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Survivor Insider Transcripts - Survivor: Palau Episode 9
« on: April 18, 2005, 01:35:55 AM »
Some really good stuff in here ..long but worth a read

Survivor Insider Transcripts - Survivor: Palau Episode 9
Transcribed by dcreads56 @ Survivor Sucks EZ board
and James @

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Koror Tribal Council - Coby Voted Off

Tom (Votes Coby): You're a good guy, but you're feeling a little cornered and you're playing real hard, and that makes you dangerous.

Katie (Votes Coby): You just talk too much. And that's not precious.

Ian (Votes Coby): Buddy, it's like being in the Mafia. It's business, not pleasure. And it's just your turn to get whacked. You're bad for business.

Jen (Votes Coby): Coby, Coby, I just - I love you sweetie. We're going to miss you at camp. But I just can't trust all the flip-flopping. I don't know what you've been doing lately, but it's a bummer. We hate to see you go. But that's the way it's gotta be.

Coby (Votes Janu): I'm only placing this vote for you because you asked me to. And one of us has to stay in the game to throw in the chicken leg.

DC Notes: He mentions "the chicken leg" in his Final Words.

Caryn (Votes Coby): Coby, I think your mistake was trying to build alliances without first trying to build friendships. I'm sorry.

Gregg (Votes Coby): Coby, a little too much too soon. If you had a little more patience I think we could have worked out a good plan together. Sorry bud.

Stephenie (Votes Coby): Coby, I’m just going with the strategic vote right now, trying to do what's right for me to get me as far as I can in this game. You did an awesome job. Good luck in the future. Can't wait to see you. Bye.

Janu (Votes Stephanie): Stephenie, you're a strong woman and a true survivor, and the only reason why I'm putting your name here is because the Koror tribe had decided it'd like that before you came in. So I'm just following their wishes. Good luck.

Coby Final Words

Coby: (Laughs) Well, this was a total surprise. Good one, you guys! Gosh, I don't even know where to start. I wish I could be bitter and mad and twisted, but I’m not. You're all so smart, you're hard players. You did a good job. I always knew that I came here for the life experience. I've had so much.

I knew I wasn't here for the million dollars, so it's not a big deal. I wish I could have played a little longer, but I'm totally satisfied with all the experience I got. I hope Janu and Stephenie work your way into the tribe, throw that chicken bone, mix up that blender, and take that whole tribe over.

What a total compliment that you got rid of me because I was a threat. You didn't get rid of me because I was lazy. You didn’t get rid of me because I wasn't good in challenges. Every single one of you said you got rid of me because I was a threat. That means a lot (gets choked up).


It isn't about the million dollar doughnut. It's about how you play the game up until the doughnut. The doughnuts did not lose the game. I lost the game because it's a popularity contest, and quite honestly, I'm not good at being popular. People like me, but I'm not good at kissing up, sucking up to other people.


In hindsight I have absolutely no regrets. I played the game 100%. I went to every challenge and fought as hard as I could. I played the whole game too hard, which is why they saw me as a threat, but I don’t care. This is my experience. That's what I wanted. Money you can spend, but experience you can have forever. I was here for the experience and not the money, so no regrets. None.

A lot of people out here want to appreciate food and home and their jobs, but I definitely appreciate my family (gets choked up) and I’m going to treat my friends and family a lot better.

And I'm actually glad I got out of the game when I did because it's gonna get ugly. Me and my sassy talk - I'm so cutsy-poo and sassy but quite honestly it wasn’t bringing out the best side of me. So I'll leave the ugly side to the people who are still there to play the game. Now I get to watch, sit on the sidelines, and watch them self-destruct.

I feel much healthier on this side, actually. I'd rather watch them destroy themselves than watch me destroy.

(Part 2)

I actually think the tribe really knows me well. They all – that's what's so funny – they all thought I was lying to them the whole time and they all that thought I was covering up all these schemes and secrets. I was actually really honest to my tribe like the whole time I’ve been out here. I told – that's the problem. Nobody knew where to put me. They never knew which alliance to stick me with because I told everybody everything and told them how I felt all the time.

But that's why I was here. I wasn't here to cover things up. I gave myself an "act any way you want" card when I did this game, and I did. So that's why I have no regrets. It was fun. It was a good time.


