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Archive => RFF Archived Boards => Big Brother => Topic started by: TexasLady on March 06, 2008, 04:28:11 PM

Title: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 06, 2008, 04:28:11 PM
This is where you can all give ongoing commentary about the live feeds, please don't post live feed updates here, also spoilers in this topic are allowed so please enter at your own risk.

Please try to stay on topic, this is BB9 not BB8 and we do not want to see pictures of "past" HG's or news of "past" HG's unless it is BB9 related.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: TexasLady on March 06, 2008, 04:32:41 PM
Obviously Big Brother didn't give Ryan my message about providing him with at least a pack a day to put up James and Chelsia to try and backdoor Matt or someone other than Sharon. Darn people! :lol3:

Sharon for POV - she knows its coming. But I wonder what the point of targeting her over Josh was. Ryan wiped the slate clean with Josh, so im not sure what they have on Sharon? :lol:

I think Chels is trying to be one of the "guys" and also I think she knows that Sharon is way smarter than she is and wants her gone so she can win.

I wish Ryan would put up Chelsia up, she's the new Alli with a :dick mouth.  :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 04:38:15 PM
He is putting up Chelsia and Sharon. If Sharon or Chelsia win POV or I should say come off the block the plan is to put up Sheila and keep Chelsia safe. But Sharon is the target. Where is the saying "pawns always go home"? Mama is crossing her fingers. She is the new Alli who thinks she is one of the guys. I can honestly say she is not (I am a tomboy and am way better then she is).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: FNF on March 06, 2008, 04:41:11 PM
please please please let Chelsia be gone this week  :pray:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: michael on March 06, 2008, 04:46:57 PM
As long as a girl wins HOH next week I'll be happy -- well, a girl that ISN'T natalie -- I think the rest of them are smart enough to see that all the guys are going to take over.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: TexasLady on March 06, 2008, 04:52:43 PM
heh! Mama, I said TRIES.. she's an idiot and you aren't.   ;) If she were a real tomboy she would know better. I noticed yesterday that she initiates a lot of sexual talk when she's with the guys. With so much :meme activity, I never noticed it before.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 04:57:06 PM
Unfortuently if its not Natalie, it would have to be Sheila because Sharon will probably be leaving :'( If its Chelsia you know she is trying to get in good with the guys and therefore she is going to put up the two girls left besides her. You know she wants to be smurfette :lol: She hates Natalie so that would def. be Chelsias target :res:

Oh I knew what you meant TL. She is like that when they are talking about alcohol to and how she likes the hard stuff  B:) B:) B:) Its like when she talks about being a biker chick and stuff. And she got mad when they made fun of her cause she doesn't even have a bike.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: whend on March 06, 2008, 05:19:00 PM
What a riot it would be to see the look on those guys(and our)faces if Shel actually did pull off a HOH win!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 06, 2008, 07:42:17 PM
What a riot it would be to see the look on those guys(and our)faces if Shel actually did pull off a HOH win!!!

I would love to see that :lol3:

nothing like a good  :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: TexasLady on March 06, 2008, 08:07:06 PM
I SO hope the boyz plan flops and Chelsia leaves!  :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: sass on March 06, 2008, 08:13:53 PM
I SO hope the boyz plan flops and Chelsia leaves!  :yess:

Me too.  :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 09:09:20 PM
Unfortuently if Sharon doesn't get POV she is a goner. I don't know why they all the sudden turned but whatever. :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: FNF on March 06, 2008, 09:10:10 PM
I don't know mama I think Sharon has the votes to stay if not pulled of the block  :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 09:12:49 PM
No she doesn't. Even with Natalie, Sheila and Josh would tie it and Ryan promised Chelsia.

Personally I would be more worried about TheFwordIsAllIKnowHowToSay more then Sharon especially since on the jury she will have all the guys' votes because she is the 'hottest' of them left :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: FNF on March 06, 2008, 09:17:28 PM
I am not thinking right. 

James - chel
Matt - chel
Adam - Chel

Sheila - Sharon
Josh - Sharon
Nat - sharon

Ryan breaks the tie and as you said Ryan promised her.  yep POV is her only hope  :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 09:19:17 PM
And Josh already said if he wins POV he won't take her off :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 06, 2008, 09:34:30 PM
I don't know mama I think Sharon has the votes to stay if not pulled of the block  :duno:

So do I

I think Chelsia is history :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 09:36:39 PM
I really hope ya'll are right but Sharon has respect for herself, even with 500,000 on the line. Chelsia on the other hand, she will work the guys for votes and I hate to say it but look what she did with Allison.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 06, 2008, 09:37:08 PM
here's what I think

Chelsia to go


Chelsia to stay

Afterall she is up cuz of James
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 09:40:21 PM
Matt won't vote for Sharon to stay because it was his idea to put Sharon up and he pushed it hard.

Sharon is up because James and Chelsia (more so Chelsia) told Matt everything Sharon told her about what Matt would go up there and say and it came back to bite her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 11:01:34 PM
Chelsia is the new Allison with her lies. At least Sharon is taking being on the block fine and not being a cranky, whiney little bitch like Chelsia :res: She just went up to the HOH and was telling Ryan lies :lol: She is the new one to mute but then again shes easy to update, F this F that, FFFFFF :lol:

Ryan reassured her that they have the votes, hes going to use the 'if you vote against the house', and 'you have to do what the HOH wants' (ummm why you didn't Ryan when you voted out A/A they wanted M/N out, dummy).

Sharon has to get POV, I have never been so serious in my BB history, that girl is most like me and I want her to take em out :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: michael on March 06, 2008, 11:03:25 PM
I want Josh to win POV and take Sharon off  :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 06, 2008, 11:34:52 PM
James told Natalie he had her back, which is just his way of getting Natalies vote for Chelsia to stay. UH!

Josh already said he would not take her off - he is convinced she has the votes and that would also show they are still working together (as if it isn't obvious, they still sleep in the same bed).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 12:32:01 AM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison and Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia and Sharon nominated, to be continued...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 12:43:28 AM
Well BB obviously wants one of the guys to win POV. They gave them mini golf/pool kinda thing :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 03:39:24 AM
Natalie is so screwed now, theres no way hes going to let this wanting to backdoor Matty to Ryan slide. You just know hes going to snark it out to someone and they will figure out that Nat ratted them out.
Freaking Matt is so far up Ryans butt right now it makes me sick, no one is allowed to get near Ryan without the beaver being there. I bet he wipes Ryans butthole until the Veto ceremony is a done deal.
I don't think I've ever hated anyone as much as Matty right now, I hope Alex comes back and kicks his ass.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: peppermintpatty on March 07, 2008, 07:42:11 AM
ita and sheila's little talk with nat about matty using you was going nowhere the second nat answered ya i know to all the crap sheila was pointing out-they can't ever think nat is going to go against matty. ever. i have zero respect for ryan cause he's always standing behind someone-jen, alli and now matty. backdooring matty would be delicious at this point.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: patlini on March 07, 2008, 08:55:19 AM
i'm going with the general theme of hating Matty.
america's playah, i hate the way he acts towards the women in the house thinks that a cuddle or smooch and they are in his pocket.
He really is all I hate in a man.
I hope this plan backfires and they all gun for him next week.

I can understand why Ryan would keep him, he'll realize that he is a bigger target that he can hide behind.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 09:05:29 AM
See I have loved Matty All ALong, and now I am getting real sick of him, grrrrrrr :pull...... when people get cocky I want them gone

I have a feeling him and Alex will reconnect when Alex comes back. Anyone else?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: georgiapeach on March 07, 2008, 10:08:52 AM
Yippee! A very early wake up call! Serves them right for keeping puddin up all night! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: TexasLady on March 07, 2008, 10:16:03 AM
Yippee! A very early wake up call! Serves them right for keeping puddin up all night! :lol3:

Cripes! What did I miss? LOL

Oh wait, I know.. nothing!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 11:47:45 AM
God, they need to get Matt and Natalie out ASAP! I knew Natalie would tell Matt everything.

I am hoping neither one of them gets to play veto today. Serves them right! I'm hoping it'll be Josh, James and Sheila.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 11:56:01 AM
It will be interesting to see if Ryan tells Matt that Josh came to him last night or do they really have a secret alliance? And why Matty is saying that he and ADAM are trying to be back doored is beyond me? I only heard Matty's name mentioned. Maybe Matty thinks bringing Ryans supposed best bud name into the scenario will make Ryan go "don't mess with my Bro mo fo's".

I can understand why Ryan would keep him, he'll realize that he is a bigger target that he can hide behind.
I never thought of that patlini  :tup:, Ryan is not a target and Ryan is safe pretty much next week no matter who wins HOH.

I have a feeling him and Alex will reconnect when Alex comes back. Anyone else?
I'm hoping its the opposite, that Alex remembers that Matt lied and campaigned against him and gets revenge, maybe we will see another side of Alex but who knows?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 12:20:25 PM
Invested a little time in voting for Alex some more..Especially after seeing what  RATTY NATTY  did!

I am so upset with her. I have gone from viewing her as a pixie garden fairy to seeing her as more like a little sewer rat.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 12:34:21 PM
I am so stoked that Matt and Natalie are NOT playing for Veto!

I'm so relieved that Josh is going to play along with Sheila and Adam.

I'm gonna pray to the BB gods that Josh wins the Veto!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 12:47:57 PM

I'm gonna pray to the BB gods that Josh wins the Veto!

Me too and that CHelsia & Matt end up on the
I wanted Chel gone but it would be exciting to see what goes on if Matt is nommed :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 12:49:33 PM
I swear if Ryan doesn't take up on Josh's offer, he will be the dumbest person in the house and I will totally lose respect of him. Ryan needs to realize that he is not doing himself any good keeping Matt on his side as we know Matt will screw him over eventually.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: patlini on March 07, 2008, 12:55:39 PM
i am so excited, its sounds like Ryan is going for Josh's plan
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 07, 2008, 01:06:15 PM
I swear if Ryan doesn't take up on Josh's offer, he will be the dumbest person in the house and I will totally lose respect of him. Ryan needs to realize that he is not doing himself any good keeping Matt on his side as we know Matt will screw him over eventually.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 01:10:38 PM
I am really hopeful now.....Ryan did not tell Matt about his talk with just might work after all!

We all need to pray to the BB gods that the plan follows through!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 01:19:56 PM
 OMG OMG OMG  :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:  if Ryan does this hes my new favorite  :yess: :jumpy: :sucks :jumpy: :sucks :jumpy: :sucks
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 01:22:11 PM
I think its funny that Sheila would rather take a prize then win Veto, if only she knew she "was" the replacement, lol.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 01:29:55 PM
I really want to see James out as well, He is super stroing, and also rememeber, that when Alex comes back I think James will go after him real quick dont you think?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 01:33:35 PM
I really want to see James out as well, He is super stroing, and also rememeber, that when Alex comes back I think James will go after him real quick dont you think?
Matt first then after that James or Chelsia or Nat per Nat's insane yapping.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 01:44:40 PM
Looks like the deal's going down but I won't believe it until the veto ceremony on Sunday....

Still afraid that Ryan will get stupid and chicken out.....Please BB Gods, don't let that happen!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 01:52:57 PM
I really want to see James out as well, He is super stroing, and also rememeber, that when Alex comes back I think James will go after him real quick dont you think?
Matt first then after that James or Chelsia or Nat per Nat's insane yapping.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *show* commentary
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 02:02:19 PM
chelsia james, Josh and Sharaon making fun of Matts eyes, lol :neener:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 02:10:51 PM
So is it just me? I cant stand chelsia, I really cant.. ugh.... her and James are gonna win if people dont watch out
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 02:12:31 PM
 :sucks I think what really got to Ryan was them telling him that Matt told Sharon that he had her back knowing how Ryan felt about her staying and all, it might have been the nail in his coffin  :wohoo:

Time check RFWll ongoing trivia
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 02:15:15 PM
I'll be leaving for work at 4 so I'm sure the veto comp will be ongoing so I won't know who won until I get off work at 1 am.

Puddin, PM me with the veto winner so I can check that first thing when I get home, thanks!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: patlini on March 07, 2008, 02:18:23 PM
OMG I am loving today

prob going to get the feeds now.... there will be fireworks
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: michael on March 07, 2008, 02:27:38 PM
urhg I  want operation crooked eye to work so bad, I HATE matt and like both Chelsia and Sharon -- I'm really hoping that Chelsia or Sharon win POV right now because if Natalie or Adam win it than I don't see the plan working.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary*
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 02:31:03 PM
urhg I  want operation crooked eye to work so bad, I HATE matt and like both Chelsia and Sharon -- I'm really hoping that Chelsia or Sharon win POV right now because if Natalie or Adam win it than I don't see the plan working.

Natalie, Matt and James are not playing veto.

Adam, Sheila, Josh are playing besides HOH and nominees...

I think Operation Crooked Eye will come to fruition during Sunday's veto ceremony! Can't wait....
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 07, 2008, 02:32:57 PM
Josh is playing 100%?

oh my god I hope he wins! *prays to bb gods*
it's so funny how my opinion of him changed, I love him now.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 02:35:42 PM
I like Josh also ALOT. But I really think if James does not get out of the house he will win the whole game
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 02:35:50 PM
I have never gave up on Josh...he's still my boy...he's the one that got the plan rolling today! Kudos to him!

Glad you like him now, Michael....he's been pretty good lately, hasn't been an asshole he once was, lol!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 02:36:32 PM
Been reading the Feed Updates and I just have to say this.................. :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 02:36:57 PM
Josh is playing 100%?

oh my god I hope he wins! *prays to bb gods*
it's so funny how my opinion of him changed, I love him now.

Yes, he's playing and I so want him to win! That would be so perfect and Ryan told the gang he's throwing the comp to let one of them win....even better!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 07, 2008, 02:38:13 PM
ok so Josh and Sharon have a 2/5 chance of winning POV -- I'm hoping Josh wins though because he can remove sharon from the block and both of them can be safe. Then I really want to see this alliance of Sheila/Sharon/Josh actually kick in.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 07, 2008, 02:38:29 PM
I also would like to add that Josh is looking pretty good now, having lost over 12 pounds and his face is thinner and his tan looks good....per his HOH blog, he wants to lose another 10. He will look really good once he gets there.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 07, 2008, 02:39:28 PM
OMG I am loving today

prob going to get the feeds now.... there will be fireworks

Well hurry up! Then you can join us in Updater hell! :lol3:

Josh is playing 100%?

oh my god I hope he wins! *prays to bb gods*
it's so funny how my opinion of him changed, I love him now.

:barf :barf :barf

Heee...pretty is as pretty does!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 02:58:22 PM Matt thinks he needs to apoogize to everyone for his behavior :angel:

Hopefully too little too late :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 02:58:56 PM
Matt is gonna flip out.. And James is going to be sitting there lkaughing his butt off :knuckles:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 03:05:30 PM
I am going to FREAK out. If Sharon (or Josh) do not get POV I think I may cry.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 03:12:16 PM
  I thought I would go ahead and start crying just in case Operation Crooked Eye fails........... :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 03:27:57 PM
Aww don't worry, there is always hope to get out Chelsia, as long as Sharon (or Josh) win POV :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 07, 2008, 03:28:52 PM
I'm wondering how the returning player will affect all of this. That person won't be in an Alliance and could really really shake things up which is why I would love to see a real player come back... This whole 2 week deal could not even matter....
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 03:30:12 PM
I'm wondering how the returning player will affect all of this. That person won't be in an Alliance and could really really shake things up which is why I would love to see a real player come back... This whole 2 week deal could not even matter....

 :lol3: Yeah whoever comes back was not part of the deal ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 03:30:43 PM
See I agree peach, I sit here and wonder who would really play the game?

I think the odds are pretty good for Josharon
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 03:31:47 PM
People think Alex isn't a real player, but if you think about it he had Amanda who everyone hated as his partner, he had a plan coming in (his friend or whoever told him what to do) and then bam they are partners. And GP you even said happy updaters will be worth it hehehe.

Its just the same for Ryan, who was the fan of the show? Jen! So now hes making a HUGE mistake. I agree with Sheila 100% he doesn't have the you know whats to put a guy up which is why he took the weak route of putting two girls up.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 03:34:19 PM
oh i think Alex would work great alone, But I know there are others who would  :knuckles: lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 03:52:49 PM
If Ryan doesn't take the deal that he was offered, he is not that smart. Because someone pointed out maybe Ryan would keep Matt as Matt is a target - but HELLO, they could put up Matt/Ryan on the block together and guess what? Matt could easily beat him in the POV and then who they going to send home, if those two need to be split up and they have one option. DUH!

I think that for him to say he is going to throw the comp, says he is def. considering it. But what do I know, he was the same idiot who asked Chelsia not to use the POV to save herself :res: Like shes watched all the seasons, knows the pawn always goes home so why would she do that.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 03:55:44 PM
what do you all think will happen if Sheila or Adam win POV?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 04:42:15 PM
Chelsia won POV :res:

Bye bye Sharon :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 04:53:52 PM
Is it possible with Chelsia off the block, they could get her vote? 

Chelsia, James, Sheila and possibly one other person? I think its going to be Josh up against Sharon though so they would def. save him over Sharon :'(

All I can hope for is Ryan joins them in the sequester house next week, if he doesn't do the right thing with putting Matt up.

I would say its a good sign that he didn't tell Matt about Josh talking to him, and that he hasn't told Matt who he plans on putting up, he plays it like he has to think about it. But I def. think its Josh and Sharon will be leaving.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 07, 2008, 04:57:55 PM
I really think Ryan will follow through with the deal... He just said he could have won the veto and earlier he told them all he would throw the veto comp.

And he is playing it off with Matt now and side stepping his questions as to what he is doing.  Lots can change between now and Sunday though
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 05:01:09 PM
Chelsia makes me think she is one that will play both sides. And if she can keep Josh/Sharon/James/Sheila on her good side, then she will go that route becuase Ryan can't play for HOH next week so all it is, is Matt, and Adam.

I just think Ryan will play this dumb, if he does send Matt out he could have a better chance at winning this game if he does send Matt out because that would be a strong move on his part but Ryan is more concerned with bros.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 07, 2008, 05:37:53 PM
I think it will be Matt and good riddance too!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 07, 2008, 05:41:58 PM
I think it will be Matt and good riddance too!

Part of me wants that to happen, but there is also a part of me that wants to wait a week because I want to see what happens between him and Alex when Alex comes back into the house (please).  I think that Alex will call him out for campaigning and not staying true to his word, Matt is not Alex's boy.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 05:42:42 PM
i think matt will go up but not go ryan will shock matt and put him up but adam wont vote him out hell convincew sheila and natalie wont vote matt out either thats 3-3. once ryan realizes josh/sharon/james/chelsia are in an alliance and that he wont have one once he does this he will keep matt
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 07, 2008, 05:49:54 PM
I'm wondering how the returning player will affect all of this. That person won't be in an Alliance and could really really shake things up which is why I would love to see a real player come back... This whole 2 week deal could not even matter....

Thinking about it though, who would that be? Jen only piddled around with Ryan, Alex was too nice and didn't play the game because he thought giving your word meant something. (Like Ryan is probably going to find out shortly because this is a game for liars.)

Parker didn't have a clue and Jacob will think he has Sharon but he won't, he's been gone too long. I dunno about Amanda, she changed when she got sick and has no idea what's been happening since.

Allison hasn't got a prayer of coming back unless there is a vote for the worst BB HG!  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 07, 2008, 06:00:32 PM
Not saying I want her back--but she was smart and sneaky and understood the game. It was the people she wasn't so good with.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 06:01:32 PM
can some one reply to my theory above?
Title: Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Friday 3/7
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 06:06:42 PM
in my opinion sharon's gone with this conversation it has sealed sharon's fate
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 06:23:02 PM
Yep Sharon is a goner but you know at least she is better than everyone else and thats all that matters. Its a game and Sharon understand that and is glad she at least got to come back. So be it.

Sharon tells Sheila she is saving the slop pass for next week :( Well she can at least give it to someone.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 06:41:32 PM
they are too cocky james chelsia josh shar they think its a done deal but its not...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 06:46:21 PM
Yep Sharon is a goner but you know at least she is better than everyone else and thats all that matters. Its a game and Sharon understand that and is glad she at least got to come back. So be it.

Sharon tells Sheila she is saving the slop pass for next week :( Well she can at least give it to someone.

Ok did I miss something, My feeds are all messed up, How is Sharon leaving now? I thought it was Matt pretty much? What happened?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 06:50:26 PM
sheila and adam got to talking and she realized that there is an allaince btwn j/j/s/c so she told adam that someone out of adam/sheila/matt.nat are being targeted and they have to stick together
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 06:51:02 PM
Yep Sharon is a goner but you know at least she is better than everyone else and thats all that matters. Its a game and Sharon understand that and is glad she at least got to come back. So be it.

Sharon tells Sheila she is saving the slop pass for next week :( Well she can at least give it to someone.

Ok did I miss something, My feeds are all messed up, How is Sharon leaving now? I thought it was Matt pretty much? What happened?
sheila and adam got to talking and she realized that there is an allaince btwn j/j/s/c so she told adam that someone out of adam/sheila/matt/nat are being targeted and they have to stick together
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 06:52:18 PM
thanks Jay
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 06:54:43 PM
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 07, 2008, 07:06:10 PM
Carey, nothing has been decided. Sharon thinks she is the next target, but Ryan hasn't really decided. Josh, James, Chelsia, all promised him a two week reprieve if he puts up Matt...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 07:11:34 PM
Carey, nothing has been decided. Sharon thinks she is the next target, but Ryan hasn't really decided. Josh, James, Chelsia, all promised him a two week reprieve if he puts up Matt...

Thank you peach
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 07, 2008, 07:17:14 PM
things in this house change by the hour it could be anyone Ryan puts up tomorrow, but I really do not see it being Matt
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 07, 2008, 07:20:27 PM
fnf I was thinking the same thing, It will really surprise me if he does. I think he will take out Josh? I think But like you said things change every hour
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 07:33:10 PM
Adam is pushing Ryan for Josh to go because Josh is shady. I dunno, as much as I like ya RFWill, I would rather Josh go then Sharon - but then this is also what Allison would want :barf But Sharon is my girl and I would LOVE for her to be there if Alex comes back *sigh*
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 07:54:41 PM
WTH is wrong with Shelia???

I was liking her and now she is acting like a loony toon talking to Nat about stopping the back door Matt campaign. :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 07, 2008, 07:59:05 PM
I predict that in the 10:00 hour Sheila will be saying something totally different

the woman is nuts :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 07, 2008, 08:02:41 PM
WTH is wrong with Shelia???

I was liking her and now she is acting like a loony toon talking to Nat about stopping the back door Matt campaign. :groan:
:pull :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 08:04:43 PM
Ok Natalie said Ryan wants to stay with the stronger people - how in the heck is Adam (who is 'friends' with everyone), and Sheila the 'strong' ones? Not to mention Ryan can't play for HOH next week - one of the 4 will leave (I have no doubt its Sharon and I personally think that Natalie hates her so much cause she actually got to flirt with Matt :lol3: ). Therefore its 3 vs 2 in the HOH.

Natalie is stupid, Ryan is stupid if he doesn't take the 2 weeks deal. Sheila just said that the strongest people are sitting out there with them (Sheila, Natalie, Matt, Adam).

Its even funnier that Sheila admits she wanted to attatch herself to the strong ones - and that she has now done, so how does that suddenly make her a strong player? Sheilas problem is that she is now believeing all of Allisons stupid lies.

There are 4 people in that house that do not deserve to win at this point.
Sheila - she did whatever Allison told her to do, plays stupid and plays the single mom card.
Natalie: All she cares about is sleeping with Matt, thats IT. Thats why she hates Sharon so much.
Ryan: Need I say more?
Matt: Same as Ryan :lol:

Ryan just told Sheila that he is not putting Matt up - he needs Sheila, Natalie, Matt, and Adam.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 07, 2008, 08:07:48 PM
I think Sheila's unitard is too tight  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 08:16:38 PM
What I don't understand is that Sheila is the one that attatches herself to the HOH - she is doing the same thing Allison did.

At this point, I want Natalie out next.

Plan is to put up Josh, everyone agrees to kick Josh out and get Sharon to come to the other side. These people are way too overconfident, Matt and Natalie just promised they would win HOH next week.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 07, 2008, 08:17:40 PM
OMG  what is wrong with Sheila

trying to get my feeds to work on my mac

but dont know if i want to listen to this :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 07, 2008, 08:19:10 PM
Reposted for jay111890

i called this backdoor matty thing will backfire an hour ago.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 08:19:38 PM
SHeila  is plotting with the guy who first tossed her name out as one of the ones to be nommed. :groan:

OK now I am as confused as they are
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 08:20:32 PM
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 07, 2008, 08:20:54 PM
Matt is Sheila's eyecandy got forbid he leave  :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 08:22:43 PM
They are all gonna regret these moves when we send Alex back in
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 08:25:48 PM
OMG Ryan is so easily swayed what a pussy! I can't stand him now ARRGHHHH
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 07, 2008, 08:27:57 PM
it was easily foreseen bc nat and shiela were the odd ones out of that plan but this is good for ryan he can align with alex wen he comes back bc they both dont have a partner
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 08:33:27 PM
OMG Ryan is so easily swayed what a pussy! I can't stand him now ARRGHHHH

SO easily one.. or is one ?? :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 08:34:21 PM
it was easily foreseen bc nat and shiela were the odd ones out of that plan but this is good for ryan he can align with alex wen he comes back bc they both dont have a partner

OK we all have to go vote for Alex more !!!! :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 08:35:29 PM
So in other words Matt/Nat Sheila/Adam won't allow the other side of the house drag Ryan to the end because he can't win,  rather they want to be the ones to drag him to the end so that they can win. :res:

eta: how dare they steal their idea , puhlease
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 08:40:40 PM
OMG Ryan is so easily swayed what a pussy! I can't stand him now ARRGHHHH

SO easily one.. or is one ?? :lol3:
Thats funny, lol Both I guess? hee
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 07, 2008, 08:40:56 PM
So in other words Matt/Nat Sheila/Adam won't allow the other side of the house drag Ryan to the end because he can't win,  rather they want to be the ones to drag him to the end so that they can win. :res:

eta: how dare they steal their idea , puhlease

That is very true Puddin. I also what will happen when Alex comes back into the house because I don't think that he will really want to align himself with anyone because everyoen there did something against him.  But I think it will make it very interesting.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 08:41:04 PM
quote from live feed update..:

Matt: After this if you hear anything about any of us and you come directly to us.

What a dickweed!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 07, 2008, 08:47:23 PM
Oh I'm not worried, this can all switch up again Ryan has no game at all. I predict the last one in his ear will get their way on Sunday.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 07, 2008, 08:59:16 PM
Oh I'm not worried, this can all switch up again Ryan has no game at all. I predict the last one in his ear will get their way on Sunday.

Isn't that how it goes with a couple of HGs every season?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 07, 2008, 09:01:48 PM
i dont think we can give Ryan any credit.  Dumb is as dumb does  and the last one in his ear will change it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 09:14:27 PM
I say BB should make both Matt and Ryan sit out of HOH because Matt has pretty much RAN it this week.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 09:16:51 PM
This freaks me out. I can almost see BB bringing back Allison for the drama :res: :barf

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 07, 2008, 09:23:24 PM
This freaks me out. I can almost see BB bringing back Allison for the drama :res: :barf

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 09:35:09 PM
UMMmmmmm Sheila is ok by Josh..he really has no problem with her B:) B:) B:)

Until Ryan changes sides again and tells him that SHeila is hanging him out to dry :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 07, 2008, 09:55:26 PM
I think Sheila's unitard is too tight  :lol3:

I think she looks better in it than Jen ever did! LOL
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 07, 2008, 10:02:24 PM
I think Sheila's unitard is too tight  :lol3:

I think she looks better in it than Jen ever did! LOL

And by wearing it with the boots and booty short over it made it look really cute and good.  She was rocking it out earlier, she will probably do that on Wednesday for the live show I bet.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 10:23:31 PM
Lets just say that Alex comes back, would he go to Matt or if Sharon is still there would he side with her? Keep in mind James/Chelsia put him on the block :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 07, 2008, 10:26:18 PM
Lets just say that Alex comes back, would he go to Matt or if Sharon is still there would he side with her? Keep in mind James/Chelsia put him on the block :lol:

That is why I want him back in there because of James & CHelsia
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 07, 2008, 10:34:39 PM
Lets just say that Alex comes back, would he go to Matt or if Sharon is still there would he side with her? Keep in mind James/Chelsia put him on the block :lol:
Don't forget his little sweetie Sharon was swapping spit with his buddy Matt before his picture turned gray. ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 10:35:35 PM
But see wouldn't it be funny if Sharon pulled him in? James/Chelsia/Sharon/Alex against Matt/Natalie/Ryan/Sheila/Adam?

And this is someone who wanted Chelsia out THIS week - now I realize they need the potty mouthed smurfette for at least one more week :lol:

Sheila saying how she deserves to win is totally pissing me off. James called her out on just wanting to be there to promote her book and people are not going to take sympathy on her because of being a single mom. Im sorry but thats the truth. She hasn't played this game at all imo. She clings to the strongest players, cries to the HOH.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 07, 2008, 11:05:06 PM
oh joy how their new plan is going to backfire! :D

The next HOH is most likely endurance -- sharon and chelsia have a great shot of winning --


josh and sharon need to run this **** and get that piece of crap matt out of the house - his lazy eye is getting on my nerves.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 11:37:01 PM
Notice how Natalie is suddenly not annoying around Matt? He knows he needs her more now :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 07, 2008, 11:42:51 PM
Now the plan is to get James out. Pull Chelsia to their side (and she would go defenitly leaving Josh and Sharon).

Chelsia is a bitch, making fun of how Sharon reads the bible with a cap on - omg shes cold its a damn hoodie :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 08, 2008, 12:45:10 AM
I won't get my hopes up again but I'll take James leaving over Josh <3 x 100000
And don't count Natalie out for HOH, if its endurance she has the lower and upper body strength plus shes on regular food. *blah*
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 01:08:02 AM
I don't have doubts about Natalie but I honestly think they can make Natalie freak out (and we know Chelsia is a bitch).

I was glad to hear about operation Bum - now RFWill won't hate me so much :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 08, 2008, 01:14:06 AM
IA with puddin -- I'd actually LIKE to see James leave the house this week, I don't like him.

I want it to go down like this:

James voted out, Amanda comes back, Sharon wins HOH, puts up Matt/Natalie, Matt leaves.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 01:27:46 AM
My prediction, next week Ryan flops to the other side because they WILL have HOH ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 01:47:56 AM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison and Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia and Sharon nominated, Chelsia wins veto, to be continued...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 01:52:06 AM
Sorry that I'm not updating BBAD and it ends soon anyway cuz I'm upset with the latest events

I hate Ryan, Adam, Sheila, Natalie and Matt with a passion...Ryan is definitely a dumbbell! 

I hope they do follow through with putting up James and get him out so that....

Josh WINS HOH next week and put up Matt and Ryan. And Josh or Sharon wins veto to keep the nominations the same to force one of those assholes out!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 02:09:47 AM
No Will, Matt/Nat Ryan as the replacement hehehe.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 02:10:32 AM
I can see it now, we'll have another sucky BB winner again....




BB9...who knows?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 02:22:22 AM
I liked Maggie  :lol: I make myself laugh!

Wills turning into Matt of BB9 and im the Natalie  :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 08, 2008, 09:15:24 AM
is POV ceremony today? or tommorow
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 09:39:51 AM
is POV ceremony today? or tommorow

tomorrow afternoon
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: careybear on March 08, 2008, 09:41:15 AM
is POV ceremony today? or tommorow

tomorrow afternoon

Thank you
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 08, 2008, 11:54:04 AM
Notice how Natalie is suddenly not annoying around Matt? He knows he needs her more now :res:

He makes me sick, male chauvinist hog.  :yess:   :wohoo: (I havent used that term in years!)

He told Ryan yesterday that he could control her and she'd do anything and he'd use anything including telling her they would have something after the show if he had to.  (:;)

He's gonna get his communpance!  :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 08, 2008, 01:16:25 PM
Why would we have trivia on Sat before the HGs are even all up?  They don't do anything on Sat do they?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 08, 2008, 01:28:53 PM
maybe BB is bored and pulled the plug , naw wishful thinking maybe they want to do maintenance and want the HG's up and out ?

relive the :meme moment , Joshs face priceless

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 02:35:13 PM
I am so disgusted with Ryan and his why I hate this season! I just want Wednesday to get here and get a new week going with a new HOH and the return of one houseguest! The current week needs to end sick of hearing them talk!

I already want the finale to get here...I just want it over!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 03:00:34 PM
I have been thinking a lot about this Wednesday because of the one houseguest coming back and since BB had a surprise twist during the show last week and am wondering if we will have another surprise during this week's live show and this is what came up in my mind....

The returning houseguest will walk in the house BEFORE the eviction takes place and not only that, Julie will shock the house by announcing that the current HOH and nominees are nullified and the returning houseguest will have the power to automatically evict any houseguest instantly, shaking things up during the live show!

Yes, you all can say this is wishful thinking on my part.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 06:27:31 PM
Well as long as James leaves then whatever. It will be the one they put up tomorrow as they do not want to make anyone else mad so they will def. have to send out whoever is nommed tomorrow.

I say that Josh/Sharon/Chelsia NEED HOH more than anything. Someone needs to break up those ones that think they are strong. I honestly think that Ryan is just scared of Matt. I really do.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 08, 2008, 06:35:50 PM
I think Ryan has gone with M/N A/S because he believes that he has more of a chance at the end for the money then if he was up against J/S.

Also I have a feeling that the next HOH comp is going to be an endurance one.  It just seems like it is time for it because there really hasn't been an endurance comp other than the first comp for power couple.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 06:37:56 PM
Really? I don't think Ryan knows what he is doing :lol: Natalie would take Matt over Ryan - Matt would take a weaker person (Adam, Sheila) over Ryan because he can say "they never won anything). Ryan isn't thinking straight imo. Hes doing whatever he is told - funny to me, Sheila was one of the ones they were pushing hard to put up in the first place.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 08, 2008, 06:42:03 PM
I guess that is true Mama, but if you think about it, this is probably the best side for Ryan to be on though, because if he makes it to the end vs. Adam or Matt anyone in the house would probably vote for him over them.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 06:54:02 PM
If Matt makes it to the end, as much as hes been targeted I think he needs to win *hate saying that* :lol:

All I can say is Sharon better win HOH or mama will be upset  :sucks
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 08, 2008, 06:57:35 PM
If Matt makes it to the end, as much as hes been targeted I think he needs to win *hate saying that* :lol:

All I can say is Sharon better win HOH or mama will be upset  :sucks

What about Alex.  I think Alex needs to win HOH so we will know that he will be there for two weeks.  He will probably come back into the household after evicteed hg is interviewed by Julie and before the HOH comp so he can compete in it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 08, 2008, 07:52:00 PM
Okay, Sheila and Nat are looking at some sort of puzzle.  What is it? Where'd it come from?  Fill a girl in.  What am I missing? 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 08, 2008, 08:07:25 PM
Okay, Sheila and Nat are looking at some sort of puzzle.  What is it? Where'd it come from?  Fill a girl in.  What am I missing? 

The letters and images are from the blocks in with the GPs.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 08, 2008, 08:11:27 PM
Was it Alison that was keeping track of it?
And, if so, has it been updated since she's been gone?

Thanks, sass.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 08, 2008, 08:20:00 PM
Was it Alison that was keeping track of it?
And, if so, has it been updated since she's been gone?

Thanks, sass.

Nat was too and hers has more detail.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 08:36:58 PM
James was looking at it as well - but Puddin and I looked up those blocks and sticks that make a cube and they are just toys for guniea pigs.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 08, 2008, 08:40:42 PM
BB's way of messing with the houseguests?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 08:48:51 PM
I'm glad BB took the code sheet. Serves them right!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 08, 2008, 08:53:08 PM
would Chelsia really consider not using veto ???

I don't see it happening
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 08, 2008, 08:59:14 PM
would Chelsia really consider not using veto ???

I don't see it happening

No, she is a little miss selfish potty mouth.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 08, 2008, 09:01:27 PM
She'd be stupid not to use the POV. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 09:11:44 PM
Can someone explain to me, why would they work Sharon for the slop pass. Thats bull, if I was Sharon I would leave and give it to Josh or something. Yeah she promised it to Sheila but after this BS. And then they say that Natalie is going to work for it to, ummmm wouldn't she be on slop if she hadn't trampled over someone to get a darn blue bandanna to be on Mattys team? I did feel bad for Natalie but now shes just one of those not so smart girls :res:

Yeah she is going to use the POV, I think she knows she might have a better chance anyways with James gone but who knows.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: EvilDuck on March 08, 2008, 09:22:27 PM
Nat didn't trample over anyone. Matt took all of the blue to stack a team and Nat snatched one from him. :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 08, 2008, 09:29:13 PM
I know I was being sarcastic :lol: The way they talk though thats what she did, she fought for a blue to be on Mattys team :res: Natalie has become one of them because she has become one of the biggest LIARs in the house. All because of love :lol3: She is blind, not seeing what Matt is doing to her - even when they were partners he wanted nothing to do with her, and then when Julie said "no more partners" he jumped clear across the room and left her sit there (and to think I felt bad for her).

Matt is complaining that James is mad he didn't get a prize in the POV, isn't HE complaining to?

Sharon/Josh/Chelsia better get HOH this coming week or I think I may throw a tantrum.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 08, 2008, 09:33:54 PM
I don't understand why the girls and Josh don't all team up and take out the boys.  I mean, they have the numbers.  I don't get the girls.  Nat's blinded by love, Mama's right about that.

Nat and Sheila would have better chances with the girls than the Heman Woman Hater's Club.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: EvilDuck on March 08, 2008, 09:35:54 PM
I can't believe Chelsia just said she's going to confront Ryan and tell him that if he's not going to put Matt up that she's not going to use the veto! What an idiot move!The cat will come out of the bag, but what good is that going to do her? Ryan can tell her to go ahead and not use it and leave or use it and James is out. Good luck picking one Chel. :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 08, 2008, 09:53:25 PM
I don't have doubts about Natalie but I honestly think they can make Natalie freak out (and we know Chelsia is a bitch).

I was glad to hear about operation Bum - now RFWill won't hate me so much :lol:

What's next? Operation Phruitcakes? They are all nutz! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 08, 2008, 10:03:20 PM
Hmmm I am impressed.
I hated Chelsia..but with all the sneakiness going on, I am almost ready to start rooting for the potty mouthed little heiffer.
Just plain impressed that she is not completely taken in by the  Matt nomination  plan.
It won't take her long to figure out that Sheila is one of the main two sided players ;)

edited to add: I am awaiting CHel's talk with Ryan
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 08, 2008, 10:45:32 PM
Do you all realize that whoever gets evicted this week will be the last non-jury member. Next week's evictee will be the first member of the jury.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 08, 2008, 11:06:44 PM
One of the reasons why I'm so glad you're here, Will. I totally forgot about that. :tup: :tup: :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 08, 2008, 11:19:21 PM
OMG! James is trying to rape Chelsia!,14805.msg267263.html#msg267263
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 12:12:36 AM
Natalie would not move to team up with the girls, because she is deeply in love with Matt and they are going to get married because they were put in the house for a reason - tehy really are soulmates. And they are going to have a Matt Jr or a Matalie :lol: Natalie REALLY thinks Matt makes fun of her around others to see what the others say :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 12:42:07 AM
So Ratty Natty has decided CHelsia is jealous of her. :lol3:

She lives on wishes  :res:

She is going to lose it worse than anyone in BB history when it is her turn to be screwed over. :groan:

I lost it for Nat when she started hanging with just the boys. Those kind of girls disgust me   
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 01:08:01 AM
Ok I hang with the boys - :lol: Im a tomboy, I don't do it for attention like some people. But I have been made fun of for playing football with them instead of being the "cheerleader" and I can tell ya, I am no Natalie :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 01:23:11 AM
Well Ratty Needy Natty is different.

I can't say I hung with the boys but the boys hung with me :flirt:

She comes off waaay too needy...& already brought up that Chelsia is going to be all over Matt when James leaves. She is in for a tough time :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 01:25:59 AM
I think someone said it right, she only believes what she herself thinks.

Just some examples:
Chelsia is jealous of her. Of what exactly? I think Chelsia is prettier than Natalie and thats stretching it a bit.
Matt only talks bad about her because he wants to see what the other HGs say about her? Yeahhhhhhhh right. Obviously we see the DRs hes NOT playing :lol3:

And of course there are many more.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 09, 2008, 01:32:25 AM
Hey Guys!

I have only had time to keep up a little bit and cant follow the threads as I could last season.

I know that Chelsia and Sharon have been nominated and Chelsia would POV.

My question is, who is Ryan putting up to replace Chelsia and who is the House voting off this week?

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 01:41:48 AM
Hey Guys!

I have only had time to keep up a little bit and cant follow the threads as I could last season.

I know that Chelsia and Sharon have been nominated and Chelsia would POV.

My question is, who is Ryan putting up to replace Chelsia and who is the House voting off this week?


They think he is putting up Matt..but there is a back door plan to put up James
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 01:43:37 AM
I think someone said it right, she only believes what she herself thinks.

Just some examples:
Chelsia is jealous of her. Of what exactly? I think Chelsia is prettier than Natalie and thats stretching it a bit.
Matt only talks bad about her because he wants to see what the other HGs say about her? Yeahhhhhhhh right. Obviously we see the DRs hes NOT playing :lol3:

And of course there are many more.

Natty:  They think I am dumb but I am a smart girl. I am a damn smart girl. I am so smart. I am a smart girl. I am not dumb. I am a smart girl.........DUH..what's blow? :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 09, 2008, 10:28:18 AM
I am so over Natalie.  I mean really over her. I can't remember the last time I felt such disgust for a houseguest.  "Hey guys, look at me, look at me"  "Guys, guys, guys . . . I'm talking."  "No one ever listens to me."

And the "What's blow?" Had me rolling on the floor.  Oh c'mon, she worked in a strip club in Vegas for gosh sakes.  She's never heard the term?   

Then there's Matty who believes he's god's gift to women everywhere.  When he was ripping on James last night saying that James was voted Mr. Sarasota in high school or something, Matty's response - "I gotta move there."  Yes, Matty, imagine all of the chicks you could have with your weird ass body and lazy eye.  Keep playin' playa. 

Whew . . .   that felt good to vent.   No offense to anyone, just venting.

What I worry about is if Alex were to come back into the house and be automatically aligned with the bros and hos.   I think I'd lose respect for him.  I'd rather live continue to live in my fantasy dream world.  Let's bring back Jacob.    :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 09, 2008, 10:54:08 AM
I am with you BelleJar except for the bring back Jacob part  :lol: I think Natalie is in for a very rude awakening as when they are done with the J/C J/S they will go after her first then Shel. 

I have never seen anyone as needy as Nat before and what she sees in Matt is beyond me.  The only thing she has going for her and I will give to her is the artistic talent but don't remember anyone winning BB on that. 

As far as Shel goes I think she is going through the change (mid life crisis) and doesn't know which end is up, and for all its worth she has a crush on Matt as well.   :lol: wait till Alex comes back and see Shel go for him full force. 

Anyway just some of my thoughts,  and thought I would throw this out there does anyone think Ryan will actually change his mind before the ceremony. I personally don't see it happening although I am not  :'( at all over James being put up and out it will be Sharon's saving grace and I am like Mama I like her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Ryan will not change his mind before the ceremony & I predict he will live to regret it.
He and Josh had a cool relationship..not close but alligned..that is out the door now. It all hinges on this HOH

Matt may be messing up by being so cocky. He bad mouths too much & now they will turn on each other because they have shown too much of their true colors

I feel so mean toward Ratty Natty now & I liked her :(

I can't wait to see her world crash in on her with her crazy self thinking Matt is her damned husband. She is a fool :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 01:48:07 PM
I am very nervous and sick to my stomach dreading the aftermath of the veto ceremony. I am afraid of how they will react or what they will do. Of course that will probably be the best drama we'll have so far this season but I just hope it doesn't get out of control.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 09, 2008, 02:01:11 PM
RFWill I agree with you.  I think that this will be nuts after the POV ceremony and that a lot of stuff is going to happen in the house.  I am prepared for it though, but just hope they drag out the stuff before the ceremony and it for as long as possible, like until after the race.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 09, 2008, 02:05:41 PM
I would be in shock if Ryan pulls a fast one and goes with Josh's original plan.. Did you see the look on his face in the HOH ?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 02:10:01 PM
I would be in shock if Ryan pulls a fast one and goes with Josh's original plan.. Did you see the look on his face in the HOH ?

Nah, not gonna happen. I think he's just stressed out and dreading the aftermath. It's gonna be a major meltdown in the house!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 09, 2008, 02:12:14 PM
RFWill I agree with you.  I think that this will be nuts after the POV ceremony and that a lot of stuff is going to happen in the house.  I am prepared for it though, but just hope they drag out the stuff before the ceremony and it for as long as possible, like until after the race.
We have our priorities Sass  :lol:  :jam: Kyle & Jr  :wohoo:
anyway I predict James to act depressed & that Chelsia will be the one that goes :dick  ,Josh's cockiness gets taken down a notch , thats what they get, the plan was stupid "save us from Matt, hes coming after US" and like someone said above leaving Matt in the house keeps him the target not saying that Ryan isn't going to get away scott free by no means. Ryan has promised everyone in the house a deal, he should never have taken Josh's deal he should have just said that he'd consider it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 09, 2008, 02:12:33 PM
Have you figured out the weeks RFWill will they bring anyone else back besides this week ?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 09, 2008, 02:22:24 PM
RFWill I agree with you.  I think that this will be nuts after the POV ceremony and that a lot of stuff is going to happen in the house.  I am prepared for it though, but just hope they drag out the stuff before the ceremony and it for as long as possible, like until after the race.
We have our priorities Sass  :lol:  :jam: Kyle & Jr  :wohoo:
anyway I predict James to act depressed & that Chelsia will be the one that goes :dick  ,Josh's cockiness gets taken down a notch , thats what they get, the plan was stupid "save us from Matt, hes coming after US" and like someone said above leaving Matt in the house keeps him the target not saying that Ryan isn't going to get away scott free by no means. Ryan has promised everyone in the house a deal, he should never have taken Josh's deal he should have just said that he'd consider it.

We do have our priporities straight Puddin, I would almost rather have flames at this point until after the POV ceremony because it is boring in the house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 02:26:18 PM
Have you figured out the weeks RFWill will they bring anyone else back besides this week ?

Nobody else will be coming back beside the one we are voting back in this coming Wednesday.  There are 9 people now, one leaves on Wed and one person comes back so it'll be 9 people again and here is the schedule for the remainder of the season up to the April 29th finale

3/12....last non-jury houseguest evicted, one comes back (9 hg's)
3/19....first jury member evicted, (8 hg's)
3/26....second jury member evicted (7 hg's)
4/2.....third jury member evicted (6 hg's)
4/9.....Fast It Forward double eviction, fourth and fifth jury members evicted (4 hg's)
4/16....sixth jury member evicted (3 hg's)
4/23....Three part HOH comp, seventh and final jury member evicted (Final 2)
4/29....Big Brother 9 Finale, jury votes on the winner

I think after this Wednesday's show takes place, the remaining evicted houseguests currently in sequester will be released and sent home.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 09, 2008, 02:30:15 PM
omg thank you RFWill  :kuss:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 09, 2008, 02:31:55 PM
maybe BB is waiting to see if Josh will try and talk to Ryan again before POV
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 09, 2008, 02:33:54 PM
maybe BB is waiting to see if Josh will try and talk to Ryan again before POV

FNF, Nat, Adam and Shel need to be called into the DR.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 09, 2008, 02:35:30 PM
maybe BB is waiting to see if Josh will try and talk to Ryan again before POV

FNF, Nat, Adam and Shel need to be called into the DR.

oh thanks and Ryan just got called in

Has anyone heard from Mama I am worried she was saying something about carrying wood inside in her condition not a good idea
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 02:37:14 PM
Maybe BB is messing with them and then finally announce a lockdown but doesn't call Chelsia in and then after a little while, they will announce that the lockdown is over and everybody will be like, what? And they walk in the house and see ANOTHER LETTER on the table to be read to everybody by the HOH

And the letter just says....

The veto ceremony will take place during the live show on Wednesday. Remember to expect the unexpected. Thank you, Big Brother!

You all have to forgive me, my mind has been playing games with me for days now. I must have came up with a thousand different scenarios or twists.  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 09, 2008, 02:38:46 PM
maybe BB is waiting to see if Josh will try and talk to Ryan again before POV

FNF, Nat, Adam and Shel need to be called into the DR.

oh thanks and Ryan just got called in

Has anyone heard from Mama I am worried she was saying something about carrying wood inside in her condition not a good idea

That was from a couple of nights ago, but her hubby was let off work to come home and help her.  She was on the boards yesterday if I recall correctly.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 02:45:41 PM
Brace yourselves, boys and girls....

The ceremony will be taking place any minute!

Ready for the fireworks? OH  MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!! 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 09, 2008, 02:46:35 PM
as long as Sharon and Josh stay and win HOH and don't put Amanda or Alex up once she/he comes back to the house I will be happy  :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 09, 2008, 03:03:02 PM
as long as Sharon and Josh stay and win HOH and don't put Amanda or Alex up once she/he comes back to the house I will be happy  :js:
Michael go back to your happy place  :colors
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 09, 2008, 03:06:06 PM
No way puddin -- I feel it happening!
nobody else has a chance of coming back into the house other than Alex or Amanda, which makes me really happy :D
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 03:07:39 PM
Im here, I just have been having problems updating since my internet hates snow and wind :lol: And now today with the race, just want to try and get as much rest as I can because hubby will be working all week and the kids are not liking being cooped up.

I honestly can not wait for this week to be over. I really can't. I thought the James/Chelsia HOH couldn't come fast enough but now I have changed my mind. And its a must for Chelsia, Sharon or Josh to get it. Where would poor poor Matty run to :res: He has been in HOH more then the HOHers I think :lol3:

I really hope that when/if Alex or Amanda (cause I think at this point those two would be the only two I could deal with) then they align with J/S/C and take all those "we are running this house" alliance.

Natalie is getting worse and worse and worse, its amazing how low she will scoop to get her attention and her boy Matt who is her soulmate.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 03:22:13 PM
I'm waiting for them to come back so we'll know if the plan follows through and then I'm heading out to get groceries and will read the posts on the aftermath when I get back.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 03:23:18 PM
No way puddin -- I feel it happening!
nobody else has a chance of coming back into the house other than Alex or Amanda, which makes me really happy :D

Unfortuently I think Allison has a chance :barf And possibly Jen (which we know who she would run to).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 03:30:26 PM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison & Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia & Sharon nominated, Chelsia wins veto, used on self, James up, to be continued..
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 03:32:42 PM
Man as mad as Chelsia is, I think she will win HOH this week to get revenge. And then Matt calling Sharon sweetheart and asking her who Josh will vote out (because hes trying to get her to their side to cause tension or whatever). blah.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 03:44:45 PM
 :jumpy: Cover your heads! The F BOMBS are gonna be flying

Ryan better ask to live in the DR!

SHeila is gonna soon be discovered as playing dumb to both sides!

Ratty Natty is going to end up with the raw end of this deal  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 09, 2008, 03:52:56 PM
Natalie is being so damn cocky... I am so cheering for Josh/Sharon/Chelsia to win HOH and put up both Natalie and Matt (and Ryan as the backdoor candidate).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 09, 2008, 04:16:39 PM
Is this nuclear winter happening? An EQ in Burbank CA? I have to go read the feeds.   :didimiss:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 09, 2008, 04:21:24 PM
I seriously cannot believe how stupid Natalie is, I don't know what I expected but my gosh, woman, the Secret will not get you Matty.   :res:

Matty, the playa, criticizing Josh is seriously wrong.   He's just as disrespectful, if not more so than Josh, to woman. 


Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 04:40:00 PM
Big big mistake of Matt & Ryan to stick up each other's butts the way they are doing...Not a good idea :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 09, 2008, 04:41:38 PM
how GAY do they look with the nair
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 04:44:40 PM
When Matt's Pahtnah really finds out the stuff he has said..OMG
Too bad Boring Sharon hasn't the nerve to tell her some of it.
There is not enough time before eviction to get all this laid out.
And I see that Shelia Pot Stirrer Cry Baby Two Sided Liar is AWOL.. :lol3:

SHeila says she has to stay in the middle to get "the evil out" :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: daniellenic on March 09, 2008, 04:47:29 PM
ohhh my!

this stuff is crazy!

.. i CAN'T even believe josh's mouth! what kind of person talks like that! it's just SOOO disgusting!

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 04:55:03 PM
I'm done with my grocery shopping and just got caught up reading the posts and I knew Josh would get out of control. Now I'm worried he will go too far and get himself kicked out of the house. I hope he calms down a little. I have no problem with him going after Natalie but he needs to watch what he does.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 04:56:14 PM
Ooooh Natalie just pissed me off saying Sharon never gave them her time when she was HOH.

Lets see, wasn't it Natalie AND Matt that were up in the HOH then all the time?

And Josh is starting to disgust me, but doesn't look like Sharon is falling for it to come down with him :res: Dammit, looks like Matt/Natalie/Sheila/Ryan and Adam win after :barf

Keep in mind Matt went to Natalie and told her things Sharon was saying about her (when it was really Matt in the HOH that week bitching, remember him hiding)? So even if Sharon said those things to Natalie she wouldn't believe it.

And I think Natalie is sick for the 2 abortions thing, why did she bring that into the house. I was waiting for them to use it on her.

While I don't agree with what Josh did, I think Matt is just as much of a jerk, and I just know that I can not sit through another HOH of the 'bros and hos' alliance. PLEASE let Sharon, Josh or Chelsia get HOH, PLEASE!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 09, 2008, 05:05:34 PM
I cannot believe what is happening. What is WRONG with Josh. James was put up, not him, he has revealed his plot to the others because he lost it. He has serious issues in my opinion. And James and Chelsia as well. Supposedly this is a game, they had a plan, it bombed. This isn't entertaining to me, someone could get seriously hurt. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 05:05:58 PM
Does anybody know where they hid Natalie's bible?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 05:09:09 PM
Yep, but James was in on it to wasn't he? And I think that had Matt just let Natalie have the convo with Chelsia then there wouldn't have been too much yelling. Chelsia imo was trying to tell Natalie that he was playing her. Natalie is saying things right back which makes it just as wrong for her to be feeding them because people like Josh, Chelsia and James feed on that kind of stuff. Like Sharon told her - just ignore it and that makes them twice as mad. Its her fault that Matt even caught wind of the plan. And thats why they are mad at her. And Chelsia all along said she was going to bring up the abortion thing to break Natalie down.

I just really pray that Sharon gets HOH.

From the looks of it, Ryan will have to break the tie. Chelsia/Josh/Adam (who gave his word to keep James) is three and that sets for a tie breaker.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 09, 2008, 05:15:53 PM
Mama, I'm in Houston this weekend, I don't really know what all happened since Friday because I can't keep RP running so all I can do is read. When did Chels try to talk to Nat? 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: daniellenic on March 09, 2008, 05:16:14 PM
i just can't route for people with such horrible mouths!
chel has the WORST mouth ever! did her family ever teach her that girls should carry themselves with class .. not cuss like a sailor!
and josh -- he is vicious! to verbally attack people the way is does is crazy! .. i truly can't see how his family is proud of that. no one would be proud of their child saying or doing any of that on national tv.

EVERYONE in this house is accused of lying/backstabbing/talking bad behind people's backs. etc. etc.

it's what the game is about!

but the way josh treats people .. there's just no excuse for that!

.. i hope nat or matt wins HOH. .. bc even tho they have done there fair share of lying NO ONE has stooped as low as josh has in this house .. and it's hard to watch such a mean and hateful human being triumph.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 05:21:48 PM
Chelsia kept asking Natalie today if they could talk.

Well you know Matt is just as much hurting people (knowing Natalie is in LOVE with him), hes just stringing her along for the ride because he can and hes already said his vote is always going to be her vote. Its funny to me, now that he needs her she actually believes he loves her and they will be togethre outside this house.
I don't like Chelsia, never did. I don't like Josh (I had to because I liked Sharon and they were partners). I don't like anyone right now except for Sharon. And she stands alone which is why one of 'the bros' need to go out next week. I really hope its Sharon or even Chelsia at this point. Also if Josh is HOH we don't see or hear much of him because he stays out of the way and stays up there. So I would be all for him having HOH and putting one of the bros out.

Can ya'll just imagine what Natalie would do without Matt? Someone who has treated her like ****? And yet she is throwing it in Chelsias face that James is leaving? So how does that make her any better?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 05:22:36 PM
 I am waiting to see what is going to happen when Natty figures out her plan to move to a tree house in Oregon with Matt and have 10 kids, smoke her pot while he does his blow & live happily ever after is not happening.

Her response is going to be "I know. I know. I knew All along. It was the plan. It was part of the game. I knew he didn't like me" B:) B:)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 05:26:15 PM
No this is what she will say :'( But Matty we were meant to be together we were put together in this house for a reason. Hey look on the bright side, now they have the pickle jar for a toilet after she got pickle juiced.

No no im not on Josh or James' side. Though I stick with who I want to win HOH this week - though we know who WILL win this week :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 05:29:34 PM
I sure do hope Josh wins HOH on Wed and put those boys in their place! That will be so funny.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 05:37:45 PM
I know some of you are rooting for Sharon to win the next HOH...but what are you going to do when she gets torn between the two sides and they show her on the live show without a face. ???

You know she is going to chew it completely off. :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 09, 2008, 05:59:24 PM
Did anyone notice that when Chel went to confront Nat with about what Allison said about her that Chel never denied that it didn't happen, she only took offense to the comment about the smell of her lower half to put it nicely?  I'm just saying she never denied that Allison did that to her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 09, 2008, 06:09:09 PM
So now Josh's glasses are missing or Josh says Ryan's glasses

It seems kinda funny that Matt gets called to the DR and Josh starts in again but not while he is out there ???
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 06:10:43 PM
Did anyone notice that when Chel went to confront Nat with about what Allison said about her that Chel never denied that it didn't happen, she only took offense to the comment about the smell of her lower half to put it nicely?  I'm just saying she never denied that Allison did that to her.

I thought she said it was fake or something and they "fell for it" because she knew they were listening & so they said" go wash your hands" :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 09, 2008, 06:58:35 PM
I don't know, it was hard to listen to everything that was being said then and I was typing so I might have pounding over it.

I don't think that Chel denied it ever happened though.  It was Allison who came out to wash her hands though.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 07:20:20 PM
I don't know, it was hard to listen to everything that was being said then and I was typing so I might have pounding over it.

I don't think that Chel denied it ever happened though.  It was Allison who came out to wash her hands though.

Chelsia says"you guys got played. We knew Mattie was back there so we "told Allison'..go wash your hands"

That's what I heard on the video clip :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 09, 2008, 07:21:39 PM
I don't know, it was hard to listen to everything that was being said then and I was typing so I might have pounding over it.

I don't think that Chel denied it ever happened though.  It was Allison who came out to wash her hands though.

Chelsia says"you guys got played. We knew Mattie was back there so we "told Allison'..go wash your hands"

That's what I heard on the video clip :duno:

Ok, that is fine.  I just never heard it, but it is hard to hear it all as you are updating something.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 07:22:45 PM
So why is Matt doing to Ryan what he criticized Natty for doing to him..


Sheila's middle name must be Ambah..because she doesn't hesitate to break out the tears :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 07:24:18 PM
I don't know, it was hard to listen to everything that was being said then and I was typing so I might have pounding over it.

I don't think that Chel denied it ever happened though.  It was Allison who came out to wash her hands though.

Chelsia says"you guys got played. We knew Mattie was back there so we "told Allison'..go wash your hands"

That's what I heard on the video clip :duno:

Ok, that is fine.  I just never heard it, but it is hard to hear it all as you are updating something.
THat does not mean it is true just 'cuz she said it. Wouldn't be the first lie told.. :lol:It could have still happened.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 07:33:16 PM
So if Allison did it, she was Ryans partner when she did. I don't see how that makes him any better because she did it for votes for the both of them. Like i've said I don't like Chelsia but Natalie did give Matt a blowjob and look at the way he treats her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 07:41:33 PM
So if Allison did it, she was Ryans partner when she did. I don't see how that makes him any better because she did it for votes for the both of them. Like i've said I don't like Chelsia but Natalie did give Matt a blowjob and look at the way he treats her.

YUP Natalie did

And if anyone had any doubts about her intelligence...she did think "and" was the 26th letter of the alphabet.

I love the psycho music they play when Natalie is after Matt.. :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 09, 2008, 07:44:53 PM
 The house has turned on each other.    :meow:  Yeah!  isn't this what we have been waiting for? Well I for one am having a hard time with some of these Hg's this season.

Josh, I liked him for a while, but then as I really watched Josh react today, I have to say, OMG he is a vindictive, foul mouthed, asshole, who is gone to the lowest, disgusting, levels, not only with his actions today, but also the low level, just plain down right, cold mean heartless level, that came out of his mouth today, makes me want to puke!  :barf

Chelsia, Gotta say, I pegged this one, I always thought she is what she is, (go back to Josh) , now reread, she is his clone, she was just as bad as he was. She is just a nasty, potty mouth little brat.   :gaah:

James, Here we go again, Never liked James from the get go!
After he asked today if he should piss on the bible before they give it back to Nat, that was the last straw for me.  :nono2:

These three, all deserve to be evicted, after today's performances, together, all at one time.  :groan:

This is a very different set of people this season. Instead of one heartless evil one, we have, that we know of, at least three, and I bet we see some more hgs letting their cold hearts make them say a lot of things that they might have wished, that they didnt even go there when they are finally on the outside of the house.

I am not talking about the pickle juice and the water though. That was funny!
I am mainly talking about what comes out of their mouths. It is so vulgar and mean, I think that is what they will all three be known as now, when all is over.

Only my opinion!  Thanks for letting me rant. I will compose myself now.

  :carryon:    :lol3:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 07:53:32 PM
The order of keys pulled at the nomination ceremony were

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 07:57:05 PM
I enjoyed your rant Blondie

I, for one, have been disgusted with Chelsia too, but after viewing some of the stuff Natty has done..she is more trash than I can dumb.

Personally, I think BB needs to come up with some rules about this foul mouth stuff & an alarm going off when they do that & penalties for it.

But, as far as throwing someone's personal stuff back in their face...they should have heeded Chelsia's advice and kept thier personal dirty laundry to themsleves.

I play that way in real life myself..If you don't want it thrown up, don't give me the ammo then stab me in the back :snicker:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 09, 2008, 08:28:58 PM
I agree about Nat to a certain extent. At least she is not telling people to smell her privates and saying she will **** and not flush, leave bloody tampons around and now is telling all the guys that she will sit somewhere for all of them later.  :groan:

She keeps saying that her family (Chelsias) would be proud of her. I am not so sure. She has embarrassed a lot of them I bet. Potty Mouth Brat!   :jam:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 08:37:16 PM
Natalie talks alot of **** for being such a great person that she says she is. She is acting just as 'bad ass' as Chelsia (and no I don't like her). But thats all it is, an act :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 08:45:57 PM
Natalie talks alot of **** for being such a great person that she says she is. She is acting just as 'bad ass' as Chelsia (and no I don't like her). But thats all it is, an act :res:

I agree with that.
It is no different in my eyes whether Chelsia tells them she will sit on their face or Natalie lays naked on the floor with cream on her tits for the men to lick off & ogle her. She is trash & although I have nothing for CHelsia, until she actually sits on their face, I will reserve a slight bit of judgement. :jam:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 08:50:10 PM
Can mama just have one wish, that Sharon wins HOH - I think she would have every right to put Ryan up, even if she is on their 'side' (and I don't believe she is lol).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 08:51:26 PM
SHaron as HOH is good, but let me remind you, an HOH without lips left to speak may not be a pretty sight :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 09, 2008, 08:53:19 PM
If I hear Natty say one more time "Do they think I'm that stupid? That'd I switch on my partner?" I may have to hurt someone. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 08:53:38 PM
I have nothing for Natalie and would be happy if her and Ryan went before Matt :lol:

I bite my lips to, so I can't make fun of her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 09, 2008, 08:55:11 PM
I agree with both of you. Nat lost all of my respect along with Chelsia when they did their little strip and then Nat going topless in the pool and then sitting on the side of the pool holding both of her ta's ta's. I guess it is just Chelsia's potty mouth and maybe putting ****ing christians, in the same sentence today, and her boyfriend wanting to piss on the bible. No Morals I guess. I did not even want to report that today, but thought it gave us some insight on her attitude. I really have no favorites. Everytime somebody seems to rise above the rest, they fall back down the morality ladder!   :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 09:02:04 PM
I guess I lost respect for Natalie when she walked around and did the milk thing with her boobs. I won't say anything about her abortions because everyone makes choices in life, but *I* just feel like she acts like shes proud of it. I don't think I would be one saying the things she has shared with total strangers. And like you pointed out Blondie with the ****ing Christians, Natalie preaches the bible and her abortion made her change but then she talks about Josh being gay which is against the bible to. So why was it ok for her to be so fast to judge.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:03:34 PM
I have nothing for Natalie and would be happy if her and Ryan went before Matt :lol:

I bite my lips to, so I can't make fun of her.

