Author Topic: Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?  (Read 9266 times)

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Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?
« on: September 26, 2005, 01:07:32 PM »
Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?

A favorite discussion on many Big Brother fan sites is if there will ever be a Big Brother All-Stars Edition.  A recent interview with Kaysar Ridha by Jokers Updates has given hope to many fans that such an edition might be imminent.  Kaysar told Jokers Updates, “All I can say is that someone very high of the corporate ladder at CBS has asked me already.”  Kaysar also added, “It sure sounds like there will be BB All Star cast.  I think it will be soon.” 

The timing seems perfect for CBS to turn Big Brother 7 into an All-Stars edition.  The All-Stars edition of Survivor occurred the season after Rupert Boneham emerged as one of the most popular Survivor contestants of all time.  CBS was able to benefit from Rupert’s popularity during Survivor 7: Peal Islands by turning around and casting him in Survivor 8: All-Stars.  With Kaysar Ridha being immensely popular during Big Brother 6, a Big Brother 7: All-Stars would give CBS an opportunity to quickly benefit again from his popularity.

If Big Brother 7: All Stars becomes a reality, then which former Big Brother houseguests should make the cast?  Reality TV Magazine staff studied the casts of the previous six seasons and came up with our own picks for Big Brother All-Stars.  One of the guidelines we used is that we tried to include at least two houseguests from each season.  We also attempted to create a diverse group of both fan favorites and some of the more controversial contestants. 

From Big Brother 1, we would cast Josh Souza and George Boswell.  Most of the Big Brother 1 cast has faded into obscurity, but Josh Souza is one of the few that has stayed visible through his work with and Kill Reality.  “Chicken George” is the only other houseguest that most fans remember from Big Brother 1.  Even though “Chicken George” might have been the old man in the house, he adapted and interacted well with his fellow contestants.

From Big Brother 2, we would cast Will Kirby and Mike “Boogie” Malin.  Will Kirby rewrote the strategy book for reality TV competition by playing an evil doctor that he knew everyone would want to take to the end because they would think they could beat him in the jury vote.  When Bunky asked Will how much of his winnings he would give to charity, Will claimed not any of it.  Ironically, Will now serves on the advisory board for a charitable organization called The Reality Cares Foundation.  Mike “Boogie” Malin made the Big Brother 2 house fun and would help to ensure a lively party atmosphere in the house.

From Big Brother 3, we would cast Marcellas Reynolds and Lisa Donahue.  No Big Brother All-Stars would be complete without Marcellas, one of the most famous houseguests ever.  We’re not sure if Marcellas would participate since he has his hosting job with Big Brother House Calls, but he should certainly be invited.  Lisa Donahue was a very strategic player, who flew under the radar.  In direct contrast to Will’s strategy from the Big Brother 2, Lisa remained likable throughout the game.  She was also the first woman to win Big Brother.   

From Big Brother 4, we would cast Jack Owens, Erika Landin and Allison Irwin.  After “Chicken George,” Jack is probably the second most memorable older player to participate in Big Brother.  Jack would bring cool, collected wisdom to the game.  Erika Landin was also a very intelligent player.  The fact that she is Josh Souza’s girlfriend would be an added twist.  If both her and Josh are in the house, then it would be interesting to see if their relationship made them immediate targets.  Allison Irwin might not be a popular choice, because many viewers have had their fill of her after seeing her both on Big Brother and the Amazing Race.  However, Allison is gifted at getting people riled up, and what would All-Stars be without a couple troublemakers in the house.   

From Big Brother 5, we would cast Jase Wirey and Marvin Latimer.  Like “Boogie,” Jase Wirey was the life of the Big Brother house during his season.  It would be interesting to see if Jase and “Boogie” would get along or if there would only be enough room for one larger than life personality in the house.  Marvin Latimer would bring a good sense of humor into the house, plus he was one of stronger players during his season.

From Big Brother 6, we would cast Kaysar Ridha, Janelle Pierzina, and Eric Littmann.  After Kaysar’s huge victory in the America’s choice voting, he is a no-brainer for Big Brother All-Stars.  Janelle’s two America’s choice victories also make her a no-brainer.  Eric Littmann might at first seem like an unusual choice, but an All-Stars edition shouldn’t be purely about popularity.  Eric would shake things up and create controversy in the house.  Would he be the first to go or would people try to keep him around until the end thinking that they can win a jury vote against him?

Because it’s unlikely that all the former houseguests we selected would be able to participate, we also picked two alternates.  Our two alternates would be Shannon Dragoo from Big Brother 2 and Howie Gordon from Big Brother 6.  We would cast Shannon just for the pure fact that it probably wouldn’t take her long before she butted heads with Eric and wound up cleaning the toilet with his toothbrush.  We would cast Howie because he was fun to watch even if he wasn’t a particularly brilliant Big Brother strategist. 

Do you agree with our Big Brother All-Stars picks?  If not, then who would you cast in Big Brother All-Stars.  Please add your personal picks for a Big Brother All-Stars edition to our comments section below.

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Re: Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 01:54:19 PM »
yeah i only saw 34 and 6 so i can only comment on those choices.

from bb4, i TOTALLY agree with alison. she was such an amazing and likeable person from the outside it sucked she didnt win. we all like jack oo, just cos he was so damn cool!  in terms of tother members, the 3 stooges were good as a 3 but as individuals as rob jee and justin they are borin. as is june. erika was cool but dno about allstars. however she is one of the best of an average bunch.

from bb3, yes and no. more no. i mean marcellus is good but in the house i didnt like him, he was self obsessed, a bad strategist and played by every1 in there (danielle voting to evict him, jason evicting him, and also he got played by them. he put up his best mate amy for wat reason?) plus he didnt use the veto. bad choice son. lol. but the house calls thing with him is good, although a little personal.  i liked danielle. she was an expert strategist, well liked and really clever and devious. as was roddy who was excellent strategist and someone who could come back. i like the idea of lisa coming in but i think her strategy was stay quiet and liked and u will come out on top. she didnt really win any competitions or anything but still was cool. my choice would be to ave Danielle and Lisa or possibly Roddy. i don't like Marcellus at all but i think im in the minority there.

from bb6, KAYSAR AND JANELLE are tooooooo easy to choose but they HAVE TO be on. it is doubtful that they would pick ppl who are so close and need evicting straight away. as bb6 has just gone they would clearly be the most popular espcially to us as old faves like lisa and allison's popularity may have been slighly forgotten.  howie is a possibility but id rather have james. he was much more exciting to watch and id like to c him there. so the top 7 from bb 3 4 6 are

1. janelle
2. kaysar
3. allison bb4
4. danielle bb3
5. james bb6
6. roddy bb3
7. jack bb4
(8. lisa bb3)
(9. erika bb4)

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Re: Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 03:59:55 PM »
From Big Brother 6, we would cast Kaysar Ridha, Janelle Pierzina, and Eric Littmann.  After Kaysar’s huge victory in the America’s choice voting, he is a no-brainer for Big Brother All-Stars.  Janelle’s two America’s choice victories also make her a no-brainer.  Eric Littmann might at first seem like an unusual choice, but an All-Stars edition shouldn’t be purely about popularity.  Eric would shake things up and create controversy in the house.  Would he be the first to go or would people try to keep him around until the end thinking that they can win a jury vote against him?

Because it’s unlikely that all the former houseguests we selected would be able to participate, we also picked two alternates.  Our two alternates would be Shannon Dragoo from Big Brother 2 and Howie Gordon from Big Brother 6.  We would cast Shannon just for the pure fact that it probably wouldn’t take her long before she butted heads with Eric and wound up cleaning the toilet with his toothbrush.  We would cast Howie because he was fun to watch even if he wasn’t a particularly brilliant Big Brother strategist.

Kaysar? Yes. Janie? Yes. Eric? Hell no! Cast Eric and the ratings would drop. I would personally suggest someone of the Friendship persuasion with a softer side to April. Can't stand Eric, couldn't bare watching his ass in the house for at least another week.

Alternates? Agree with Howie. Would make some TV magic if he were to return to the house.

How about this for a suggestion: Make a viewers' choice Big Brother. When one houseguest leaves the house, another one enters. And it's the audience who decides to join the cast. (Just my suggestion. I don't know what you think about that.)
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Re: Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2005, 07:55:02 PM »
what about james, the POV king?
i would definitely cast him

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Re: Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2005, 07:09:55 PM »
does anyone think that this could be a reality?  being from uk i dont know whether this is common in the usa having allstar reality reunions? in britain the reality stars hate each other at the end and never want to c each other again lol.

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Re: Will There Be A Big Brother All-Stars Edition?
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2005, 11:10:06 AM »
Agree with everything EXCEPT Eric (BB6)....No, please no, no,no!  |( For fun, put in Howie if you need someone else from BB6, or for strategy, James or Rachel, but PUHLEEZE, no Eric. Ick. "Cappy" and "The Friendship" really need never be heard from again, IMO.