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Archive => RFF Archived Boards => Big Brother 7: All Stars => Topic started by: mamacass on September 05, 2006, 12:29:44 AM

Title: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: mamacass on September 05, 2006, 12:29:44 AM
Hello all
This is my first post..I really enjoy the feed updates...thank you so much updaters....
Anyway  I had to post because I am so excited about what has gone down tonight with Janelle
and Erika.  If they team up and kick those two heartless pigs to the curb not only will it be so sweet to see their faces as they walk out the door...and so sweet to see the other jurors faces when first will then Boogie walk in the door to the jury house....but the sweetest part will be when Will and Boogie HAVE to cast their votes for either Janelle or Erika to win!!!  HEY BOOGIE guess what.....YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW!!!!!  BITCHES!!!!!.  :lol3:

GOOOO CAN do it!  Send the "Puppet Master" on his way.
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: RudyRules on September 05, 2006, 01:14:26 AM
 :welcome: :welcome:  mamacass !!  We're very happy you joined and  enjoying the updates!  :tup:

You hit the nail on the head with your comments!  I can't say it any better and totally agree with ya!  I hope hope like crazy those two coniving snakes are verrry soon Out the door.  Whoa! How great for Janie and Erika and then Janie will have a better chance of winning.  :hearts:

She has played her heart out as a real champ!!  :clap: 

Thanks for your comments and enjoy the gang at RFF!  We have a lot of fun here!  :lol:

Ruday  ;D
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: ChadsBaby on September 05, 2006, 01:15:54 AM
If Janelle follows through with kicking Will out I may just like her :)

C'mon girls show them boys what your made of. But for some reason I don't know if I can believe Janelle will take Erika over Will :(
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: RudyRules on September 05, 2006, 01:28:09 AM
Yeh, ChadsBaby...that's the point.  Here's hoping and praying that Janie will hear or see something that will fully convince her she's being used.  I think she has a sneaky suspicion tho.
C'mon Janie!!! Get the big picture!!  :jam: 
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: ChadsBaby on September 05, 2006, 01:40:36 AM
I think we may have spoke to soon. The whispering continues with Janelle confronting Will of what was said. Dangit.
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: puddin on September 05, 2006, 02:20:22 AM
C'mon Janelle  :jumpy: !! " Now we got a show "  :woohoo:
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: TexasLady on September 05, 2006, 03:56:05 PM
I think we may have spoke to soon. The whispering continues with Janelle confronting Will of what was said. Dangit.

OMG! I have to go get up to speed, I've been gone all day!  :groan: :groan:
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: bayarealatino408 on September 05, 2006, 04:12:33 PM
Janelle and erika would be IDIOTS if they dont team up, because they have to know that they will be betrayed if one of the girls go out the door tonight. (It IS tonight, right?)  best thing to do is janelle uses her veto, boggie places will, janelle votes his ass out, and hope that one of the two wins the HOH next!
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: kerri on September 05, 2006, 04:34:33 PM
i am torn. from day 1 i picked erica to win this entire game. i think she is a lethal threat that is always overlooked as a player in this game (i can't stand her but she is obviously one of the best because like will and janie she is the only one to make it to f4 twice). i think she is a huge threat in the final hoh competition. and despite what she has promised janie there is no way she will take janie to the f2 with her. she knows she can't beat janie in the end (janie will take the following votes: dani, james, howie, will, cg and possibly marci). no way erica will take that risk. therefore keeping her in the game is an awful risk.

but i have also been hoping this very play would happen so that operation double date would blow up in ct's faces because the whole thing is despicable to me. i would love the two women to be final 2 just so those two worms get what they deserve. but the only way that will happen is if janie kicks out will and wins the final hoh.

now if janie kicks out erica her chances at final 2 are higher because will will throw the final comp because he knows both janie and boogie will take him to the end and he does not want to choose between the two. that leaves boogie. and i honestly think janie could whip boogie in the final comp. then she could choose to take boogie to the f2 and most likely win (although this will be a close vote i think janie will take the following votes: howie, marci, cg and she has a chance at getting erica, dani and james as well).

i am so i am sure janie is. the only chance she has is if she wons that final hoh and then i am certain she will take the game.
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: aprilsvagina on September 05, 2006, 05:19:09 PM
janelles heart says keep will,her brain says get rid of him.what will she do?this is gonna be some show :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: ChadsBaby on September 05, 2006, 06:46:39 PM
Im hoping she plays with her mind and not her heart tonight. I doubted Janelle from the start and this is one thing I got my hopes up with that she has promised. Kick him to the curb Janelle you HAVE a boyfriend you don't need a player.
Title: Re: Janelle...PLEASE Kick his butt to the curb!!! ..spoilerish
Post by: Texas_kimmie on September 05, 2006, 07:17:18 PM
Pleaseeeeeeeeee play with your heart Janie.  :hrt: :hearts: