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Archive => RFF Archived Boards => Big Brother => Topic started by: Blondie on September 19, 2007, 11:25:01 AM

Title: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 19, 2007, 11:25:01 AM
 :shocking: Are you still in shock? BB8 is over :'(
 :alarm Did you wake up this morning, excited to turn on the Live Feeds, and discover, BB8 is over :'(
 :idgit Do you find that you are in denial that BB8 is over :'(
 :hhello: Do you miss all of the posters, and feel alone on the boards, because BB8 is over :'(
 :2cents: Do you miss giving your 2 cents on your favorite HG, but BB8 is over :'(
 (:;) Are you angry that, BB8 is over :'(
  :didimiss: Is it hard to go to bed at night, for fear of missing something now that, BB8 is over :'(
 :hug?: Do you feel like you just need a hug, and can't believe that, BB8 is over :'(
 :eat Are you eating more, to fill up the time you forgot you had, BB8 is over :'(
 :lol3: Do you have the need to see a photochop of someone you love or hate, BB8 is over :'(
 :vader: Do you carry your saber around the house, looking for something to mediate, BB8 is over :'(

If you have any of these symptoms or other BB8 Withdrawl Syndrome symptoms

 :wohoo:   Then you have come to the right place! Free counseling for all  :yess:

 B:) Come tell us your story, We Can Help. Join others who are going through the same feelings. :'(

Step one:   B:) Pour your heart out here, we are here to help.  :kuss:
Step two:   :dontgo: Stay here at Reality Fan Forum, to get FULL support all year long.
We are here to help you :ghug:

Step three: Go to the Reality Fan Forum home page, DAILY, and visit with old and new friends, about your favorite shows and contestants or just to say HI  :hithere:

Before you know it, BB9 will be right around the corner.  :wohoo: :wohoo:

Prognosis : FULL RECOVERY ! :piano:

 :ya3: :beer: :rjreffypud: :conf: :partie: :elvis: :margarita: :party: :cheer: :ghug:

 :congrats: You are about to take your first step   :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: TexasLady on September 19, 2007, 01:01:39 PM
I dunno Blondie, I might need intervention.. I twice fired up the feeds today. (Which are replaying from the start.) and then found myself looking back at early live feed reports...  :wall:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 19, 2007, 01:18:51 PM
 :groan:  Oh no, I thought I only did that today. I also just made a new chop  :groan:

I can't seem to stop  :ghug: Group therapy is the only option  :lol:

Anybody out there? Me and TL are having a sort of breakdown here :wohoo:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: TexasLady on September 19, 2007, 01:30:00 PM
:groan:  Oh no, I thought I only did that today. I also just made a new chop  :groan:

I can't seem to stop  :ghug: Group therapy is the only option  :lol:

Anybody out there? Me and TL are having a sort of breakdown here :wohoo:

LOL we both desperately need  :help:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 19, 2007, 01:58:46 PM
 :help: I'm on the internet but don't know why I'm here? Debating when to call realone  :groan:
and now I see this  :groan:
Nick will be chatting tonight 9/19 on RealPlayer with Laremy at 6pmPT/9pm ET
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 19, 2007, 02:07:57 PM
It looks like you guys might have to hold off on starting the support group until the evening.

I, on the other hand, really do not think I need a group this time around. I've been patient about seeing the season end. (It might as well be like sands through an hourglass... Just trickle down.)
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 19, 2007, 02:15:57 PM
It looks like you guys might have to hold off on starting the support group until the evening.

I, on the other hand, really do not think I need a group this time around. I've been patient about seeing the season end. (It might as well be like sands through an hourglass... Just trickle down.)

Glad to hear that Mandoli
Got any help for us though? :(
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: michael on September 19, 2007, 02:23:20 PM
I'm distraught, I don't know what to do with myself....DAMN YOU BIG BROTHER!

on another note:

to any Jess/Eric fans Jessica's mom posted this on a Jess/Eric fansite

I spoke to Jess briefly last night...she really only wanted to know if she should be mad at eric.....I told her no, and she said "good". that was all she really needed to hear.