The game is much more childish (laughs) and ugly than I thought. It's a pretty ugly game. The whole point is that you go around talking about people and stabbing them in the back and who can you trick and see if all the popular kids can sit together and make jokes about the unpopular kids. It really is just like high school. Actually, I think it is a little more like junior high. And I just wasn’t good at that part.

As a group, I wasn't good at kissing up. You know, when we'd go to bed and everybody would laugh and giggle and tell their jokes and they’d tell the same jokes over and over and over, and then I’d have to hear the same recipe three times a day. I just wasn't as entertained as they were. I couldn't take it.

But they're good people. I love them outside the game. But in the game it was – it's much harder. It's much harder than I ever thought it would be. And not physical, not the environment – it's the people. The people were my downfall.


Final words to my tribe? Even though you got on my nerves, god, what a group of wonderful, smart people who did give me the chance to be a part of a team and help push me. You're very smart to get rid of me. Gosh, you’re smart. So hats off to you.

Coby - The Day After

Coby: I'm feeling really good after the vote out. I thought I would be depressed, I imagined, or had nightmares about this day many times if I ever had gotten voted out - how I would feel? But I felt nothing but relief. I felt totally felt fine with the way things went down. It just felt like it was meant to be, it was just my time to be out of the game and I am totally comfortable with where I am at.


My team totally shocked the hell out of me. I had no idea it was my time. I thought it was Janu. All day long I thought it was Janu. Until we got to Tribal Council and my teammates started talking and I could tell by the way they were describing things and talking, it just slowly started seeping in, I thought, I think it's me, I don't think it's Janu, I think it's me.

Until the time Jeff came around the corner and started reading my name I just couldn't believe it, but the second he started to read my name, I was totally fine with it, one for my team, they got one on over me. My team totally fooled me, they played the game hard and got rid of me. They said it was because I was a big threat, it's a good compliment, I can't complain.

The problem with me not seeing it coming that I was going to be voted out was because I came in with a plan, and then once you get here, it just changes. Once I got here, I realized how lucky I was to be here, and I kinda forgot my game plan and it turned into instead, I have to enjoy every second I am here. So that's why every second I was here I was building fire, I was looking for food, I was working my butt in the challenges.

I wanted to play this game 100% but I knew it would probably cost the million but I would gain all the experience and that's exactly what I got. So I don't got the million and whoever has the million isn't going to have what I have, which is this incredible experience but I loved every minute of the game I played whereas I don't know everybody could say that in the game. It cost me the game probably but I wouldn't change it.


My Survivor experience put so many of my skeletons to my rest because when I was a little kid, I was raised on a farm, I used to do stuff outdoors a lot. I've since buried all of that. I haven't done any of that stuff as a grown up. Now I got to relive that and put it to rest.

I never got to be on a team because when I was a kid, the jocks would make fun of me and I would quit the sports team. I never knew what it was like to be on a team, and here, as a grown up, as a 32 year old, I had the chance not only to be on a team but to be part of a winning team and so I put all of these skeletons to rest. My whole childhood has been totally put to rest now that I can do all of that stuff.

So like I said I came here for a different reason than the million dollars, but in my opinion, even though most people won't see it, I won.


I knew coming into the game I wanted to take the life experience with me, but I thought I also wanted the million dollars. I thought it would be so important for me to win. And so to see myself to get so wrapped up in the life experience and to forget there was a prize at the end of it, and to almost to question why you would want that prize. I know that sounds weird but as I saw these other people get so hungry to win a million dollars, I almost thought, "What's lacking in their life that they've got that hunger, that drive?" I just didn't have it. I don't know if I'll walk away questioning should I have won that million dollars, should I have that drive? At this point, I don't.

(Part 2)

Well from the beginning, the two tribes were definitely obviously different, the other tribe, Ulong, was nothing but muscle, nothing but brawn, nothing but young people. Our tribe was misfits and I think I misjudged a lot of the misfits. I mean we definitely did well as a team because we won a lot.

But, I think the main thing I learned from this game is I thought that hard work and being good at the game as in challenges, building fire, I thought that stuff mattered. Once, I got in the game, but it doesn't. There are plenty of people on my team that don't do anything and they are probably going to make it to the end. I mean Katie has never picked up a stick, she doesn't do anything, she hardly participates in any of the challenges and you know, she is still in the game and I am not.


The days out there were hard because we had to work all day to get food, shelter, everything. Once it got dark, it was miserable because it was cold, and the wind and the rain. So the only time of day that I really enjoyed was right when the sun would go down. Not when the sun would go orange, not the time of day that you would think you would enjoy the sun, right before that, the light would go really soft and you could look across the ocean and the water would turn to glass and it would kinda turn into purples and pinks and it would look like a Monet painting so we would call that our Monet time of day.

And so it's funny because up to now, and it's a small, little corny thing, my whole life people have asked me what my favorite color was, and I am dead serious, I always thought that was such a stupid question, I mean who cares if your favorite color is blue, it's so stupid, so I never knew what to say. But now, even though nobody is going to get it, my favorite color is Monet and you would have to experience it. So everyday, I could stop, stop the game, stare out because it would only last five minutes, look at the glass, it was probably the best thing out here.

Another best day that I had was probably the day we won our last immunity challenge because we realized that we would all be on a jury and we all had a clean sweep, our team, Koror, won every single immunity challenge and I had a main part to play in all of that. About three of those challenges, I was one of the main people who won it and I never thought about coming out here so to stop that day, and enjoy the team of Koror before we had to pick each other off and to enjoy the fact that we had made it Survivor history by doing that. Nobody has done that. Nobody has ever won every single immunity.

That was probably my best day and I also think that day cost me the game to be honest. Because that day, I felt complete and I lost my drive in the game, I think that day also killed my game so it's kind of ironic, my best day and my worst game.


I definitely knew in the very beginning that I wasn't perceived as a threat at all. People thought I was just the gay hairdresser running around in a pink skirt. People underestimated me which was actually my plan.

Then I got caught up in the game, and I actually started doing well, then I became more of a threat and as a team, I was also a necessity because they needed me to win immunities, I didn't really realize that at the time. I just thought we were a great team. But the second it got down to one on one immunity, then I was definitely a threat and I could tell by the way they were all acting.

And so it's weird, it's weird to be known as a threat, especially physical threat. I mean people even told me, "You're a physical threat." "I'm a physical threat?" I don't have any muscle, I don't have anything. But I guess I am kind of like Stephenie in the game right now - she's got a lot of heart, got a lot of passion, I think I was a similar player at that moment, so it's interesting to be considered as nothing, being considered an asset and then being considered a threat.


I never came out and told my tribe I knew the game so well, I guess it just came out as we were playing which is something I meant to hide along the way, I guess I just didn't do a very good job at it. Because once I got into the experience in it, I just thought, why are we doing this, why go behind a tree and whisper, I mean everybody is talking strategy. So I would take people right in front of everybody and go talk strategy, why not? We're all doing it, I just thought it was stupid. I just didn't want to do it in front of the group. It's just so stupid.


The second that Jeff snuffed out my torch, I just thought, good job you outplayed me because honestly, if I really thought I would be in the chopping block, I would have stayed on the my perch. My team had me so fooled, they outplayed me. Like I said, it's a good group, they are smart people. I will give them that, they outplayed me.

Like I said, retrospect, I'm already seeing all of the signs, if I had been paying more attention, it would have been, oh I got ya, but at the time, they completely outplayed, they had me fooled. I thought it was Janu. So, I can't be mad at them for that - they outplayed me, I love the game so much even if I am the one being outplayed, fabulous, good for you, you did a good job, you got me.


Would I do it again? When I was out there starving, shivering in the rain, having to watch the fire all night by myself because my tribe would not help me, and I didn't have a shirt for 24 days, a day later, yes. I would do it in a second. I love this game - love it.

Prep Time

Description: Tom prepares for the upcoming Immunity Challenge. Does he and the rest of the tribe plan to send Stephenie packing?

Tom (Confessional): Tree mail! Well, we got the tree mail today and I think as soon as I saw the little stand - looks like a little oil derrick – was from past Survivors, sounds like one of the attrition challenges: Stand up on a perch, last one off will have immunity tonight at Tribal Council. Interesting – it also said you will be going directly from this challenge to the Tribal Council, so that’s just got a little added drama to it.

Everyone's kind of getting a hold of their stuff, figuring out what they don't want to leave behind in case the other one who doesn't stay on the perch and does get sent home tonight. Kind of got a little energy flowing through camp.


Oh, Stephenie wants some reassurance that she wasn't the person who's going home tonight. I gave her that, that I didn't think it would be her and there were other people that we're looking to get rid of first. While we took a walk to pick it up, we just had a quick thing.

I know everybody else has been buzzing in her ear and Coby's trying to tell her how he has half the crew already sewn up and he just needs her for the final feast. It’s not true. She wants reassurance that there’s room for her within the 5 of us who are tight over here in Koror, and I gave her some assurance that I would do whatever I could to keep her around as long as I could.


I will try to spare her for a few more votes - maybe not at the expense of the five that I’m already locked up with and if I think that I've got five to ride right to the final five, then we start picking each other off, then that might be the safest scenario for me.

And she understands that too. We talked about it on Day 1 when we first all hooked up that should we separate into different tribes all bets are off but we’ll try to look out for each other, and I'm going to hold true that. I will try to look out for her and keep her around as long as I can.


I’d like to see Coby go tonight.


Oh, Coby, he's just - instead of just going along with the flow, realizing Koror was going to right into the jury, he started targeting people and saying "Tom and Ian are the threats. Let’s take them out”. So just the fact that he’s the first person in the game to put a target on my back and say "That guy's strong. He's got to go." Okay, you took the first swing. I'll finish you off now.

He's been just running around with the – I think he's the most dangerous of those players and is constantly trying to flip people, spread half-truths, spread total distruths. He's got a lot of stories going. He creates a big ruckus. Every time we come back to camp someone comes over – "Coby says you’re voting for me tonight." You know, so. I'd just as soon have him out of the game and calm the whole beach down a bit.

The Upper Hand?

Description: After finding out what the next Immunity challenge is, Janu wonders if her career as a Las Vegas showgirl will be to her advantage

Janu (Confessional): We did get treemail today with a – something that looked like an electrical post, like a perch. And it said something to the effect of that we would be standing there for a while for immunity. So I guess we're going into individual immunity, and it looks like it's gonna rain or thunder (laughs) so we'll see how that goes.


This immunity, standing on the perch, it really doesn't make me nervous. I don't get nervous that much. We'll just see how well I do. I don’t know if my back is going to hold on. I haven’t been holding my backpacks for a while now for 24 days from work. I'll try my best. I don't know if I'll use shoes or no shoes. We’ll see.


That's what I was thinking, the costume part at work and I've had so much practice with that and balance, but I don't know, maybe they'll have us on one foot and I don't do that at work (laughs). So maybe it will be to my advantage. Maybe the fact that I've not been doing it for 24 days now has thrown my body off, and my body's kind of depleted a little bit. Let’s see. We'll see what happens.


Right after the challenge we go straight to Tribal Council. There is no – something that was cute, something to the effect of "For the loser, no time to mope and for the winner, no time to gloat." So just straight on to Tribal Council.


So that will be different for us, because we've only – Koror's only gone one time when we had to by choice of Jeff, and this time we go in with a new member – with Stephenie, who has been a great, great addition to our tribe. And then we'll come back without a member. So we’ll see.

Movin' on Up

Description: After learning that she will be joining Koror, an excited Stephenie speculates as to what will happen next.

Stephenie (Confessional): Oh my god, I'm going to get to join Koror! I'm so happy! I can't even like explain it! I'm going to have friends. I'm going to have people to talk to, I’m going to have people help me get food and just people to be surrounded by. I'm beside myself. I can't even explain it (sniffles). I know where their camp is now and I knew it was that way! I knew it! I had a feeling they were directly across.

And they said to give this (waves black canister) to them. I keep shaking it. It's like a Christmas present, trying to figure it out. It just said "Pack your canoe with everything you want." I'm going to bring as much as I can to help us over at that camp. I am beside myself. This is like best gift ever. I'm so glad.


I think that I'm going to go there and we're going to become a new tribe. We'll probably get new buffs. Kind of like a merge, but there’s only 1 of me and 8 of them. And then we'll probably hang out all day and just chill out and have fun and then tomorrow maybe have a reward challenge and then go from there.

You know what, there's eight of them and one of me, but the fact that I'm going to get to be with them – I don't even care. I'll do my best. And if they want to plot against me and vote me out, I'll do my best to not let them do that, but I'm just going to take it one step at a time right now.


I'm going to go to the cave and to hell with that damn fire I've been trying to keep going forever. And I'm just going to start packing all of my stuff and just get ready. Bring as much stuff as I can to help out over there.


I'm going to be honest. I like the whole tribe. I just think they're a good, nice, kind-hearted bunch of people, and I'm excited to join them and hang out with them and just chill with them. I like them all. I like them all.


I’m ready. If there's a merge, it will be scary – it's still one of me and eight of them. But they've seen me work hard and they've seen me fight, and I think they have respect for me. They congratulated me at every challenge, and I've even heard them cheer me on - against their own team sometimes. So I think they'll be happy to see me and they'll be happy that I'm the last one standing.


I can't wait to see their camp. I want to see their shelter. I want to see their bathroom. I want to see their water. I want to see everything. And I’m not even going to ask them to use their soap or their water, I’m going to go get my own and boil it. I want to see how they've been living. I just want to come into contact with them and just try to have friends! I love having friends! Friends are great!


I'd like to talk to Tom right off the bat just because the first day I was here Tom grabbed me, and then the first day we split Tom said, "Watch out for Jolanda. She's not a fan of yours." And Jo at the time had immunity. So I'd like to talk to Tom and thank him for that, first of all.

I'm not going to try to stir up anything. I'm just going to let them approach me like I did in the beginning of this game. I came in the first three days. I didn't want to start any alliances yet. A couple of guys came up and approached me, and I think that will happen again. If it doesn't, I'll try to work my magic.


I have never been so excited in my life to leave a camp. I mean, it's not even bittersweet. It's just sweet to leave, I swear (laughs). I'll miss the tree – we got 22 days up there and our initials, and that's great and all, that's real cute and that'll be here forever. Whatever. But I'm not going to miss this place at all. This place is a mess! It smells. That cave is dark and gloomy. That bathroom is half (censored), half knocked down and I am ready to be out.

Gone Fishing

Description: A hungry Gregg complains about his tribe's poor fishing skills.

Gregg (Confessional): The fishing up to this point has been a waste of time. I don't think, we're using our energy, and we're not being successful and we really don't have a clue for what we are doing. We don't have good bait, we can't catch the bait, it just seems like a waste of time at this point. It's very frustrating you see this very beautiful body of water there and you know it's filled with fish. But there's no real fisherman among the group so we're a bunch of hacks trying to take care of business and you know it's difficult and frustrating.

It's Catch-22: You want to be active, you want to fish, but if you're unsuccessful, is it worth the energy, so we've been feasting on clams, the food is not much, it tastes horrible, it would be nice to mix it up a little bit.


Stephenie arrived with a cylinder, a note from conquered and it's something about we've conquered Ulong. And my eyes just dropped to the bottom and it said feast. I mean, I couldn't read the whole thing, feast, feast.

And it said we would have visitors and we would have to work for the feast so that was just a godsend. That came at just the right moment. Sure enough we looked forward to that.

thanks to dcreads56 @ Survivor Sucks EZ board
and James @ and Survivor Fever .

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Re: Survivor Insider Transcripts - Survivor: Palau Episode 9
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 10:49:49 AM »
Caryn (Votes Coby): Coby, I think your mistake was trying to build alliances without first trying to build friendships. I'm sorry

Interestign comment...guess he should have picked angie!.

I will try to spare her for a few more votes - maybe not at the expense of the five that I’m already locked up with and if I think that I've got five to ride right to the final five, then we start picking each other off, then that might be the safest scenario for me.

Tom's comment it interesting too...usually alliances revealed do not last...but revealed on insdiers does it still hold true.  we all thougth katie was Steph's down fall.....sounds like Tom will just use her as he knows she will be a hard worker and get some of the whiner and lazy peeps off.

And she understands that too. We talked about it on Day 1 when we first all hooked up that should we separate into different tribes all bets are off but we’ll try to look out for each other, and I'm going to hold true that. I will try to look out for her and keep her around as long as I can.

All bets are off if on another tribe...but he was shown talking to Ian about her being part of final 4...looks like katie and Tom have other plans for Ian

I'd like to talk to Tom right off the bat just because the first day I was here Tom grabbed me, and then the first day we split Tom said, "Watch out for Jolanda. She's not a fan of yours." And Jo at the time had immunity. So I'd like to talk to Tom and thank him for that, first of all.

looks like Tom was already playing the game day 1....Jo was a threat and he needed help getting her off the tribe.  We never saw anything about her and Jo on the first day.  Tom planted the seed in Steph that she was going to get her and then Jo was Steph got the others to take her out.  Good Job Tom