It is ok to bite your lips. I have chewed the inside of my cheek all week, but this girl is eating her face off! :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 09:04:09 PM
Oh and the difference between Natalie and Sharon with the bible is that I do believe Sharon respects people, herself and God. Anybody can read a bible or say they are a Christian but I think we all know by watching these people what the truth is.

And I agree with Josh and Chelsia in a way, when she sees the show and the things Matt says about her she is going to be so depressed. The girl is clearly desperate.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 09, 2008, 09:04:41 PM
Natty says it again, "YOu think I'm not going to tell my partner?"   :pull

Matty get off your high horse, you're not any better than Josh, you mysoginistic pig.

 :groan: Maybe too much BB for me this weekend.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:04:52 PM
**snip** Everytime somebody seems to rise above the rest, they fall back down the morality ladder!   :lol3:

Aint that the truth!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 09:05:00 PM
I have nothing for Natalie and would be happy if her and Ryan went before Matt :lol:

I bite my lips to, so I can't make fun of her.

It is ok to bite your lips. I have chewed the inside of my cheek all week, but this girl is eating her face off! :groan:

It might just look like its alot harder then it is kwim?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 09, 2008, 09:05:51 PM
I guess I lost respect for Natalie when she walked around and did the milk thing with her boobs. I won't say anything about her abortions because everyone makes choices in life, but *I* just feel like she acts like shes proud of it.

i couldn't figure out the milk thing, and how was that physically possible but now knowing about the abortions makes sense now. 

i totally agree mama why would you be acting proud of that.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:07:15 PM
Natty says it again, "YOu think I'm not going to tell my partner?"   :pull

Matty get off your high horse, you're not any better than Josh, you mysoginistic pig.

 :groan: Maybe too much BB for me this weekend.

OH she will be telling her partner alright!

If Sharon stays...Matt will switch between her & Chelsia's beds like he is playing hot potato.

Ratty Natty is going to run herself to death trying to watch him :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:09:02 PM
I guess I lost respect for Natalie when she walked around and did the milk thing with her boobs. I won't say anything about her abortions because everyone makes choices in life, but *I* just feel like she acts like shes proud of it.

i couldn't figure out the milk thing, and how was that physically possible but now knowing about the abortions makes sense now. 

i totally agree mama why would you be acting proud of that.

Oh anyone can make milk..adoptive moms do it all the time & never been pregnant. Let the baby suckle 20 mins every two hours and after a few weeks then you....  GOTMILK :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 09:12:52 PM
I always thought moms that adopt have to get a shot though?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 09, 2008, 09:17:24 PM
Natty says it again, "YOu think I'm not going to tell my partner?"   :pull

Matty get off your high horse, you're not any better than Josh, you mysoginistic pig.

 :groan: Maybe too much BB for me this weekend.

 :funny:  Me too
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:18:37 PM
I always thought moms that adopt have to get a shot though?

They might do that now, but years ago they just used this device that held a bottle on their shoulder with a tube attached to the breast & the baby suckleing created milk.

On a personal level, I stopped breast feeding & had milk for nearly 3 years after the fact..

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 09:22:04 PM
Hmmm, I know a mom that adopted and she used that device thing and it was just to make it like it was breastfeeding but it was still formula. But I bet even though you didn't stop NC, you still didn't go around squirting it out thinking it was cool :lol:

Matt talking about Natalie: I know her life outside the house is tough so im not going to make her stay here tough :res: He knew her life was tough from day 1.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:32:41 PM
Hmmm, I know a mom that adopted and she used that device thing and it was just to make it like it was breastfeeding but it was still formula. But I bet even though you didn't stop NC, you still didn't go around squirting it out thinking it was cool :lol:

Matt talking about Natalie: I know her life outside the house is tough so im not going to make her stay here tough :res: He knew her life was tough from day 1.

 :lol3: I actually did squirt a few times for fun & thought it was cool... just not for strangers :-[
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 09, 2008, 09:36:48 PM
lol ladies all this got milk talk

i dunno know wouldn't a guy find that off putting,  sure my husband has thought it funny.  But wouldn't it freak out a single guy.

and mama you're right, i think she (rat pack nat) is going to be heartbroken when she sees how Matt has spoken about her on this show.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:41:32 PM
lol ladies all this got milk talk

i dunno know wouldn't a guy find that off putting,  sure my husband has thought it funny.  But wouldn't it freak out a single guy.

and mama you're right, i think she (rat pack nat) is going to be heartbroken when she sees how Matt has spoken about her on this show.

NAWWW! There are actually kinky clubs of people out there that do this for sexual gratification... :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 09:43:42 PM
BTW I figured it out.....

It is not Chelsia's cooch they are is Natty's fish cooking ALLLL THEEE TIMMMEEE :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 09, 2008, 09:44:09 PM
lol ladies all this got milk talk

i dunno know wouldn't a guy find that off putting,  sure my husband has thought it funny.  But wouldn't it freak out a single guy.

and mama you're right, i think she (rat pack nat) is going to be heartbroken when she sees how Matt has spoken about her on this show.

NAWWW! There are actually kinky clubs of people out there that do this for sexual gratification... :groan:


so rats nats will have a fan base
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 09:47:16 PM
Haha when she first did it, before I realized it was because of the abortions, I thought it was just saline or something from her boobs *blush* Someone give that girl some cabbage leaves *runs away laughing*
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: alohakiwi on March 09, 2008, 09:56:38 PM
What are the odds that Adam and Sheial could be swayed to keep James?? Think about it though then it would be Ryan, Nat and Mat against adam, Chel, james, josh and sheila. Taking the supposdly strong players out while the real floaters Shiela and Adam save themselves again thus throwing the house for another loop. Then hopefully Alex walks in the house next week and you all know how he feels about Matt. just wishful thinking lol... :lol3: :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 09, 2008, 09:57:58 PM
i was also thinking after tonights show, will Alex slot in as the 4th on the Bro's alliance taking James spot.  Then Nat is totally out of the picture.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 10:02:39 PM
What are the odds that Adam and Sheial could be swayed to keep James?? Think about it though then it would be Ryan, Nat and Mat against adam, Chel, james, josh and sheila. Taking the supposdly strong players out while the real floaters Shiela and Adam save themselves again thus throwing the house for another loop. Then hopefully Alex walks in the house next week and you all know how he feels about Matt. just wishful thinking lol... :lol3: :meow:

I like that

And judging by what happened this week, I say the chances are as good as not that they will switch up
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 09, 2008, 10:03:22 PM
i was also thinking after tonights show, will Alex slot in as the 4th on the Bro's alliance taking James spot.  Then Nat is totally out of the picture.

 :snicker: Let's go vote somemore for ALex
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 09, 2008, 10:05:02 PM
Ok so I have two wish's. Sharon gets HOH - Ryan, Matt or Natalie leave (im getting sicker of Ryan more and more), and then when Alex comes back (another wish) he joins Sharon/Josh/Chelsia and then its fair :lol:

I don't think Natalie will ever get away from the 'bros' but I can almost gurantee she would be the first out.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: alohakiwi on March 09, 2008, 10:13:24 PM
What are the odds that Adam and Sheial could be swayed to keep James?? Think about it though then it would be Ryan, Nat and Mat against adam, Chel, james, josh and sheila. Taking the supposdly strong players out while the real floaters Shiela and Adam save themselves again thus throwing the house for another loop. Then hopefully Alex walks in the house next week and you all know how he feels about Matt. just wishful thinking lol... :lol3: :meow:

I like that

And judging by what happened this week, I say the chances are as good as not that they will switch up

Yea i know and that sucks butt... :pull lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 09, 2008, 10:21:02 PM
After all that jedi training Natalie and the boys are doing with the things in the house, I know the HOH comp will have nothing to do with that.

Last week was true or false, I think this week will be multiple choice, before or after or A or B.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: alohakiwi on March 09, 2008, 10:30:53 PM
it me be physical since it was true or false last week. Watch with all the studying they do i bet the books on the bookshelf wont be in any of the questions at all,,, :sucks

After all that jedi training Natalie and the boys are doing with the things in the house, I know the HOH comp will have nothing to do with that.

Last week was true or false, I think this week will be multiple choice, before or after or A or B.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: daniellenic on March 09, 2008, 11:59:35 PM
The house has turned on each other.    :meow:  Yeah!  isn't this what we have been waiting for? Well I for one am having a hard time with some of these Hg's this season.

Josh, I liked him for a while, but then as I really watched Josh react today, I have to say, OMG he is a vindictive, foul mouthed, asshole, who is gone to the lowest, disgusting, levels, not only with his actions today, but also the low level, just plain down right, cold mean heartless level, that came out of his mouth today, makes me want to puke!  :barf

Chelsia, Gotta say, I pegged this one, I always thought she is what she is, (go back to Josh) , now reread, she is his clone, she was just as bad as he was. She is just a nasty, potty mouth little brat.   :gaah:

James, Here we go again, Never liked James from the get go!
After he asked today if he should piss on the bible before they give it back to Nat, that was the last straw for me.  :nono2:

These three, all deserve to be evicted, after today's performances, together, all at one time.  :groan:

This is a very different set of people this season. Instead of one heartless evil one, we have, that we know of, at least three, and I bet we see some more hgs letting their cold hearts make them say a lot of things that they might have wished, that they didnt even go there when they are finally on the outside of the house.

I am not talking about the pickle juice and the water though. That was funny!
I am mainly talking about what comes out of their mouths. It is so vulgar and mean, I think that is what they will all three be known as now, when all is over.

Only my opinion!  Thanks for letting me rant. I will compose myself now.

  :carryon:    :lol3:

i TOTALLY agree with you!! .. except about the pickle juice/water -- just bc no matter how much i dislike someone, i just would never do that because i'm not 12!

.. but yeah. the 3 of them need to go immediately.
i'm not opposed to lying and everything else u have to do in this game  -- but james, chel, and joshua aren't good people! they truly need to grow up!

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 10, 2008, 12:18:49 AM
Josh is cracking me up in the hot tub

sorry that talking to himself is only going to work in his favour.

and he mentioned neiman marcus  :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 10, 2008, 01:23:16 AM
ED copy cat!  :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 02:03:36 AM
ED copy cat!  :groan:

mmmmhhmmm :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 02:06:32 AM
Haha Sheila just said she would have made out with Alex :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 02:09:14 AM
I'm over it.

I have done my research and these people are just plain nasty ,...I wanta puke but I forgot how :lol:

I feel so nasty now when I get to the top of the page and hafta click 'go down'...Can that be changed? Seriously :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 10, 2008, 08:26:15 AM

i TOTALLY agree with you!! .. except about the pickle juice/water -- just bc no matter how much i dislike someone, i just would never do that because i'm not 12!

I thought it was funny, because it did not rattle Nat at all, like they thought it would. Just showed us how childish they are

I feel so nasty now when I get to the top of the page and hafta click 'go down'...Can that be changed? Seriously

 :groan:  :lol3: I never thought of that, OMG!

I guess NASTY is the best word for them. Yep, just plain Nasty!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 10, 2008, 08:32:30 AM
I'm thinking this is the show that will never end, they will keep bringing back people until we are all old and gray. Ground Hog Day BB9.   :bump  :taze  :meow:  B:)  :wise
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 10, 2008, 08:38:03 AM
 :lol3: :lol3:  TL  :waves:  It has to end, they have been almost as nasty as they can in the house this season.  :pull :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 10, 2008, 08:57:52 AM
We can only hope Blondie!!  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 10, 2008, 09:38:43 AM
After all that jedi training Natalie and the boys are doing with the things in the house, I know the HOH comp will have nothing to do with that.

Last week was true or false, I think this week will be multiple choice, before or after or A or B.

hi ya! :waves: this week will prob be endurance [cuz we are voting in a evicted HG, i hope it is Alex ] so the hoh will have to be endurance, sense the evicted HG has been gone, and will not know whats been up, everytime we have put a evicted HG back in it has always been endurance :tup:remember kaysar in the pressure steamer with the finger on the button when we voted him back and he let go so jen could win hoh :meow: Alex [LOL] should be back on weds right before the hoh comp begins, i think the siren will sound! after james goes, than BAM!!! Alex walks in the door, hoh comp [endurace is played] :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 10, 2008, 10:08:59 AM
if Josh goes next week it is going to be watching the gay bro's body slamming and nairing each up and talking smack about women with their hands down their pants.
I don't think i can handle it.
Josh may have said a lot of wrong stuff yesterday but at least he is entertaining to watch.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: DocTerv on March 10, 2008, 10:41:47 AM
I can hardly watch this mess. These HGs are just totally lacking any redeeming qualities and without someone to root for, well I just keep wandering off. Heaven knows I'm no prude but a houseful of people who are both disgusting AND less intelligent than the guinea pigs does not compelling television make. I gave up on the feeds after the free 2 weeks (thanks RFF for the freebie btw!) and I'm only hanging in now because I enjoy reading the forums.  :waves:

I hope our fearless recappers are wearing their Haz-Met suits. Be prepared to be decontaminated after this Bio-Hazard of a season. And penicillin. You made need some penicillin just from watching.

Doesn't Nat put you in mind of "Fatal Attraction"? Matty may find a boiled GP on his stove one day.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 10, 2008, 11:03:59 AM
That hilarious scene that Josh did last night with the imaginary football team definitely will make it on TV on Wednesday's episode.

I loved it when they showed him dancing all the way from his bed to the bathroom on last night's episode.

I'm telling you, BB house will be all  B:) B:) without Josh!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 10, 2008, 11:16:31 AM
Haha Sheila just said she would have made out with Alex :lol:

hi ya! mama2myboys :waves: yep! LOL.. thats the key words [Shelia SAID, she would, NOT Alex LOL]...i really hope alex is voted back in, he is the only evicted HG that i can see that can have a second chance at the game!...I dont think alex is going to be in a allaince with the NASTY BROS!... i think he will use 1 or 2 of them [for now] but he will be in a alliance with shelia and sharon!.. if parker came back, that would be a wasted vote [no one will work with him ] same as allison, jen, amanda MIGHT last 1 week thats it!, and WHO is JAKE LOL, the mintue these HG see Alex walk in that door, they will try and bring him in!.....shelia really did trust and like Alex, as did sharon..I really think he has achance to play this game, and go along way! un-like any of the other evicted HG! it will prob be in [endurance] the hoh comp! cuz Alex has been out of the house for afew weeks! so it cant be a comp on Q'S & A'S...T or F, ect ect! it might be a all nighter on the feeds :jam: and the HG do talk to each other while doing a endurance comp! i am hoping shelia will fill Alex in on what has been going down in the house [as i am sure she will] LOVE your post! and i LOVE this SITE! glad i found it! that i know the season will be a full one, i will be donating! :tup: and I for SURE will have the feeds again for summer bb, i will get them here!.. i didnt know about this site, or i would have gotten them here [to help you guys out!] ROCK THE VOTE FOR ALEX TO COME BACK IN THE BB HOUSE! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: LUVBB on March 10, 2008, 03:23:30 PM
Ok so I have two wish's. Sharon gets HOH - Ryan, Matt or Natalie leave (im getting sicker of Ryan more and more), and then when Alex comes back (another wish) he joins Sharon/Josh/Chelsia and then its fair :lol:

I don't think Natalie will ever get away from the 'bros' but I can almost gurantee she would be the first out.

I don't see how anyone could be for Josh or Chels....they are both a couple of asses, Ryan has been the nicest HOH that they have had so far, the rest have been power freaks, staying up in the HOH all day watching the spy cam...I hope Jen comes back and screws everything up for everyone because right now I don't want any of them getting the money!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 03:32:58 PM

Just read the latest on the live feed updates.....

Sharon failed to keep her "**** shut" it appears :ascared

I don't want James or CHelsia to win nothing.

Ryan has been a decent HOH .

I still want to see Alex back cuz he seemed nice from what I saw of him
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: LUVBB on March 10, 2008, 04:04:55 PM

Just read the latest on the live feed updates.....

Sharon failed to keep her "**** shut" it appears :ascared

I don't want James or CHelsia to win nothing.

Ryan has been a decent HOH .

I still want to see Alex back cuz he seemed nice from what I saw of him

Sharon was running her mouth!!! She is really sneaky with her spying and all, I don't think Sheila is falling for it just getting info,  if Alex comes back I just hope he fights to stay this time....gotta campaign!! And I would want to see Alex win it all
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: LUVBB on March 10, 2008, 04:07:17 PM
Just one more thing I wouldn't doubt that Chel does stink....look at the weirdo she hooked up with....but then I guess they are both weirdos  :meow:    :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 04:08:00 PM

Just read the latest on the live feed updates.....

Sharon failed to keep her "**** shut" it appears :ascared

I don't want James or CHelsia to win nothing.

Ryan has been a decent HOH .

I still want to see Alex back cuz he seemed nice from what I saw of him

Sharon was running her mouth!!! She is really sneaky with her spying and all, I don't think Sheila is falling for it just getting info,  if Alex comes back I just hope he fights to stay this time....gotta campaign!! And I would want to see Alex win it all

Me too. He is the only one that hasn't tarnished his image with me yet... :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 04:57:27 PM
Ok so I have two wish's. Sharon gets HOH - Ryan, Matt or Natalie leave (im getting sicker of Ryan more and more), and then when Alex comes back (another wish) he joins Sharon/Josh/Chelsia and then its fair :lol:

I don't think Natalie will ever get away from the 'bros' but I can almost gurantee she would be the first out.

I don't see how anyone could be for Josh or Chels....they are both a couple of asses, Ryan has been the nicest HOH that they have had so far, the rest have been power freaks, staying up in the HOH all day watching the spy cam...I hope Jen comes back and screws everything up for everyone because right now I don't want any of them getting the money!!

Im not for them, im against the bros and hos. Which is why I would root for J/S/C to get HOH because then Sharon would be safe.

And Ryan did go on a power trip with his HOH. Just like when he lied to Chelsias face and then started laughing and was like "look at that smile on your face, your in for a surprise". And why is Matt wearing his (Ryan's) HOH key around his wrist? Because its pretty much Matt's HOH this week.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 05:14:33 PM
Oh and I forgot to add that im getting annoyed at Natalie about how they are running this ****, and they will always have all the power. She needs a reality check which is why I would love for one of the others to get HOH (like Sharon but I don't see it happening unfortuently).

And when did Sharon run her mouth on the live feeds? The things she told Sheila were the truth, so how could they come back and bite her?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 10, 2008, 05:30:13 PM
sheila is playing both sides against each other beautifully. I still think she is more loyal to the hos and bros bcuz she only lies to josh/james/chelsia/sharon alliance
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 05:32:54 PM
I have only heard her act like she didn't know what was going on, Sheila is going to stick with whoever has power. Like it would be insteresting if Josh, Sharon or Chelsia get HOH because you know she'd be up their butts :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 06:33:06 PM
 :lol3:  Mama's post that James said Matt looked like Tom Selleck with Down Syndrome..

That is some funny **** :lol3:

p.s. i would never make fun of some innocent person  with a disability :(

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 06:47:23 PM
Sharon telling Adam that Jacob loved him and Ryan. LOL!

 :lol3: I luv Sharon. Bless her heart but she is gettin  kinda lame :(

And her plan to put up people has already been divulged.....she is scaring me :ascared
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 06:47:25 PM
Hehe, just him saying he looked like Tom Selleck was funny.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 07:50:15 PM
Sharon would put up Matt/Natalie I think. And how is James telling them who Sharon would put up any different when him and Chelsia would put up the same people? Duh! :lol:

Who do ya'll think will get HOH this week. I have a good feeling it is one of the ones that can get the bros and hos out. Hopefully its Natalie that goes. I know there is lying in this game, but her calling people out for lying is getting annoying when she does the same thing kwim? And then preaches about how Sharon preaches the bible but does what she does - ummm Natalie you are NO bettter.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 10, 2008, 07:51:57 PM
I think that this week's HOH is endurance.  I am not sure who could win it.  I think that any of the girls are most likely to win it and maybe Alex, if he comes back intot he house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 08:13:24 PM

Shelia tellin 'em Sharon really did have a plan to put them up??? :ascared
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 10, 2008, 08:16:36 PM
I think that this week's HOH is endurance.  I am not sure who could win it.  I think that any of the girls are most likely to win it and maybe Alex, if he comes back intot he house.

hi ya! sass :waves: yes it will have to be [endurance] this weds. b/cuz the evicted HG that is coming back [ALEX] has been out of the house for 2 weeks, so bb cant do a Q'S & A'S, or a T&F, i think it will go down like this, james gets evicted, the HG are all getting ready for the hoh comp, than [BAM!!] the siren goes off, and ALEX comes in the bb house :yess:  i really think Alex is the only evicted HG these people will work with, shelia, and sharon FOR SURE will fill him in on what is going on!...out of all the evicted HG i believe Alex is the only one that has achance to play the game! :jumpy: :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 10, 2008, 08:22:14 PM
Yep sunshine, I actually thought that this week would be endurance last week.

Actually what I find to be interesting is that they are doing the HOH comps by type in the same order that they did them in last season, which means that next week's HOH comp will be asking the remaining HGs question of who said this pertaining to the evictted HGs.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 08:30:40 PM
I personally think that Matt would not be good at endurance unless it was upper body. I dunno, thats just my feeling. I think he is one of those that has a body but pain is his weakness :lol: Unfortuently Natalie would be good at endurance, who knows. I hope its Sharon :'(

I thought it would be endurance this week to, but then if they are bringing someone back, then thats like a surprise for the HG and I wonder if they will need to speed up the HOH, then again they never care about it ending before the show, DUH me.

I see the whiner boys got a new basketball hoop :res:

I know im hated for rooting for Josh, Chelsia and Sharon but hey, I think that Matt, Natalie and Ryan (and now Sheila even) have been twice as cocky as the others.

I think I would like to give Natalie punch and tell her there is alcohol in it, see what she does :lol: I realize shes little and a light weight but I think she fakes it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 09:26:38 PM
I personally think that Matt would not be good at endurance unless it was upper body. **SNIP**I hope its Sharon :'(


I know im hated for rooting for Josh, Chelsia and Sharon but hey, I think that Matt, Natalie and Ryan (and now Sheila even) have been twice as cocky as the others.

I think I would like to give Natalie punch and tell her there is alcohol in it, see what she does :lol: I realize shes little and a light weight but I think she fakes it.

I have faith in Sharon. SHe is a Marine Kid.. ;) Semper FI :tup:

That statement about Natalie is about the funniest and most truthful  thing I have heard today! :lol: We could hope she fakes it..if not, I am not sure she is praying enough. Her need to kkeep saying "I am not dumb" worries me.  That's like me saying, "I am not really fat"..when I know darn well I am. :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 10, 2008, 10:03:42 PM
i hope sheila wins the next hoh. i am curious to see how she would handle it. :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 10:37:02 PM
I have been reading the updates and I don't know about anyone else, but I get the sneaking suspicion that Sharon did not keep her **** shut and she seems pissed...Right or Wrong? :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 10, 2008, 10:42:57 PM
I have been reading the updates and I don't know about anyone else, but I get the sneaking suspicion that Sharon did not keep her **** shut and she seems pissed...Right or Wrong? :lol3:

I don't know, I'm still unsure about that.  ;)  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 10, 2008, 10:46:31 PM
i knew sheila wasn't buying it today.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 10:54:03 PM
i knew sheila wasn't buying it today.

OH she bought it..but then she sold the hell out of it :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 10:55:09 PM
What Sharon said was turned around, she was honest about what was said. And I do believe Sheila "bought it" and understood UNTIL Natalie turned it completly around.

And lets not forget Sheila sat there and said that she never once, not ONCE said she would follow through wtih getting Matt out, and yet wasn't it her that sat there and told Sharon that she was goign to talk to Natalie (and did that same night) about how Matt was treating her?

I honestly feel bad for Sharon because as a military brat myself we are raised to protect people (and game or not, Natalie put on a good act). I do believe Sharon (not Josh, Sharon) was trying to protect Natalie from getting hurt anymore in the game, knowing good and well that Matt was using her.

Sharon may have said things, but I know the things she told Ryan, the talk she had with Sheila were true things. And James is the one that started this so look where the info is coming from? Someone who is trying to stay and campaigning against her. The same one that said himself Sharon does nothing but read her bible all day and feed the guniea pigs.

My Marine girl, when her time is done in the house and she will leave, will walk out with honor and respect for herself. Some of these people are going to be freaked out when they get out of the house (Adam losing his job for something he said, Sheila flip flopping - and her darn book deal that she supposedly has one day and then not the next day, Chelsia for her mouth, Matt - hes tried to play every girl (which is why he has a problem with Sharon, she didn't fall for it), I think the rest ones speak for themselves. Natalie in a whole other corner.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 10, 2008, 10:57:33 PM
Been out of the loop today, did Shelia tell Nat that Matt made out with Sharon and Chelsia when they were HOH's?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 11:07:33 PM
Ok, Sharon confronted James and he admitted that he started the rumor that Sharon is pissed about!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 10, 2008, 11:12:47 PM
Sharon has to get HOH even more now because they are telling her not to and I think that will send a flag to her brain like "why don't they want me to get HOH".

I guess in that case, go Josh and Chelsia *hides*. I can't take Matt/Natalie/Ryan anymore :'( I can say I haven't disliked this many people in a season before lol.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 10, 2008, 11:45:00 PM
Been out of the loop today, did Shelia tell Nat that Matt made out with Sharon and Chelsia when they were HOH's?


That's what I am getting from their conversation
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 12:07:30 AM
Not necessarily my prefernce but I think it would be exciting if.....

Baller secretly  vote to keep James's nasty butt

Then when they announce "by a vote of 4 to 2".........

THen ALEX walks in.... :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 12:28:49 AM
RFF Assistant Administrator

     Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Tuesday 3/11
« Reply #25 on: Today at 01:02:41 AM » Quote 

Oh Nat just ticks me off she was bitchen in the kitchen that the DR has to supply them with more milk because THEY won the milk and the sloppers are drinking all of it.
Ryan can't believe they are allowed to drink the milk either, this coming from someone that has not not been on slop yet. 

Well Afterall she has to have her milk & fluids to keep her supply up :groan:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 01:21:48 AM
Anyone want a good laugh? Go here and read the live feed updates on Josh/Chelsia/James conclusion about couples in the house. Its SOOOOO funny and it has gone to tehir head. Ok you had to have been there.,14823.50.htm
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 01:33:49 AM
 :lol3: @ Puddin naming Nat the "attention whore" :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 01:39:59 AM
LOL! Its sad when even Adam looks like he is saying "get off of me".
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 01:43:59 AM
LOL! Its sad when even Adam looks like he is saying "get off of me".
:lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 11, 2008, 01:52:12 AM
 :groan: Josh needs to get out of the hot tub the heat is getting to his head :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:02:33 AM
Wasn't it Chelsia imsodesperatetosavemybedbuddy that put it into Josh's head?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 02:06:43 AM
All I can do is give Sheila kudos for stirring the pot & twisting arms.

SHe has outed the Sharon put up the boys club plot & Matty betraying Nat all in one night :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 11, 2008, 02:09:46 AM
....and he gets influenced that easy and ran with it for the past hour

I don't know how he thinks he doesn't belong with the rest of the houseguests, oh yea ... you belong  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:11:15 AM
Ooh Matt just pissed me off, why doesn't he just come clean to Natalie about kissing Sharon? They are not partners.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:16:49 AM
At least it was entertaining, better than Natalie trying to get attention. She acts so pissed at Matt, arguing with him about the kiss then says "can I still get that massage before you get tired". Wow!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:36:02 AM
Thanks to Peach, doesn't it look like Matt is trying to say "crap she caught me, now what lie do I tell" :lol:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 10:03:21 AM
I really wish the women in this house (josh included) would gang together against the meatheads.

I can't stand listening to them especially that Matt.  He is such a chauvinistic pig and thinks he is running the house.

I was rooting for Sharon and now she is getting played by Sheila/Nat I feel sorry for her.  but she does come across as a bit lame-o

Who knew that Sheila would turn out to be such a good player.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 11, 2008, 10:48:34 AM
I have been thinking alot about Shelia-she has made some bone head moves, but I'm am wondering if she is really playing the game hard?  She said one of her freinds gave her a lot of advise, and I don't buy for one minuet that she never watched the show.  The other thing is at her age (my age) I can't beleive what she listens to and acts nieve about.  Little things really, but you don't get to be in your 40s without learning a thing or two.  Also, being a "pet" she learned to play coy and manipulate people- I am sure.  I just think this cougar might just be a sly fox in disguise! 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 11:08:21 AM
hi everyone :waves: WTH is bb putting in that [slop] i cant believe james, chelisa, and josh think matt, and nat are a real life couple :lol3: they are going to look like fools when they get out! Nat to Matt [are you going to give me a massage later, Matt to Nat [maybe later] :lol3: he has being saying that from day one [maybe later] Nat just doesnt get it! i think sharon better watch out what she tells nat, or she just might get voted out! sharon knows that Nat is in love with Matt :groan: and that Nat might be jealous enough to vote her out! plus Matt might be looking at the larger picture on what sharon might be up to, [what happen to laying low, like she said, she better wait until after the hoh comp] i am so HOPING ALEX walks through those doors on weds........ :yess:
 he is the only evicted HG i can see that really has achance in playing the game! shelia and sharon for sure will be happy to see him! maybe even josh and chelisa [i dont like those 2 , BUT they dont have anyone at this time]JMO, but i think the hoh comp will have to be [mental endurance, not phyical] it will be something like holding down a button, or key,] it will have to be cuz [ALEX] wouldnt be able to do a T or F, or Q & A, cuz he was out of the house ! cant wait for weds show! :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 11, 2008, 11:12:29 AM
Well Sheila is no joy to Update  B:) B:) B:) , but I am loving her game play right now.  And a woman alliance in BB? That would be a welcome surprise! One more reason it would be nice to have a woman walk back in the door would be if they would gang up on the Bro's!  The boys in this house are getting just a little too smug for my liking...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 11, 2008, 11:17:34 AM

The whole point of the game is, who can PLAY it the best. Who can backstab, lie , cheat, and who can intimidate the others to break. 

Sharon, she has done nothing until now strategy wise. She has kept to herself, and that will be her downfall. She just sat back and read and watched, when she should have been interacting besides kissing everyone in the pool. She has done nothing. She is tooo nice to win this game.

Josh, he is now resorting to really play the game, but I think he started too late. He was too worried about Allison. Getting dirty in the game is one thing, but he is trying to belittle everyone now, like Dick. Dick would never have thought to do the catsup, abortion thing though. He is bad, but that is just sickening

Chelsia, well you all know what I think of that stinky little whore!
James,   same for James, he is just disgusting.

Nat.. Where in the world did they find this. She is as fake as her boobs. You cannot win this game, if you are that stupid. She just thinks that she is too good, like Sharon to win this game, but she does not compare to Sharon's real goodness.

Matt.. He thinks he is Dick, but he is in a whole other category. He does not PLAY the game either. He just floats along smiling alot. Nat won the POVs. purely by accident, it did not take that much smarts when she won.

Ryan.. He never had a chance from the get go. I really think that Ryan is too good of a person to win either.  He has done what everybody else tells him to do, cant think for himself.

Adam,, What has Adam done? Nothing, absolutely nothing. He will never go far, because, he does not know what is going on most of the time. He will lose any comp that has to do with hgs questions, because he has not taken the time to get to know any of them. He will scratch scratch his balls as he is leaving the house.

Shelia.. So we have Sheila! Scarey!! She has been playing the game from the beginning. She knows alot about each Hgs, because she has sit and talked to all of them. Sometimes I cant tell if she is acting or not. I just dont think she can be as mean as you need to become to win.

Our only hope, for a winner who deserves this title, is the Hgs that will be returning!

As much as I love BB. I now wish it had been a short season, just to get rid of all of these nonplayers. I sure hope BB10 has some hgs that really knows how to play the game, know how to make alliances and backstab silently as to not get caught. We dont have the smartest cookies in the house right now. We have people who think the game should just be given to them, without doing much.

Sorry another rant! This group is just not one of my favorites.   :groan:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 11:19:46 AM
 The boys in this house are getting just a little too smug for my liking...

 :jam: :jam: :jam: :jam:

i totally agree, i want to see some girl power

yeah i think sheila will be able to rock the house guests questions
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 11, 2008, 11:23:19 AM
Sheila really knows alot about the others. It will be interesting to see a comp of hgs questions, to see if she freezes or flys right through for a win.

By the way Patlini you are doing a great job in the feeds. You will be a pro at it soon!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 11, 2008, 11:25:04 AM
From a game stand point- I really liked Sharon, but she was taking a big gamble with Shelia and that bit her.  I would like to see Sharon pull it together and outplay the rest.  If Shelia could have kept her mouth shut and not told Nat that would have been the best play all around.  Shelia could always have used it later if she needed to-I'm not sure what she is doing.  Shelia is either a complete idiot or a mastermind?  

I am not happy with any of this season so far at all, too many Dick impersonators.  Everyone is telling everyone everything- makes no sense at all! :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 11, 2008, 11:27:57 AM
Why does BB want them all up this AM? What do they have to do??
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 11, 2008, 11:31:27 AM
That's what I am talking about Queeny. They go and tell everything they know to everyone and then wonder why their plans are not working!

I am with you on Sheila, she is either a complete idiot or a mastermind.

I like Sharon as a person, she is about the only one,  but she does not know how to play the game. If she could only get it together, but as long as she has Josh, James and Chelsia in her alliance, she might as well hang it up. Hopefully she will align with the hg that comes back and they keep their alliance a secret.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 11, 2008, 11:33:45 AM
Why does BB want them all up this AM? What do they have to do??

Maybe they are waking all the big babies up just to torture us live feeders!   :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 11, 2008, 11:41:33 AM
Hope She smarts upa nd does align with the new HG Blondie- that would be awesome!

Aren't goodbye messages today?  Could that be why they got them up?  Last week was 11:30 Est.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 11:45:19 AM
Well Sheila is no joy to Update  B:) B:) B:) , but I am loving her game play right now.  And a woman alliance in BB? That would be a welcome surprise! One more reason it would be nice to have a woman walk back in the door would be if they would gang up on the Bro's!  The boys in this house are getting just a little too smug for my liking...

hi ya! [peach] :waves: i hear ya!, i dont like the bros either!.. i also think shelia is playing a smart game JMO!..i dont think Alex will be with those guys! knows Matt lied, he cant stand josh [josh is the reason Alex got evicted, i know they told him b/cuz of amanda BUT still he put him up and out!.. i think the girls need a guy to trust and help them out!....any of the other girls allison, she will roll with chelisa, ewwww [sorry] and Jen will go with the boys, as will parker [remember Matt is parkers boy :pull.. amanda will go with josh [she loves him now! cuz he tried to keep her in the game!] shelia and sharon will be happy to see Alex..they like and trust him! and they need one guy [atlease] and i think Alex is thier hope! remember when Alex got evited, he told shelia he still wants to help her and her son! as he was walking out the door! shelia said she cant believe that he would do that for her son![as she was crying] Alex is a nice guy!, and shelia really didnt want him to go, sharon didnt either![sharon also cried over Alex leaving] and Alex was starting to get close to sharon! JMO, but i hear ya! on the BROS!, i dont want to see them win this game! atlease not matt, josh, or adam, ryan seems nice!, BUT he is going to roll with his boys! :res: thanks for letting me RANT ON! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 12:27:04 PM

By the way Patlini you are doing a great job in the feeds. You will be a pro at it soon!

thanks blondie :hugs:, just got to get the hang of the screen shots
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 12:28:37 PM
I think there is a twist that has something to do with TEETH.

Baller -well you know... :lol: chews his own teeth or something
Ryan- has small teeth & a tiny underbite
James -has an overbite
Chelsia -whitens her teeth til they blind you
SHaron -has a retainer
Josh-  has a lispy little underbite
Sheila- has a bad tooth & needs a new cap
Matt-well his teeth are big
Natalie-ummm..well she's  a shark :ascared

Okay, so I listened to Josh, Chelsia & James too much last night . Josh cracked me up :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 12:52:38 PM
Why does BB want them all up this AM? What do they have to do??

Wouldn't you think they would be happy to let them sleep too? If we get bored, I'm sure they are too!

:asskiss :meme :yak :drama :wall:  :smoke =  :BBored
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 12:55:43 PM

hi ya! [peach] :waves: i hear ya!, i dont like the bros either!.. i also think shelia is playing a smart game JMO!..i dont think Alex will be with those guys! knows Matt lied, he cant stand josh [josh is the reason Alex got evicted, i know they told him b/cuz of amanda BUT still he put him up and out!.. i think the girls need a guy to trust and help them out!....any of the other girls allison, she will roll with chelisa, ewwww [sorry] and Jen will go with the boys, as will parker [remember Matt is parkers boy :pull.. amanda will go with josh [she loves him now! cuz he tried to keep her in the game!] shelia and sharon will be happy to see Alex..they like and trust him! and they need one guy [atlease] and i think Alex is thier hope! remember when Alex got evited, he told shelia he still wants to help her and her son! as he was walking out the door! shelia said she cant believe that he would do that for her son![as she was crying] Alex is a nice guy!, and shelia really didnt want him to go, sharon didnt either![sharon also cried over Alex leaving] and Alex was starting to get close to sharon! JMO, but i hear ya! on the BROS!, i dont want to see them win this game! atlease not matt, josh, or adam, ryan seems nice!, BUT he is going to roll with his boys! :res: thanks for letting me RANT ON! :waves:

No problem Sunshine. Honestly every time I think maybe I could go with one of these people to win they do something so stupid you just sit in stunned belief.  :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 11, 2008, 01:18:43 PM
just have to comment on james: poor guy he thinks he'll have a place to live for 2 more months.
he thinks he will go the jury house but he will be one spot short wait till he finds out that after house calls hes going to go back to bicycling around the world and not the jury house.

Poor guy lol  :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 01:30:55 PM
has any girl ever been in one guys pocket so much like nat and mat on this show.
it makes me so sick watching/reading about it
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 01:55:31 PM
just have to comment on james: poor guy he thinks he'll have a place to live for 2 more months.
he thinks he will go the jury house but he will be one spot short wait till he finds out that after house calls hes going to go back to bicycling around the world and not the jury house.

Poor guy lol  :'(

LOL.. well we ARE talking about BB9, and we ARE dealing with phruitcake producers this season so who knows, he may to to the alternative house in case we want to bring him back.  :umn:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 01:56:48 PM
just have to comment on james: poor guy he thinks he'll have a place to live for 2 more months.
he thinks he will go the jury house but he will be one spot short wait till he finds out that after house calls hes going to go back to bicycling around the world and not the jury house.

Poor guy lol  :'(

hi ya! jay :waves: i know this might sound tough! and i  really  dont want it to sound that way!, :'( but james wants to live the way he does, james does have family and friends that he could stay with, he is only 21 years old, and he wants to just chill with his bike! james could go and stay with family, or get a job! he doesnt want to ! [ so really it is james's choice, it's not like james is older lost a job, and family and is on the streets, [he isnt] the owner of the bar [james's best friend said on the bb clip that when james isnt riding his bike, [now does james ride his bike around the world, that takes some big bucks] he is always at the club! james is just a kid doing what he wants to do!, i hope he grows up, and sees if you want to make something out of your life, you cant just ride your bike around the world JMO! dont worry, james wants to live the way he does,  :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 11, 2008, 02:00:20 PM
just have to comment on james: poor guy he thinks he'll have a place to live for 2 more months.
he thinks he will go the jury house but he will be one spot short wait till he finds out that after house calls hes going to go back to bicycling around the world and not the jury house.

Poor guy lol  :'(

hi ya! jay :waves: i know this might sound tough! and i  really  dont want it to sound that way!, :'( but james wants to live the way he does, james does have family and friends that he could stay with, he is only 21 years old, and he wants to just chill with his bike! james could go and stay with family, or get a job! he doesnt want to ! [ so really it is james's choice, it's not like james is older lost a job, and family and is on the streets, [he isnt] the owner of the bar [james's best friend said on the bb clip that when james isnt riding his bike, [now does james ride his bike around the world, that takes some big bucks] he is always at the club! james is just a kid doing what he wants to do!, i hope he grows up, and sees if you want to make something out of your life, you cant just ride your bike around the world JMO! dont worry, james wants to live the way he does,  :waves:
yea i know just commenting bc he is expecting to live in a mansion soon but not to be
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 02:04:26 PM
just have to comment on james: poor guy he thinks he'll have a place to live for 2 more months.
he thinks he will go the jury house but he will be one spot short wait till he finds out that after house calls hes going to go back to bicycling around the world and not the jury house.

Poor guy lol  :'(

hi ya! jay :waves: i know this might sound tough! and i  really  dont want it to sound that way!, :'( but james wants to live the way he does, james does have family and friends that he could stay with, he is only 21 years old, and he wants to just chill with his bike! james could go and stay with family, or get a job! he doesnt want to ! [ so really it is james's choice, it's not like james is older lost a job, and family and is on the streets, [he isnt] the owner of the bar [james's best friend said on the bb clip that when james isnt riding his bike, [now does james ride his bike around the world, that takes some big bucks] he is always at the club! james is just a kid doing what he wants to do!, i hope he grows up, and sees if you want to make something out of your life, you cant just ride your bike around the world JMO! dont worry, james wants to live the way he does,  :waves:
yea i know just commenting bc he is expecting to live in a mansion soon but not to be

maybe bb will put him in a [SEQ] place, with all the twist, they just might vote back in someone!else [dont give up]  :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:29:14 PM
Now im nervous, I know things change in the BB house but is Natalie really playing James? The one that threw pickles and pickle juice on her?

Shes saying she doesn't trust Sharon, the quiet are the stronger, etc. Ummm is she just doing it to make James think she is keeping him?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 02:32:38 PM
Now im nervous, I know things change in the BB house but is Natalie really playing James? The one that threw pickles and pickle juice on her?

Shes saying she doesn't trust Sharon, the quiet are the stronger, etc. Ummm is she just doing it to make James think she is keeping him?

SHE doesn't trust Sharon because Sheila told her about Matt Kissing SHaron & she is jealous.... :lol3:

Now suddenly Sharon is a threat to her attention & SHeila has once again played with their heads ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:37:39 PM
She says Sharon is a spy and a sneak, how is that any different then the things James is willing to do? He started rumors to try and get Sharon out, instead of just plain campaigning for himself.

And your right, thats why I do believe that Natalie doesn't like Chelsia :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 02:40:10 PM
She says Sharon is a spy and a sneak, how is that any different then the things James is willing to do? He started rumors to try and get Sharon out, instead of just plain campaigning for himself.

And your right, thats why I do believe that Natalie doesn't like Chelsia :res:

Like was said on the feed update...Nat is an "attention whore" & wants to be the only gal in the house :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:43:57 PM
I personally don't think Josh himself will go for it, he said to Adam he would not turn his back on Sharon because she was his partner. And as much as he likes James, Sharon offers the same thing. James would have Chelsias back, not Josh's.

And I do believe Natalie is playing James, if she isn't playing him I may just scream
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 02:48:29 PM
I personally don't think Josh himself will go for it, he said to Adam he would not turn his back on Sharon because she was his partner. And as much as he likes James, Sharon offers the same thing. James would have Chelsias back, not Josh's.

And I do believe Natalie is playing James, if she isn't playing him I may just scream

I don't think she is playing him. I think it is more important to get rid of the girl who kissed her Patnah than anything else right now..I think Josh will cut a deal :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 11, 2008, 02:49:12 PM
OMG-I think Nat is wanting to get Sharon out now because of the kiss!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 02:49:57 PM
I personally don't think Josh himself will go for it, he said to Adam he would not turn his back on Sharon because she was his partner. And as much as he likes James, Sharon offers the same thing. James would have Chelsias back, not Josh's.

And I do believe Natalie is playing James, if she isn't playing him I may just scream

I may just scream for the heck of it!  :pull  These people are insane! Why would Josh go along with this? Or Nat for that matter.  :umn:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:52:21 PM
Natalie is mad at Matt because he made out with girls (Sharon being one of them) and played her for a fool (I would be more worried about other things you have done).

I really think Josh is just playing along but his vote will go for Sharon. It better  :pull

Over making out with someone, you are not married Natalie :barf
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 02:58:40 PM
Vote to evict James: Sheila, Matt, Adam?
Vote to evict Sharon: Josh, Chelsia, Natalie

I really do not see Adam going against Matt and Ryan for James' sake kwim? And therefore it would be a tie, and Ryan breaks it. Now im pissed.

And I am sick of Natalie, she really is pissed about the kiss. But she blames Sharon because Sharon pulled him in for the kiss :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 03:02:21 PM
is she for real or just playing josh?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 03:09:14 PM
wow, i dont know if nat is playing james and josh BUT WTH, sharon, i said it in a post last night! is a damn fool for telling shelia or nat about matt kissing her, sharon should have known that NAT would go CRAZY! and vote sharon out!, cuz well, nat for some physco reason thinks she and matt are in love :pull that girl is driving me CRAZY! :pull, i knew the mintue sharon told that matt kissed her! this would go down, just got to wait and see if nat is playing james and josh, if she is , she is pretty good at it! (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 03:19:08 PM
wow, i dont know if nat is playing james and josh BUT WTH, sharon, i said it in a post last night! is a damn fool for telling shelia or nat about matt kissing her, sharon should have known that NAT would go CRAZY! and vote sharon out!, cuz well, nat for some physco reason thinks she and matt are in love :pull that girl is driving me CRAZY! :pull, i knew the mintue sharon told that matt kissed her! this would go down, just got to wait and see if nat is playing james and josh, if she is , she is pretty good at it! (:;)

Nat isn't playin....Sharon couldn't keep her **** shut!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 03:20:00 PM
if nat is for real, than she is DOOM either way, i dont see adam voting to keep james, he will not go agaisnt ryan and matt, not for nat, thats for sure, adam will go tell ryan and matt what nat is up to, that chick is dead on both sides now! i dont want sharon to go! :'( :i want sharon to work with Alex! if i was in that house, bb would have kicked me out, cuz i would have been :meow: the hell out of NAT!  :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 03:22:17 PM
I really do not see where Natalie is thinking she will get more protection from James, Chelsia and Josh. She says she knows the 'boys' are not going to protect her but she would be the first in J/C/J alliance because they have been together from the start.

Natalie says she can not trust Sharon, but wasn't it Matt that screwed her over to? He did the same thing with Chelsia and yet she is going to be in an alliance with her and someone who threw pickles on her.

And if Adam budges I think I may be even more mad, he would def. have more protection with Matt/Ryan then he woudl with James

I don't think Sharon did tell Sheila - Matt told her that he was making out with her so he could stay

Looks like Sharon is leaving, **** you James.

No, Sheila is now doing what Matt is doing - therefore it will be 4/2 :'( I hate these bitches
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 03:26:07 PM
The only thing we can hope for is that Josh is bull****ting James (for some reason I DO believe that). And then evne with Sheila and Natalies vote it could still be split and I think Ryan would send out James.

What did Sharon say? Sharon said nothing more then what James did and if she would keep someone who threw pickle juice on her and someone who did what everyone has done in this game?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 03:27:16 PM
I knew this could possibly happen when I saw Sheila telling Nat how to confront Matt about the kiss.

THey now know Sheila is the one who told Ryan to back off the back dooring of Matt.

Sheila knew Natty would go  mad crazy if she knew about the kissing.

Sheila also was the one who let the cat out of the bag about Sharon so openly planning to put the boys up......

Nat has just as good a chance with the queer folk crew as she does with the heman woman haters.  Neither of them are going to go out on a limb for her & she is starting to figure that out.  Remember, SHE IS NOT DUMB :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 03:27:30 PM
I really do not see where Natalie is thinking she will get more protection from James, Chelsia and Josh. She says she knows the 'boys' are not going to protect her but she would be the first in J/C/J alliance because they have been together from the start.

Natalie says she can not trust Sharon, but wasn't it Matt that screwed her over to? He did the same thing with Chelsia and yet she is going to be in an alliance with her and someone who threw pickles on her.

And if Adam budges I think I may be even more mad, he would def. have more protection with Matt/Ryan then he woudl with James

I don't think Sharon did tell Sheila - Matt told her that he was making out with her so he could stay

Looks like Sharon is leaving, **** you James.

No, Sheila is now doing what Matt is doing - therefore it will be 4/2 :'( I hate these bitches

Mama you got me LMAO! :lol3: i hear ya! i am so damn mad right now! (:;) i want SHRAON TO STAY! :'( and work with Alex, i hate them all, they are pure EVIL :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 11, 2008, 03:33:31 PM
OMG I can't beleive this- where the heck is Matt?  Sleeping?  Will Shelia really not go to the guys and turn on Nat?  I just don't even beleive this all because Sharon trusted Shelia with the kiss info! :pull :pull :pull  And on top of all this garbage-my feeds are really bad and I can't keep up! :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 03:34:05 PM
Sharon is a goner. They now have Sheila (of course she moves when the power moves - and they have a better chance against Matt/Adam in the HOH). They have Natalie. They have Josh (who is throwing Sharon under the bus to Ryan for James). And they have Chelsia. Thats 4 votes.

You know, its better for Sharon, she left once and she will walk out the door with her pride. I don't even care anymore, I just now hope that Matt gets HOH and ****s em ALL over.

Sheila is still mad about how Ryan took the $ from her in the POV so she wants to go against him :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 11, 2008, 03:35:20 PM
As it stands right now sharon will be evicted 4-2. Bu who knows with this house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 11, 2008, 03:36:45 PM
Wow James just said to Nat and Shelia he is willing to get rid of both Josh and Chelsia before them! (:;)  throwing everyone under the bus!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 03:41:37 PM
Sharon is a goner. They now have Sheila (of course she moves when the power moves - and they have a better chance against Matt/Adam in the HOH). They have Natalie. They have Josh (who is throwing Sharon under the bus to Ryan for James). And they have Chelsia. Thats 4 votes.

You know, its better for Sharon, she left once and she will walk out the door with her pride. I don't even care anymore, I just now hope that Matt gets HOH and ****s em ALL over.

Sheila is still mad about how Ryan took the $ from her in the POV so she wants to go against him :res:

mama, i am so damn mad!!!! at shelia and nat, i dont want sharon to go! :'( what the hell is wrong with these people DONT they know if they keep james in this game, they are going!  :pull :pull i love bb, but at times like this, i HATE BB YEP! i hope Matt gets hoh also, and Alex comes back and helps them now i am with the BROS, cuz these women are STUPID! (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 03:45:50 PM
I just realized it will probably be 5/1 (or 6-0 if Matt finally realizes its settled) because Sheila will tell Adam how to vote and he likes James, just wants to vote with the house :barf

I sure hope Sharon gives her slop pass to Matt and not that nasty floater Sheila

Its kinda funny to me, James never talks to these people. Sharon at least ventures out. All James cares about is sleeping and making out with Chelsia all damn day.

Wow, how things change with Me. Matt for HOH. Damn Natalie, if you knew this before you should've told Ryan to put his ass up, loser.

The only thing we can hope for is that Adam votes to keep Sharon, and Josh is just screwing with James' head. Or Matt makes up with Natalie to keep Sharon (which I doubt because you know it would make sense to her that he would want to keep her blah freaking blah). Then I think if went to a tie, Ryan would keep Sharon.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 03:54:44 PM
i can't believe the switcheroo, 1 ? did natalie initiate the conversation with James
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 03:59:57 PM
i am now in the BROS ALLIANCE!... if these women are this stupid, than i am down with the BROS, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!   MATT !!!! i cant believe i am rooting for the BROS! but i damn sure am! :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 04:01:32 PM
SHeila has been pulling the strings onnearly every move.

She was in on it with Nat to put up Matty

THen she outed it to Ryan & blamed J/C

Told Nat about Sharon's kiss

Told Ryan about Sharon's plan to put the boys up

I am going to vote some more for Alex if the site lets me

And then watch the fireworks begin

It is now going to turn on SHeila very soon :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 04:02:22 PM
I'm so confused, what is in this for josh. Sharon has been a partner to him why would he throw her under the bus? I thought when James came out of the DR this morning something was different.

I'm so sick of Chelsia and Josh and James and Ryan and Matt and Natalie and Shelia, Ryan and Natalie.. (Did I miss anyone?)  :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 04:04:14 PM
also can no one keep a secret in this house.

good lord.

everyone's business is all out there within a day or two of it being spoken.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 04:16:13 PM
Josh says that he brought Sharon back in, does not consider him her partner, etc. You know how cocky he is, im sure James offered him something. He thinks Sharon made him a threat because of lies.

When it does turn on Sheila, I can not WAIT! And Natalie will go right down with her.
But my friends, I called it and some disagreed with me. Sheila goes where the power is, and if Sharon does (and she will) get evicted, where is Sheila ..... with Natalie, James, Chelsia, Josh and she still wants to be tied to Adam since they were partners! That leaves Matt & Ryan (who can't play for HOH)

What I love, they caught Sharon in a lie, so ummm why did Ryan care - he put her up fair and square cause he was afraid of dicks for some reason. So if she turned around and put him up then whatever. Last week he told Allison he would love to get Josh back for what he did to her. Im sure Allison is proud. It was Allison that Sharon and Josh wanted out, not Ryan. Whats fair is fair, if she got HOH and put him up who gives a damn.
What im saying about the above, we've caught Sheila and Natalie in some doozies, Matt admits he is a good liar, Ryan well need I say more?

James and Chelsia all they care about is suck face. I do not see how they say James is the best kisser because all I can hear when they do kiss is a bunch of slobber. My dogs are probably better kissers and they drool like a faucet.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 04:17:23 PM
also can no one keep a secret in this house.

good lord.

everyone's business is all out there within a day or two of it being spoken.


josh: hey I am not gonna tell Sharon about matt & nat being a couple..I don't trust her

Josh:good mornin Sharon. DId you realize matt & nat are a couple

 :lol3: :neener:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: californiamom on March 11, 2008, 04:34:55 PM
Ugh.....I can not stand to watch how absolutely STUPID these houseguests are. Obviously they have NOT watched previous BB's. If they did they would remember that if you do NOT get the strongest players out first, those players win!  I can't count how many times Dick and Danielle were up on the block and were not evicted.  And they won.

And I think I dislike Josh more than I disliked Dick. And all of them are liars!!! I mean, I expect SOME backstabbing and lying. But man, I'm not sure anyone has been good to their word for longer than a week?

At least it's not boring because you NEVER know what is going to happen because they FLIP with the wind......

Hi everyone  :waves: Updaters are doing an awesome job!!!! :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 04:40:29 PM
i just donated so now i feel like i belong, :jumpy: i just love this site, now onto the these stupid HG, i am now in the BROS ALLIANCE.. i cant believe i am saying that, BUT with these stupid 2 women , shelia and Nat, :pull i have no choice! i am so damn mad!! at those 2 right now! i wanted james GONE!!!, i hope Matt gets hoh, and i hope alex works with the BROS NOW!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 04:42:19 PM
all i can say about today so far

hell hath no fury.....
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Thor914 on March 11, 2008, 04:43:34 PM
I agree with you sunshine.  The HG are getting really stupid as time goes on.  Come on ALEX  :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 04:46:32 PM
I can't wait for Alex to come back & watch the attention whore  go straight for him..(umm I don't know if I mean Nat or Josh :lol3:}

gotta go vote for Alex some more ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 04:46:51 PM
Everyone is so worried Sharon is going,look how fast things change.I'm sure Matt will bully everyone into doing what he wants.I for one hope she does go,not because I dislike her,I just find her dull.I don't like James but he brings more excitement to the house.I'm really not in the mood for a Alex/Sharon showmance either,not a fan of the showmance as a general rule.I don't know,its a very unpopular opinion,but she just doesn't belong in that house anymore then I do.Nothing personal!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 04:50:22 PM

I think SHaron folded yesterday when she was called out on the "put up the boys" plan.

She had no comeback & altho I think she is a good girl....she was seriously looking ot be carried through

I cannot wait until the live show :yess:

We are gonna be hurt like a mother  of pearl when Alex doesn't come back & it is Jacob or Jen :( :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 04:52:02 PM
Everyone is so worried Sharon is going,look how fast things change.I'm sure Matt will bully everyone into doing what he wants.I for one hope she does go,not because I dislike her,I just find her dull.I don't like James but he brings more excitement to the house.I'm really not in the mood for a Alex/Sharon showmance either,not a fan of the showmance as a general rule.I don't know,its a very unpopular opinion,but she just doesn't belong in that house anymore then I do.Nothing personal!

this is the first time i hope matt does bully nat, :snicker: i want sharon to stay :'( and be in a alliance with Alex! i bet you are right! nat will fall for matt's crap and vote out james, i hope james goes, sorry to those who want james to stay, i mean no harm by saying i want him gone! and i know everyone has thier favs :jumpy: i have been voting my butt off for ALEX!!! :jumpy: sharon should have NEVER told those girls about kissing matt, doesnt she know by now NAT IS A FREAKING NUT! and would vote her out over a kiss!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 04:56:10 PM
Sharon, be carried? Umm I don't think so. Look at her kick butt in the poems HOH - I think she would be tough in endurance because leathernecks don't give up.

Its funny, Sharon has helped Josh win POV and win HOH (could Neil have done it, I don't think so) but what is funny is that Sheila, hasn't won anything, ADMITS that she came into the house wanting to attatch to the strongest people and wah la, nobody is on to her. Also they caught Sheila in lies about how she got on the show, and the girl "HAS" a book deal one day and the next day doesn't. She has to lie about things like that, then shes def. lying in the game. But these idiots won't open their eyes.

All James had to do was give Natalie attention. Thats it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 04:57:46 PM
I need to say I am no fan of James,not a big fan of any of them.I do like Alex though,a showmance with the dead fish-sorry,but its true-would take that away too.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 05:03:40 PM
I need to say I am no fan of James,not a big fan of any of them.I do like Alex though,a showmance with the dead fish-sorry,but its true-would take that away too.

hi ya! :waves: i dont think it would be a showmance with Alex!... but sharon is smart, well not for telling about kissing matt, i guess sharon doesnt know the NUT that is NAT! to well, i want Alex back cuz i think he is the only evicted HG that really has achance to stay in the game, i dont think the others do!. plus i know a friend of alex's and he is FEAKING OUT! trying to vote to get Alex back in the house! :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 05:07:35 PM
I've voted for Alex many times,I think he'll be back,he has a strong fan base.I sure hope your right about the showmance,I have enough trying to deal with the James/Chel stuff that takes up too much time.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 05:08:11 PM
SHARON just confirmed Matt kissed her in the HOH. Matt admitted that but says it was Sharon.

Matt is the one that told Sheila he made out with the girls' (including Chelsia) when they were HOH because he is a playa
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 11, 2008, 05:10:08 PM
i believe james will go bc matt is getting wind of the vote sharon out and hes not havin it he said he will talk to sheila and james will go there is still a day left ppl
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 05:13:13 PM
I've voted for Alex many times,I think he'll be back,he has a strong fan base.I sure hope your right about the showmance,I have enough trying to deal with the James/Chel stuff that takes up too much time.

Alex wasnt suppose to be on bb, he went to casting with his friend john, bb pulled Alex out of the line and casted him lol :yess: i know john, alex's friend, Alex had a great plan going it! than BAM! the hell-mates happen and his game plan went out the door!...Alex will play this game! and he aint going to let a girl get in his way! now he might work with afew of them, but he is a big bb fan! so he knows to NOT to any showmances!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 05:17:23 PM
I would have pulled him out of a line up too! ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 05:23:56 PM

If they flip this back it will end up being  ALL JOSH'S PLAN

and once again Ratty Natty will have suggested a plan and then back out only to watch someone else take the heat.

I cannot believe they don't see it. :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 05:31:46 PM
Shel seems like she's pretty good at stiring the pot without seeming to do so herself.I think both her and Nat are brighter then given credit for.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 11, 2008, 05:36:57 PM
i called this ten mins ago the votes are flipped again i think it will be 4-2 to evict james josh and chelsia to evict sharon
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 05:37:25 PM
Shel seems like she's pretty good at stiring the pot without seeming to do so herself.I think both her and Nat are brighter then given credit for.

I tend to agree with that
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 05:39:35 PM
I knew Matt would bully her into it too.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 05:45:00 PM
I don't see Matt winning this,he can't see all sides.I think Sharon is more dangerous then James myself,she's better at the thinking comps,and most girls are very good at endurance.James gets around sure,but I don't think he's more threatening in comps.I think both would target Matt,he's just thinking like the true chauvinist that he is and mark my words that is whats going to bite him in the butt.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 05:49:18 PM
I don't see Matt winning this,he can't see all sides.I think Sharon is more dangerous then James myself,she's better at the thinking comps,and most girls are very good at endurance.James gets around sure,but I don't think he's more threatening in comps.I think both would target Matt,he's just thinking like the true chauvinist that he is and mark my words that is whats going to bite him in the butt.

I hope it bites him. I am holding out on that hope!

Sharon Defineitely is a better player than James. I don't know if James even thinks about the strategy at all.
I know Sharon does, but she slipped up & didn't keep her **** shut to SHeila :(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: alohakiwi on March 11, 2008, 05:52:54 PM
Although Nat. Is not the brightest i am glad she is calling Matt out and not believing him this time around. I know she is jelouse but at least she finally (hopefully) not delusional anymore haha...for at the moment.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 05:57:11 PM
i am sorry but NAT is a FREAKING NUT! WOW!, i cant believe she acts like she is freaking married to matt, i like sharon , but that wasnt a smart move to let the others know that matt kissed her, didnt sharon realize nat is a FREAKING FRUIT CAKE and would vote her out over a kiss!...Nat wont give up  :pull the guy doesnt want your ass ok! :groan: so what if matt kissed sharon nat and matt are not a REAL couple, she is just plain ass CRAZY! he can kiss who he wants as can she pairs or no pairs, HELLO NAT you are NOT a REAL COUPLE! (:;) :pull :pull sharon needs to say it didnt happen if she is smart! JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 06:28:17 PM
Ok here is the thing though, people say that Sharon didn't keep her mouth shut. James would put up the SAME people Sharon supposedly would. And like Sharon said, process of elimination. You can't promise every single person you won't put them up or whatever. She admits she won't go after the girls - Ryan did so she would go after the boys. Fair is fair!

Matt is actually right when it comes down to this, Natalie just got pissed off because of the making out thing. People do you not see that (not ya'll but you know).

I think Sheila and Adam are on the side of Sharon (keeping her) after the talk that Adam had with Natalie.

How is Sharon stronger? Josh already told everyone and their brother (just a saying) he would vote against Sharon. Ok so that couple is buh bye. And then there is James/Chelsia who are a strong couple/still partnered.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 06:34:22 PM
Matt just talked Natalie back into voting out James.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 06:39:02 PM
This is why I love Sharon so much. As a Military Brat I agree with her 100%. People can hate her or not but shes being straight up. There is life outside this house, its a game. People need to realize it (Natalie being one of them).

I've been kicked out once, I left on good terms. If I leave again then at least I left with something. Thats how I look at life. I grew up in a military pad, my dad is watching me on this show. If I go around being decietful, I have to live with him for the rest of my life. Thats what I grew up with. Military brats won't **** you. But you know thats the game, people get crazy.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 06:52:33 PM
Its just my opinion,I think Sharon could beat James in comps.I do agree with Nat's motives though,its sad but true.I just hate the fact that Matt,who I hate most,is running this house.He keeps going on about "the original plan".Ryan's original plan was to get Sharon out.Its all about Matt and what he wants.It stinks and makes for predictable T.V.Thats why I'm rooting for Josh or Chel to win the next HOH(not the game)and send the pig packing.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 11, 2008, 07:04:51 PM
my nickname for sheila is the ice queen i mean she plays the strategic game beautifully now comps is another story lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ducky on March 11, 2008, 07:05:27 PM
I just want to take this opportunity to say that the updaters are the absolute best of any place that I read.  Kudos to all of you. :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 07:11:51 PM
I just want to take this opportunity to say that the updaters are the absolute best of any place that I read.  Kudos to all of you. :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess:

I 2nd THAT!  :yess:

as far as the game goes ...

WTF   :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ducky on March 11, 2008, 07:16:05 PM
Take a break and the game will change....these people are nuts and do not know how to keep their mouths shut.  I can't wait until the "5" start eating each other.....that should be bloody. :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 11, 2008, 07:22:30 PM
I think they should make it so every HOH had to decide on the spot who they are putting up.I hate that window of opportunity they give for people to take over the decisions.It happens almost every year and it drives me nuts.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 07:43:55 PM
I just want to take this opportunity to say that the updaters are the absolute best of any place that I read.  Kudos to all of you. :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess:

Thanks Ducky! But if we didn't have members and guests, we'd be talking to ourselves!!

Welcome to RFF!!

 :ty4posting :welcome2: :welcome: :welcome2:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 07:45:48 PM
I think we don't really see the true pot stirrer. It is JOSH! He started this entire mess today, he got James' hopes up, he turned on his own partner to do it. But does anyone blame him? No! He's Mr. I don't want to talk about it now!

He's said it before, his goal is to have everyone hate everyone, and he does it quite well.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 07:50:00 PM
Well I hope if I read correctly that Adam lost it, someone got a video of the Frickety Frick Frack Lost His Mind

TY Texas Lady..I found it

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 07:51:48 PM
Well I hope if I read correctly that Adam lost it, someone got a video of the Frickety Frick Frack Lost His Mind

I think Peach got it!! HOPING!!!!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 07:53:06 PM
Adam was FUNNNYYYYYY! I want Adam to win this whole game - kidding :lol: James was shocked I believe. My new name for Adam = Grizzly.

Its funny that James thinks all the lockdowns are banners :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 08:42:44 PM
can anyone tell me what the score is

is sharon or james going home and what is the vote split?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 09:21:00 PM
Patlini: We still have tomorrow to deal with so it could change but right now I think James is going. Could be 5/1 or 4/1 if Josh doesn't get wind of the change.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 09:28:52 PM
Matt just jokingly said to Josh "Allison is going to walk through that door"

If they only knew someone is being voted back in, omg let it be Alex (or i'll take Amanda at this point) :'(

I do think the HGs know something is up because they were told the voting wouldn't be live tomorrow ???
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 11, 2008, 09:32:41 PM
Patlini: We still have tomorrow to deal with so it could change but right now I think James is going. Could be 5/1 or 4/1 if Josh doesn't get wind of the change.

thanks  :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 09:43:51 PM
Matt makes me think of that little cartoon  pup that jumps over the big dog, following him down the street, running his mouth,,,'Hey hey hey, can I play. Can I go'

Ryan needs to catch a clue that Matt would not be sticking up his ass if he trusted him at all...

I am sure he knows that intellectually, but gimme a break with the bromance.... :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 11, 2008, 10:03:06 PM
Matt just jokingly said to Josh "Allison is going to walk through that door"

If they only knew someone is being voted back in, omg let it be Alex (or i'll take Amanda at this point) :'(

I do think the HGs know something is up because they were told the voting wouldn't be live tomorrow ???

I think so too! Sheila mentioned Parker today, and she's not alone. Shouldn't he be ancient history by now?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 10:09:05 PM
Sheila mentioned Parker because of how James is acting.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 10:14:17 PM
the only person i hope walks through the door weds is ALEX! :yess: Alex voters please vote up until 11:59 tonight,pretty please,  :kuss: i had to step away for awhile from the feeds and the site!, so what is it james going i hope :yess: or sharon :'( thanks for any info! :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 10:17:54 PM
I think it will be James, with the talk in the HOH - even Adam got irritated with him.

Sheila will not go back on her word to Sharon (she gave it to her even after James convinced her to keep him)

Even if its split Ryan seemed really pissed at James ;) So im not 'too' worried.

Keep in mind for those voting its 11:59 PST which is almost 3? on the east coast.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 10:21:32 PM
Matt just jokingly said to Josh "Allison is going to walk through that door"

If they only knew someone is being voted back in, omg let it be Alex (or i'll take Amanda at this point) :'(

I do think the HGs know something is up because they were told the voting wouldn't be live tomorrow ???

I think so too! Sheila mentioned Parker today, and she's not alone. Shouldn't he be ancient history by now?

the DR always gives the HG something to think about!, thats why the HG flip flop all the time, cuz the DR messes with thier heads! thats how nat got to asking about the kissing, said the DR was saying dont you think Matt is a player, kissing on the other girls in the house! heard Nat say this to matt, that the DR was talking like she was a fool! DR can really sway these people, thats why they have to have a plan and stick with it! even if bb trys to sway thier votes, plan, ect ect.....grrrrr! james better go, and Alex better come in that door weds, or i will be very :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 10:27:05 PM
If all they are gonna talk about is pussy, then BB needs to give them some stick your business in one of the 3 may get something a BJ and a slop pass, or you may get thumped and be on the block.
They would every single one take the risk :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 11, 2008, 10:32:05 PM
If all they are gonna talk about is pussy, then BB needs to give them some stick your business in one of the 3 may get something a BJ and a slop pass, or you may get thumped and be on the block.
They would every single one take the risk :lol3:
:lol3: :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 11, 2008, 10:43:08 PM
for the love of GOD, :groan: these girls need to cool it, with the matty kissed sharon crap, just drop it!...sharon and matt both need to say it was chelisa that was trying to kiss on matt, :lol3: so the NUT that is NAT, will go after her!..get james out of there, and sharon stays, the more they keep up this kissing crap the more the vote will flip flop, and flip flop :pull cant wait for Alex to walk through that door :yess: [he better lol] both sides will be trying to pull him in, any other HG they will get rid of!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 11, 2008, 11:10:43 PM
Girls are catty. Especially in the BB house. :meow: :meow: :meow: :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 11, 2008, 11:15:33 PM
By the way, I just voted 300 times for Allison.  :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :neener: :neener:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 11, 2008, 11:25:36 PM

Sheila knows nothing about the show but she knows who got slop passes in the past & who they gave them to.

 B:) B:) B:) B:)

She is so full of it
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 11, 2008, 11:27:11 PM
Wow, I am trying to vote 300 times for Alex but it isn't happening. I wish I had a program do it for me.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 12:16:36 AM
I have a feeling that Julie is going to do what she did with Eric last year.
By a vote of 4 to 2 so and so ....... you are safe!

I just realized why they do the voting tomorrow (we know its cause someone is coming back) but I think its cause after the eviction the person walking back in will walk in through the DR. So they can't use the DR for votes.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 01:20:38 AM
They closed the voting early? They said 11:59 PST which is 2:59 here right? Grr, maybe that means someone is so far in the lead hehehe.

Voting has closed
Hopefully you took the time to make yourself heard! Watch BIG BROTHER Wednesday night at 8pm to see the results!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 06:41:06 AM
OK  Going on  what I have read, all the drama & breath holding from yesterday was for nothing.

It looks like nothing changed at all & James is going home.

I voted all I could and now I can just hope Alex goes back,  & judging by BB history...I may regret that :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 08:03:29 AM
By the way, I just voted 300 times for Allison.  :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :neener: :neener:

O. M. G!    :lol3: 

Don't :taze me Bro!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 09:49:27 AM
I know it'll be 5-1. Josh knows he's being set up and he ain't falling for it. I wish I didn't have to work and watch the show live but of course I'll have it on tape but won't be able to watch it until Showtime After Dark ends this evening. I am just nervous about who will be the new H.O.H.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 12:08:31 PM
Wow, I am trying to vote 300 times for Alex but it isn't happening. I wish I had a program do it for me.

hi ya!, mama :waves: i voted my butt off for Alex!, but i saw a write up on the voting, it said that cbs is going to take only 1 vote pre-email to be counted, i dont know if this is true or not, 1 vote per day, per e-mail, i saw this write up at BBU!...i didnt want to take it at it's word so i voted as mich as i could! i hope Alex walks through the door tonight :yess: or i think i will be a very depressed person :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 12:14:57 PM
My gut feeling keeps telling me something big is gonna go down during the live show. Here is what I am thinking.....I know they will hide the returning houseguest in the HOH and probably will be watching the spyscreen to watch the eviction. Julie will then proceed to announce the vote as we know it has been casted moments ago. She will announce, by a vote of 5 to 1, James, you are evicted from the Big Brother house and he gets up to say his good byes to his fellow houseguests and walks to the door and finds out it's locked and the siren goes off. Everybody starts freaking out of course and Julie tells them to return to their seats. She then will tell them that America has been voting for a week to vote back in one previously evicted houseguest. Then (pretty sure it'll be Alex), that person walks out of the HOH and comes down. I'm sure everybody will be happy to see him. Julie will then tell everybody to return to their seats and to remain quiet. She will then drop a bombshell on the house by telling them that Alex (or whoever that person is) will have the sole power to evict ANY houseguest instantly. Julie will tell that person he has the option to pick one houseguest to talk privately for a minute to get advice or feedback (probably going in the spa room with the door closed). Then that person will announce to the house who he/she is automatically evicting from the house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 12:23:27 PM
I'm not sure what exactly will happen,but I agree that something more then just a HG returning is happening.I've heard(only heard)that the ad for tonights show saying the HG's will make a game changing choice.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 12:25:50 PM
My gut feeling keeps telling me something big is gonna go down during the live show. Here is what I am thinking.....I know they will hide the returning houseguest in the HOH and probably will be watching the spyscreen to watch the eviction. Julie will then proceed to announce the vote as we know it has been casted moments ago. She will announce, by a vote of 5 to 1, James, you are evicted from the Big Brother house and he gets up to say his good byes to his fellow houseguests and walks to the door and finds out it's locked and the siren goes off. Everybody starts freaking out of course and Julie tells them to return to their seats. She then will tell them that America has been voting for a week to vote back in one previously evicted houseguest. Then (pretty sure it'll be Alex), that person walks out of the HOH and comes down. I'm sure everybody will be happy to see him. Julie will then tell everybody to return to their seats and to remain quiet. She will then drop a bombshell on the house by telling them that Alex (or whoever that person is) will have the sole power to evict ANY houseguest instantly. Julie will tell that person he has the option to pick one houseguest to talk privately for a minute to get advice or feedback (probably going in the spa room with the door closed). Then that person will announce to the house who he/she is automatically evicting from the house.

i am LOVIN this ideal.... :jumpy: the only thing that i think that might not happen is [Alex] gets to evicted a HG..other than that , i think you got it right!...i sure hope it is Alex that is in the HOUSE :yess: i dont see that bb would let Alex talk to any of the HG before hoh! but i love this ideal, i think the siren will go off again, james might think he is safe, but he isnt!.. than bb brings Alex in :yess: i love the way you ae thinking :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 12:30:50 PM
Another theory I have thought is that maybe the returning houseguest won't have the power to evict any houseguest but he/she will have the power to keep the nominations the same or nullify one or both of them and then replace one or both and if that happens, they will all have to vote again....that would be considered game changing. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 12:34:13 PM
I like these scenarios, I cannot WAIT for that siren to go off again! The looks on their faces will be priceless!  :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 12, 2008, 12:50:05 PM
? - pardon my ignorance but can they get into the HOH through another door?

i thought the only reason dick/dustin/jessica were in there last year is because they entered the house earlier
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 12:53:16 PM
? - pardon my ignorance but can they get into the HOH through another door?

i thought the only reason dick/dustin/jessica were in there last year is because they entered the house earlier

yes there is a secret entrance to the HOH, probably a revolving wall or something....
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 12:55:25 PM
I was just thinking about the siren letter..

Didn't it say....

In the next few weeks if you hear this siren.....

Could it mean it will be more than once? It's as if they are telling them that everytime you hear this noise, you are to report to the LR right away.

I just know it's going off again on the live show. I just know it!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 12, 2008, 12:57:57 PM

yes there is a secret entrance to the HOH, probably a revolving wall or something....

thanks Will, that would make sense then to hide them out in there

but what about Ryan's chat with Julie?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 01:02:13 PM

yes there is a secret entrance to the HOH, probably a revolving wall or something....

thanks Will, that would make sense then to hide them out in there

but what about Ryan's chat with Julie?

Not having one. Didn't have one last week with Josh/Sharon either. The siren is definitely going off again during the show. Now I'm excited of what will come out of it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 12, 2008, 01:12:19 PM

Not having one. Didn't have one last week with Josh/Sharon either. The siren is definitely going off again during the show. Now I'm excited of what will come out of it.

ooh i like it especially because he has been planning to flirt with her all week
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 01:15:35 PM
Just saw the new ad ,it says the hg's make a game changing decision minutes BEFORE the evicted hg returns.Not sure if the wording was "will have to",the kids were yelling,but the last part is correct.Would they really concider billing a regular old eviction as a "game changing decision"?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 12, 2008, 01:21:01 PM
so at this point they've already voted?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 01:33:17 PM
i so cant wait for the show tonight, :jumpy: i just hope james, goes!, and i hope Alex comes back in,  :yess:or i will be one sad puppy :'( i think the siren will go off, as the HG'S are getting ready for the hoh comp [a surprise] i think james will be evicted before bb shows the returning HG [ALEX] and the HG will be FREAKING OUT!..... i really hope it is Alex, i think he is the ONLY evicted HG that has achance to stay in this game, any of the others would be out the door, the HG would put away thier plans to get who they want out! to boot the in- coming HG...BUT if it is Alex i dont think that would happen, i think these HG would want to draw him in thier alliance!.....the others would just get the boot again!, the HG will not work with Parker, they will not work with Jen, they might let amanda stay 1 week, if that. and they ALL would be in a alliance if allison came back lol, and i am sure jake isnt getting back in that house! these HG would want Alex on thier side...JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 01:33:38 PM
so at this point they've already voted?

Yup, they already voted and they are banned from talking about it is why nobody is discussing votes.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 12, 2008, 01:57:04 PM
thanks Will

Sharon looks cute today

alex will be all over her    :kuss:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 01:59:58 PM
These are great scenarios!

I can't wait!!

Oh btw Sheila "flipped this thing" yesterday thinking she could fool Sharon into believing she might go and would then give her the slop pass :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 12, 2008, 02:07:28 PM
natalie and sheila will be disappointed because they are expecting to hear Julie say, by a vote of 4 to 2, they are so sure they had josh convinced to vote out sharon but josh wised up late last night and figured it out he was being set up so it'll be 5 to 1 as per confirmed by his before going to bed convo with ryan in the hoh.

then natalie and sheila will be worried that he will go after them, serves them right!  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 02:58:15 PM
natalie and sheila will be disappointed because they are expecting to hear Julie say, by a vote of 4 to 2, they are so sure they had josh convinced to vote out sharon but josh wised up late last night and figured it out he was being set up so it'll be 5 to 1 as per confirmed by his before going to bed convo with ryan in the hoh.

then natalie and sheila will be worried that he will go after them, serves them right!  :lol:

 :lol3: :lol3: :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 03:00:59 PM
I thought the reason that they voted early was because the evicted HG coming back in will be in the DR - think about it, voting ended last night at midnight PST. Do you really think they would bring all 6 HGs back from sequester instead of just bringing back that 1 that is coming back. So I thought that whoever comes back will come through the DR.

I haven't seen the new commercial but now im even more nervous :lol: I don't think that they would be allowed to evict a person because unless two people come back that wouldn't take us to the April 29 finale. Or maybe it would just without the double eviction.

As for the siren, I dunno. The letter did say in the next couple weeks but do you really think they would say when it was going to be, that to me could just be a figure of speech.

And I have to laugh, Josh just told Sheila if he gets HOH hes taking out the liars (Sheila being one of them, what he told Ryan last night). LOL! She was SHOCKED
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 12, 2008, 03:07:53 PM
The way Josh just talked to Shelia he is going home if she gets HOH for sure!  Wow, that was really threatening. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 03:11:49 PM
I think Josh will get HOH, leave Matt alone for a week and send Sheila packing ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 03:17:41 PM
I can't stand Josh, he thinks he's such a big deal.  :pull He's going against the house and his partner, he ought to think about that too. He better hope he wins HOH.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 03:20:09 PM
TL, he told Ryan, Sheila AND Adam that he was voting to keep Sharon
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 12, 2008, 03:47:55 PM
I can't stand Josh or Chelsia. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 03:55:43 PM
I can't stand Josh or Chelsia. 

hi ya! :waves: just wait until these HG'S see ALEX come back in the house, :yess: i am not going to be neg, i keep saying Alex will be voted back in lol, i hope so! JMO but i think it will  be a endurance comp! and i hope alex wins it... i just know in my gut alex is the only evicted HG these people will try and work with, side note: i also CANT stand josh or chelisa i wish they could leave tonight also! :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 04:00:12 PM
I have to give something to Josh and Chelsia. At least they are not scared to be in an alliance of TWO. Unlike Sheila who just wants the guys to be powerhouses and thinks Natalie is brillant so of course she can carry her. I just don't think that Sheila should expect someone to carry her to F2 - apparently Matt told her he would :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 12, 2008, 04:02:04 PM
I am wondering what will happen with the sleeping arangments (will someone sleep with Chel?, or Cursed bed?)


what male Chelsia will attach herself to next- I think she might be that type of girl- so who will it be Alex or Matt?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 04:11:34 PM
I was wondering about the bed situation too Queeny.  :lol: No one wants to sleep in the cursed bed but Alex might not know that. Chels could offer him her bed since she'll be alone.

Chels could try Adam, I don't think she'd get far with Ryan or Matt.  :snicker: Scratch that, Matt would eat it up.  :angel:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 04:12:02 PM
I am wondering what will happen with the sleeping arangments (will someone sleep with Chel?, or Cursed bed?)


what male Chelsia will attach herself to next- I think she might be that type of girl- so who will it be Alex or Matt?

i think chelisa might try to be in a alliance with Alex, but i think he will team up with sharon, and even shelia, i know, i know, shelia is a freaking mess! but if it can help Alex i am all for it! i do know that shelia likes and trust Alex, as does sharon! come on bb i cant wait to see what goes down tonight [i am so hoping Alex got voted back in the house, and the way these CRAZY girls are acting, i wouldnt mine Alex using the BROS, to get farer in the game! JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 04:14:12 PM
I was wondering about the bed situation too Queeny.  :lol: No one wants to sleep in the cursed bed but Alex might not know that. Chels could offer him her bed since she'll be alone.

Chels could try Adam, I don't think she'd get far with Ryan or Matt.  :snicker: Scratch that, Matt would eat it up.  :angel:

hi ya! yep! alex knew of the cruse bad, remember amanda saying the bad was a cruse!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 12, 2008, 04:16:26 PM
comment on josh threatening sheila he might be thinking of putting her and natalie up should he win HOH but once he sees Alex walk thru the door he will see there are 2 many guys and that taking out sheila and natalie is not smart
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 04:29:52 PM
Jay that is an excellent point!  :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 12, 2008, 04:35:25 PM
comment on josh threatening sheila he might be thinking of putting her and natalie up should he win HOH but once he sees Alex walk thru the door he will see there are 2 many guys and that taking out sheila and natalie is not smart

i think people are getting to cocky that Alex is going to go back.

Yeah, he and Amanda have the BIGGEST possibility, but don't think for one second that Allison Grodner isn't going to have the ultimate decision on who returns.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 04:38:50 PM
 :ascared Our votes were for ratings and they will send back in whoever they want??? :ascared
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 04:39:48 PM
:ascared Our votes were for ratings and they will send back in whoever they want??? :ascared

Where did you hear that?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 12, 2008, 04:40:05 PM
Michael- oh you are so right - I forgot about  :meme's Super Powers and America's favorite  B:) B:) B:)
 :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

I just wish I could see the look on her face as she watches the season and reads some of the boards!

Feeds: 12.99 a month (or whatever it is)

Watching Alli figure out how we felt about her- priceless!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 12, 2008, 04:40:35 PM
does anyone think that they would send 2 back in

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 12, 2008, 04:41:09 PM
no that's not what I'm saying!!
im just saying, if AG wants somebody else in they aren't going to care about the votes, because for all the viewers know, the person being sent back in has recieved the most votes.

For example:
Right now Amanda and Alex appear to be the front runners, but everybody agrees that Allison going back into the house would cause the most drama, so the producers can easily say that she recieved the most votes.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 04:41:24 PM
comment on josh threatening sheila he might be thinking of putting her and natalie up should he win HOH but once he sees Alex walk thru the door he will see there are 2 many guys and that taking out sheila and natalie is not smart

i think people are getting to cocky that Alex is going to go back.

Yeah, he and Amanda have the BIGGEST possibility, but don't think for one second that Allison Grodner isn't going to have the ultimate decision on who returns.

oh i am so sorry, i just say Alex to not be [neg] cuz i want him back in the house, you are 100% right, it could be anyone!, i just say Alex to kep myself upbeat! but you are very right, it could be anyone.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 12, 2008, 04:41:34 PM
Oh Opps Micheal thought you were talking about  :meme - my bad! :lol3:  But that would have been funny!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 12, 2008, 04:42:46 PM
Oh Opps Micheal thought you were talking about  :meme - my bad! :lol3:  But that would have been funny!

LMAO, Me me me Allison has inflicted her own self-centered personality on other people .... now any time the name Allison is mentioned people picture her  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 04:43:38 PM
Oh Opps Micheal thought you were talking about  :meme - my bad! :lol3:  But that would have been funny!

Same here, I was thinking you were saying :meme as well.  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 04:46:11 PM
no that's not what I'm saying!!
im just saying, if AG wants somebody else in they aren't going to care about the votes, because for all the viewers know, the person being sent back in has recieved the most votes.

For example:
Right now Amanda and Alex appear to be the front runners, but everybody agrees that Allison going back into the house would cause the most drama, so the producers can easily say that she recieved the most votes.

this is JMO! but if allison went back into the house, i really think all the HG would come together. and vote her out! JMO but as with alex, the HG would not target him right away, and who knows he could win hoh?  but i hear ya! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 04:50:59 PM
I agree Sunshine,Ali's brand of drama would only last a week or so while another hg could change everything.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 05:04:16 PM
:ascared Our votes were for ratings and they will send back in whoever they want??? :ascared

Where did you hear that?

UMMM It was a question......(the voices in my head  :lol:)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 05:08:07 PM
:ascared Our votes were for ratings and they will send back in whoever they want??? :ascared

Where did you hear that?

Well then tell them to quiet down, they speak to loudly.  :lol:
UMMM It was a question......(the voices in my head  :lol:)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 05:10:20 PM
Does anyone have any ideas as to what they were alluding to when the talked about the hg's making a game changing decision before the evicted hg comes back?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 12, 2008, 05:30:47 PM
If anyone cares I woke up this morning and thought Chelsia was new HOH, no idea of who came back just that I was sure that it was Chel as new HOH.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 05:32:56 PM
Puddin, I don't know if I like that idea.  I want little miss potty mouth out of the house.

But then again if your dreams are a reliable's as Amber's were last season then that is a good sign.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 12, 2008, 05:35:05 PM
Puddin, I don't know if I like that idea.  I want little miss potty mouth out of the house.

I love that idea. I want Chelsia and Josh to get HOH this week and kick the POS matt out -- let him be the first in Sequester so he can sit there and be "america's playah" by himself.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 12, 2008, 05:38:09 PM
Puddin, I don't know if I like that idea.  I want little miss potty mouth out of the house.

But then again if your dreams are a reliable's as Amber's were last season then that is a good sign.
Well in my dream world Josh gets HOH but Chel is just as good as far as revenge goes. It's just that it wasn't even a dream it was like real, lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 12, 2008, 05:40:32 PM
From mama:
Do you really think they would bring all 6 HGs back from sequester instead of just bringing back that 1 that is coming back. So I thought that whoever comes back will come through the DR.

Wasn't there a rumor from some Production Asst that there was no fancy hotel, no sequester house--that all the evicted HG's were being lodged in an adjoining or nearby sound stage??

IF (big IF  :lol: ) that is true--then all of the evictees would be quite handy and easy to pop one in thru an adjoining door!  :ascared
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 05:42:48 PM
If anyone cares I woke up this morning and thought Chelsia was new HOH, no idea of who came back just that I was sure that it was Chel as new HOH.

Well I don't care but then ya know maybe some of Natalie's psychic powers have rubbed off on you.  :ascared

kwim..? hwis?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 12, 2008, 05:43:07 PM
Puddin, I don't know if I like that idea.  I want little miss potty mouth out of the house.

But then again if your dreams are a reliable's as Amber's were last season then that is a good sign.
Well in my dream world Josh gets HOH but Chel is just as good as far as revenge goes. It's just that it wasn't even a dream it was like real, lol

lack of sleep produces VERY vivid hallucinations!  :colors :colors :colors

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 12, 2008, 05:45:33 PM
From mama:
Do you really think they would bring all 6 HGs back from sequester instead of just bringing back that 1 that is coming back. So I thought that whoever comes back will come through the DR.

Wasn't there a rumor from some Production Asst that there was no fancy hotel, no sequester house--that all the evicted HG's were being lodged in an adjoining or nearby sound stage??

IF (big IF  :lol: ) that is true--then all of the evictees would be quite handy and easy to pop one in thru an adjoining door!  :ascared
yeah but that was the same person that kept us up until 7am thinking the siren was going off & that Grodner was going to fill the HG's in on what was going to happen  and we know that didn't pan out  etc  :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 12, 2008, 05:46:11 PM
Puddin, I don't know if I like that idea.  I want little miss potty mouth out of the house.

But then again if your dreams are a reliable's as Amber's were last season then that is a good sign.
Well in my dream world Josh gets HOH but Chel is just as good as far as revenge goes. It's just that it wasn't even a dream it was like real, lol

lack of sleep produces VERY vivid hallucinations!  :colors :colors :colors

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll admit it, my brain is fried, lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 12, 2008, 05:46:34 PM
puddin = the new Amber  :lol3:

(Sharon too, I don't think she'd put J/C up)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 12, 2008, 05:53:59 PM
For sheer :asskiss sucking up :drama  --I would LOVE to see what happened if Sheila won!  :lol3:

But I've heard Natalie describe her workout regimen a couple of times--the girl has huge upper body strength!  :ascared
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 05:56:11 PM
I remember when Matt was first reading Sharon's bible last week that he found a piece of paper in it with writing on it that said Holiday Inn and then we went to flames.

I think that Sharon might have forgotten that she put that paper in her bible and that it was something that she had used to write stuff down on when she was in sequester for three days.  

So I guess what I am saying I think that the HGs were sequestered at a Holiday Inn that is near the soundstage.

Also I think that the HOH room has to have a separate entrance to it because the HGs are never LD outside before the HOH room is revealed, therefore there has to be another entrance to it so that the production can remake it for each new HOH.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 05:58:54 PM
Personally I would love it if Nat or Shel won HOH, if it can't be Alex.  I would love to see what they would do and personally I would love the two of them to team up together.

I think that it would be most interesting to see what Alex does if he is the one that comes back because Matt is the one who broke his word to him and campaigned.  Also it will be interesting to see who he forms alliances with.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 06:18:52 PM
Personally I would love it if Nat or Shel won HOH, if it can't be Alex.  I would love to see what they would do and personally I would love the two of them to team up together.

I think that it would be most interesting to see what Alex does if he is the one that comes back because Matt is the one who broke his word to him and campaigned.  Also it will be interesting to see who he forms alliances with.

Just for the :drama I would LOVE to see Nat or Sheila get HOH. The fanny kissing would be hysterical, and watching Josh freak out would be worth it as well.

I was just thinking about Alex, he watched the goodbye message from Matt, wasn't it an apology, sorry bro, kind of thing? I should go look it up.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 06:25:18 PM
I forget, but I don't think that Alex was all that happy with Matt for giving him his word that he wouldn't campaign and then he went right on to do so.  I just think that to Alex Matt's word doesn't mean a thing, now granted this was before we all knew that Matt's word was nothing due to the constant promising to everyone that they were safe last week.

I love seeing Josh scwerm in the house because I do not like the language he uses, it just isn't right and I wouldn't mind seeing Chelsia run around alone in the house for that matter either. 

Right now I just can't wait to see what this big twist will be tonight.
Title: Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Wednesday 3/12
Post by: puddin on March 12, 2008, 06:42:05 PM
for whatever reason I had my feeds paused before trivia so uploaded it ----fwiw

Puddin, you are too much.  :lol3: I think it was out of habit from the last few days when you were cooking dinner.

Looks like we will have trivia until after the live show.
  :lol3: nothing is worse than pausing them, forget that they were paused then transcribing something that happened 15 minutes ago, lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 12, 2008, 06:46:22 PM
I'm out of the loop, where can I read about the twisty thingy?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 06:48:25 PM
I'm out of the loop, where can I read about the twisty thingy?

It is a couple of pages back Puddin.  The teaser for tonights show states that before the eviction tonight the houseguests will make a game changing decision, or something like that.  Just ready back a few pages.
Title: Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Wednesday 3/12
Post by: TashaJ on March 12, 2008, 06:49:39 PM
Hey guys..I've watched every season and thoroughly enjoyed reading this message board since last season. I figured..why not join you guys?? Seems like I already know some of you..LOL  :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Wednesday 3/12
Post by: sass on March 12, 2008, 06:50:52 PM
for whatever reason I had my feeds paused before trivia so uploaded it ----fwiw

Puddin, you are too much.  :lol3: I think it was out of habit from the last few days when you were cooking dinner.

Looks like we will have trivia until after the live show.
  :lol3: nothing is worse than pausing them, forget that they were paused then transcribing something that happened 15 minutes ago, lol

Puddin just admit the truth, you secrectly like to transcribe things and when BB isn't around you transcribe your coversations with everyone.  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Artzy13 on March 12, 2008, 06:55:14 PM
  :wohoo: This is my first time posting and I just want to send out a big THANK YOU to all of you dedicated live feed updaters. This is my second year reading the updates, and thanks to you all and BBAD I am now a Big Brother junkie. Time for the LIVE SHOW!!!!! Thanks all!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TashaJ on March 12, 2008, 07:21:19 PM
Hi guys..watching the show now..James MUST go!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 12, 2008, 07:56:20 PM
 (:;)  I think that it is totally screwed up to make us think that we as voters had a choice in who came back.  Ultimately the choice was taken away from us.  I hope James or Chelsia win HOH.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 08:21:22 PM
(:;)  I think that it is totally screwed up to make us think that we as voters had a choice in who came back.  Ultimately the choice was taken away from us.  I hope James or Chelsia win HOH.

 :lol3: :lol3:

They are playing with the viewer's heads instead of the HG's :lol3:

Poor Shebot...poor Matty....

Will James ever in a million years believe Nat voted him back in??? :lol3: Ryan can take credit for that & they will believe him
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Kelsey1960 on March 12, 2008, 08:22:43 PM
I'm here for just a min for now i am so mad
1 why did we vote its like last week never happened
2 they beeped up Ryan's HOH week so why cant he play for HoH again
BB this week has all been BS (:;) (:;) (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 12, 2008, 08:35:46 PM
Natalie's talking throughout this HoH competition makes me want to shoot my computer speakers.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 12, 2008, 09:01:26 PM
For the sake of everything in the history of everything I'm hoping for Natalie to win. Sharon is ugh, James shouldn't be there and Chelsia is the early drawings of Satan.

At least with Natalie I only want to be deaf. :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:09:58 PM
For the sake of everything in the history of everything I'm hoping for Natalie to win. Sharon is ugh, James shouldn't be there and Chelsia is the early drawings of Satan.

At least with Natalie I only want to be deaf. :P
:lol3: I do not want Nat to win, but that was funny
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 09:13:13 PM
I was kinda hoping it goes


Sharon wins HOH - I just honestly do not want James or Chelsia to have that room. PLEASE no. You didn't bring Alex back, now let me have my frickin way. :'(

But James was throwing a fit cause Sharon offered to throw HOH, Chelsia told him that deal is done since he (James) is back.

But the only way for Sharon to win is to battle Natalie. Because if Natalie drops Sharon will.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 12, 2008, 09:14:42 PM
Natalie could talk the ears off a stalk of corn!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Rob on March 12, 2008, 09:15:50 PM
Natalie could talk the ears off a stalk of corn!

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:18:02 PM
I am getting the idea that only Nat has a microphone on???

I think Matt will finally break this week & punch James & get evicted :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 09:18:32 PM
why won't bb let us hear the others not still in the comp  ???

and if anyone thinks this will hurt bb ratings I think you are wrong.. every year something happens alot of fans don't like but people will continue to watch to see what will happen next..

just look at all of the people on the feeds right now and in the live feed forum.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 09:18:59 PM
Natalie could talk the ears off a stalk of corn!

OMG  :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 09:20:19 PM
wow! that was so not right! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr america voted thier butts off, and got Alex back in the house, just to have the HG'S vote the box or james back in......i am NOT liking this it was not right!, we voted so much to put Alex in that house, the HG should have NOT got to pick! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, what was the point in voting, if bb was going to do that, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i dd dont like that twist at all, i hope someome wins hoh tonight and gets james out of there grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, again, BB i hate you right now, [bb said] it's your choice america who do you what back in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i am NOT liking this right now! :pull why did we get to vote, just to have thr HG, vote on the box, ot geting james out, it doesnt make sense to me, i hope matt wins hoh tonight ever this ****! :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 09:21:26 PM
Hi guys..watching the show now..James MUST go!!

I wish!

Thanks for joining us here at RFF TashaJ!

 :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 12, 2008, 09:23:03 PM
why won't bb let us hear the others not still in the comp  ???
I was wondering about that too, FNF, but Nat discovered mics hanging above her head so we're picking up those mics, not the mics on the HG's. That's the reason we can't hear Baller, Matt and the others.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 09:26:37 PM
Chelsia is starting to talk about 'babies'

She said baby cameras - is there such a thing :res: NO! She is tryign to 'break' Natalie talking about babies.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:27:06 PM
wow! that was so not right! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr america voted thier butts off, and got Alex back in the house, just to have the HG'S vote the box or james back in......i am NOT liking this it was not right!, we voted so much to put Alex in that house, the HG should have NOT got to pick! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, what was the point in voting, if bb was going to do that, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i dd dont like that twist at all, i hope someome wins hoh tonight and gets james out of there grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, again, BB i hate you right now, [bb said] it's your choice america who do you what back in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i am NOT liking this right now! :pull why did we get to vote, just to have thr HG, vote on the box, ot geting james out, it doesnt make sense to me, i hope matt wins hoh tonight ever this ****! :pull

Awww I voted for Alex until 2 a.m.

It hurts but look at the bright side..He doesn't have to deal with the buttheads in the house and he knows he was America's #1 choice. So at least he gets a good feeling out of this and at the same time Allison found out she wasn't #1. It is not a total loss :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 09:27:56 PM
  :wohoo: This is my first time posting and I just want to send out a big THANK YOU to all of you dedicated live feed updaters. This is my second year reading the updates, and thanks to you all and BBAD I am now a Big Brother junkie. Time for the LIVE SHOW!!!!! Thanks all!!

Well what took you so long to start posting?  :lol:

   :hiya :ty4posting  :hiya
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 12, 2008, 09:29:36 PM
Natalie could talk the ears off a stalk of corn!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 09:30:30 PM
Chelsia is starting to talk about 'babies'

She said baby cameras - is there such a thing :res: NO! She is tryign to 'break' Natalie talking about babies.

Good lord!!!   :badhorse:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:31:23 PM
Natalie could talk the ears off a stalk of corn!

 :ascared Bet that is where they get the slop ingredients..I hope she gets on slop :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 12, 2008, 09:32:59 PM
I love that the boys always seem to drop so fast in these endurance competitions.  Matty, Josh, Adam . . . down like a big ole pile of bricks.  

Go Sharon!!  :cheer:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:33:36 PM
They should never have divulged their vote so soon..I think Nat messed up when she told her vote.

I am sure Matty and Shebot took great note of that!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:34:42 PM
I love that the boys always seem to drop so fast in these endurance competitions.  Matty, Josh, Adam . . . down like a big ole pile of bricks.  

Go Sharon!!  :cheer:

I am rooting for Sharon too

p.s. i luv your hair ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 09:35:56 PM
C'mon Sharon, I know you know Chelsia and James won't go after you but Marines don't quit. Make your daddy proud!

With that said "Go Natalie"
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 12, 2008, 09:36:13 PM
another sharon rooter
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:38:30 PM
I realy don't care who wins as long as Ratty Natty does not!

If she gets it she will be pregnant by the end of her HOH week :ascared

But it would be fun to see them scramble ..especially Miss Honesty (sheila)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 12, 2008, 09:39:18 PM
I'd love for Sharon to win.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 12, 2008, 09:42:14 PM

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 12, 2008, 09:44:43 PM
It's a good thing for chatty Nattie that the competitions isn't who can stay silent the longest.  Anything more than two minutes and she might explode.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 09:44:56 PM
why don't they offer them something money anything
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 09:45:43 PM
No Natalie has to stay or else Sharon will purposely get down, and Chelsia will probably give it to James to pay everyone back.

It needs to be against Natalie or Sharon.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:46:59 PM
It's a good thing for chatty Nattie that the competitions isn't who can stay silent the longest.  Anything more than two minutes and she might explode.

 :lol3: I really did think Julie was going to say no talking during the HOH

Too bad she didn't (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 12, 2008, 09:49:46 PM
If Natalie wins tonight I will fall in love with her. She can go on mute, but mute love is better than psycho.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:54:18 PM
If Natalie wins tonight I will fall in love with her. She can go on mute, but mute love is better than psycho.

She is a slick girl but I just can't with that B:) B:)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 12, 2008, 09:55:05 PM
I swear, Natalie's yakking is a strategic ploy to irritate the other contestants so much they let go of the chain to cover their ears.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 09:57:38 PM
Think what you will but I am kinda glad to see the change of events tonight. And yea I did want Alex to come back in I voted for him but we all should know by now in the BB game not everything goes our way.

I can't stand Shelia or Matt and Nat gets on my nerves and Ryan is useless time for him to get off his horse. 

Nat annoys me to no end STFU already.. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 09:59:56 PM
I am   :lol3:  at the thought of how angry Ratty Natty's boys are at her for voting for James
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 10:02:39 PM
why don't they offer them something money anything

Because then Sheila, who already dropped out, will have to play the single mom card again and Chelsia will have to say something and there would be a murder :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 12, 2008, 10:04:31 PM
 :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 12, 2008, 10:05:15 PM
I think they have reason to be mad. :P When Matt voted for the mystery box and Sheila voted for the mystery box, I thought it was a lock. But nope.

This is like that Family Guy episode on reverse, "The mystery box could be anything! But it couldn't be James!" but yet the person still does the dumb thing, "I'LL TAKE THE JAMES." Now Matt is all "Hey Natalie, where's your vote for the mystery box?" "I didn't take the mystery box. I took the James."

I am rambling. Forgive me. :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 10:07:16 PM
I am   :lol3:  at the thought of how angry Ratty Natty's boys are at her for voting for James
That was what got me through the disappointment of not having Alex back.I was a little surprised at Adam's vote too.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 10:11:01 PM
I don't think Chels has the strength to stand back up. is she sitting??
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 12, 2008, 10:17:08 PM
Sharon's done. Now there are three, two and a half hours in.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 10:23:29 PM
They need to get in Nat's head now!  

No there room there? :lol3:

ps..Sharon smelled the pizza
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 12, 2008, 10:26:44 PM
They need to drop now!  
I wholeheartedly agree.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 10:26:48 PM
I don't understand why Sharon is Natalies target? Is she just telling James/Chelsia that :'( Well then I guess James/Chelsia have to win.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 12, 2008, 10:27:21 PM
They need to get in Nat's head now!   

No there room there?

ps..Sharon smelled the pizza
There's PLENTY of room there.

Wonder what would have happened if the "James vs the Mystery Box" vote had been 4-4 ?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 10:30:11 PM
They need to get in Nat's head now!  
I wholeheartedly agree.

Please do not alter my statements. There's room for you to say what you think as well ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 12, 2008, 10:30:22 PM
One of the proposed twists was to have former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer come into the house with "Kristen".  :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 10:30:35 PM
Nevermind, I forgot she was mad at Sharon for making out with HER Matty :barf
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 10:31:11 PM
predicting that Chel will be next

Nat is not going to give up.. she has it in her head the privacy she would have with Matt in HOH
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 10:31:39 PM
They need to get in Nat's head now!   

No there room there?

ps..Sharon smelled the pizza
There's PLENTY of room there.

Wonder what would have happened if the "James vs the Mystery Box" vote had been 4-4 ?

I wondered that too.. :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 10:32:51 PM
Maybe then the evicted HGs would have voted for Alex or James (as like a majority vote)?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 12, 2008, 10:34:46 PM
Now James and Matt are arguing about the BD strategy. I think Matt's trying to distract James so he'll fall.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 10:38:54 PM
I'm sorry,but the thought of Nat winning and seeing Matt strut around the house again all week all puffed up like he's king sh*t makes me want to hurl.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 10:41:19 PM
Welcome to RFF Prickzy!

 :welcome2: :welcome: :welcome2:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 12, 2008, 10:42:12 PM
I'm sorry,but the thought of Nat winning and seeing Matt strut around the house again all week all puffed up like he's king sh*t makes me want to hurl.

Puffed up or Blown up in the HOH?

Why in the world doesn't James just hoolllleerrrr for Matt to give Sharon a massage in the meantime??  FRICK! :lol3:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 10:48:00 PM

Puffed up or Blown up in the HOH?

Why in the world doesn't James just hoolllleerrrr for Matt to give Sharon a massage in the meantime??  FRICK! :lol3:

 :lol3: Good ones!!
Old Nat's yakity yak finally caught up with her,she's dying for some water.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 10:48:15 PM
I'm sorry,but the thought of Nat winning and seeing Matt strut around the house again all week all puffed up like he's king sh*t makes me want to hurl.

agree 100%  Matt makes me sick
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 10:52:08 PM
If it is between James/Chelsia I hope its Chelsia that wins.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 12, 2008, 10:55:15 PM
i am really PO'D at bb, we were  to vote in a evicted HG, Alex won it!, and i think bb screwed us BIG TIME!... we voted our asses off for Alex, than the HG got to pick if they wanted the box with a HG or james????[ it wasnt HG choice, it was america's choice] that really pisses me off, bb mis-lead us! and I for one am not happy about it! if bb  said vote for who you want back in the house, and we did, than bb did this crap to us, i m NOT a happy camper right now!, really not fair at all, why have a america's choice if you arent going to stick by it! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sorry for the RANT! but all that damn voting for nothing! bb needs to let Alex come in that house also! afterall it is us tht keeps bb going, with ratings grrrrrrrrrr i m so damn mad right now! (:;) i bet bb gets a ton of mail over this! :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 12, 2008, 11:02:56 PM
So BB says no more squating,I guess we know who they want to win although why is beyond me.It'll just be another week of the same old same old.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 12, 2008, 11:13:01 PM
whend, it will be that no matter who gets HOH!  :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 11:26:58 PM
Nalie wants Sharon and Josh out :res: Josh has made his own bed, they would be better targeting Chelsia/James again. DUH
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 11:52:37 PM
James has to get HOH, I want Sheila to squirm squirm squirm. Oh my how I change my mind :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 11:53:19 PM
they should tell everyone to go inside make there own deal talk it out and then end it IMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 11:54:09 PM
James has to get HOH, I want Sheila to squirm squirm squirm. Oh my how I change my mind :'(

 :lol3: Mama I cannot believe those words came out of your keyboard
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 12, 2008, 11:56:20 PM
I just know that Natalie is targeting Sharon for high school BS and I think thats screwed up. UH!

And Sheila is like all confident Natalie has this, etc. Which just goes to prove that she is wanting to be carried :res:

But unfortuently nothing goes my way.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 12, 2008, 11:58:04 PM
please please let it go your way tonight  :hugs:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 13, 2008, 12:04:58 AM
I am still on the edge of my seat refreshing the page every 7 seconds. :P

Thanks to all the live feed people. I'd help, but I used up my trial last year and I'm not sure if I can get it again.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 12:07:35 AM
Well I guess I deal with James/Chelsia in the HOH over the 'we run this bitch' people who are just relying on Natalie. At least Sharon and Chelsia tried. And I can't imagine them putting up Sharon for her making out with someone who isn't her boyfriend/husband and Sheila is pissed at Josh when it was Ryan who told him what was up. :res:

Prickzy I think you can use a different email possibly?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 13, 2008, 12:09:24 AM
I'll try it out, thanks. :)

Also, I think that Josh/Chelsia/James will be 5x worse if they win this. Because they've been wanting something to shove in their faces since they got screwed. :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 12:13:29 AM
Natalie wants to cut a deal with James before its too late.

James: But then that ensures the person you want to go home does, I want to make sure the person I want to go home does.

Natalie: Just give you that chance before it is too late
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 12:14:24 AM
Ummm trust me, I think that James and Chelsia now knowing how it feels to be on the block, would be ALOT less cocky then Sheila who can't win anything.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 12:25:09 AM
I am still on the edge of my seat refreshing the page every 7 seconds. :P

Thanks to all the live feed people. I'd help, but I used up my trial last year and I'm not sure if I can get it again.

I think you can Prickzy! You could go check. You have 14 days to cancel!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: alohakiwi on March 13, 2008, 12:34:53 AM
I still hope James puts up Matt regardless...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 13, 2008, 12:38:14 AM
Is this not crazy

two people in two weeks getting evicted then coming back in and winning HOH
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 12:42:12 AM
I have a bad feeling now.

He promised Natalie/Matt saftey. Chelsia won't go up.

The only others are - Josh, Sharon, Sheila, Ryan, Adam.

I am scared for Josh/Sharon

I do think it will be Sheila/Ryan (Ryan especially).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: alohakiwi on March 13, 2008, 12:56:24 AM
Ryan must be feeling pretty stupid right now  :neener:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 01:01:12 AM
Ryan must be feeling pretty stupid right now  :neener:

I think SHeila might too :ascared
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 01:03:23 AM
No now Sheila will suck up to the ones with power ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 01:05:35 AM
No now Sheila will suck up to the ones with power ;)

But they are on to her this time :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 13, 2008, 01:09:13 AM
James did tell Julie he thought Shel had the best game going on,hopefully he'll remember his own words.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 01:14:09 AM
LOL! Josh will remind him.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 01:20:26 AM
Don't you like the way James is saying the other person was Jen? Now you know BB would not do that...or would they? Either BB is slick or James is very very slick & hitting RyBread where it hurts!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 01:29:38 AM
I think if James heard anything, he heard Julie say maybe "it could be Ryans real life girlfriend Jen or Allison"

But I think he was trying to get to Ryan to ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 13, 2008, 01:35:49 AM
i know these  HG think the worse, they prob thought it was jen or parker, bb really did mis-lead us, we voted our asses off for Alex, and he should be in the house, what was the point of us voting?? someone back in, [if bb wasnt going to put them in the house, i am alitle pissed at this! (:;) maybe bb will put alex in there in afew days, cuz this is BS.. i mean THEY SAY WHO DO YOU WHAT TO BE VOTED BACK IN THE HOUSE! AND THAN BB PULLS THIS bs....I HAVE been to alot of sites and they are pissed off about this! never said you get to pick the HG or the person you are voting out!grrrrrrrrrr sorry, for my RANT! i just dont get how bb did this not fair at all, a ton of people voting for the person they want in the house, and it doesnt even matter, thats CRAZY! :pull :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: alohakiwi on March 13, 2008, 01:47:04 AM
lol, the paranoia in that house is funnnnyyy :lol3:. Also, Nat. needs to learn to save herself  and not try to always save Mattyyyy uck. she is not that bright but man she did stay up durring that challenge forever and for that I give her props!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 13, 2008, 01:53:46 AM
Nat reminds me of Rose from Two and a Half Men.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 02:00:09 AM
I cannot believe Matt is screwing himself by denying he voted for the mysteryHG.

He is already safe..if he gets outed on this, there is unneccessary trouble.

He already admitted to someone that he did not vote for James to come back...didn't he?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: whend on March 13, 2008, 02:02:58 AM
I know he implied it when he was talking to Ryan,saying how dumb Nat was to vote James back in.Adam was on his side too,he doesn't need another enemy.Let him screw himself I can't wait till he's gone.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 02:03:27 AM
He admitted to Ryan, yeah.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 02:04:49 AM
Then that is good cuz when Grizzly Adam gets accused is going to be AWWNN! :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 02:23:35 AM
Notice how Sheila is pouting.


They had the house FLIPPED UPSIDE DOWN :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 13, 2008, 03:17:34 AM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison & Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia & Sharon nominated, Chelsia wins veto, used on self, James up, James evicted 5-1, siren goes off, houseguests told they had a choice to vote back in a mystery houseguest (Alex) or James, James voted back in 5-3
Week 5: James, HOH, to be continued...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 13, 2008, 09:55:51 AM
 :jumpy: BB let them sleep I am not looking forward to Sheila whining/bitchin about going up on the block and how much she doesn't deserve it
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TARAsia Fan on March 13, 2008, 10:27:50 AM
Nat reminds me of Rose from Two and a Half Men.
:lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

You are so right, whend!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 13, 2008, 10:52:29 AM
Well i thought Natalie had that HOH bagged, as someone has already pointed out all that yapping dehydrated her.  Shame......

I am glad that one of the J/J/C/S crew won.

But why would Natalie cut a deal for Matt apart from being the obvious delusional pyscho she is.

I like the idea of telling her not to use the POV or the deal is off.

and watching megamastermind Sheila over the next few days will be interesting.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 13, 2008, 11:25:41 AM
hi everyone :waves: what a freaking night, i am STILL pissed with bb, just for the fact that eveyone voted for who they wanted back in the house, and they let the HG'S pick, why was that a america's choice! takes alot of work voting, alot of your time, to pull that BS. i hope james does clean house!, but i hope he doesnt put up Nat, that girl worked her ass off for those PIGS!, there is a site that has hundreds of people e-mailing and calling cbs, about the america's choice to vote Alex back in, and than bb didnt, i am NOT going to borther with it, a waste of time! i just think bb should have let the HG america picked  go back in the house, if bb still wanted james there, bb could have come up with another twist to keep him there also, sorry for the long ass RANT but i am really pissed off!, site note: i love this site! :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 11:36:20 AM
I hear ya Sunshine! Why not just get the HG's to keep James. And if they wanted Sharon too, just say no eviction this week, which is what they really did, except give power to James, Chelsia, Josh.

If I had paid $$ texting my vote I'd demand a refund. Total waste of our time to vote even online. Total waste of sequester houses, total waste of energy to bring them back.  :nopoints  (:;)

Ah well, I'm trying to look for a bright side, but so far not finding one. When does this nightmare end?  :colors

I really have come to the conclusion that this season, Till Death do us part means.. OUR death!!  :killme:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 13, 2008, 11:52:41 AM
I hear ya Sunshine! Why not just get the HG's to keep James. And if they wanted Sharon too, just say no eviction this week, which is what they really did, except give power to James, Chelsia, Josh.

If I had paid $$ texting my vote I'd demand a refund. Total waste of our time to vote even online. Total waste of sequester houses, total waste of energy to bring them back.  :nopoints  (:;)

Ah well, I'm trying to look for a bright side, but so far not finding one. When does this nightmare end?  :colors

I really have come to the conclusion that this season, Till Death do us part means.. OUR death!!  :killme:

TexasLady, thank you, you got me LMAO :lol3: i know bb HATES US!. you are so right bb could have let this be a non-eviction week, and let Alex go back into the house, that was so NOT right , i really wanted Alex in the house...but i guess i got to move on! who knows, maybe bb knows america is pisssed, and they might bring Alex back, i know, i know i am dreaming but maybe?

side note:i see from your nickname texaslady, i am also from texas, born and raised, and still live in Houston! :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 12:38:49 PM
I was thinking about last night (or this morning)

So I was rooting for Sharon to win HOH for  a while and I have nothing against her.

But I am sick of hearing that she is a Marine Brat.

Marine's don't squeal like banshees....... :duno:

And does anyone know if guinea pigs are deaf or not??

Cuz if there are not, these will be if BB doesn't turn her screeching voice down a notch. :groan: SHe needs to STOP HOLLLERRRRIN

ps:ok I'm sorry..the GP's would die without her :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 13, 2008, 12:50:47 PM
Looks like Sheila's target is now Matt (that will backfire) James will not go back on his word to Nat I don't believe
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 13, 2008, 01:01:47 PM
I just have to rant. :groan:

I was really looking forward to James leaving and maybe just maybe when they brought back one of the sequestered housequests, that the show would finally get interesting. At the very least some alliances formed that last beyond their next bowel movement. (and the house in case you are not aware is on laxatives).   :lol:

That did not happen and already they are hopping back and forth making promises telling lies as quickly as they can take in the next breath.

So here we are, the ratings should and I hope they do, go down even more.  for BB not to disclose the name of the America's choice to go back into the house was just wrong. They knew James was a consideration, so Alex deserved to have them vote with full disclosure.  Otherwise stick both in boxes and have them vote Box A or Box B. At least that would of been fair.  BUT NO... BB gave us all a good old fashion Back door tush push and did not even kiss us. Heck those that voted paid to get screwed.    :lol3:

Natalie, At first I thought I sure hope she has a support system in place she is going to need it big time once she watches this show back.  But now, I firmly believe she is just fricken nuts.  The sort of women that gives the female gender a very bad rap.  Her gullible dumbass twisted need for attention and love is beyond pathetic. This is no cry for help, this is torture for anyone to watch, much less be locked in a house with.  Don't get me wrong there is NOT ONE in this house I am supporting or cheering for this year. I have never seen such fools on a reality television prior. And hope BB never cast such a bunch of losers again.  They are not even entertaining.  Please Please BB  :-*  give us mean, coy, funny, goofy even, but please at least give us people with the ability to process a thought longer than what they just deposited in the toilet. :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 01:19:35 PM
They are not even entertaining.  Please Please BB    give us mean, coy, funny, goofy even, but please at least give us people with the ability to process a thought longer than what they just deposited in the toilet.

LOL! Well how about dropping Dick :dick James, Dr. Will, Howie and Janie into the house for a week. They would show em how to play this game!  :lol3:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 01:26:27 PM
TexasLady, thank you, you got me LMAO :lol3: i know bb HATES US!. you are so right bb could have let this be a non-eviction week, and let Alex go back into the house, that was so NOT right , i really wanted Alex in the house...but i guess i got to move on! who knows, maybe bb knows america is pisssed, and they might bring Alex back, i know, i know i am dreaming but maybe?

side note:i see from your nickname texaslady, i am also from texas, born and raised, and still live in Houston! :yess:

 :jumpy: Another Texan!! (Not born here but LOVE it!) We live in Austin, come to Houston quite a bit now. (Spring/Woodlands really.)

PS, I wanted Alex back too!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 01:28:19 PM
They are not even entertaining.  Please Please BB    give us mean, coy, funny, goofy even, but please at least give us people with the ability to process a thought longer than what they just deposited in the toilet.

LOL! Well how about dropping Dick :dick James, Dr. Will, Howie and Janie into the house for a week. They would show em how to play this game!  :lol3:

Well everybody has a past, but I, for one, would like to see a house full of normal people. People who had not posed nude, made sex tapes etc etc.

Just normal everyday people, with their crazy quirks & habits, who had not already worked on or been part of a production.

People who are overweight  and  overworked.

People who live in the average everyday world :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 13, 2008, 01:30:53 PM
I think BB is done with the live show twists as we are still at nine people and with the finale being on April 29th, including one Fast It Forward double eviction, the schedule fits perfectly so nobody will be coming back. From now on, whoever gets evicted, stays out. The next person that gets evicted will be the first member of the jury.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 13, 2008, 01:33:40 PM
My own opinion is that everyone thought that if America would vote someone back into the house, they all thought it would be Jen.

It was the same song last year....that protein deprived Dani and now Jen think because they are skinny blondes that they are the current BB Janelle was!|

Janelle was then, is now and will be forever AMERICA'S CHOICE! I think some of these houseguests think it was all about her blonde hotness.

Janelle was spunky, fun and smart in addition to being beautiful! Danielle and Jen were just too whiny bitches in my book.

I was not at all surprised that we succeeded in voting Alex back in...I still bet their is some twist to come where he does actually make it back.

In my opinion.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 13, 2008, 01:34:13 PM
TexasLady, thank you, you got me LMAO :lol3: i know bb HATES US!. you are so right bb could have let this be a non-eviction week, and let Alex go back into the house, that was so NOT right , i really wanted Alex in the house...but i guess i got to move on! who knows, maybe bb knows america is pisssed, and they might bring Alex back, i know, i know i am dreaming but maybe?

side note:i see from your nickname texaslady, i am also from texas, born and raised, and still live in Houston! :yess:

 :jumpy: Another Texan!! (Not born here but LOVE it!) We live in Austin, come to Houston quite a bit now. (Spring/Woodlands really.)

PS, I wanted Alex back too!


lol another Houstonian

well not born here, but got here as soon as I could

isn't that the quote around these parts
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 13, 2008, 01:35:48 PM

I was not at all surprised that we succeeded in voting Alex back in...I still bet their is some twist to come where he does actually make it back.

I agree with this too, need to watch his myspace to check on his status.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 13, 2008, 01:37:04 PM
I will be checking the evicted houseguests' myspace this weekend to see if they have been released from sequester or not.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 13, 2008, 01:49:18 PM
HI.. I'm a new to the boards so if I make a mistake please forgive me.  That being said I CAN"T STAND JAMES.... I thought it was very unfair of BB/Julie to mislead us! I wanted Alex back and voted accordingly!! UGH
Poor Ryan!! Too trusting!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 01:51:58 PM
HI.. I'm a new to the boards so if I make a mistake please forgive me.  That being said I CAN"T STAND JAMES.... I thought it was very unfair of BB/Julie to mislead us! I wanted Alex back and voted accordingly!! UGH
Poor Ryan!! Too trusting!

Glad you are here. You are now on the best reality site IMO
The updaters are great!!!! :yess:

Yeah I wanted Alex too and am disappointed in the result..but I am making the best of it and changing my mind on who I root for every chance I get :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 13, 2008, 02:11:13 PM
here's a link to sign the petition somebody started for CBS regarding America's Choice
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 02:16:55 PM


lol another Houstonian

well not born here, but got here as soon as I could

isn't that the quote around these parts

It is!  :tup:  I knew I liked you for a reason Patlini! LOL
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 13, 2008, 02:18:11 PM
I signed the petition
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 02:19:41 PM
HI.. I'm a new to the boards so if I make a mistake please forgive me.  That being said I CAN"T STAND JAMES.... I thought it was very unfair of BB/Julie to mislead us! I wanted Alex back and voted accordingly!! UGH
Poor Ryan!! Too trusting!

AWW, we don't blast anyone here.. no crazy clowns or anything.  :taze  :lol:

I really REALLY wanted James gone and he was for about 5 nanoseconds.  (:;)

Welcome to RFF kbhq!

:welcome: :ty4posting :welcome:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 13, 2008, 02:24:43 PM
Thanks, glad to be here and chat! :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 02:44:28 PM
Can everyone please break out their violins for Sheila.

Gimme a break! 

She is closing in on 50 years old and just learned last night that she is a user and manipulator who never had to work for anything because of her beauty and her body :ascared

More of us need to go to the BBhouse it appears. Obviously you  have no self evaluation skills until you do!! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 13, 2008, 03:10:25 PM
I know someone mentioned this already but do we think there are more twists? Double eviction, etc..????
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ducky on March 13, 2008, 03:21:35 PM
I think BB is done with the live show twists as we are still at nine people and with the finale being on April 29th, including one Fast It Forward double eviction, the schedule fits perfectly so nobody will be coming back. From now on, whoever gets evicted, stays out. The next person that gets evicted will be the first member of the jury.

ITA with this synopsis. :hfive:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 13, 2008, 03:22:54 PM
TexasLady, thank you, you got me LMAO :lol3: i know bb HATES US!. you are so right bb could have let this be a non-eviction week, and let Alex go back into the house, that was so NOT right , i really wanted Alex in the house...but i guess i got to move on! who knows, maybe bb knows america is pisssed, and they might bring Alex back, i know, i know i am dreaming but maybe?

side note:i see from your nickname texaslady, i am also from texas, born and raised, and still live in Houston! :yess:

 :jumpy: Another Texan!! (Not born here but LOVE it!) We live in Austin, come to Houston quite a bit now. (Spring/Woodlands really.)

PS, I wanted Alex back too!

hi ya! :waves: i love Austin, i go there alot for water sports, plus i went to school there for 1 year... than came back to my home town of houston to finish.......i love spring i shop there all the time!, great to see some texans here, as everyone else from different states!...i am going to voice my opinion to cbs also, i wasnt at first, cuz i thought WTH, cbs doesnt care, but i am going to sign it! i voted by butt off for Alex, it was a America's choice NOT a HG choice, i am still pissed!lol i hope cbs knows that was BS, and they did word it! America who do YOU WANT back in the HOUSE... not America vote and let the HG pick for who you voted for, or let the HG vote to keep the person evicted, gosh i am STILL ranting on over this,  :groan: I just think it was so un-fair for us to do all that damn voting for a week,[for nothing?] and NOT get what WE wanted! thanks or letting me RANT on AGAIN LOL
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ducky on March 13, 2008, 03:30:46 PM
My own opinion is that everyone thought that if America would vote someone back into the house, they all thought it would be Jen.

It was the same song last year....that protein deprived Dani and now Jen think because they are skinny blondes that they are the current BB Janelle was!|

Janelle was then, is now and will be forever AMERICA'S CHOICE! I think some of these houseguests think it was all about her blonde hotness.

Janelle was spunky, fun and smart in addition to being beautiful! Danielle and Jen were just too whiny bitches in my book.

I was not at all surprised that we succeeded in voting Alex back in...I still bet their is some twist to come where he does actually make it back.

In my opinion.

 :ty :ty :ty :ty  about Janelle

I think that we have seen the last of Alex until finale.

As far as CBS goes with the twist....they covered all their bases with their wording.  They said to vote for favorite who "might" get back into the house. (my own words here...too lazy to go find the actual wording)
CBS also made sure it was only computer voting so no one paid any money.  Maybe we should have realized something was up since there was no request for texting.  You just have to go with the flow and as BB says "expect the unexpected". :duno: :umn: :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 13, 2008, 03:49:22 PM
I just bet Ryan is wishing he'd taken the 2 week deal last week.  Fat Fool.

he will be doing some emotional eating today after nominations.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 13, 2008, 04:35:25 PM
I just bet Ryan is wishing he'd taken the 2 week deal last week.  Fat Fool.

he will be doing some emotional eating today after nominations.

hi ya! :waves: i hear you! but ryan didnt know about the twist [james coming back, and he had the votes to get him out] hell even we thought that we got to put Alex in the house :'( if only these HG'S would have taken the box! grrrrrrrrrrrrr i am STILL pissed about this!, i am not saying ryan is my fav, i am just saying he knew he had the votes to get james out! the HG'S should have picked the box, knowing by james staying would hurt them in the game, i am just so upset with bb , cuz they lead us to believe we had a vote on who go in the house i just think it wasnt right! JMO..maybe bb worded it! so we didnt catch it! but they did act like we got to vote someone back in! i know, i need to move on LOL :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 04:53:18 PM
What really pissed me off last night was when Ryan was boo hooing because James got to come back and then Natalie would have won that HOH because James wouldn't have been there.

So ummm Ryan, I suppose Adam should have had HOH last week? The SAME thing happened with him.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 05:09:40 PM
This is what Julie said on last weeks show: Thanks to cabbfan for quoting her.

And America its time for you to get involved in the big brother game. Evicted houseguest Jacob Jen Parker Amanda and Alex have not returned to their regular lives. Instead they have all been isolated from the outside world and have no idea what’s been happening inside the big brother house. With your help one of them including newly evicted houseguest Allison will get the chance to shake things up by returning to the game
Go to and vote for the houseguest you would like to see return. Then next week see if your choice makes it back into the house".

To me that says YOUR CHOICE as in "America's Choice". Not the houseguests! It also says with your help they would get the chance to shake things up. Whatever though. I was hoping maybe later in the game they might still bring Alex back. Doubt it though, they have enough for the jury and what not.

March 19 - 8
March 26 - 7
April 2 - 6
April 9 - 5
April 16 - 4
April 23 - 3
April 28 (Final person evicted from F3)
April 29 Finale

Even with that, as it is could they still do a double eviction but I know they won't because they have the jury and its only right knowing that if they brought someone back who was going to be on the jury they would have to be there now to see how the game plays. That bites :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 13, 2008, 05:16:25 PM
First, I really like this site and a big thanks to all the live updaters.........they are great.  Looks like Ryan will go up and I sure hope James is smart enough to use the money that he and Jen have already won as a reason for him being  up there.  NO other couple in that house is going to walk out with $20,000.  Wasn't that one of the big reasons they used last year when they put up Dustin last year because he won the vacation and $5000 I think it was??
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 05:25:52 PM
Technically Jen and Ryan won 15,000 combined cause Parker and Jen have to split the 10,000.

And it won't be a reason for him being on the block - James was backdoored by Ryan after Ryan told him they were cool. Ryan admits he shook everyones hands (not just about the backdoor Matty plan).

I can't wait to hear about this nom ceremony. James is going to threaten them that the deal is off if Natalie or Matt use POV to save Ryan or Sheila.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 13, 2008, 05:32:59 PM
Technically Jen and Ryan won 15,000 combined cause Parker and Jen have to split the 10,000.

And it won't be a reason for him being on the block - James was backdoored by Ryan after Ryan told him they were cool. Ryan admits he shook everyones hands (not just about the backdoor Matty plan).

I can't wait to hear about this nom ceremony. James is going to threaten them that the deal is off if Natalie or Matt use POV to save Ryan or Sheila.

I didn't realize she had to split it with Parker.  Yes I'm aware of all the other reasons James has to put up Ryan..........I just hope he brings that to the limelight to remind all the other houseguests.  He should have really laid that out big time to Sheila before his might have changed her devious mind.  :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 13, 2008, 05:35:38 PM
Technically Jen and Ryan won 15,000 combined cause Parker and Jen have to split the 10,000.

And it won't be a reason for him being on the block - James was backdoored by Ryan after Ryan told him they were cool. Ryan admits he shook everyones hands (not just about the backdoor Matty plan).

I can't wait to hear about this nom ceremony. James is going to threaten them that the deal is off if Natalie or Matt use POV to save Ryan or Sheila.

hi ya! mama, :waves: i think what james is doing, is a big ass BULLY!, james said he wants to play this game, than let the others do the same, who does he think he is telling them they CANT use the POV, what if shelia or ryan win the veto!, what is james going to do???[he promised nat and matt] but than again james's word doesnt mean anything , he talks a up right game, but he is just as big of a lair and backstabber as the rest JMO] i just cant with james, and i am STILL pissed off about Alex not getting in the house!grrrrrrrrr oh BB! :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 05:45:29 PM
Wasn't that one of the big reasons they used last year when they put up Dustin last year because he won the vacation and $5000 I think it was??

They got mad at Dustin because he started wearing that crown and acting like he was the king, he overplayed his hand and got too arrogant. When he took the money after Jameka turned down money it was an eye opening event for the other HG's.

Welcome to RFF JAM101! We're glad you found us!  :welcome:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 13, 2008, 05:45:57 PM
Technically Jen and Ryan won 15,000 combined cause Parker and Jen have to split the 10,000.

And it won't be a reason for him being on the block - James was backdoored by Ryan after Ryan told him they were cool. Ryan admits he shook everyones hands (not just about the backdoor Matty plan).

I can't wait to hear about this nom ceremony. James is going to threaten them that the deal is off if Natalie or Matt use POV to save Ryan or Sheila.

hi ya! mama, :waves: i think what james is doing, is a big ass BULLY!, james said he wants to play this game, than let the others do the same, who does he think he is telling them they CANT use the POV, what if shelia or ryan win the veto!, what is james going to do???[he promised nat and matt] but than again james's word doesnt mean anything , he talks a up right game, but he is just as big of a lair and backstabber as the rest JMO] i just cant with james, and i am STILL pissed off about Alex not getting in the house!grrrrrrrrr oh BB! :groan:

Ryan's big thing was that James put him and Allison on the block the week before....therefore, in Ryan's mind, putting James up was fair payback.  James was only pissed because he was backdoored, and HIS plan to backdoor Matt didn't work.

Visions of Jen from last year threatening Amber that Dustin or one of her other friends would go on the block if she used POV.  (that was what started ED off on his rampage last season)  This bunch doesn't have an original thought.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 05:53:09 PM
Ok, I'm ranting. I'm so over James. He's whining now about he had to suffer 3 days! 3 DAYS of game play before he was evicted! GASP! SHOCK!!! WHAT ?? People lied to him? Wow! How terrible! He walked out that door, ok, he got back but he actually walked out that door and had to talk to Julie. That was MUCH worse (so he says) than Ryan getting evicted but only one left. :barf

I actually think James is one of the smartest people in the house but he has a fatal flaw, he wants revenge, he bears grudges, and worst of all, he really doesn't get BB's game.

I also think threatening people that if they use the POV he will seek to take out their best friend is a mistake that will come back to bite him in the behind. He's picking the first person on the jury. Not to mention, if anyone should know how they get manipulated in the DR and push the HG's to do what the producers want, it should be James.

/rant over.

I agree Lily, worst.season.ever
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 13, 2008, 06:02:35 PM


And we keep watching and reading.  This group never stops.  I wouldn't even mind watching a short game of beer least that group got together for some fun.  I think Josh tried to emulate ED with his comical discussions with the camera but he couldn't even fill one of ED's socks, let alone his shoes.  I liked Alex but since he left, I seem to root for the underdog............the exception there would be if MATTY (5 yr old kid's name) or motor mouth, devious Sheila were up on the block..........then I'd hope they would be booted.

Side note:  Hello Sunshine from SaGaMa
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 13, 2008, 06:20:14 PM
James is a hypocrite..... since when is he so noble. He's lied and broken promises from the start.. he promised M/N he wouldn't put them up and he did, he told Ryan to Chel up, etc.. You can't (i believe) be successful in this game w/out some broken promises!!  I am SO upset about Alex.. I voted a few times for him to come back..
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 13, 2008, 06:43:12 PM
First, I am no James fan but then again, I dont really care for any of these houseguests except I have a little love for Sharon and a smidgen for Chelsia.

James has every right to tell them that if they get and use the veto, that he will put up their best friend.....that is just good game play by WHOEVER the HOH is....maybe others should have taken that approach.

Natalie is the most co-dependent chick I have seen on this show. Sheila is just plain manipulative and conniving.

Matt is cocky, Adam is a doofus and Ryan really just screwed up by not taking the 2 week deal he was offered. He gambled and he must pay the piper....unless he can play the game and pull his chestnuts out of the fire.

Finally, you can blame James all you want for a lot of things....but it is in no ways his fault that Alex didnt get back in as we voted. Blame CBS, stupid houseguests, the threat of Allison getting back in scaring people, or what-have-you...but James is the LAST person to blame.

In my opinion.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 13, 2008, 06:55:42 PM
First, I am no James fan but then again, I dont really care for any of these houseguests except I have a little love for Sharon and a smidgen for Chelsia.

James has every right to tell them that if they get and use the veto, that he will put up their best friend.....that is just good game play by WHOEVER the HOH is....maybe others should have taken that approach.

Natalie is the most co-dependent chick I have seen on this show. Sheila is just plain manipulative and conniving.

Matt is cocky, Adam is a doofus and Ryan really just screwed up by not taking the 2 week deal he was offered. He gambled and he must pay the piper....unless he can play the game and pull his chestnuts out of the fire.

Finally, you can blame James all you want for a lot of things....but it is in no ways his fault that Alex didnt get back in as we voted. Blame CBS, stupid houseguests, the threat of Allison getting back in scaring people, or what-have-you...but James is the LAST person to blame.

In my opinion.

Very well put and I agree.  I also think not sharing HOH room w/Chel is smart........keeps them all on their toes........even Josh is getting nervous now..........rightfully so. :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 13, 2008, 06:56:28 PM
Can someone help me out here... it seems since James got back in (which he should be very greatful for) he is quite upset at how the votes turned out.

My question is this... did he really expect Josh to vote against Sharon (who has his back completely) it seems that James has a chip for Josh right now and really wants nothing to do with anyone. 

On another note we pretty much know it is going to be Ryan and Sheila going up who would everyone prefer out between those two or does it even matter.  To me it could be either one of them.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 06:57:58 PM
James does have a right to say not to use the veto or the deal is off. Think about it, he made a deal to not put up Matt and Natalie, if Matt/Natalie win POV and take off Ryan, Sheila then well thats screwed up because they have a deal with JAMES. If they win themselves they already said it was Adam going up and going home. So this week should be either Adam or Ryan unless Adam wins POV and takes Ryan off, then Sheila will go home.

And from what I understand about Dustin, is when he let Jameka have the POV and didn't fight for it to keep his noms the same. Remember hes 'greedy'? Thats why they got mad at him.

And James never put Ryan on the block. James/Chelsia nominated A/A and M/N and Josh/Sharon put up Allison/Ryan (because of Allison).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 06:58:52 PM
Alfred, I'm not blaming him for CBS's screw-up at ALL. They wanted James in the house (IMO) for Showtime BBAD and for ratings. He had nothing to do with returning.

My beef is his sanctimonious blather about how he is just being straight up and putting Ryan up, because HE unlike Ryan is being true to himself and not back-dooring him. But was it really backdooring? I don't think so, he wasn't the original target. Chelsia won POV, she took herself off, and someone had to go up. There are two groups, Ryan picked one from the other side. I think it was a good play, James is strong and has proven he can win competitions.

In a way Ryan did what James wants to do and if he would say that I wouldn't consider it as bad as what he is saying now. He said tonight he wants his pick to go home. Fine. POV is played so that maybe your pick doesn't go home. Chels took herself off, Ryan put up James. But he didn't threaten anyone before hand.

He's mad because Ryan screwed up his plan and it nearly worked. That's the way it goes in BB land.

Just my  :2cents:   ;)

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 13, 2008, 07:00:37 PM
God bless all of us and our differing opinions!

That being said, I hope they vote Sheila out instead of Ryan.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 13, 2008, 07:01:02 PM
Alfred, I'm not blaming him for CBS's screw-up at ALL. They wanted James in the house (IMO) for Showtime BBAD and for ratings. He had nothing to do with returning.

My beef is his sanctimonious blather about how he is just being straight up and putting Ryan up, because HE unlike Ryan is being true to himself and not back-dooring him. But was it really backdooring? I don't think so, he wasn't the original target. Chelsia won POV, she took herself off, and someone had to go up. There are two groups, Ryan picked one from the other side. I think it was a good play, James is strong and has proven he can win competitions.

In a way Ryan did what James wants to do and if he would say that I wouldn't consider it as bad as what he is saying now. He said tonight he wants his pick to go home. Fine. POV is played so that maybe your pick doesn't go home. Chels took herself off, Ryan put up James. But he didn't threaten anyone before hand.

He's mad because Ryan screwed up his plan and it nearly worked. That's the way it goes in BB land.

Just my  :2cents:   ;)

I second that!! :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 13, 2008, 07:06:59 PM
I also have to say that while I do not like James (or Chelsia and most of the time Josh - I like that Sharon is safe this week - supposedly).

And here is why I am glad James won. Just today we have heard:

Ryan bitching that James shouldn't have been able to play HOH or that he should have bene able to play since someone was brought back (what about last week). Guess he shouldn't have had HOH last week then, eh?

Them whining that one of them IS going home becuase the other 'alliance' has the power (once again my friends, did they not do this last week).

They sat there last week and was like "none of them will be here for Easter". Hmmm Easter is a week from Sunday so even if one of the other alliances' person gets HOH next Wendsday, you guessed it. They will be there for Easter.

Sheila complaining how she doesn't need a guy to protect her, but has said many times if Matt is gone she is gone because Matt promised he would carry her.

Sheila saying that they should send Adam home now (say WHAT, you just told him the other day he should win this game to). She tells this to Ryan (who she was mad at about the $10,000 and follows it with 'Adam won a motorcycle send him home'). 10 grand, motorcycle...... hmmmm. And its probably a crotch rocket that is cheaper then 10 grand :res: So send Ryan home.

Ryan then goes to Matt complaining that Sheila was mad about the $ but he needs it to (go Ryan), just cause she is a single mom doesn't mean anything. Yet this is the same person your agreeing with that they should send Adam home because he won a motorcycle.

Sheila is mad because of what Sharon said last week but it was Sheila that was worried about it being guys vs girls and saying RYAN (see above, they are best friends suddenly) put up two girls because he had no balls ..... So Sharon said "well then I will just put up two guys when I get HOH".

My vent is over!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 13, 2008, 07:14:21 PM
Amen, Mama!

And if Sheila is a single mother I will bet 100 bucks that her man/husband didnt abandon her but rather was run off by that manipulative heifer!

In fact, given that crazy look she gets in her eyes, somebody better check the crawlspace under her house for her son's father's body.

Just kidding.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 07:24:59 PM
Amen, Mama!

And if Sheila is a single mother I will bet 100 bucks that her man/husband didnt abandon her but rather was run off by that manipulative heifer!

In fact, given that crazy look she gets in her eyes, somebody better check the crawlspace under her house for her son's father's body.

Just kidding.


well I think the son  looks like CHACHI that 46 & pregnant thing might be a ruse ;)


Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 09:20:43 PM
God bless all of us and our differing opinions!

That being said, I hope they vote Sheila out instead of Ryan.


ALFRED!!!  :lol3:  Just for that, I think I'm gonna pull for Sheila!  :angel:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 13, 2008, 09:23:52 PM
God bless all of us and our differing opinions!

That being said, I hope they vote Sheila out instead of Ryan.


ALFRED!!!  :lol3:  Just for that, I think I'm gonna pull for Sheila!  :angel:

I'm with you TL.   For that I will resurrect this old like Girl Power.  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 13, 2008, 09:39:35 PM
Sorry, offense intended!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 13, 2008, 09:42:08 PM
Big Brother Updaters
RFF Frantic Poster


Posts: 2694

    Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Thursday 3/12
« Reply #327 on: Today at 09:26:56 PM » Quote 

Shel thanks BB she got therapy

Chel joins

Shel whats up baby

Ryan I don't know if you want to hang out in the block room

Chel I am just bored

Shel talking about tomorrow being her last day in the unitard ""

Is this the same baby who needs her potty mouth washed out with soap and turned over Sheila's knee, by any chance?
  :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 09:42:51 PM
Sorry, offense intended!

None taken Alfred!! I'm just teasing!  :-*

(Well kinda.. since you ARE for the bro's!)  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 13, 2008, 09:46:30 PM
Shel thanks BB she got therapy

Chel joins

Shel whats up baby

Ryan I don't know if you want to hang out in the block room

Chel I am just bored

Shel talking about tomorrow being her last day in the unitard ""

Is this the same baby who needs her potty mouth washed out with soap and turned over Sheila's knee, by any chance?
  :lol3: :lol3:

I believe so, James told her she needs to start hanging out with the other HG's because she has been so ummm... rude insulting, caustic at times.   :angel:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 14, 2008, 12:25:57 AM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison & Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia & Sharon nominated, Chelsia wins veto, used on self, James up, James evicted 5-1, siren goes off, houseguests told they had a choice to vote back in a mystery houseguest (Alex) or James, James voted back in 5-3
Week 5: James, HOH, Ryan & Sheila nominated, to be continued...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 14, 2008, 12:39:14 AM
I wouldn't mind Sheila going home.

I think James is pissed off at Ryan because Ryan took the Matt deal, and then didn't put up Josh against Sharon. And he was mad about Sharon being on the block next to him. Gimme a break. I have no sympathy for him, because he wanted Matt backdoored so obviously knows thats the game but got pissed cause he didn't get to play for POV!

I do not like James, but what I hate more is that Ryan is being just as pouty, Sheila the same. Yet she is just as cocky.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 14, 2008, 03:30:20 AM
Bros and Hos, how about overall Doofus 

I have no idea what Adam says or whether it can be translated :lol:

And better yet what makes Chel think we are interested in her bowl movements that she

needs to announce it all day long  :groan:

Or maybe BB can turn this into a public service announcement to stay in school kids
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 14, 2008, 03:32:59 AM
I think in every season they have talked about farting, their poops of the day and well many other things I personally don't want to know about :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 14, 2008, 03:34:00 AM
Unfortunately they do

But I must say this is the first that I have woken up to find someone actually sit on someones face and do that

I just don't find it amusing

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 14, 2008, 10:13:20 AM

Jen and Parker logged in their myspaces yesterday and today so it's obvious that the evicted houseguests have been released from sequester.

Will check on the others as well and will post once I find it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 10:16:43 AM
The way this season has become a never ending scene from the movie, "Cruel Intentions," I would like to ask to question-

"Is it possible to be in the BB house and never talk spitefully or cruely about the other HGs and still manage to win, or has that become what the game is about?"

I cannot beleive how it seems that bully's and ruthless-heartless behavior has become the norm and seems to foster popularity like a high school nightmare in the house.  After seeing this group, I would never want to expose myself that type of constant ridicule- just not worth the money.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 14, 2008, 10:21:59 AM

Alex has logged in as well. Need I say more.....they all have been released!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 10:25:43 AM
Thanks Will :waves:

Well there goes the hope that BB might do SOMETHING with America's vote- guess not. :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 14, 2008, 10:31:36 AM
Thanks Will :waves:

Well there goes the hope that BB might do SOMETHING with America's vote- guess not. :meow:

You're welcome!

I think the siren thingy is done as well....will have normal evictions from now on. As I've said before, whoever gets evicted next is the first member of the jury and will be going to the jury house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 11:05:40 AM
Ok, I'm ranting. I'm so over James. He's whining now about he had to suffer 3 days! 3 DAYS of game play before he was evicted! GASP! SHOCK!!! WHAT ?? People lied to him? Wow! How terrible! He walked out that door, ok, he got back but he actually walked out that door and had to talk to Julie. That was MUCH worse (so he says) than Ryan getting evicted but only one left. :barf

I actually think James is one of the smartest people in the house but he has a fatal flaw, he wants revenge, he bears grudges, and worst of all, he really doesn't get BB's game.

I also think threatening people that if they use the POV he will seek to take out their best friend is a mistake that will come back to bite him in the behind. He's picking the first person on the jury. Not to mention, if anyone should know how they get manipulated in the DR and push the HG's to do what the producers want, it should be James.

/rant over.

I agree Lily, worst.season.ever

hi ya! everyone :waves: i agree with EVERY WORD you said, TexasLady!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 11:17:03 AM
The way this season has become a never ending scene from the movie, "Cruel Intentions," I would like to ask to question-

"Is it possible to be in the BB house and never talk spitefully or cruely about the other HGs and still manage to win, or has that become what the game is about?"

I cannot believe how it seems that bully's and ruthless-heartless behavior has become the norm and seems to foster popularity like a high school nightmare in the house.  After seeing this group, I would never want to expose myself that type of constant ridicule- just not worth the money.

Didn't Jun win by cooking and being in the kitchen where she knew what was going on? Will lied but not cruelly. Maggie and the nerd herd.. well maybe a little worse but not this bad.

I SO hope that since it is Easter time the guys have to put in bunny suits and have to get up and dump stinky slop on themselves as a result of the POV competition!!!  :yess:  :jumpy:

Morning Sunshine!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 11:32:30 AM

i know johnny, [Alex's best friend, and he is taking care of Alex's my space!.. my system is really messed up right now, i am trying to e-mail johnny, and i cant :pull, i cant even get on the feeds right now, and thank God i was able to get on this site grrrrrrrrrrr, i dont like having these prob! he will let me know what is going on, if Alex is out or whatever?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 11:48:25 AM

See sunshine26 you and I know this

I understand there are fan sites that's not what I'm saying

I do mean their official myspace because Alex's has been logged into this entire time

so I don't know if your thinking about excluding him

hi ya! ca bb fan :waves:, johnny has been posting and placing moods on Alex's myspace,[the whole time Alex's has been in the house and out of the house] until i see that Alex is posting than i will know that he is out!..i am really trying to e-mail john, and i am having alot of probs, webpage wont open ect ect, i can even get on the feeds right now!..grrrrrrrrrr, but i hear ya! and you are right,  [friends or family] have been taking care of the HG'S myspace, i know for a fact johnny is taking care of Alex's, as soon as i can e-mail john, i will give a update!, i know when Alex got evicted all john knew was Alex was out of the house [like we did] bb didnt let him know anything!..i
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 14, 2008, 11:52:25 AM

See sunshine26 you and I know this

I understand there are fan sites that's not what I'm saying

I do mean their official myspace because Alex's has been logged into this entire time

so I don't know if your thinking about excluding him

hi ya! ca bb fan :waves:, johnny has been posting and placing moods on Alex's myspace,[the whole time Alex's has been in the house and out of the house] until i see that Alex is posting than i will know that he is out!..i am really trying to e-mail john, and i am having alot of probs, webpage wont open ect ect, i can even get on the feeds right now!..grrrrrrrrrr, but i hear ya! and you are right,  [friends or family] have been taking care of the HG'S myspace, i know for a fact johnny is taking care of Alex's, as soon as i can e-mail john, i will give a update!, i know when Alex got evicted all john knew was Alex was out of the house [like we did] bb didnt let him know anything!..i

 :-* Hey sunshine great to see you I know I have been doing some stuff for them

Alex Rocks  :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 14, 2008, 12:01:18 PM

At this point I don't even care about the other houseguests if they have been released or not

I do know that Alex has been through enough due to the great BB twist and I feel he doesn't need this too
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 12:07:20 PM

At this point I don't even care about the other houseguests if they have been released or not

I do know that Alex has been through enough due to the great BB twist and I feel he doesn't need this too

i hear ya! i was so pissed at bb for doing that, Alex was thinking he was back in the house, than BAM!!!!!!!!!!  alot of people are upset over this, i know a ton of e-mails and calls have been placed to cbs!,, the words bb used lead us to believe that it was a america's choice! which by reading them again, it STILL sounds like a america's choice!...this was NOT cool bb grrrrrrrr.... (:;) atlease Alex knows he was America's choice!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 14, 2008, 12:11:26 PM

At this point I don't even care about the other houseguests if they have been released or not

I do know that Alex has been through enough due to the great BB twist and I feel he doesn't need this too

i hear ya! i was so pissed at bb for doing that, Alex was thinking he was back in the house, than BAM!!!!!!!!!!  alot of people are upset over this, i know a ton of e-mails and calls have been placed to cbs!,, the words bb used lead us to believe that it was a america's choice! which by reading them again, it STILL sounds like a america's choice!...this was NOT cool bb grrrrrrrr.... (:;) atlease Alex knows he was America's choice!

I know I was looking at the footage last night and when I saw his expression that he was chosen it sent goosbumps up my arms,

poor guy that just sucked what BB did to him and all of us
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 12:38:45 PM

At this point I don't even care about the other houseguests if they have been released or not

I do know that Alex has been through enough due to the great BB twist and I feel he doesn't need this too

i hear ya! i was so pissed at bb for doing that, Alex was thinking he was back in the house, than BAM!!!!!!!!!!  alot of people are upset over this, i know a ton of e-mails and calls have been placed to cbs!,, the words bb used lead us to believe that it was a america's choice! which by reading them again, it STILL sounds like a america's choice!...this was NOT cool bb grrrrrrrr.... (:;) atlease Alex knows he was America's choice!

I know I was looking at the footage last night and when I saw his expression that he was chosen it sent goosbumps up my arms,

poor guy that just sucked what BB did to him and all of us

i hear ya!, but it's all good :tup: atlease Alex knows he was America's choice! :tup: Alex has so much going on in his real life, bb isnt going to bring him down, the reason i know Alex is upset by this, is b/cuz of his best friend Johnny, Alex, wanted to do this for his friend, cuz really Alex went with johnny to the casting, and bb pulled Alex out of the line instead of John, but i know John is proud of Alex. i know the look on Alex's face when he was chosen,he was so happy, than those damn HG'S picked james, i think it was a stupid move, cuz they had the votes to get james out, and they should have known anyone in that box would have been a better choice, than to bring james back, very dumb move JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 14, 2008, 01:13:45 PM
I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 01:15:58 PM
I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 01:17:58 PM

I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides

I just wonder who James thinks is closest to Shelia that he would put up?  Adam?  Guess Adam is his only other choice unless he trys to BD Matt?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jessiehpt on March 14, 2008, 01:23:01 PM
 :waves: hey there bb junkes me included :lol3:  does anyone have any good pics of james tatoos? my hubby keeps asking y he has to wear bandaids on them
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 01:28:54 PM
I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides

LMAO :lol3: you dont have to hide Michael, i am hoping the same thing, i want to see what the [snake] james does if that happens, he maded promises! but we all know james's word means nothing, he shook matt's hand and promised he wouldnt put him on the block, 1 hour before noms [the last time he was hoh, and the snake put matt up!!, james talks about being a good guy, not going behind your back, blah blah blah, B:) but he is a liar, he shook hands promised and lied also, but i guess it is ok for him, but the other CANT (:;) i want james out of that house so bad, really what i want is a double eviction , with james and chelisa GONE!!!!, sorry i just cant like them...and it really pisses me off that james is bullying the HG'S to NOT use the veto if they won!.. you know , krama is a big bitch! i am not saying that these are my favorite HG, i am just saying james and chelisa are NOT my favorite! i think james and chelisa are very natsy people! they have no self respect for themselves or others JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 14, 2008, 01:30:59 PM
I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides

LMAO :lol3: you dont have to hide Michael, i am hoping the same thing, i want to see what the [snake] james does if that happens, he maded promises! but we all know james's word means nothing, he shook matt's hand and promised he wouldnt put him on the block, 1 hour before noms [the last time he was hoh, and the snake put matt up!!, james talks about being a good guy, not going behind your back, blah blah blah, B:) but he is a liar, he shook hands promised and lied also, but i guess it is ok for him, but the other CANT (:;) i want james out of that house so bad, really what i want is a double eviction , with james and chelisa GONE!!!!, sorry i just cant like them...and it really pisses me off that james is bullying the HG'S to NOT use the veto if they won!.. you know , krama is a big bitch! i am not saying that these are my favorite HG, i am just saying james and chelisa are NOT my favorite! i think james and chelisa are very natsy people! they have no self respect for themselves or others JMO!
Couldn't have said it better myself :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 01:31:11 PM
Hi Jessiehpt  :waves:

From what I've read and peaked at- the one on his arm has a priest I think he is holding a gun and the part that is covered up, is in the bubble that the priest is thinking about which is two bodies having sex- I think two men- one bent over the other.  

The other one is his brawny tattoo on his chest that I've heard might have the "C" word where he wears the bandaid.  

Under BB9 in this forum- there is a topic of James and maybe one about his tattoos
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 01:35:14 PM
I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides

LMAO :lol3: you dont have to hide Michael, i am hoping the same thing, i want to see what the [snake] james does if that happens, he maded promises! but we all know james's word means nothing, he shook matt's hand and promised he wouldnt put him on the block, 1 hour before noms [the last time he was hoh, and the snake put matt up!!, james talks about being a good guy, not going behind your back, blah blah blah, B:) but he is a liar, he shook hands promised and lied also, but i guess it is ok for him, but the other CANT (:;) i want james out of that house so bad, really what i want is a double eviction , with james and chelisa GONE!!!!, sorry i just cant like them...and it really pisses me off that james is bullying the HG'S to NOT use the veto if they won!.. you know , krama is a big bitch! i am not saying that these are my favorite HG, i am just saying james and chelisa are NOT my favorite! i think james and chelisa are very natsy people! they have no self respect for themselves or others JMO!
Couldn't have said it better myself :yess:

I hear ya!  Ditto
I am still stunned those dumbies voted him over the mystery box- I don't care if Quasi Moto was in the box, they would be safer, than having the guy they just voted out (back doored) worst move in BB history for Nat and Adam!  I still can't beleive it! :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 01:47:26 PM
I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides

LMAO :lol3: you dont have to hide Michael, i am hoping the same thing, i want to see what the [snake] james does if that happens, he maded promises! but we all know james's word means nothing, he shook matt's hand and promised he wouldnt put him on the block, 1 hour before noms [the last time he was hoh, and the snake put matt up!!, james talks about being a good guy, not going behind your back, blah blah blah, B:) but he is a liar, he shook hands promised and lied also, but i guess it is ok for him, but the other CANT (:;) i want james out of that house so bad, really what i want is a double eviction , with james and chelisa GONE!!!!, sorry i just cant like them...and it really pisses me off that james is bullying the HG'S to NOT use the veto if they won!.. you know , krama is a big bitch! i am not saying that these are my favorite HG, i am just saying james and chelisa are NOT my favorite! i think james and chelisa are very natsy people! they have no self respect for themselves or others JMO!
Couldn't have said it better myself :yess:

I hear ya!  Ditto
I am still stunned those dumbies voted him over the mystery box- I don't care if Quasi Moto was in the box, they would be safer, than having the guy they just voted out (back doored) worst move in BB history for Nat and Adam!  I still can't beleive it! :groan:

hi ya! LMAO :lol3: i hear ya!, these HG'S are plain STUPID!, to vote the person back in they just evicted :groan: plain dumb!, i wouldnt of cared who was in that box either! JMO but that was a stupid move!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jessiehpt on March 14, 2008, 01:52:54 PM
Hi Jessiehpt  :waves:

From what I've read and peaked at- the one on his arm has a priest I think he is holding a gun and the part that is covered up, is in the bubble that the priest is thinking about which is two bodies having sex- I think two men- one bent over the other.  

The other one is his brawny tattoo on his chest that I've heard might have the "C" word where he wears the bandaid.  

Under BB9 in this forum- there is a topic of James and maybe one about his tattoos
wow thanks
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 02:15:12 PM
I love that the boys always seem to drop so fast in these endurance competitions.  Matty, Josh, Adam . . . down like a big ole pile of bricks.  

Go Sharon!!  :cheer:


I am rofl @ myself after re-reading this.

I commented that I loved your hair the other day.

I thought you had pigtails & now I see it is pom poms... :lol3:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 14, 2008, 02:20:11 PM
Playing for Veto are:


Natalie hosting

Sharon and Adam not playing
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 14, 2008, 02:24:43 PM
oh my god this is taking so long  :groan:
i have to go to work in an hour! I WANT TO KNOW WHO WINS POV BEFORE I LEAVE!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 14, 2008, 02:26:36 PM
pls don't let Matt win..........
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bubblepuff749 on March 14, 2008, 02:27:07 PM
dear lord...this is taking FOREVER......Is it endurance then?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 02:35:14 PM
oh my god this is taking so long  :groan:
i have to go to work in an hour! I WANT TO KNOW WHO WINS POV BEFORE I LEAVE!!

give us your # we will notify you   ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 14, 2008, 02:36:35 PM
I wonder if something broke again
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: puddin on March 14, 2008, 02:37:32 PM

If they were sent to the HOH it might be one of those timed challenges like BB is prepping something in the house like last years, hide the the veto in the house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 02:37:43 PM
I'm actually really hoping Sheila wins POV this week.... :hides

Same here Michael!!  :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 02:38:16 PM
Playing for Veto are:


Natalie hosting

Sharon and Adam not playing

Josh does look a lot different weight wise than from the pic you have-when I saw him dancing in front of the mirror- I was kind of laughing at him, but I can really see it in comparison to that pic.  Good for him- he looks much better.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 14, 2008, 02:40:42 PM
Playing for Veto are:


Natalie hosting

Sharon and Adam not playing

Josh does look a lot different weight wise than from the pic you have-when I saw him dancing in front of the mirror- I was kind of laughing at him, but I can really see it in comparison to that pic.  Good for him- he looks much better.

Yes, he said yesterday that he has lost 20 lbs so far. You really can tell from his face, much thinner.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 14, 2008, 02:41:46 PM
oh my god if it's a timed veto it is going to take so long for it to come back LOL
oh well -- GO SHEILA!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 02:43:33 PM

If they were sent to the HOH it might be one of those timed challenges like BB is prepping something in the house like last years, hide the the veto in the house.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Maybe so! They were showing the inside of Sheila's drawers and other things around the house this morning.  (and her panties btw)  :-[

Michael, we can call as someone suggested.  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 02:46:47 PM
dear lord...this is taking FOREVER......Is it endurance then?

I'm hoping it is like last year when Dustin took the trip and poor Jameka didn't take the money but took not winning any POV's for weeks. (That one sucked but got her too #4.) 

Welcome to RFF bubblepuff! 

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bubblepuff749 on March 14, 2008, 02:49:58 PM

I'm hoping it is like last year when Dustin took the trip and poor Jameka didn't take the money but took not winning any POV's for weeks. (That one sucked but got her too #4.) 

Welcome to RFF bubblepuff! 

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:


Yeah,that comp was pretty dumb...I want them to do something crazy...I could use a fun one :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 14, 2008, 02:51:23 PM
thanks texaslady -- peach already has my number though :D
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 02:54:17 PM
grrrrr, i am so freaking mad! my system is so messed up i cant get on the feeds!, i cant get out e-mails, and i am NOT leaving this site, cuz i fear i wont be able to get back on, Thanks to the live feeders :jumpy: without you guys, i wouldnt have a clue about who won the veto, :tup: damn system!, i am geting a new laptop, and head phones for summer bb.....but i really think it is my new cable co! grrrrrrrrrrr.. i want this to really mess up james's game! BB please the HG guest voted him out, and we voted Alex back in [by the way i am STILL pissed off about what BB did (:;)] i hope shelia or even ryan wins that veto, lets see if james is a man of his word [NOT] he will have to put up adam!, cuz he promised!  but james is a freaking liar, just got to wait and see!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 02:57:27 PM
 :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy:

I got a commerical!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 14, 2008, 02:58:49 PM
I'm leaving for see ya'll later at 1:15am. Gonna be a long night for me wondering who won the veto!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 03:00:40 PM
Good grief! I rebooted for this? LOL

Is anyone able to get the quad view? All I get is that trunk monkey commercial.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 14, 2008, 03:10:33 PM
Same here TL :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 03:28:34 PM
grrrrrr, come on BB!, i got to cook, and clean and make it seem like i have been doing it all day! or my hubby is going to be so mad at me (:;) thanks to all the live feeders!, :tup: i am about to go crazy not having the feeds right now! :pull i called my cable co, and they dont know nothing! why do they even have these people working there, :groan: BUT i will fix it myself, all they do is talk and talk about nothing B:) thanks i had to VENT!!!!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 14, 2008, 03:32:00 PM

The only ones I know of were Jen and Parker, Jens said 1/29 up until this week and Parkers was 2/1. As for the others I do not know but because of that I don't think people were taking care of J/Ps *shrug*
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 03:39:15 PM
So am I the only one who thinks Sheila is a crying drunk?


She got on the block, had a few then suddenly didn't know if it was worth it?

Maybe I am being too harsh.

I can be judgemental 'cuz I didn't go on the show :neener:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 03:51:51 PM
I think it's more likely she's older than the others, she's a mom and she's on the block. We don't know what all the DR visits were about last night either.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 14, 2008, 04:00:40 PM
well josh just confirmed to sharon that ryan will go although matt thinks he can sway josh but josh wont go against his alliance
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 04:13:59 PM
well can i just say, I CANT STAND JAMES! :pull he thinks he is all that and more, and why doesnt bb have the love them or leave them polls this year?? why does bb think alot of people like james and chelisa [i know there are alot that do, and thats GREAT] but there are so many more that dont, bb is just playing for bb this year, they didnt give us what we wanted! (:;) i wish they had a poll on the cbs site, so bb can see who America likes more!,,, this season has me really crazy...i so cant wait for the [reg] summer bb, and i hope the casting is alot better than his. JMO! i dont see how ryan will stay,even if matt, nat, and adam vote for ryan, you still have chelisa, josh and sharon voting agaisnt him, with james breaking the tie!!...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 04:34:37 PM
The evictee will change 10 times before next week when they actually vote.  :nut:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 04:45:27 PM
The evictee will change 10 times before next week when they actually vote.  :nut:
That is so very true!!

When it comes to James, he still makes me sick.   :barf

And it makes me even sicker to see Sheila pulling away as if she is already whipped. People who are cool as long as they are on top and then whine when they are down really bother me.  Ryan isn't much different but he at least acts part of the group a little.

I just can't with that!

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 14, 2008, 04:48:09 PM
it will change only if josh and sharon decide to hang mattt adam and natalie into voting 3-3 and lie and say they are voting out sheila.sheila isnt going anywhere and she has her lack of winning comps to thank for that. Bit i still love her as a strategic player she can win this season if she gets it into gear in the comps. funny how ryan thinks he has the votes in the bag wen his alliance told him they will vote for him is he bad at him or doesnt he need 4? lol hell have to get it 6-0 bc th echelsia james josh sharon alliance wont vote differnetly
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 04:51:23 PM
it will change only if josh and sharon decide to hang mattt adam and natalie into voting 3-3 and lie and say they are voting out sheila.sheila isnt going anywhere and she has her lack of winning comps to thank for that. Bit i still love her as a strategic player she can win this season if she gets it into gear in the comps. funny how ryan thinks he has the votes in the bag wen his alliance told him they will vote for him is he bad at him or doesnt he need 4? lol hell have to get it 6-0 bc th echelsia james josh sharon alliance wont vote differnetly

I was rooting for her when she was doing all that "flippin this ****"

But she has got to pull herself together & stop  :'(  and    :hides ing !!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 14, 2008, 04:58:07 PM
it will change only if josh and sharon decide to hang mattt adam and natalie into voting 3-3 and lie and say they are voting out sheila.sheila isnt going anywhere and she has her lack of winning comps to thank for that. Bit i still love her as a strategic player she can win this season if she gets it into gear in the comps. funny how ryan thinks he has the votes in the bag wen his alliance told him they will vote for him is he bad at him or doesnt he need 4? lol hell have to get it 6-0 bc th echelsia james josh sharon alliance wont vote differnetly

I was rooting for her when she was doing all that "flippin this ****"

shes not goin anywhere ill bet 50 bucks

But she has got to pull herself together & stop  :'(  and    :hides ing !!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 05:24:50 PM
i am getting so upset, (:;) the more and more i see james, who does he think he is???, saying that he is going to tell the others if they get hoh, that they need to play the way he does (:;) WTH, damn i wish that siren would go off, but i think it is over! :'(...please let james go next week! if not him chelisa, i just cant stand them! james might think he is sitting pretty, but i dont think he is at all, matt or nat gets hoh, his butt is GONE!!!!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 14, 2008, 05:36:24 PM
I am no fan of James but I think he suffers from being a loner with a chip on his shoulder. I think that explains why he is more concerned with getting even and being seen as true to his word rather than adopting a winning strategy.

The two I want off the show right now are Sheila and Natalie. Sheila is a conniving bitch and Natalie is one slutty heifer from where I sit.

But I am starting to enjoy this season more than I did last year's. Seems like more things change and are unexpected this year....last year it seemed to just be about the Donatos.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 05:43:23 PM
Just out of curiosity Albert, what do you think of Chelsia and Sharon?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 14, 2008, 06:25:18 PM
I totally think that James' attitude during this HOH will make some people forget about Josh and put James up. James told Chelsia he thinks it will be her and Josh on the block next week if one of them don't get HOH (Josh/Chelsia/Sharon). But already his cockyness is getting to him.

In a way I think him being on the block has made him realize how it feels. And he has said that. So hopefully he doesn't take this too far. And apparently it was Natalie and Matt that offered to not use POV or something (M/N talked about it in the SR yesterday and then again today Natalie said, we can gain James' trust even more now).

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 14, 2008, 06:51:38 PM
I just want to know what James would do if he found out that Ryan and Josh were/are in an alliance and that is the whole reason why James was put up and then evicted.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: AlbertHodges on March 14, 2008, 06:54:58 PM
Hey Texaslady!

Sorry, it took a while to reply...trying to do several things at once.

I think Chelsia is a lil slutty but not as bad as Natalie....and I cannot stand codependent women...whatsoever! That is why I dont like Nat.Seh reminds me of that stupid Ericka who let Boogie walk all over her. (Scrubica!)

I like Sharon the most of the girls in the house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 07:24:37 PM
Hey Texaslady!

Sorry, it took a while to reply...trying to do several things at once.

I think Chelsia is a lil slutty but not as bad as Natalie....and I cannot stand codependent women...whatsoever! That is why I dont like Nat.Seh reminds me of that stupid Ericka who let Boogie walk all over her. (Scrubica!)

I like Sharon the most of the girls in the house.

hi ya! albert :waves: i hear ya! about Nat, but we got to remember, Nat raised herself and her sister! [i am not making excusses for Nat at all, BUT when men, friends, and family have used you all your life [in Nat's case] she doesnt know how to break the chain!,  nat has let everyone run over her, cuz they knew they could!...Nat has been codependent all her life! she doesnt know better!... she just wants to try and please everyone [we as normal people know this] but Nat doesnt...i think chelisa is a very nasty, and trashy girl!, and i think she was raised that way [chelisa has talked about her and her family doing drugs, and being wild together] in away chelisa is just like Nat, the only thing different is chelisa is very hateful about it! there are alot of people like Nat, and the only way Nat can change is to get good help!, and surround herself with good people,chelisa on the other hand, just doesnt give a damn!... JMO but i think she is a cold hearted hateful witch! and i think she likes being that way! lets also remember chelisa did strip with Nat, and even said happy birthday daddy! while she was doing it, chelisa has maded out with the girls in the house! look at what she and allison did! like i said i am not taking up for Nat, i just think nat wants to please everyone, chelisa on the other hand will do anything to get what she wants, and i dont think she could careless who she hurts, [this goes for in the real life also] it's easy to say hey stop acting that way,[Nat] but if people have used you all your life, it isnt that easy JMO! but i hear ya!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 07:31:45 PM
I just want to know what James would do if he found out that Ryan and Josh were/are in an alliance and that is the whole reason why James was put up and then evicted.

Go ballistic and then get even.   :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 14, 2008, 07:37:59 PM
Hey Texaslady!

Sorry, it took a while to reply...trying to do several things at once.

I think Chelsia is a lil slutty but not as bad as Natalie....and I cannot stand codependent women...whatsoever! That is why I dont like Nat.Seh reminds me of that stupid Ericka who let Boogie walk all over her. (Scrubica!)

I like Sharon the most of the girls in the house.

Thanks for the reply. I've said more than once that I don't like anyone except the guinea pigs, and now thanks to someone here. koff koff, I'm rooting for Sheila.    :angel:

I'd forgotten Scrubika! Time flies!!

:luvya: Albert
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 14, 2008, 08:31:35 PM
usually when ppl promise a vote this early they usually keep their vote and sharon just promised that she joshuah and chelsia are voting to keep sheila and that she will stay so i think ryan has no shot and if its 3-3 then james will keep her. But i think itll be 6-0 wen the hos and bros find out it will be 3-3 bc it makes no sense to tie it. so in summary: Ryan WILL be 1st member of the jury
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 14, 2008, 08:48:05 PM
Well I think even Adam will vote out Ryan and here is why.

Adam, Matt, Josh, and James were all saying how Sheila will be the 'block bitch', because then the stronger person every week goes home and she can't come after them. Kwim? I think Natalie was there as well.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 14, 2008, 08:51:17 PM
Well I think even Adam will vote out Ryan and here is why.

Adam, Matt, Josh, and James were all saying how Sheila will be the 'block bitch', because then the stronger person every week goes home and she can't come after them. Kwim? I think Natalie was there as well.

I hope you are right Mama and that someone fills Sheila in on it soon because if I have to continue to have my ear chewed off I might just do this :wall: until she is not longer on the block.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 14, 2008, 08:54:42 PM
if she could work the girl power vote then maybe
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 14, 2008, 08:58:36 PM
I am worried about the Josh/Ryan alliance becuase Josh may vote to keep Ryan.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 14, 2008, 09:07:32 PM
Im not worried about the Ryan/Josh alliance because that was for one week, he apologized to Ryan about putting him up. Ryan knows it was because of Allison and honestly Josh shouldn't have had to worry Ryan should have went with her. I think that Ryan understood.

Josh will do what James tells him to do, because they are closer. They are in a 4. And think about it, M/N/R can promise them one week but who does that leave? Sheila and Adam to put up (along with James or Chelsia). It won't happen.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 09:24:00 PM
i was so happy to hear from Alex [myspace] what a great guy, so upbeat, and not down at all. i still am pissed at bb , they should have let our votes be heard, but Alex is at peace, and knows america picked him. he is not like the other HG'S...he doesnt need all the money or drama, it"s ashame cuz he wanted to play the game, i am happy that he knows america was behind him! way to go Alex, we loved you in the bb house...and have a GREAT vacation!being evicted from the house wont borther him, but it will with the others, i am sure at the finale the HG'S will know that america voted him back in the house, i am also sure they will be kicking thier own selfs in the butt for picking james! i am just sorry Alex didnt get to play his own game! also i have been posting that Alex would NOT have teamed up with Matt..i'm glad he said it! i always thought if Alex got back in the house, he would have a alliance with sharon, maybe shelia, and used afew guys! you are a CLASS ACT ALEX! :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 09:29:32 PM
i was so happy to hear from Alex [myspace] what a great guy, so upbeat, and not down at all. i still am pissed at bb , they should have let our votes be heard, but Alex is at peace, and knows america picked him. he is not like the other HG'S...he doesnt need all the money or drama, it"s ashame cuz he wanted to play the game, i am happy that he knows america was behind him! way to go Alex, we loved you in the bb house...and have a GREAT vacation!being evicted from the house wont borther him, but it will with the others, i am sure at the finale the HG'S will know that america voted him back in the house, i am also sure they will be kicking thier own selfs in the butt for picking james! i am just sorry Alex didnt get to play his own game! also i have been posting that Alex would NOT have teamed up with Matt..i'm glad he said it! i always thought if Alex got back in the house, he would have a alliance with sharon, maybe shelia, and used afew guys! you are a CLASS ACT ALEX! :tup:

That makes me feel good.

He knows America loves him

Nat says -- it feels weird to know that I have fans.
I say-    I think it's weird too :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Gnattering on March 14, 2008, 10:01:45 PM
These are a really bizarre bunch this year -- shifting points of view far more frequently.
Been watching on showtime, usually with my mouth dropped open.

Natterlee is something else -- the only moment of silence from her when she wore herself out hanging on the chain to save "Matty."

The best is yet to come -- when they see what happened from outside the house.

When I registered today, I started out with "Natterlee," then "Nattering," and then decided to add "nat" to that and came out with "Natteringnat," which had "gnat" within it and so settled on that as the most suitable log-in ID with Gnats on the brain.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 10:37:57 PM
they are all saying how adam is so far ahead in pages of the bible than Matt is, BUT adam is reading sharon's bible[precious monments] which is a very short, Matt is reading the king james, a big different [i am not saying matt is my fav, just saying that the bible adam is reading is no way as long as the king james] :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 14, 2008, 10:41:00 PM
Natalies is bigger cause it has pictures and bigger lettering.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 14, 2008, 10:44:01 PM
Natalies is bigger cause it has pictures and bigger lettering.

LMAO :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 14, 2008, 10:59:37 PM
These are a really bizarre bunch this year -- shifting points of view far more frequently.
Been watching on showtime, usually with my mouth dropped open.

Natterlee is something else -- the only moment of silence from her when she wore herself out hanging on the chain to save "Matty."

The best is yet to come -- when they see what happened from outside the house.

When I registered today, I started out with "Natterlee," then "Nattering," and then decided to add "nat" to that and came out with "Natteringnat," which had "gnat" within it and so settled on that as the most suitable log-in ID with Gnats on the brain.

 :lol3:  You type like Nat talks
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 14, 2008, 11:13:12 PM
:welcome2: gnattering! Glad you joined us!  :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 14, 2008, 11:59:38 PM
prediction of voted this week 6-0 bc the bros and hos wont let it go 3-3 and sheila will stay esp. now that joshs vote is sealed
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 12:04:29 AM
I find it amusing that Nat has been hung too far out there to pull herself back.

She could not speak up for SHeila in the fight with Ryan .... :neener:

If SHeila stays..Nat may be in trouble :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 12:18:08 AM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison & Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia & Sharon nominated, Chelsia wins veto, used on self, James up, James evicted 5-1, siren goes off, houseguests told they had a choice to vote back in a mystery houseguest (Alex) or James, James voted back in 5-3
Week 5: James, HOH, Ryan & Sheila nominated, James wins veto, to be continued...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 15, 2008, 01:07:44 AM
votes have flipped from 3-3 to 4-2with adam voting for sheila he and drunk josh are confirming so no shot for ryan
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 15, 2008, 01:52:50 AM
come tuesday night theey will all avoid ryan u wait and see
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 02:26:26 AM
Alex posted this today on his myspace blog today:

 Friday, March 14, 2008

I’m HOME!!!!!!!!
Current mood: grateful

Well its official... I’m home!!! My Big Brother roller coaster ride is over and boy was it a crazy ride.

First and foremost I want to thank everyone for their incredible support. From what I hear the voting was pretty overwhelming and I am taken back at the response I have gotten from the Big Brother fans. For all of you who took the time out of your days this past week to try and help me get back in... I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m sorry it didn’t lead to anything in the game but just know that it honestly touches my heart. I obviously have some feelings about the whole ordeal that took place but I’m going to save that for another time. Only positive thoughts in this blog lol

I only wish I had a chance to play the game as a single because I think you would have saw a totally different Alex in there. I do think its funny though that many people thought if I got back in the game I would be re-aligning with Matt.... I had a different plan in mind but yet again that doesn’t really matter at this point. Overall the BB experience was amazing and I don’t regret it for a second.

Last night I came home to many family members and friends welcoming me home and it was pretty amazing. I’m already getting back into the swing of things as far as my regular life goes.

I am going to take a much needed vacation next week to enjoy some R&R. (living with Amanda in a sequester house absolutely doesn’t count lol) So this will be a good chance to get away from the game (and talking about the game) for a little while.

Once again I want to thank everybody so much. Hopefully when Big Brother All-Stars 2 comes rolling around you can pull off an even bigger voting miracle and I’ll get my second chance at winning this thing.

One Love

Alex C.
Big Brother 9
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 02:28:30 AM
All were released from sequester!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 15, 2008, 02:42:13 AM
I love this

I am going to take a much needed vacation next week to enjoy some R&R. (living with Amanda in a sequester house absolutely doesn’t count lol)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 03:18:28 AM
I am secretly hoping James have a surprise for the house when the veto ceremony takes place even though it's public knowledge that he's gonna keep the nominations the same but he pulls a fast one and it will be an ultimate revenge by pulling one nominee off and put up Matt. If he does that, he will have my ultimate respect, no matter if it meant he broke his word but that would be a brilliant move to get that cocky guy, Matt out and Natalie will be a complete mess! I would totally love it if it happened.   
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 15, 2008, 04:00:02 AM

 :-* hey sunshine hope your doing well
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 15, 2008, 04:42:18 AM

i am great!, hope you are well also, i am so glad you posted the point we were trying to make! i am just happy that Alex knows America voted for him. and a BIG thank you to Johnny!, i have been posting with Johnny over the last few days, and he is VERY PROUD of Alex! as i know you are to, i am still upset at bb (:;), i just got to get over it!, but knowing that Alex is ok, makes it alot easier! :tup:

That's great I'm glad he knows how many fans he has that supported him.

He must be overcome with emotions right now.

Your absolutely right were glad he made it home safely and is doing well.

He looked great on Wednesday when they showed him so hopefully he got a little rest and was able to relax from all that.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 09:29:22 AM
I was looking at the calendar since the finale is on 4/29 and we still have nine houseguests and guess what, I figured out that we will have not just one but TWO double evictions in order to fit the eliminations toward the finale.

Should be interesting.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 15, 2008, 09:42:48 AM
Hey Will,
I wasn't on last night, is it true they are having a luxury comp today?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 09:54:36 AM
Hey Will,
I wasn't on last night, is it true they are having a luxury comp today?

I don't think so. It was mostly wishful thinking of the houseguests since they have been complaining alot about boredom!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 15, 2008, 10:13:56 AM
These are a really bizarre bunch this year -- shifting points of view far more frequently.
Been watching on showtime, usually with my mouth dropped open.

This is a bizarre group all right, not sure where exactly they found them all. Heh!

Love the name, even nattering is a good description for Natalie.  :lol: All in all, a perfect name.  :yess:

Welcome to RFF!

:conf: :hiya :conf:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 15, 2008, 10:16:45 AM
I was looking at the calendar since the finale is on 4/29 and we still have nine houseguests and guess what, I figured out that we will have not just one but TWO double evictions in order to fit the eliminations toward the finale.

Should be interesting.

Should be!! What an odd season, bringing people back, for what??
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 15, 2008, 10:22:21 AM
Hey Will,
I wasn't on last night, is it true they are having a luxury comp today?

I don't think so. It was mostly wishful thinking of the houseguests since they have been complaining alot about boredom!

When do they usually do the luxury comp with the clothing?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 15, 2008, 10:30:19 AM

I have been ill for a couple of weeks now and have several family members very ill also. I come on RFF to have some fun and try to forget about real life for a few minutes.

All of the flaming back and forth about stupid things such as Alex and his myspace is really ticking me off. Readers do not want to read your little digs to each other. Readers want to read about BB and the Hgs.

Please keep your comments about each other off of the boards. If you think you are right about a certain subject, just write what you know and back it up. You do not have to rub something in.

 Most of us do not care who is right and who is wrong! We are here to get news not see who might be winning your petty wars.

It would also be a good idea to put your thoughts on evicted Hgs in their personal threads, as they are not part of the show anymore.

I do hope you can control yourselves a little more than you have in the past and keep your personal digs at each other at bay.

I will be watching and deleting any post that is a personal dig at another poster.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 11:09:45 AM
hi everyone :waves: does anyone think! that James might backdoor Matt, with all that talk last night with shelia and the HG'S, josh's eyes kinda got BIG at the ideal of doing that, does anyone think james will go back on his word [again] at this point the one i want to see win is sharon!, i didnt at first, but now that it is getting to the end!, i would like to se her win , she is a smart player, and she can win comps, i hope she sees that she has to get rid of josh

she cannnot go to the F2 with him and win JMO!.. i think, it needs to be shelia that she takes in the end! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 15, 2008, 11:53:02 AM
Luxury Comp - not looking to good now, if BB is letting them sleep this late.

Man these people can sleep- it like it was part of the prerequisit or something- "Can you sleep 16 hours a day, well them you are welcome to BB!" :lol3:

I know they are bored but still, if they just gave it a little thought I'm sure they could create things to do. :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 15, 2008, 12:14:52 PM
Luxury Comp - not looking to good now, if BB is letting them sleep this late.

Man these people can sleep- it like it was part of the prerequisit or something- "Can you sleep 16 hours a day, well them you are welcome to BB!" :lol3:

I know they are bored but still, if they just gave it a little thought I'm sure they could create things to do. :groan:

Maybe that's one of the dirty little secrets Queeny, no luxury comp. You had a chance to get a motorcycle, $10,000 and a slop pass, be quiet!  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 15, 2008, 12:21:53 PM
Luxury Comp - not looking to good now, if BB is letting them sleep this late.

Man these people can sleep- it like it was part of the prerequisit or something- "Can you sleep 16 hours a day, well them you are welcome to BB!" :lol3:

I know they are bored but still, if they just gave it a little thought I'm sure they could create things to do. :groan:

Maybe that's one of the dirty little secrets Queeny, no luxury comp. You had a chance to get a motorcycle, $10,000 and a slop pass, be quiet!  :lol3:

 :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:   You kill me TL!  :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 12:22:15 PM
maybe it is a luxury comp, there has now been flames and then trivia for 20 mintues?  Who knows what BB is doing beside really messing with the viewers heads this season?  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 15, 2008, 01:22:30 PM
hi everyone :waves: does anyone think! that James might backdoor Matt, with all that talk last night with shelia and the HG'S, josh's eyes kinda got BIG at the ideal of doing that, does anyone think james will go back on his word [again] at this point the one i want to see win is sharon!, i didnt at first, but now that it is getting to the end!, i would like to se her win , she is a smart player, and she can win comps, i hope she sees that she has to get rid of josh

she cannnot go to the F2 with him and win JMO!.. i think, it needs to be shelia that she takes in the end! :waves:

Guess you were right sunshine from what James was telling Chel this morning.........let's see if has the courage to go thru with it. :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 15, 2008, 01:28:35 PM
I am electing Adam- for biggest Bonehead of BB award.

Votes James back in and now James is talking about BD him!  James is not to bright either he is burning someone that is on his side!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 01:42:24 PM
 :yess: Glad BB won't let Josh shave his head...I like his hair but wish he would shave his face, I hate that beard he has. He looks so good clean shaven!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 15, 2008, 01:53:19 PM
I don't think the croquet things were for a luxary comp. BB gave them those sticks last year right before a POV and the POV that used them didn't happen til a week later.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 01:54:19 PM
:yess: Glad BB won't let Josh shave his head...I like his hair but wish he would shave his face, I hate that beard he has. He looks so good clean shaven!

RFWill Josh shaved today.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 15, 2008, 01:55:12 PM
Hey Will,
I wasn't on last night, is it true they are having a luxury comp today?

I don't think so. It was mostly wishful thinking of the houseguests since they have been complaining alot about boredom!

When do they usually do the luxury comp with the clothing?

Is it clothing every year? I know they said in a season people played for things for the house (wasn't that how Will got a trampoline), and they said they wanted a grill :lol: Maybe they should've thought about that before :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 02:01:55 PM
Hey Will,
I wasn't on last night, is it true they are having a luxury comp today?

I don't think so. It was mostly wishful thinking of the houseguests since they have been complaining alot about boredom!

When do they usually do the luxury comp with the clothing?

Is it clothing every year? I know they said in a season people played for things for the house (wasn't that how Will got a trampoline), and they said they wanted a grill :lol: Maybe they should've thought about that before :lol3:

I think it varies every year as to what the luxury comp is for.  I only recall last year it being for clothes.  Some years they have done it to see a movie for only part of the HGs.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 02:05:05 PM
:yess: Glad BB won't let Josh shave his head...I like his hair but wish he would shave his face, I hate that beard he has. He looks so good clean shaven!

RFWill Josh shaved today.

Oh he did. Thank God. I hate that beard.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 02:07:19 PM
:yess: Glad BB won't let Josh shave his head...I like his hair but wish he would shave his face, I hate that beard he has. He looks so good clean shaven!

RFWill Josh shaved today.

Yep he told everyone he was going to do it early this AM when he was in the bathroom and has done it already.  I just poseted a pic of him in the update thread and I believe you will be able to tell that he shaved, it was really bad beforehand.

Oh he did. Thank God. I hate that beard.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 02:12:48 PM
i had a feeling , james was going to backdoor someone! and it looks like it will be adam! JMO but that is a stupid move!...james will keep ryan, nat, and matt in the game!..and just like james, they will also promise and break thier word, JMO but i dont think james is a smart player at all!, but i knew he would backdoor someone..
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 02:16:03 PM
i had a feeling , james was going to backdoor someone! and it looks like it will be adam! JMO but that is a stupid move!...james will keep ryan, nat, and matt in the game!..and just like james, they will also promise and break thier word, JMO but i dont think james is a smart player at all!, but i knew he would backdoor someone..

It was a really stupid move and I can't believe that he told him now about it.  I think that this plan may backfire and Shel coudl end up being evictted because Ryan, Matt and Nat are still going to vote to evict her.  Also things could change about 20 times today.

I think James should have talked to Shel and listened to her idea of putting up Adam against Ryan.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 02:18:36 PM
:yess: Glad BB won't let Josh shave his head...I like his hair but wish he would shave his face, I hate that beard he has. He looks so good clean shaven!

RFWill Josh shaved today.

Yep he told everyone he was going to do it early this AM when he was in the bathroom and has done it already.  I just poseted a pic of him in the update thread and I believe you will be able to tell that he shaved, it was really bad beforehand.

Oh he did. Thank God. I hate that beard.

Thanks, Sass. I see the picture. He looks much better now.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 02:20:17 PM
:yess: Glad BB won't let Josh shave his head...I like his hair but wish he would shave his face, I hate that beard he has. He looks so good clean shaven!

Anything to make you happy RFWill.

RFWill Josh shaved today.

Yep he told everyone he was going to do it early this AM when he was in the bathroom and has done it already.  I just poseted a pic of him in the update thread and I believe you will be able to tell that he shaved, it was really bad beforehand.

Oh he did. Thank God. I hate that beard.

Thanks, Sass. I see the picture. He looks much better now.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 02:22:04 PM
i had a feeling , james was going to backdoor someone! and it looks like it will be adam! JMO but that is a stupid move!...james will keep ryan, nat, and matt in the game!..and just like james, they will also promise and break thier word, JMO but i dont think james is a smart player at all!, but i knew he would backdoor someone..

It was a really stupid move and I can't believe that he told him now about it.  I think that this plan may backfire and Shel coudl end up being evictted because Ryan, Matt and Nat are still going to vote to evict her.  Also things could change about 20 times today.

I think James should have talked to Shel and listened to her idea of putting up Adam against Ryan.

i hear ya! :waves: YEP! you are 100% right! james doesnt know how to play bb, JMO! and there is a GREAT chance this will backfire [very stupid move]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 15, 2008, 02:25:22 PM
James isn't as smart as I thought he would be. But its all a personal play for him. He really does feel that Adam is the third vote (not Matt as we all know). And for him to keep Ryan/Matt/Natalie together is just completly dumb. Of course they want the weak and the floaters out. Of course they do! But at the same time, people KNOW they are weak and floaters. So they are already on the target list. Ryan needs to go but that won't happen now as James told Ryan that he was using the veto on him.

Adam voted for James to come back in but whoever has James believeing it was Adam that was the 3rd vote with Sheila and Ryan.

James is not making a smart move, Ryan and Natalie both say the ywant to go after Josh - but what if Josh gets POV, even if they make a deal with James, Natalie hates Chelsia (as much as people think they have become good friends). Bad move sucker.

Now James is on a defenite power trip because he won POV, only wish someone else could have won and left the noms the same - Ryan leaving.

For whoever sugged Adam vs. Ryan together on the block - won't happen. James has said he does not want two strong players on the block to come after him.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 02:33:48 PM
James isn't as smart as I thought he would be. But its all a personal play for him. He really does feel that Adam is the third vote (not Matt as we all know). And for him to keep Ryan/Matt/Natalie together is just completly dumb. Of course they want the weak and the floaters out. Of course they do! But at the same time, people KNOW they are weak and floaters. So they are already on the target list. Ryan needs to go but that won't happen now as James told Ryan that he was using the veto on him.

Adam voted for James to come back in but whoever has James believeing it was Adam that was the 3rd vote with Sheila and Ryan.

James is not making a smart move, Ryan and Natalie both say the ywant to go after Josh - but what if Josh gets POV, even if they make a deal with James, Natalie hates Chelsia (as much as people think they have become good friends). Bad move sucker.

Now James is on a defenite power trip because he won POV, only wish someone else could have won and left the noms the same - Ryan leaving.

For whoever sugged Adam vs. Ryan together on the block - won't happen. James has said he does not want two strong players on the block to come after him.

hi ya! mama2myboys,  :waves: nat told james and chelisa that when the siren went off, and bb asked who they wanted back in the house, nat said she told matt to keep james [a lie] so i think b/cuz nat stayed on  that disco ball so long, and made a deal with james, i think james really believes that nat told matt to keep him, and james believes that matt really did vote to keep him :groan: it wouldnt have matter to me if matt voted to keep me or not, this is a very stupid move, and as a HUGE fan of BB..i hope it backfires on james BIG TIME! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 02:35:53 PM
Mama Shel was talking to Sharon and Chel and told them that she know who the third vote is and that it is Matt. Shel is also the one that suggested putting Adam and Ryan up against one another.  I think that if Chel or even Shel had gotten a chance to talk to James about whas Shel was saying then James might not be as quick to use the veto or to possibly take Ryan down, James just made a stupid move by telling Ryan that he was using the POV on him when there is still at least 24hrs to go before the ceremony.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 15, 2008, 02:36:30 PM
It will backfire on him. And I just hope that Sharon gets HOH next week because as we know she def. can't count on James or Chelsia (they ask her opinion and then do what they have to do for personal play - which is fine its their power but why even ask). And Josh will go with them.

I hope Sharon gets HOH next week and Ryan is sent packing.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 02:40:55 PM
Mama, I know what you are saying but after BB screwed us with the voting to bring Alex back into the house and then they have the HGs choose and they pick James, I am over this season and really couldn't care less who wins.  Some many people of this cast bother me now that I have begun to like Sheila and am rooting for her even though I know that she pretty much has no chance of winning, much less going to the end, but who knows this is BB afterall and anything can happen.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 02:44:15 PM
It will backfire on him. And I just hope that Sharon gets HOH next week because as we know she def. can't count on James or Chelsia (they ask her opinion and then do what they have to do for personal play - which is fine its their power but why even ask). And Josh will go with them.

I hope Sharon gets HOH next week and Ryan is sent packing.

i am with you mama, :yess: i want sharon to win this game! i think she is smart, she can win comps, and she doesnt get into the drama! BUT she cant go with josh to the end!, they will say josh carried her :pull she does need josh, james and chelisa [for now] get hoh next week, get ryan, matt, or nat the hell out of there!. than i hope josh or chelisa gets hoh after sharon. and they do some more dirty work for her :yess: than she is going to have to get rid of josh, JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 02:47:06 PM
Mama, I know what you are saying but after BB screwed us with the voting to bring Alex back into the house and then they have the HGs choose and they pick James, I am over this season and really couldn't care less who wins.  Some many people of this cast bother me now that I have begun to like Sheila and am rooting for her even though I know that she pretty much has no chance of winning, much less going to the end, but who knows this is BB afterall and anything can happen.

same here, so now i just want sharon to win, BUT i want her to take shelia with her, and even if shelia wins, thats ok with me! i cant wait for summer bb!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 15, 2008, 02:50:19 PM
Mama, I know what you are saying but after BB screwed us with the voting to bring Alex back into the house and then they have the HGs choose and they pick James, I am over this season and really couldn't care less who wins.  Some many people of this cast bother me now that I have begun to like Sheila and am rooting for her even though I know that she pretty much has no chance of winning, much less going to the end, but who knows this is BB afterall and anything can happen.

same here, so now i just want sharon to win, BUT i want her to take shelia with her, and even if shelia wins, thats ok with me! i cant wait for summer bb!

That is exactly how I feel Sunshine.  This cast is just not entertaining overall, I mean they have their moments, but when they aren't talking game I find them really hard to bare, and I mean that more than last year's because last year was the only other year that I had the live feeds, but still.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 15, 2008, 02:56:41 PM

OK I got it- if these people aren't gonna play the game right- lets throw in a bit of Survivor!

Turn BB house into a farm- they have to work for everything! 

You want milk (Nat) Milk the cow!

you want fish- heres a pond!

they get all their cloths taken away-make your own cloths!

And the best- they get dyes and stuff to make their own make-up  (too funny I hear Matty talking about Survivor as I'm typing this!) :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

Lets amke these loafs suffer a bit! :lol3: :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BelleJar on March 15, 2008, 02:58:40 PM
There's 9 people in this house, and its as quiet as if there were 2.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 03:01:01 PM
looks like shelia is going to talk with james about matt being the vote to get him evicted, james, needed to keep his mouth shut to ryan! it  is way to soon before the pov cem, to tell ryan he is going to use the veto on him, but as we all know, james can lie and not take ryan off, they are ALL liars which is ok, BUT i hate the fact that james really thinks he is a up-right, stand-up guy, [NOT] (:;)

i dont care who goes up and out, i just hope that in the end, it will be sharon and shelia, and sharon is smart..she told shelia they would act like another [jason and dani] and go to the end together, sharon knows she has to take shelia to win JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 15, 2008, 03:02:45 PM
I say we just make it a farm. I would rather watch animals play all day then these people :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 15, 2008, 03:07:47 PM
I say we just make it a farm. I would rather watch animals play all day then these people :lol3:

 :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

Oh I just thought of another one Mama.....make them babysit kids that have had a lot of sugar!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 03:10:58 PM
LMAO! :lol3: nat wants to know if the feeds are on at 3 or 4 AM [yes NAT they ARE] i think matt and nat might be alittle worried about what goes on during those hours with those 2 :lol3: yes matt, and nat, people DO watch the feeds 24/7
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 15, 2008, 03:11:34 PM
One more little rant then I'm done...

That "Colonal Sanders" bowtie tattoo that James has combined with the same old pink shirts are making me crazy! :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 03:14:40 PM
One more little rant then I'm done...

That "Colonal Sanders" bowtie tattoo that James has combined with the same old pink shirts are making me crazy! :pull

 :lol3: i want to TEAR off that bow tie tattoo, what a stupid tattoo JMO! i think james's tattoo's look jail-maded not professial looking at all! JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 03:14:49 PM
LMAO! :lol3: nat wants to know if the feeds are on at 3 or 4 AM [yes NAT they ARE] i think matt and nat might be alittle worried about what goes on during those hours with those 2 :lol3: yes matt, and nat, people DO watch the feeds 24/7

THis is hilarious! After reading the comment re: bj days 2 & 3 & last night.. :lol3:

She is so painfully foolish :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 03:17:55 PM
One more little rant then I'm done...

That "Colonal Sanders" bowtie tattoo that James has combined with the same old pink shirts are making me crazy! :pull

 :lol3: i want to TEAR off that bow tie tattoo, what a stupid tattoo JMO! i think james's tattoo's look jail-maded not professial looking at all! JMO

 :ascared jail made   :lol:

I read a google search article awhile back about James Zinkland being sued and having a realtor or mortgage license revoked.

THought nothing of it at the time, but since I read that he was discussing mortgages the other day, it kinda makes sense now that it may have been about him.  :duno: maybe he spent the night in jail :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 04:11:54 PM
i need to ask cause i am a little confused. did james tell sheila and ryan he is pulling them off the block?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 04:32:39 PM
i need to ask cause i am a little confused. did james tell sheila and ryan he is pulling them off the block?

That's what I gather  :ascared
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 04:35:05 PM

I have been ill for a couple of weeks now and have several family members very ill also. I come on RFF to have some fun and try to forget about real life for a few minutes.
**snipped the important part**

Sorry to hear you've been sick

Hope you feel lots better soon!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 04:42:13 PM
i need to ask cause i am a little confused. did james tell sheila and ryan he is pulling them off the block?

That's what I gather  :ascared
   ok if adam goes up bye bye adam i would love to see sheila go she is getting on my nerves :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 04:51:14 PM
i need to ask cause i am a little confused. did james tell sheila and ryan he is pulling them off the block?

That's what I gather  :ascared
   ok if adam goes up bye bye adam i would love to see sheila go she is getting on my nerves :pull

That's what I am understanding the word to be.

I think it is a scary move for James to be making..but I don't care if James & Matt kill each other :duno:

on another note:
Does anyone else think Baller needs to get circumcised so he will keep his hand out of his pants?  :barf
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: PattyCakes on March 15, 2008, 05:01:21 PM
I think what James told Ryan is that he is using POV on him but what he told Shelia is that she will not be leaving.  He did not say he would use POV on her but that is just from reading what others report so I could be wrong.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 05:45:14 PM
I like Sharon.

I just think it's a shame that every picture she will see of herself is going to be of her chewing her face :(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 15, 2008, 06:40:37 PM
I think I've finally figured out what's wrong with Sheila.

She's delusional and thinks she is Jesus Christ.

After all, she has saved EVERYONE.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 07:52:29 PM
JMO but at this point i don't care who wins as long as it isnt Sheila or James. Sheila with all that whining B:) and James with his cock of the walk attitude :knuckles:.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 15, 2008, 08:10:25 PM
Wow James is a hypocrite. "Your word means nothing, you guys are horrible people who lied to my face" and then he does the exact same thing. He's been going on all week about how he's so straight up and everyone else's word means lesser than his and then he does the exact same thing to Matt.

Kind of messed up. Oh well, the first person in sequester makes almost as much money as the second place person so I guess it's not too bad. :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 08:14:47 PM
We'll see if James follow through with the plan of backdooring Matt. Isn't that his third plan today so far? He has changed it almost hourly, it appears.

If he does follow through, I think the aftermath of the veto ceremony will be worse tomorrow than it was last week.

We are gonna need lots of updaters here for that drama. I can see it now, the **** is gonna hit the fan BIG TIME!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 15, 2008, 08:22:57 PM
i need to ask cause i am a little confused. did james tell sheila and ryan he is pulling them off the block?
  ok if adam goes up bye bye adam i would love to see sheila go she is getting on my nerves :pull

I've been gone all day, I'm totally confused. I thought James didn't think it was right to back-door someone.  :umn:

Welcome to RFF hdkitkat!

 :nana :welcome: :nana
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 15, 2008, 08:25:23 PM
on another note:
Does anyone else think Baller needs to get circumcised so he will keep his hand out of his pants?  :barf

I think he should have his hand cracked with a ruler every time he does it.  :rules:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 15, 2008, 08:26:52 PM
He didn't. But now it's ok because he's not on the receiving end.

He tried to do it to Matt, didn't work. Happened to him, IT'S HORRIBLE IT'S DISGRACEFUL YOU BROKE YOUR WORD DON'T GET UP AND SAY GOODBYE TO ME YOU'RE ALL LIARS and then he wins HOH and he's probably going to do all of the above to Matt.

I am angry. <_<
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 15, 2008, 08:27:18 PM
Ah two new members !! Welcome to RFF PattyCakes and Prickzy!

  :welcome: :hiya  :welcome:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 15, 2008, 08:31:51 PM
i need to ask cause i am a little confused. did james tell sheila and ryan he is pulling them off the block?
  ok if adam goes up bye bye adam i would love to see sheila go she is getting on my nerves :pull

I've been gone all day, I'm totally confused. I thought James didn't think it was right to back-door someone.  :umn:

Welcome to RFF hdkitkat!

 :nana :welcome: :nana

He does not feel its technically backdooring someone if they played for POV (whether or not they needed it). And Matt played in the POV.

But I do feel its gonna bite him in the butt (where as if he just left it the same and kicked Ryan out, what could people say). Or if he even pulled Ryan off and put Adam up - nobody would care.

But he made the deal in front of the house to not put Matt up (Natalie thought of herself before she thought of Matt).

I guess in a way they are acting like they have HOH already.

Natalie/Ryan/Adam (Adam supposedly says he will throw it), against Sheila (who is pissed at both Ryan/Natalie) and Josh/Sharon/Chelsia. So if they got rid of Matt it would be smart but he did make a promise.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 08:52:33 PM
We'll see if James follow through with the plan of backdooring Matt. Isn't that his third plan today so far? He has changed it almost hourly, it appears.

If he does follow through, I think the aftermath of the veto ceremony will be worse tomorrow than it was last week.

We are gonna need lots of updaters here for that drama. I can see it now, the **** is gonna hit the fan BIG TIME!

 :lol3: I would love to be an updater, but I don't have the time this year :(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 08:53:35 PM
on another note:
Does anyone else think Baller needs to get circumcised so he will keep his hand out of his pants?  :barf

I think he should have his hand cracked with a ruler every time he does it.  :rules:

Or whatever the ruler happens to hit :lol3: That'll work
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 09:32:43 PM
on another note:
Does anyone else think Baller needs to get circumcised so he will keep his hand out of his pants?  :barf

I think he should have his hand cracked with a ruler every time he does it.  :rules:

Or whatever the ruler happens to hit :lol3: That'll work
   I just gotta think he(baller) has to be forgetting about the cameras, because any decent human being would be so embarrased to do crap like that in front of people. I mean its like he's afraid its gonna run away and he has to keep a hold on it  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 09:41:31 PM
hi everyone :waves:, now if james does stick to backdooring matt, that will be a smart move JMO!, i am getting to where i want nat out, and i think it's time for her to go next week, she needs some help with men, and relationships!...that girl's downfall is matt,and thinking she MUST please everyone in her life, she needs to learn how to respect herself!..i think nat has been used all her life, and she needs a wakeup call BIG TIME!, i cant stand to see a woman act this way. i hope she gets help before its to late. JMO, i think she needs to see a doctor, get her friends, which really are NOT out of her life. and even stay away from some family members. i have worked with to many women like Nat. she needs help!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 09:49:59 PM
I am feeling kind of sorry for Nat. I think she has been so used by others in her personal life, she is just looking for someone to love her. (JMO) Nat seems very sincere, :js: kind of child like in a way.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 09:52:25 PM
I am feeling kind of sorry for Nat. I think she has been so used by others in her personal life, she is just looking for someone to love her. (JMO) Nat seems very sincere, :js: kind of child like in a way.

i agree with you 10000000 %
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 10:01:04 PM
I will say this: I love Big Brother and am so addicted, but if any of these kids were my son or daughter i would have to scale the fence of that house drag them home and beat their butts. I bet their parents are horrified.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 15, 2008, 10:03:44 PM
WOW! JMO but i dont think these HG'S are to smart, they should ALL know by now, NO ONE keeps thier promise, hand shake, deal , ect, ect in this house!.....even if Matt goes up, doesnt mean he will go?, i hope he does, BUT these people flip so such! :pull oh BB.......cant wait for summer BB,my hubby is getting me a new laptop and headset :yess: i love him so much! :kuss:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 10:08:31 PM
WOW! JMO but i dont think these HG'S are to smart, they should ALL know by now, NO ONE keeps thier promise, hand shake, deal , ect, ect in this house!.....even if Matt goes up, doesnt mean he will go?, i hope he does, BUT these people flip so such! :pull oh BB.......cant wait for summer BB,my hubby is getting me a new laptop and headset :yess: i love him so much! :kuss:
What a good hubby you have. I think I am gonna wait to get the live feeds for the summer show cause my laptop is older and slower so i knew i would be of no help to the updaters. Hopefully I will have a new one when  bb10 rolls around.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 10:08:55 PM
Big Brother Updaters
RFF Frantic Poster

    Re: BB9 Live Feed updates Saturday 3/15
« Reply #341 on: Today at 10:48:57 PM » Quote  

Natalie: I think he (Matt) is opening his heart up to me. He told me that there needs to be more people in the world like me and i've opened his eyes up.


 Quoting from the live feed..

But UMMMM....
That was not his heart honey :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 10:11:32 PM
WOW! JMO but i dont think these HG'S are to smart, they should ALL know by now, NO ONE keeps thier promise, hand shake, deal , ect, ect in this house!.....even if Matt goes up, doesnt mean he will go?, i hope he does, BUT these people flip so such! :pull oh BB.......cant wait for summer BB,my hubby is getting me a new laptop and headset :yess: i love him so much! :kuss:
What a good hubby you have. I think I am gonna wait to get the live feeds for the summer show cause my laptop is older and slower so i knew i would be of no help to the updaters. Hopefully I will have a new one when  bb10 rolls around.

Don't wait too long...BB10 will start on July 3rd.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 15, 2008, 10:14:52 PM
No I won't wait maybe the next couple of weeks or so. By the way thank all of you for the awesome job you are doing. It is so easy to keep up with what is going on in the bb house. It is very much appreciated. :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 15, 2008, 10:24:35 PM
Big Brother Updaters
RFF Frantic Poster

    Re: BB9 Live Feed updates Saturday 3/15
« Reply #341 on: Today at 10:48:57 PM » Quote  

Natalie: I think he (Matt) is opening his heart up to me. He told me that there needs to be more people in the world like me and i've opened his eyes up.


 Quoting from the live feed..

But UMMMM....
That was not his heart honey :lol3:
:lol3: Good One!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 10:26:15 PM
Big Brother Updaters
RFF Frantic Poster

    Re: BB9 Live Feed updates Saturday 3/15
« Reply #341 on: Today at 10:48:57 PM » Quote  

Natalie: I think he (Matt) is opening his heart up to me. He told me that there needs to be more people in the world like me and i've opened his eyes up.


 Quoting from the live feed..

But UMMMM....
That was not his heart honey :lol3:
:lol3: Good One!

Nat told Matt he lost weight.

Yeah, last night :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 15, 2008, 10:26:36 PM
I just realized we are going to have a short break between the finale of BB9 and the premiere of BB10....65 days!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 15, 2008, 10:53:58 PM
on another note:
Does anyone else think Baller needs to get circumcised so he will keep his hand out of his pants?  :barf

I think he should have his hand cracked with a ruler every time he does it.  :rules:

Or whatever the ruler happens to hit :lol3: That'll work

Maybe he just itches a lot!  Could be a yeast infection, he did sleep with Sheila  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 15, 2008, 10:57:09 PM
on another note:
Does anyone else think Baller needs to get circumcised so he will keep his hand out of his pants?  :barf

I think he should have his hand cracked with a ruler every time he does it.  :rules:

Or whatever the ruler happens to hit :lol3: That'll work

Maybe he just itches a lot!  Could be a yeast infection, he did sleep with Sheila  :lol3:

 :lol3:  :jumpy:  Reminds me of the mother in the original "Carrie" movie...

he slept with her,...*and he liikkkeed it!  WIth the smell of the roadhouse whiskey on her breath"  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 15, 2008, 10:59:46 PM

 TL Here is your avi, if you want a different one, let me know.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: BBrulz on March 16, 2008, 12:56:06 AM
By the way thank all of you for the awesome job you are doing. It is so easy to keep up with what is going on in the bb house. It is very much appreciated. :jumpy:
  I'd like to cosign this post. I'm not sure how I stumbled on to this site but since I found it I've been lurking here for 2-3 weeks. You updaters are by far the most organized of all the sites I've visited and I have found no need to wander off from here. So thanks for the GREAT job that you all do and the time that you give. I appreciate the updates so much as well as the humorous commentary. I believe "ewwwwwwwww" is my favorite but "burgah" is right up there as well.  :lol3:   
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 01:14:32 AM
WOW!, these HG'S are plain crazy, thinking Amanda was a man [WTH]  :lol3: they are saying it's in her name A-MAN-DA :lol3: Matt is so freaking out! :lol3: as he should be! at this point i want sharon and shelia F2!, with sharon winning, but i wouldnt care if shelia did! i get into this season, than i am right back wanting it to be over :groan: i really hope bb puts some 30's and 40's year olds in there this summer, i am only 27 years old, BUT...i like it when there is different ages in the house, i cant take all this 21-27 year old HG'S..... (:;) i am a HUGE fan of bb..and i wish they would get back to the good old days! JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 09:53:05 AM

 TL Here is your avi, if you want a different one, let me know.

Thanks Blondie!! Heehee... they all need tinfoil hats in the house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 09:54:44 AM
By the way thank all of you for the awesome job you are doing. It is so easy to keep up with what is going on in the bb house. It is very much appreciated. :jumpy:
  I'd like to cosign this post. I'm not sure how I stumbled on to this site but since I found it I've been lurking here for 2-3 weeks. You updaters are by far the most organized of all the sites I've visited and I have found no need to wander off from here. So thanks for the GREAT job that you all do and the time that you give. I appreciate the updates so much as well as the humorous commentary. I believe "ewwwwwwwww" is my favorite but "burgah" is right up there as well.  :lol3:   

We have the best updaters on the web!  :yess:

Welcome to RFF BBrulz!

 :elvis: :welcome3:  :elvis:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 16, 2008, 10:37:30 AM

 TL Here is your avi, if you want a different one, let me know.

Thanks Blondie!! Heehee... they all need tinfoil hats in the house.

Oh My!  I agree- is it me or is this a bizarre crew?  I am dreading when we get to the final 2!   I am sure this be unpopular  :hides with all his scratchin' and machismo, but I find Adam comical-I can't understand half of what he says, but I like his craziness in the morning!  It has no relation to the game though.   :shower:  he is so goofy in the morning- I just crack up, it is a refreshing change from all the "whoa is me, I'm on the block..." B:) B:)  And hours of talk about make-up! :manicure

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 10:39:42 AM
Good morning everyone  :waves: I hope when the POV ceremony is done today James goes back to his original plan and pulls Ryan off the block and puts Baller up. If Matty goes you talk about boring. At least he adds some drama. Baller's drama consist of playing with his balls and picking his nose. Please BB let Sheila or Baller leave, preferably Baller. Ok at his point I don't really care do a double eviction and Sheila and Baller go.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 16, 2008, 11:27:23 AM
 :kuss: Alex is home  (if this doesn't belong here please place in correct space)

Friday, March 14, 2008

  I’m HOME!!!!!!!!
Current mood:  grateful


Well its official... I’m home!!! My Big Brother roller coaster ride is over and boy was it a crazy ride.
First and foremost I want to thank everyone for their incredible support. From what I hear the voting was pretty overwhelming and I am taken back at the response I have gotten from the Big Brother fans. For all of you who took the time out of your days this past week to try and help me get back in... I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m sorry it didn’t lead to anything in the game but just know that it honestly touches my heart. I obviously have some feelings about the whole ordeal that took place but I’m going to save that for another time. Only positive thoughts in this blog lol
I only wish I had a chance to play the game as a single because I think you would have saw a totally different Alex in there. I do think its funny though that many people thought if I got back in the game I would be re-aligning with Matt.... I had a different plan in mind but yet again that doesn’t really matter at this point. Overall the BB experience was amazing and I don’t regret it for a second.
Last night I came home to many family members and friends welcoming me home and it was pretty amazing. I’m already getting back into the swing of things as far as my regular life goes.
I am going to take a much needed vacation next week to enjoy some R&R. (living with Amanda in a sequester house absolutely doesn’t count lol) So this will be a good chance to get away from the game (and talking about the game) for a little while.
Once again I want to thank everybody so much. Hopefully when Big Brother All-Stars 2 comes rolling around you can pull off an even bigger voting miracle and I’ll get my second chance at winning this thing.
One Love
Alex C.
Big Brother 9
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 11:48:00 AM
Oh My!  I agree- is it me or is this a bizarre crew?  I am dreading when we get to the final 2!   I am sure this be unpopular  :hides with all his scratchin' and machismo, but I find Adam comical-I can't understand half of what he says, but I like his craziness in the morning!  It has no relation to the game though.   :shower:  he is so goofy in the morning- I just crack up, it is a refreshing change from all the "whoa is me, I'm on the block..." B:) B:)  And hours of talk about make-up! :manicure

Adam is funny and disgusting.  :lol:

It's not you Queeny, they are the crude & lewd crew.  :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 16, 2008, 11:58:49 AM

It is so easy to dislike everyone in the house this season.

But, James is beyond tolerable. Anyone that gets all pissy over another person breaking their word, when HE himself lied right to Matt's face early on about not putting him up and then does so.

Then when he is caught once again sneaking, lying and trying to get Matt's ass backdoored, which backfired and he himself was kicked to the curb. Unfortunately BB frigged it up by allowing the house to vote him back in. Thus screwing over whoever paid to have Alex back in the house.

Anyway,  Now he flat out lies to Nat telling her they are both safe this week and currently talking trash about backdooring Matt.  Not that Matt is above such things, if he goes he goes, but JAMES needs to man up when hopefully someone screws him over in a Big way.  That day cannot come soon enough in my book.  James is so fricken nasty,  Nasty in every imaginable way.:waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 12:18:28 PM
James makes me so sick, I could just about puke. He has gotten way to cocky. He talks about Matty being so cocky. I cant' wait till he is gone. If BB had of followed through with bringing Alex back we wouldnt be enduring his smart ass :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 16, 2008, 12:27:57 PM
James makes me so sick, I could just about puke. He has gotten way to cocky. He talks about Matty being so cocky. I cant' wait till he is gone. If BB had of followed through with bringing Alex back we wouldnt be enduring his smart ass :pull
I agree 1000%  :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 16, 2008, 12:28:49 PM
The only james I like is the jamse he is being last night and today -- the one who's playing the game good. The self-righteous idiot who came out of the box and wouldn't shut up about sticking to his word annoyed me.

This is Big Brother people, it's all about BACK STABBING.


I want sheila to win LOL

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 12:31:50 PM
All I can say about Nat is..

OOPS she did it again...she played with his "heart"(ahemm) Got lost in the game ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 16, 2008, 12:32:51 PM
All I can say about Nat is..

OOPS she did it again...she played with his "heart"(ahemm) Got lost in the game ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 12:51:31 PM
hi everyone :waves: LMAO! :lol3: josh and james last night where talking about how STUPID it was to bring back the person you just evicted[james] back into the house, they both were laughing and said HELL i would have taken the box :lol3: dont get me wrong, i DON want james or josh to win! but these HG'S should have known, it didnt matter who was in that box....jen would have been on the team of ryan, matt, nat and adam, parker would have been with matt's team...allison up in the air, amanda up in the air!...but to bring back james :lol3:[someone you know for SURE will back-door you, and NOT keep his word :lol3:] i so cant way for matt to walk out that door! plain stupid move!JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 01:00:25 PM
hi everyone :waves: LMAO! :lol3: josh and james last night where talking about how STUPID it was to bring back the person you just evicted[james] back into the house, they both were laughing and said HELL i would have taken the box :lol3: dont get me wrong, i DON want james or josh to win! but these HG'S should have known, it didnt matter who was in that box....jen would have been on the team of ryan, matt, nat and adam, parker would have been with matt's team...allison up in the air, amanda up in the air!...but to bring back james :lol3:[someone you know for SURE will back-door you, and NOT keep his word :lol3:] i so cant way for matt to walk out that door! plain stupid move!JMO

sorry i got to change this to ADAM going up, and gone, i dont want matt to win, BUT i really dont want Adam to win this, or stay around, yes adam is a very nasty man, ewwwwwwwwwwwww, so i am hoping if matt does go up ryan will go home, cuz ryan's gameplay is BORING! he does what others tell him to do! again JMO :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 16, 2008, 01:22:39 PM
I don't remember a LD in HOH before POV maybe because its cold outside ???
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 01:26:06 PM
I don't remember a LD in HOH before POV maybe because its cold outside ???

hi ya!, i think chelisa said bb had to fix something in the LR, were the pov cem takes place, i think bb is just letting up see the LD in the hoh, why bb is fixing the prob in the LR, than bb will have to LD ouside for the others! after the LR is fixed JMO :umn:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 01:35:46 PM
I think right now (change my mind from day to day), I would like to see Nat win. She is kind of the under dog JMO. It's like the lottery, I always hope someone who really needed the money would win, and besides Nat could use it to get her some good therapy. :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 16, 2008, 01:43:14 PM
The one thing I like about Nat is her artistic talents but when she opens her mouth she loses it for me  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 16, 2008, 01:48:08 PM
I think right now (change my mind from day to day), I would like to see Nat win. She is kind of the under dog JMO. It's like the lottery, I always hope someone who really needed the money would win, and besides Nat could use it to get her some good therapy. :jumpy:

After Nat sees this show, reads the blogs (and I can't imagine her not doing so) and finds out how people view her, she will need all the therapy she can get.  I view BB as entertainment.......a game........sometimes very boring, sometimes witty and sometimes just down right comical........still picture josh in hot tub talking to camera and laugh  :neener:.  Sometimes what these HGs say and do makes me want to spew  :pull but I do have my blood pressure intact.  It IS just a game and hopefully when they get out of there, they all have their sanity in check instead of believing they will be "famous".  JMO   :flirt:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 01:48:57 PM
The one thing I like about Nat is her artistic talents but when she opens her mouth she loses it for me  :lol:
I agree Natalie is definately talented. I liked the other paintings of the houseguests, but the last one she did of herself is the best. That one actually looks like her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 01:53:49 PM
I think right now (change my mind from day to day), I would like to see Nat win. She is kind of the under dog JMO. It's like the lottery, I always hope someone who really needed the money would win, and besides Nat could use it to get her some good therapy. :jumpy:

hi ya! :waves: thats only if Nat thinks she needs [therapy] which she does, BUT i dont think she thinks she needs it!, JMO,if Nat wins, she will just be used by more men, family and so called friends, i hope Nat gets out and sees the show, and message boards and she will realize she needs to break the chain in her life! but i do think Nat is a kind person, she just lets people walk over her!, yes she can be a B***H at times, BUT hey, it's bb :jumpy:...i am rooting for sharon, i think she will be smart with the money, or even if she isnt!,,let her spend it the way she wants [as the others can] matt has talked to adam about hooking up and selling drugs after the show [matt and adam both have said this on national tv, and the feeds,that the only reason i am posting this, and i so do NOT want them to win this] james is not really a homeless person, just a young 21 who wants to live life the way he wants, but he will find out, he cant ride a bike all of his life, chelisa JMO so does NOT deserve the money,JMO but i think she is  very hateful, and has a cold heart! and josh i just dont like him! so i guess i want shelia in the F2, with sharon winning,[or even if shelia won i wouldnt care]  but i hear ya!, and i hope that if nat does win! she wont let others use her! but if she doesnt get help, she will be used again this is JMO!  :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 02:00:22 PM
I'm with ya Sunshine, and i didn't know about the drug thing. Don't know how I missed that one. As far as Sharon, I've not formed an opinion yet, but absolutely don't want Josh to win.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 02:03:48 PM
Hey why do you think that BB focused on Nat doing the nasty with Matt last night and didnt show but one quick shot of J/C in the tub. I know they were doing  :groan: JMO.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 02:06:05 PM
I'm with ya Sunshine, and i didn't know about the drug thing. Don't know how I missed that one. As far as Sharon, I've not formed an opinion yet, but absolutely don't want Josh to win.

it was in the second week, that adam, and matt talked about selling drugs, amanda, jen, parker, and alex were still in the house, it was just before jen and parker got evicted! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 02:10:49 PM
I don't remember a LD in HOH before POV maybe because its cold outside ???

hi ya!, i think chelisa said bb had to fix something in the LR, were the pov cem takes place, i think bb is just letting up see the LD in the hoh, why bb is fixing the prob in the LR, than bb will have to LD ouside for the others! after the LR is fixed JMO :umn:

looks like that was what bb was doing, fixing the LR, [LD in hoh] how LD in BY...this is it! :jumpy: :jumpy: matt is going to be pissed off, as will ryan, he thinks james is using the pov on him to put up adam, lets see! you know james, that guy might do anything :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 02:11:25 PM
I'm with ya Sunshine, and i didn't know about the drug thing. Don't know how I missed that one. As far as Sharon, I've not formed an opinion yet, but absolutely don't want Josh to win.

it was in the second week, that adam, and matt talked about selling drugs, amanda, jen, parker, and alex were still in the house, it was just before jen and parker got evicted! :waves:
ok I do think I remember something like that. Did you hear Chelsia last night when she was talking to Josh about how bored she was and that BB should let them have alcohol and cocaine? Are they nuts, saying this stuff on live tv?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 02:14:59 PM
I'm with ya Sunshine, and i didn't know about the drug thing. Don't know how I missed that one. As far as Sharon, I've not formed an opinion yet, but absolutely don't want Josh to win.

it was in the second week, that adam, and matt talked about selling drugs, amanda, jen, parker, and alex were still in the house, it was just before jen and parker got evicted! :waves:
ok I do think I remember something like that. Did you hear Chelsia last night when she was talking to Josh about how bored she was and that BB should let them have alcohol and cocaine? Are they nuts, saying this stuff on live tv?

yep! i heard it! these are some very trashy Hg'S JMO!...i hear ya! i cant believe what comes out of thier mouths, or what goes in it! :groan: sharon, and shelia to me, seem lik the best 2 in there, i know shelia can talk B:) B:) and sharon seems boring but she is SMART! S/S F2 :tup: JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 02:20:21 PM
They should have mixed up the age groups instead of just twenty somethings. Maybe BB will do amix for the summer show. We can only hope.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 02:26:20 PM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison & Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia & Sharon nominated, Chelsia wins veto, used on self, James up, James evicted 5-1, siren goes off, houseguests told they had a choice to vote back in a mystery houseguest (Alex) or James, James voted back in 5-3
Week 5: James, HOH, Ryan & Sheila nominated, James wins veto, used on Sheila, Matt up, to be continued...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 16, 2008, 02:34:39 PM
James is a power tripin' jerk :horsey:

Please note: I am not upset that he put up Matt- I am upset at the way he went about it.

He says to Matt: At least I'm not hiding up in my HOH.  As if thats a rightous thing-he is soaking up the hurting he just gave!  I knew yesterday when he told ryan he was taking him off, he would go back on his word.  I know its game-but really what was the point of all that yesterday- so he could revel in Ryan's disappointment?  This kid is an idiot, if he were to make it to F2, he will have burned everyone so badly there would be no chance they would think  it was all brillant game play and vote for him.  Not to mention going back on his word to Nat, after just yesterday saying that he wouldn't. (:;)

I hope Sharon is soaking this all in and realizing she will be the 1st to go if she keeps James and Chelsia together along with Josh.  She needs to buddy up with someone else. :umn: JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 02:47:16 PM
James is a power tripin' jerk :horsey:

Please note: I am not upset that he put up Matt- I am upset at the way he went about it.

He says to Matt: At least I'm not hiding up in my HOH.  As if thats a rightous thing-he is soaking up the hurting he just gave!  I knew yesterday when he told ryan he was taking him off, he would go back on his word.  I know its game-but really what was the point of all that yesterday- so he could revel in Ryan's disappointment?  This kid is an idiot, if he were to make it to F2, he will have burned everyone so badly there would be no chance they would think  it was all brillant game play and vote for him.  Not to mention going back on his word to Nat, after just yesterday saying that he wouldn't. (:;)

i hear ya!, its not that i care that matt is on the block and going, it is i just CANT STAND JAMES, these STUPID HG'S, Nat and Adam what were they thinkng :groan: to bring james back into this game was so DUMB!..anyone in that box, would have been better for them than james, does adam really think he has a chance with james, chelisa, and james [NOT] and i dont like adam at all!..i just cant believe the way these people are playing this game, to take out james, then bring him back :groan: doesnt nat, and adam realize they made one of the STUPITEST MOVES in BB HISTORY, even josh and james laughed about it last night, saying who brings back someone you just evicted!

I hope Sharon is soaking this all in and realizing she will be the 1st to go if she keeps James and Chelsia together along with Josh.  She needs to buddy up with someone else. :umn: JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 03:03:26 PM
sharon MUST get rid of josh or james, she cant go to the F2 with them and win, i know she talked to shelia afew days back, and wants to be in a very private F2 with her!.. so i hope these 2 girls are smart, use these guys for now, than BAM! get them out of there!, grrrrrrrrrrrr james thinks he is so feared by the others, and on a BIG power trip :pull he is a 21 year old, punk! JMO!,  i dont like matt, it is that, i just cant sand james! (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 03:28:08 PM
oh my word! nat really thinks Matt is falling in love with her :groan: she just cant win this game! that girl needs some real help, she said everytime a man falls in love with her they are taken away! DUH! where are they taken Nat, i think nat just wants any man to love her!, and they leave when SHE falls in LOVE with them![ JMO but i also think Nat goes for men that abuse, maybe not hitting on her, maybe so!, but for sure she goes for men that abuse her mentally! i just cant stand for a woman to be like this, i know, it was in now she was raised, and really she has got to get out of letting people use you! but you just cant say do it, to woman like nat, they need professial help, i am not saying nat is mental, i am saying she doesnt know how to handle life! and i feel for her! but 500k would be the WORSE thing in the world for Nat, she will be used even MORE JMO! [rant over]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 16, 2008, 03:31:08 PM
I'll borrow a quote from last season, "Oh these people, this house!" :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 16, 2008, 03:50:31 PM
Ugh, this almost feels as bad as when Kaysar left. What a hypocrite James is.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 04:01:42 PM
I felt bad for Matt when he was crying.

It lasted as long as it did when I felt bad for Nat when she  :barf.

It lasted 2 seconds
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 04:07:40 PM
i cant believe i am saying this, but here goes, i want matt to stay, i want the girls to open thier EYES and use these guys! than get them out of there FAST!,, this crap happens every year, the women just WONT stick together grrrrrrr :pull, they should know by now, with bb it is all the about the BROS staying together, and using the women...........sharon, i hope she is smart enough to get this [ i think she is, ] i also think shelia is also!... they CANNOT win this game sitting next to josh, james or for that fact even adam!...get those guys OUT :pull ryan IMHO needs to go, he cant win!,  matt can be used by the girls..JMO but if sharon, shelia, and nat vote to keep matt, and try and get adam to do the same! these girls could run this house! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :pull [ok rant over AGAIN B:) B:) i promise :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 16, 2008, 04:09:14 PM
After hearing Josh and James talk about getting rid of Chelsia and Sharon- my sympathys is with them---poor stooges!  Really James and Josh need to gooooooooooooo.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 04:13:32 PM
i cant believe i am saying this, but here goes, i want matt to stay, i want the girls to open thier EYES and use these guys! than get them out of there FAST!,, this crap happens every year, the women just WONT stick together grrrrrrr :pull, they should know by now, with bb it is all the about the BROS staying together, and using the women...........sharon, i hope she is smart enough to get this [ i think she is, ] i also think shelia is also!... they CANNOT win this game sitting next to josh, james or for that fact even adam!...get those guys OUT :pull ryan IMHO needs to go, he cant win!,  matt can be used by the girls..[ the bros will use ryan]JMO but if sharon, shelia, and nat vote to keep matt, and try and get adam to do the same! these girls could run this house! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :pull [ok rant over AGAIN B:) B:) i promise :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 16, 2008, 04:25:45 PM
I am sick of Ryan walking around like a cocky freak. Hes on the block to, and was on the block to go home against Sheila. I just don't understand it.

And yeah, I get what Natalie is saying about J/C J/S still being 'partners' but at least James doesn't push Chelsia away, and she can be alone iwthout him. Natalie follows Matt like a puppy dog, and she always has to be up the bros' butts.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 04:28:16 PM
I think it's so funny that Josh is the only houseguest that hasn't been on the block and probably will just skate through next week as well as James is the biggest target now.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 04:28:41 PM
No news about Matt???

He already left I guess :lol3:

nevermind..found him

Crying in the SR :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 16, 2008, 04:46:01 PM
Apparently- who ever wants to stay has to suck up to Josh!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 04:49:04 PM
It's going to be a long three days.....I can see Matt groveling with everybody for votes....he ain't gonna get it...I predict it'll be 5-1 by the time eviction takes place!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 16, 2008, 04:53:39 PM
You are right Will I think there will be alot of graveling!   :groan:  and can I say ugh!!!  I hate those days updating!  Its so weird, thats the only time you can see through the facade
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 16, 2008, 04:58:50 PM
I do feel bad for Matt in a way.

Yes he was crying, but it was a sad cry, not a try to get votes cry. Matt has been depressed all week because of his girl going to Miami (and the boys were egging that on), and then he is missing his mom, etc. And now this. I can see why he is upset so I refuse to make fun of him.

As for Natalie, I do not feel bad for her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 05:00:55 PM
Matt makes me think of some of the little league players my son played with.

Big bad BATTER BATTER BATTER until he strikes out, then hit the fence with his helmet and cry :neener:

Matt wants a camera for his BDAY..not an icebox cake :lol3:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 05:02:52 PM
I think it's so funny that Josh is the only houseguest that hasn't been on the block and probably will just skate through next week as well as James is the biggest target now.

i agree, but i got a feeling it just might be a double evicted week, [the last we hear of the siren] BB said the coming weeks you will hear the siren. it would really bite them in the end, BAM! nat gets hoh, james gone. shelia gets hoh [if she is smart, BAM! josh.if she is smart she will see that she cant be in a allaince with 4 people that have had one from day 1...than sharon, shelia,chelisa, and nat will have this game!, send chelisa home, and nat, F2 sharon and shelia, [sharon wins] JMO! [thats if i were playing, and if these women have any smarts about them!..knowing they cant win with josh or james sitting next to them in the end, they got to take out of the guys!, matt, ryan, or adam...that is why i think matt will help the girls over ryan, ryan will go with the BROS, matt will feel he owns shelia!and he might be saying he would get rid of nat, but he knows he cant right now, nat is a vote! JMO![but nat needs to go, after the bigger players of the guys are out!] i also wish bb wouldnt give the Hg on the block so much damn time in the house, give them the rest of sunday, and monday, than do evictions![and send them home on monday] to many days of this BS JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 16, 2008, 05:15:27 PM
Matt makes me think of some of the little league players my son played with.

Big bad BATTER BATTER BATTER until he strikes out, then hit the fence with his helmet and cry :neener:

Matt wants a camera for his BDAY..not an icebox cake :lol3:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 05:19:08 PM
Come to think of it, today is the first day ever since BB started on Feb 7th that Matt has NO CONTROL! He thought he had the house wrapped around his finger ever since and today totally put and end to it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 16, 2008, 05:23:17 PM
ok so after this painful hour I have decided I can't watch the feeds while the stupid cry baby is on the block.

He thinks he is going to get votes what an idiot, his little "woe is me, i'm so sad" card isn't going to work.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 05:39:35 PM
I can't get over how delusional Natalie is....I can't wait for the HOH comp on Wed and hopes she's the first one out to SHUT HER UP!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 16, 2008, 05:44:59 PM
Oh Michael you are so right, just curious what do you see happening?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 05:45:37 PM
As many long multiple conversations goes on in the house, you all know that every one of them will be re-hashed at least once with other people. Everything that is said gets repeated over and over.

The BB house is like one giant washing machine. WASH, RINSE, REPEAT!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 05:47:06 PM
I felt bad for Matt when he was crying.

It lasted as long as it did when I felt bad for Nat when she  :barf.

It lasted 2 seconds

 :lol3: The best things in the house are the Guinea Pigs!!  :jam:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Gnattering on March 16, 2008, 05:48:46 PM
Hey Will,
I wasn't on last night, is it true they are having a luxury comp today?

Natalie just thought it would a luxury competition was coming up because giant croquet mallets and balls were in the yard and croquet is "a fancy richpeople's game."  Gotta love it!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 05:49:32 PM
After hearing Josh and James talk about getting rid of Chelsia and Sharon- my sympathys is with them---poor stooges!  Really James and Josh need to gooooooooooooo.

YOW! I missed that!!! They need to go! I agree! Pride goeth before the fall!  (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 05:55:45 PM
THis is what I think of all these people............


I personally would have to keep Josh around awhile if I were there though....because he is an information toter :snicker:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 16, 2008, 05:59:52 PM
I think Natalie needs to be the next to go. :lol: Or Ryan

Sharon for HOH *crossing fingers*
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kelloggs5TLFan on March 16, 2008, 06:03:58 PM
I don't feel sorry for Matt or Nat.
Nat wouldn't even fix James anything to eat last week when she was fixing food for everyone else. They deserve what they get.
I hope Sharon or Sheila wins. I don't really care for Sheila either.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 06:10:53 PM
Matt McDonald had a farm

WIth a nat nat here and a nat nat a nat , there a nat, everywhere a nat nat

E- I- E- I- O
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 06:26:12 PM
This is why I could never be on BB and play this game. If I were chelsia and Matt was crying like that to me I would flip I would have to vote for him. I would probably cry with him.  :angel: It really takes some heartless people to play this game, but what great entertainment they make.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 16, 2008, 06:44:50 PM
I do feel bad for Matt in a way.

Yes he was crying, but it was a sad cry, not a try to get votes cry. Matt has been depressed all week because of his girl going to Miami (and the boys were egging that on), and then he is missing his mom, etc. And now this. I can see why he is upset so I refuse to make fun of him.

As for Natalie, I do not feel bad for her.

Please stop feeling anything for Matt unless it is disgust.  Tell me what I am missing here that Matt deserves any sympathy?
He has behaved like a spoild brat from day one, a bully, a womening idiot that really has absolutely no respect for women.  He saw each and every one of the females (using that term loosely) as something to be used and disgarded. When one of them would ask to speak to him, he would say NOT NOW.  As if speaking to his ass was a priviage.  I just wish everyone in there would tell him to kiss their asses. Go have a good cry
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 06:48:07 PM
This is why I could never be on BB and play this game. If I were chelsia and Matt was crying like that to me I would flip I would have to vote for him. I would probably cry with him.  :angel: It really takes some heartless people to play this game, but what great entertainment they make.

Yeah , cry with him and then get voted out by him the next week.

This is not the first time in his life he shed a few "teahs" to manipulate someone into doing what he wants.

You can believe that (as Sheila would say)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 06:53:05 PM
This is why I could never be on BB and play this game. If I were chelsia and Matt was crying like that to me I would flip I would have to vote for him. I would probably cry with him.  :angel: It really takes some heartless people to play this game, but what great entertainment they make.

I'm with you, if someone came in and were feeling so down, I know I'd feel bad for the person. It seemed to me that it did touch Chels and Sharon. (For the moment anyway.) He's said he's an asshole and he is. No doubt of that at all. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 06:56:03 PM
Answer this though, did Sharon boo hoo when she got put up? Did she run around crying saying I don't want to be in sequester...I don't recall that frail girl acting as wussyfied as this brawn bully.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 07:07:53 PM
Answer this though, did Sharon boo hoo when she got put up? Did she run around crying saying I don't want to be in sequester...I don't recall that frail girl acting as wussyfied as this brawn bully.
No she didn't so i would have not had a problem voting her out(I don't think so anyway), but I am telling you women are emotional human beings and those tears just might work for MATTY. Except for that cold hearted b---- Chelsia JMO :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 16, 2008, 07:11:43 PM
If this crazy pooh keeps up I may take a break from BB this year.  Matt crying is well I already covered my thoughts on that.

Sheila oh my god will someone please put that sick old cow out of her misery. She has turned everything into being about HER or her son. MY hope for the show is for Josh to go after her, bring on some drama (I never thought I would support or wish for Josh to attack another housemate) but Sheila has earned it plus some.

So Josh feel free to cur loose, let er rip, get down with your funky self and terrorize on that old bag. While you are at it, smack her son a good one just to send her over that edge she is teetering on. :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 07:16:53 PM
Answer this though, did Sharon boo hoo when she got put up? Did she run around crying saying I don't want to be in sequester...I don't recall that frail girl acting as wussyfied as this brawn bully.
No she didn't so i would have not had a problem voting her out(I don't think so anyway), but I am telling you women are emotional human beings and those tears just might work for MATTY. Except for that cold hearted b---- Chelsia JMO :js:

Oh I see your point.

And even though I am an emotional female myself, I have been played enough that I can say with 100 % conviction that Matt would be gone Because OF Those Tears.

I would not fall for it for a second. ;)

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 07:23:07 PM
Answer this though, did Sharon boo hoo when she got put up? Did she run around crying saying I don't want to be in sequester...I don't recall that frail girl acting as wussyfied as this brawn bully.
No she didn't so i would have not had a problem voting her out(I don't think so anyway), but I am telling you women are emotional human beings and those tears just might work for MATTY. Except for that cold hearted b---- Chelsia JMO :js:

Oh I see your point.

And even though I am an emotional female myself, I have been played enough that I can say with 100 % conviction that Matt would be gone Because OF Those Tears.

I would not fall for it for a second. ;)

I see your point as well. I think(cause who really knows unless we are in that situation) that i would choose to give him my vote and you are probably right I would be out the door the next week. That is why I said this is why I could never be on BB. :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 07:26:11 PM
Answer this though, did Sharon boo hoo when she got put up? Did she run around crying saying I don't want to be in sequester...I don't recall that frail girl acting as wussyfied as this brawn bully.
No she didn't so i would have not had a problem voting her out(I don't think so anyway), but I am telling you women are emotional human beings and those tears just might work for MATTY. Except for that cold hearted b---- Chelsia JMO :js:

Oh I see your point.

And even though I am an emotional female myself, I have been played enough that I can say with 100 % conviction that Matt would be gone Because OF Those Tears.

I would not fall for it for a second. ;)

I see your point as well. I think(cause who really knows unless we are in that situation) that i would choose to give him my vote and you are probably right I would be out the door the next week. That is why I said this is why I could never be on BB. :js:

I couldn't be on BB either. Entertained the thought once..but ummm...I can't keep my mouth shut. Everybody would be called out on everything and I would either be in to the end like Dick or the first to go! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 07:32:29 PM
Answer this though, did Sharon boo hoo when she got put up? Did she run around crying saying I don't want to be in sequester...I don't recall that frail girl acting as wussyfied as this brawn bully.
No she didn't so i would have not had a problem voting her out(I don't think so anyway), but I am telling you women are emotional human beings and those tears just might work for MATTY. Except for that cold hearted b---- Chelsia JMO :js:

Oh I see your point.

And even though I am an emotional female myself, I have been played enough that I can say with 100 % conviction that Matt would be gone Because OF Those Tears.

I would not fall for it for a second. ;)

I see your point as well. I think(cause who really knows unless we are in that situation) that i would choose to give him my vote and you are probably right I would be out the door the next week. That is why I said this is why I could never be on BB. :js:

I couldn't be on BB either. Entertained the thought once..but ummm...I can't keep my mouth shut. Everybody would be called out on everything and I would either be in to the end like Dick or the first to go! :lol3:
I would love to see a female dick on BB that would be the bomb. Go for it girl. :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 07:38:52 PM

I couldn't be on BB either. Entertained the thought once..but ummm...I can't keep my mouth shut. Everybody would be called out on everything and I would either be in to the end like Dick or the first to go! :lol3:
[/quote]I would love to see a female dick on BB that would be the bomb. Go for it girl. :jumpy:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 07:43:55 PM
I thought you would like that :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 07:52:24 PM
The order of keys pulled out at the nomination ceremony shown on tonight's episode are:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 16, 2008, 07:56:37 PM
Ugh. "I won't break my word like everybody else in this house" "All you have in this house is your word" - honestly this guy needs to check out what he's saying.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 08:02:59 PM
Just wait till wednesday night when Nat or Ryan win hoh. Sheila will have another light bulb. I want to see Sheila and James on the block, and either one could go it wouldn't matter. Or if pray tell it would be James and Chelsia either one could go. JMO (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 08:12:42 PM
If there are any updaters who can jump in and help puddin, it would be much appreciated!

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 08:21:54 PM
I don't feel sorry for Matt or Nat.
Nat wouldn't even fix James anything to eat last week when she was fixing food for everyone else. They deserve what they get.
I hope Sharon or Sheila wins. I don't really care for Sheila either.

hi ya!,  :waves:not true, nat did cook for james, he wouldnt eat it!, sorry james was the one that didnt want to eat nat's food she did cook for james, nat even said i dont know why james wont eat my food he just wont [cuz well he was doing the same thing matt is doing now beibg a cry baby!] but nat did cook for james also, i also want sharon to win, :yess: BUT i want shelia to win hoh frist, cuz i dont think sharon would get rid of a guy yet, shelia will get rid of adam or maybe josh..sharon will get rid of ryan first, which is personal, and she better keep him there in case shelia goes cuz sharon can win agianst ryan,sharon has got to find out that josh is throwing her under the bus, and that she CANT go to the F2 with josh,he will win over sharon, and i want sharon to win the game, and take shelia to the F2 JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 08:25:35 PM
Just wait till wednesday night when Nat or Ryan win hoh. Sheila will have another light bulb. I want to see Sheila and James on the block, and either one could go it wouldn't matter. Or if pray tell it would be James and Chelsia either one could go. JMO (:;)

oh if ryan or nat win ! james and shelia are going on the block, JMO james MUST go first :yess: over shelia,
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kelloggs5TLFan on March 16, 2008, 08:36:00 PM
I don't feel sorry for Matt or Nat.
Nat wouldn't even fix James anything to eat last week when she was fixing food for everyone else. They deserve what they get.
I hope Sharon or Sheila wins. I don't really care for Sheila either.

hi ya!,  :waves:not true, nat did cook for james, he wouldnt eat it!, sorry james was the one that didnt want to eat nat's food she did cook for james, nat even said i dont know why james wont eat my food he just wont [cuz well he was doing the same thing matt is doing now beibg a cry baby!] but nat did cook for james also, i also want sharon to win, :yess: BUT i want shelia to win hoh frist, cuz i dont think sharon would get rid of a guy yet, shelia will get rid of adam or maybe josh..sharon will get rid of ryan first, which is personal, and she better keep him there in case shelia goes cuz sharon can win agianst ryan,sharon has got to find out that josh is throwing her under the bus, and that she CANT go to the F2 with josh,he will win over sharon, and i want sharon to win the game, and take shelia to the F2 JMO!

I must of missed when that all changed. What I heard was Nat saying she was not fixing James anything, she wasn't going to cook for him. It's not a big deal. I don't listen to everything, so it would be easy  for me to miss. Thanks for adding the info.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 08:37:55 PM
Just wait till wednesday night when Nat or Ryan win hoh. Sheila will have another light bulb. I want to see Sheila and James on the block, and either one could go it wouldn't matter. Or if pray tell it would be James and Chelsia either one could go. JMO (:;)

oh if ryan or nat win ! james and shelia are going on the block, JMO james MUST go first :yess: over shelia,
I am absolutle wanting James gone. I pray he is out the door next. I am tired of his holier than thou my word is my bond crap. Lying to Nat by backdooring Matt. I hope Sharon gets her game on and throws j/c/j under the bus. I would like to see her and Nat go F2. :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 08:44:14 PM
I was just reading the live feeds and Sheila is crazy telling Josh and James all that stuff they are going to throw her under the bus back it up and run her down. She has lost her mind. She is as much of a flip flopper as Baller is she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut.  B:) B:) B:) Sheila is gonna get hosed she is just another Natalie to J/J.   JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 08:52:14 PM
I must of missed when that all changed. What I heard was Nat saying she was not fixing James anything, she wasn't going to cook for him. It's not a big deal. I don't listen to everything, so it would be easy  for me to miss. Thanks for adding the info.

It probably all was said because whatever they say at 5 PM, they reverse at 5:05 PM.  :crazy  :crazy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kelloggs5TLFan on March 16, 2008, 08:53:14 PM
I must of missed when that all changed. What I heard was Nat saying she was not fixing James anything, she wasn't going to cook for him. It's not a big deal. I don't listen to everything, so it would be easy  for me to miss. Thanks for adding the info.

It probably all was said because whatever they say at 5 PM, they reverse at 5:05 PM.  :crazy  :crazy:

That's a very valid point. LOL
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 09:35:54 PM
I was just reading the live feeds and Sheila is crazy telling Josh and James all that stuff they are going to throw her under the bus back it up and run her down. She has lost her mind. She is as much of a flip flopper as Baller is she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut.  B:) B:) B:) Sheila is gonna get hosed she is just another Natalie to J/J.   JMO

Not only that but Nat is gonna fill SHeila full of how they were planning to break her down  by putting her up :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 09:47:38 PM
oh my word, MATT and NATT and SHELIA are driving me INSANE! :pull matt with the b-day only a cake, no presents B:) B:) shelia (:;) i do want shelia in the F2 with sharon, cuz i want sharon to win! :yess: but BB PLEASE for the LOVE of this show, this summer please have a better casting i am 27 BUT i want some 30's and 40's hell even one or two 50 year olds in the house, i cant take much more of these people :pull sharon is really the only nice, and smart person in that house! JMO i still cannot believe these FOOLS picked james to come back in that house! i dont care who would have been in that box! it could have been Dr Will and Boogie,[that would have been great] it would have been smarter than voting james back in, and think about it, everyone that got evicted seem to be more on the N/M/R/S/A side! the STUPIDEST MOVE YET! [ok rant over] for now :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 09:50:21 PM
oh my word, MATT and NATT and SHELIA are driving me INSANE! :pull matt with the b-day only a cake, no presents B:) B:) shelia (:;) i do want shelia in the F2 with sharon, cuz i want sharon to win! :yess: but BB PLEASE for the LOVE of this show, this summer please have a better casting i am 27 BUT i want some 30's and 40's hell even one or two 50 year olds in the house, i cant take much more of these people :pull sharon is really the only nice, and smart person in that house! JMO i still cannot believe these FOOLS picked james to come back in that house! i dont care who would have been in that box! it could have been Dr Will and Boogie,[that would have been great] it would have been smarter than voting james back in, and think about it, everyone that got evicted seem to be more on the N/M/R/S/A side! the STUPIDEST MOVE YET! [ok rant over] for now :lol3:

I would have liked to have had Bunky or Kent in the box :( since I couldn't get Alex.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 09:52:28 PM
I'm just going to say one thing about RFF and our boards. We welcome and love our members and our guests. It is one big family and a fun place and we want to keep it that way.

Please read the rules, no attacking others, discuss the show, discuss the guests but no attacking others. Added to that, please remember we have teenagers reading here as well.

If you see this... :vader: it means I am going to step in and deal with whatever is happening that is disrupting our board. Don't make me do it!  ;)

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 09:58:05 PM
I'm just going to say one thing about RFF and our boards. We welcome and love our members and our guests. It is one big family and a fun place and we want to keep it that way.

Please read the rules, no attacking others, discuss the show, discuss the guests but no attacking others. Added to that, please remember we have teenagers reading here as well.

If you see this... :vader: it means I am going to step in and deal with whatever is happening that is disrupting our board. Don't make me do it!  ;)


Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 09:59:52 PM
ok now i think shelia is playing smart :lol3: what is wrong with me!,,,,but she is working it, i knew if shelia got hoh, she would go after james or josh, she playing both sides pretty good, which is keeping sharon safe :yess: get those boys OUT! and than Nat..than Sharon and shelia F2 :yess: JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 10:04:00 PM
I don't feel sorry for Matt or Nat.
Nat wouldn't even fix James anything to eat last week when she was fixing food for everyone else. They deserve what they get.
I hope Sharon or Sheila wins. I don't really care for Sheila either.

hi ya!,  :waves:not true, nat did cook for james, he wouldnt eat it!, sorry james was the one that didnt want to eat nat's food she did cook for james, nat even said i dont know why james wont eat my food he just wont [cuz well he was doing the same thing matt is doing now beibg a cry baby!] but nat did cook for james also, i also want sharon to win, :yess: BUT i want shelia to win hoh frist, cuz i dont think sharon would get rid of a guy yet, shelia will get rid of adam or maybe josh..sharon will get rid of ryan first, which is personal, and she better keep him there in case shelia goes cuz sharon can win agianst ryan,sharon has got to find out that josh is throwing her under the bus, and that she CANT go to the F2 with josh,he will win over sharon, and i want sharon to win the game, and take shelia to the F2 JMO!

I must of missed when that all changed. What I heard was Nat saying she was not fixing James anything, she wasn't going to cook for him. It's not a big deal. I don't listen to everything, so it would be easy  for me to miss. Thanks for adding the info.

hi ya! :waves: i hear ya! these Hg';S talk so much, and fast, you heard something one mintue, and miss something the next! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 16, 2008, 10:04:18 PM
I'm just going to say one thing about RFF and our boards. We welcome and love our members and our guests. It is one big family and a fun place and we want to keep it that way.

Please read the rules, no attacking others, discuss the show, discuss the guests but no attacking others. Added to that, please remember we have teenagers reading here as well.

If you see this... :vader: it means I am going to step in and deal with whatever is happening that is disrupting our board. Don't make me do it!  ;)


 :hfive: :ghug:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 10:04:33 PM
ok now i think shelia is playing smart :lol3: what is wrong with me!,,,,but she is working it, i knew if shelia got hoh, she would go after james or josh, she playing both sides pretty good, which is keeping sharon safe :yess: get those boys OUT! and than Nat..than Sharon and shelia F2 :yess: JMO


Can't you see SHeila go ballistic when Josh tells how Nat was mocking her??? :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 10:06:32 PM
ok now i think shelia is playing smart :lol3: what is wrong with me!,,,,but she is working it, i knew if shelia got hoh, she would go after james or josh, she playing both sides pretty good, which is keeping sharon safe :yess: get those boys OUT! and than Nat..than Sharon and shelia F2 :yess: JMO
If Sheila doesn't run back and tell j/j/c about what Nat is telling her , they may just take control of this game  :yess: I have been waiting for the women to start making some sense. Now if Sheila will just keep that mouth shut B:) B:) of course JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 10:06:50 PM
ok now i think shelia is playing smart :lol3: what is wrong with me!,,,,but she is working it, i knew if shelia got hoh, she would go after james or josh, she playing both sides pretty good, which is keeping sharon safe :yess: get those boys OUT! and than Nat..than Sharon and shelia F2 :yess: JMO


Can't you see SHeila go ballistic when Josh tells how Nat was mocking her??? :lol3:

p.s. I think I sound like the Dani from 2 yrs ago when I say "ummmhmmm" :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 10:09:34 PM
I do however wish SHeila would shut up about her son hearing all this.  :barf

She knew that when she went

He is nearly 17, & he knows she isn't perfect by now.

Gimme a break :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 10:11:04 PM
ok now i think shelia is playing smart :lol3: what is wrong with me!,,,,but she is working it, i knew if shelia got hoh, she would go after james or josh, she playing both sides pretty good, which is keeping sharon safe :yess: get those boys OUT! and than Nat..than Sharon and shelia F2 :yess: JMO


Can't you see SHeila go ballistic when Josh tells how Nat was mocking her??? :lol3:

p.s. I think I sound like the Dani from 2 yrs ago when I say "ummmhmmm" :lol3:

 :lol3: ummmmmmmmhmmmmmmmm, just like dani,[season 4 and all-stars] and jameka last year YEP! ummmmmmm hmmmmmmmm :lol3: i still think shelia is going after josh BIG TIME, even if josh does the mocking think! ummmmmmm hmmmmmmmm lol i hear ya!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 10:21:18 PM
i think sharon and josh have it right about the money thing, that chelisa will blow it on herself [doesnt care about anyone] james will do the same, as he said he would open and a bar and bike around the round :res:, but he told julie when he and chelisa were hoh together that the other Hg'S were fake, and didnt care about anyone but themsleves, HELLO james, i think  you are the same way!, i woulnt mind seeing sharon, or shelia winning it!, they are the only 2, i think deserve the win! JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 10:21:56 PM
I will tell ya who is playing a great game even though he makes me sick is Baller. I still haven't figured out where his loyalties are, but thats probably because he's a flip flop. Whomever is hoh is the way he falls. Even though he talks junk about Sheila i really think he would have her back. :dontgo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 10:27:52 PM
oh no NAT :groan: telling matt he will get to watch the shows in [SEQ] just not the DR'S :groan: [NOT] he will only see a cd of who got kicked out as each HG is evicted! and goes to [SEQ] with the cd of who won hoh and how they got evicted! thats it!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 16, 2008, 10:34:49 PM
The only scenario I see Adam going far in is if Ryan/Natalie/him/Shelia win HOH this upcoming week. This is their last week they can have the majority in an HOH competition, if Chelsia/Josh/Sharon win, he'll be their third target behind Natalie and Ryan on their list to pick people off. :P

This upcoming HOH is everything, because the winning is going to have four people to three. Honestly, targets look like this: Natalie/Shelia/Ryan/Adam(the latter two if they're smart) will want James, Josh, Chelsia than Sharon. James' crew wants Natalie/Ryan/Adam/Shelia gone. Whoever can implement this will probably decide final four(some might slip in although that's doubtful)

It's a numbers game. So this next week will be fuuuuuun. ESPECIALLY if it's a double eviction week.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 10:39:42 PM
I think April 9th live show will be the Fast It Forward double eviction.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 10:42:05 PM
I think you are right Will it is too early for a double eviction, but expect the unexpected.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 10:42:25 PM
The only scenario I see Adam going far in is if Ryan/Natalie/him/Shelia win HOH this upcoming week. This is their last week they can have the majority in an HOH competition, if Chelsia/Josh/Sharon win, he'll be their third target behind Natalie and Ryan on their list to pick people off. :P

This upcoming HOH is everything, because the winning is going to have four people to three. Honestly, targets look like this: Natalie/Shelia/Ryan/Adam(the latter two if they're smart) will want James, Josh, Chelsia than Sharon. James' crew wants Natalie/Ryan/Adam/Shelia gone. Whoever can implement this will probably decide final four(some might slip in although that's doubtful)

It's a numbers game. So this next week will be fuuuuuun. ESPECIALLY if it's a double eviction week.

yep! you got that right, :tup: it is all a #'s game, this will be the most important hoh, cuz this house is spilt with adam and shelia in the middle!i have a feeling double eviction will be next week for sure![not this weds the next! i do think the siren could sound one more time, for the double eviction! JMO! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 16, 2008, 10:47:32 PM
matt is going on and on abou Easter, i hope he really knows the meaning of that day [for christians] all he can say is a egg hunt,  B:) B:) B:) he is getting on my last nerve, just go to [SEQ] and stop it! (:;) i know they want to win, BUT atlease he made [SEQ] i would just go out with some pride! :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 16, 2008, 10:49:35 PM
I think you are right Will it is too early for a double eviction, but expect the unexpected.

They only had one double eviction on BB8 and that was when Jessica and Eric was evicted and they were the fourth and fifth jury members so April 9th will be the 4th and 5th jurors going.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 16, 2008, 10:56:01 PM
I'm just going to say one thing about RFF and our boards. We welcome and love our members and our guests. It is one big family and a fun place and we want to keep it that way.

Please read the rules, no attacking others, discuss the show, discuss the guests but no attacking others. Added to that, please remember we have teenagers reading here as well.

If you see this... :vader: it means I am going to step in and deal with whatever is happening that is disrupting our board. Don't make me do it!  ;)



Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 11:00:20 PM
The funniest thing they say on BB is "Trust Me"  :lol3:

I don't think anyone could count how many times that is said
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 16, 2008, 11:11:11 PM
please tell me has sheila repeated what nat told her earlier about j/j/c breaking her down? has she kept her mouth shut and possibly back in an alliance with n/r/a?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 16, 2008, 11:34:56 PM
Nat is going to cram her pizza down her throat so she can follow the boys outside.

She needs help bad...she interjects herself into their plans for things they are going to do after the house :groan:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 12:19:54 AM
please tell me has sheila repeated what nat told her earlier about j/j/c breaking her down? has she kept her mouth shut and possibly back in an alliance with n/r/a?

Hi ya! hdkitkat :waves:
 i havent heard shelia say anything about what nat told her about j/j/c..shelia is laying low playing both sides, i dont think shelia will repeat it [YET]..i got a feeling shelia might win this hoh and take josh out!...i want a sharon and shelia F2..  :yess: i think shelia is playing a smart game, i know she  B:) B:) alot, but these HG'S should listen to hear alittle more [come to think about it!, ryan did and didnt back -door, matt, and he got herself off the block by talking to james, shelia is playing this game. JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 12:22:38 AM
sorry i meant to say she [shelia] got herself off the block by talking to james!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 17, 2008, 02:18:57 AM
All that campaigning going on is cracking me up....

Just wait and see, I know it'll be 5-1 to evict Matt on Wed!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 02:26:56 AM
  i am really liking the way shelia is playing this game, she is laying low, but she is playing, she is smart, keep ryan in for sure..everyone wants him in![cuz he cannot win in the end] get matt, natt, james, chelisa, on that jury and shelia can win this game! i said you ALWAYS keep in atlease 2 targets at all times in the bb house!...josh, james, chelisa, and nat are bigger targets than, adam, shelia and sharon, i really think adam, shelia and sharon will be the F3...JMO! i think if shelia wins last hoh she will take adam, as will shraon take adam, adam will take shelia.cuz he will think the boys will vote for him over shelia but i think adam will be wrong, shelia will win over adam, and she could win over sharon! matt, natt,adam,and ryan would give shelia the win over sharon.

 shelia is sitting pretty good! no one is after her! and she is the one that flipped that house, told ryan to not back-door matt, than got james to take her off the block, and STILL has nat, matt adam, and ryan on her side,[even if she votes out matt he wont hold it agains her] plus J/J/C/S are on her side,[they are to busy wating nat out than i think they just might trun on each other before they get to shelia] shelia just might win this game! JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 02:34:50 AM
grrrrrrrrrrrrr matt just go to [SEQ] please, and shutup :pull take it like a man! gosh!!! i know they want to win the game but come on! if i were on BB and made[SEQ] i would just suck it up, and be happy to get the heck out of a house were people didnt want me in it! this is driving me INSANE! are going matt, now STOP IT! (:;)   :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 17, 2008, 02:35:36 AM
Matt needs to accept the fact he's leaving on Wed and he has no chance in hell trying to sway votes, and be a big man about it and leave on Wed gracefully!   
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 02:40:55 AM
Matt needs to accept the fact he's leaving on Wed and he has no chance in hell trying to sway votes, and be a big man about it and leave on Wed gracefully!   

you are so right, this is very childlike behavior! and it is driving me crazy!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 17, 2008, 02:54:19 AM
I actually feel bad for Matt. Guys, he was depressed before he was put on the block and this adds to it. And the guys last night (Saturday) were not making it any better telling him that his girl was down in Miami doing things. And I think Matt has finally admitted to missing his mom - hes an only child and a mommas boy. I think its just the fact that everything hit him at once. Alone on Easter, only with two people on his birthday (because one will be evicted next week). I get why hes upset.