I called her this morning on my way to work, and she was (still) talking to Eric - they had pulled another all-nighter talking - imagine that?!

I asked if he told her about woobie yet, and she said yes. she sounded tired, but fine with everything as far as I can tell.

She did mention that Eric's brothers had brought a lap top with a bunch of info to share with them, so they know how much fan support they have - and they were both grateful to all of you!!!

I am still anxious to talk to her when she has some alone time.

Looks like she took the reveal very well and things were back to normal with those two right away.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: BballKates on September 19, 2007, 02:30:56 PM
I like BB but I never seem to have withdrawl though. Can anyone help with college withdrawl? I hate being graduated!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 19, 2007, 02:31:20 PM
 :o I am sorry Michael,  Would you like to talk about. Don't feed bad, you are not alone! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: michael on September 19, 2007, 02:33:12 PM
LOL, thanks blondie   :lol3:
I remember telling puddin in may that I didn't like big brother at all but I would check it out this summer....and that's when it all began  :'(
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 19, 2007, 02:36:12 PM
I like BB but I never seem to have withdrawl though. Can anyone help with college withdrawl? I hate being graduated!

 :yess:  I got this one!  BballKates just stay here at ReatlityFanForum and you will be fine. We are here to fill your time with endless love and laughter. That is my advice for College Withdrawl  :jam:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: RealityFreakWill on September 19, 2007, 02:44:19 PM
I'm distraught, I don't know what to do with myself....DAMN YOU BIG BROTHER!

on another note:

to any Jess/Eric fans Jessica's mom posted this on a Jess/Eric fansite

I spoke to Jess briefly last night...she really only wanted to know if she should be mad at eric.....I told her no, and she said "good". that was all she really needed to hear.

I called her this morning on my way to work, and she was (still) talking to Eric - they had pulled another all-nighter talking - imagine that?!

I asked if he told her about woobie yet, and she said yes. she sounded tired, but fine with everything as far as I can tell.

She did mention that Eric's brothers had brought a lap top with a bunch of info to share with them, so they know how much fan support they have - and they were both grateful to all of you!!!

I am still anxious to talk to her when she has some alone time.

Looks like she took the reveal very well and things were back to normal with those two right away.

I knew Jessica and Eric would be fine once all the information came out. I think they will continue with their relationship.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 19, 2007, 04:33:55 PM
LOL, thanks blondie   :lol3:
I remember telling puddin in may that I didn't like big brother at all but I would check it out this summer....and that's when it all began  :'(

Oh Michael, Once you come to RFF, you can never leave! To quote the Eagles,

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 19, 2007, 06:07:04 PM
It looks like you guys might have to hold off on starting the support group until the evening.

I, on the other hand, really do not think I need a group this time around. I've been patient about seeing the season end. (It might as well be like sands through an hourglass... Just trickle down.)

Glad to hear that Mandoli
Got any help for us though? :(

Slowly try to make your way to the Survivor boards, if you're going to be watching the China season in an attempt to make a few posts there. The season starts tomorrow (is Puddin on her way via slow boat yet?), and there might already be some discussion.

When it comes to the feeds, I have no idea. I've never had them, and I don't know what to do with 'em.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: kcphilly on September 19, 2007, 07:59:15 PM
*joins the session*

thanks for the info on Jess and Eric  Michael!!

It was very sad today going to work and not having updates to read  :'(  Back to being bored all day.

I have checked out the replay of the feeds, it's so weird seeing that many people in the house!!

Remember the early days and Ambers ugly clothes and awkward sitting positions  :lol3:

Daniele looked like a skeleton!!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: darkwitless on September 19, 2007, 08:45:44 PM
Hi, my name is Darkwiless , and I have a BB8 problem.   ;D

I just knew when I came on tonight, it was all over - but had to check anyway - Thank God you're all here for me. :hugs:

What's really sad is I didn't even had the feeds - I didn't need to, I had all of you AWESOME posters.

I'm crusing over to the Survivor thread next to sign up for the game - hope I don't bring the team's score down too much - have been an avid Survivor fan since the begining - soo glad to have found this sight and so much great company!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: pledge on September 19, 2007, 09:29:57 PM
Wow    I'm glad to see I'm not alone in dealing with my withdrawl from BB.  Housework has been calling but I'm not listening.  hahahaha   I was glad to read what Jessica's mom wrote.  Well, now I am going to cruise on over to Survivor.  Why can't it be on tonight.  There is that new CBS show "Kid Nation"  mmmmm not watching it !!!  See you on Survivor      :waves:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 19, 2007, 09:59:55 PM
Hello everyone!!

Glad I'm not the only one. So so nice to see everyone. What can I say I'm hooked.  :-*

Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 20, 2007, 08:40:53 AM
 :waves:    kcphilly, darkwitless, pledge, ca bb fan

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!   :kuss:  Pour your heart out.  :'(   Stay here at RFF.  :dontgo:

Find another show thread (there are many) and post your heart out. :spitcoffee:
and have fun, until BB9  comes to take us away for another summer  :lol3:

Hope to see you on another thread.  :tup:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: kcphilly on September 20, 2007, 10:06:11 AM
Thanks Blondie!

I'll be around for TAR, I see a bunch of fans of that around.

I like Dancing with the Stars too if anyone else watches that, just found that thread over here.   :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: TannerandLilysMommy on September 20, 2007, 02:21:05 PM
I, too, admit that I have come into work, ready to catch up on the previous nights BB activities to find, alas... BIG BROTHER IS OVER!!!!  :dontgo: :pull :noway: :wtf: :gaah: :furious:

What do I do???? Without my daily dose of  :fart :smoke  :spit :hic :burp :badhorse:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 20, 2007, 04:52:06 PM
I like Dancing with the Stars too if anyone else watches that, just found that thread over here.   :jumpy:

Cool! Another Dancing With the Stars fan. I'll be watching it when the season premieres next week as well.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 20, 2007, 05:02:08 PM
BB wouldn't be so depressing to be over if Amazing Race were on the fall schedule *SIGH* but Survivor & Ramsey's kitchen will do. I'm not even sure of who the DWTS's cast is  :lol: .. I might go check that out.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: darkwitless on September 20, 2007, 05:04:33 PM

 :luvya: your avatar!  Very topical for tonight!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: michael on September 20, 2007, 05:17:24 PM
I miss Julie Chen and the way she said good evening with that smile
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 20, 2007, 05:43:44 PM
I miss Julie Chen and the way she said good evening with that smile
:lol: thats weird
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 20, 2007, 11:06:57 PM
I miss Julie Chen and the way she said good evening with that smile
:lol: thats weird

michael, I think you might need some extra counseling! :lol3: :lol3:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 20, 2007, 11:20:04 PM
Yes Michael needs some serious help Blondie  :lol:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 20, 2007, 11:27:19 PM
God, now that Michael brought up Julie opening the live shows, I have her voice in my mind! Is that a bad thing? Do I need some serious counciling? HELP!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: TexasLady on September 21, 2007, 07:36:06 AM
God, now that Michael brought up Julie opening the live shows, I have her voice in my mind! Is that a bad thing? Do I need some serious counciling? HELP!

I think you both do. Let's see, who could we get to help!! Not Dr. Laura, will have to be Dr. Phil   :lol3:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 21, 2007, 12:24:25 PM
Dr. Phil? I'm going to run for the hills if I have to have him treat my problem.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: michael on September 21, 2007, 01:27:45 PM
Good EVENING I'm Julie Chen  :'(

Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: georgiapeach on September 21, 2007, 01:31:52 PM
Good EVENING I'm Julie Chen  :'(

It is an Intervention!

Time for us to find you a hot date for the weekend whose name is NOT Julie!   :lol3: :hearts:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: michael on September 21, 2007, 01:41:25 PM
I wouldn't want to go on a date with Julie anyways ...

Let's sit down to eat - BUT FIRST, do you have anything emotional you would like to talk about infront of every body?
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 21, 2007, 01:51:46 PM
I can't get my sleeping routine right! Still I stay up until 4am still I sleep until noon  :'(
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 21, 2007, 11:57:11 PM
I'm usually a night owl anyway, so staying up late isn't abnormal for me.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 22, 2007, 12:13:47 AM
Me too Mandy but I usually don't sleep until noon  :lol: .. maybe I need vitamins  :snicker:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 22, 2007, 01:40:02 PM
 :'(  I can't sleep at night either. I think I need more than intervention :lol3:
Every since I stayed up all night waiting for Dick and Daniele to come back from jury questions, I have had a stiff neck with pain that goes down my back! I think it is called

BigBrotherstiffneckitis or something like that. :lol3:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 22, 2007, 04:06:00 PM
Poor Blondie  :lol:  :kuss:

Hey I went to sleep at 3ish and slept until 1pm  :o! Maybe my body is just catching up on the lost sleep? and guess what? I'm tired still :rotf:! I need one of those rainy Saturday's just to have an excuse to stay in bed all day!!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: georgiapeach on September 22, 2007, 04:54:03 PM
You have almost 3 months of lost sleep to catch up on--do what your body tells you!  But it is just like jet lag I've decided--natural sunlight (remember the sun?? That big yellow ball in the sky??) is good for us!

But I've been going to bed around 2-3 and my stupid body keeps waking me up at 6 or7 saying you are missing the Dick at Night show!  :lol3: :rotf: :groan:

I'd love to sleep till noon...
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 22, 2007, 05:57:17 PM
Hey I went to sleep at 3ish and slpet until 1pm  :o! Maybe my body is just catching up on the lost sleep? and guess what? I'm tired still :rotf:! I need one of those rainy Saturday's just to have an excuse to stay in bed all day!!

I had to catch up on all of the sleep I missed this past weekend (Monday night), and I didn't wake up 'till three in the afternoon! Shows me I needed to get some sleep once in a while!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 22, 2007, 06:06:35 PM
You have almost 3 months of lost sleep to catch up on--do what your body tells you!  But it is just like jet lag I've decided--natural sunlight (remember the sun?? That big yellow ball in the sky??) is good for us!

But I've been going to bed around 2-3 and my stupid body keeps waking me up at 6 or7 saying you are missing the Dick at Night show!  :lol3: :rotf: :groan:

I'd love to sleep till noon...

Oh GP, I'm the same!!!
I go to sleep around 3:00 am and must get up by 6:00 am to walk my dog. Make breakfast, tidy up, get ready and finally go to work.
I don't know how I do it. But today 4:30 I said I would have a nap just until 5:00.
OMG, I just woke up. I think I was in a coma!!!
I am going to run out for about an hour. I can't wait to get back to catch up on the posts.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 22, 2007, 07:16:34 PM
I miss that big yellow thing in the sky too  :lol:, my pale skin in the proof. Was thinking of hitting the tanning bed but don't have the drive to get there so pale skin it is.
Have any of you ever tried that self tanning stuff ? Does it work?
Also now that BB is over I don't care about Dick as a matter of fact I don't care about any of them except my all time fav Janelle :luvu:
....seriously I need my amazing race fix CBS  (:;), I think I'm depressed  :'(
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 22, 2007, 07:53:44 PM
You know I have, its such a process making sure its even and not going to streak or look funny, it's just easier lying down in a tanning bed for 10 minutes and your good to go. But I also tried the body moisturizing creams like Olay, Dove and Neutrogena that also have a tint in them, I'm pretty happy with those. I'm pretty bad that way I have tried every new product out there. I'm such a girl!!!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 22, 2007, 08:12:58 PM
You know I have, its such a process making sure its even and not going to streak or look funny, it's just easier lying down in a tanning bed for 10 minutes and your good to go. But I also tried the body moisturizing creams like Olay, Dove and Neutrogena that also have a tint in them, I'm pretty happy with those. I'm pretty bad that way I have tried every new product out there. I'm such a girl!!!
It's been so long since I've shopped for girly things and did not even know about the tints! thanks ca bb  :kuss:. When I do go out shopping I want to try some of those mineral powders that Daniele used. They really made her skin look great and they look like they lasted through the hot days.

off topic, but speaking of Daniele .. does any other girl here shave their arms? I found that just so weird and it made my itch just thinking about it :P
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 22, 2007, 08:21:43 PM
You know I have, its such a process making sure its even and not going to streak or look funny, it's just easier lying down in a tanning bed for 10 minutes and your good to go. But I also tried the body moisturizing creams like Olay, Dove and Neutrogena that also have a tint in them, I'm pretty happy with those. I'm pretty bad that way I have tried every new product out there. I'm such a girl!!!
It's been so long since I've shopped for girly things and did not even know about the tints! thanks ca bb  :kuss:. When I do go out shopping I want to try some of those mineral powders that Daniele used. They really made her skin look great and they look like they lasted through the hot days.

off topic, but speaking of Daniele .. does any other girl here shave their arms? I found that just so weird and it made my itch just thinking about it :P

I think the powders are fine but I've heard the liquid cover up mineral ones, are too transparent, it doesn't give you the coverage as a regular one does.

I know a lot of people that shave their arms, for instance my sister hates any hair on her body, she waxes , uses creams, shaves and really likes threading. In case you don't know what that is, I believe it orginated in South Asia, and they actually use a thread and spin it and somehow she has her eyebrows and face done. I didn't try that but the beauty salons due it. 
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: georgiapeach on September 22, 2007, 08:22:08 PM
....seriously I need my amazing race fix CBS  (:;) , I think I'm depressed   :'(

It isn't BB withdrawal at all--it is TAR withdrawal! This is the longest we will have gone between shows in forever!

I prescribe some serious spoiling effort next week....

And tanning beds are a no-no, but those air-brushed spray on tans aren't bad if you just need to be brown for a few days...

And I adore Bare Escentuals/Bare Minerals--hard to believe it can really work--but it does!  And it is really good for your skin too...

Shaving your arms is just bizarre...
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 22, 2007, 08:33:04 PM
Well I shave my legs everyday only because I can't stand the itch so can't imagine shaving my arms ..
I've never heard of "threading" ca bb ,see I have to get out of the house  :lol: ! Fo'Reals!
peach I've seen those bare essentials info commercials but I want to try them on before I buy them if I'm going to spend that much $$ on them, lol.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 22, 2007, 08:34:10 PM
....seriously I need my amazing race fix CBS  (:;) , I think I'm depressed   :'(

It isn't BB withdrawal at all--it is TAR withdrawal! This is the longest we will have gone between shows in forever!

I prescribe some serious spoiling effort next week....

And tanning beds are a no-no, but those air-brushed spray on tans aren't bad if you just need to be brown for a few days...

And I adore Bare Escentuals/Bare Minerals--hard to believe it can really work--but it does!  And it is really good for your skin too...

Shaving your arms is just bizarre...

 :lol: I'm with you on that GP, it is bizarre. I've actually argued with my sister that she was crazy. She cant stand the small, invisible to the naked eye hairs on her face. I told her it's supposed to be there and you need a microscope to even see it.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 22, 2007, 09:05:04 PM
Well I shave my legs everyday only because I can't stand the itch so can't imagine shaving my arms ..
I've never heard of "threading" ca bb ,see I have to get out of the house  :lol: ! Fo'Reals!
peach I've seen those bare essentials info commercials but I want to try them on before I buy them if I'm going to spend that much $$ on them, lol.

One more fact..... a girlfriend of mine who is taking acting classes recently told me that her agent made her get the threading done on her face because when she has her professional photos taken, she claims the hairs on her face are more visible in them, she also is a blond with blond facial hair that I just can't see. So anyways I think a lot of actors due it for their photos.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 22, 2007, 10:19:24 PM

To anyone that thinks James is sexy!!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 22, 2007, 10:21:55 PM
Well I shave my legs everyday only because I can't stand the itch so can't imagine shaving my arms ..
I've never heard of "threading" ca bb ,see I have to get out of the house  :lol: ! Fo'Reals!
peach I've seen those bare essentials info commercials but I want to try them on before I buy them if I'm going to spend that much $$ on them, lol.

One more fact..... a girlfriend of mine who is taking acting classes recently told me that her agent made her get the threading done on her face because when she has her professional photos taken, she claims the hairs on her face are more visible in them, she also is a blond with blond facial hair that I just can't see. So anyways I think a lot of actors due it for their photos.

Oh those hairs  :lol:! Well I take a dry razor to my sideburns once in awhile ..I'm one hairy chick.  :angel:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 23, 2007, 12:01:37 AM
Guys, I think I need this support group more than I think I do.

I was at the local ice rink tonight, watching the minor league team playing against each other, when suddenly... I see a guy with the last name of "Busto" skating around. You know I've got Howie in my head, calling April by the nickname "Busto". Great. You guys and gals wish to help me out?
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 23, 2007, 12:09:21 AM
Guys, I think I need this support group more than I think I do.

I was at the local ice rink tonight, watching the minor league team playing against each other, when suddenly... I see a guy with the last name of "Busto" skating around. You know I've got Howie in my head, calling April by the nickname "Busto". Great. You guys and gals wish to help me out?

You poor girl!!! Tried to leave the house hoping to get away and not think about BB and you have to see that "Busto" :lol:
We're all here to help.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 23, 2007, 12:21:43 AM
Guys, I think I need this support group more than I think I do.

I was at the local ice rink tonight, watching the minor league team playing against each other, when suddenly... I see a guy with the last name of "Busto" skating around. You know I've got Howie in my head, calling April by the nickname "Busto". Great. You guys and gals wish to help me out?

You poor girl!!! Tried to leave the house hoping to get away and not think about BB and you have to see that "Busto" :lol:
We're all here to help.

I know! I'm thinking that I can get out of the house and not see a Big Brother reference, and then I see the guy's jersey and Howie is all I can think of. For some reason, I'm singing "B, U, S-T-O; and Busto was her name-o" in my head. There's just some things I can handle, and I'm not sure that this was one of them.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 23, 2007, 12:23:43 AM
 :lol: were you craving pepperoni pizza Mandy?
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 23, 2007, 12:30:25 AM
I actually had some yesterday. Or two days ago, for that matter... ;)
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 23, 2007, 12:40:15 AM
 :touche: :vader: :pfight:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 23, 2007, 12:49:57 AM
I have joined the Jedis. Evil is going down, one lightsaber at a time. :vader:

(Sorry... I think my Jedi side has finally started to show. Why it had to come out two seasons too late is my question.)
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 23, 2007, 11:29:01 AM
:touche: :vader: :pfight:

Hey Puddin have you seen these photos yet
:lol: Now I'll have nightmares!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: georgiapeach on September 23, 2007, 11:34:28 AM
You were too late puddin--Thank goodness someone at CBS was on the ball and deleted the most offensive ones.

Photochopping goes too far when it puts someone into a porn act that they never did--just IMO....
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 23, 2007, 01:39:47 PM
You were too late puddin--Thank goodness someone at CBS was on the ball and deleted the most offensive ones.

Photochopping goes too far when it puts someone into a porn act that they never did--just IMO....

I was shocked and thought this is disgusting. I can't believe BB is leaving this here and finds its acceptable!!
I couldn't help but laugh at Amber and Eric though, That was funny.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 23, 2007, 05:33:43 PM
I actually got to sit and watch the Dover Race with no BB interfering  :jumpy:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: darkwitless on September 23, 2007, 07:31:07 PM
I actually got to sit and watch the Dover Race with no BB interfering  :jumpy:

So iI guess I don't need to tell you that ryan got wrecked AGAIN!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 23, 2007, 07:45:46 PM
I think 5 cars finished without being a lap or more down darkwitless  :lol:! By far one of the longest races in a long time.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: michael on September 23, 2007, 07:56:56 PM
I actually watch the refeeds :'(
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 23, 2007, 09:59:20 PM
A fun BB video to watch:

I miss BB's song, I think I'll copy it and play it non-stop while I'm on here.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 23, 2007, 10:15:24 PM
I actually watch the refeeds :'(
CALL 911!!Step away from the computer NOW Michael  :o
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: georgiapeach on September 23, 2007, 10:35:57 PM

