:42:32 PM
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 08:57:46 PM
studying the memory wall
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:01:17 PM
the guys think that there is a DE next week they are close. One Tuesday and one wednesday
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:05:53 PM
Derrick telling Vic to keep up the act with Frankie and Caleb that she is mad at him

Derrick we gotta win the veto we just gotta win it
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:11:27 PM
caleb talking to derrick and he doesn't want to stick Frankie right on the block

Derrick it is going to give him fire whether he is on the block or not

Caleb I gotta play my game and what is best for me too

Derrick I understand that but I am telling you that you are a freaking beast and you are feared and he knows this now

Caleb I wanna talk to you and Cody together and what if I say it is you and Vic on the block and Frankie wins veto.

Derrick Cody came up to me and said Caleb is gonna keep the noms the same right so you need to talk to Cody too

Frankie walks in and they pretend they are talking about Victoria  :funny:

Derrick she knows she is going up on the block again and I can't talk to her so you guys will have to do it

Frankie yeah ok...I don't think Frankie is buying it
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:13:34 PM
Derrick as long as she doesn't win POV

Frankie we can beat her

Caleb I think it will be a DE

Frankie I do too

Frankie I was told we would be back by the 26th

Derrick I was told something completely different...fishies

Caleb leaves room
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:18:39 PM
Derrick and Frankie discussing Veto comp and Derrick says there will be new faces
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:23:22 PM
Caleb and Cody just talked but I missed it

Caleb tells Derrick that they can talk in HOH later and Derrick says aint gonna happen he wont let us be alone

here comes Frankie
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:24:58 PM
boys can't talk because of worry about Frankie listening :funny:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:29:01 PM
rewind...Caleb wants to put Derrick on the block next to Victoria instead of Frankie so hopefully they can BD Frankie

Derrick is going to have to do a lot of fast talking to save his rear from going on the block this time
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:30:53 PM
Derrick is worried...see his face

Caleb 2 weeks in a row we have went through the week with the same people
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 09:32:22 PM
HG random about what might be happening with the remaining time.

BB calls Frankie...The Head of Household...


BB:  Frankie please go to the Diary room
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:33:13 PM
Frankie to DR and right back out

BB first said Frankie HOH and then said Frankie to DR

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:35:09 PM
Cody still studying memory wall...(hope he wins veto. Sorry just my thoughts)
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 10, 2014, 09:39:25 PM
Frankie sitting with the boys and there will be no game talking as long as he is there. Caleb and Cody are speculating about this coming week and think no way they will do a whole week with the same people and no surprises.

see ya'll later  :waves:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 09:45:00 PM
Cody & Derrick....talking plan to get Frankie out

Caleb & Frankie & Victoria...talking about the HOH game
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 09:49:29 PM
Cody thinks Caleb is fool if he doesn't put Frankie up
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 09:53:02 PM
Derrick and Cody are on the same wave length.

They are worried that Caleb might try to get one of them out this week.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: HurricaneHowieWood on September 10, 2014, 10:11:19 PM
Random chatter in the living room right now.

Victoria in bed, not feeling well.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 11:03:26 PM
I'm here for BBAD

Derrick telling Victoria that Caleb is putting up Frankie and her. If Frankie wins the veto, Derrick will go up.

Frankie has been in the DR for a while now.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 11:07:00 PM
Caleb, Cody and Derrick discussing faces at the memory wall for the morph comp
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 11:26:17 PM
Frankie is out of DR and is now studying the memory wall
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 11:30:50 PM
Derrick called to DR

Studying the memory wall continues...
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 11:41:18 PM
Caleb, Cody and Frankie at LR couches discussing all the comps they have done and which was hard or easy, etc

Victoria eating oatmeal and studying the memory wall by herself

Derrick still in DR
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 10, 2014, 11:48:57 PM
Victoria joins the LR gang and they are just chatting away about doing the week all over again.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 11, 2014, 12:00:33 AM
Derrick out of DR

The final five chatting at LR couches
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 11, 2014, 12:19:45 AM
Cody to the DR

Caleb telling stories to Derrick and Frankie

Victoria in the BR....she's not feeling well, got her period
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 11, 2014, 12:43:03 AM
Caleb baked a frozen pizza and it's ready.

