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Other Great Reality Shows => Other Reality TV Shows & News => Topic started by: country star on June 07, 2008, 02:07:53 PM

Title: Nashville Star
Post by: country star on June 07, 2008, 02:07:53 PM
"Nashville Star" is goiong to be better than American Idol. It has Billy Ray Cyrus as a host and performances by Taylor Swift! Whos going to watch?! the premiere is this this monday the 9th at 9/8c on NBC!
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on June 07, 2008, 02:32:58 PM
I'm looking forward to it. I loved Chris Young! It hasn't really lived up to its potential yet because it was stuck on USA and no one knew about it. I'm hoping it can be resurrected because there are some very talented people who have been on the show with excellent song writing ability.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: TexasLady on June 10, 2008, 01:35:16 PM
DARN! I forgot to watch. I hope there will be a replay of this, I enjoy country music.

Welcome to RFF country star and cntrycntstnt08.  (Intriguing names!!!)   :tup:

Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on June 10, 2008, 05:14:43 PM
Really very average contestants. Taylor Swift was the only good thing about the show unfortunately. I had high expectations but was let down.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: TexasLady on June 10, 2008, 07:37:27 PM
Really very average contestants. Taylor Swift was the only good thing about the show unfortunately. I had high expectations but was let down.

You aren't alone it appears, hopefully it will get better.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on June 11, 2008, 04:57:09 PM
Anyone hear what kind of ratings it got?
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: TexasLady on June 11, 2008, 06:23:41 PM
Apparently it got modest ratings:

June 10, 2008

'Nashville Star' has modest debut

"Writing the daily ratings is often like being a doctor who's burdened with telling patients the bad news: "I'm sorry, ABC. The test results came back on 'Cashmere Mafia.' It’s not what we hoped."

And Monday night, unfortunately, resulted in a waiting room full of hard-luck cases.

The two-hour "Nashville Star" (6.6 million viewers, 2.2 adults 18-49 rating and a 6 share) premiere ratings were absolutely fantastic for USA Network ... except the show is no longer on USA Network. The reality competition made its NBC debut and was the network's lowest-rated reality premiere in three years. Compared to last season's premiere on USA, however, "Nashville" was up 214%. (A critic's take: "Star" looked brighter on NBC). Lead-in "American Gladiators" was on par (5.6 million, 1.9/6), and the network placed third for the night."

It probably would help if the network promoted it a little.  ;)
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on June 11, 2008, 11:34:38 PM
I'm surprised it did better than the Mole. But seriously they picked some crappy talent. No one sticks out at all. Also I hated that two of the singers did non-country songs. Also that kid who is 19 and looks like a model I have a feeling is going to go too far based on his looks. He is so a pop singer and should not be in this competition. I'm personally cheering for the little lady from MN. I'm from there originally and I have never heard of Lancaster so we looked it up and it is practically in Canada.

But I do have to give the producers credit for including groups and making it like the X-Factor with each judge mentoring a group. I think that idea shows promise.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: TexasLady on June 17, 2008, 05:33:53 PM
Welcome to RFF sballlvr,  taylor.a, and chilloutsun!!

Glad you like the show, keep posting!

 :bigwelcome :bigwelcome :bigwelcome
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on June 17, 2008, 07:50:33 PM
Wow can I just say horrendous. I mean the show is doing a huge disservice by not having the contestants sing country songs. Give me a break! There is a huge country audience out there that is being alienated. I hated pretty much everyone expect for Shawn, Navy boy and Ashlee.

This is not Idol and pretty boy needs to go he is terrible, does he even know any country songs? And the little girls bands should be singing at birthday parties and bar mitzvahs.

Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on June 20, 2008, 11:42:37 AM
Charley should have never went over Alison, what was Jewel thinking. And I was glad Third Town was the next one to go, thought the fans were going to keep them there for a long time.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: vanillalatte on June 21, 2008, 08:43:49 PM
Well, I'm not sold on all of the talent, but there are a couple of diamonds in the rough.  I really like Gabe.  He's got such an honestly on stage, seems like a genuinely nice guy who can sing very well.  I also like Melissa's voice (really can't see how she was in the bottom two last week), but she needs to work on her stage presence and facial expressions.  All the way through her performance, she looked angry.  It was almost bizarre.

