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Archive => RFF Archived Boards => Big Brother 15 => Topic started by: survivorfan on July 25, 2013, 11:42:57 PM

Title: Real Time Schedule?
Post by: survivorfan on July 25, 2013, 11:42:57 PM
What is the real time schedule in the house? They show have/have nots stuff and Nominations on Sunday and the MVP/Veto stuff Wednesday on TV, but I know they obviously happen at an earlier time in the house.

But what day/time in the house do these things actually happen?

I wanna follow the live feeds update on this site,but I only want to do so after I see the episode up to that point in the house so I can still keep up with live feeds,but not have anything spoiled for me.
Title: Re: Real Time Schedule?
Post by: californiamom on July 26, 2013, 11:04:54 AM
It seems to change  a lot.

Usually, the noms and have/ have not happens on Friday.

And then the veto comp and pov meeting happen over the weekend, but it doesnt seem to be a set day. You can hear the hgs speculating on what day things will happen.

And then live evictions on Thursday.

If you are worried about surprises, i would just not read updates until after eviction. I read all updates, and read spoiler blogs/ pages and i still enjoy the shows. You dobt get to see thediary rooms on the feeds and the comps or ceremonies, so there is plenty to be surprised about:)
Title: Re: Real Time Schedule?
Post by: survivorfan on July 26, 2013, 11:51:40 AM
I wish I knew which day Veto/POV happened then. Cause would be great to be able to read what happens on Friday/Saturday after Sundays show. Then Sunday-Wednesday after Wednesdays show.
Title: Re: Real Time Schedule?
Post by: TexasLady on July 26, 2013, 12:23:08 PM
It seems to change  a lot.

Usually, the noms and have/ have not happens on Friday.

And then the veto comp and pov meeting happen over the weekend, but it doesnt seem to be a set day. You can hear the hgs speculating on what day things will happen.

And then live evictions on Thursday.

If you are worried about surprises, i would just not read updates until after eviction. I read all updates, and read spoiler blogs/ pages and i still enjoy the shows. You dobt get to see thediary rooms on the feeds and the comps or ceremonies, so there is plenty to be surprised about:)

This is just about right. :)

The HN or food comp is held on Friday and nominations later in the day.

POV players are chosen on Saturday and later on they do the POV competition.

Sunday is usually a light day, except for spreading crazy paranoia theories and laying around the pool.

Monday the POV ceremony is held.

Tuesday, Wednesday, the HGs are scrambling around to make sure X, Y or Z goes home.

Thursday is a dead day because half of it is blocked with the fish. (Good time to read back if you aren't up to speed on what happened and when.) :)
Title: Re: Real Time Schedule?
Post by: RudyRules on July 28, 2013, 02:36:10 PM
I found this on the tv schedule, the upcoming times thru FRIDAY Aug 9:

S15, E19 
The houseguests vote to evict a fellow cast member; the contestants compete for the role of head of household.
Fri 8/9 

(an early morning ep???) ???
Is this accurate?? 

Title: Re: Real Time Schedule?
Post by: Jimmer on July 28, 2013, 05:59:43 PM
August 8th starts the first week of Preseason NFL football. With that, local CBS channels may choose to air certain preseason NFL football games, causing them to air Big Brother early morning Friday. I remember this happening last year so I had to watch a live link. So yes, in some areas, it is certainly possible.
Title: Re: Real Time Schedule?
Post by: RudyRules on July 28, 2013, 06:44:23 PM
 :tu  Jimmer25!  :yess:
 I'll be sure to mark my calendar or something to remind me. 
As far as the early time, no prob, cuz I'm a night owl!