Derrick and Frankie studying the memory wall

Cody still in DR
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 11, 2014, 12:59:51 AM
Cody still in DR

All others studying the memory wall

BBAD ended for the night!  :waves:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 06:04:29 AM
Operation: Don't Leave Caleb alone with Frankie is in full effect.

Derrick and Cody are trying to make sure that Caleb is no alone with Frankie.  Derrick is trying to ensure that Caleb nominates Frankie. 

All 4 boys are in the HOH right now.  For the last half hour Caleb rambled on about his diet, eating habits, hunting, dogs, etc. . . .

Talk turns to game.

Derrick says that the rewind is screwing him because Victoria could have won HOH and put him up, whatever, he's not worried that she's mad at him.

Caleb: I hoped that alarm would have went off after Victoria left, but she can go home this week and we can be final four.

Frankie: hopefully it lasts longer than a minute. 

Derrick: I'm just glad that the button is over.  If we go to Thursday of next week its 91 days, if we go to the following Tuesday its 96 days.   

Caleb: Not this sunday, but next Sunday it'll be over. 

Derrick: Yeah, that'll be Sept. 21.

Caleb: So next wednesday there will only be 3 people?

I believe that they're wrong, Finale night is Sept. 24.  But there will be an eviction episode Tuesday, so I expect that the feeds will be down for a good 48-24 hours at somepoint starting Sunday or Monday.

They're all slowing down in their talking, I think they're tired, but no one wants to be the first to leave . . .   

Frankie keeps yawning.

He wants to know if they're going to study more.  Derrick says he will

Derrick: Do we want to talk about noms or do we want to talk individually?  YOu're the king of the castle.

Caleb:  We're past the point of individually.  we know the target, she won't win veto.  He doesn't want to stress Cody out again because he's been the pawn already.  I have arguments about why I don't want any of you up. 

Derrrick: Frankie and I talked and we have our own thoughts and reasons we don't want to go up.   This rewind screwed me. 

Caleb: Victoria is still here and as long as she doesn't win the veto, she's going home.   She's not winning it.

Derrick: I agree.   

Caleb: I've sat there before on Thursday and you're nervouse you have to give a speech.  Knowing that the final 4 means anything to me, I want her gone and I'm not going against anything I've said.

Derrick:I get that it sucks being up there. 

Frankie: You've never been up at all.

Derrick: Being nominated and being up there on Thursday is a totally different thing.  I get what you're saying.  I know its a lot different between being nominated and in a chair on Thursday night.

Both Cody and Caleb have been in the chairs on Thursday night.  Frankie has not.   

Caleb/Cody: We have you're back though.   

Caleb: I'ma ssuming you all want Victoria gone.

Frankie: I can't imagine the stress of being nominated as a pawn as opposed to being nominated and the whole house turning your back on you and your best friend throwing the BOB competition.

Cody: Yeah as stressful as someone throwing us all under the bus.

Caleb: it definitely sucks, but someone has got to go up.

Frankie is giggling . . .

Derrick: I think he's volunteering. 

Cody: Tough decision, never fun.  I'm in a dinosaur outfit

Caleb:  Hope is whoever goes up wins the veto

Frankie: So you want to nominate 2 of us?  Great.

Caleb:  Yeah, I have to nominate someone.   

I love nervous Frankie

Talk turns to the veto competition. They're trying to figure out if there will be more slides or more faces added to the pictures.  They're saying that they upped the anti in the HOH comp by adding more balls/seeds, so the veto comp will be different too.

Caleb is saying that in his nomination speech he is going to out the bomb squad to Victoria.   He is going to say that she is not a part of it, we hate you. 

Derrick: Go for it, but as your friend, I'm just going to say its on national tv.