One thing about this show that is driving me CRAZY is Billy Ray Cyrus as the host.  I swear they had to simplify the script and slow down the teleprompter so that he could keep up.  The guy is not a host. 
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on June 26, 2008, 03:58:12 PM
I liked Pearl Hearts performance this week. And I still like Ashlee (she and Charley were my favorites the first time they performed). And I actually like Coffey :lol: And of course Gabe, he reminds me of a George Strait and I think he could win this whole thing!!!
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on June 26, 2008, 06:28:07 PM
Billy Ray is an idiot. Did anyone see him reading off the teleprompter and asking Justin a question? He was staring directly when he asked the question and Justin had no idea that he was was talking to him.

Frankly I'm not a fan of most of the talent. Coffey is not country, he needs to go next. Nothing about that song with remotely country.

Also there is more personality in my left pinky finger than in Gabe, I don't think he will win. He would not fit in with the male juggernauts of country music at all.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on July 07, 2008, 10:02:37 PM
Apparently people who listen to country music aren't watching this show. I mean Coffey is not country at all. He has no country tones in his voice and John Rich is right a cowboy hat does not make someone country.

Laura and Sophie are spoiled little brats. One of them rolled their eyes at Jewel when she said they shouldn't be there and the way she talked back to the judges was disrespectful. Not to mention that they have no depth and when they sing separately are very week. They lack charisma and any type of stage presence.

The top 4 should easily be Ashlee, Shawn, Melissa and Gabe. Pearl Heart got screwed!

If one of those 4 goes next next week before Coffey or the Bobsey Twins I won't be able to watch this show.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: Texan on July 08, 2008, 03:51:03 PM
I have not been watching the show but they sure were hard on the young girls.  I think peopel are voting for them because they are being told they can not make it.  I do have to agree with John I do not think they could take the pressure.

Since I have not watched all the shows, I have to say I am not impressed with coffey.  He seemed like he more wanted to show boat.  The music over powered his voice.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on July 15, 2008, 12:46:07 PM
For me personally I think that Coffey COULD be country IF he sung the right songs. Im a country girl all the way, he has a twang in his voice, hes just trying to do too much. I think the thing that makes me mad, goes along with what Tommy has said. Tommy admits he is not a true country person, he likes all music (and hes always seemed more pop to me). But I agree with him about John Rich. People need to think about what he does on stage. Tossing mic stands, etc. and how he drives his Bentley (Tommys words) and wears his fur trimmed jeans. That to ME isn't country. And I like John Rich alot better than Big Kenny but still! So I feel bad for Coffey because I don't think he dons his cowboy hat just to make him a cowboy! I bet half the population that listens to country wouldn't know what a cowboy hat was ever truly meant for.

Im so glad that Laura and Sophie are gone. I think up until last night Shawn was not being "country". Thats my opinion but I just don't think she was. I loved how John Rich wouldn't even critique them and said what he said. C'mon she didn't know she did that big of an eye roll at that moment. Concidence? And if she didn't MEAN why didn't she apologize. I've seen interviews of them and they were asked about it and they said Jewel was disrespecting them. So obviously they meant something!! I think that the younger ones, they had to be harder on because compared to what they would face (and their maturity level showed that they needed to be tough loved).

I think Pearl Heart left because up until that last performance people weren't feeling them as a team. Every week they've been told to let Courtney take the stage and entertain and she hadn't really done that imo. But I will say they are good.

Now im not sure who I think will go next week, i've been right so far. I would think Coffey but after last night and his tears (and I do feel bad for him) I think he will get votes! Because people felt that song.

I did not like Melissas performance last night. But I don't think she will go.

Im rooting for Ashlee and Gabe. I think Gabe will win, but I also have heard that either way Ashlee gets a recording contract!!!

Oh and for those following Pearl Heart - Jeff already talked to their parents about getting them in his studio and apparently they are already working on it!!! This was confirmed but both Jeff and Pearl Heart!
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on July 16, 2008, 01:53:28 PM
I totally agree with you about Coffey. I think he does try to hard and he picks songs that either aren't country or that clearly can be sung in another way like last night. I thought Tommy looked like and sounded like he should front a punk band.

Love Ashlee and Gabe is growing on me. I hope they are the final two I would definitely by CDs from them probably no one else.

I actually like Shawn because she takes risks and pushes herself. Last night was case in point singing BHC. I mean Carrie kills that song in certain places. Shawn did a decent job but she just doesn't quite have the pipes of Carrie. However I think she is a real dark horse.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: pledge on July 22, 2008, 09:04:02 AM
Wow     couldn't believe Coffey stayed and Ashlee went home.  I can see a future for her but Coffee ........hummmmm     :duno:
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on July 22, 2008, 09:07:54 PM
I was in shock. And here I stuck up for Coffey but even last week I thought that Ashlee did a better job than him (and I think he got votes because that song was a tearjerker for him to sing). Then again, maybe he does have fans.

Im very sad to see Ashlee go :( But I did hear that John offered her a deal ??? And also on the show Jewell said she would love to sing with her and there is a rumor that Jewell may try to write something with Ashlee. So she is out there. When she was crying did anyone else see John wiping tears from his face? I did!

This was just the beginning to a very bad week for me. Go figure!
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on July 22, 2008, 11:39:48 PM
Frankly this show is a joke and the way America is voting only continues to confirm that. Not one person that has one this show has significant career. Currently I know Chris Young is opening for Martina McBride but I have heard nothing of the others.

I'm pissed. America got that very wrong. But oh well Miranda Lambert came in 4th during her season and look at her now I think Ashlee is destined for the same path.

I'm disgusted and done with this show!
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on July 23, 2008, 02:10:49 AM
Im upset about it to. Makes me wonder if people vote just to be funny (like for the worst person). I mean I didn't think Alyson should've made it as far as she did. Oh well!!! I think they kept Shawn for as long as they did because she was the "tough girl" and fired John. He was always hard on her, yes but c'mon if she were to win she has to work with him sometime.

Oh well. I am wondering if Ashlee will go back to singing with her sister (they tried out for the show together, but they called Ashlee to ask if she would do it alone which was hard on her sister but her sister encouraged her to do it anyways).
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on July 28, 2008, 11:00:22 PM
GO GABE!!!!!!!

Melissa seems like she thinks she has this won and that bugs me. Hmmm!!

Shawn only had a few good performances and I just hope America votes for the one that has done good every week.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on August 05, 2008, 02:27:32 AM
I knew that would happen. I honestly did not like Melissa at all. There was one song that I thought she was good at (and it just so happened to not have a high pitch to it).

Just did not think she personally should've gotten it. Oh well, what can you do. It didn't help me like her anymore the past few weeks the way she has acted. She knew she had it "won". I am ok with confidence but there is a difference between confidence and just plain rude/cockyness.

I can't wait for Gabe and Ashlees albums to come out. I just KNOW they will have one out. I would *almost* buy Shawn's. I will not be buying Melissas, thats for sure.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: pledge on August 05, 2008, 09:37:11 AM
I wasn't surprised either.  I wonder how she will do?   Many of the past winners have not done so well.  I would have preferred Gabe or Ashlee to win.  I"m thinking maybe their careers will go farther than Melissas.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: BballKates on August 05, 2008, 10:35:42 AM
I knew that would happen. I honestly did not like Melissa at all. There was one song that I thought she was good at (and it just so happened to not have a high pitch to it).

Just did not think she personally should've gotten it. Oh well, what can you do. It didn't help me like her anymore the past few weeks the way she has acted. She knew she had it "won". I am ok with confidence but there is a difference between confidence and just plain rude/cockyness.

I can't wait for Gabe and Ashlees albums to come out. I just KNOW they will have one out. I would *almost* buy Shawn's. I will not be buying Melissas, thats for sure.

I couldn't agree with you more. Melissa will crash and burn hard core. I think Ashlee and Gabe will do much better than her. This show got it right once with Chris Young and he hasn't been given a fair shake. I mean Miranda Lambert didn't win her season.

Also I really wonder who was voting for these people I mean clearly these people aren't country music fans if someone like Coffey stuck around for that long. I feel like a lot of these people, Coffey and Melissa, stayed around because of their back stories more than anything.

Very disappointed and I felt like I wasted hours in my life to watch this show.
Title: Re: Nashville Star
Post by: MamaTo4boys on August 06, 2008, 02:15:01 AM
Did you hear how bad Shawn screwed that song up last night. And her Miranda Lambert comment about 3rd place. She is NO Miranda :res:

I think Melissa is either going to surprise me or not. Im really unsure about her. And I agree people voted for her because of her story. Thats why I think sometimes these peole should sing behind a screen so we can't see them or hear about their stories haha! Yes im kidding.

I want Ashlee's album. I might buy Pearl Heart's as well, I wasn't a fan of them so much until the week they were eliminated but Jeffrey keeps making me want to hear them more :lol: