Archive > Survivor 11: Guatemala

Survivor 11 Guatamala!

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 () Hows that Richard  /{} ? Oh I cant wait either , I;ve been studying up on Guatemala and will put some fun facts & history together soon  . 


--- Quote from: puddin on May 17, 2005, 01:58:27 PM --- () Hows that Richard  /{} ? Oh I cant wait either , I;ve been studying up on Guatemala and will put some fun facts & history together soon  . 

--- End quote ---
nice, very nice. who says that reality tv and related internet sites aren't educational?  ]][

Well its not as much fun as searching TAR but it will pass some time away  {l{
Click Here For RealVideo!
                             * El Castillo at Equinox
                             * Equinox Observatory Alignment
                             * Palenque, Magic in the Jungle
                             * Uxmal:  The Faces of Chac

Tons of stuff here~
ancient mayan links

My favorite , I happened to catch this on the Travel Channel last week! I'm hoping its the Idol or worked into the theme in someway  !!
Crystal Skulls.



Our favorite site: A lake surrounded by tropical forest of the Mayan biosphere with many animal species, some endangered. An archaelogical site of an exceptional value, the only one that allows to see the organization of a Mayan urban area with an estimated population of 40,000 resident.
A very decent lodge to spend the night. A breathtaking sunset from the top of the pyramid 2-16, with parrots, tucans, howler monkeys and "spider" monkey who seem to observe the visitors. A night excursion on the lake to watch the crocodiles, your guide might catch some little ones to show you.


On this page we cover the Jaguar Inn at Tikal. Elsewhere we will be describing the Jaguar Inn of Santa Elena (Flores area). The Jungle Lodge is covered extensively elsewhere in the FLAAR network of sites on Maya archaeology

El Sombrero, hotel at Maya ruins of Yaxha (Lake Yaxha), Peten ...Only one hotel is available at Yaxha. This hotel is operated by the wife of the owner of the ranch along the south side of Yaxha, the side that did not become part of the National Park (which protects the north side of Yaxha and most of adjacent Lake Sacnab).

The El Sombrero is pleasant. It has cabins backed by the forest. A kitchen and restaurant is available and is increasingly popular now that the highway is paved from Flores to the turnoff to Yaxha (the 11 miles into Yaxha are unpaved but transitable most of the year).

You can camp here as well (or camp in the facilities on the other side of the lake, below the ruins).

Nearby are the ruins of Yaxha and Topoxte Island. In the dry season you can reach Nakum by road (or ride a horse when the jeep trail is too swampy even for 4-wheel drive).

If you need a driver to get you to Lake Yaxha, telephone Edil Calderon.

e-mail, owner Gabriella Moretti, fax (502) 926-5228, telefax (502) 926-5528 , tel (502) 926-5229. 502 is the area code for all of Guatemala

Cabins ~Introduction to the Posada Caribe, a short boat ride from Sayaxche, Peten, Guatemala. The Posada Caribe offers cabins alongside the Arroyo Petex Batun, en route to the Maya ruins of Aguateca and Dos Pilas.

Escape the noise and garbage of a town and instead spend a pleasant night in the rain forest.

Owner is Julian Mariona, Viajes Turisticos La Montana (should be a tilda over the last n), Sayaxche, Peten. This travel agency is in the La Montana Restaurant, on the main street, near the ferry which crosses the Rio de la Pasion.

Tel 928 6168, 928 6169, fax also available (this listing will be updated shortly).

We will be posting pictures of the Hotel Ecologico Posada Caribe on additional pages shortly.

I have known Sr Mariona for several decades, have stayed in his hotel several times, and can recommend it if you wish cabin-style accomodations out in a peaceful setting directly overlooking the river.

This hotel is about an hour by boat from Sayaxche, a few minutes from the landing for Dos Pilas (from the landing it is a 3-hour walk in to the ruins). The hotel is about an hour from the landing for Aguateca (a 15 minute climb up the steep hill).


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