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Brooke on the Early show
« on: October 07, 2005, 10:36:02 AM »
'Survivor' Castoff Tells Her Side

NEW YORK, Oct. 7, 2005
Et tu Judd?

When 26-year-old law student Brooke Struck watched the show Thursday night, she tells The Early Show co-anchor Rene Syler many thoughts came to her head about Judd Sergeant.

"I was thinking, when he said 'king of the jungle,' during the first challenge, you would still be lost in the jungle if Jim (Lynch) and I had not led you out using the map and compass," Brooke says. "It was quite the betrayal."

And quite unfair, Brooke says, adding that she was not the weakest link. But the reshuffling of the teams worked against her with her tribe evenly divided as four Yaxha members joined the four in Nakum.

"We had less than 24 hours to get to know our new team," Brooke says. "They hadn't seen everything that I had done, that I was one of the strongest ones in the jungle. They hadn't seen Judd throwing up during the jungle hike. They hadn't seen during the rope challenge I actually went and got one of the farthest ones. I hung in there and did better than some of the guys on my team."

If anyone was weak, she says, it was two-time "Survivor" player Stephanie LaGrossa.

"She got her team lost in the jungle, whereas I was able to lead my team through the jungle and not get lost," Brooke says. "Stephanie and Judd were the ones who kind of ran us to the ground during the ax-throwing challenge. We were kind of yelling at them: Switch out. Let someone else try it. It took Stephanie about 30 tries to break the first one. Whereas on the other team, Danni (Boatwright) walks up and in four tries gets it.

"Stephanie is not much of a team player. She brings the team spirit down a little bit. She didn't even know my name and everyone else on the tribe knew each other's name. Lydia's a much more positive person. When I was guarding her in the basketball challenge, she had all the energy."

And Stephanie? "Stephanie was flat on her back on the sidelines from the heat," Brooke says. "People could hardly stand up." She says the temperature some days reached 120 degrees.

"We didn't have a thermometer, but during the challenges Jeff Probst would announce the temperature. You don't realize how hot it gets," Brooke says. "I think that's why the guys got sick right away. They couldn't handle the hot weather."

But the heat factor at least was something predictable. The shocker was that the two tribes exchanged players.

"We didn't see it coming that soon," she says. "This was the first time we were going to be able, as a tribe, to send a member out of our team and have the advantage in a challenge and we never got to use that advantage for our team."

Another shock was that it was her time to go.

"Up until right before we went to Tribal Counsel," she says. "I thought I was safe, that we were all voting Lydia (Morales) off."

Now that she is out of the Guatemalan jungle, Brooke says she will be studying for the bar in February and looking for a job. But life for her will not be that different.

"There's a little back stabbing and cut throat in the legal world," she says.

( the video is right on the news page here )

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Re: Brooke on the Early show
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 01:52:23 PM »
Thanks puddin. Seems like such a short interview. Brooke sure had plenty to say about Judd. Too bad they weren't smart enough to turn against him.
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Re: Brooke on the Early show
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 06:55:57 PM »
Your welcome Keeta  ;;)

Brooke fell prey to the same type of thinking that has lingered over much of Survivor: Guatemala, survival of the fittest and voting out of the “weakest.” But does she think she was the weakest? Who really caused their immunity loss? Who was she allied with? Brooke answers all these questions and more right here.

RealityNewsOnline: Hello, Brooke, and thanks for taking the time to answer these questions for RealityNewsOnline’s readers. What was your initial plan for playing “Survivor” and how did that plan change as the game began?

Brooke: My initial plan was kind of to take a little bit of the lead at the start and show that I am strong but not too strong that I would draw a target [from] anyone.

RNO: How did you feel about having previous players in the game?

Brooke: As soon as I saw Stephenie and Bobby Jon, I thought “not fair.” They’ve had their chance at a million dollars and I thought they already had their chance but once we got Bobby Jon on our tribe, we saw he was a hard worker and it was good to have him there.

RNO: Before your tribe was split and reformed, who had formed alliances that you knew of?

Brooke: Danni and I had an alliance and then she had talked to Brandon and Bobby Jon about what our next move/vote would be so before the merger, I felt pretty secure.

RNO: Did you think Jeff Probst’s question about who has the most tribal spirit might be a trap?

Brooke: Nope, I was blindsided.

RNO: Did you suspect that Judd would jump ship so quickly?

Brooke: From the first day out there, I realized that Judd wasn’t somebody that I would trust. He was always quick to bad-mouth other team members and would be lazy around camp so it didn’t surprise me so much.

RNO: From what we saw on the show, Margaret took the lead in trying to keep Judd on your side. Did you do anything we didn’t see to try to persuade him to stick with you or to try to pull over one of the new tribe members?

Brooke: Yes, Margaret and I both talked about approaching Judd and I actually talked to him first but couldn’t get him alone because Jamie was there. I asked if we were sticking together and voting [against] Lydia.

RNO: Speaking of what you did on the show, we didn’t really get a chance to see much of you – what were some things that you did that producers didn't show us?

Brooke: They didn’t show a lot of stuff around camp such as the fact that Danni and I had an alliance, the fact that I caught 18 minnows on our last day before the tribe merger, and I think maybe downplayed my role in some of the challenges.

RNO: How did you feel about the Darwinistic approach so many players have been taking this time around regarding getting rid of who they think is the weakest link?

Brooke: I think it happened because Guatemala had such extreme conditions being the extreme heat, no water, that it REALLY did feel like survival of the fittest, but I think that people stereotyped as to who was the weakest. The guys always saw that the women were the weaker ones when in truth we were faring better than the guys.

RNO: Who did you think was most responsible for your immunity challenge loss?