And then for people to be telling him that alot of it is to just get Natalie rattled, thats BS, thats NOT his fault.

I want Matt to go just like the next guy but I really do feel bad for how it happened. It really wasn't Matt's idea to put James up last week, but somehow Matt paid for it and it should be Ryan.

I know Matt is an ass, and things he has done/said about and to Natalie were wrong but she kept coming back for more. Just a few minutes ago Matt was in the bathroom with Ryan, Josh, James, and Chelsia. They were talking about abortions, James sent some girl $ for one. You know what Matt said? He stood there said he would be there for a girl if she was pregnant and even if he wasn't "with" the girl he would be there for the rest of his life. That shows that boys true character - not asshole Matt. Hes had just as hard of a life as the next person, when he was talking about his dad when Ryan was HOH, he almost broke down then. I dunno, I personally don't think people give him enough credit. He does sound like he has a big heart.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 03:02:02 AM
my word, these are some very trashy HG'S,  to talk about all the STD you have had! knowing you are on 24/7 live feeds, is josh proud of this!,[all the B/J's] and stripping, just over the top!,[ GO!! SHARON...AND SHELIA!the only 2 that are not nasty] i got to go to bed! guys have a great morning :jumpy: and thanks again for this wonderful site! :waves:

HI ya! mama2myboys, i also feel bad for Matt..i guess it just late and he is on my last nerve!..i wish they would have taken the box! it's nat's and adam's fault,that james in back in that house, and matt is going. [stupid move] why in the world would they pick the person they just evicted, :groan: matt, ryan, and shelia saw this, i just hope matt doesnt do this 24/7 until weds!..he is going to drive himself insane! but i hear ya! mama2myboys, i guess i am just tried! have a great night :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 17, 2008, 03:08:49 AM
Sheila isn't nasty? Ummm i've heard things come out of her mouth. And shes just as much of a **** talker then all of them.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 17, 2008, 03:26:11 AM
Sheila isn't nasty? Ummm i've heard things come out of her mouth. And shes just as much of a **** talker then all of them.

I agree. She's the worse of all the houseguests! She needs to go soon!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 17, 2008, 05:33:44 AM
Sheila isn't nasty? Ummm i've heard things come out of her mouth. And shes just as much of a **** talker then all of them.

I agree. She's the worse of all the houseguests! She needs to go soon!

In the bathroom area James/Chel/Josh/Ryan then Matt joins they are laughing that Sheila thinks shes the deciding vote that they all better go to Sheila and ask her how they should vote, lol

They are like with Sheila as th deciding vote is could go 3-3, then James is like no not if shes the deciding vote that it will go 5-1 or 6-0 like last week no one wants to hang themselves oh wait I am back hee hee.

James asks how much booze they got? Ryan , 8 cans and 1 wine, I had 2 beers .. James is like I didn't get any I was just wondering Matt doesn't fess up to drinking James 2 beers

Josh has had gonorrhea, scavvies, you name it hes had it

Talk about **** stirring and nasty people??  Josh pretty much takes the cake!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 17, 2008, 06:45:58 AM
In the bathroom area James/Chel/Josh/Ryan then Matt joins they are laughing that Sheila thinks shes the deciding vote that they all better go to Sheila and ask her how they should vote, lol

They are like with Sheila as th deciding vote is could go 3-3, then James is like no not if shes the deciding vote that it will go 5-1 or 6-0 like last week no one wants to hang themselves oh wait I am back hee hee.

James asks how much booze they got? Ryan , 8 cans and 1 wine, I had 2 beers .. James is like I didn't get any I was just wondering Matt doesn't fess up to drinking James 2 beers

Josh has had gonorrhea, scavvies, you name it hes had it

WOW!  :ascared :-X
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 17, 2008, 07:01:54 AM
I don't know if it's a result of seeing/reading the live feeds, but it sure seems they haven't cast many likeable people the last few (non-allstar) seasons.  Alex might have been, but he was saddled with an obnoxious partner.

At this point, the only one I *like* is Sharon, and she doesn't seem to have a good grip on what's happening in the house.  Josh is funny, but unstable.  I don't like Adam or Sheila, but it's because I despise the floater strategy.  The rest are just plain -- oh, irritating.  I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard than hear Natalie go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and .. oh sorry, the droning had my hypnotized.  

It almost makes me wish ED was in the house.  He's vile, but at least then the rest of these "reality stars" would be little more than blubbering sacks of goo.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 08:37:04 AM
I don't know if it's a result of seeing/reading the live feeds, but it sure seems they haven't cast many likeable people the last few (non-allstar) seasons.  Alex might have been, but he was saddled with an obnoxious partner.

At this point, the only one I *like* is Sharon, and she doesn't seem to have a good grip on what's happening in the house.  Josh is funny, but unstable.  I don't like Adam or Sheila, but it's because I despise the floater strategy.  The rest are just plain -- oh, irritating.  I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard than hear Natalie go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and .. oh sorry, the droning had my hypnotized.  

It almost makes me wish ED was in the house.  He's vile, but at least then the rest of these "reality stars" would be little more than blubbering sacks of goo.

Sheila isn't nasty? Ummm i've heard things come out of her mouth. And shes just as much of a **** talker then all of them.

hi ya! mama2boys :waves: the only reason i said shelia isnt nasty, cuz like sharon, she hasnt sleep with anyone, gave a b/j, stripped, or ran around nude, sharon is also my favortie, i am just saying that shelia could win this, but i hope it is sharon! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kbhg on March 17, 2008, 08:50:29 AM
Happy St.Patricks DAY.. I just caught up ... I'm not surprised James LIED again!! I can't stand him.. and his preaching when he does the same thing over and over!!! j/j/c are the nastiest people, (although Dick was mean) ever on this show. I sure hope the tables turn on them :pull quickly!! My husband thinks I'm nuts for yelling at the TV..
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 09:02:15 AM
Happy St.Patricks DAY.. I just caught up ... I'm not surprised James LIED again!! I can't stand him.. and his preaching when he does the same thing over and over!!! j/j/c are the nastiest people, (although Dick was mean) ever on this show. I sure hope the tables turn on them :pull quickly!! My husband thinks I'm nuts for yelling at the TV..

hi ya! kbhg :waves: Happy St. Patrick's Day to you also, and everyone one else :waves: YEP! these people are some really big lairs.[and plain nasty] and i am hoping james or josh is out next!, than chelisa after those 2 , my hubby thinks i am INSANE also!...but he does know that i am a HUGE bb fan! so he  knows what coming very season! the only thing he is alittle mad at this year, was at first i promised i wouldnt get all into the winner bb, just summer, and i couldnt help it i did! :groan: this season is like watching a trainwreck, you dont want to , BUT you cant help it! i want Sharon to win! :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 17, 2008, 09:25:31 AM
Just a theroy

I am wondering if these people studied Evel Dick and are trying to play like him. 


Although in Jame's case, I am puzzled because he was so kind to Amanda when she went down.  Yet there are those videos out there where he wants a woman punched in the face.  I don't know he is just a bit psycotic or something.   :duno:

On Adam's account, I like that he advised Matt to stop whinning about his birthday, and told him if you didn't want to be in Seq for his birthday-he shouldn't have signed up! :lol3:  Adam=voice of reason :lol3: 

This crew is just screwy, I really wonder what they do to these people in the DR, what stuff they put in their heads?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 09:26:59 AM
Sheila is playing a pretty good game. She is keeping her mouth shut finally  B:) B:). Hopefully she continues to do this and sheila, nat, ryan, baller, and possibly josh or chelsia will form a tight alliance. I think someone will cross over when power shifts to the other side JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 17, 2008, 09:39:40 AM
I'm just throwing this out there... we know that BB sways votes in the DR. We also know (or assume anyway) that they wanted James back in the house.  Why would the producers want Ryan? What does he do, he lays around, he eats constantly, that's pretty much it. He's really a floater as is Adam (Another waste, IMNSHO)

Why would they want Matt? Drama.. dealing with and (koff koff) using Nat. Watching Nat make deals to keep Matty. James and Matt drama.

I dunno, I'm waiting till Wednesday to see who really REALLY is toast.  :umn:

ETA, I have to say, watching Matt go to people and ask for their votes was kind of endearing to me. I bet this is how he swayed his mom to let him do things when he was a kid. (I have 4 boys, I'm a mom, what can I say.)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 09:46:31 AM
Ok i see now Sheila spilled her guts to James about the on the block every week thing. For God sake can she not keep that big mouth shut? If Sheila would just shutup she would be in great position to advance probably to F2. JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 10:00:03 AM
I'm just throwing this out there... we know that BB sways votes in the DR. We also know (or assume anyway) that they wanted James back in the house.  Why would the producers want Ryan? What does he do, he lays around, he eats constantly, that's pretty much it. He's really a floater as is Adam (Another waste, IMNSHO)

Why would they want Matt? Drama.. dealing with and (koff koff) using Nat. Watching Nat make deals to keep Matty. James and Matt drama.

I dunno, I'm waiting till Wednesday to see who really REALLY is toast.  :umn:

ETA, I have to say, watching Matt go to people and ask for their votes was kind of endearing to me. I bet this is how he swayed his mom to let him do things when he was a kid. (I have 4 boys, I'm a mom, what can I say.)

 i agee with ya! TL :waves:, why would bb want matt gone, over ryan???, the ratings are bad enough as it is!, i mean what bb lead us to believe about voting back in a person (:;) than BAM! [james is back] (:;) i think as far as drama and all that goes with bb..they should want matt in there i know the DR sways them! maybe just maybe ryan will go![we never know its just monday] it's not that matt is my favorite is just that, james is NOT!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 10:03:48 AM
Ok i see now Sheila spilled her guts to James about the on the block every week thing. For God sake can she not keep that big mouth shut? If Sheila would just shutup she would be in great position to advance probably to F2. JMO

she is playing both side, i still think she is sitting pretty good, JMO i think shelia, adam, and sharon might be the F3...with i hope sharon winning...i wouldnt mine shelia winning if i had to pick the 2 i would give the money to it would be those 2! S or S
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 17, 2008, 10:16:03 AM

I dunno, I'm waiting till Wednesday to see who really REALLY is toast.  :umn:

ETA, I have to say, watching Matt go to people and ask for their votes was kind of endearing to me. I bet this is how he swayed his mom to let him do things when he was a kid. (I have 4 boys, I'm a mom, what can I say.)

I agree- we'll see Wend night.

You are so right about Matt, hadn't looked at it that way- kinda cute, bet he got almost every he wanted as a kid! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 17, 2008, 10:35:07 AM
Okay--I have been swallowed in work and tornadoes the last 4 days so I'm behind and am trying to catch up.

Matt was placed on the block in Sheila's place.

But I haven't heard anyone here commenting on how Natalie is taking this? It was her deal on the endurance comp that got James to PROMISE that he wouldn't put up Matt.

Does James think he fulfilled that by not putting Matt up originally? ??? Nat didn't specifically say "OR backdoor" us either...

I would think that Nat even more than Matt would be flipping out over the broken promise...

Anybody want to help fill me in pretty please?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 17, 2008, 10:43:25 AM
She was very upset, crying and all.  She did say (from what I remember) not to put them up or BD them.  She is trying to sway everyone, but I don't think anyone is budging. 

Shelia has some power in this and is using it.  She is saying noone came to her when she was crying etc....  and she is also mad at Nat right now, because Nat said she voted James back in partly due to the fact that Shelia and her had promised him they would keep them.  So Nat is feeling the wrath of those that voted fro the mystery box. 

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 10:51:32 AM
Okay--I have been swallowed in work and tornadoes the last 4 days so I'm behind and am trying to catch up.

Matt was placed on the block in Sheila's place.

But I haven't heard anyone here commenting on how Natalie is taking this? It was her deal on the endurance comp that got James to PROMISE that he wouldn't put up Matt.

Does James think he fulfilled that by not putting Matt up originally? ??? Nat didn't specifically say "OR backdoor" us either...

I would think that Nat even more than Matt would be flipping out over the broken promise...

Anybody want to help fill me in pretty please?

hi ya! peach,  :waves: Natt is VERY upset over james putting matt on the block, shelia is playing nat, and trying to claim her down!..but still making her upset, if you know what i mean..james did promise BUT we know how these HG'S are, they make deals and break them all. people are PO;D at nat for voting james back in [the stupidest move  :groan:] i think shelia and sharon are sitting pretty good right now!...nat wants james's head...nat might think she has the votes to sway the others, but she has already talked to shelia and shelia did tell her that matt is prob going!...

shelia is planting those seeds to keep the focus off her, telling nat about matt kissing sharon, telling james the truth about what she did to him, and getting him to take her off the block!,, shelia does B:) B:) but she is playing this game... good chance she might win it! JMO..
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 17, 2008, 10:55:19 AM
You know, as much as I'm sick of Matt whining about being in sequester on Easter and his birthday, I have to admit it's refreshing to see someone campaigning to stay in the game by flat out saying "what do I need to do to get your vote?" instead of the "attack the other person on the block" approach that everyone else has taken.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 17, 2008, 11:21:15 AM
James the Righteous, who hates back-dooring, who hates that people can't play for POV when they are back-doored, who hates lying did all of that, oh and who broke his promise to Nat.  :nopoints
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 17, 2008, 11:25:03 AM
James the Righteous, who hates back-dooring, who hates that people can't play for POV when they are back-doored, who hates lying did all of that, oh and who broke his promise to Nat.  :nopoints

Ditto I'm nopt diggin the Lone Ranger! :horsey:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 12:01:45 PM
I can't tell if Sheila is after Josh James or Chelsia. Maybe Chelsia. I do however think that the so called alliance with J/J/C/S is a fake out. I think her true alliance is N/R/A/M. Oh dear God please let James go next week. I cant stand him. JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kelloggs5TLFan on March 17, 2008, 12:07:57 PM
If Sheila didn't want her son to see this or hear that. Why did she go on BB9?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 12:13:37 PM
James the Righteous, who hates back-dooring, who hates that people can't play for POV when they are back-doored, who hates lying did all of that, oh and who broke his promise to Nat.  :nopoints

Ditto I'm nopt diggin the Lone Ranger! :horsey:

 :lol3: i am with ya! i so want james OUT! i AINT diggin the lone ranger either! (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 12:18:59 PM
If Sheila didn't want her son to see this or hear that. Why did she go on BB9?

I'm gonna agree with you. The smart thing to do is to make up lies about your personal life or just not tell anyone anything personal about yourself that way it can't be used. Hello the best way to break someone down in this game is to attack them on a personal level. I would personally lie like a dog.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 17, 2008, 12:22:34 PM
I guess Sheila with only 4 days didn't know that she could have refused to have her son sign a release, but I so wish she hadn't mentioned him. I believe the reason she did was to help her in the game. I heard her say that Allison (Grodner I assume) told her that being a single mother might help her win the game.

I don't know if this is game play or just babble or if Sheila really is upset about all of this.  :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 17, 2008, 12:37:42 PM
Natalie and Sheila are the most delusional people I've ever seen on BB. I think it's so funny they think they will take over the house next week.....and then it doesn't happen! It always happen that way, kwim?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 12:46:34 PM
i know that i am prob one of the few that thinks this, but i like how shelia is playing this game! :'( please dont bash me! lol.. i think she is pretty smart,i know she can B:) B:)but she is street smart! she is planting seeds, and keeping the focus off her, and she knows she has got to get j/j/c/ and nat out..pretty much in that order, i think shelia and sharon will use each other, i dont know if anyone caught it, about aweek ago, sharon and shelia are in a very private alliance, sharon was the one that told shelia for them to plant seeds, lay down,let the others fight, and stay out of it! and be like another [jason and dani] shelia is covering her tracks telling nat , hey i might have to bash you to do this our that, sharon and shelia also said the same to each other..that if each of them

 hear some trash talk, just remember it is part of the plan! sharon and shelia have a pretty good chance of F2, JMO! if shelia is delusional so are all the rest!...i think shelia knows she cant win everything, and knows she cant bring the whole house down, she just says this to Nat, cuz that is what nat wants to hear, watch she will talk to each HG and say the things each one wants ro hear, it is called planting seeds..i think she is playing this game! pretty good!..tell them what they want to hear!,, and if the HG think she is crazy, thats even better! than she can say so and so was lying, and they are believing shelia, sure they question her trust, they all do! but she and sharon are doing pretty good in the game JMO [thank you]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 17, 2008, 01:33:45 PM
I'm not so sure that Sheila is playing it smart but she sure knows how to dominate a conversation.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 17, 2008, 01:58:05 PM
I'm not so sure that Sheila is playing it smart but she sure knows how to dominate a conversation.

Ya Think? :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:  Oh my!  hard to get a word in!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 17, 2008, 02:04:21 PM
If Sheila didn't want her son to see this or hear that. Why did she go on BB9?

She's a broken record

They are gonna get as tired of it as I am!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 17, 2008, 02:07:01 PM
I'm not so sure that Sheila is playing it smart but she sure knows how to dominate a conversation.


When she & Nat get together, they do not hear ONE SINGLE WORD the other  is saying because they are both already

anticipating how to one up each other with the drama & exaggerations :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 17, 2008, 02:56:45 PM
Sheila Sheila Sheila

she certainly brings a new level of crazy into the house. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 02:57:11 PM
hi ya!  :waves: like i said it is JMO! [sorry i think shelia is playing a good game] i know i am one of the few [sorry] but like i said shelia is just saying what nat wants to hear, doesnt mean she agreeing with nat, just planting seeds. JMO i cant help it, i just dont like any of the others but sharon and shelia [sorry] :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 17, 2008, 03:01:30 PM
Sheila is still playing both sides, and she went up the HOH telling htem everything about what Natalie said then was talking about James today to Natalie and Ryan. Like Josh says, she is waiting to see where teh power goes on Wendsday!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 17, 2008, 03:10:57 PM
I think Shelia is playing to win. She pumped Nat, Adam and Ryan up this morning while the lazy people laid in bed. She even got Adam to practice croquet.  :tup: She might be in a good position because Josh and James don't think highly of her skills.  She is right about one thing, if Shel/Ryan/Adam/Nat form a bond, with possibly Sharon, that leaves 3 together on the other side, without Sharon it will be 4/4.

We'll see how it goes. (I should say that James several times has said she is playing a good game.)

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 03:31:48 PM
This is my dream scenario: Wednesday night siren goes off matt stays, BB does a fast forward hoh and pov. Sheila wins hoh, throws james and josh on the block, Nat wins pov leaves those two on the block and BAM double eviction WOOHOO see ya :neener: :jumpy: :lol3: :lol: :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 17, 2008, 03:41:59 PM
But it will catch up with Sheila - Natalie just told Adam and Matt (not that it matters cause Matt is leaving) that Sheila is playing both sides, and the other side know shes playing both sides. She may just end up in the middle and then nobody will save her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 17, 2008, 03:42:59 PM
But it will catch up with Sheila - Natalie just told Adam and Matt (not that it matters cause Matt is leaving) that Sheila is playing both sides, and the other side know shes playing both sides. She may just end up in the middle and then nobody will save her.

I heard that. She could be the next one out.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 03:44:51 PM
sorry but matt is getting on my last nerve :pull everyone is going to walk out that door ..period........... but the last 2 standing bb isnt [fair] they just dont hand you 500k..matt should have NOT been so cocky [like james is now, last week] he cant get the votes!, everytime someone talks about a comp, [matt i wont be here for it! :'(] he is driving me INSANE :pull sorry MAN UP!..go out with some pride, you made it to [SEQ]. one of your boys, will be there next week, [i am hoping it will be james or josh] they all are playing both sides,[everyone tells everyone what they are doing, both sides do it!] i dont see shelia going up next week, and i hope she wins hoh! rant over!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 03:54:16 PM
sorry but matt is getting on my last nerve :pull everyone is going to walk out that door ..period........... but the last 2 standing bb isnt [fair] they just dont hand you 500k..matt should have NOT been so cocky [like james is now, last week] he cant get the votes!, everytime someone talks about a comp, [matt i wont be here for it! :'(] he is driving me INSANE :pull sorry MAN UP!..go out with some pride, you made it to [SEQ]. one of your boys, will be there next week, [i am hoping it will be james or josh] they all are playing both sides,[everyone tells everyone what they are doing, both sides do it!] i dont see shelia going up next week, and i hope she wins hoh! yep! matt go out in a BANG~ tell these people off, you are the one that will be voting for them to win, let them try and kiss your butt for a jury vote! might as well go for it!!! instead of feeling sorry for yourself, just go out with a BANG!!!! i would rather hear that, than this! rant over!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 17, 2008, 03:56:52 PM
It sucks that that will probably still be a dream. BB won't be like "Yeah you're not going", there has to be a catch to it. Ryan/Allison were first week as singles, James coming back was a result of the bring back a player scheme. Plus they wouldn't do it back to back. And someone crushed my hopes for a double eviction earlier. What a wonderful dream that would be, though. <_<

But hopefully Natalie can win HOH, put James & Josh up, one of them evicted for sure(as they have the votes) then Ryan can win the next week and put the remaining up.

Sheila has to stop messing this up, she's not going far with James and them. Her best bet would be to stick with the people that need her/she needs to go far in the game. The house is divided, she's not on James side. Stop trying to fit in. <_<

EDIT: This is to hdkitkat/me ranting, so you all know. :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 04:19:08 PM
It sucks that that will probably still be a dream. BB won't be like "Yeah you're not going", there has to be a catch to it. Ryan/Allison were first week as singles, James coming back was a result of the bring back a player scheme. Plus they wouldn't do it back to back. And someone crushed my hopes for a double eviction earlier. What a wonderful dream that would be, though. <_<

But hopefully Natalie can win HOH, put James & Josh up, one of them evicted for sure(as they have the votes) then Ryan can win the next week and put the remaining up.

Sheila has to stop messing this up, she's not going far with James and them. Her best bet would be to stick with the people that need her/she needs to go far in the game. The house is divided, she's not on James side. Stop trying to fit in. <_<

EDIT: This is to hdkitkat/me ranting, so you all know. :P
I know it's probavly not gonna happen :'(, I just read on live feeds it seems James and Josh are figuring Sheila out. I don't care who wins as long as it is not J/J/C. I have had enough of their crap. JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 05:11:05 PM
It sucks that that will probably still be a dream. BB won't be like "Yeah you're not going", there has to be a catch to it. Ryan/Allison were first week as singles, James coming back was a result of the bring back a player scheme. Plus they wouldn't do it back to back. And someone crushed my hopes for a double eviction earlier. What a wonderful dream that would be, though. <_<

But hopefully Natalie can win HOH, put James & Josh up, one of them evicted for sure(as they have the votes) then Ryan can win the next week and put the remaining up.

Sheila has to stop messing this up, she's not going far with James and them. Her best bet would be to stick with the people that need her/she needs to go far in the game. The house is divided, she's not on James side. Stop trying to fit in. <_<

EDIT: This is to hdkitkat/me ranting, so you all know. :P
I know it's probavly not gonna happen :'(, I just read on live feeds it seems James and Josh are figuring Sheila out. I don't care who wins as long as it is not J/J/C. I have had enough of their crap. JMO

it will be ok, they all play each side, shelia is NOT thier fish to fry right now, maybe she will win hoh?.. or ryan or nat, i do want a shelia and sharon F2! i just cant stand james, josh or chelisa, i just cant!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 05:30:27 PM
It sucks that that will probably still be a dream. BB won't be like "Yeah you're not going", there has to be a catch to it. Ryan/Allison were first week as singles, James coming back was a result of the bring back a player scheme. Plus they wouldn't do it back to back. And someone crushed my hopes for a double eviction earlier. What a wonderful dream that would be, though. <_<

But hopefully Natalie can win HOH, put James & Josh up, one of them evicted for sure(as they have the votes) then Ryan can win the next week and put the remaining up.

Sheila has to stop messing this up, she's not going far with James and them. Her best bet would be to stick with the people that need her/she needs to go far in the game. The house is divided, she's not on James side. Stop trying to fit in. <_<

EDIT: This is to hdkitkat/me ranting, so you all know. :P
I know it's probavly not gonna happen :'(, I just read on live feeds it seems James and Josh are figuring Sheila out. I don't care who wins as long as it is not J/J/C. I have had enough of their crap. JMO

it will be ok, they all play each side, shelia is NOT thier fish to fry right now, maybe she will win hoh?.. or ryan or nat, i do want a shelia and sharon F2! i just cant stand james, josh or chelisa, i just cant!

HI yA! :waves: you have
 to remember over aweek ago, sharon and shelia said they were going to be in a very secert alliance together, sharon knows she cant go to the end with josh, shelia tryed to tell Nat today she was going to say bad things about her to the others, Nat cant under what shelia is trying to do! and that is pin the house agaisnt each other, shelia has to make them think she is with them, j/j/c and shelia knows matt has to go, to get nat on her side, in bb you take away the one that is closest to another, matt from nat, than befriend her! [shelia] farer in the game! cuz nat is going to have to work with shelia and sharon and ryan if she is smart!, just wait shelia will explain AGAIN to nat what she is trying to do!, she already told Nat, Matt is going! and its time to play the game! JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 05:31:40 PM
You know you can't win with these freakin people J/J/C. Chelsia mad because Matt is campaigning so much and mad because Ryan isn't campaigning at all. She is such a stupid little twit can't stand her. (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 05:33:09 PM
You know you can't win with these freakin people J/J/C. Chelsia mad because Matt is campaigning so much and mad because Ryan isn't campaigning at all. She is such a stupid little twit can't stand her. (:;)

i hear ya! chelisa is plain hateful and kinda EVIL ! JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 05:36:14 PM
sunshine, i hope you are wrong about nat teaming up with sheila,sharon, and josh. not so much s/s but i want josh gone along with james and chelsia. there are so many secret i got your back going on with him(josh). i wish someone would call him out on it. can't wait till he goes.JMO of course
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 17, 2008, 06:18:39 PM

James Zinkland won $8000 in World Series of Poker @ Harrah's in Atlantic City in Dec.($300 buy in fee)
 ---was it OUR James? Probably
James Zinkland had his real estate license revoked for dishonest practices
----was it OUR James? Probably
James Zinkland was filmed for gay porn?
----was it OUR JAMES? Definitely

I am sure there is more, but I haven't found it yet.. ;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 06:58:46 PM
sunshine, i hope you are wrong about nat teaming up with sheila,sharon, and josh. not so much s/s but i want josh gone along with james and chelsia. there are so many secret i got your back going on with him(josh). i wish someone would call him out on it. can't wait till he goes.JMO of course

 no i meant to say that shelia will get josh out if she wins, no josh has to go!!!!!, i think even shelia will get rid of nat, use her for now, S/S F2
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 17, 2008, 07:14:55 PM
hi ya!  :waves: like i said it is JMO! [sorry i think shelia is playing a good game] i know i am one of the few [sorry] but like i said shelia is just saying what nat wants to hear, doesnt mean she agreeing with nat, just planting seeds. JMO i cant help it, i just dont like any of the others but sharon and shelia [sorry] :'(

Quit apologizing.  You have a right to your (wrong  :neener:) position.  :D
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 17, 2008, 08:31:07 PM
OK - first things first - this post is meant to be humorous, and is not intended to be disrespectful, demeaning, sacreligious, or in any way hurtful to any one.  If this offends someone, that's on me, and I apologize.

<Heaven, office of The Almighty>
Angel : Excuse me, omnificient creator of the universe...
God : I've told you 48,371,294,388,002 times, a simple "God" is sufficient.
Angel : Yes, great ominiscient, uhm, I mean, yes, God. 
God : So what can I do for you?
Angel : Sir, there was a crane collapse in NYC...
God : Yes, I know.  What of it?
Angel : Well, I thought you might want to send some help to the search teams...
God : Let Gabriel take care of it.  I'm watching Big Brother.
Angel : Sir?
God : Yes, this Natalie girl, she needs my help.
Angel : Yes sir, all the humans do...
God : No, she especially needs my help.  The HOH competition is coming up.
Angel : But sir, isn't she the stripper with the abortions and the big...
God : Heart.  Yes, she is, but let the one without sin toss the first stone.  Sit down, Jesus, it's just an expression.
Angel : Ok, but there's also these tornados in Atlanta.
God : Look, we have an entire Natural Disasters division to take care of those.
Angel : Yes, but they could use some extra help...
God : Well, fine, send Mary.
Angel : Sir, she's out appearing as a stain under a bridge in Chicago.
God : I wish she would stop that.
Angel : Sir, if you don't mind my asking, why are taking such an interest in this year's show?  I mean last year, there was Amber...
God : The whiny one?  Ugh, she irritated me to no end.  Besides that, she never asked, she just told me what to do.  I HATE being told what to do.
Angel : OK, then Jameka.
God : Look don't question me, I might have to punish you.
Angel : You'll send me to hell?
God : Worse, I'll put you on the cast for Big Brother 10.
Angel : <shudders> That won't be necessary, sir, I was just leaving.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 17, 2008, 08:57:09 PM

ha ha ha ha that's funny bhazlewood

Oh while god is at it, I hope he doesn’t forget those abs Josh was requesting  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 17, 2008, 09:26:13 PM
Oh my gosh bhazlewood--that absolutely cracks me up! You did that so well! I totally believe in the power of prayer, but for BB?? :rotf:

I said on the feeds earlier that Natalie was totally convinced that God was watching BB--and I just hoped he didn't get the live feeds! :lol3:

And hey--Atlanta appreciates the effort! :kissy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 10:00:34 PM
hi ya!  :waves: like i said it is JMO! [sorry i think shelia is playing a good game] i know i am one of the few [sorry] but like i said shelia is just saying what nat wants to hear, doesnt mean she agreeing with nat, just planting seeds. JMO i cant help it, i just dont like any of the others but sharon and shelia [sorry] :'(

Quit apologizing.  You have a right to your (wrong  :neener:) position.  :D

wow! i paid for this?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 17, 2008, 10:06:44 PM
hi ya!  :waves: like i said it is JMO! [sorry i think shelia is playing a good game] i know i am one of the few [sorry] but like i said shelia is just saying what nat wants to hear, doesnt mean she agreeing with nat, just planting seeds. JMO i cant help it, i just dont like any of the others but sharon and shelia [sorry] :'(

Quit apologizing.  You have a right to your (wrong  :neener:) position.  :D

wow! i paid for this?

You paid?  Dang it, now I have to take it back.

OK, seriously, you don't have to apologize for your position.  You have as much right to think Sheila is playing a good game as anyone else does to think she's doing terrible.  Or not just good, but great!!! The  :neener: was just meant to show I was teasing about the "wrong opinion".  Have fun on the board, take most of what I say with a grain of salt, and you'll do just fine.   Or, take my wife's advice and just ignore me.  I promise I'll grow up someday.  Just not someday soon. :angel:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 10:36:51 PM
grrrrr i dont think i can take matt any
longer, i dont care for j/j/c BUT matt is on my last nerve :pull

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 17, 2008, 10:41:09 PM
Okay I am listening to Matt and Chel talking right now and Chel is saying the same things against Matt that James just used.  How can he honestly be thinking that all of a sundden Chel's vote isn't guaranteed and that James really is in a fight with Chel and that it is because she won't tell him her vote and then James tells Matt about 20 times that he has Chel's vote.  How does he not realize that he is being setup?

Also how have they not put two and two together as to why Ryan didn't put Josh up last week?  All thought that Ryan was going to put up Josh after the talk with Shel and then all of a sudden Ryan decides to put up James under the front that he is the stronger player, rather than the verbal abuse that Josh has reigned over the whole house?  These people are just really dumb or really thickheaded.  Also with this how can people not see the two of them sneaking off places to talk and the talks do last longer than 5 minutes, so it can't be something simple and when they go into the SR they walk out with nothing, at least cover your tracks and leave the SR wth something.

Geez, sorry had to rant, but I just don't see how people don't see these things.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 10:48:51 PM
Okay I am listening to Matt and Chel talking right now and Chel is saying the same things against Matt that James just used.  How can he honestly be thinking that all of a sundden Chel's vote isn't guaranteed and that James really is in a fight with Chel and that it is because she won't tell him her vote and then James tells Matt about 20 times that he has Chel's vote.  How does he not realize that he is being setup?

Also how have they not put two and two together as to why Ryan didn't put Josh up last week?  All thought that Ryan was going to put up Josh after the talk with Shel and then all of a sudden Ryan decides to put up James under the front that he is the stronger player, rather than the verbal abuse that Josh has reigned over the whole house?  These people are just really dumb or really thickheaded.  Also with this how can people not see the two of them sneaking off places to talk and the talks do last longer than 5 minutes, so it can't be something simple and when they go into the SR they walk out with nothing, at least cover your tracks and leave the SR wth something.

Geez, sorry had to rant, but I just don't see how people don't see these things.

i hear ya!, why do all the HG use nat agaisnt matt, why are they so feaful of saying james and chelisa are togerther as a couple also, plain stupid!....also with josh plain stupid! thats why to me it is so silly to have alot of 21 years olds in the house JMO!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 10:50:47 PM
grrrrr i dont think i can take matt any
longer, i dont care for j/j/c BUT matt is on my last nerve :pull

What the crap? I know Matt wants to stay in the game but he is throwing everybody under the bus. He knows he is going out so why leave his alliance in piss poor shape by doggin out A/S/R/N. Matty needs to shut up now B:) B:) B:)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 11:01:38 PM
grrrrr i dont think i can take matt any
longer, i dont care for j/j/c BUT matt is on my last nerve :pull

What the crap? I know Matt wants to stay in the game but he is throwing everybody under the bus. He knows he is going out so why leave his alliance in piss poor shape by doggin out A/S/R/N. Matty needs to shut up now B:) B:) B:)

matt is trying everything to stay in at any cost!, he is just doing what some other crazy HG';S have done in the past, matt needs to go!, and let the games began JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 11:03:52 PM
grrrrr i dont think i can take matt any
longer, i dont care for j/j/c BUT matt is on my last nerve :pull

What the crap? I know Matt wants to stay in the game but he is throwing everybody under the bus. He knows he is going out so why leave his alliance in piss poor shape by doggin out A/S/R/N. Matty needs to shut up now B:) B:) B:)

matt is trying everything to stay in at any cost!, he is just doing what some other crazy HG';S have done in the past, matt needs to go!, and let the games began JMO! these HG are palin[ butt ]STUPID!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 17, 2008, 11:06:30 PM
Okay I am listening to Matt and Chel talking right now and Chel is saying the same things against Matt that James just used.  How can he honestly be thinking that all of a sundden Chel's vote isn't guaranteed and that James really is in a fight with Chel and that it is because she won't tell him her vote and then James tells Matt about 20 times that he has Chel's vote.  How does he not realize that he is being setup?

Also how have they not put two and two together as to why Ryan didn't put Josh up last week?  All thought that Ryan was going to put up Josh after the talk with Shel and then all of a sudden Ryan decides to put up James under the front that he is the stronger player, rather than the verbal abuse that Josh has reigned over the whole house?  These people are just really dumb or really thickheaded.  Also with this how can people not see the two of them sneaking off places to talk and the talks do last longer than 5 minutes, so it can't be something simple and when they go into the SR they walk out with nothing, at least cover your tracks and leave the SR wth something.

Geez, sorry had to rant, but I just don't see how people don't see these things.

i hear ya!, why do all the HG use nat agaisnt matt, why are they so feaful of saying james and chelisa are togerther as a couple also, plain stupid!....also with josh plain stupid! thats why to me it is so silly to have alot of 21 years olds in the house JMO!!!

I'm 24 and have graduated college and I guess that if i ever tried out for the show (not that I would, it just isn't my thing) but if I did they wouldn't take on the plain and simple fact that I have a brain and it works.  :lol:

These people are just stupid this year and all they care about is sex and booze.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 17, 2008, 11:08:04 PM
yeah you are right sunshine they all do it when they are on the block. I just hope theysee through the crap james and chelsia are trying to pull. Dear God I would hate for the F2 to be another Dick and Danielle.           JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 11:10:00 PM
Okay I am listening to Matt and Chel talking right now and Chel is saying the same things against Matt that James just used.  How can he honestly be thinking that all of a sundden Chel's vote isn't guaranteed and that James really is in a fight with Chel and that it is because she won't tell him her vote and then James tells Matt about 20 times that he has Chel's vote.  How does he not realize that he is being setup?

Also how have they not put two and two together as to why Ryan didn't put Josh up last week?  All thought that Ryan was going to put up Josh after the talk with Shel and then all of a sudden Ryan decides to put up James under the front that he is the stronger player, rather than the verbal abuse that Josh has reigned over the whole house?  These people are just really dumb or really thickheaded.  Also with this how can people not see the two of them sneaking off places to talk and the talks do last longer than 5 minutes, so it can't be something simple and when they go into the SR they walk out with nothing, at least cover your tracks and leave the SR wth something.

Geez, sorry had to rant, but I just don't see how people don't see these things.

i hear ya!, why do all the HG use nat agaisnt matt, why are they so feaful of saying james and chelisa are togerther as a couple also, plain stupid!....also with josh plain stupid! thats why to me it is so silly to have alot of 21 years olds in the house JMO!!!

I'm 24 and have graduated college and I guess that if i ever tried out for the show (not that I would, it just isn't my thing) but if I did they wouldn't take on the plain and simple fact that I have a brain and it works.  :lol:

These people are just stupid this year and all they care about is sex and booze.

i hear ya! i am 27, but i cant take these people...bring on the older ones! LOL
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 17, 2008, 11:14:41 PM
Okay I am listening to Matt and Chel talking right now and Chel is saying the same things against Matt that James just used.  How can he honestly be thinking that all of a sundden Chel's vote isn't guaranteed and that James really is in a fight with Chel and that it is because she won't tell him her vote and then James tells Matt about 20 times that he has Chel's vote.  How does he not realize that he is being setup?

Also how have they not put two and two together as to why Ryan didn't put Josh up last week?  All thought that Ryan was going to put up Josh after the talk with Shel and then all of a sudden Ryan decides to put up James under the front that he is the stronger player, rather than the verbal abuse that Josh has reigned over the whole house?  These people are just really dumb or really thickheaded.  Also with this how can people not see the two of them sneaking off places to talk and the talks do last longer than 5 minutes, so it can't be something simple and when they go into the SR they walk out with nothing, at least cover your tracks and leave the SR wth something.

Geez, sorry had to rant, but I just don't see how people don't see these things.

i hear ya!, why do all the HG use nat agaisnt matt, why are they so feaful of saying james and chelisa are togerther as a couple also, plain stupid!....also with josh plain stupid! thats why to me it is so silly to have alot of 21 years olds in the house JMO!!!

I'm 24 and have graduated college and I guess that if i ever tried out for the show (not that I would, it just isn't my thing) but if I did they wouldn't take on the plain and simple fact that I have a brain and it works.  :lol:

These people are just stupid this year and all they care about is sex and booze.

i hear ya! i am 27, but i cant take these people...bring on the older ones! LOL

I am with you, I will be 25 under 2 months.  Maybe they can have more sophisticated people in this house who are actually educated, that would be the key and then they will really have people strategizing and playing the game the right way.  That is what Kaysar's downfall was, he was thinking constantly and correctly figuring out the alliances and plans beforehand, plus luck wasn't on his side.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: lovemykiddies on March 17, 2008, 11:16:33 PM
Hi guys - I'm new here - but I had to comment...

Is it me or do these people spend an inordinate amount of time degrading each other?  I mean, it seems like every second they are badmouthing each other, and for as much as Natalie and Sheila act like they are above all of it, they are the worst ones!  I bet none of them realize how bad they are - they are in for a shock when they get out of the house and see what their 14 million "fans" think of them...

Natalie just rubs me the wrong way - if I have to hear one more time how she is going to win everything blah blah, I am going to scream!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 11:22:13 PM
Okay I am listening to Matt and Chel talking right now and Chel is saying the same things against Matt that James just used.  How can he honestly be thinking that all of a sundden Chel's vote isn't guaranteed and that James really is in a fight with Chel and that it is because she won't tell him her vote and then James tells Matt about 20 times that he has Chel's vote.  How does he not realize that he is being setup?

Also how have they not put two and two together as to why Ryan didn't put Josh up last week?  All thought that Ryan was going to put up Josh after the talk with Shel and then all of a sudden Ryan decides to put up James under the front that he is the stronger player, rather than the verbal abuse that Josh has reigned over the whole house?  These people are just really dumb or really thickheaded.  Also with this how can people not see the two of them sneaking off places to talk and the talks do last longer than 5 minutes, so it can't be something simple and when they go into the SR they walk out with nothing, at least cover your tracks and leave the SR wth something.

Geez, sorry had to rant, but I just don't see how people don't see these things.

i hear ya!, why do all the HG use nat agaisnt matt, why are they so feaful of saying james and chelisa are togerther as a couple also, plain stupid!....also with josh plain stupid! thats why to me it is so silly to have alot of 21 years olds in the house JMO!!!

I'm 24 and have graduated college and I guess that if i ever tried out for the show (not that I would, it just isn't my thing) but if I did they wouldn't take on the plain and simple fact that I have a brain and it works.  :lol:

These people are just stupid this year and all they care about is sex and booze.

i hear ya! i am 27, but i cant take these people...bring on the older ones! LOL

I am with you, I will be 25 under 2 months.  Maybe they can have more sophisticated people in this house who are actually educated, that would be the key and then they will really have people strategizing and playing the game the right way.  That is what Kaysar's downfall was, he was thinking constantly and correctly figuring out the alliances and plans beforehand, plus luck wasn't on his side.

AMEN!!!  sass!!! Thank You! you got it
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 17, 2008, 11:34:33 PM
AMEN!!!  sass!!! Thank You! you got it
Oh I have always had it and this season just makes me want to do the following all the time.  :pull :groan: :wall: :hammer :dick :dick )-** :badhorse: oh yeah and  :rfth:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 11:36:53 PM
AMEN!!!  sass!!! Thank You! you got it
Oh I have always had it and this season just makes me want to do the following all the time.  :pull :groan: :wall: :hammer :dick :dick )-** :badhorse: oh yeah and  :rfth:


LMAO! :lol3: thanks for the laugh sass! i am just going to say it! these people are plain ass stupid! there you go!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 17, 2008, 11:40:31 PM
AMEN!!!  sass!!! Thank You! you got it
Oh I have always had it and this season just makes me want to do the following all the time.  :pull :groan: :wall: :hammer :dick :dick )-** :badhorse: oh yeah and  :rfth:


LMAO! :lol3: thanks for the laugh sass! i am just going to say it! these people are plain ass stupid! there you go!

Agreed and you have to find someway to laugh and I try to do my best whenever possible, because this season all you want to do is  (:;) at the tv, computer or the live feed directly.  I miss the good old days of last season  :( . Can we just get to BB10 already, it has to better than this?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 17, 2008, 11:49:50 PM
:welcome2: lovemykiddies! We are glad you are here!

Badmouthing may be considered standard fare for this level of the game, but it sure doesn't make it any easier to listen to!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 17, 2008, 11:54:08 PM
grrrrrrrrrrr james is really making me PO'D, (:;) WTH !! he is a freaking PUNK! to tell ryan, a grow ass man that he has got to do what he wants throught out the game to stay, i couldnt put up with these stupid people, i would get kicked out of the bb house! cuz i would be :meow: everyone in that house!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 12:06:45 AM
wait a mintue, these people MUST know that james and chelisa are screwing with them ! with all this BS about chelisa and james not on the same page! :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 12:19:03 AM
grrrrrrrrrrr james is really making me PO'D, (:;) WTH !! he is a freaking PUNK! to tell ryan, a grow ass man that he has got to do what he wants throught out the game to stay, i couldnt put up with these stupid people, i would get kicked out of the bb house! cuz i would be :meow: everyone in that house!
You are too funny. I so agree with you. I can't believe sheila is falling for this crap but she took it hook line and sinker. :boot: and i was really starting to root for sheila. This sux.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 12:35:08 AM
did chelsia just tell ryan by the ht that allison and josh had sex? no freakin waybut i swear thats what she said the camera immediately flipped to nat and matty. did anyone else hear? am i wrong? Good Lord these people are disgusting :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 12:39:13 AM
no that wasnt it i don't think . it was just that she was a swinger. still gross :(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 12:47:36 AM
No she told them that Allison was a swinger!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 18, 2008, 02:35:44 AM
Matt just dissed the Steelers. :meow:

Ummm Natalie said the Browns QB is Eric Anderson - its Derek :lol:

im obviously gullible cause I jsut went and looked it up, why doesn;t she just tell them

LOL that's OK, I went and looked it up too.  In fact, I checked the last four years worth of "Sea Gals" rosters just to be sure. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 02:52:20 AM
I don't get why she is lying about it.

Oh wait, I know why..... shes getting attention :res:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Blondie on March 18, 2008, 06:49:23 AM
Welcome to RFF !

hdkitkat, patlini, lovemykiddies and many more.

We have a lot of new members this season. Thanks for coming to Reality Fan Forum.

Feel free to post away, we love the company!   :yess:  :wohoo:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 09:35:08 AM
Thanks Blondie, I love this board, it is as much fun as the feed updates..... I really hope Sheila figures out the planJ/C are working onand did everyone hear about James setting up Josh to be backdoored? Oh how I hope this all comes out, that would be some great BB.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 10:06:26 AM
Thanks Blondie, I love this board, it is as much fun as the feed updates..... I really hope Sheila figures out the planJ/C are working onand did everyone hear about James setting up Josh to be backdoored? Oh how I hope this all comes out, that would be some great BB.

hi ya! hdkitat :waves: yep! james wants josh and sharon out!...3-3 matt leaves,james wants to be the one to send matt out the door, [by the way i STILL cant stand james and chelisa (:;)] BUT i dont understand something here?? chelisa said she is going to vote ryan out! that would make it 4-2 matt stays???. do they think adam is going to NOT vote for matt to STAY? i'm not really understanding what J/C are doing?? they want to blame the 3-3 on shelia so nat and ryan will go after her! yet if chelisa votes for matt to stay, he would have 4 votes[enough to keep him in the game], cuz shelia, nat, and adam said they are keeping matt!

 if chelisa votes for matt that is 4 votes to stay!james should know he cant go to the F2 with anyone from the N/M/R/A/S side, and J/S know they cant go with that side also.. these people are stupid! the jury looks like it will be made up for someone from M/N/R/.A/S to win!  i dont see josh, james or chelisa winning this game! the only way they have achance is by going to the F2 with each other, say if it is shelia in the F2 with james , shelia will win! but if it's james and josh in the F2 james would win! i am so confussed :groan: with what chelisa and james are trying to do!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 18, 2008, 10:25:47 AM
Sunshine :waves:

Does anyone really know how Adam is voting?  I am thinking James thinks he has Adam voting Matt out, which would make it 3-3 in James's mind. 

I think this is how he is figuring the votes, because he doesn't want Adam in on the master plan.  If however, Adam votes with Shelia-ByeBye Ryan.

for Ryan: Josh, Sharon, Adam

for Matt: Nat, Shelia, Chelsia

This is a pure power trip by James wanting to personally send Matt out the door and hang Shelia in the process.

I think that is the plan- if anyone has it figured out differently-please tell us.  This crew! :pull  UGH!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: PattyCakes on March 18, 2008, 10:32:14 AM
I thought the plan was for Chelsia to say she was voting to keep Matty but really vote to keep Ryan.  Making it Nat, Adam & Shelia for Matty and Josh, Sharon & Chelsia for Ryan.  Then James sends home Matty.  It is very confusing and I feel like I am up on the disco ball spinning in circles and have been there since Wednesday night.  I definitely have their 5 hours beat!     :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 18, 2008, 10:35:35 AM
queeny you are right this is a power trip by james and it will come to bite him

i will laugh if matt ends up staying
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: lovemykiddies on March 18, 2008, 10:41:09 AM
Honestly, even though no one seems to like them,  I really was siding with J/C for a while there - sure he lies and whines and does what he accuses others of doing, but I was like "good for him" for having the guts to split up Matt/Natt and have one of them evicted....

...but now is the whole double crossing, manipulating nonsense which is going to get them burned in the end - which I now think they deserve...Don't they realize "covert" plans never pan out?  UGH!!! :pull
They should just keep it old school - a simple eviction with no nonsense...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 10:44:39 AM
The master plan is for Chel to act like she is upset with her side and is distancing herself from them. She is also acting like she had a fight with James and is going to vote for Matt to stay.  By doing this she will going to secure that Shel and Adam vote for Matt to stay and he already has Nat's vote so that is three votes for him.  Ryan will have Josh, Sharon and Chel voting for him, then James will vote to evict Matt.  They are doing this to get Matt out, but in the process they want to hang Shel in the eyes of Nat by making it look like she is the one who flipped her vote and voted to evict Matt when in reality it was Chel.  They also think that it will be sweet revenge if Chel wins HOH on Wed because she will hang Nat, Shel and Adam out to dry when she puts them up on the block and Ryan too.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: lovemykiddies on March 18, 2008, 10:47:54 AM
The master plan is for Chel to act like she is upset with her side and is distancing herself from them. She is also acting like she had a fight with James and is going to vote for Matt to stay.  By doing this she will going to secure that Shel and Adam vote for Matt to stay and he already has Nat's vote so that is three votes for him.  Ryan will have Josh, Sharon and Chel voting for him, then James will vote to evict Matt.  They are doing this to get Matt out, but in the process they want to hang Shel in the eyes of Nat by making it look like she is the one who flipped her vote and voted to evict Matt when in reality it was Chel.  They also think that it will be sweet revenge if Chel wins HOH on Wed because she will hang Nat, Shel and Adam out to dry when she puts them up on the block and Ryan too.

Soo...then what's the whole thing about Josh/Sharon - are J/C double crossing their alliance as well?  I'm sooo confused.....I tell you what - I could not handle being in the house - I can barely handle watching it - lol.  I would be lying in the corner in the fetal position crying for my mommy...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 18, 2008, 10:50:09 AM
Hi guys - I'm new here - but I had to comment...

Is it me or do these people spend an inordinate amount of time degrading each other?  I mean, it seems like every second they are badmouthing each other, and for as much as Natalie and Sheila act like they are above all of it, they are the worst ones!  I bet none of them realize how bad they are - they are in for a shock when they get out of the house and see what their 14 million "fans" think of them...

Natalie just rubs me the wrong way - if I have to hear one more time how she is going to win everything blah blah, I am going to scream!

They are all delusional, trying to convince themselves that they have the game in the bag. What they forget is that it changes every week and then they have to adjust to the shift.  :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 18, 2008, 10:53:53 AM
The master plan is for Chel to act like she is upset with her side and is distancing herself from them. She is also acting like she had a fight with James and is going to vote for Matt to stay.  By doing this she will going to secure that Shel and Adam vote for Matt to stay and he already has Nat's vote so that is three votes for him.  Ryan will have Josh, Sharon and Chel voting for him, then James will vote to evict Matt.  They are doing this to get Matt out, but in the process they want to hang Shel in the eyes of Nat by making it look like she is the one who flipped her vote and voted to evict Matt when in reality it was Chel.  They also think that it will be sweet revenge if Chel wins HOH on Wed because she will hang Nat, Shel and Adam out to dry when she puts them up on the block and Ryan too.

Soo...then what's the whole thing about Josh/Sharon - are J/C double crossing their alliance as well?  I'm sooo confused.....I tell you what - I could not handle being in the house - I can barely handle watching it - lol.  I would be lying in the corner in the fetal position crying for my mommy...

I think when it's said and done, Josh is still doing what he said he would do in the beginning, get everyone to fight with each other and they run to him to tell him.  Will it get him to the end? I don't know.

I couldn't be in that house, but then again, I'd be the first one out because I'd be in that same fetal position or for telling them all what I thought of them.  :lol3:

I am confused too, I can't tell who is doing what, for whatever reason. Yesterday out of the blue Chelsia told the HOH bunch that she was wondering why not keep Matt. (paraphrasing)  :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 18, 2008, 10:54:59 AM
Sass - that's what i thought too, but this bunch.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 10:57:34 AM
No JoSharon know about the plan, perhaps it will help you better if you read the updates from yesterday at about 8pm, before the party they had for the halfway mark, that may clarify things for you.

JoSharon are worried that maybe Chel will actually take the opportunity and flip on them because it will set her up better in the end and will have protection from everyone then.  They are nervousing also because Chel seemed to be fitting in so well with them.

I just don't understand why Nat and Matt wouldn't think that something is up becuase she has nevered talked game with them this entire time and then to now talk it with them, at least my radar would be going up and I wouldn't say anything. kwim?  Chel only hangs out with them when she is in the pool or laying out because everyone is there especially James. Also wouldn't it be a signal if Chel stopped being around James, JoSharon most of the time, I know she is saying that she had a fight with James, but it still seems weird.

I don't know I just want this plan to backfire and that something happens today and Ryan ends up leaving tomorrow.  I also think that the alliance between Ryan and Josh needs to come out soon and then everyone will be shocked and those two will be targetted.

I also find it very strange that these HGs aren't thinking about who they can win against in the end, they are solely thinking about taking their alliance to the end, which is silly because the way it stands right now the S/A/M/N/R alliance will be most of the votes and if one person from that side is there in the end they will win the 500k.  People will also have to think about voting out their friends and not burning bridges by doing so, they can no longer vote as a house, but will have to divide the votes and vote for their own well being if they want to make it to the end, that is how all the winners get there and do it.

Sorry my rant is over now.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 18, 2008, 11:05:30 AM
Ok Sass,

I thought I read that Chelsia said to James in the HOH last night late night-"Do they know I really am voting for Matt."  Which made me think that Adam was with James so they had to have one of the J/C/J/S alliance to vote opposite to give James the opportunity to send Matt out, and that Chel vote would cause Shelia to go "with the majority?"

From what you said, I don't understand why the S/N/A/R group (if thats how it falls out) wouldn't suspect Chel?  WOW this nuts. 

I agree-they shoudl just play it old school.  James trying to puppet master this whole thing is ridiculous!   :groan:

Of coarse we have 2 more days for this to change 5 more times! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: lovemykiddies on March 18, 2008, 11:12:59 AM
What threw me was when sunshine26 said that J/C wanted JoSharon out - I was like "What did I miss now!!!!!" 

This is the first season where I watched feeds/read threads - which is probably why I don't like anyone this season - you really do see so much more of their nonsense....UGH
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: PattyCakes on March 18, 2008, 11:18:42 AM
I am wondering if someone with the feeds can tell us whether or not Matt slept with Nadia or if he kept his promise to Shelia.

Thanks in advance  :zzz
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 11:33:35 AM
Queeny from what I heard and then typed yesterday Chel is just saying she is coting for Matt to stay, but in reality she is voting for him to leave.  Chel is doing this so that Adam and Shel will vote for Matt to stay because that is what they really want to do.  Who knows if that will actually happen, I think not.

The funny thing is that last night when the feeds came back and Matt and James were talking outside James was telling Matt that Chel was voting for him and Matt kept on not believing it, I am not sure if he believes it now or not, but at that point Chel hadn't come to Matt to talk, that happened afterwards and from what I am not sure if Matt believe Chel and James.

I think that when James and CHel were talking about getting rid of JoSharon that they are talking bigger picture and tha tthey can't be up against them in the end because they will lose to them, that is why they said that they have to get rid of them, as in not now but in a week or two they have to start going against them.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 11:35:31 AM
No JoSharon know about the plan, perhaps it will help you better if you read the updates from yesterday at about 8pm, before the party they had for the halfway mark, that may clarify things for you.

JoSharon are worried that maybe Chel will actually take the opportunity and flip on them because it will set her up better in the end and will have protection from everyone then.  They are nervousing also because Chel seemed to be fitting in so well with them.

I just don't understand why Nat and Matt wouldn't think that something is up becuase she has nevered talked game with them this entire time and then to now talk it with them, at least my radar would be going up and I wouldn't say anything. kwim?  Chel only hangs out with them when she is in the pool or laying out because everyone is there especially James. Also wouldn't it be a signal if Chel stopped being around James, JoSharon most of the time, I know she is saying that she had a fight with James, but it still seems weird.

I don't know I just want this plan to backfire and that something happens today and Ryan ends up leaving tomorrow.  I also think that the alliance between Ryan and Josh needs to come out soon and then everyone will be shocked and those two will be targetted.

I also find it very strange that these HGs aren't thinking about who they can win against in the end, they are solely thinking about taking their alliance to the end, which is silly because the way it stands right now the S/A/M/N/R alliance will be most of the votes and if one person from that side is there in the end they will win the 500k.  People will also have to think about voting out their friends and not burning bridges by doing so, they can no longer vote as a house, but will have to divide the votes and vote for their own well being if they want to make it to the end, that is how all the winners get there and do it.

Sorry my rant is over now.

LMAO! :lol3: hi ya! sass :waves:, i know the plan NOW lol!!!, it was just so confusing hearing chelisa last night, i know it was a fake fight,[her and james] and she was going to still vote out matt, but in the hoh she said she was voting out ryan!, than she said matt to make it 3-3 to setup shelia  [it AINT going to HAPPEN] the plan that is to setup shelia, these people R/N/ will know chelisa voted out matt, [thats if they got a BRAIN] i am now conviniced that James is the DEVIL! and Chelisa is one of the falling angels , that is NOW a DEMON!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 18, 2008, 11:49:01 AM
Ok thanks Sass :waves:

Pattycakes- yes he did sleep with her last night
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 12:07:49 PM
Oh also the thing that I find funny is that right when James got back and supposedly at the nom ceremony he said that he wouldn't BD anyone this week and what is he doing?  BDing Matt!!!!  James also said that he didn't want to play this game shady and lie, and he lied about the deal he made to Nat before she feel about not putting up Matt!!!

James is just pure evil and I just wish at somepoint, like Julie tells them this week on the live show, that picked James over Alex!!!!  I think that if they know this fact heads will roll.  These guys need to know that Alex is the one that America wanted back in the house and then Ryan, Matt and Shel will be very happy with the way they voted and I think that Nat may have wish she voted differently and perhaps Adam.

I really do hope that things change and that the house flips and votes Ryan out.

I also think that James and Adam have a deal, but it may be more Adam will protect James than James will protect Adam, but you never know.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 12:09:42 PM
YEP! james said last night he wants it to be a 3-3 vote and make it look like shelia voted out matt, and chelisa voted for him to stay [it will not work, to setup shelia, that is if R and N ARENT STUPID! to believe that crap!

james wants it to look that way incase ryan or nat win hoh, james said he will go on the block with shelia, that he or chelisa will win the veto, and BACK_DOOR JOSH!...these people arent SMART..J/J/S/C cant go to the end with someone from the M/N/R/A/S side, they wont win! cuz the jury is being madeup of the BROS and the HOS!...J/J/S/C have to take each other to F2 to win, they wont win taking someone from the other side...these people are not playing this game very smart! i just hope something happens to backfire [it looks like it will be 3-3 with james sending matt home (:;)] but if these people think chelisa voted for matt to stay, and shelia didnt [they are FOOLS]

james did say he wanted josh back-doored last night, but he wants to go on the block, to make sure it is the N/R/A/S side that evicted him! not smart, james cant win without going with someone from his side, GOSH i hope that DEMON goes HOME this week, [and this time, he STAY GONE] ofcourse this is JMO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 12:23:18 PM
Oh also the thing that I find funny is that right when James got back and supposedly at the nom ceremony he said that he wouldn't BD anyone this week and what is he doing?  BDing Matt!!!!  James also said that he didn't want to play this game shady and lie, and he lied about the deal he made to Nat before she feel about not putting up Matt!!!

James is just pure evil and I just wish at somepoint, like Julie tells them this week on the live show, that picked James over Alex!!!!  I think that if they know this fact heads will roll.  These guys need to know that Alex is the one that America wanted back in the house and then Ryan, Matt and Shel will be very happy with the way they voted and I think that Nat may have wish she voted differently and perhaps Adam.

I really do hope that things change and that the house flips and votes Ryan out.

I also think that James and Adam have a deal, but it may be more Adam will protect James than James will protect Adam, but you never know.

i agree 10000000000% with ya!, these HG'S need to know that Alex was voted back in [why cant they know that? now, no one is coming back, so bb should tell them who AMERICA voted back, so they can kick themselves in the arse! (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 18, 2008, 12:27:08 PM
The plan for it to go 3-3 won't work, Sheila doesn't like Matt enough, Adam probably won't vote Ryan out and I don't think Matt will advise them too. He's a realist, he knows what's going on and he knows he's done. He's going home, if he wasn't he wouldn't of been backdoored.

It just sucks that he went out this way, from a lie of the self-proclaimed "Most honest guy in the house, my words amazing blah blah blah" and now his fallback is "everyone lies"

I'm sad. Natalie and Adam ****ed up baaaaaad. If Alex was here, Natalie would have HOH and Josh and Chelsia would probably be on the block right now.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 12:45:58 PM
boy! Nat is Dumber than DIRT! she doesnt know what a freaking debate is?? :lol3:....really Adam and Nat are Both dumb.....i cannot believe these people got out james, and than voted him back in that house :groan:....anyone in that box! would have been better than bringing back in james, knowing how he plays this game!,,dumb, dumb, dumb! and Nat praying that the siren will go off and save both matt and JAMES! :pull.............oh that girl is driving me INSANE! :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: patlini on March 18, 2008, 01:10:41 PM
so how long does it take Natalie to get ready in the morning?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 01:18:14 PM
poor matt, he thinks he is staying!.....josh and james are the DEVIL! chelisa is a DEMON.. i know this is bb and you lie, plot, and plan, but those 3 are pure EVIL!...Nat is dumb...well really they all are stupid!..but shelia and sharon!...these FOOLS think amanda was a man! and nat is a freaking NFL cheerleader :lol3:...they brought back a person [james] that they KNEW would come after them over the box..i know shelia can talk B:) but she doesnt think amanda was a man. she doesnt think the bed is crused. she had sense to pick the box! over james! sharon and shelia are the only 2 in there that deserve to win the game!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 18, 2008, 01:35:30 PM
poor matt, he thinks he is staying!.....josh and james are the DEVIL! chelisa is a DEMON.. i know this is bb and you lie, plot, and plan, but those 3 are pure EVIL!...Nat is dumb...well really they all are stupid!..but shelia and sharon!...these FOOLS think amanda was a man! and nat is a freaking NFL cheerleader :lol3:...they brought back a person [james] that they KNEW would come after them over the box..i know shelia can talk B:) but she doesnt think amanda was a man. she doesnt think the bed is crused. she had sense to pick the box! over james! sharon and shelia are the only 2 in there that deserve to win the game!
sheila has kind of figured out the plan but not really she doesnt know about the plan but she is trying to make sure the votes go 3-3 bc she assumes chelsia(fake vote) natalie and adam are voting ryan out and shar josh and sheila are voting out matt. she is making sure her and adam vote seperate to tie the vote but it will go 4-2 becuz chelsia is really voting matt out. so this plan will not work and it will blow up in chelsia and james face that they wanted to hang adam and sheila
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 01:48:15 PM
poor matt, he thinks he is staying!.....josh and james are the DEVIL! chelisa is a DEMON.. i know this is bb and you lie, plot, and plan, but those 3 are pure EVIL!...Nat is dumb...well really they all are stupid!..but shelia and sharon!...these FOOLS think amanda was a man! and nat is a freaking NFL cheerleader :lol3:...they brought back a person [james] that they KNEW would come after them over the box..i know shelia can talk B:) but she doesnt think amanda was a man. she doesnt think the bed is crused. she had sense to pick the box! over james! sharon and shelia are the only 2 in there that deserve to win the game!
sheila has kind of figured out the plan but not really she doesnt know about the plan but she is trying to make sure the votes go 3-3 bc she assumes chelsia(fake vote) natalie and adam are voting ryan out and shar josh and sheila are voting out matt. she is making sure her and adam vote seperate to tie the vote but it will go 4-2 becuz chelsia is really voting matt out. so this plan will not work and it will blow up in chelsia and james face that they wanted to hang adam and sheila

i hear ya! she thinks  it will be 3-3 and she wants it to be on james [the blood is on his hands] let him evicted matt. watch shelia will tell nat that it will be 3-3 and james will take out matt. she even covered her tracks by telling ryan it should go 3-3 and let james take out matt, but matt knows now he is going! he should know that chelisa is not going to vote for him! why would she.. is it that they are to young??? to know what is going on, i dont get how these HG dont see it! i think shelia and sharon see it! yes they are playing the game with different people, but they still get the game! it will go 4-2 with matt gone! and shelia wont have to worry about J/C plan, it will back-fire, matt will go, but it will back-fire the 3-3 vote, and james wont have a big arse grin on his face, either will josh
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 18, 2008, 01:56:32 PM
poor matt, he thinks he is staying!.....josh and james are the DEVIL! chelisa is a DEMON.. i know this is bb and you lie, plot, and plan, but those 3 are pure EVIL!...Nat is dumb...well really they all are stupid!..but shelia and sharon!...these FOOLS think amanda was a man! and nat is a freaking NFL cheerleader :lol3:...they brought back a person [james] that they KNEW would come after them over the box..i know shelia can talk B:) but she doesnt think amanda was a man. she doesnt think the bed is crused. she had sense to pick the box! over james! sharon and shelia are the only 2 in there that deserve to win the game!
sheila has kind of figured out the plan but not really she doesnt know about the plan but she is trying to make sure the votes go 3-3 bc she assumes chelsia(fake vote) natalie and adam are voting ryan out and shar josh and sheila are voting out matt. she is making sure her and adam vote seperate to tie the vote but it will go 4-2 becuz chelsia is really voting matt out. so this plan will not work and it will blow up in chelsia and james face that they wanted to hang adam and sheila

i hear ya! she thinks  it will be 3-3 and she wants it to be on james [the blood is on his hands] let him evicted matt. watch shelia will tell nat that it will be 3-3 and james will take out matt. she even covered her tracks by telling ryan it should go 3-3 and let james take out matt, but matt knows now he is going! he should know that chelisa is not going to vote for him! why would she.. is it that they are to young??? to know what is going on, i dont get how these HG dont see it! i think shelia and sharon see it! yes they are playing the game with different people, but they still get the game! it will go 4-2 with matt gone! and shelia wont have to worry about J/C plan, it will back-fire, matt will go, but it will back-fire the 3-3 vote, and james wont have a big arse grin on his face, either will josh
i agree completely and now the alliances will remain the same and it will be 4 on 3 at the HOH (crossing fingers the Bros and Hos alliance win HoH)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 18, 2008, 02:00:24 PM
poor matt, he thinks he is staying!.....josh and james are the DEVIL! chelisa is a DEMON.. i know this is bb and you lie, plot, and plan, but those 3 are pure EVIL!...Nat is dumb...well really they all are stupid!..but shelia and sharon!...these FOOLS think amanda was a man! and nat is a freaking NFL cheerleader :lol3:...they brought back a person [james] that they KNEW would come after them over the box..i know shelia can talk B:) but she doesnt think amanda was a man. she doesnt think the bed is crused. she had sense to pick the box! over james! sharon and shelia are the only 2 in there that deserve to win the game!
sheila has kind of figured out the plan but not really she doesnt know about the plan but she is trying to make sure the votes go 3-3 bc she assumes chelsia(fake vote) natalie and adam are voting ryan out and shar josh and sheila are voting out matt. she is making sure her and adam vote seperate to tie the vote but it will go 4-2 becuz chelsia is really voting matt out. so this plan will not work and it will blow up in chelsia and james face that they wanted to hang adam and sheila

i hear ya! she thinks  it will be 3-3 and she wants it to be on james [the blood is on his hands] let him evicted matt. watch shelia will tell nat that it will be 3-3 and james will take out matt. she even covered her tracks by telling ryan it should go 3-3 and let james take out matt, but matt knows now he is going! he should know that chelisa is not going to vote for him! why would she.. is it that they are to young??? to know what is going on, i dont get how these HG dont see it! i think shelia and sharon see it! yes they are playing the game with different people, but they still get the game! it will go 4-2 with matt gone! and shelia wont have to worry about J/C plan, it will back-fire, matt will go, but it will back-fire the 3-3 vote, and james wont have a big arse grin on his face, either will josh
i agree completely and now the alliances will remain the same and it will be 4 on 3 at the HOH (crossing fingers the Bros and Hos alliance win HoH)
now confirmed sheila has gone up to james and said she is keeping her word to ryan. ryan will stay 4-2 bc sheila wants it to go 3-3 as chelsia is lying about her vote. it is going to backfire!!!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 02:04:31 PM
i want to see shelia win hoh on weds, i will be screaming at my TV if she does, and my hubby will be calling the freaking state mental hospital on me!, i think adam and shelia have each others back, more than james and chelisa or josh and sharon! i know adam talks crap as does shelia about one another but i really think they got each others back, i cant wait for that 4-2 vote, and the freaking look on james, chelisa, and josh's faces!....
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 02:22:35 PM
this is so stupid! james and josh want a 2 week deal :lol3:that cant happen, there is not enough people in that house to give them that, what if someone else is on the block and that person wins pov, these people think that just they will win all the hoh's and the pov's [there is other people in the house] grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i swear these people are driving me insane :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 02:36:18 PM
Looks like Sheila is gonna figure this thing out at least i hope so. One of these idiots has to win hoh and put James and Josh on the block. That is when the J/J/C/S alliance will crumble. I gotta be honest though i am still confused about how Chelsia is going to vote is it for Ryan or Matt? Cause she did say she was voting for Matt last night to James in the hoh room.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 02:51:15 PM
Looks like Sheila is gonna figure this thing out at least i hope so. One of these idiots has to win hoh and put James and Josh on the block. That is when the J/J/C/S alliance will crumble. I gotta be honest though i am still confused about how Chelsia is going to vote is it for Ryan or Matt? Cause she did say she was voting for Matt last night to James in the hoh room.

hi ya! chelisa is going to vote out matt, if the votes dont go 4-2 for matt to leave they will go 3-3...that is what shelia wants 3-3 to make james break the tie! [i still think matt will go] james and josh are full of BS...they know N/M arent going to keep that promise of 2 weeks, that would be stupid! grrrrrrrrr i am getting upset cuz i want james and josh OUT! and they are trying to set this up, to make nat take out adam or shelia, OR james wants to go on the block win pov and back-door josh, which will not be on this hands,
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 18, 2008, 02:53:20 PM
Matt/Nat are just offering them stuff to stay, they're not going to go through with it.

I'm not sure if it's working or not though. :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 02:57:08 PM
Thanks sunshine, but i am afraid this is going to backfire on them and matty will end up staying, and if he does i hope he crams it in josh's face. J/J make me sick.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 03:01:04 PM
why is sheila so hell bent on getting matty out of nat's bed? who gives a crap we already figured out they are all a bunch of whores. :-[ JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 18, 2008, 03:01:11 PM
I really want to hear BB say: James please change your cloths!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 03:12:48 PM
this is so stupid, but BINGO! shelia got it, [chelisa is setting her up, she told matt, ] good! does matt think he is going to stay in this game, ?? it takes more than shila and adam vote, he needs to move on, he knows he cannot trust chelisa word for a freaking vote [no way] he needs to stop and think about this, shelia's vote will not make matt stay or go!3-3 at its best! nat is a crazy for matt, i mean jealous crazy! would give up the freaking game for him! i just dont get how matt thinks he would have the votes to stay in that house from J/C or sharon! i dont blame shelia i would tell these people to get the hell away from me too! her vote isnt going to keep him in the house, he needs more! he needs to go beg chelisa, sharon and josh! i think shelia wants to know if matt is away  from Nat, cuz for the fact that nat will put a woman on the block for no reason, other than they hurt matt, or she is jealous of matt, i think shelia wants to make sure matt will not come after her, incase Nat wanted to!...cuz nat will do whatever matt wants, and in the bb house that is dangerous!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 03:15:46 PM
Is the vote today or a live vote tomorrow night?  I hope tomorrow night.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 03:15:51 PM
***Sorry Jay this was quoted from you. I had a stupid moment :-[*****
now confirmed sheila has gone up to james and said she is keeping her word to ryan. ryan will stay 4-2 bc sheila wants it to go 3-3 as chelsia is lying about her vote. it is going to backfire!!!!!

Or is it confirmed???? Is Sheila telling James that to play him in  return?? :duno:

I know the answer..I know what is going to happen...but I can't say it now because the board will turn on me & talk crap about me and assasinate my character in front of my kid and my kid did not sign up for this. He is a minor damn it! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 18, 2008, 03:16:28 PM
We were all glad to hear her say it, but Matt didn't seem to pick up on the idea! (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 03:19:15 PM
***Sorry Jay this was quoted from you. I had a stupid moment :-[*****
now confirmed sheila has gone up to james and said she is keeping her word to ryan. ryan will stay 4-2 bc sheila wants it to go 3-3 as chelsia is lying about her vote. it is going to backfire!!!!!

Or is it confirmed???? Is Sheila telling James that to play him in  return?? :duno:

I know the answer..I know what is going to happen...but I can't say it now because the board will turn on me & talk crap about me and assasinate my character in front of my kid and my kid did not sign up for this. He is a minor damn it! :lol3:
[/quote]OMG that is hilarious :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 03:32:35 PM
matt cant pick up on what shelia said cuz these are a bunch of kids trying to play bb, i have never seen bb played so bad in all there seasons..i know shelia can B:) B:) but she isnt stupid! and i hope she doesnt break down,and let these punks have thier way! i just truned 27 and i wouldnt be in a freaking alliance with these kids! far as playing the game, and not winning comps shelia is not doing  bad!...this is why i wish bb would put afew older people in the house, except just one, cuz the punks always go after the older people in the house [why is that?] i hope shelia wins hoh.. i know i am about the only one on this board that likes shelia, but i just CANT like the others! oh come on summer bb! :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 18, 2008, 03:35:16 PM
sunshine, you are not the only one that likes Sheila, I do too....KNOW THAT.....KNOW THAT.....She's 45 and a single mom and she's playing a mental game better than almost everybody -- are you KIDDING me?

hahhaah OK so I like to make fun of her but really, she is one of my favorites, I just hate her alliance.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 03:38:44 PM
sunshine, you are not the only one that likes Sheila, I do too....KNOW THAT.....KNOW THAT.....She's 45 and a single mom and she's playing a mental game better than almost everybody -- are you KIDDING me?

hahhaah OK so I like to make fun of her but really, she is one of my favorites, I just hate her alliance.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 03:42:32 PM
sunshine, you are not the only one that likes Sheila, I do too....KNOW THAT.....KNOW THAT.....She's 45 and a single mom and she's playing a mental game better than almost everybody -- are you KIDDING me?

hahhaah OK so I like to make fun of her but really, she is one of my favorites, I just hate her alliance.

oh thank you! :yess:.. i think she is playing the best as far as head games goes in the house! she is pretty damn smart. maybe if these freaks would listen to what she has to say, and not bash her for being 45, my word i am 27 but 45 is young [i think] maybe they could get farer in the game!..i dont care what these HG';S say, shelia is smarter than them! i would take shelia in a alliance any day over those kids! [dumb]they dont know how to play this game!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 03:49:26 PM
show them CRAZY shelia, go off on them!! :lol3:, believe me! if shelia really went off on these kids, they would be freaking, i bet she could put these kids in thier place, shut them up alittle , even josh is affaird of shelia, he doesnt talk crap in front of her like he did amanda, allison and nat!, he is scared of shelia! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :lol3: i am going crazy :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 04:17:09 PM
I don't understand how James' plan is going to work out if Sheila can't get Adam to vote out Ryan.

It will be Josh/Sharon/Chelsia vote out Matt. Then they told Sheila they are voting out Ryan, when really they are not - so she is suppose to get Adam to vote out Ryan, then there is Natalie. So the house would be split 3/3 and James wants the blood on his hands (because he wants to show how powerful he is NOT :barf ), and evict Matt. I would laugh if Adam wouldn't budge lol. I don't understand how James' plan is going to work out if Sheila can't get Adam to vote out Ryan.

But what im nervous of now is that Natalie and Matt offered Josh and James a 2 week deal (like what they did for wanting Ryan to BD Matt last week). And that does mean that they will go after Sharon which pisses me off.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 18, 2008, 04:20:13 PM
***Sorry Jay this was quoted from you. I had a stupid moment :-[*****
now confirmed sheila has gone up to james and said she is keeping her word to ryan. ryan will stay 4-2 bc sheila wants it to go 3-3 as chelsia is lying about her vote. it is going to backfire!!!!!
Or is it confirmed???? Is Sheila telling James that to play him in  return?? :duno:
I know the answer..I know what is going to happen...but I can't say it now because the board will turn on me & talk crap about me and assasinate my character in front of my kid and my kid did not sign up for this. He is a minor damn it! :lol3:

STOP THAT!  :lol3: 

(My head hurts and my neck hurts from watching this go back and forth!)   :secret
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 04:20:35 PM
show them CRAZY shelia, go off on them!! :lol3:, believe me! if shelia really went off on these kids, they would be freaking, i bet she could put these kids in thier place, shut them up alittle , even josh is affaird of shelia, he doesnt talk crap in front of her like he did amanda, allison and nat!, he is scared of shelia! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :lol3: i am going crazy :lol3:

She is gonna flip this fricken house! Know that!
Believe me when I tell you. Just listen to what I'm sayin.
I'm tellin you. No one ever listens to me.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 18, 2008, 04:23:31 PM
sunshine, you are not the only one that likes Sheila, I do too....KNOW THAT.....KNOW THAT.....She's 45 and a single mom and she's playing a mental game better than almost everybody -- are you KIDDING me?

hahhaah OK so I like to make fun of her but really, she is one of my favorites, I just hate her alliance.

But really, who does she have to work with, they are all terrible. (I give Sharon a pass, we'll see who she really is as the people leave.)

Just thinking, James and Josh are so stupid, don't they know that they are evicting the first member of the jury? Why go out of your way to antagonize so many people. They may think they are geniuses but they aren't. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 04:29:09 PM
I don't understand how James' plan is going to work out if Sheila can't get Adam to vote out Ryan.

It will be Josh/Sharon/Chelsia vote out Matt. Then they told Sheila they are voting out Ryan, when really they are not - so she is suppose to get Adam to vote out Ryan, then there is Natalie. So the house would be split 3/3 and James wants the blood on his hands (because he wants to show how powerful he is NOT :barf ), and evict Matt. I would laugh if Adam wouldn't budge lol. I don't understand how James' plan is going to work out if Sheila can't get Adam to vote out Ryan.

But what im nervous of now is that Natalie and Matt offered Josh and James a 2 week deal (like what they did for wanting Ryan to BD Matt last week). And that does mean that they will go after Sharon which pisses me off.

]i hear ya! mama2myboys, i dont know what james is thinking, he is just messing with matt, they are voting him out!.. and i hear ya! about sharon, cuz there is only 2 people i want to win in that house, and sharon is one of them, i will be very upset, if they take that deal and vote sharon out (:;) but i dont think it is going to happen matt is going home! and nat will put up james and josh!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 04:34:57 PM
sunshine, you are not the only one that likes Sheila, I do too....KNOW THAT.....KNOW THAT.....She's 45 and a single mom and she's playing a mental game better than almost everybody -- are you KIDDING me?

hahhaah OK so I like to make fun of her but really, she is one of my favorites, I just hate her alliance.

But really, who does she have to work with, they are all terrible. (I give Sharon a pass, we'll see who she really is as the people leave.)

Just thinking, James and Josh are so stupid, don't they know that they are evicting the first member of the jury? Why go out of your way to antagonize so many people. They may think they are geniuses but they aren't. 

No they are definitely not bright..

I am so happy to see so many young people around the ages of the HGs speak up & say that having all people in their 20's in the house leaves little variety.

Afterall, they all are cut from nearly the same cloth and their game plans are almost identical. It is all a matter of who gets the deal first & who wins the competitions.

I am not in love with Sheila, but I do think it is kind of unfair that she had no one really to relate to because of the age gap.

Too often, younger people do not understand that your body gets old, but your thoughts, ideals, dreams, and opinions are generally forever in their 20's. ;)

Hope this point is not misunderstood
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 04:46:10 PM
show them CRAZY shelia, go off on them!! :lol3:, believe me! if shelia really went off on these kids, they would be freaking, i bet she could put these kids in thier place, shut them up alittle , even josh is affaird of shelia, he doesnt talk crap in front of her like he did amanda, allison and nat!, he is scared of shelia! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :lol3: i am going crazy :lol3:

She is gonna flip this fricken house! Know that!
Believe me when I tell you. Just listen to what I'm sayin.
I'm tellin you. No one ever listens to me.

 :lol3: i hear ya! i only like shelia and sharon, thats it! the others can beat the crap out of each other! i hope sharon finds out about josh , james and chelisa wanting her out first grrrrrrrrrrr (:;) i hope shelia and sharon stay in thier secert alliance, i want them to go to the F2 together! atlease one of them will win 50k i dont want anyone else to win,[to have that money, 500k to one of those punks, i hope NOT] only those 2[S/S] deserve the money JMO! cuz sharon plays a smart game also! and is good at comps!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: jay111890 on March 18, 2008, 04:48:15 PM
by the way sheila has ben talking the past hour she is voting out matt
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 04:56:33 PM
So SHeila has misunderstood what they said about her???

She is referring to herself as SHEBOK

Instead of SHEBOT

Or am I the one who has misunderstood?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 04:56:34 PM
ABSOFREAKINLUTELY :lol: Sorry I had to join in on the Sheila craziness. - I mean I have three little boys I know why shes nuts :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 04:58:20 PM
by the way sheila has ben talking the past hour she is voting out matt

i say let them vote how they want! there are 2 people on the block one has to GO!, these people the DEVILS josh and james and thier DEMON chelisa......make me [sick] i cant believe josh, james, chelisa treat people this way that are going on the jury, [kiddie games, is what they are playing] and i hope they dont get nat and shelia to turn on each other, if these girls were smart they would be in a alliance to get these boys out! then i want shelia and sharon to get the girls out after the guys!..well i only want sharon and shelia to win, 1st or 2nd i dont care who gets what i just dont want the others to win anything, if james or josh wins this game [YUCK} the only way they could is if they take each other, and it kinda is making me nervous cuz james and josh did say they would take each other cuz it would be a tossup, dont know who would win it! but that they didnt want to go to the end with sharon or shelia (:;) cuz those 2 would win!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 05:00:16 PM
ABSOFREAKINLUTELY :lol: Sorry I had to join in on the Sheila craziness. - I mean I have three little boys I know why shes nuts :lol3:

Oh if you have kids, then you know all about creating words... :lol3:

That's edamnnough to make ya nuts

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 05:09:20 PM
grrrrrrr these people! wow you got james, josh , ryan, and matt that have been back-dooring each other for what ? it seems like months and know one is GONE YET!!! i cant wait for josh, james, and chelisa to walk out that door. let them get all drunk in [SEQ] and make out all the time [YUCK] and they are taking pictures like they are best friends! :meow: maybe james will show chelisa his  flims!, but from what i seen and heard of chelisa she will prob love it! when i see Nat i just see nasty, nasty trash! wanting baller to take a  picture of him and his BA**S [i think i am now, becoming SICK]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 05:55:54 PM
grrrrrrr these people! wow you got james, josh , ryan, and matt that have been back-dooring each other for what ? it seems like months and know one is GONE YET!!! i cant wait for josh, james, and chelisa to walk out that door. let them get all drunk in [SEQ] and make out all the time [YUCK] and they are taking pictures like they are best friends! :meow: maybe james will show chelisa his  flims!, but from what i seen and heard of chelisa she will prob love it! when i see Nat i just see nasty, nasty trash! wanting baller to take a  picture of him and his BA**S [i think i am now, becoming SICK]

 :lol3: You aren't becoming sick, you are just letting the HGs get to you too much.  Their sick thoughts and way of thinking have corrupted your brain.  Just back away from the computer sunshine, that may be the best thing to do.

I also would like to see S/S as the F2 at the end but I don't think that will happen.  I would like it to end up that Shel wins the money because even if she hasn't won anything yet she still can and I feel as though she has done more in the game than Shar, but has been honest from the get go.  Shel just might be able to make it far like Zach last year.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 05:59:32 PM
Can someone tell me how old Sheila is...because I don't think she has mentioned her age :lol3:

Driving me nutziod :jam:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 18, 2008, 06:00:23 PM
Sheila is 45 and a single mother, anotherNCbbfan
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 06:03:59 PM
Sheila is 45 and a single mother, anotherNCbbfan


Are you kidding me? Are you kidding?

I will bet that her child did not sign up for this.


Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 18, 2008, 06:12:08 PM
grrrrrrr these people! wow you got james, josh , ryan, and matt that have been back-dooring each other for what ? it seems like months and know one is GONE YET!!! i cant wait for josh, james, and chelisa to walk out that door. let them get all drunk in [SEQ] and make out all the time [YUCK] and they are taking pictures like they are best friends! :meow: maybe james will show chelisa his  flims!, but from what i seen and heard of chelisa she will prob love it! when i see Nat i just see nasty, nasty trash! wanting baller to take a  picture of him and his BA**S [i think i am now, becoming SICK]

 :lol3: You aren't becoming sick, you are just letting the HGs get to you too much.  Their sick thoughts and way of thinking have corrupted your brain.  Just back away from the computer sunshine, that may be the best thing to do.

I also would like to see S/S as the F2 at the end but I don't think that will happen.  I would like it to end up that Shel wins the money because even if she hasn't won anything yet she still can and I feel as though she has done more in the game than Shar, but has been honest from the get go.  Shel just might be able to make it far like Zach last year.

 :lol3:sass, i am just messing around! :lol3:just having fun posting!...i just want either shelia or sharon to win the money, and the rest can just knock the crap out of each other!, i really think shelia can win this hoh, these HG'S seem to think it is all know bb could set one up that shelia can win!,[lets not forget chicken george], i think shelia is smart in playing head games and planting seeds, sharon the same, but she can win the comps! boy they think shelia is on them now! wait until she is hoh! :lol3: or sharon i think would go after Nat [for sure].. i think they arent to bright with who they want to go to the end with...james does want josh out! he wants to go on the block, and he or chelisa wins pov and take each other off! and they are hoping nat wins and puts up josh, so they can say josh [awwwww sorry] but shelia will put up josh also, i really think adam and shelia have each others back more the house knows..its all good! just messing around! :lol3: i think the reason shelia is worry about her son! is b/cuz he has special needs. and really i would be very PO'D if people try to break me down, by using my kid! ..shelia is right, my do HG want to bring thier familes into the house, [just plain dumb] JMO just play the game! yep! talk crap about all the HG...go crazy on them, but leave the kiddie stuff out!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 18, 2008, 06:25:06 PM
You are right Sunshine, what you don't talk about can't be used against you.  They need to take a page out of Survivor, although a shorter game with much more to do throughout the day- you don't see them getting overly personal the way these HGs are.  It is easy to get pretty po'd at this bunch
Aslo, as was suggested before about the ages of HGs, I would love to see a range from 25-45.  Not 1 token older person with a bunch of 20 somethings.  Unfortunatly, CBS thinks we need all eye candy-not so, a brilliant mind can be sexy too!
This group has become very school-yard mean and it's not pretty on any of the ones that are doing it.  It has no purpose and doesn't benefit them in the game. 
Title: Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Tuesday 3/18
Post by: Devils7 on March 18, 2008, 06:40:56 PM
sheila, nat, and chel...  hook, line, sinker!!!   (:;)  :groan:  I cant believe that they are falling for it.  I hate chelsia, but she's doing an awesome job of selling their story.  I will give her that.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ducky on March 18, 2008, 06:57:37 PM
I don't post much but I can not stand Sheila....sorry but her "I am a 45 year old single mother and don't want my kid to hear anything"  drives me right over the edge.  Then why on earth would she ever go on a reality show like BB?  I raised 3 children on my own....get over your damn self Sheila.  I will now evaporate back into lurkerdom.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 07:09:04 PM
I think that Shel really can win this HOH because they are due for one that relates to the evicted HGs and if they said this or that and if that is the case Sheila will have it donw cold because she knows about all the HGs she is the one that they have all opened up to in her office.  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 07:16:01 PM
I don't post much but I can not stand Sheila....sorry but her "I am a 45 year old single mother and don't want my kid to hear anything"  drives me right over the edge.  Then why on earth would she ever go on a reality show like BB?  I raised 3 children on my own....get over your damn self Sheila.  I will now evaporate back into lurkerdom.


Don't  :hides

You should vent more often....
It is getting old. She is going to have to find another campaign slogan soon ;)

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 18, 2008, 07:21:46 PM
No she wont, she's 45 and a single mom.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 07:23:42 PM
Ok here goes I have decided I am more of a flipflopper than sheila. "right now" I believe Adam is playing this game better than anyone. We really have no idea whose freakin side he is on. Most of the time he blows sheila off but eventually does what she says. Adam is being under estimated, he really is playing a good game. JMO
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 07:24:17 PM
No she wont, she's 45 and a single mom.

But hey, she will  be 46 and single soon :ascared

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 07:26:10 PM
No she wont, she's 45 and a single mom.

But hey, she will  be 46 and single soon :ascared


Yeah come April 12th.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 07:28:54 PM
No she wont, she's 45 and a single mom.

But hey, she will  be 46 and single soon :ascared


Yeah come April 12th.

Maybe Scott Baio will go on her show and tell the world why she won't ever settle down :snicker:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 07:46:25 PM
What the crap ! I thought sheila had figured chelsia's game out. maybe sheila should listen more and talk less B:) For God sake when will these people wake up.  :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 07:49:38 PM
What the crap ! I thought sheila had figured chelsia's game out. maybe sheila should listen more and talk less B:) For God sake when will these people wake up.  :pull

Well BB didn't show us what Shel and Nat were saying after Chel left the spa, that is when Shel would have said if Chel was lying or not, but she might also just be waiting to talk to Matt about it and is leaving Nat out of the loop, who knows.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 07:53:20 PM
Hey i just noticed look at me i am not a newbie anymore :wohoo: :jumpy: :yess:    Also I am still trying to figure out who sheila is voting for probably won't know until after the votes have been cast.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 07:57:05 PM
Hey i just noticed look at me i am not a newbie anymore :wohoo: :jumpy: :yess:    Also I am still trying to figure out who sheila is voting for probably won't know until after the votes have been cast.

 :jumpy: :wohoo: :jumpy: :wohoo: :jumpy: :wohoo:

You cannot figure it out because she is voting for whatever serves her in the game and she is not telling "them"  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 08:06:54 PM
Hey i just noticed look at me i am not a newbie anymore :wohoo: :jumpy: :yess:    Also I am still trying to figure out who sheila is voting for probably won't know until after the votes have been cast.

 :jumpy: :wohoo: :jumpy: :wohoo: :jumpy: :wohoo:

You cannot figure it out because she is voting for whatever serves her in the game and she is not telling "them"  :lol3:

The saga continues will we ever figure out what serves sheila in the game, will natalie's lips become chapped, will boogers end up on adams balls, will josh be weened off the psychiatric drugs? stay tuned
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 09:12:31 PM
We have 23 hours to find out :lol:

I really don't think Josh is going to go off, and if he does I almost think that Sheila needs to shut up ahead of time, because she is the one that went around giving ammo about her son!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 18, 2008, 09:20:42 PM
OK Shelia is losing my support

She has 3 brothers to kick Josh's butt.....(Why would she think it would take 3?)

She is driving me nuts with the repetitive talk. I know she has to be driving others nuts too. :groan:

OMG I think she is crazy! :ascared I bet the poor woman is a single mother ;) Betcha anything!

p.s. I am sick of her lies about her dreams too

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: dreamcatcher on March 18, 2008, 09:31:37 PM
Hey i just noticed look at me i am not a newbie anymore :wohoo: :jumpy: :yess:    Also I am still trying to figure out who sheila is voting for probably won't know until after the votes have been cast.

 :jumpy: :wohoo: :jumpy: :wohoo: :jumpy: :wohoo:

You cannot figure it out because she is voting for whatever serves her in the game and she is not telling "them"  :lol3:

The saga continues will we ever figure out what serves sheila in the game, will natalie's lips become chapped, will boogers end up on adams balls, will josh be weened off the psychiatric drugs? stay tuned
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 09:44:41 PM
I am not sticking up for Josh, I am NOT and I want that to be known.

But Sheila is STUPID. She has given them the ammo about how it will destroy her if they bring up her son - and it will destroy him, etc. Josh shouldn't be picking on a 16 year old BUT Sheila needs to stop going around to every single person and saying how her son didn't sign up for this blah blah blah. She just keeps giving them more and more ammo.


Allison is the one that told Josh that Sheila lives off the goverment.

These people are NO better though, Josh is in the red room talking smack and what are Natalie and Sheila doing? The same darn thing? If they would stop fretting then Josh would settle down.

If Sheilas son really is watching the feeds, how do you think he feels just by the things she is saying. Kids are not 'burdens'. We all know when we have kids that they cost money. How does her son feel that his mom has to win this money for HIM?

And I will say this once and for all, I am SICK of them saying how the guys won't stand up for them. No guy would talk down to me, gay or not. I am a girl and do not need a guy to stand up for me. I would pop him in the mouth. I have brothers but I don't need them :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 09:55:26 PM
I am with you mama, sheila and nat need to grow them some jewels and when josh starts his crap beat him down like the dog that he is :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 10:02:01 PM
Yep, but they talk the talk and can't walk the walk - Sheila said she would go after him, then wants a man to protect her.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 10:14:27 PM
I really think josh is afraid if he is so big and bad why didn't he go on out there (by) before he got warned. He just stood inside and ran his mouth. I say bring it josh maybe sheila or nat will woman up and slap him like the b---- that he is (:;) Why don't they just all go ahead and have a free for all just beat the crap out of each other now that would be some awesome BB  :yess: I would be so excited :wohoo: I dont know who i would pull for :jam: 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 18, 2008, 10:17:43 PM
If he thinks they're going to throw 500, 000 away because he is going to say bad things about their family(whom he does not know) he needs to think of a new gameplan.

Ugh I'm sick of James' crew. First when Chelsia said stuff about Amanda's dad and stuff(that's why he hung himself, come off it. you're no better than she is you're on big brother too), then when James blatantly went back on his word and now when Josh is thinking he's big and tough because he can degrade Shelia, which, to be honest, is like picking on a mentally challenged child and talk stuff to Natalie, which is just plan mean. Natalie is too nice.

The only person acceptable in their crew is Sharon, and that says something because she has absolutely no personality at all. She is just generally awkward.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 10:20:33 PM
Ok but what you people don't get is Sheila and Natalie are saying nasty things about him, Josh got word of it (they told Chelsia and knew it would go back to Josh). COME ON. It takes TWO!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 10:24:54 PM
Oh yeah I know they were running their mouths i have said it a hundred times sheila needs to shut her mouth. But josh is on my last nerve he needs to be on the block let him get a feel of that. he won't be so cocky then. That will be some great drama in the house.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 18, 2008, 10:26:57 PM
Though I doubt they are talking stuff about his family, no? He wants to elevate it. They've been talking stuff about Sheila since forever. He has to expect that word would come around to her and she'd want to vent a bit. Not so much that she pulls his sexuality, family or personal matters into it but she was bound to vent a little, no? He wants to pull the latter two in on national television and thinks that he's so much better than her that he can just degrade them on his pedestal of greatness. :P

I mean he's trying to be Dick, what he doesn't realize is the only reason Dick won was because of America's Player. It's just poor gameplay and a poor attitude/person generally, I'd think.

But that's just me.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 10:32:58 PM
Yes they were, they were saying how his family is going to disown him, his dad hates him for being gay, and a bunch of things I refuse to post.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 18, 2008, 10:34:43 PM
Oh, well then all is fair play. <_<
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 10:35:47 PM
yep i will say it again i would never say anything about my personal life inside that house unless it was all lies. if sheila continues to talk about her son, josh will continue to talk about her son. JMO :js:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 10:43:10 PM
I am not sticking up for Josh, I am NOT and I want that to be known.

But Sheila is STUPID. She has given them the ammo about how it will destroy her if they bring up her son - and it will destroy him, etc. Josh shouldn't be picking on a 16 year old BUT Sheila needs to stop going around to every single person and saying how her son didn't sign up for this blah blah blah. She just keeps giving them more and more ammo.


Allison is the one that told Josh that Sheila lives off the goverment.

These people are NO better though, Josh is in the red room talking smack and what are Natalie and Sheila doing? The same darn thing? If they would stop fretting then Josh would settle down.

If Sheilas son really is watching the feeds, how do you think he feels just by the things she is saying. Kids are not 'burdens'. We all know when we have kids that they cost money. How does her son feel that his mom has to win this money for HIM?

And I will say this once and for all, I am SICK of them saying how the guys won't stand up for them. No guy would talk down to me, gay or not. I am a girl and do not need a guy to stand up for me. I would pop him in the mouth. I have brothers but I don't need them :lol:

Mama I know what you are saying but there is a rule about hitting people and if I were Shel I would have probably punched Josh out at least 10 times already and the only way people would have gotten me off of him was if they sedated me. There is a line that you don't cross and he has crossed it.  To me what Josh is doing is diffferent that what ED did because he is making fun of her son for having a disability that is not something he can really control, but I bet that he has overcome his problems, I for one have overcome mine and I will say that I have ADD and dislexia and look at me now.  I am posting here and watching these live feeds, so Josh do you want to come after me because you wouldn't last a minute in a room with me so come and get it if you have the balls!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 10:56:26 PM
I know there is a rule against hitting people, but I could still stand face to face to Josh. Sheila is just trying to be a bad ass.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 10:58:31 PM
Ok fine, here is why I feel that Sheila needs to go.

She has given everyone the 'talk' multiple times about her son, yet she brings it up everyday and doesn't want it used against her.

She DOES play the single mom card!

She says she will not piggy back anymore, yet what did she say tonight? If whoever stays (Ryan or Matt) or Natalie do not win HOH she is a goner.

And then she sits at the kitchen table she wants to go out there and play in comps and play this game. Good time to start eh?

She really believes that it should be girls vs guys but she wants a guy to stick up for her.

She talks alot of crap but wants others not to do the same.

She didn't like being on the block, but wanted to teach Adam a lesson?

And lastly, last week they went on this "we have the power" kick, and now they are bashing Josh/James/Sharon/Chelsia for the same thing - but let me just say this. Im only a fan of Sharon in that group and yet I can say Matt/Ryan/Natalie and Sheila were worse.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 18, 2008, 10:59:06 PM
I know there is a rule against hitting people, but I could still stand face to face to Josh. Sheila is just trying to be a bad ass.

I would stand face to face with him and yell at him too Mama, I would act like ED to Josh and he will go to the DR whining for his mommy.  :bigbaby:  :'(  I have dealt with worse people before than Josh and my parents have taught me to  stand up for myself.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 11:03:26 PM
The thing is, if I wasn't going to stand up for myself, I wouldn't expect someone else to. I mean c'mon Ryan and Matt they need to worry about who is going home. They need to worry about tehir game. But this is all part of the "im not piggy backing". Yet she is!!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 11:09:02 PM
Thats what is wrong with him (josh) he is scared he just admitted it. He is going up on the block and it's gonna happen :yess: I don't care about sheila but good Lord Josh has to go. Now i prefer that james goes first but I dont think it will happen that way.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 11:17:00 PM
Well technically Josh is mad because they can't say anything to his face, Sheila brought this on herself just as much.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 11:20:05 PM
oh yeah i agree mama. i think this game is going to get extremely ugly. they really hurt my ears with all their filth. i just have to filter you know. i hope they are not like this in the real world. that would make for some pathetic human beings.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 18, 2008, 11:27:53 PM
See Josh just said he is mad because Sheila said all this stuff to Chelsia and can't say it to his face.

But what does Sheila say? "Say it to my face". Makes no sense.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 11:31:22 PM
Yeah I know, I remember Sheila saying that exact thing to R/N/M/A when she was on the block with ryan.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 18, 2008, 11:34:39 PM
hey how can he(josh) see them in the sauna(nat and sheila). he is outside at the ht. Josh just said to sharon look sheila is in the sauna tearing up natalie see her in the blue blanket. Is the house that open ?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 12:02:48 AM
Miss Goody Two Shoes, Sharon, is not so nice IMO since she is laughing her a** off at Josh's antics......... she is as bad as he is.  That house must have some type of psychotic rays that go thru it......makes these peope NUTS.   :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 12:25:12 AM
Miss Goody Two Shoes, Sharon, is not so nice IMO since she is laughing her a** off at Josh's antics......... she is as bad as he is.  That house must have some type of psychotic rays that go thru it......makes these peope NUTS.   :meow:

hi ya! i agree i was wanting sharon or shelia to win, not any longer with sharon, [she is egging josh on to be EVIL, as of now, i could careless if sharon goes!!!!...hey josh is a BIG MAN [NOT] to only fight and break down a woman, be is a abuser! i hope shelia wins hoh, and put his ass out!  also josh doesnt say things to people faces either, josh is a coward! and only is a abuser of women! and i hate the fact they say they pray to GOD, than act pure evil! what shelia said he is a abuser??? and didnt say it to his face,josh is the one that started talking behind people's backs,[and he still is, listen to him out there with sharon talking his crap BEHIND shelia;s back! he only will go off on a woman! even josh knows he is a abuser,and he AINT no ED! he makes me [ILL] josh just might be surprise when he goes off on shelia she just might break his ass down!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: lilduke on March 19, 2008, 12:43:02 AM
My computer is fixed!! Guess who is back on the Showtime shift!!  :-*
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 12:45:49 AM
Well I know not too many are going to agree with me on this one, but I think James has pulled off the best game play so far and Chelsea has done a fantastic acting job.  I'm am so SICK of listening to Shelia go on and on about her kid and don't even play the videos.........tired of Nat praying and walking around almost nude, Josh's mouth is garbage and St Sharon for encouraging him is as bad........Matt was cocky while he or his alliance were on top, then sniveled and cried when he got a dose of bad medicine.  Baller, what can I say about him expect KEEP YOUR HANDS out of YOUR PANTS already.......geeeeeeezzzzzzz.  AND there she is again running her mouth.............down goes the speaker volume.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 19, 2008, 12:50:14 AM
My computer is fixed!! Guess who is back on the Showtime shift!!  :-*

Welcome back lilduke!  :jumpy: :jumpy:

Now get yourself over to the live feeds! :lol:

SO glad you are back!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 12:53:32 AM
WOW, Adam just told Sheila that Chel is voting for Ryan............thank goodness she didn't believe him and now is inflating her head some more "I AM THE BIGGEST THREAT"........she is delusional.   :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 19, 2008, 12:59:20 AM
The only thing I have to say is that there is a word for people who take great pleasure in planning ways to cause pain to others.

What Josh is doing is not game play. As much as I disliked ED's actions, what he did was calculated game play. Josh seems more focused on the pain he can cause and making himself the person to fear. And Sharon, who I have liked until this point, is just as bad for laughing hysterically and egging him on.

IMO of course! :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 01:05:13 AM
The only thing I have to say is that there is a word for people who take great pleasure in planning ways to cause pain to others.

What Josh is doing is not game play. As much as I disliked ED's actions, what he did was calculated game play. Josh seems more focused on the pain he can cause and making himself the person to fear. And Sharon, who I have liked until this point, is just as bad for laughing hysterically and egging him on.

IMO of course! :lol:

I agree........I tell you, it IS that house.  They may be as normal as you and I in real life but the isolation in that house causes them all to go over the edge. :neener:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 01:18:28 AM
Sheila is the biggest hypocrite in the house. She is now referring to Matt as Natalies partner, but all week threw the biggest hissy about it.

And she thinks that everything comes down to her. Tells Adam that she is the deciding vote, (and she always says this) can flip this house whenever and however she wants. Yet has won nothing. Sweet revenge would be her leaving next week. Please let Sharon or Josh get it. Please. Not to sound Natalieyish, I have a good feeling about this.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 01:26:11 AM
Sheila is the biggest hypocrite in the house. She is now referring to Matt as Natalies partner, but all week threw the biggest hissy about it.

And she thinks that everything comes down to her. Tells Adam that she is the deciding vote, (and she always says this) can flip this house whenever and however she wants. Yet has won nothing. Sweet revenge would be her leaving next week. Please let Sharon or Josh get it. Please. Not to sound Natalieyish, I have a good feeling about this.

Her head grew another foot wider after Adam told her that when James was evicted he told Julie that she was the biggest threat in the house.  That fueled her fire and she is going on and on to Nat.   I hope her balloon gets deflated soon.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 19, 2008, 01:49:23 AM
won't james's plan fail if Chel votes for Matt to stay? Cuz Shelia votes Ryan out, Nat votes Ryan out and Adam votes Ryan out?

SOmeone explain  :duno:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 19, 2008, 01:54:25 AM
I hate them all.

They are all hypocrites, liars, phoneys, manipuators.

Least offensive for the win, IMO are:


I hope Adam wins the whole damn thing, and talks to Julie after the vote with his hands in his  pants, playing with himself.  That would be the sweetest revenge to BB for picking these idiots this season.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 01:56:28 AM
The only thing I have to say is that there is a word for people who take great pleasure in planning ways to cause pain to others.

What Josh is doing is not game play. As much as I disliked ED's actions, what he did was calculated game play. Josh seems more focused on the pain he can cause and making himself the person to fear. And Sharon, who I have liked until this point, is just as bad for laughing hysterically and egging him on.

IMO of course! :lol:

I sooo agree with you GP

Where does Josh’s anger come from that he has been carrying on about Sheila for how many freaking hours. He has poor excuses tooo many to justify his latest psychotic episode. Him carrying on about Sheila for this many hours and he’s better than Sheila ha ha that’s a joke. That to me means he’s intimidated by her and therefore needs to attack her.

Sharon your stupid laugh says it all.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 01:59:21 AM
I hate them all.

They are all hypocrites, liars, phoneys, manipuators.

Least offensive for the win, IMO are:


I hope Adam wins the whole damn thing, and talks to Julie after the vote with his hands in his  pants, playing with himself.  That would be the sweetest revenge to BB for picking these idiots this season.

 :lol3: GrandmawLily that is the funniest post I've read yet  :hfive:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 02:03:16 AM
I hate them all.

They are all hypocrites, liars, phoneys, manipuators.

Least offensive for the win, IMO are:


I hope Adam wins the whole damn thing, and talks to Julie after the vote with his hands in his  pants, playing with himself.  That would be the sweetest revenge to BB for picking these idiots this season.

 :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 02:09:11 AM

 :lol3: Baller for the win  :yess:

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 02:10:24 AM
won't james's plan fail if Chel votes for Matt to stay? Cuz Shelia votes Ryan out, Nat votes Ryan out and Adam votes Ryan out?

SOmeone explain  :duno:

Chelsea says she is going to vote for Matt but the plan is she votes for Ryan  to stay then James breaks the tie and votes Matt out............that is the plan as of this moment............could change on the drop of a dime.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 19, 2008, 02:13:04 AM
won't james's plan fail if Chel votes for Matt to stay? Cuz Shelia votes Ryan out, Nat votes Ryan out and Adam votes Ryan out?

SOmeone explain  :duno:

Chelsea says she is going to vote for Matt but the plan is she votes for Ryan  to stay then James breaks the tie and votes Matt out............that is the plan as of this moment............could change on the drop of a dime.

They make me crazy when they talk about who they are voting for.

"I'm voting for Ryan" means "I'm voting for Matt"

Why can't they just say they are voting for Matt....which means to evict?
They do this every have my vote you have my vote you have my vote.....then that should mean YOU'RE GONE!   :meow:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 02:14:19 AM

 :lol3: Baller for the win  :yess:


He'll need that half of mil when he finds out he is fired.  The drug dealing, coke sniffing, child demeaning, hands in the pants............wouldn't that make great headlines????    :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 19, 2008, 02:19:16 AM

 :lol3: Baller for the win  :yess:


He'll need that half of mil when he finds out he is fired.  The drug dealing, coke sniffing, child demeaning, hands in the pants............wouldn't that make great headlines????    :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

THAT would rock!    :cheer:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 02:21:42 AM

 :lol3: Baller for the win  :yess:


He'll need that half of mil when he finds out he is fired.  The drug dealing, coke sniffing, child demeaning, hands in the pants............wouldn't that make great headlines????    :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

Yup if he's good enough for Big Brother then hand him the money.

What do I care I'm with you GrandmawLily this season sucks ha ha  Go Baller :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 19, 2008, 02:24:16 AM

 :lol3: Baller for the win  :yess:


He'll need that half of mil when he finds out he is fired.  The drug dealing, coke sniffing, child demeaning, hands in the pants............wouldn't that make great headlines????    :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

Yup if he's good enough for Big Brother then hand him the money.

What do I care I'm with you GrandmawLily this season sucks ha ha  Go Baller :lol3:


:::::going over to change my profile siggy:::::
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 02:29:59 AM


:::::going over to change my profile siggy:::::

   :lol: I haven't laughed so hard I love it
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ala on March 19, 2008, 05:11:24 AM

New here, but I have been reading the live feed transcripts for a couple of weeks. Thx to those who type it up!

I hadnt watched BB before a couple of weeks ago, and I started watching because of James.
After finding this board the live feed transcripts are my bb livelihood and the shows are just filler. :-)


That said, Sheila and Matt are my least favorites. Matt is a pure freakin' jerk and I am SO glad that I can't watch the actual feeds because Sheila would drive me insane with her incessant whining and talking about her child. I get it, you have a son. Big freakin' deal! Everyone has and many people are parents, millions+ single. Her having a "Tough life" doesn't make her entitled. She's gotta play the game well. I hope she understands that.

I agree with the person who said it would be funny if Adam won and know...during the interview with Julie. But, I'm sorta hoping someone else wins so it would be moot to say that I wish it were Adam.  He's such a strange cat. I would expect his gross behavior from a 15 year old, not a grown man.  and I'm still finding it a little hard to believe that he went to Parsons. Not to say he's a liar, but I can't put him and high design together.

I am SO ready to see who goes!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 05:32:53 AM

I am SO ready to see who goes!

 :waves: Hi ala

I think we are all ready to see who goes and who is the new HOH, it's been a long week.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 19, 2008, 06:28:27 AM
:welcome2:  to the forum ala! Glad you found us!  :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 19, 2008, 08:00:45 AM
The only thing I have to say is that there is a word for people who take great pleasure in planning ways to cause pain to others.

What Josh is doing is not game play. As much as I disliked ED's actions, what he did was calculated game play. Josh seems more focused on the pain he can cause and making himself the person to fear. And Sharon, who I have liked until this point, is just as bad for laughing hysterically and egging him on.

IMO of course! :lol:

You said it Peach!  I am very disturbed by Josh's behavior, which he takes great pride in "doing it for his team!"  What is very transparent is that it is always directed at a female, he is terrified of the men.  Even with the women-he tends to say things as he is walking-coward.  If he really makes a comment on Shelia's son riding the short bus- then Josh is the one that is Pathetic.  I am hoping BB curtailed that last night, this season has really stooped to so many new lows in reality TV, they don't need to go there. 

For Sharon's part-once again she is either brilliant or as ignorant and immature as J/C/J.  She is encouraging him to hang himself with everyone else in the house, while being outside his wrath (as a female.)  Her over the top shrilling laughter could be a sign of her being appauled by his words and unsure how to handle this partner of hers?  Just a possible theroy on her behavior.  I have not liked other things about her lately, but I am hoping that somewhere in that house there is intelligent life. 

Just a quick Nat bite: on all her # theroies, last night ED and Dani were promo'ed for tonight's show!  Not exactly week 8 or coming back in the house- but a funny little coincidence! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 19, 2008, 10:08:38 AM
I just found out that Dick will be hosting the veto competition on Friday and it definitely will have something to do with croquet since he won the veto from that comp last year. Should be interesting.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 10:11:07 AM
oh this is going to make Sheila's day, getting to see ED. maybe she will beg him to stay  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 10:14:04 AM
Good Morning, everyone :waves: nothing has changed for me today, i STILL think josh and james are the DEVIL. i STILL think chelisa is a DEMON!......i STILL want shelia to win!...and this season sucks!..cant wait for summer BB :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 19, 2008, 10:15:25 AM
The only thing I have to say is that there is a word for people who take great pleasure in planning ways to cause pain to others.

What Josh is doing is not game play. As much as I disliked ED's actions, what he did was calculated game play. Josh seems more focused on the pain he can cause and making himself the person to fear. And Sharon, who I have liked until this point, is just as bad for laughing hysterically and egging him on.

IMO of course! :lol:

You said it Peach!  I am very disturbed by Josh's behavior, which he takes great pride in "doing it for his team!"  What is very transparent is that it is always directed at a female, he is terrified of the men.  Even with the women-he tends to say things as he is walking-coward.  If he really makes a comment on Shelia's son riding the short bus- then Josh is the one that is Pathetic.  I am hoping BB curtailed that last night, this season has really stooped to so many new lows in reality TV, they don't need to go there. 

For Sharon's part-once again she is either brilliant or as ignorant and immature as J/C/J.  She is encouraging him to hang himself with everyone else in the house, while being outside his wrath (as a female.)  Her over the top shrilling laughter could be a sign of her being appauled by his words and unsure how to handle this partner of hers?  Just a possible theroy on her behavior.  I have not liked other things about her lately, but I am hoping that somewhere in that house there is intelligent life. 

I agree with both of you. Watching Josh last night was like watching a train wreck about to happen, knowing there is nothing you can do to prevent it. He isn't funny, he isn't appealing, he is psycho IMO. Why does he choose Sheila to torture, or women for that matter? Because he knows he can and get away with it, particularly in this house. No one calls him on it. He might THINK it is good TV but it isn't. He isn't Dick even though he thinks he is emulating him. He says he will go off on Sheila in the HOH today. I rather doubt it but if he does, he will seal his fate in this game. He won't win, and he will have shown the others that if you don't get rid of him he will go off on them when he perceives that they are the biggest threat.

I was sickened by Sharon last night, but I'm giving her a slight pass for her shrill and high pitched approval and laughing at Josh ranting on and on about how he was going to destroy Sheila then Nat. When she first went outside last night she told Josh to cool it, to lay off Sheila to give it a rest, and let Sheila fear him going off on her. She believes he is her "partner" but he has said he'll throw her under the bus when he gets the chance. Does she know this and is playing him to keep his wrath from her? I don't know. I want to believe that she is afraid of him as well. Even Chelsia is afraid of him.

About Sheila, I don't mind listening to her because her voice is not unpleasant, and while she is always talking about the same things, I feel sorry for her because in my life several times when I was highly stressed I know I drove my hubby crazy because I kept repeating the same things over and over. I think she is stressed out. She really has no allies in the house, she's older than the rest and being a mom is the only thing she clings to. (Just my opinion.)

My dream? I'm hoping for a mass eviction and an early end to this train wreck and the guinea pigs remain 24/7 live feeds.  :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 19, 2008, 10:18:33 AM

New here, but I have been reading the live feed transcripts for a couple of weeks. Thx to those who type it up!

I hadnt watched BB before a couple of weeks ago, and I started watching because of James.
After finding this board the live feed transcripts are my bb livelihood and the shows are just filler. :-)

 :lol3: They are!

Welcome to RFF ala, glad you found us!

 :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 19, 2008, 10:34:20 AM

I was sickened by Sharon last night, but I'm giving her a slight pass for her shrill and high pitched approval and laughing at Josh ranting on and on about how he was going to destroy Sheila then Nat. When she first went outside last night she told Josh to cool it, to lay off Sheila to give it a rest, and let Sheila fear him going off on her. She believes he is her "partner" but he has said he'll throw her under the bus when he gets the chance. Does she know this and is playing him to keep his wrath from her? I don't know. I want to believe that she is afraid of him as well. Even Chelsia is afraid of him.

Just another quick observation about last night, Shelia in the Sauna room told Chelsia that josh was throwing Sharon under the bus, but when Chelsia conveyed everything she heard int here to Sharon- she left that out, although she and James were in on it.  I'm not sure if anyone has told Sharon yet?  Anyone else know if Sharon knows Josh was going to turn on her for James last week?  He was going around saying he felt like Judus etc...

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 10:53:12 AM
A new day in the bb house, and i think its gonna be an ugly one. Josh is acting just like Nat now saying he knows he is going to win hoh. Hopefully the results will be HOH= either Sheila, Ryan, or Natalie. I would love to see Natalie win hoh, and then the cameras focus on josh's face. what a riot that will be. See who is doing all the beggin and pleading next week. We can only hope. Have a great day everyone. :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 19, 2008, 11:04:41 AM

Just another quick observation about last night, Shelia in the Sauna room told Chelsia that josh was throwing Sharon under the bus, but when Chelsia conveyed everything she heard int here to Sharon- she left that out, although she and James were in on it.  I'm not sure if anyone has told Sharon yet?  Anyone else know if Sharon knows Josh was going to turn on her for James last week?  He was going around saying he felt like Judus etc...

I don't know if anyone else has told her! I know Sheila has told her several times and I have seen Sharon talk to Sheila about aligning, but it could all be game play.   :duno:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 11:05:23 AM

I was sickened by Sharon last night, but I'm giving her a slight pass for her shrill and high pitched approval and laughing at Josh ranting on and on about how he was going to destroy Sheila then Nat. When she first went outside last night she told Josh to cool it, to lay off Sheila to give it a rest, and let Sheila fear him going off on her. She believes he is her "partner" but he has said he'll throw her under the bus when he gets the chance. Does she know this and is playing him to keep his wrath from her? I don't know. I want to believe that she is afraid of him as well. Even Chelsia is afraid of him.

Just another quick observation about last night, Shelia in the Sauna room told Chelsia that josh was throwing Sharon under the bus, but when Chelsia conveyed everything she heard int here to Sharon- she left that out, although she and James were in on it.  I'm not sure if anyone has told Sharon yet?  Anyone else know if Sharon knows Josh was going to turn on her for James last week?  He was going around saying he felt like Judus etc...

hi ya!, i heard that also, no chelisa wont say it! they are already talking about getting josh backdoored [james wants to go on the block, he or chelisa win pov,take james off! and the hoh [they are only thinking this if the hoh is N/S/A..that they put up josh and back-door him, that way the blood isnt on J/C hands. i wish sharon [she is supposed to be smart would see this!] but also these people arent very smart J/J/C cant take someone from the M/N/R/A/S side to the n and win!..they only way J/J/C win is to take one from thier side, say like if james go to the end with shelia he wont win, but if he goes to the end with josh, he would!..plain dumb playing BUT hey, i am all for it! i want josh, james and chelisa gone!

one funny thing i heard josh say, he said if we get a america's choice i will win it, cuz i got the WHOLE state of TEXAS rooting for me, and they WILL VOTE like crazy for me! :lol3: i was born and rasied in Tx, still live here, i am a 3rd generation houstoian!....and the Texas bb boards cant STAND JOSH!...there is no way Texas has your EVIL back josh! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 19, 2008, 11:06:28 AM
Wow- I can't Beleive she is still hanging with him, but it could be part of her game- your right TL
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 19, 2008, 11:09:31 AM
Oh My Sushine- that is too funny, wait till he gets out and finds that out! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 11:12:54 AM

Just another quick observation about last night, Shelia in the Sauna room told Chelsia that josh was throwing Sharon under the bus, but when Chelsia conveyed everything she heard int here to Sharon- she left that out, although she and James were in on it.  I'm not sure if anyone has told Sharon yet?  Anyone else know if Sharon knows Josh was going to turn on her for James last week?  He was going around saying he felt like Judus etc...

I don't know if anyone else has told her! I know Sheila has told her several times and I have seen Sharon talk to Sheila about aligning, but it could all be game play.   :duno:

yep! shelia has told and told sharon that josh was going to vote her out over james! she wont listen grrrrr, and i cant bellieve sharon didnt pickup on it! when she was on the block!, these girls. never learn on bb..i do know that shelia and sharon talked over a week ago, about being in a secert alliance if sharon is smart she would try and keep shelia in this game [shelia is a vote for sharon, ] josh, james, and chelisa know they CANT win next to sharon, grrrrrrrrr i wish sharon would see this!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 11:26:41 AM
YUCK! josh is one sick DEMON!...i hope shelia goes NUTS! on josh if he pulls that crap on her today!..josh is a abuser! women he hates women , and you so can tell!..he has all the signs!..and he was talking in the BR about himself, saying he has had every kind of STD! is josh proud of that, to say it to the HG'S and on national tv, and his mom is proud!??? WOW!

i really hope Shelia wins hoh!..and gets his EVIL butt out! would really help sharon in the game for josh to GO!..the HG'S see sharon as hiding behind josh, like dani did last year with ED, if sharon wants to try and win this game, josh needs to go!...the plan shelia and sharon talked about was good! sharon and shelia need to stick by it! and gets josh, james, and chelisa out of there, sharon wont win sitting next to josh, YEP! the HG'S hate josh, BUT they will give him the win, they will tell sharon she was hiding behind josh!...hope sharon gets wise to this!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: georgiapeach on March 19, 2008, 11:34:22 AM
Here is the thread for info about ED coming back in the house!,14909.msg274076.html#msg274076

Maybe Natalie IS psychic?? :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 11:41:06 AM
Here is the thread for info about ED coming back in the house!,14909.msg274076.html#msg274076

Maybe Natalie IS psychic?? :lol:

i posted afew weeks back that in the GP cage when allison and nat were writing down clues, the blocks in the cage did spell out Donato!..i saw it on the feeds, very early in the morning the cam man zoom in on it! and the HG didnt think anything about it! these people are dumb as dirt, i also hope ryan can see that he cant stay with josh, james, chelisa and sharon...that would be so stupid! i hope he is smart enough not to fall for the 3-3 vote crap and hold that agaisnt S/A/N
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 12:13:18 PM
you know this all just go back to NAT.. and her being so dumb!...first she votes james back in over the box! :groan: than when she was on that disco ball, james was hurting! he wanted down, and he told Nat lets makes a deal! i will drop and you put up ryan, and whoever you want agaisnt him!..and ryan said NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..and matt said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take the deal, matt told ryan we will just tell james that so Nat can win hoh!, but what did NAT do! not take the deal! :groan: that girl is stupid! she is the one that put these people in this mess! after josh, and james NAT needs to GO! also in other seasons we yell at the HG'S saying no, dont trust so, and so...but they do cuz they dont see what we [the live feeders see] but in this season it is like the HG'S have the live feeds, i mean they cant keep a secert...james and chelisa were trying to play the mad at each other thing, but yet she goes in his room, and last night kissing on each other in the LR with Nat and matt there!, dont they see that chelisa is NOT mad at james, and that she will vote out matt, grrrrrrrrr these people are just plain stupid! it is right in thier face, and they STILL dont see it! :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 12:40:26 PM
you know i can understand where shelia is coming from with her son!...he has special needs, and i am sure she is very protected over him! and yes she is going on and on, but hey it is what is important to her!, my neice was killed by a MONSTER! my family lived a nightmare in court for over a year! [we STILL, are living that nightmare] that is why i co- founder a org! called protected to death!..i have very strong opinions about children that are abused, as well as women that are!..i know this is lie, plot, plan, backstabb ect ect...but for josh to do what he has done to these women in this house [is un-called for...........period...........] amanda with telling her to hang herself like her dad did! for him to go off on allison, and Nat! if josh wants to go off on them, thats ok, BUT do it about the game! not  about thier REAL LIFE! its un-called for!   just my 2 cents!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 19, 2008, 12:43:03 PM
I think they will get a smaller table this week. They have had the big table since the beginning with 16 houseguests and it'll be down to 8 after the eviction tonight.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 12:43:27 PM
What is wrong with sheils's son? (special needs) somehow I missed that.I know she talks about her son all the time so when it was said maybe i was zoning. :umn:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 19, 2008, 12:48:44 PM
my neice was killed by a MONSTER! my family lived a nightmare in court for over a year! [we STILL, are living that nightmare....

Aw, I'm so sorry sunshine! Hopefully your group will help other children from the same fate!  :hugs:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 12:53:16 PM
What is wrong with sheils's son? (special needs) somehow I missed that.I know she talks about her son all the time so when it was said maybe i was zoning. :umn:

she talked about it! during the first week of the show, that is why she went off on adam, for calling children with special needs retared!...she went into her son! having probs!.. i am sure the live feeders here, [at this wonderful site have it] it is to long to post!  :waves:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 12:56:34 PM
thank you i can figure it out now. i get tired of her talking about her son but now it makes more sense as to why she keeps saying if he (josh) brings up my son, I will go balistic.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 12:57:01 PM
my neice was killed by a MONSTER! my family lived a nightmare in court for over a year! [we STILL, are living that nightmare....

Aw, I'm so sorry sunshine! Hopefully your group will help other children from the same fate!  :hugs:

thank you so much TL.. yes we have thousands of people that are in our org... to help get laws passed!..and day by day we are getting it done!..i will do whatever it takes, until the day i die, to help stop the abuse of women and children!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 01:29:39 PM
josh in the BY you just know he wants to go off on shelia [for nothing] but knows he must wait until after the live vote and before hoh, what a dumb***go off on her about the game, the vote ect ect, but to go of on her about her real life is being a [COWARD]....and i wish he would STOP! with he is the gay ED [NOT]  i am glad to see that NAT gets it! that chelisa and shelia know chelisa is playing games and voting out matt! that way when it is 3-3....nat will know it was chelisa lying, and i hope ryan sees that he would be a FOOL! to get rid of shelia, adam or nat. J/J/C/S are going to try and use ryan [and he is so stupid] that he just might do what they want!....i hope he knows that his only chance of staying longer in this game is with A/N/and S.....i am hoping shelia wins hoh tonight, if not her nat, BUT nat makes me nervous, she believes anything! and she isnt to bright!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 01:44:15 PM
grrrrrrrrr my feeds are OUT! i have done everything to get them back up! :groan:.....realplayer said they were having a prob in my area,,,is anyone else having any probs! a BIG THANK YOU! to the live feeders! you guys are really the BEST! :hugs: i have been to other sites BUT they stop posting very early, you guys post all night and day! WOW! i dont know how you do it!..but thanks alot! cuz i need them today, i hope my feeds come back up soon grrrrrrr! you can bet sense i found this site! i will be here from now on every season! and i will donate once every month over the bb season, i know it takes alot of work, and money to keep a site up! :tup:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 19, 2008, 01:44:50 PM
I think it's funny that Natalie is still being her delusional self and so clueless...I read just now in the live feeds that she just told Sheila that it could go 6-0 with Josh and Sharon voting with the house! GET REAL, you dumbo!

She is going to be so devastated during the live eviction! We need to watch everybody's expressions when Julie announces that the vote was a tie. I bet it'll be priceless!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 01:51:00 PM
I think it's funny that Natalie is still being her delusional self and so clueless...I read just now in the live feeds that she just told Sheila that it could go 6-0 with Josh and Sharon voting with the house! GET REAL, you dumbo!

She is going to be so devastated during the live eviction! We need to watch everybody's expressions when Julie announces that the vote was a tie. I bet it'll be priceless!

i hear ya! nat is so dumb grrrrrrrrrr.. i cant believe these people think matt is staying, and that chelisa of all people is voting to keep matt :groan: plain stupid!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 01:56:48 PM
Has Adam actually said who he is voting for? If he votes for Ryan the votes will be 4/2 and they will no immediately chelsia voted for ryan to stay. Am I right or am I way behind? :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 02:00:35 PM
man that josh just wont STOP! he needs to see someone about his anger! that guy is crazy! i think he could really go off on someone and hit them! he has come really close, and if he didnt have the other Hg';S there, to hold him back i think he would do it! i think it just comes natural to him! he is a [coward] he goes on, and on, about breaking the women down, on and on! :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 02:02:43 PM
Has Adam actually said who he is voting for? If he votes for Ryan the votes will be 4/2 and they will no immediately chelsia voted for ryan to stay. Am I right or am I way behind? :pull

i dont know what adam is doing, he said he is voting out ryan, than he tells someone else he is voting out matt he wont tell shelia, this is just plain stupid! :pull
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 19, 2008, 02:05:52 PM
Has Adam actually said who he is voting for? If he votes for Ryan the votes will be 4/2 and they will no immediately chelsia voted for ryan to stay. Am I right or am I way behind? :pull

You're basically right. Adam has never said word for word who's he's voting and it doesn't matter anyway, Matt's a goner tonight.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kelloggs5TLFan on March 19, 2008, 02:13:12 PM
Has Adam actually said who he is voting for? If he votes for Ryan the votes will be 4/2 and they will no immediately chelsia voted for ryan to stay. Am I right or am I way behind? :pull

You're basically right. Adam has never said word for word who's he's voting and it doesn't matter anyway, Matt's a goner tonight.

I hope you're right.  :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 19, 2008, 02:16:14 PM
Ok you can count on this happening during the live show IF ADAM does vote out Matt (4-2)

this is what julie will say.....

By a vote of (pause) 4-2, (pause and Natalie, Sheila and Matt's faces perk up), Ryan, (pause), you are safe. Matt, you are evicted from the Big Brother house. Imagine the girls' faces going 180 degrees from perking to complete shock!

Just like with Kail and Eric last year!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: kelloggs5TLFan on March 19, 2008, 02:21:43 PM
Ok you can count on this happening during the live show IF ADAM does vote out Matt (4-2)

this is what julie will say.....

By a vote of (pause) 4-2, (pause and Natalie, Sheila and Matt's faces perk up), Ryan, (pause), you are safe. Matt, you are evicted from the Big Brother house. Imagine the girls' faces going 180 degrees from perking to complete shock!

Just like with Kail and Eric last year!

Wonderful music to my ears. lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 02:25:20 PM
josh tells james that he [james] will be playing GOD tonight, cuz james gets to vote out matt, than wants sharon to PRAY, than he wants a bible verse to read, that shows him to go off on shelia, he is insane! yeah josh i am sure GOD is so proud of you! oh i think shelia does know that chelisa is voting out matt, she has already told Nat to not get her hopes up, that it prob will be a 3-3 vote! i dont think shelia is going to be surpried that matt is going, nat is just plain dumb! to think that james and his demons will keep matt, really i want matt gone! and see these people turn on each other, cuz james already is wanting josh to be back-doored! and josh wants sharon out cuz he knows he cant win sitting next to her!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 19, 2008, 03:35:52 PM
If it's 4-2 like I think it will be, Sheila would be better off passing the blame on Chelsia. They can't just say "YEAH RYAN WE TRIED TO SET YOU AGAINST YOUR TEAMMATES, WE LIED DIRECTLY TO ALL OF YOU" they won't be able to do anything. Then Ryan could have a reason to go after James and Chelsia.

It would be glorious. :D
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 03:45:14 PM
If it's 4-2 like I think it will be, Sheila would be better off passing the blame on Chelsia. They can't just say "YEAH RYAN WE TRIED TO SET YOU AGAINST YOUR TEAMMATES, WE LIED DIRECTLY TO ALL OF YOU" they won't be able to do anything. Then Ryan could have a reason to go after James and Chelsia.

It would be glorious. :D

i hear ya!, i only hope shelia wins hoh, cuz if nat does, i will get nervous, cuz she doesnt know how to make the right choices, i think she could make deals with J/J/C/S and put up shelia and adam, i dont want to see nat win hoh! and i sure dont want J/C/S to win it! please bb make it a hoh like when chicken george won it! i am getting SICK of josh and james having power! it is getting old! and they are just punks and cowards, i dont want to see them walking around ANY LONGER like they own the house [YUCK]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 19, 2008, 03:51:12 PM
I doubt that we'll get rid of Josh and James, even when we do they end up bringing them back. :P

They had the lead and they probably would've picked off Chelsia this week(Assuming Josh would've won POV 'cause Chelsia fell and he came in second), Then it would be Matt-Ryan-Adam-Sheila against Josh and Sharon for the next HOH and there'd be a 66% chance that week, than an 80% chance the next and it'd be done.

But they had to bring back James. Uuuuuuugh. Big Brother contestants rarely have any logic, like when that one person didn't use the veto(Marcellus I think?) and got evicted.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 04:44:15 PM
well josh just couldnt wait [i knew it] he is a woman hater and a abuser!.. bring out the C word, calling shelia a whore talking about her son! josh is just a low life coward, really he is the whore, ummmmmm lets see he said he has been with over 200 men, and has had very STD you can think off! wow! and he said it on national TV! wow and you mama is proud of you!  stand your ground shelia dont let these punks have thier way! show them CRAZY SHELIA!!! you GO GIRL!!!!!!! these people are crazy shelia's vote cant keep either one of these guys! it is james that is scewing them over, he is the one that breaks the tie, these guys should know it will be 3-3 either way matt cant get more than that either can ryan! josh is trash!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 19, 2008, 05:06:55 PM
you know i can understand where shelia is coming from with her son!...he has special needs, and i am sure she is very protected over him! and yes she is going on and on, but hey it is what is important to her!, my neice was killed by a MONSTER! my family lived a nightmare in court for over a year! [we STILL, are living that nightmare] that is why i co- founder a org! called protected to death!..i have very strong opinions about children that are abused, as well as women that are!..i know this is lie, plot, plan, backstabb ect ect...but for josh to do what he has done to these women in this house [is un-called for...........period...........] amanda with telling her to hang herself like her dad did! for him to go off on allison, and Nat! if josh wants to go off on them, thats ok, BUT do it about the game! not  about thier REAL LIFE! its un-called for!   just my 2 cents!

My heartfelt thoughts for your family tragedy....

But these are adults. They know going in. I fault Sheila, Amanda and whoever else told their personal business, for their problems .
THey should all be forewarned NOT to disclose anything sensitive. If they choose to, well then, in my opinion, they do it as a manipulative ploy to get sympathy or empathy

When it comes to that kind of money... people have killed & been killed for less.

They have got to know that they are putting that info out there, so that when someone like Josh comes along and throws it up, then certain others come running to the rescue of the victim.  They are all manipulating other people. I don't feel sorry for any of them. At all.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 05:09:14 PM
My computer is fixed!! Guess who is back on the Showtime shift!!  :-*

You lilduke.   :jumpy::wohoo:  :jumpy: We missed you.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 05:12:35 PM
I like TL's suggestion from earlier today of a mass eviction with Sheila winning and 24/7 of the Guinea Pigs, maybe they can win second place?  Is that possible?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 05:13:35 PM
My computer is fixed!! Guess who is back on the Showtime shift!!  :-*

You lilduke.   :jumpy::wohoo:  :jumpy: We missed you.

that is GREAT sass, my feeds are down, realplayer said they are having probs in my area, (:;) [thanks for the live feeders here, you guys do a [WONDERFUL JOB]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 05:20:47 PM
you know i can understand where shelia is coming from with her son!...he has special needs, and i am sure she is very protected over him! and yes she is going on and on, but hey it is what is important to her!, my neice was killed by a MONSTER! my family lived a nightmare in court for over a year! [we STILL, are living that nightmare] that is why i co- founder a org! called protected to death!..i have very strong opinions about children that are abused, as well as women that are!..i know this is lie, plot, plan, backstabb ect ect...but for josh to do what he has done to these women in this house [is un-called for...........period...........] amanda with telling her to hang herself like her dad did! for him to go off on allison, and Nat! if josh wants to go off on them, thats ok, BUT do it about the game! not  about thier REAL LIFE! its un-called for!   just my 2 cents!

thank you!  but they all have told each other about thier personal life! they are stuck in a house for 3 months, it is just that some [like josh, like to abused it] and others dont, i dont see people walking around in the house telling josh you slept with over 200 men , you have had every STD there is! it comes down to how one is raised and what they believe in life! to me josh is a abuser! you see bb is a game to test human behavior! i believe it really shows now one is really in the real world, and josh needs help! JMO!

My heartfelt thoughts for your family tragedy....

But these are adults. They know going in. I fault Sheila, Amanda and whoever else told their personal business, for their problems .
THey should all be forewarned NOT to disclose anything sensitive. If they choose to, well then, in my opinion, they do it as a manipulative ploy to get sympathy or empathy

When it comes to that kind of money... people have killed & been killed for less.

They have got to know that they are putting that info out there, so that when someone like Josh comes along and throws it up, then certain others come running to the rescue of the victim.  They are all manipulating other people. I don't feel sorry for any of them. At all.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 05:31:19 PM
Maybe im dumb but Sheila said it was against the law to attack her son or something cause hes a minor, and the DR told her that I assume. But Dick said alot of things about Ambers daughter last year?

I wish everyone would just shut up. But if Natalie or Sheila walk away then it would be fine. And of course Ryan isn't going to stick up for either of them, so I don't know why they run to him. He has a secret alliance with Josh and knows how he is. He was partnered with Allison for petes sake.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 19, 2008, 05:32:45 PM
Just goes to show that it takes a certain kind of person to do something like BB.
I am NOT that kind of person.
But these people are no different than people I deal with everyday. Sad, but true.
I do not disclose anything about myself that could hurt me or haunt me. Ever.
And my life philosophy has always been, 'don't air your dirty laundry to me & then stab me in the back'

Do I approve of Josh's behavior? No more than I approved of Amber's crying and praying , or Dick's nasty ranting, or Mike Boogie's sick comments.

But if his game plan is to hurt and harrass, well more power to him. They signed up for it.
That's my take on it, and is the reason you aren't watching me on the live feeds and typing about me ;)

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 05:37:12 PM
Maybe im dumb but Sheila said it was against the law to attack her son or something cause hes a minor, and the DR told her that I assume. But Dick said alot of things about Ambers daughter last year?

I wish everyone would just shut up. But if Natalie or Sheila walk away then it would be fine. And of course Ryan isn't going to stick up for either of them, so I don't know why they run to him. He has a secret alliance with Josh and knows how he is. He was partnered with Allison for petes sake.


hi ya! yes you ae right, i remember ED saying to amber, i swear on your daughter's life, i am going to make you life a living hell, ED also said....that your daughter must be proud of you, cuz you are a speed addict! yep! i remember, and amber's child was what? 5 or 7?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 05:40:02 PM
Yep, I really do not like Josh or his ranting (would like to see him or Sharon win HOH tonight but thats because I am a Sharon fan). But they put that out there, Sheila went to every single person talking about her son. So what sets her off - talking about her son? And she is the one that brought childrens services into it by telling Chelsia about how her son was caught smoking and someone called CPS. I dunno but thats how I thought that got started. I don't think her son is mental, I have never heard her say that - when Adam did that she said she had friends who had kids with problems.

For those who were hating on Sharon for making fun of Sheila and Natalie. Well how does the saying go? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander - not sure what it really means but it should be said in this situation. Sharon has had enough of Sheila and Natalie and they BOTH have talked alot of **** on her, so Sharon has every right to defend herself.
They make fun of her for Jacob, shes so ugly thats why Jacob cheated on her (yes Natalie that is why Matt was making out with her and not you :lol: ), they make fun of the mommy thing - im a military brat, I know what its like and I can gurantee you that Sharon had to grow up faster then they will ever have to. So whatever. Sheila and Natalie deserved alot of their own medicine IMO.

What is Sheila teaching her son? She wants to come across as this great mom but is teaching her son that things should be handed to him, (with the 10,000 - Ryan did win it, Sheila had a chance to win it). And a bunch of other things. I also want to add, that her son is almost 17, I would think a 17 year old would understand the game and understand why selfish greedy Ryan took it from her. So if she would have won would she have settled for the uni? NO she would have taken the $.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 19, 2008, 05:40:48 PM
I agree about signing up for it, their choice etc.. but I think what happens is they (Shelia an Amanda) might have been playing the "this is why I deserve the money" card which HG often do.  Personally I don't remember that ever working, so they should keep some things completely private.  
Just a thought, defiatly don't condone Josh with Amanda hanging herself or short bus thing.  I don't think its nessacery, i think he could rattle them in other ways if thats his game plan.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 05:41:12 PM
The difference between what ED did and what Josh is doing is that Josh is actually attacking Sheila son's character.  ED would say things liek he swore on her daughter's life.  Josh was going to make fun of the fact that Sheila's son rides the short bus to school.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 05:43:15 PM
Just goes to show that it takes a certain kind of person to do something like BB.
I am NOT that kind of person.
But these people are no different than people I deal with everyday. Sad, but true.
I do not disclose anything about myself that could hurt me or haunt me. Ever.
And my life philosophy has always been, 'don't air your dirty laundry to me & then stab me in the back'

Do I approve of Josh's behavior? No more than I approved of Amber's crying and praying , or Dick's nasty ranting, or Mike Boogie's sick comments.

But if his game plan is to hurt and harrass, well more power to him. They signed up for it.
That's my take on it, and is the reason you aren't watching me on the live feeds and typing about me ;)

hi ya!
i put my website out there, and the story of my neice to help others and to raise awareness! that is the only way laws will be changed to stop children from being abused and even killed! it is my passion, and i wont stop until the day i die, someone have to take a stand! and have laws changed to protect our children!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 05:43:33 PM
But its not just Josh. Look at people talking about Natalie and Sheila and they are in an alliance with them - Adam was giving Josh ammo about Sheila last night. Ryan has talked alot of **** on both of them. Chelsia is the one that got Amanda off guard in that one POV by taking her HOH necklace and putting it around her neck.

I don't like the comments, I lost my dad and thought the comments were wrong for Amanda. The reason she brought it up is because she did the "I swear on my dad". I would never do that. Especially over stupid crap that she did.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 05:44:12 PM
I must say that last night when I shut my computer off to watch BBAD instead of the feeds because it is easer, but when I saw that Josh was the only one being showed on BBAS I shut it off and never looked back.  Josh is just and insensitive jerk who attacks women because he obviously has issues with them.  I have noticed that sometimes when Chel isn't in the same room as him and Sharon that he bad mouths her.  I bet if Sharon wasn't his partner and true ally in the game he would have gone off on her weeks ago.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 05:45:38 PM
The difference between what ED did and what Josh is doing is that Josh is actually attacking Sheila son's character.  ED would say things liek he swore on her daughter's life.  Josh was going to make fun of the fact that Sheila's son rides the short bus to school.

I recall him saying her daughter was a crack baby and that her mom didn't love her, etc. - he was saying that she was retarded because she was a crack baby the night that him and Amber got into the biggest fight they ever got into was a Thursday and the night her daughter happens to watch (when Jessica won HOH). So there was things said about her daughter, who is 8 compared to Sheilas son who is almost 17. Doesn't make a difference. He never got in trouble for it.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 19, 2008, 05:48:57 PM
The difference between what ED did and what Josh is doing is that Josh is actually attacking Sheila son's character.  ED would say things liek he swore on her daughter's life.  Josh was going to make fun of the fact that Sheila's son rides the short bus to school.

I recall him saying her daughter was a crack baby and that her mom didn't love her, etc. - the night that him and Amanda got into the biggest fight they ever got into was a Thursday and the night her daughter happens to watch (when Jessica won HOH). So there was things said about her daughter, who is 8 compared to Sheilas son who is almost 17. Doesn't make a difference. He never got in trouble for it.


And might I one would know she had a son if she had not told it. They are not required to even tell the others the truth about their age or anything. If Sheila chooses to ramble on & on & on about who & what she is, that's her problem. ;)  It just might make her a bundle

p.s. whatever problems her son might have..he does alright for himself with his"beautiful 18 year old girlfriend who sleeps over" (according to Sheila)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 05:50:23 PM
I must say that last night when I shut my computer off to watch BBAD instead of the feeds because it is easer, but when I saw that Josh was the only one being showed on BBAS I shut it off and never looked back.  Josh is just and insensitive jerk who attacks women because he obviously has issues with them.  I have noticed that sometimes when Chel isn't in the same room as him and Sharon that he bad mouths her.  I bet if Sharon wasn't his partner and true ally in the game he would have gone off on her weeks ago.

sass , josh did do it to sharon the night he got into the fight with amanda just 2 days after sharon came back into the house, sharon tried to stop josh, he looked at sharon, and in a very abusing way said dont even tell me what to say, i will trun on you to! i think sharon is fearful of josh also, thats why she laughs at what he says JMO! also wait until josh and shraon have to trun on each other! it will happen, if they make it to the F4 or F3! cuz josh knows he cant win next to sharon, he will start in on her reading her bible, wearing her blue blanket, her laugh, kissing matt in the hoh room! see even sharon told josh about her personal stuff! i think it is just a habit in the bb house, you are stuck in a house with people for 3 months so you talk about youself, even ED told kail his life story, remeber dani didnt like it! josh will trun on sharon!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 05:51:20 PM
And if Sheila watched last year she would know that Amber pulled the single mom card and thats why she needed $ and that made people not want to take her all the way.

Sheila says she has never watched all the seasons but knows about people in season 2 (and only 3 and 4? were on DVD). So im confused.

I see no difference in Josh wanting to be a Dick - (with a 20 year age difference and maturing to do still).

Matt wants to be Dr Will - the playa. Or was that Boogie or both of them.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 19, 2008, 05:51:27 PM
You just touched on an import point about Shelia's personality.  I have noticed in subtle and blatant ways the she "expects" things, whether it is people to owe her for favors or she needs a man with money.  Just several little hints toward that fact that she might be that type of person- its all about what is due to her.  Wanting or expecting the guys to stand up for her against Josh ( I am her age and generation-which I know is different form the younger ones)  i feel is incorrect thinking.  She is in the game alone ultimatly and should not expect shelter from the guys.  It would be nice- but I would like to see her stand up to Josh- I would.  Just say something like, "Is that all you got, is that the best you can do, well you better go back to Tearing Down women 101 little boy!  your just just a baby go change your diaper-play him being younger against him.)  I am not completely sure, it is a game and who knows what is her true personality.  

I know people with that outlook and they think everything should just be given to them because of A, B orC life handicap.  
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 05:53:11 PM
I must say that last night when I shut my computer off to watch BBAD instead of the feeds because it is easer, but when I saw that Josh was the only one being showed on BBAS I shut it off and never looked back.  Josh is just and insensitive jerk who attacks women because he obviously has issues with them.  I have noticed that sometimes when Chel isn't in the same room as him and Sharon that he bad mouths her.  I bet if Sharon wasn't his partner and true ally in the game he would have gone off on her weeks ago.

sass , josh did do it to sharon the night he got into the fight with amanda just 2 days after sharon came back into the house, sharon tried to stop josh, he looked at sharon, and in a very abusing way said dont even tell me what to say, i will trun on you to! i think sharon is fearful of josh also, thats why she laughs at what he says JMO!

Fear? Military Brats don't know what fear is - :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 05:53:16 PM
The difference between what ED did and what Josh is doing is that Josh is actually attacking Sheila son's character.  ED would say things liek he swore on her daughter's life.  Josh was going to make fun of the fact that Sheila's son rides the short bus to school.

I recall him saying her daughter was a crack baby and that her mom didn't love her, etc. - the night that him and Amanda got into the biggest fight they ever got into was a Thursday and the night her daughter happens to watch (when Jessica won HOH). So there was things said about her daughter, who is 8 compared to Sheilas son who is almost 17. Doesn't make a difference. He never got in trouble for it.

Okay I just didn't remember what ED said about Amber's daughter, but what he did came across differently than the way Josh lays into people. IMO.  The thing is also if Dick had never done that last year Josh probably never would have thought to have done it this year.  To me there was something in the way that Dick would go off on people that it was partially done for amusement purposes, but not just his own.  When Josh goes off on people he does it because he needs to let all of his emotions out that boil over in him.  I believe that if a recall correctly that once Amber left the house he really didn't go off anymore unles he went off on Jameka one additional time, but I do believe that during the last two weeks ED did not go off on Zach.  Josh was going on and on last night about it being 10 days since he last went off on someone and he really does have a 10 day boiling period because I think when he went off on Allison was 110 days prior to when he went off on Nat.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 05:54:03 PM

My heartfelt thoughts for your family tragedy....

But these are adults. They know going in. I fault Sheila, Amanda and whoever else told their personal business, for their problems .
THey should all be forewarned NOT to disclose anything sensitive. If they choose to, well then, in my opinion, they do it as a manipulative ploy to get sympathy or empathy

When it comes to that kind of money... people have killed & been killed for less.

They have got to know that they are putting that info out there, so that when someone like Josh comes along and throws it up, then certain others come running to the rescue of the victim.  They are all manipulating other people. I don't feel sorry for any of them. At all.

I totally agree with you.........let the chips fall where they may and take your lumps after using her son to say she needs, wants the do we know how disabled this kid is........she is using her son and Josh is using what she said against her.  AMEN  :knuckles:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 05:57:15 PM
But I think my point is, everyone says that Josh only attacks woman. Dustin (and if you really think about it Dustin was gay and as Josh says he hangs with the girls :lol: ) was the only one I remember Dick attacking (maybe puny Eric). Im just using Dick to show that the DR will not step in, so those that are going to attack me don't. Its just like they played back the slit throat comment, and Allison was hearing things.

Queeny didn't she say (or Ryan/Adam pointed out) that she got a bunch of things from being a Penthouse Pet and thats why she needs to change or something? But she continues to do it. Told Natalie she doesn't want to piggy back off of her but still does :lol:

But remember she flips the house, its always her vote, blah blah blah.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 06:00:19 PM
If there is one thing that Sheila is right about it is definately the fact that Josh has issues with females.  I didn't know that he started to go off on Sharon the night of the Amanda fight becuase I wasn't paying full attention to the live feeds at that time and didn't have hte opportunity to read the updates line by line.

There is no female in the house that Josh won't go after and the only way that I will be truly happy tonight is if because of something that Josh has said he has to leave the show and both Ryan and Matt stay.

The house will really be a different place once Josh leave and I think that James and Chel would even be willing to work with some of the people on the other side of the house, at least James might be.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 06:02:01 PM
But I think my point is, everyone says that Josh only attacks woman. Dustin (and if you really think about it Dustin was gay and as Josh says he hangs with the girls :lol: ) was the only one I remember Dick attacking (maybe puny Eric). Im just using Dick to show that the DR will not step in, so those that are going to attack me don't. Its just like they played back the slit throat comment, and Allison was hearing things.

Queeny didn't she say (or Ryan/Adam pointed out) that she got a bunch of things from being a Penthouse Pet and thats why she needs to change or something? But she continues to do it. Told Natalie she doesn't want to piggy back off of her but still does :lol:

But remember she flips the house, its always her vote, blah blah blah.

Dick went after Mike, to not nearly the extent he went after some of the girls and he also went after Zach a little, but all Zach did was laugh when Dick was making fun of him. The way Dick attacked people was to make fun of them and what said and how they acted.  Josh attacks them differently.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 19, 2008, 06:02:29 PM
But I think my point is, everyone says that Josh only attacks woman. Dustin (and if you really think about it Dustin was gay and as Josh says he hangs with the girls :lol: ) was the only one I remember Dick attacking (maybe puny Eric). Im just using Dick to show that the DR will not step in, so those that are going to attack me don't. Its just like they played back the slit throat comment, and Allison was hearing things.

Queeny didn't she say (or Ryan/Adam pointed out) that she got a bunch of things from being a Penthouse Pet and thats why she needs to change or something? But she continues to do it. Told Natalie she doesn't want to piggy back off of her but still does :lol:

But remember she flips the house, its always her vote, blah blah blah.

Exactly Piggy backed all her life! I beleive.   That what got me ticked that she was so obsessed when Nat said she was 50/50 -so work for Nats vote then!  She acted like Nat owed her that vote.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 06:02:51 PM
I must say that last night when I shut my computer off to watch BBAD instead of the feeds because it is easer, but when I saw that Josh was the only one being showed on BBAS I shut it off and never looked back.  Josh is just and insensitive jerk who attacks women because he obviously has issues with them.  I have noticed that sometimes when Chel isn't in the same room as him and Sharon that he bad mouths her.  I bet if Sharon wasn't his partner and true ally in the game he would have gone off on her weeks ago.

sass , josh did do it to sharon the night he got into the fight with amanda just 2 days after sharon came back into the house, sharon tried to stop josh, he looked at sharon, and in a very abusing way said dont even tell me what to say, i will trun on you to! i think sharon is fearful of josh also, thats why she laughs at what he says JMO!

Fear? Military Brats don't know what fear is - :lol3:

wait until josh does trun on sharon and he will, he will go off on her about reading the bible, wearing her blue blanket, kissing matt in the hoh, josh knows he cant win next to sharon, if they get to the F4 or F3 it will be a blood bath with josh!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 06:08:08 PM
I must say that last night when I shut my computer off to watch BBAD instead of the feeds because it is easer, but when I saw that Josh was the only one being showed on BBAS I shut it off and never looked back.  Josh is just and insensitive jerk who attacks women because he obviously has issues with them.  I have noticed that sometimes when Chel isn't in the same room as him and Sharon that he bad mouths her.  I bet if Sharon wasn't his partner and true ally in the game he would have gone off on her weeks ago.

sass , josh did do it to sharon the night he got into the fight with amanda just 2 days after sharon came back into the house, sharon tried to stop josh, he looked at sharon, and in a very abusing way said dont even tell me what to say, i will trun on you to! i think sharon is fearful of josh also, thats why she laughs at what he says JMO!

Fear? Military Brats don't know what fear is - :lol3:

wait until josh does trun on sharon and he will, he will go off on her about reading the bible, wearing her blue blanket, kissing matt in the hoh, josh knows he cant win next to sharon, if they get to the F4 or F3 it will be a blood bath with josh!

I say that everyone in the hosue has to gang up and attack Josh so that he can get some of his own medicine!  That might actually teach him a lesson.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 06:21:26 PM
shelia is standing up to josh, more than the others did.. i loved it when she told him come on josh fight me like a woman i wont back down! :lol3: you go CRAZY SHELIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rooting for to win hoh !!!!!!!! WHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! josh is such a liar he tells ryan and matt i didnt promise anything to you or you, yes you did josh you promised ryan your vote!!!!!!!!!!!...i got to think of a great nickname for old joshy! it's got to be the right one! :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 06:27:56 PM
Sunshine I too would love to have Sheila win HOH this week.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 06:28:50 PM
wait until josh does trun on sharon and he will, he will go off on her about reading the bible, wearing her blue blanket, kissing matt in the hoh, josh knows he cant win next to sharon, if they get to the F4 or F3 it will be a blood bath with josh!

Oh you know that will happen. Josh is holding back he can't stand her as much as he can't stand anyone else including himself.

I say that everyone in the house has to gang up and attack Josh so that he can get some of his own medicine!  That might actually teach him a lesson.

I agree sass come on people tell that idiot to shut the heck up they know he's losing it and not positioning himself with some great strategy

He's been telling everyone what he plans on saying to rattle them before a comp.

Surprise Josh they are not going to be rattled now you idiot you've already forwarned them with your exact plans.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 06:32:59 PM
wait until josh does trun on sharon and he will, he will go off on her about reading the bible, wearing her blue blanket, kissing matt in the hoh, josh knows he cant win next to sharon, if they get to the F4 or F3 it will be a blood bath with josh!

Oh you know that will happen. Josh is holding back he can't stand her as much as he can't stand anyone else including himself.

I say that everyone in the house has to gang up and attack Josh so that he can get some of his own medicine!  That might actually teach him a lesson.

I agree sass come on people tell that idiot to shut the heck up they know he's losing it and not positioning himself with some great strategy

He's been telling everyone what he plans on saying to rattle them before a comp.

Surprise Josh they are not going to be rattled now you idiot you've already forwarned them with your exact plans.

You said the best thing of the evenign so far ca bb fan, Josh is an idiot now if he will only figure it out.  Maybe we should fly a banner over the house tonight during the HOH compt to tell him that.  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 19, 2008, 06:33:51 PM
Are the live feeds blocked out till showtime?

I want to know what happened to Josh in the DR.  I hope they penalized his sick  twisted tush.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sass on March 19, 2008, 06:35:16 PM
Are the live feeds blocked out till showtime?

I want to know what happened to Josh in the DR.  I hope they penalized his sich tush.

This usually happens on live show nights, they give us trivia for a few hours before the show, they don't show us them getting ready at the end and also they have to do a runthrough for the HOH comp.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 19, 2008, 06:40:53 PM
Thanks.  So live show is in twenty minutes, I guess I can handle the wait.  Would of been nice to see how they dealt with Josh though.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on March 19, 2008, 06:47:02 PM
I just want to thank all of you for you all you do!! First time poster here!

 I hope that Sharon does get to the final 2 with whomever!! Josh is just ridiculous with his rehearsal rants of "nothing important" and  The big SHE should step up to him before the comp to rattle HIM! lol
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 06:49:47 PM

 Josh is an idiot now if he will only figure it out.  Maybe we should fly a banner over the house tonight during the HOH compt to tell him that.  :lol:

 :lol3: oh that's funny and your right.  Oh if he only how disliked he is I'm sure it would send him off bawling somewhere.

He is a little man even for the gay community Bunky said the LA gay bars are NOT looking forward to his face showing up there.

Good luck Josh finding that random sex you were planing there, yuk.  I guess he never learned his lesson the first time he had gonorrhea.

Talk about airing your dirty laundry idiot   :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 19, 2008, 06:51:50 PM
I just want to thank all of you for you all you do!! First time poster here!

 I hope that Sharon does get to the final 2 with whomever!! Josh is just ridiculous with his rehearsal rants of "nothing important" and  The big SHE should step up to him before the comp to rattle HIM! lol

Welcome to RFF ugot2bekidnmeny! (Great name!)  :lol:

It would be funny to see.  :lol3:

:welcome: :hiya :welcome:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 06:56:25 PM
wait until josh does trun on sharon and he will, he will go off on her about reading the bible, wearing her blue blanket, kissing matt in the hoh, josh knows he cant win next to sharon, if they get to the F4 or F3 it will be a blood bath with josh!

Oh you know that will happen. Josh is holding back he can't stand her as much as he can't stand anyone else including himself.

I say that everyone in the house has to gang up and attack Josh so that he can get some of his own medicine!  That might actually teach him a lesson.

I agree sass come on people tell that idiot to shut the heck up they know he's losing it and not positioning himself with some great strategy

He's been telling everyone what he plans on saying to rattle them before a comp.

Surprise Josh they are not going to be rattled now you idiot you've already forwarned them with your exact plans.

hi ya!
ca bb fan :waves: you got that right, josh is going to so go off on sharon, and shelia is right josh did throw sharon under the bus!...he has even said he cant stand her!...he rather have james than her!...i know sharon is fearful of josh.if she wasnt she would have stood up for herself when he did go off on her the night of the fight with amanda!, sharon looked scared to death by josh! and she will cry just like the rest! will be a blood bath, and it will hurt sharon even more than the others cuz she thought josh had her back, grrrrrrrrrrrr i wish sharon would listen to shelia , josh did throw sharon under the bus! why wont she believe it!grrrr LMAO at shelia :lol3: telling josh she will kick his ass. atlease shelia isnt backing down from josh, she might go cry in the DR, but she aint going to let josh see it! GO!!!! SHELIA!!! win HOH!!!! :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: LadyLoon on March 19, 2008, 07:00:19 PM
A big thank You to all the updaters!  You all do an amazing job!  :tup:

As I wait for the show, although I am not fond of James at all, IF he pulls this off he has done a good job of engaging the house guests in his scheme.  Of course he is dealing with people that don't have all their marbles! He certainly has the mental game down.  Just think this is a sampling of our society.

The sleaze in this season is terrible.  Although here I am addicted and watching it. If Chelsia were my daughter I would be knocking on the Big Brother door and pulling her out by her ear. Or deny I gave birth.

I am am rooting for Ryan or Sharon   
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 07:00:54 PM
hi ya!
ca bb fan :waves: you got that right, josh is going to so go off on sharon, and shelia is right josh did throw sharon under the bus!...he has even said he cant stand her!...he rather have james than her!...i know sharon is fearful of josh.if she wasnt she would have stood up for herself when he did go off on her the night of the fight with amanda!, sharon looked scared to death by josh! and she will cry just like the rest! will be a blood bath, and it will hurt sharon even more than the others cuz she thought josh had her back, grrrrrrrrrrrr i wish sharon would listen to shelia , josh did throw sharon under the bus! why wont she believe it!grrrr LMAO at shelia :lol3: telling josh she will kick his ass. atlease shelia isnt backing down from josh, she might go cry in the DR, but she aint going to let josh see it! GO!!!! SHELIA!!! win HOH!!!! :wohoo:

 :-* hey sunshine it's always great to see you :hugs:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on March 19, 2008, 07:01:08 PM
Thanks TL!! I've been reading the posts and live updates from you guys for the past Big Borhters -8 & this poor cast of 9er's and i must say.. PLEASE someone pull the rug out from under these people! They all think soo much of themselves!I can't wait till the REAL world of thier non reality status hits them.. Yeah we'll see them in Hollywood or is that ON Hollywood Blvd with a coffee cup!!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 19, 2008, 07:12:00 PM
Does anyone in the house know that James did those gay porno gigs?  What is the story with all that? Wonder how Chel will feel when she sees some of those guy on guy pics that are on the net.  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 07:16:57 PM
Does anyone in the house know that James did those gay porno gigs?  What is the story with all that? Wonder how Chel will feel when she sees some of those guy on guy pics that are on the net.  :lol3:

hi ya! caligirl :waves: james hasnt said anything that i heard, BUT the other night chelisa was in the kitchen with josh and said i cant wait until we get out of here, and go party at a gay bar! and she said james would love that, and josh said yea! james will be down with that, to tell you the truth i dont think chelisa will care, i mean look at the way she is on the show stripping, making out with the girls, and even did the nasty with allison ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 19, 2008, 07:27:00 PM
Does anyone in the house know that James did those gay porno gigs?  What is the story with all that? Wonder how Chel will feel when she sees some of those guy on guy pics that are on the net.  :lol3:

hi ya! caligirl :waves: james hasnt said anything that i heard, BUT the other night chelisa was in the kitchen with josh and said i cant wait until we get out of here, and go party at a gay bar! and she said james would love that, and josh said yea! james will be down with that, to tell you the truth i dont think chelisa will care, i mean look at the way she is on the show stripping, making out with the girls, and even did the nasty with allison ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  Hi Back at Ya.  :waves:
You may be onto something. From what I have seen of Chel she seriously lacks morals.And has No taste in men. Whew James is just nasty and not in a good way. His tats are a perfect example.
Girl on girl actionis usually more acceptable by most, the guy on guy thing doesn't go over as well, not fair maybe but how it is.
Proof of this is the crazies in that house, the girls go for it, the guys watch..
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 07:29:30 PM
i tell ya! if josh, chelisa, or sharon win hoh tonight i am not going to watch the feeds, i am just going to stay here [at a safe place lol] and just read the updates, and post with all you great people, cuz i  wont be able to stand them having the power [again] GO BIG SHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WIN HOH!!!!!!.. to tell ya! the truth i am alittle nervous if nat wins..cuz she so easy to give in, and listen to J/J/C/S...and she is dumb as dirt! voting james back in :groan: and at the hoh comp she wouldnt take the deal when james wanted to get down and let her have hoh...james said i will drop if you put up ryan, and whoever you want, matt told her to take the deal, and just the rest do! and she didnt take it :groan: nat is the reason they are in this freaking mess!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 19, 2008, 07:49:51 PM
A big thank You to all the updaters!  You all do an amazing job!  :tup:

As I wait for the show, although I am not fond of James at all, IF he pulls this off he has done a good job of engaging the house guests in his scheme.  Of course he is dealing with people that don't have all their marbles! He certainly has the mental game down.  Just think this is a sampling of our society.

The sleaze in this season is terrible.  Although here I am addicted and watching it. If Chelsia were my daughter I would be knocking on the Big Brother door and pulling her out by her ear. Or deny I gave birth.

I am am rooting for Ryan or Sharon   

Thanks LadyLoon, welcome to RFF! I believe James is very intelligent, with a lot of personal problems as well. For example last night when Josh went out to the backyard and asked Sheila about her son, after he left James acted as if he thought Josh was 1/2 crazy, did a little shrug of the shoulders and acted as if he was as puzzled as the BY group. Yet in the HOH with Josh, he encourages that very behavior, which helps him and hurts Josh.

Lewd and Crude is my name for some of the shenanigans.  :groan:

 :welcome2: :welcome2: :welcome2:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Caligirl on March 19, 2008, 07:50:30 PM
Call me crazy (I am still watching, so that is a possibility)  but I would really like to see Nat win HOH so we can see some of her pics and family.  If not her, then hey lets all get drunk and cheer for CRAZY Sheila to win HOH.  Now talk about a power head trip, god I am getting nauseous just thinking of her in that position, so scratch that drunken fantasy. lol
Maybe they could set a room up for her, with earlier pics and lock her in the bathroom area the entire week, that might be acceptable.

So let Nat get it, shall we all kneel and pray. :jumpy: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 19, 2008, 07:52:55 PM
Does anyone in the house know that James did those gay porno gigs?  What is the story with all that? Wonder how Chel will feel when she sees some of those guy on guy pics that are on the net.  :lol3:

Hi Caligirl, he kinda sorta told them the other night but not precisely. I don't think they really got what he was saying.

Hee! I would like to see Shelia get HOH just to see the turn around, I bet even Adam would talk to her then.  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 19, 2008, 07:57:32 PM
Maybe im dumb but Sheila said it was against the law to attack her son or something cause hes a minor, and the DR told her that I assume. But Dick said alot of things about Ambers daughter last year?

I wish everyone would just shut up. But if Natalie or Sheila walk away then it would be fine. And of course Ryan isn't going to stick up for either of them, so I don't know why they run to him. He has a secret alliance with Josh and knows how he is. He was partnered with Allison for petes sake.

hi ya! yes you ae right, i remember ED saying to amber, i swear on your daughter's life, i am going to make you life a living hell, ED also said....that your daughter must be proud of you, cuz you are a speed addict! yep! i remember, and amber's child was what? 5 or 7?

So, those comments were directed at Amber, not her daughter.  ED didn't attack a kid, or make comments about her that I recall.  But Amber?  Yeah...she deserved what she got last season.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: bhazlewood on March 19, 2008, 07:59:26 PM
I am not sticking up for Josh, I am NOT and I want that to be known.

But Sheila is STUPID. She has given them the ammo about how it will destroy her if they bring up her son - and it will destroy him, etc. Josh shouldn't be picking on a 16 year old BUT Sheila needs to stop going around to every single person and saying how her son didn't sign up for this blah blah blah. She just keeps giving them more and more ammo.


Allison is the one that told Josh that Sheila lives off the goverment.

These people are NO better though, Josh is in the red room talking smack and what are Natalie and Sheila doing? The same darn thing? If they would stop fretting then Josh would settle down.

If Sheilas son really is watching the feeds, how do you think he feels just by the things she is saying. Kids are not 'burdens'. We all know when we have kids that they cost money. How does her son feel that his mom has to win this money for HIM?

And I will say this once and for all, I am SICK of them saying how the guys won't stand up for them. No guy would talk down to me, gay or not. I am a girl and do not need a guy to stand up for me. I would pop him in the mouth. I have brothers but I don't need them :lol:

I'm a bit behind in reading this thread, so forgive the late response.

All I have to say is...

GO MAMA!!! :knuckles:   :yourock:  :cheer:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: JAM101 on March 19, 2008, 08:04:16 PM
READY, GET SET, GOOOOOOOOO  :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: I'm excited to see this episode.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 19, 2008, 08:57:16 PM

Baller for the win!

 :lol3:  :yess:  :groan:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 08:59:03 PM
Maybe im dumb but Sheila said it was against the law to attack her son or something cause hes a minor, and the DR told her that I assume. But Dick said alot of things about Ambers daughter last year?

I wish everyone would just shut up. But if Natalie or Sheila walk away then it would be fine. And of course Ryan isn't going to stick up for either of them, so I don't know why they run to him. He has a secret alliance with Josh and knows how he is. He was partnered with Allison for petes sake.

hi ya! yes you ae right, i remember ED saying to amber, i swear on your daughter's life, i am going to make you life a living hell, ED also said....that your daughter must be proud of you, cuz you are a speed addict! yep! i remember, and amber's child was what? 5 or 7?

So, those comments were directed at Amber, not her daughter.  ED didn't attack a kid, or make comments about her that I recall.  But Amber?  Yeah...she deserved what she got last season.

Saying her daughter was a crack baby is basically the same thing Josh has done with info that Sheila shared.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 08:59:49 PM

 :jumpy: ha ha ha GrandmawLily   :hrt:

    :lol3:    :neener:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 19, 2008, 09:01:08 PM
How long after the show til the feeds come back on?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 19, 2008, 09:03:58 PM
Do you think Baller will still have ears by the time the next live show happens or will Shelia have  B:) B:) B:) B:) until they fall off??
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 09:05:54 PM
Hes going to put up Sheila - gotta think positive :lol3: Look at all the crap she has said about him lol.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: anotherNCbbfan on March 19, 2008, 09:06:38 PM
Hes going to put up Sheila - gotta think positive :lol3: Look at all the crap she has said about him lol.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 09:06:57 PM
Oh my Lord Baller is hoh :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy:  I love it
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 09:11:28 PM
I think Adam could play the game better if it wasn't for Sheila. Everything she does he gets thrown into. If he just puts her up as a pawn, then the other alliance would have the votes and it would be funny!!!

They could offer Adam a deal - to protect him. And he would have 4 playing for him vs. Natalie/Ryan next week.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 19, 2008, 09:13:01 PM
If he was smart he'd put up Josh and Sharon and have Chelsia be the replacement. I think he has a deal with James, if he was smart he'd put up James but I don't think that's a possibility.

Look, let's be realistic. This HOH term will describe Adam's future in this house. If he puts up one from the other crew, he is the new leader of Natalie/Shelia/Ryan(and number one target?), if he puts up one of Shelia/Ryan/Natalie, he's the fifth wheel in James/Chelsia/Josh/Sharon.

I'd go for the first option, but I'm sure Adam will probably be swayed over to the other side in an illogical move because he's disgruntled by Shelia. He has to look at the numbers and realize what he needs to do.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 09:14:51 PM
I agree Prickzy. And see with them having 4, even if hes the 5th wheel - they could offer him more saftey. And say they want Natalie and Ryan out if they get HOH next week. KWIM? Then after that its fight for yourself basically.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 09:17:15 PM

 :lol: what happend to Josh's premeditated attack that he has been going on and on and on and on and on about
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 09:22:10 PM

 :lol: what happend to Josh's premeditated attack that he has been going on and on and on and on and on about
I know I kept watching Sheila's face during the show and she didn't look rattled to me, but after Baller won hoh Josh sure looked rattled :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 10:07:12 PM
I don't think Josh really cares, he said it last night, if he leaves he leaves but guess who left before him ??? Matt!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 19, 2008, 10:20:38 PM

 :lol: what happend to Josh's premeditated attack that he has been going on and on and on and on and on about
I know I kept watching Sheila's face during the show and she didn't look rattled to me, but after Baller won hoh Josh sure looked rattled :lol3:

ha ha and where did we find Josh but  :asskiss Adam and sticking like glue to him now  :lol:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 10:24:09 PM

 :lol: what happend to Josh's premeditated attack that he has been going on and on and on and on and on about
I know I kept watching Sheila's face during the show and she didn't look rattled to me, but after Baller won hoh Josh sure looked rattled :lol3:

ha ha and where did we find Josh but  :asskiss Adam and sticking like glue to him now  :lol:
OMG I know that is so freakin funny :lol3: I will love it when Josh and James walk out that door :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 10:29:53 PM
ha ha ha ha :neener: :lol3: bye bye SATAN [thats josh] these dumd***es think adam would put up shelia NOT!he knows she has his back!.....and sharon :res:yuck! adam i will go upstaris and have bible study with you, ok, ok  :res: i cannot wait for josh to see matt in [SEQ] and i am happy that bb told them it was Alex in the box, i bet they, well 5 of them want to kick themselves in the butt...adam didnt raise his hand well b/cuz they hadnt played hoh yet! :lol3: if j/j/c/s would have won, i would not have watch the feeds i just cant take those punks any longer! dont believe it! josh does care, watch he will kiss butt. josh doesnt want to go! [rant over]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 10:36:33 PM
ha ha ha ha :neener: :lol3: bye bye SATAN [thats josh] these dumd***es think adam would put up shelia NOT!he knows she has his back!.....and sharon :res:yuck! adam i will go upstaris and have bible study with you, ok, ok  :res: i cannot wait for josh to see matt in [SEQ] and i am happy that bb told them it was Alex in the box, i bet they, well 5 of them want to kick themselves in the butt...adam didnt raise his hand well b/cuz they hadnt played hoh yet! :lol3: if j/j/c/s would have won, i would not have watch the feeds i just cant take those punks any longer! dont believe it! josh does care, watch he will kiss butt. josh doesnt want to go! [rant over]
Im with ya so long satan. I am telling you when baller won hoh i was up on my feet screamin cause i knew one of those 2 devils were out of there :wohoo: :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 10:41:52 PM
ha ha ha ha :neener: :lol3: bye bye SATAN [thats josh] these dumd***es think adam would put up shelia NOT!he knows she has his back!.....and sharon :res:yuck! adam i will go upstaris and have bible study with you, ok, ok  :res: i cannot wait for josh to see matt in [SEQ] and i am happy that bb told them it was Alex in the box, i bet they, well 5 of them want to kick themselves in the butt...adam didnt raise his hand well b/cuz they hadnt played hoh yet! :lol3: if j/j/c/s would have won, i would not have watch the feeds i just cant take those punks any longer! dont believe it! josh does care, watch he will kiss butt. josh doesnt want to go! [rant over]
Im with ya so long satan. I am telling you when baller won hoh i was up on my feet screamin cause i knew one of those 2 devils were out of there :wohoo: :jumpy:

yep! :lol3: hdkitkat, i so cannot wait! i was freaking out, i thought chelisa [the demon] was going to win, than BAM!!!!!!!!!!!! baller ......haller :lol3: iam loving it! these people sharon , josh and chelisa have NEVER spent anytime with adam! and now they act like they are best friends :lol3: if ryan knows whats good for him, he wont mess with those demons!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: lovemykiddies on March 19, 2008, 10:46:04 PM while we have a few minutes, who is everyone rooting for?

Although I can't really stand any of them, I guess I'd have to say either Sharon or Ryan (based solely on the whole "lesser of two evils" type thing)...
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 10:47:43 PM
hey sunshine :waves: baller is already razzing josh about being with matty on his birthday :yess:I actually believe baller will do the right thing with the noms. Thank you Lord this will be a less stressful week knowing that bunch of jerks are going to have to beg and plead. I love it :neener:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 10:52:36 PM
hey sunshine :waves: baller is already razzing josh about being with matty on his birthday :yess:I actually believe baller will do the right thing with the noms. Thank you Lord this will be a less stressful week knowing that bunch of jerks are going to have to beg and plead. I love it :neener:

i hear ya! :lol3: josh tells adam, shelia think cuz you won hoh she won! well DUH!!!!!! when james wins chelisa wins, when josh wins sharon wins................oh these people :groan: adam said i got my BIG SHELIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yess: i love it [josh] i thought you would like to spend matt's b-day with him! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 10:53:29 PM while we have a few minutes, who is everyone rooting for?

Although I can't really stand any of them, I guess I'd have to say either Sharon or Ryan (based solely on the whole "lesser of two evils" type thing)...
Right Now and I say it lightly I am rooting for Natalie or Ryan. You know I would even be ok with Sheila or Baller. Just no devils for me. :jam:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 10:54:44 PM
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 10:57:43 PM

i am sooooooo rooting for shelia and adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2!! :jumpy: use to want sharon and shelia, but i cant take sharon laughing at the way josh abuses women! (:;)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: lovemykiddies on March 19, 2008, 10:59:54 PM

i am sooooooo rooting for shelia and adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2!! :jumpy: use to want sharon and shelia, but i cant take sharon laughing at the way josh abuses women! (:;)

You know, I thought the same thing, but then I realize that some people do that - I have a friend that laughs like a lunatic whenever she is extremely nervous or scared - I wonder if it's the same way for Sharon, because although she does a bit of gossiping, she basically just laughs like a hyena or says things like "You're so crazy"
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 11:02:14 PM
I think old Joshy is going to get what is coming to him :hammer   lovin this :yess: :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 11:04:18 PM

i am sooooooo rooting for shelia and adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2!! :jumpy: use to want sharon and shelia, but i cant take sharon laughing at the way josh abuses women! (:;)

You know, I thought the same thing, but then I realize that some people do that - I have a friend that laughs like a lunatic whenever she is extremely nervous or scared - I wonder if it's the same way for Sharon, because although she does a bit of gossiping, she basically just laughs like a hyena or says things like "You're so crazy"

you are right, i did say afew posts back that sharon is fearful of josh, so she laughs at him! now if sharon can get the hell away from josh [and STAY AWAY] i really want sharon and shelia in the F2!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 19, 2008, 11:07:08 PM
I would just like to state my adoration for Ryan now. He knows whats up and even though his whole team voted against him he realizes what he needs to do to further himself in the game with no anger at all unlike some people(COUGH SHEILA)

Ryan is my favorite now, he really knows what's up and catches on quickly. Reaaaaaaally cool. Second is Adam, third is Natalie, fourth is Sharon, the rest can fight to the death for fifth place or something. :P
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 11:09:23 PM
baller has got to listen to shelia and get josh out of there, adam has got to see he just cant trust those demons and they will use him!.....i want nat to stay up there all night with adam! in the hoh!...she told ryan she was, and i hope she does, [whatever it takes to get the DEVIL out [that is josh] ryan is a GREAT GUY! A/S knew it was going to be 3-3 with matt leaving! i think ryan understands that they are not agaisnt him! ryan is a very nice guy!..they wanted the blood on james hands, they knew ryan would stay!...but if james wants to be a demon let him do the dirty work! and break the tie! but i do like ryan also, ryan, shelia and sharon [only if she gets away from josh are my favs!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 11:13:38 PM
I have always liked Ryan. When him and Matty were on the block he didn't do anything dirty to sway the votes in his favor even when he wasn't sure if he had the votes to stay. :angel:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 19, 2008, 11:15:57 PM
If Natalies plan can go through I would be happy!!! (James being backdoored).

:lol: I know it won't though! Sadly, his butt will probably get POV :barf Besides James and Adam are close (so we think lol).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 19, 2008, 11:17:02 PM
but for now i am happy, :jumpy: ding dong the witch is dead the wicked witch, the wicked old witch is dead [JOSH] :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 11:24:03 PM
OK I am with Nat, put Josh and Chelsia up. Gain pov pull Chelsia off and backdoor James and hopefully double eviction :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: I'm Ron Burgundy? on March 19, 2008, 11:26:26 PM
I think someone did the math that double eviction would be April 4th or something.

But we can only dream of a day where they evict James and Josh on the same day, them going to the sequester house one after another would be hiiiiiiilarious.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 19, 2008, 11:31:35 PM
I think someone did the math that double eviction would be April 4th or something.

But we can only dream of a day where they evict James and Josh on the same day, them going to the sequester house one after another would be hiiiiiiilarious.
Oh that would be awesome and you see josh says he is not scared but man is he working ryan what a wus :'(
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 20, 2008, 12:13:34 AM
Weekly stats of BB9:

Week 1: Jen/Parker, Power Couple, evicts Jacob/Sharon
Week 1: Alex/Amanda, HOH, Jen/Parker & Allison/Ryan nominated, Neil leaves BB, Sharon brought back, Matt/Natalie wins veto, not used, Jen/Parker evicted 3-1
Week 2: Chelsia/James, HOH, Alex/Amanda & Matt/Natalie nominated, Joshuah/Sharon wins veto, not used, Alex/Amanda evicted 3-0
Week 3: Joshuah/Sharon, HOH, Allison/Ryan & Matt/Natalie nominated, Matt/Natalie wins veto, used on selves, Adam/Sheila up, Allison/Ryan evicted 2-0, siren goes off, everybody reports to LR, they are told couples are done, everybody playing individually, re-vote on Allison & Ryan, Allison evicted 6-0
Week 4: Ryan, HOH, Chelsia & Sharon nominated, Chelsia wins veto, used on self, James up, James evicted 5-1, siren goes off, houseguests told they had a choice to vote back in a mystery houseguest (Alex) or James, James voted back in 5-3
Week 5: James, HOH, Ryan & Sheila nominated, James wins veto, used on Sheila, Matt up, Matt evicted 4-3
Week 6: Adam, HOH, to be continued....
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 20, 2008, 12:15:34 AM
they are not sure what is going to happen tonight... could it be a quick HOH and immediate eviction.. it is some kind of comp why food comp tonight ???
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: michael on March 20, 2008, 12:20:10 AM
whats happening tonight, I missed something?
why are they all getting ready?
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 12:21:43 AM
whats happening tonight, I missed something?
why are they all getting ready?

they said a food comp tonight
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 20, 2008, 12:22:59 AM
whats happening tonight, I missed something?
why are they all getting ready?
wow its late to be doing a food comp isn't it normally during the day :umn:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 12:26:20 AM
well it looks like james an chelisa are going up [i waned josh] BUT the other DEVIL can go to....hahahah :lol3:james will spend matt's b-day with him  :jumpy: :jumpy: they are trying to push shelia [NOT] adam isnt stupid! he knows shelia would leave he already knows the #'s ect ect....baller knows what he is doing!!!!! bye bye BI***ES :jumpy: i guess we will gt to see the food comp!! did i heard right a food comp tonight? :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 20, 2008, 12:28:24 AM
They think that its a food comp that is like a formal dinner setting with candlelight (which is why they would do it at night).
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 20, 2008, 12:35:38 AM
James is such a whiner :'( Nat just beat him down :lol3: you go girl :yess:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: KitKat on March 20, 2008, 12:41:45 AM
Josh agrees with us he just said they are the devils :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 01:04:09 AM
james is a big cry baby :'(james i going to go to baller :'( who does nat think she is :'(  blah blah..........i so cannot wait for james to go, and if he wins pov chelisa can get her evil butt out why is it ok for james to win and keep chelisa safe or josh to win and keep sharon safe..........and now stupid it is that now in the same room sharon is going to sleep with james and josh with chelisa [its the same thing] they are all 4 together,just switching beds and differnt girls CRAZY!!! oh yea that will look like you are not all together...NUTS!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 01:14:59 AM
witches???? nat and shelia no way!...james, chelisa and josh are pure evil why are N/S witches cuz they finally can have some peace and be happy! cuz the DEMONS have been running that house!...ding dong the witch is dead the wicked witch the wicked old witch [james] is gone!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 20, 2008, 01:19:24 AM
witches???? nat and shelia no way!...james, chelisa and josh are pure evil why are N/S witches cuz they finally can have some peace and be happy! cuz the DEMONS have been running that house!...ding dong the witch is dead the wicked witch the wicked old witch [james] is gone!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo:

 :lol3: your so funny I can't help but laugh, way too funny.

Awww Sharon is nice.

Nice enough to let her boyfriend cheat and come back and cheat and come back.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 01:28:26 AM
i wonder if bb if going to give james the ice box cake and b-day presents to james to give to matt in [SEQ]... :lol3:or maybe it will be chelisa giving it to matt, either way is ok just me! but i got a feeling josh just might be taking the cake :lol3: keep them on thier toes adam, i so cant wait until ryan and josh are caught in thier little alliance, james caught josh and nat in the SR. and josh didnt cover it up to good! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 20, 2008, 01:33:59 AM
i wonder if bb if going to give james the ice box cake and b-day presents to james to give to matt in [SEQ]... :lol3:or maybe it will be chelisa giving it to matt, either way is ok just me! but i got a feeling josh just might be taking the cake :lol3: keep them on thier toes adam, i so cant wait until ryan and josh are caught in thier little alliance, james caught josh and nat in the SR. and josh didnt cover it up to good! :lol3:

  :lol: oh you know they are ready to through each other under the bus their alliance is crumbling,

But first they will have group sex CLASSY  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 01:37:50 AM
ryan was so fearful that baller doesnt know what he is doing, [yep!] he does he knows the #'s and knows he AINT putting nat or shelia on that block, sorry j/j/s/c NO DEALS! james and chelisa are going up, and one of them is going to spend matt's b-day with him in [SEQ] i dont trust ryan at all he is going to the DARK SIDE! what a FOOL, he has no chance with those 4 they are in it tight! well  josh he will sell his soul to stay in the house! he is already throwing them under the bus! and someone said josh didnt care about going up, oh i think he cares very much!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 20, 2008, 01:41:56 AM
It was me that said Josh doesn't care. Josh is on the jury thats all he cares about, and he will leave after Matt. And Allison.

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 01:47:12 AM
they showed the dinner on bb all-stars, so they might show the dinner tonight, they also showed the dinner with mike and amber from last season! just got to wait and see!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 20, 2008, 01:54:29 AM
they showed the dinner on bb all-stars, so they might show the dinner tonight, they also showed the dinner with mike and amber from last season! just got to wait and see!

 I'm going to wait then, :popcorn: come on BB already their hour is up
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 20, 2008, 01:56:01 AM
They will show the dinner if there is not music.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 02:01:07 AM
i dont know why ryan or james would want shelia out!.. plain stupid first off she is not a big fish like james or josh!..ryan is a freaking fool to want to be with those 4 j/j/s/c he wouldnt have achance! ryan really cant play he isnt good at comps at all for a guy!.. they would take him out so fast, back-door him and say it just a game! adam would be onto  ryan if he went to adam and said to put up shelia he already said he isnt cuz shelia would be voted out, and that james has got to GO!!!! :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 20, 2008, 02:20:26 AM
I think it may be a party with music, I don't think BB would want them to dress up for a food comp even if they weren't getting dirty.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: MamaTo4boys on March 20, 2008, 04:37:15 AM
Sharon/Josh/Sheila/Natalie won a movie in the luxary comp.

They played blackjack and when the feeds came back there was alot of talk of Vegas.

My guess on the movie!!! 21[/i] The true story of a team of gifted MIT students who learned how to turn blackjack odds to their favor, and took Vegas for millions.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 20, 2008, 04:42:32 AM
Sharon/Josh/Sheila/Natalie won a movie in the luxary comp.

They played blackjack and when the feeds came back there was alot of talk of Vegas.

My guess on the movie!!! 21[/i] The true story of a team of gifted MIT students who learned how to turn blackjack odds to their favor, and took Vegas for millions.

Oh goodie.....I wonder if Allison was a consultant....what with her "professional" background and all.....   :colealert:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: GrandmawLily on March 20, 2008, 04:45:38 AM
From the live feed thread, Puddin wrote:

 Re: BB9 Live Feed updates for Thursday 3/20
« Reply #151 on: Today at 05:40:51 AM » Quote 

I'm going Mama, I am afraid Adam might swing his penis around or something, thanks for hanging out with me, love ya   


Maybe he will "pull the hood back and slap it against his leg."

Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: RealityFreakWill on March 20, 2008, 09:11:16 AM
When I first heard that Adam won HOH, my very first initial thought was that Josh will be gone this week, right!

Now after reading the updates and watching BBAD, now it's look likes he's not even the target now. How quickly the tides turned! Looks like Josh may be block-free yet again for another week.

So it looks like either James or Chelsia will be leaving, all depending on the outcome of the veto.

This week will be very alliances will be formed, some old ones will be broken, more backstabbing will take place, and of course a lot of plain ole' drama! 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 09:39:19 AM
hi everyone :waves: i cant believe josh, sharon, james, and chelisa, just swicthed beds and james is sleeping with sharon, and josh with chelisa, how dumb is that, they think by doing that YET being all together that they dont look like they are in a allinace :lol3: it is to late for that!..stupid if they were still going to sleep all together in the same room, they should have just kept it the same way!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: FNF on March 20, 2008, 09:52:02 AM
hi everyone :waves: i cant believe josh, sharon, james, and chelisa, just swicthed beds and james is sleeping with sharon, and josh with chelisa, how dumb is that, they think by doing that YET being all together that they dont look like they are in a allinace :lol3: it is to late for that!..stupid if they were still going to sleep all together in the same room, they should have just kept it the same way!
I may be wrong but I think they are trying to distance James and Chelsia from each other as they don't want everyone to see them as a couple any longer as well as Josh/Sharon.

What I thought was really funny last night when James went to HOH and talked to Adam and said he didn't care who he put up as long as it wasn't him.  And Josh doesn't seem too worried about James/Chel going up so it seems that everyone is starting to look out for themselves now and not seem to be in an alliance.  More or less looking out for themselves.  It is really all about survival for another week in the house at this point as Adam is so unpredictable and very hard to get a grip on how he will really go.

Ryan gets on my nerves to no end and seems to kinda run over Adam.  When Adam was talking to Josh in the HOH last night Ryan just burst in looking for a toothbrush and Adam tried to tell him he was in an "interview"  :lol: Ryan seemed to care less.  Maybe because Ryan knows/thinks he is extremely safe this week.  But with Adam you never know. 

Gonna be lots of sleeping in the house today I believe and no food comp  :(  I want them to get up and do stuff as what else am I going to do kinda stuck here  :lol: (some here will understand that)
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: Queenycastle on March 20, 2008, 10:02:14 AM
I can't wait to see who Adam puts up-I think he has his own agenda that he lets no one in on.  So this week we will finally get a glimps at his game.  Personaly I would ultimatly like to see James out this week.  His moodiness and vendetta style play is not good.  I think it would be more of an everyone for themselves with him gone.  I think Chelsia has a bit of the "Nat Flu" were James is concerned.  I would like to see the old alliences broken down-but I'm sure if it will happen, but without James it has a better chance. 
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 11:19:39 AM
hi everyone :waves: i cant believe josh, sharon, james, and chelisa, just swicthed beds and james is sleeping with sharon, and josh with chelisa, how dumb is that, they think by doing that YET being all together that they dont look like they are in a allinace :lol3: it is to late for that!..stupid if they were still going to sleep all together in the same room, they should have just kept it the same way!
I may be wrong but I think they are trying to distance James and Chelsia from each other as they don't want everyone to see them as a couple any longer as well as Josh/Sharon.

What I thought was really funny last night when James went to HOH and talked to Adam and said he didn't care who he put up as long as it wasn't him.  And Josh doesn't seem too worried about James/Chel going up so it seems that everyone is starting to look out for themselves now and not seem to be in an alliance.  More or less looking out for themselves.  It is really all about survival for another week in the house at this point as Adam is so unpredictable and very hard to get a grip on how he will really go.

Ryan gets on my nerves to no end and seems to kinda run over Adam.  When Adam was talking to Josh in the HOH last night Ryan just burst in looking for a toothbrush and Adam tried to tell him he was in an "interview"  :lol: Ryan seemed to care less.  Maybe because Ryan knows/thinks he is extremely safe this week.  But with Adam you never know. 

Gonna be lots of sleeping in the house today I believe and no food comp  :(  I want them to get up and do stuff as what else am I going to do kinda stuck here  :lol: (some here will understand that)

hi ya! :waves: i do agree with ya! but james if he is not on the block, will take chelisa down, if he wins pov! he even told adam that [stupid] i want james GONE!!!!... or josh!...adam has got to put up james and chelisa, if one of them wins pov they can only safe themselves not each other! if james wins pov, i think chelisa will go

home, i dont think adam will put up josh, i think that is a very stupid move not to put josh up!if J/J/S/C didnt want to look like a alliance [which is to late now] they should have split up into different rooms, instead of sleeping all together still! Ryan makes me nervous also! he is flipping all over that house! i wouldnt mind ryan leaving, BUT not yet, james JMO has to go!.. than josh or chelisa, i was alittle upset over sharon the way she was acting with josh, laughing about the way he abuses women [i dont like that] BUT if josh is gone!!! it would be better for sharon, i would like to see sharon and shelia F2..i want to see sharon play for herself! .i know alot dont like shelia, but i do!...she needs to win hoh next.. i know her and sharon talked about a serect alliance afew weeks ago!...i would like to see sharon and shelia F2!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 11:26:14 AM
I can't wait to see who Adam puts up-I think he has his own agenda that he lets no one in on.  So this week we will finally get a glimps at his game.  Personaly I would ultimatly like to see James out this week.  His moodiness and vendetta style play is not good.  I think it would be more of an everyone for themselves with him gone.  I think Chelsia has a bit of the "Nat Flu" were James is concerned.  I would like to see the old alliences broken down-but I'm sure if it will happen, but without James it has a better chance. 

hi ya! :waves: adam doesnt like chelisa, he cant stand her he calls her a BIG B***H.. and he knows james is to strong!..james and chelisa will be on the block [for sure] if james wins pov he will put up sharon [which is stupid] cuz she isnt pissed at adam!..i dont think adam will put up josh, he seems to want to work with josh [YUCK] i think Josh and james are [SATAN] and chelisa is a DEMON! i dont care as long as james chelisa or josh goes this week [i hope it is james]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 11:54:15 AM
adam isnt going to do it! but if he did put up shelia, adam would be a FOOL!.. the other 4 would comes after them all.. he better think smart and know it is now or never to break that 4 up! which i do believe james and chelisa are going up! adam HATES chelisa he cant stand her!..if james comes off [i hope not] sharon will go up, and chelisa will go to [SEQ] with matt!.. and take him his ice box cake and his b-day presents... i hope it is james that is with matt for his b-day!! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 11:58:12 AM
ohhhhhhh i cant stand to hear sharon calling the GP'S baaaaaaaaaaabeeeeeeeeeeee, it is drving me insane :pull it's great and all to love them and feed them but that voice of hers getting on my last nerve! i also cant stand her calling josh [babe] and saying she is mommy sharon to the other HG'S what is she 24 or 26 years old! sharon STOP THAT! sharon needs to be split up from josh, to play for herself, i would love to see josh gon and see how sharon would play this game! she has been playing josh's game from the mintue she came back into that house WHY? cuz josh told her she had to (:;) and sharon just does it! josh tells her they are playing for Neil :pull give me a freaking break!
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: marigold on March 20, 2008, 12:10:28 PM
ohhhhhhh i cant stand to hear sharon calling the GP'S baaaaaaaaaaabeeeeeeeeeeee, it is drving me insane :pull it's great and all to love them and feed them but that voice of hers getting on my last nerve!

  :lol: You are so right. What an irritating voice.

I always have to pull away when she talks. It's so unusual and loud and I'm trying to figure out who it reminds me of.

It must be character from SNL or seasome street, but yea what a voice and laugh your not the only one feeling this pain.
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: sunshine26 on March 20, 2008, 12:24:55 PM
ohhhhhhh i cant stand to hear sharon calling the GP'S baaaaaaaaaaabeeeeeeeeeeee, it is drving me insane :pull it's great and all to love them and feed them but that voice of hers getting on my last nerve!

  :lol: You are so right. What an irritating voice.

I always have to pull away when she talks. It's so unusual and loud and I'm trying to figure out who it reminds me of.

It must be character from SNL or seasome street, but yea what a voice and laugh your not the only one feeling this pain.

hi ya! ca bb fan :waves: i was so happy to see that bb told the HG'S it was Alex in the box! shelia was at the edge of her sit, thinking maybe the siren would sound and bring him in, what a waste these HG would have worked with Alex, and james would have been GONE!!!!!!! i hope adam doesnt mess things up, he better put up james and chelisa like he said he is going to do!..adam would be a FOOL to not breakup those 4! ryan now has me freaking out! he is starting to be sneaky! and i dont trust him at all! he knows that they had to make it 3-3 so the blood would be on james's hands, ryan needs to get over it! if he goes to the side of j/j/c/s he will have NO chance in this game! i bet they are kicking themselves in the butt, i know adam didnt raise his hand,[for Alex] but the hoh wasnt played yet! and we know adam doesnt have anything between his legs [he was to fearful to raise his hand]
Title: Re: BB9 ongoing *commentary* #2
Post by: TexasLady on March 20, 2008, 12:29:17 PM
Time for a new thread guys!!,

Thanks for being here and making RFF a great site!  :tup: