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Re: Survivor Fever News
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2005, 12:34:03 AM »
First spoilers

The immunity idol has been spotted at Yaxha camp in the following Episode 1 castaway images, therefore it is speculated that Yaxha Tribe wins the first immunity challenge.

Offline Texan

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Re: Survivor Fever News
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2005, 09:49:28 AM »
WOO HOO good catch!

Offline puddin

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Re: Survivor Fever News
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2005, 05:17:44 PM »
BobbyJon on Yellow NAKUM
Stephanie on Blue Yaxha

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Re: Survivor Fever News
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2005, 04:50:03 PM »

 Survivor: Guatemala Weekly Boot Sheet

Episode 1

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Contributor:  BlindFreddy

The Boot Sheet will be updated after each episode.

The Vulnerabilities will vary from:
Most Vulnerable - Very Vulnerable - Vulnerable - Safe - Very Safe - Most Safe The terms Most Vulnerable and Most Safe will be reserved for rock solid physical spoilers i.e. vidcaps IDs...or proven posters' evidence.  In general, physical evidence (i.e. vidcaps) will take precedence over indirect evidence (i.e. hairdresser's gossip).

Weight loss, facetime and other editing info will be factored in but will fall into the indirect evidence category since there is so much variability about those elements. 'Facetime' will be based on a short term window (i.e. last episode and previews), while 'Profile' will be based on the long term viewpoint (i.e. overall game visibility).

Nakum Tribe
Buffs: Yellow

Blake Towsley

For Boot
- shown exhausted by heat or possibly sick

Against Boot
- med-lo facetime
- positive attitude
- athletic (helpful in challenges)

Vulnerability : Very Vulnerable

Bobby Jon Drinkard

For Boot
- previous contestant target on back
- jury popularity target

Against Boot
- healthy
- athletic
- possibly immune status as chief
- possibly immune status as a non-player role
- positive attitude
- hard camp worker

Vulnerability : Safe

Brandon Bellinger

For Boot
- Nakum loses first immunity challenge

Against Boot
- med-lo facetime
- athletic (helpful in challenges)
- outdoor experience (wildlands firefighter/farmer)
- non-threatening initial impression

Vulnerability : Vulnerable 

Brooke Struck

For Boot
- lawyer target (if revealed)

Against Boot
- adaptive
- intelligent
- personable
- low facetime

Vulnerability : Vulnerable 

Cindy Hall

For Boot
- low interactivity level (loner)

Against Boot
- outdoor survival skills
- very low facetime
- athletic (helpful in challenges)
- 2 post-game Domain Registrations (as per TrueDorkTimes speculation)

Vulnerability : Vulnerable 

Danni Boatwright

For Boot
- high facetime
- slight injuries: bruises, scrapes (TVG mag)

Against Boot
- outdoor survival skills
- athletic (helpful in challenges)

Vulnerability : Very Vulnerable 

Jim Lynch

For Boot
- oldest contestant
- firefighter (goodguy-winner) target (if revealed)
- Jeff Probst negative comment w/re to adaptability
- puked guts out (TVG mag)

Against Boot
- non-threatening initial impression
- physically fit via job duties (fireman)
- low-medium facetime

Vulnerability :  Very Vulnerable 

Judd Sergeant

For Boot
- aggressive personality
- non-adaptability
- shown exhausted by heat

Against Boot
- strong (helpful in challenges)
- med-low facetime
- weight loss spoiler (as per True Dork Times)

Vulnerability :  Vulnerable 

Margaret Bobonich

For Boot
- older castmember

Against Boot
- physically fit
- athletic (helpful in challenges)
- adaptive
- personable
- low facetime
- 2 post-game website Domain registrations (as per TrueDorkTimes speculation)

Vulnerability : Vulnerable 


Nakum is shown w/smoke (and thus fire), implying they won the 'trek challenge'. Yaxha is shown in 2 pics with the Immunity Idol in camp. Therefore Nakum loses the first Immunity challenge. Injured or sick cast members would be more vulnerable to being booted. While it is not yet known if Steph/BobbyJon enjoy Immunity as returning Survivors, serving in a tribal chief role, it *seems* likely that they would be guaranteed more than one episode of airplay for ratings value if nothing else. So they are shown as 'Safe' for the time being. Thus Nakum members are at risk in E1.



Yaxha Tribe
Buffs: blue

Amy O'Hara

For Boot
- aggressive personality
- police officer target on back (if revealed)
- shown drinking lots of water
- med facetime

Against Boot
- physically conditioned by job requirements
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp
- post-game website Domain registration (as per True Dork Times speculation)

Vulnerability : Safe

Brian Corridan

For Boot
- possibly abrasive personality
- med facetime

Against Boot
- knowledgeable game player
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp
- 2 post-game website Domain registrations (as per True Dork Times speculation

Vulnerability : Safe 

Brianna Varela

For Boot
- aggressive personality
- abrasive personality
- med-low facetime

Against Boot
- resourceful/adaptive
- tanned skinny arms w/bug bites (Seattle Times)
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp

Vulnerability : Safe 

Gary Hogeboom

For Boot
- NFL QB target on back (if revealed)
- shown exhausted by heat
- high facetime
- possibly perceived as a threat

Against Boot
- athletic (helpful in challenges)
- strong (helpful in challenges)
- mature and adaptable
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp

Vulnerability : Safe 

Jamie Newton

For Boot
- abrasive personality
- low interactivity level (loner)

Against Boot
- low facetime
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp

Vulnerability : Safe 

Lydia Morales

For Boot
- Jeff Probst's negative comments w/re to her survivor skills
- smaller physical stature (possibly a challenge liability)
- med-low facetime

Against Boot
- positive attitude
- adaptive
- personable
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp

Vulnerability : Safe 

Morgan McDevitt

For Boot
- 'girly girl'/non-outdoor type

Against Boot
- not perceived as a threat
- low facetime
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp

Vulnerability : Safe 

Rafe Judkins

For Boot
- susceptible to double dealing backfire
- med-hi facetime

Against Boot
- very knowledgeable game player
- adaptive
- personable
- outdoor survival training skills
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp
- significant weight loss

Vulnerability : Safe 
Stephenie LaGrossa

For Boot
- previous contestant target on back
- jury popularity target
- strong player

Against Boot
- healthy
- athletic
- possibly immune status as chief
- possibly immune status as a non-player role
- positive attitude
- Immunity Idol sighting in Yaxha camp
- does well, possibly better than Palau (as per tip to TrueDorkTimes)

Vulnerability : Safe 


Immunity Idol spotting in Yaxha camp should give safety to all Yaxha tribe members for Episode 1.






Offline puddin

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Jim Lynch's Early Show Interview
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2005, 02:38:11 PM »
Jim Lynch's Early Show Interview
Survivor: Guatemala Episode 1 Boot
Harry Smith:  Last night on the premiere of Survivor: Guatemala a grueling 11 mile trek through the thick unforgiving jungle took its toll on the men of Nakum.  In the end it was the retired fireman, Jim Lynch, who became the first cast-off, sacrificed to the Mayan Gods at Tribal Council. 

<clip from Episode 1>

Harry:  Jim, we hardly got a chance to get to know you last night.   The people that watched last night saw that in the big challenge they did this whole thing where you had to go out with a boat and then bring the boat up.  How did you hurt your arm?

Jim:  When we initially put the boat in the water, I snatched it up maybe a tenth of a second before everyone else and it just tore that bicep.

Harry:  You literally tore the muscle.

Jim:  Yeah tore the muscle lose, you can see the big hole.  I tried to continue as best I could but I'm still operating at fifty percent.  Just a nasty break is all

Harry:  You never had a shot.

Jim:  Didn't have a chance.

Harry:  How many  years as a firefighter?

Jim:  Thirty years.

Harry:  Former Marine.  Look as fit as can be.  You look like you were ready to play.

Jim:  I was ready.

Harry:  Every year they figure out a way to try to up the ante a little bit.  How stunned were you when the first thing off the bat they say "11 miles in the jungle race?"  This thing actually goes through the night.   What was that like out there?

Jim:  I couldn't believe, first of all, we thought, maybe we can navigate a little bit by the stars.  The canopy of that jungle was so thick, you couldn't even see the stars.  I've never been through anything like it.   Couple with that the humidity and the heat, 90-95% humidity, 120 degrees and then the mud and it rains...for a little kicker. 

 Harry:  All of the guys in your tribe looked spent. They were all ralphing their guts out.  You guys got beat up out there.
Jim:  That's the most compelling question for me.  Why were Nakum's guys the ones that went down, what was up with that?  These are in-shape guys.  Fit guys.

Harry:  You get this surprise right at the beginning of the game with Stephenie and Bobby Jon, what'd you think about that?

Jim:  I thought, "wait a minute, we're going to throw two more people in the mix going for this million bucks?"  Some of the kids were going, "oh, ohhhhh, this is wonderful."  I'm going, "this aint great, come on, two more folks going for my million bucks".

Harry:  So are you feeling allright now?

Jim:  I'm trying to rehab it, but it's really slow.  The older we get the tougher it is it rehab those things.

Harry:  Now, you had a nurse out there with you.

Jim:  Actually she's a nurse practitioner which is a little higher up.

Harry:  That's just below a doc.

Jim:  If you don't have those things to work with, you can pour all the water you want on somebody's head.  If you don't have the IVs, you're not going to do anything.

Harry:  Allright Jim.

Jim:  Thanks so much.

Harry:  You take care.

Offline puddin

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Re: Survivor Fever News
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2005, 04:07:24 PM »
link found through SurvivorFever

Mon Sep 19, 6:04 AM ET

DR. Adrian Cohen, who's worked behind-the-scenes on every "Survivor" as the show's primary on-site doctor, says "Survivor Guatemala: The Maya Empire," which premiered last Thursday, is the most medically challenging one yet.

"It's probably the toughest one to date, and that's a big call," says Cohen, who prefers to be called "Ado."

Evidence of just how tough "Survivor Guatemala" will be was found in the vomiting, injuries and dehydration that followed the tribes' 11-mile trek through the jungle in last Thursday's opener — capped off when Jim Lynch, the 62-year-old eventually booted, revealed he'd snapped his bicep.

"Physically, this has been the toughest one for the people there. It's a real killer," Cohen says. "At Times, it got to be 122 degrees in the jungle.

"Even though the show is based around water, it's the first time since we were in Africa that they can't drink the water directly, bathe or wash because of crocodiles."

Cohen, a trauma physician who flew on thousands of helicopter-rescue missions in his native Australia, runs Immediate Assistants, which provides on-site medical services to corporate events, TV shows and movies.

He and his staff of doctors and nurses have been on location with each "Survivor" since the show's 2000 premiere. Cohen hooked up with series creator Mark Burnett after working on Burnett's first reality series, "Eco-Challenge."

"This one is brutal and isn't going to get any better," says Cohen of "Survivor Guatemala," set in the jungles of the Central American country. "The Australian Outback was a picnic compared to this.

"We're always concerned about hepatitis, and bugs are always a problem," he says. "They cause itching and sores that get scratched and get infected.

"And, in Guatemala, there are bugs that carry dengue fever and malaria, which is a big problem there."

And then there are the falling coconuts — which instill a sense of fear in Cohen.

"More people die of coconut injuries every year than parachute injuries," he says. "You don't see local people sitting under coconut trees for a reason."

Cohen says he goes to each "Survivor" location six months before the cast and crew arrive. The show's "medical clinic" is usually a few rooms in an old hotel — or a clinic is built on-site from scratch.

"We end up with a couple-hundred square feet with an ER area, advanced resuscitation equipment, anesthetics, initial first aid and advanced life support," he says.

"We don't kid ourselves that we're Cedars-Sinai — I've got a staff of two doctors, two nurses and three paramedics, and it's our job to be challenged at each camp.

"Our job is to keep people on the show . . . and make sure everyone goes home in one piece — both the cast and the crew."

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Re: Survivor Fever News
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 04:33:05 PM »