Author Topic: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever  (Read 8146 times)

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Serve Like John

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2006, 12:53:27 AM »
Im innocent i did NOT vote for erika to be back in the house i dont remember her doing much from her season and thought she would be boring to have in the house.  Im sure they put her in there becuase of her body.

Second Janie and will do not make out or sleep in the same bed for the most part janie and will have been pretty innocent in what they do. that might be the difference in peoples opinion. 

i also think that people saw thing bad things marci said about janie but dani has never campagined to get erika out of the house and has always treated her like an ali.

I think the producers are keeping the Shomances in because it makes better TV. I've worked on a few reality shows the goal is entertainment not so much reality. And the only reason they offered her an All star oppurtunity is her body, and the guy that thinks Erika is a better girlfriend, sure put a bag over that sad wrinkled face and do what you have to but most men I know don't like to date manic depressive, bi-polar, pms-ing woman! Erika is a basket case, and when Boogie is done using her she will need a straight jacket, Janelle is no beauty queen either she has a nose bigger than Shriek but at least she is keeping her ethnic nose and not trying to chop it off with plastic surgery looks like Erika's already had her eye brows done. ha ha.

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2006, 12:57:38 AM »
My own Pirate Masters is coming this summer only on Youtube.

Serve Like John

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2006, 01:08:27 AM »
Point well taken aprilsvagina.  But, we're not in Europe.  Right or wrong, this country doesn't take to that sort of thing very readily.  It's almost like watching "Pay For View" soft porn.   :-[ 

I guess that Erika should not be taking all the heat for acting like a slut.  She has a partner in crime......her boyfriend, or as he calls it "Showmance", Boogie is disgusting.  I can't believe his behavior regarding Erika.  He prances around the house like he's packin' something to be proud of.  He almost brags about how he's getting some off of Erika and in the next breath, almost brags about how he's willing to throw Erika under the bus when her value to him is done.  He even went so far as to tell Janie and Will that he was getting ready to go eat Erika's box, etc.  Pretty classLESS guy, if you ask me.  THAT is not the behavior of a guy that has love and respect for a woman.  He's a dog and I hope that he doesn't make it to the finals.

I question Erika's decision making ability if she's picking a loser like Boogie as a boyfriend.  He's displayed those character traits throughout the no doubt, he displays them in real life as well.  Surely, if she is such a loving, caring person - as you suggest; she could see through him.  He's making her look like a fool on national television. :lol3:   

 :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

WORD WORD WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boogie & Will's behavior wasn't even worth my comment, they are crying over thier dispicable behavior they are taking this seriously so I can't take them seriously and neither did all the HOH's that got voted out the only DUMB person taking Boogie seriously is Erika Basketa Casea I remember that week Chilltown wanted to vote her out and she was all "I'm with a secret alliance called chill" her and evey one else in the house. Big 6 bungled again, even with a dominance they STILL managed to get themselves disbanded and voted out, even though I loved Janelle in B6 and HATE her in Allstars she deserves because she outlasted the collective stupidity of b6. They should have taken a clue from that scary arse "FRIENDSHIP alliance" an alliance that actually stayed loyal til the end and won. Maggie was starting to act like a sorority girl on a power trip..... the friendship... skull & bones....the Free Masons.   

Serve Like John

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2006, 01:19:48 AM »
Erika confessed to having  been with Matthew McConaughey , thats Hot !!

Uhmmm who HAS NOT slept with Matthew McConaughey???????????? When he's high he'll even make sweet love to his Bongos, Boogie whom we all know gets very little action outside of the Allstar house may need to get a check up!

Serve Like John

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2006, 01:24:41 AM »
Did she say she was out to find a man and not for the love of the game? I don't think I ever heard her say that.

And yeah doesn't almost every girl wonder about guys being in it for love or not? I thought so. So what she admitted that, doesn't mean anything. Whats Janelle doing to Will? Makes me wonder - why isn't she being called a slut. No everyone thinks its cute *gags*.

You don't knw what goes on in that house. Im a smart girl but I know I could easily get caught up in other peoples little stupid games.

Ask Kayser 'cos she was trying real hard to hit him up for a shomance, and yes I posted this several times not since Gas prices hit over $2.00 or Bush re-elected himself or Fema put salt in the wounds of Katrina Victims, have I been so pissed! :snicker:

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2006, 01:30:04 AM »
What Puddin said  :hearts: :jumpy: :woohoo:  :hrt:

I don't know what it is about Erika that I like, I really don't. But I do know that we can't judge her on past relationships. Maybe she doesn't know what she deserves. And maybe she is easy but its also called rebound. She could be hurting on the inside.

That's my point she is an emotional train wreck she is to blame for her own demise showize and personal and I can judge her all I want she puts her self on TV on this ridiculous (but entertaining) TV show, she shouldn't be on this show and the only thing that took her this far is her lil handies between the sheet and her ocational HOH win!

Serve Like John

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2006, 02:06:04 AM »
theres nothing wrong with 2 consenting adults that dont have outside relationships to get it on in the doesnt make you a if she was doing that in the house with more than 1 guy that would be differant.they do like having sex on big brother is such a no no,its a natural europe that would be no big deal. :jam:

Well there are a few people not many but a few people that think that sexual contact is special and should be reserved for serious relationships and marriage and there are a few more that may not share such a biblical view but will agree that on national TV when you are on a sensationalized show competing to stab each other in the back to win money while being filmed 24/7 that being intimate like that is sluttish for the woman, and for the man Mike Boogie, he is no better but in my opinion a woman, being the more emotional creature by nature shares a higher responsibility for what she does with her body & emotionals, because a woman can create a child out of such carelessness and that is why woman through out time have to deal with the double standard. Men don't have thta emotional baggage entertwined in thier sexuality,so a woman should be more responsible! who wants to debate this?

Offline lanna

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2006, 10:51:19 AM »
Serve Like John:

 Your reaction in your post is funny, this whole show is all done for effect and to evoke reaction out of it's viewers. I personally wouldn't waste my energy getting up set over this, it isn't worth it.  :lol: :lol: :lol: They are only people and this wasn't done to you, so why get upset over nothing? Dude, chill out take a long walk and go get an ice cream if your that upset. Danni is a big girl and she is over it, she has been over it for a very,very, long time.

PEACE out dude

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Re: Erika IS the Dumbest @#*% Ever
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2006, 10:58:43 AM »
Serve Like John:

I get the impression from your posts that a girl has dumped on you and made you bitter and angry. John, you aren't the only male who has ever been dumped on and it sounds to me like this incident has caused you to develop a chip on your shoulder.

A word of advice: he who shouts from his soap box with a chip on his shoulder often shouts alone.

Again, chill out dude and try to adapt a more positive outlook on life. If this show bothers you too much then don't watch until it doesn't. I hope that you begin to adopt a more positive outlook in life-life is too short not too.