Brooke: Definitely Judd and somewhat Stephenie. Judd was the worst at throwing the axes and when we tried to switch out, he wouldn’t do it. We told him to take a break like the other team and he wouldn’t listen to anyone and then Stephenie took about 30-40 tries to hit the first tile whereas Danni hit it in about 4 tries (on the other team).

RNO: Is there anything else you’d like to tell our readers about your time in the game?

Brooke: It was definitely too short and I definitely wasn’t the weakest one on our team. I think I got “picked” from Stephenie because she was afraid that I was stronger than her.

RNO: Thanks again, Brooke!

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Re: Brooke on the Early show
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2005, 09:02:55 AM »
Brooke sounds bitter.  She definitely does not like Steph and Judd....wonders if she does not have a chance to talk with them again ~ that thety both make merge?

Offline puddin

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Brooke 's TV Guide interview
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2005, 05:39:57 PM »
Survivor's Brooke Runs Dry
by Angel Cohn

Brooke Struck
Brooke Struck learned the hard way not to put all her eggs in one basket on last week's Survivor: Guatemala. The tough 26-year-old law-school graduate had a solid alliance with most of her tribe mates, but Jeff Probst pulled a Survivor switcheroo: While Brooke remained on Nakum with three others, four of the tribe's strongest members were involuntarily traded for a quartet of Yaxha players — and Nakum loyalty meant little to Judd, who was more concerned with saving himself and elected to oust Brooke instead of one of his new teammates. caught up with Brooke to see if she was miffed at the turn of events. I feel like we didn't get to know you that well.
Brooke Struck: I know, nobody did! I didn't get a lot of airtime. Was your strategy to lie low?
Brooke: It was, a tiny, tiny bit, but my Nakum tribe wasn't going to vote me off anytime soon, because I was useful. I really pulled through and helped my team with the challenges. The thing was, I just didn't get any airtime. What you see happening on TV isn't necessarily what's happening on the show. I didn't complain out there, I didn't whine, and you don't get as much airtime if you're not causing a scene. Were you surprised to see the male members of the original Nakum tribe lying on the ground, looking like they were going to die?
Brooke: When we got done with the jungle hike, I had so much adrenaline. Jim and I were the ones who were given the responsibility of reading the map, running the compass and finding the way through the jungle. When we got there, it was so surprising to just see the boys falling over. I just felt fine. Margaret, Cindy and Danni and I kind of agreed we were going to stick around and be the tough ones. We needed the guys, of course, but we felt this might be the women's time to take advantage in this game. It seems like you are very into athletics and sports. Is that what made you want to do Survivor in the first place?
Brooke: After being in school and hitting the books every day for three years, I wanted to face a physical challenge. But you'd be stupid to think Survivor is just physical. There's so much more mental and emotional stuff that goes into it that makes it the ultimate challenge. If you can win it, you're really on top of it all. You were a single girl on a team with some fairly cute boys. Were you attracted to any of them?
Brooke: I'm actually dating someone, but they were cute boys... who were throwing up the whole time. Not that attractive. Still, your first thought must have been that you'd at least have something nice to look at on the island.
Brooke: That's what Danni said — "eye candy." I wasn't going on the show looking for any romance; to me it was about winning the game, and I wasn't going to get distracted by anything. Your original tribe probably wouldn't have voted you out. When the teams got mixed up, did you immediately sense that you were in danger?
Brooke: I had an alliance with Danni, who went to Yaxha, so I was devastated that I couldn't be over there on that side. But still, we were four [original] and four [new], as far as tribe make-up goes, so I figured at the very least we'd have a tie. Margaret knew Judd didn't like her very much, so she wanted me to talk to him first. I went over to Judd, and he and Jamie said they were going to vote for Lydia, and that's the way it's going to go. It wasn't until five minutes before tribal council that Margaret tried to talk to Judd again, and she came up to me and said he didn't know how he was voting — "He may vote for Lydia, he may vote for you." Are you mad at him?
Brooke: I'm not, because I know it was a strategic move on his part. I think it was totally dumb, though — Judd's not the brightest of the bunch, and he can't see that he does any wrong. He blew the challenge for us — he got frustrated and wouldn't switch out with anybody — so he ran the [original Nakum group] to the ground and then called me the weakest. That's a boy who's never camped before in his life and would be completely lost in the jungle without Jim or me. That was what made me mad. I said, "Judd, you are one of the weaker people on the team. All you have [going for you] is you're heavy." If you had any weight challenges, he'd probably be all set.
Brooke: Exactly. And you realize people stereotype, too. You see a big guy and think [based on strength] he's going to be the best at surviving. They see the skinny little girl who went to law school and think she's just smart, and that's all she's good for. That's why Gary, I'm sure, hid the fact he was an NFL player. He knew that stereotypes factor in. Are you going to keep in touch with anyone after the show?
Brooke: We can't talk to anyone until after the finale [airs]. Danni and I were close in the game; we really had a lot in common. I'll probably keep in touch with most people. Probably not Judd. He was playing the game, I'll give him credit for that, but I just don't think he's got the mental game going for him. What did you think when Bobby Jon and Stephenie joined the mix? Good thing or bad?
Brooke: Bad thing. They announced at the finale of [Survivor:] Palau that there were going to be 18 people competing in Guatemala. We got out there [and initially thought], "Oh, 16 people — better odds." When I saw Bobby Jon and Stephenie come out, I was like, "No fair, they've had their chance at a million. They have to go home." But once we got Bobby Jon on our team, I realized he was really an asset because he was a hard worker and didn't seem to be all that strategic, not trying to backstab or anything like that.

Offline Texan

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Re: Brooke on the Early show
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2005, 08:47:01 AM »
They are all talking about how great BJ was....makes me wonder.....