Caleb: Nah, I'm not going to say any of that, but I'm going to let her know this is her last chance. 

Cody is sad he's wearing the Dino costume against.   

Frankie is pissed that there are 5 chairs around the table.

Cody: We'll cope.  This thing is already hurting my head.  We're sitting here having a serious conversation and I look like an asshole.  How can you have a serious conversation and look at me?

Caleb: I didn't even see it.  I just looked at your eyes, I'm not even paying any attention.   

Derrick: Except for the big dinosaur head, I don't even notice it . . . 

Frankie: It could be comp day tomorrow.

Derrick:I hope not, i hope its just noms day.  I guess its possible, but we have the backyard.

Cody: I'm ready to fall asleep

Frankie: I can't keep my eyes open.

Caleb: Since we're all still in here, I can't deny or confirm but noms will happen.

Cody: I'm going down, are we all going down?

Cody and Frankie leave.  Frankie: Its so awkward, I hate everyone.  YOu're not going up. 

Cody and Frankie in the bathroom chatting, but I'm going to stick with Derrick and Caleb in the HOH room.

Derrick and COdy in HOH

Derrick: Being nominated and being on the block on Thursday are two different things.  He's trying tosay I haven't been nominated and he has. 

Caleb; Its different.

Derrick: Me and him haven't.

Caleb; You know its, man . . .  I don't know.  He's definitely going to have something to say aboutthat.

Derrick: About what?

Caleb: About the whole situation. 

Derrick: If he goes up?

Caleb: He'll be like  after he used the veto on me . . . etc.

Derrick: That's kind of sheisty, we've allhad opportunities to f each other and we haven't.   We're not trying to f each other now, but you're not a dumb guy, he's won a lot of competitions, and you're second, he has to go up.  You're not making a big move, its not blatant. 

Caleb; I'm down though.

Derrick: You have to do what you have to do for your game.   I believe that we're all loyal.  I trust you enough to say put me up, I know no matter what anyone says you won't vote me out if it comes down to you.  With him if I'm up there initially and he wins, he could sense there is something going on with the three of us, he could take Victoria down and make you pick between me and Cody. I believe you'd pick me over Cody because Cody has so much love in the jury.   But if you keep us safe, you're protecting us for the following week, would you rather have me and COdy against Frankie or Me and Victoria against Frankie.  Ultimately I don't want him to be spiteful. He doesn't have a reason no to go up over me.

Caleb: well, just like i Said before, I don't feel like its cool that I go up because I didn't even have a chance to play.   I was like use the veto on Jocasta so she deserves it, she didn't get a chance to play.

Derrick:you can say that I haven't had a chance to play in the last 2 hohs and have been relying on us, but he had a chance to play.  Its your choice, do I think he'll talke you to the end?  No, I don't.   I just want to make sure that us in the final 3 or him in the final 4 if he wins the veto.  If he goes home, it doesn't matter how many comps he has, you're the top dog.  Its a no brainer, if he goes home he could have 100 comps, it doesn't matter because now you have the most comps.   

Caleb: I don't want Frankie and I in the jury.  If I go to the Jury, I think America's favorite player would be tough to get with Frankie there.   

Derrick: America's player is not the drama guy.  He's not the most liked guy in the jury house.  I'm sure he's crushed us in the drs.  I think you're more liked.  When we talk about the DR who is the one who gets nervous the most? Him.  YOu're not taking a shot at him,  You're putting him on the block

Caleb: If we get to final 3, I'll win the first

Derrick: Yeah, I'll win the second and I'll take you and I'll be the happiest second place winner ever, you wait and see.  If he's here though, we won't be the final 2.   If he does win the veto, put me up and I'll trust you guys.   

Caleb: Best case scenario is you me and victoria.

Derrick:   Yeah, and maybe that's an option.

Frankie comes up to the HOH he says that Victoria is watching Cody shower. 

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 06:24:50 AM
Frankie asks Derrick if he can have a few minutes with Caleb alone. 

Derrick goes downstairs

Frankie: I just wanted to congratulate you. 

Caleb: It sucks

Frankie: it does suck, but we're in a different situation. I'm ready to play the game, I put up the people I'm willing to see go home last week. We've talked about you and I going to the end together a bazillion time.s I didn't tell anyone that.  I understand why you don't want to put Cody up this week. I get that leaves me and Derrick.

Caleb: Yeah, my 2 choices

Frankie: The only thing I will say is that you and I are the biggest targets.  I have tried, in all of my HOHs, to not put you on the block on eviction night because I don't trust everyone else.  You're not voting.   That's why I used the veto on you, I didn't want you sitting up there because I don't trust anyone else.  That's why I used the veto on you and that's been my philosophy towards you because you're a big target.  at this stae of the game, people might do something at every moment.  It didn't happen with COdy and that's awesome, does that mean it won't happen with me?  I don't know.

Caleb: You don't know what's going to happen.

Frankie: I think with Derrick no one thinks he needs to go because we can all beat him. 

Caleb:  We didn't think that with Cody

Frankie: Yeah, but  . . . I used my HOH to show how loyal I was to all of you. I told you straight that Cody was going up and you didn't need to worry.  That was my philosophy last week and I know you're in a different situation, it woulad look strange if you put Cody up 3 times. 

Caleb:  You don't want Cody and Derrick to go against you.

Frankie:   YEah

Caleb: That'd be a big f you to me

Frankie: YEah, but you don't know what will happen.  We've done everything to keep each other safe.  If you put me up there for some reason and victoria wins I'm gone.  But whoever you put up against Derrick will go.  There's no way Derrick is going against anyone.  Derrick is the safest person in the house and everyone wants to take him, except for me.   We sort of have a final 3 deal  I've never spoken to Cody about what he thinks about moving forward.

Caleb: He'd say that you and me are hard to beat.  Cody is definitely the guy you can't put behind you because he's  a tough competitor.   

Frankie: His trouble is he pysche's himself out. He doesn' thave the mental discipline you and I have.   The seeds falling out is mental discipline.  As soon as he looked at you, boom all his seeds fell.  I had no idea what anyone else was doing.   

Frankie: I'm just super proud of you and I believe every week we can do this.  I just wanted to say that you know the other person is safe and as HOH there is only so much power you have and once those nominations are locked, that's it. 

Caleb: Even with Victoria sitting there, there's the slightest doubt, who ever doesn't go up, and whoeve ris not up wins it, they would go, Beast mode, you're HOH and I'm about to make a huge move and they take Victoria down and I have to send one of my best friends home.

Frankie: I won't do that.   

Caleb: You and Derrick have a good shot at the Derrick. I think you and Derrick will have the 2 best times again.   

Frankie: As someone who has won as much as I have, it'll be more temption on eviction night as opposed to someone who hasn't won as much as me.  If you see Caleb/Frankie and Victoria, people will think okay we have to take our shot.

Caleb: That scares me about next week.

Frankie:  who will keep you safe next week? Me, I'll win HOH or Veto and I'll have your back.

Caleb; If Derrick wins veto, I have to put you up

Frankie:  You could Cody up

Caleb: We're all pawns

Frankie: I just feel like a juicy pawn.

Caleb:  I don't want to put either one of you up. 

Frankie: you know you can't put Cody up, it'd be unfair.  I'm going to fight my dick off for the veto regardless of whether you put me up.   

Caleb:  If you win, you're coming down and Derrick is going up.

Frankie: If you or Cody win it, the noms are not changing.  I'd rather Derrick win it.   

Caleb: I see what you're saying. 

Frankie: That's just my argument.  You can think about it and I'll do what I can to protect you in the game.

Caleb: I'm glad the button didn't screw us.

Frankie: It ididn't.  We'll get thorugh this week just fine.  If I end up there and sweating bullets and thats fine.   You're either going to show your cards or risk me going home.   If you don't put me up people will think we're working together.  This is all worse case scenario.

Caleb: I talked to Derrick and Cody alone and they're both so about being the final 4.  They're very loyal

Frankie: Everyone tells you the truth.

Caleb: Them guys even without you alone are so excited about the Final 4

Frankie: its the same to me.

Calebl: I don't want to put any of you up, but I have to

Frankie: But when I did it, I knew I didn't want you or Derrick to go home, so I put COdy up.  In case something happened, I would have the 2 people I want most in the house with me.   Do I think Cody can come away with the win?  YEah, now that he's studying.   Do I think you can win?   Yeah, you know the format.

Caleb: I think Derrick has a better chance of beating you.

Frankie: I was a little flustered, I won't be flustered again.

Caleb: Victoria is studying and she was 12 minutes different from you.  She needs to study for a week.  She's not winning that veto and it doesn't matter who is in the seat next to her.  I'm afraid of her going to the final 3 because whoever takes her are guaranteed to the top 2.  I have 3 guys in here that I trust with my life

Frankie: Me too, well not my life, I trust you with my life.  I don't consider last week a wasted HOH because it made us all trust each other more.  I didn't pull a swift move.

Caleb: I told him.   He could go

Frankie: you're so funny.   That's why no one suspects youbecause you're always honest with everyone.   

Meanwhile, Cody, Derrick and Victoria are studying. They are sharing tips, and want to study as much as possible because they think the wall will be shut off eventually. 

Cody: Frankie said you can't get better by studying.

Derrick: I disagree. you actually can. 

Sorry, have to go to work  . . . 
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:26:39 AM
Frankie and Caleb headed to bed

Derrick and Vic studying the memory wall
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:36:21 AM
derrick mutters he is going to find out what Frankie said to Caleb

Caleb his argument was basically when he put 2 people up

Derrick I am not staying long cause I know he will come back up

Caleb it doesn't matter his argument was that he put up 2 people he didn't mind seeing gone as long as it wasn't me or you

Caleb he said if he went up that he because he is a huge target he could go home

Caleb Cody is a target and not a push over he is a competitor and Frankie told me that if he wins the final HOH he is taking me with him

Derrick of course he is going to say that and that is the worst thing to say to somebody because it isn't a team sport like the amazing race

Derrick he will take me to F2 because I have won 3 comps and he has won 9

Caleb if me and Cody are in jury you have our votes

Derrick I hope I am sitting there with you or Cody preferably you

Derrick we have a shot at him this week and we need to take it

Derrick you can use the fact I didn't have a shot at HOH this week as your argument for putting him up

Caleb I will definitely use that

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:39:28 AM
Derrick if he wins veto we wil just celebrate yeah we are F4 like nothing happened

Caleb yeah

Derrick in final 4 HOH Cody can beat him and if it is mental I can beat him

Caleb I think we are good man

Derrick yeah we are real good and there is no chess move he can pull at this point
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:41:11 AM
Derrick if we win this veto we are guaranteed final 3

Caleb yeah we just gotta beat him

Derrick yeah we gotta do it

Caleb yeah this veto could be it
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:46:46 AM
Caleb if you go out to jury with all those wins you know you are going to win AFP  :funny:

Caleb when me and Vic were talking about tattoos and I told her I was gonna get tattoos for all of the 5  :colors

Derrick you know he is your biggest threat and he will be fine after this and be a friend  if not he wasn't a true friend

Caleb it will be a 2-0 vote and I will be like what!! what happened!!

Derrick you can plan it that way

Caleb he said with paranoia he trust you 100 percent but not cody

Derrick if he wins veto that is worst case scenario because he is in F4 guaranteed

Derrick is working Caleb hard core
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:48:04 AM
Derrick if he is still here and wins HOH he has to take a shot and we both know it is you or Cody
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:54:54 AM
Caleb if we rewound is Frankie gonna count that win

Derrick you bet your ass he is gonna count it and if he doesn't win the POV he will counti it as a win

Caleb you or Cody have to win that thing tomorrow

Caleb I wouldn't mind sitting next to Frankie in F2 but I would rather sit next to you because ppl in jury hate you hahahahaha

Derrick I am gonna be ok with taking home 2nd place

Caleb I know you are good with it dude you have been preaching it for weeks

Derrick it is down payment on a house and you could buy drinks after

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:56:24 AM
Derrick you are right dude they all ****ing hate me and look at Victoria she stuck it to me on national tv in front of 12 million people and I pray every night I am sitting next to you in F2
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 07:58:24 AM
Derrick in bathroom and waves at Vic

Caleb going to sleep
maybe all are down for the count now  :hoot:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 08:01:51 AM
Derrick talking to Victoria and telling her that Caleb is still putting up Frankie and as long as him or Cody win POV they are golden

Vic I am telling you Frankie knows their faces and he will be a beast at this

Derrick I don't give a **** he still has to beat me

Vic and Derrick are off to bed
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 11:50:41 AM
1st Wakeup call.

(Earlier, I forgot to hit post of this shot of the memory wall lit up in blue and the morning sun beginning to come up.)
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 12:07:40 PM
No one moving so we get another wakeup call.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 12:11:27 PM
Cody up to use the WC, walks on the beds and back under the covers. LOL
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 12:25:31 PM
Victoria up and in the shower.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 01:11:26 PM
BB got their attention, everyone started scream and running to the screen to see: It's time for a luxury competition!

They've been speculating on it ever since as they all get ready. Frankie is saying they might get a Pandora's Box. Caleb thinks he is getting his diesel truck.  :funny:

Now Caleb is wondering if it's Pandora's Box if he should open it. Everyone says YES! You have to open it.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 01:24:58 PM
Caleb thinks they will give him his truck. Victoria is telling Frankie about her period. ( :lala He tells her maybe she needs to go to the Dr. (paraphrasing)
She keeps saying something's up.

Camera man zooming in and out of the screen with the luxury comp coming. Caleb just looking at it.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 01:30:56 PM
Derrick telling Caleb about screaming BEAST MODE for Caleb.

Caleb: I heard it though!

Derrick: But you didn't come down though.

Caleb still speculating about what it will be. Mostly he thinks a diesel truck. A key to a truck and he has to find it. A Fiesta, he would give it to a homeless person. Beast Truck, 60 Grand. I'd die for a truck.

Derrick: Noms tomorrow just like always. Then Wed, live eviction.

Derrick talking about a bigwig, one that does the activity tracker.

Frankie: Don't you think it's weird that on day 64 there are this many people?

More speculation and BB wakes up and puts up the fish screens.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 01:34:24 PM
Frankie tells Caleb, HE needs a new diesel truck too. Says there are all kinds of places for a diesel in NY city. (He would take the truck.) :funny:

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 01:41:38 PM
They are all watching the TV and suddenly on the screen see all the evicted HGs runing through the house, throwing clothes and causing mayhem. They are all laughing.

Fish and now Jeff Recaps.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 04:15:13 PM
Recapping because I have been working and missed everything  :groan:

NO HGS competed in the Luxury comp. It was jury members only and each juror was teamed with a hgs and the juror played. Hayden was teamed with Victoria and Hayden won 5000.00 each for him and Victoria. Also the jury destroyed the house as well, with clothing and personal items thrown everywhere.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 04:18:17 PM
Noms are today

Caleb and Cody in HOH bitching about the jurors destroying the house and Caleb says Murica hates us

Cody nah we have haters but not Murica

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 04:19:29 PM
 blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah

all 4 bitching to each other about the jurors
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 04:31:29 PM
long fishies and we are back with the BY open and noms soon I hope
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 04:32:59 PM
Caleb and Cody notice the camera has been moved way down and we get fishies
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 04:35:20 PM
Just a few notes about the havoc caused in the house. Apparently the evicted HGs played for a surviving HG. They dumped food and chicken blood in the kitchen and got it all over the place so a lot of food had to be throw away. Someone broke Victoria's necklace. Fruit Loops dumped in the LR. Clothes dumped out of the dressers. 

