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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #125 on: May 09, 2005, 10:10:59 AM »
Hey Chosenone, its because its true.  They were getting help from the producers during the race, and thats why the win because of the rigged help.

Offline puddin

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #126 on: May 09, 2005, 10:17:12 AM »
Even better chosen , a poster at Blows caught more than I did in the CNN interview ( I was distracted by my cats  :P  )
islandgirl23440 1 desperate attention whore postings
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 05-09-05, 06:50 AM (EST)
"M/G Local TV Interview"
RE: Local TV news interview with M/G on Wednesday.
Hi, I am a longtime reader of the boards but this is my first post. I live in the same local viewing area as M/G (the Eastern Shore of Maryland) and saw them on the news Wednesday. Thought you all might be interested in what they had to say. Could be possible spoiler towards Rob and Amber win. The interviewer asked would they be looking forward to the final episode, and they said yes because it has been difficult to keep silent to their family and friends. Then the interviewer said, "Will it bring you closure?", and Gretchen said, "Well I wouldn't say that and then something about how they weren't satisfied with the ending. Then they asked if they had any regrets, and Gretchen said they had a few personal regrets and some sour feelings about how things turned out, but that they wouldn't have traded the experience and about how everything was so beautiful and how nice the people in other countries treated them. Just from the way she was talking and the things she said it made me believe she was talking about a win in a way or by a team she didn't agree with. Rob & Amber maybe? But she could also be talking about seeing the harsh comments made about them by Ray & Deena and others that they wouldn't have known about until they saw them on TV. I can see why their feelings might be hurt. Maybe they will talk to them again after Tuesday night's finale. They both seemed very nice and Gretchen wan't half as "screetchy" or wired up as she was during the race. Stress must really get to her. And on a final note I would like to add: RUN Ron RUN and don't look back or you may turn to stone. 

Offline floridagirl

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #127 on: May 09, 2005, 10:23:03 AM »
How do you know this?  Did Rob and Amber run over your dog or something?  GEEZ!!!!
Can we please discuss spoilers?

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Offline Traegen

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #128 on: May 09, 2005, 11:03:25 AM »
Posted over at Sucks:

Phil Keoghan was on 104 KRBE in Houston this morning and he said it was a very close footrace to the finish.

Footrace I take as the finish actually being close not like in TAR 5 where it was said the ending was close but it only looked close because they edited out the flat tire.

Offline Ottopart

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #129 on: May 09, 2005, 11:07:19 AM »
Even better chosen , a poster at Blows caught more than I did in the CNN interview ( I was distracted by my cats  :P  )
islandgirl23440 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
 05-09-05, 06:50 AM (EST)
"M/G Local TV Interview"
RE: Local TV news interview with M/G on Wednesday.
Hi, I am a longtime reader of the boards but this is my first post. I live in the same local viewing area as M/G (the Eastern Shore of Maryland) and saw them on the news Wednesday. Thought you all might be interested in what they had to say. Could be possible spoiler towards Rob and Amber win. The interviewer asked would they be looking forward to the final episode, and they said yes because it has been difficult to keep silent to their family and friends. Then the interviewer said, "Will it bring you closure?", and Gretchen said, "Well I wouldn't say that and then something about how they weren't satisfied with the ending. Then they asked if they had any regrets, and Gretchen said they had a few personal regrets and some sour feelings about how things turned out, but that they wouldn't have traded the experience and about how everything was so beautiful and how nice the people in other countries treated them. Just from the way she was talking and the things she said it made me believe she was talking about a win in a way or by a team she didn't agree with. Rob & Amber maybe? But she could also be talking about seeing the harsh comments made about them by Ray & Deena and others that they wouldn't have known about until they saw them on TV. I can see why their feelings might be hurt. Maybe they will talk to them again after Tuesday night's finale. They both seemed very nice and Gretchen wan't half as "screetchy" or wired up as she was during the race. Stress must really get to her. And on a final note I would like to add: RUN Ron RUN and don't look back or you may turn to stone. 

Puddin - I believe the poster at blows is refering to a different interview.  Because here is the transcript from the CNN interview from last night.  Doesn't say anything like the poster a blows was talking about in regards to the regrets.


LIN: Reality television, who remembers when the news was reality television? Well, those days are over and the "Survivors", the Donald wanna-bes, "Big Brothers" and "Biggest Losers" all redefined TV as we know it and made bona fide stars out of -- well, "Average Joes".

Case in point, Gretchen and Meredith Smith, they won legions of fans racing around the world. But they are sadly, the latest casualties of "The Amazing Race".

But, you know what, history making. You guys are the oldest people to make it to the finals. How does that feel, Gretchen?

GRETCHEN SMITH, "THE AMAZING RACE": Oh, gosh, it feels just wonderful. It really does. We were hoping to make it past the first episode and it is almost unreal that we've given everybody 10 episodes to watch of us.

LIN: You know, you are 66 years young, to be honest with you. Because hanging from that rope ladder, we had video of you earlier. And you Meredith, you know, the stunts that you ended up doing in India. What was the story with that elephant? You nearly had a heart attack pushing that elephant up.

Anyway, I heard that this go-for-it attitude that you guys have, Meredith, really has a lot to do with the fact that you found love late in life. And you just decided, you know what, no holds barred. Is that true?

MEREDITH SMITH, "THE AMAZING RACE": No holds barred. We met this way and we've continued to be this way ever since our first date.

LIN: So what was your strategy going into the race then?

M. SMITH: Well, in the beginning our strategy was that old age and treachery would outperform exuberant youth. But we were only in the race about five minutes when we found that the treachery part wasn't us and we really had to just get in there and work hard.

LIN: All right, Rob and Amber, the winners of "Survivor", another reality show, seemed to really have, frankly, the advantage. They went around the world. Did it seem to you that they got a lot of help because of their celebrity? How do you feel about that? G. SMITH: Well, we didn't really see a lot of this until -- I mean, we didn't see this while we were doing the race, but now that we've been watching it every week. They've had a lot of help. They almost have personal guides taking them all through their detours, which is something we haven't had. They were recognized everywhere. They just seemed to get all the breaks.

LIN: Get all the breaks. What do you think was the toughest task for you?

G. SMITH: For me? I think the hardest one was probably coming back after I had fallen down in the cave and my head was wrapped up. I had kind of a mild headache and after our clothes were all taken from us and our backpacks and our personal belongings coming back and making a wonderful attempt in the bush country. And coming in, I believe it was fourth or fifth.

LIN: Ron and Kelly, the couple that is I think is still in the running. They seem to bicker all the time, Meredith. Is that creative editing by the producers or is it pretty representative of how you found these couples to be?

M. SMITH: Well, we didn't find Ron and Kelly like that at all. They were very genuine people around us. And although we knew that Kelly had a motive to find out how strong the relationship was at the beginning of the race. We had no idea what was going on inside those taxi cabs.

LIN: Uh-huh? What about you guys? Meredith, what did you learn about Gretchen? And Gretchen, what did you learn about your husband in this "Amazing Race"?

M. SMITH: Well, quite frankly, I didn't learn anything. Gretchen and I took a long time getting to know each other before we married. And there was nothing new. I hadn't seen her in action doing some of the things I felt quite confident that she could handle.

LIN: Uh-huh?

M. SMITH: But once we got in the race there were no real surprises. I knew she was one tough cookie.

LIN: You bet. Meredith? I mean, excuse me, Gretchen?

G. SMITH: I didn't learn anything new about Meredith. He's always been the strong one in our relationship. He's always given me security and comfort. He was tremendously patient with me. He calls himself Saint Meredith of Infinite Patience, actually. And I'm always the one ready to jump into something. And he takes his time and is more analytical about things.

LIN: We're going to bring you guys back for Valentine's Day, but surely no exotic vacations ahead for you two, I imagine.


LIN: Home sweet home.

M. SMITH: We'll look forward to that.

LIN: Thanks so much, Meredith and Gretchen.

M. SMITH: Thank you. You're welcome.

G. SMITH: You're welcome. Thank you.

LIN: Up next, advice for mother's from "The View's" Meredith Vieira.

Still looking for the interview the poster at blows is talking about.

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #130 on: May 09, 2005, 11:10:43 AM »
Thanks Traegen ..a foot race to the finish  :] !!

googled Phil

Race relations
May 5, 2005
Reality TV's winning couple line up for another pot of gold. Ellen
Connolly reports.

One website screams: "Rob and Amber: an amazing disgrace."

And from another: "Rob is a liar and a cheat and is changing the way the race is played."

Survivor's glamour couple has certainly stirred things up on the latest series of The Amazing Race, which begins this week on Seven. "People either love them or loathe them," says the show's New Zealand-born host, Phil Keoghan.

Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich have been labelled greedy for trying to win another $US1 million ($1.27 million) from another reality show, but they've proved ratings winners in the US and Keoghan hopes they'll have the same effect here. "They make good television," he says. "It's no use having a show where everybody is nice to each other, respectful of all cultures. We're not making vanilla ice-cream."

more here ~

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #131 on: May 09, 2005, 11:17:31 AM »
Oh cool thanks Ottopart  ]**]

fwiw " finish line US"

Offline floridagirl

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #132 on: May 09, 2005, 11:25:00 AM »

HEY BLOB.......How do you know this?  Did Rob and Amber run over your dog or something?  GEEZ!!!!
Can we please discuss spoilers?

Life is a reality show.

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #133 on: May 09, 2005, 01:55:19 PM »
re: Gretchen unhappy with the finale

Well, it could be more smoke-blowing from Gretchen (she told her family some untruths about the outcome).  I still have hopes that U/J pull it off.  I would love to wake up Wed and hear everyone saying "The betting spoilers never lie."

Rob needs something to wipe that smirk off his face. 

Offline never0102

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #134 on: May 09, 2005, 02:16:46 PM »
Posted over at Sucks:

Phil Keoghan was on 104 KRBE in Houston this morning and he said it was a very close footrace to the finish.

Footrace I take as the finish actually being close not like in TAR 5 where it was said the ending was close but it only looked close because they edited out the flat tire.

Phil also said for AR6 that the show was blessed with another close finish and it wasnt that close.  Eveyone expected a foot race to be a close and it was not footrace.  Its kind of 50:50 some teams say KJ were close others say even without the train KJ were not even close like 20 min behind.  Victoria even said with the train KJ were 40 minutes behind and in no way is that close.

And lets face it had it been a foot race we would have be told like in the previews for AR2.  Sorry but i think there is no way going to be a foot race.  And i f it was one Rob and Amber would beat UJ anyway, so it could be close but more like a AR3 close not a footrace like AR2.

Offline Lucy325

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #135 on: May 09, 2005, 02:57:42 PM »
I think most of the country got that same interview with Phil this am.  Ours here in Cleveland area was WDOK, wihich is owned by Viacom, who of course also owns CBS.  The reference from that Sucks person, may have his call letter wrong there is no KRBE in Houston but there is a KRBV.

All the interviews, were probably the same, just CBS giving us the same hype for their show.  Not that I didnt enjoy it, mind you.  But certainly not like PHIL called all these stations personally all morning long.  Even Phil must have some life, you know. :)*

Offline Ottopart

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #136 on: May 09, 2005, 03:01:42 PM »
I think most of the country got that same interview with Phil this am.  Ours here in Cleveland area was WDOK, wihich is owned by Viacom, who of course also owns CBS.  The reference from that Sucks person, may have his call letter wrong there is no KRBE in Houston but there is a KRBV.

All the interviews, were probably the same, just CBS giving us the same hype for their show.  Not that I didnt enjoy it, mind you.  But certainly not like PHIL called all these stations personally all morning long.  Even Phil must have some life, you know. :)*

Lucy- Did you hear the interview?  If so, did Phil say it would be a close "footrace" or "close race"?  Lots of discussion at sucks and TWOP regarding the wording? 

Offline Bluetickmaggie

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #137 on: May 09, 2005, 03:06:40 PM »
Phil also said for AR6 that the show was blessed with another close finish and it wasnt that close.  Eveyone expected a foot race to be a close and it was not footrace.  Its kind of 50:50 some teams say KJ were close others say even without the train KJ were not even close like 20 min behind.  Victoria even said with the train KJ were 40 minutes behind and in no way is that close.

And lets face it had it been a foot race we would have be told like in the previews for AR2.  Sorry but i think there is no way going to be a foot race.  And i f it was one Rob and Amber would beat UJ anyway, so it could be close but more like a AR3 close not a footrace like AR2.

There is a difference btw close finish and foot race to the mat.  What AR6 had was a close finish btw K/J and F/K, but Phil is stating we have a foot race of AR7 not a close finish to the mat. Take for example the footraces we have had this year the ones btw R/C and R/K, B/G and M/H, B/G and R/D. one more could not hurt either.   I don't think they mention it in the previews because they don't want to give an exciting finish away.  They don't want to give some secrets away from the final episode.   

Offline Lucy325

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #138 on: May 09, 2005, 03:30:29 PM »
I was somewhat preoccupied, but I really dont recall the "foot race" quote being used.  I am waiting to see if local radio station puts the transcript up.  I'll let you know.

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #139 on: May 09, 2005, 03:45:04 PM »
Actually talked with the station here, WDOK, it was a live phone interview in Cleveland by Phil to our local DJ's, it was NOT a feed from CBS to many stations, according to the people at the station.  He was in town awhile back, promoting his book, and familys for the race, and met with these same DJ.'s.

So it seems like maybe PHIL arm is a little tired, making all those calls this am.

btw, they did say they would NOT be putting a transcipt up of the interview.... now I wished I had paid closer attention. |(

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #140 on: May 09, 2005, 04:01:53 PM »
Thanks for the info , I have the whole night to do some looking around and wll try to dig up some Phil stuff
also in the Eyemail


Last season for what its worth
« Last Edit: May 09, 2005, 04:09:23 PM by puddin »

Offline never0102

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #141 on: May 09, 2005, 04:21:16 PM »
Phil also said for AR6 that the show was blessed with another close finish and it wasnt that close.  Eveyone expected a foot race to be a close and it was not footrace.  Its kind of 50:50 some teams say KJ were close others say even without the train KJ were not even close like 20 min behind.  Victoria even said with the train KJ were 40 minutes behind and in no way is that close.

And lets face it had it been a foot race we would have be told like in the previews for AR2.  Sorry but i think there is no way going to be a foot race.  And i f it was one Rob and Amber would beat UJ anyway, so it could be close but more like a AR3 close not a footrace like AR2.

There is a difference btw close finish and foot race to the mat.  What AR6 had was a close finish btw K/J and F/K, but Phil is stating we have a foot race of AR7 not a close finish to the mat. Take for example the footraces we have had this year the ones btw R/C and R/K, B/G and M/H, B/G and R/D. one more could not hurt either.   I don't think they mention it in the previews because they don't want to give an exciting finish away.  They don't want to give some secrets away from the final episode.   

FK and KJ were close but not as close are AR1, AR2, AR3, or AR4 it you pan it up to other seasons it was not as close as others.

I think Rob and Amber do win and this is why.  ROn and Kelly were seen as the only team on the flight but they were seen with UJ at the airport.  We know UJ get mugged and could have been not reconizable as a team and thats why they were not seen on the plane with Kelly and Ron.  Rob and Amber would have been noticable because they are from survivor and would have had bags, so its safe i think to say Rob and Amber were NOT on Ron and Kelly's flight.

The only other senario is that only Uchenna and Joyce make it on the flight with Rob and Amber, and then its a close finish.

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #142 on: May 09, 2005, 04:44:59 PM »
I hope that Rob and Amber way out in front.  However, for those who believe in the betting spoiler you observation would make sense.
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Offline Traegen

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #143 on: May 09, 2005, 05:12:41 PM »
Lucy325 according to KRBE's website they are the Houston's #1 Hit Music Station

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #144 on: May 09, 2005, 05:32:32 PM »
Just putting some ideas forth to contemplate instead of the dust in your navel, unless it is Amber's navel and then you can contemplate all you want.

The biggest question in my mind is: Why do the teams seem to backtrack through Florida from Jamaica to Puerto Rico? and then a day later high tail it back to Florida again.  Something is fishy here, so it may be that the producers have arranged for some small unlisted puddle jumping island hopping airline to ferry the teams from Jamaica to Puerto Rico.  We do have scenes of Uchenna and Joyce (alone without any other team in sight) in front of the AJAS LIMITED position at the Kingston Airport (KIN).  Maybe they just missed the first flight.  This is similar to the situation in Botswana.

ROADBLOCKS:  We can only have two since each team member can only complete six.  Rob has done his six so Amber has to do the next two; Ron will complete his sixth with the water jump and Kelly will have to do the last one; Uchenna completes his sixth also in the water jump and Joyce will have to do the last one.  Setting up an all-girl finale.

The water jump (it is not a bridge but some other type of conveyor that they jump from) is certainly one Roadblock with Amber, Ron and Uchenna all jumping.

What is the other Roadblock?  The limbo which is done where? The golf drive which seems to be still in Jamaica.

DETOURS:  Most likely at least two. We think we have CRAFT or RAFT which is either to build a raft or steer a raft down a rapidly moving river to spot some flag for the next clue.  It looks like Uchenna and Joyce are ahead of Rob and Amber scrambling down the river bank, but change their minds about trying to steer that flimsy craft down the river by only using pole.  They go back up to work on building the a raft along with Ron and Kelly.  Meanwhile Rob and Amber swiftly complete the task and again gain a lead over the other two teams.

There should be a second detour, but maybe this is being held out for the Puerto Rico leg.

The water jump and the raft or craft task do not appear to be on the same day.  Although Rob and Amber and Ron and Kelly are dressed the same just before the water jump and raft/craft, Uchenna at the water jump has on a yellow shirt and Joyce has on a white shirt.  At the raft/craft Uchenna has on a white tank top and Joyce is now in black.

Strange that we see Rob and Amber afte the water jump, and we see Uchenna climbing over the rocks all wet and  meeting Joyce who is holding the next clue in her hand. But nothing of Ron or Kelly.  I assume he did not drown in the attempt, but this certainly would break up their relationship which is rumored to happen during the first hour.

One more puzzle:  RaceyGirl has established Uchenna and Joyce entering the SJU airport (they supposedly drove up in a black SUV but not visual confirmation of this) In this pix Uchenna has a yellow long-sleeve shirt on.  Joyce has on a sleeveless white shirt.  All well and good as this is how they were dressed when we last saw them. BUT in the other sequence of pix which some say also are at the San Juan Airport (American Airlines baggage claim area) Joyce is now dressed with black shirt although Uchenna is still in his yellow shirt and is holding the same black plastic bag (with belongings) This could be them arriving at SJU from KIN on the later AJAS LIMITED arranged flight.  Joyce would have time that night to get rid of her black shirt (its hot even in December in the islands) and return to the SJU airport the next morning.

Time Frame:

Dec. 13 - Fly from Istanbul to London, complete London tasks, PITSTOP - POSSIBLE 36 HOURS (Makes sense to rest everyone up for the final two leg rush. Espcieally the camera crews who are going to be lugging all that equipment around in the hot and humid Caribbean)

Dec. 15 - Fly from London to Jamaica (either direct on Air Jamaica or American via Miami)  Could do a task or two in London before leaving meaning they may be on overnight flight and arrive the next morning in Jamaica.

Dec. 16 - arrive in Jamaica and proceed with Roadblock (water jump with team all bunching up at opening of the mine or whatever)
also do Detour: Raft or Craft.  Proceed to Montego Bay and complete Golf task which leads to Pit Stop at resort pictured in flash intros. This is Non-Elimination and Uchenna and Joyce arrive last and are mugged and stripped by Phil./

Dec. 17 - Proceed to Kingston Airport and get on special Ajas Limited flights from KIN to SJU.  Proceed to do other tasks and end up at Morro Fort at night to complete Limbo task and receive departure times for the morning.  Amber aces the limbo and Rob and Amber have huge lead on the other two teams.  Ron and Kelly arrive late at night.  No idea what happened to Uchenna and Joyce; did they even make it to Puerto Rico?

Dec. 18 - Rob and Amber arrive at SJU two hours ahead of the other teams and get on early American Airlines wide-bodied jet to Miami.  Believe that they connect to another flight to the final destination which could rumor has it at Orlando Walt Disney World (but that is ABC affiliated so why would CBS want to promote it???) or as rumor has it because of Travelocity tie-in to Las Vegas.

This is just wild thinking so go ahead punch all kinds of holes in it.  I don't mind.  But lets try to come up with some kind of game plan before tomorrow night.  I will mind if this turns into another damn Rob and Amber sort of thing.  This is not the place for that.  Damn me but not them.

Offline puddin

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #145 on: May 09, 2005, 05:50:30 PM »
 /#} }^{ Thank God ! Gman I was hoping that someone would attempt to put some sort of scenario together and I knew we could count on you ( I was waiting  heehee ) .  I'm  motivated and am off to look for some answers ( I'll leave the time tables to the pros )  I wish we had clearer pictures of the Limbo and Fort but will try to work on some of these structures , whatever .....Oh and LMAO  ^/^
But nothing of Ron or Kelly.  I assume he did not drown in the attempt, but this certainly would break up their relationship which is rumored to happen during the first hour.

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #146 on: May 09, 2005, 05:51:23 PM »
What if the Limbo task can only be done at night. Teams arrive in the late afternoon and have to an HoH stop them up. Maybe there is a whole beach party layout to the limbo complete with Tiki Torches and drumming

Offline Lucy325

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #147 on: May 09, 2005, 06:31:22 PM »

Confusion on the radio station, was the result of actually only searching Viacom, radio stations, and not any others. :-\

Offline never0102

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #148 on: May 09, 2005, 06:46:20 PM »
Hello I got a question.

Is the finish line assumed to be Miami??  I mean werent two men seen in New York and cant they have been decoys or has New York been put down as totally flase.

Being a New Yorker i would be humiliated to have Miami done in two seasons of the race and NY get stuck with only one season, i mean Chicago had a whole season to itself, California has like alot of starts and finishes i am like when will they come baqck to NY!!

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Re: TAR 7 Finale "5 Continents, 25 Cities and more than 40,000 Miles!"
« Reply #149 on: May 09, 2005, 10:07:15 PM »
Sorry about all that, got called away just as I started.

Some new stuff to ponder (as if we don't have enough already)

On the north side, the other side from Kingston, Ocho Rios is an important area.  It is here that the Reynolds Aluminum Co built their 6.3mile conveyor system to move bauxite ore from the mountains to the ships in the harbor. They also built a long pier which is now used by Cruise Ships when the main pier is full.

In this area there is an interesting possiblity which came up when I was trying to find pix of the conveyor system which may be the site of our famous high dive antics of Ron, Amber and Uchenna which by the way do not go on the order they are edited as the order in which they dive. Perhaps our Chateau expert can pinpoint the time by the amount of sunlight or lack thereof.

Anyway in this area two tasks could be done as part of a DETOUR:  Drive a Raft on the White River where Calypso Rafting has there bam-boo rafts located or Drive a Ball at the nearby Sandal Golf Club of Upton. Just a wild guess that the Golf and Rafting may go together since both could be located nearby.  And the dive location may be in the same area also.

Two more things about Ocho Rios: there is a reconstruted old historic fort in the area, and it is known that Limbo parties are held at night on the beach where Dunn River Falls meets th Ocean

A trek across the island from Kingston might cause trouble with flat tires and police stops.  And I forget, did we locate where Little Bay Inn was located on the island. Could they be passing there on the way from Kingston to Ocho Rios?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2005, 10:27:52 PM by gingerman28 »