Start a 12 step program now! You have only 12 days to wean yourself off--then Kaboom! :lock
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 23, 2007, 10:45:25 PM
I think we all need to get with this 12-step program. ;) Where do I sign up? Have I already done so? I think I need help just getting through this part!
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: marigold on September 24, 2007, 12:16:52 AM

Start a 12 step program now! You have only 12 days to wean yourself off--then Kaboom! :lock

I feel better now....see yea tomorrow night GP. The weekend flew by, I don't want to go back to work.

Night y'all  :nitenite:
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Blondie on September 24, 2007, 08:00:17 AM
 ???  Okay everybody take a deep breath!  :groan: I knew this was going to happen. :lol:

I actually watch the refeeds :'(

Michael, Do you watch them avidly, or just here and there?  ???
If you are watching them daily throughout the night, I think we need to send you a professional. :vader:
A professional what I am not sure. :lol3:  Just remember, Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.
Ya know I had somebody tell me that I should not make fun of the 12 step program! :groan:  Where do these people come from?

I think we all need to get with this 12-step program. ;) Where do I sign up? Have I already done so? I think I need help just getting through this part!

Yes you are already signed up. Just keep coming back for support. :hfive:

You were too late puddin--Thank goodness someone at CBS was on the ball and deleted the most offensive ones.

Photochopping goes too far when it puts someone into a porn act that they never did--just IMO....

 Being that I love photochops, I have seen most of them on the net. There is a line we photchoppers  can cross in my opinion. I have seen a lot of real bad taste chops as well as some really just gross you out chops. I do hope if you find any of my chops really offensive and in really bad taste, that you will PM me about them. I try to just make funny chops of what is happening on our shows.
I am not trying to offend anyone, I am glad to be a member here at RFF for that reason. We do not like BAD TASTE.   :wohoo:

Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 24, 2007, 01:01:11 PM
I think we all need to get with this 12-step program. ;) Where do I sign up? Have I already done so? I think I need help just getting through this part!

Yes you are already signed up. Just keep coming back for support. :hfive:

I'm so glad I'm on the ball (and on time, too!). Now other than "admitting you have a problem", what are the other eleven steps towards a full recovery? I only know that one, I'm ashamed to say. :-[
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: michael on September 24, 2007, 01:44:49 PM
LOL, no I just watch them once in a while at night when I'm bored before I go to bed
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: sass on September 24, 2007, 05:44:32 PM
LOL, no I just watch them once in a while at night when I'm bored before I go to bed

That does not sound good, I think you really do need that 12 step program to get away from watch the refeeds.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: Mandoli on September 25, 2007, 12:12:11 AM
It could be worse. He could be watching the reairing of the feeds non-stop.
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: TannerandLilysMommy on September 25, 2007, 08:31:25 AM
OK, guys! This is a little off topic, but it does relate to being addicted! LOL

This was the first season that I actually watched Big Brother, so I am wondering if there is a site or anywhere that I can watch seasons 1-7, or if I can purchase them someplace...

I just feel so left out! LOL... seriously, though, I am the type of person where I like to watch a show from the beginning, so if yall could help, that would be great!!!

Thanks! You guys rock!

I was going to post the rest of the 12-steps for you guys, but they are a little too deep! LOL... and I am just not witty enough to make them funny! LOL
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: georgiapeach on September 25, 2007, 08:44:42 AM
Seasons 2-All Stars are on the CBS site.

Here is the link to season 2 (have NO idea where #1 is :lol:):

See the box that says Choose a CBS show??

If you choose that and keep scrolling down, you will eventually get to a list of seasons....
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: TannerandLilysMommy on September 25, 2007, 11:04:45 AM
Thanks, GP!!! You are awesome! I wish I could find Season 1, though... I would like to see how it all began... maybe one day! LOL
Title: Re: BB Withdrawl Support Group
Post by: puddin on September 25, 2007, 11:05:32 AM
You won't find season one though -CBS/BB hated it but, lol