Hayden won for himself and Victoria.

When Derrick got a chance to tell Victoria in the BR, he told her he was SO happy that she won and to keep playing that she is mad at him it's working.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: TexasLady on September 11, 2014, 04:36:46 PM
Few more captures. The clean towels were all messed up with the dirty ones, they could only find a few that they could tell hadn't been unfolded. The bathroom was beautiful this morning.

Someone marked Victoria's name out on the door in the WC, they don't know who it was but they kept telling each other it is a bitter jury.
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 04:40:36 PM
Check out Cody's shirt  :funny:
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 06:14:32 PM
nominations very soon outside LD

hope someone is watching the feeds I gotta go back to work
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 07:26:30 PM
Caleb nominated Frankie and Victoria.

The boys hanging out in the bathroom.

Frankie isn't mad or hurt, he's just shocked.  No disrespect to Derrick, but he hasn't been nominated before.

Derrick; Well, if history repeats, I'll be up in the chair when you win the POV.

Frankie: i don't know why I didn't get a heads up.

Caleb: all I have in this house is you three.  The sucky part is only one can win.

Derrikc: We don't have to go after each other.  We have someone to go after. 

Cody: It sucks.

Derrick: Come the final four, we'll be competing for POV and going home that night so we won't be able to celebrate.

Frankie: I knew we should have listened to Derrick and not pushed that button.

Caleb: you're in a better position because you can play in the hoh. 
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 07:42:02 PM
Not much going on in the house now.  Derrick in bed thinking. Everyone else in the kitchen cooking/eating.

Before heading to bed Derrick tried to fix Victoria's necklace.  It was damaged during the jury destruction part of the luxury competition.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 07:43:08 PM
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 08:00:50 PM
Cody into the fireroom to chat with Derrick

They comparing notes about the facial features of house guests.  4 blue, 4 green 8 brown.  I'm trying to figure out if I can't figure out the features to start with a process of elimination.   

Funny that they aren't going over the faces in the actual comp

Cody: Frankie is on the block so now he's going to study like crazy.

Derrick: It doesn't matter, he would anyway

Cody: We need to win this. 

Derrick: If we don't we just have ourselves to blame.   I'm going to live on the wall for the next 24 hours.  I got rice to help me remember (???)

Cody and Derrick not comparing Frankie and Devin's eyes. 

Derrick: Frankie's eyes just stand out to me, they're like very demonic.  Devin's are more suave. 

Cody: its going to be like brown eyes, girl or guy lashes, its so and so. 

Derrick: I'm hoping you beat both of us.  I just don't want him to win.

They agree to blindside Frankie if it happens.   

Cody: I don' want Frankie to go to Caleb and throw us under the bus.

Derrick: It doesn't matter he can't play HOH

Cody: Just for the sake of final 3  We should blind side him

Derrick: I don't have an argument. GO for it.  This is the most important veto.  If we win veto, he's going.  If we don't, he can play in HOH and if he doesn't win, he could still win veto and send one of us home. If caleb wins POV, he would send Victoria home and take us to the final 3.  It doesn't hurt putting Frankie up there. If he does come off we can win the HOH and the veto, we still have outs.  With him on the block its a guarantee to the final 4

COdy: I want to get it down right now.

Derrick: We know the comp, we are smart. I'm going to live on the wall until they turn it off.  I'm going to do my best.  Dude he's so f'ing smart.

They stop talking . . . because they think someone is outside.  It was Victoria. 

Derrick: He's so smart that word he used earlier I was like what? He's on the block, all the pressure is on him.  If he beats us he deserves the final 3.   We have to win this one. 

Cody:  eyebrows . . .

Derrick: I want you to destroy me.  We're not relying on each other.  I have to win this or I"m going to be on the block on Thursday.

Cody is nervous about the whispering. 

He leaves. 

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 08:03:32 PM
Frankie studying, while Cody studies from afar.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 08:05:34 PM
Game faces.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 08:32:18 PM
And, we get a game of can production flash the light faster than we an open the storage room door 
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 08:38:22 PM
Frankie: i Bet the live feeds are really loving this um no

Frankie:  Be nice to me, I'm on the block, last time I was on the block i had a nervous breakdown and told you all of my secrets.  I don't have anymore secrets to tell.   Or do i . .

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 08:45:05 PM
Caleb is telling stories.  He and Cody have a couple of PBRs.

Derrick all business.

We get fish.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: BelleJar on September 11, 2014, 09:06:20 PM
The studying didn't last very long.

Derrick, Frankie and Victoria in the fire room.

Cody and Caleb in the backyard playing pool

Cody is complaining about Frankie. 

Caleb says that Cody should just tell Frankie how he feels.  Stir it up, get in his head. 

Cody: I'm trying to get him frazzled. 

Caleb: its all about the speed going back and forth to the button.

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 09:41:42 PM
Derrick and Caleb hoping that Frankie has to go first in the POV

Derrick thinks the memory wall will be up until tomorrow because BB wants them to study the wall

Derrick giving Caleb tips on looking at the wall from a distance because you have to look at a distance during the comp

Cody and Frankie are shooting pool
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 09:45:13 PM
Derrick if Frankie loses tomorrow he is going home and it is on him
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 09:47:30 PM
Derrick giving pointers to Caleb both hoping Frankie doesn't win is all up to production boys

checking on Cody and Frankie  they verify POV is tomorrow
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 09:57:07 PM
Frankie is chasing Caleb and Caleb is throwing things at Frankie

Cody into talk to Derrick and they are excited about making it to final 2 they hope anyway..
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 10:01:10 PM
all 5 studying wall now
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 11, 2014, 10:09:20 PM
I'm here for's on three hours tonite

Caleb went up to HOH

Derrick eating the salmon Frankie cooked earlier

More studying the memory wall
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 10:20:25 PM
Vic and Cody talking about how disrespectful Frankie is he just brought a chair in and sat it right in front of Derrick so he couldn't see the wall

Frankie isn't there now
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 11, 2014, 10:21:31 PM
Cody and Victoria studying the wall

Derrick and Frankie shooting pool.....Frankie is super paranoid now

Caleb in HOH listening to music
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 10:21:57 PM
Frankie and Derrick playing pool and Frankie is saying that he is under pressure and paranoid but this is what he ask for
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 10:23:51 PM
Derrick I love how the jury hates Victoria

Frankie they would vote for her to win if she made it to F2

Derrick if she is in F2 and I am in jury I would vote for her because it takes a coward to take her to the end
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 11, 2014, 10:26:10 PM
Cody heads up to HOH

Caleb feeding the fish and Cody watching it
Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 10:27:02 PM
Frankie I am wondering if Caleb was not egged on to put me up

Derrick you were in the room for most of the conversation

Frankie I am not talking about us I am talking about them...production

Caleb and Cody talking about the fish

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 10:31:04 PM
Derrick if I am in the F2 and you are up next to me and you smoke me for whatever reason I am going to be so happy for you just watch me

Derrick 50 grand is a lot of money to me

Frankie I need to wrap my ankle and luckily tomorrows comp is short

Derrick I haven't been dealt the best hand in life but I have done the best I can

Frankie it is changing for you now and I have had a blessed life

Derrick I could have done better and hopefully this is an opportunity to change it I mean like I don't go out an drink and I am a good dad. I have tried to play a Jeff Schroeder type game you know

Frankie yeah I know definitely...yeah right  :funny:

Title: Re: Live Feed Updates - Monday, 9/8 - Thursday 9/11
Post by: KitKat on September 11, 2014, 10:33:01 PM
Let's lock this down and move to a new day. Hi Will  :waves:,30464.0.html