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Offline puddin

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Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« on: March 14, 2005, 11:00:48 PM »
Amazing Race Boots Barbies
by Ethan Alter

California girls Megan Baker and Heidi Heidel want everyone to know they're not as bland as they seemed on The Amazing Race (Tuesdays, 9pm/ET on CBS). They're not, they, like, swear!

"We actually have a lot of fun and say funny things," Baker insists to, "but we were so stressed out that our personalities didn't really come across." Unfortunately, even their clandestine sense of humor couldn't help them avoid Philimination on the second leg of TAR. Here, the two pals discuss what might have been — and dance around the subject of their relationship with brothers Brian and Greg. (Click here to check out the guys before we dish them!) So did you have to drown your sorrows after watching the episode last week?
Heidi Heidel: No, we aren't too sorrowful over the whole thing. We're happy to have done it. I think from the point you are eliminated, you have a lot of time to think about why you lost, and we've definitely dealt with it. Also, they really didn't show the full story of what happened. It kind of looks like we were in the back of the pack throughout and then got eliminated.

TVG: What didn't we get to see?
Megan Baker: There were a couple of days that weren't shown between Peru and Chile and during that time, you went from flight to flight. At one point, Brian and Greg and Heidi and I were on one separate flight that was a really good flight, but it ended up getting delayed, which put us an hour and a half behind everyone else. And then it got delayed again another 20 minutes. On the show, they made it look like there were only two separate flights, but there were actually more than two. So the four of us landed in Chile an hour and a half behind everyone else, fully aware that one of us was most likely getting eliminated.

TVG: And why did it wind up being you in the end? Were Brian and Greg just faster?
Megan: We actually left the airport four minutes ahead of the boys, but they arrived at the funicular ahead of us, [because] they had a faster cab. Then we each chose a different detour — they did the books, we did the fish market — and we finished at pretty much the same time.
Heidi: We did the fish market so fast, we crossed the finish line only four minutes behind the teams who had been an hour and a half ahead of us. That's how fast we were. If it hadn't been for that delayed flight, we probably wouldn't have come in last.

TVG: Some of the other teams struggled with the shopping detour. How did you breeze through it so easily?
Megan: We arrived there by ourselves. When there are other teams around you, you are a lot more tense and not as focused. Heidi and I stayed on our own and did it slowly and correctly the first time. Everyone else kind of rushed through it without really paying attention.
Heidi: Also, a lot of the people didn't even have enough money to purchase the ingredients. We didn't know we were going to need money before we got there, but we were able to get over $100 from this guy on the funicular,  so when we got to the market, money wasn't an issue. We were actually overpaying for everything just to get it done quickly. We were asking for money throughout the race. By the time we went out, we had banked about $300. We were really workin' it. [Laughs]

TVG: The show hinted at a flirtation between you and the boys. Was that genuine, or were you just playing for the cameras?
Megan: No, we weren't playing for the cameras at all. There was definitely an attraction.
[Long pause]

TVG: So... are you dating now?
Megan: We've hung out a lot. We're friends.

TVG: OK, then! What was the hardest thing about the race?
Heidi: I was my own worst enemy because I was letting the stress get to me. I couldn't hear, I couldn't see — I was freaking out so much that I couldn't function. I would tell myself to calm down, and then as soon as we'd start racing again, I'd freak out. It was frustrating because I'm not normally like that. But as it went along, we got more comfortable with the situation and were doing better and better. We had really started to calm down and focus at the fish market, for example. But then as soon as we got comfortable, we were eliminated!

TVG: You made a big mistake on the first leg in Peru when you started digging in the sandpile for the later flight to Cuzco instead of checking out the other times. What happened there?
Megan: That was the disadvantage of not really knowing the show. The thought process behind it was that, with some flights, the very first one that takes off isn't the one that necessarily lands first. So when we walked up, I said, "We don't know which one is faster." But if I had watched the show more, I would have realized they wouldn't have taken you on a long flight at that point — it would have been a short flight that did matter. Plus, we were so out of breath at that point and didn't want to run anymore. [Laughs]

TVG: And it turned out not to be a major setback since the 7:00 flight was delayed anyway.
Megan: Yeah. But another thing they didn't show, which was a little frustrating, was the reason that we were the last team getting the clue in Cuzco was because we were the only team that had to check our bags. We had requested seats in the front of the plane because we wanted to be the first ones off. But at the airport in Ancon, they actually lined you up to board the plane, and by the time we got on, there wasn't any space left for carry-on luggage. So we were the only team who checked their bags in, and everyone ran and got that clue. There are just so many things that happen to you on the race that you can't control. You just have to do the best you can do with the situation you're given at the time.

TVG: What would you do differently if you ran the race over?
Megan: We would not have backpacks the size that they were. They were almost as big as us! It was hard to run with them. If we were to run it again, I'd seriously just have a fanny pack. We know the game now, so we'd do it completely differently.

TVG: Heidi, did your daughter enjoy watching you on the show?
Heidi: She loves it. Of course, she was like, "They're not showing you enough!" And she was crying last night. She didn't want us to get eliminated so early on. I had to tell her, "It's OK."

Offline Texan

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 02:08:23 PM »
Good did they hang out before or after the show???

Offline rmax

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2005, 03:16:49 PM »
Heidi Heidel?   What were her parents thinking?  I just hope her middle name is Ho.  Or Doody.

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2005, 03:44:55 PM »
rmax  ((^ rotflmao that has to be the funniest thing ive ever read .. c/*

Offline Swanee

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2005, 03:53:28 PM »
 c/* ditto  ((^
I'm pantless but not hatless!! :ass:  Yup, I'm shirtless now, too :boobs:

Offline rmax

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2005, 03:55:59 PM »
It makes my day to see puddin "rotflmao"!

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2005, 04:28:33 PM »
 {l{ much appreciated rmax..its been a long week ,between tar and S10 being on two nights in a row im a little bonkers right now  )_^>

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2005, 05:10:11 PM »
Heidi Heidel? What were her parents thinking? I just hope her middle name is Ho. Or Doody.

ROTFLMAO!!   ((^ ^/^
  *^? RMAX!  ,,>(   AND   '];   TOO!
Yikes, Whata name to be stuck with...hmmm...strange....
Hopefully, Heidi hasn't been teased too much about it!   

Offline Texan

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2005, 09:44:52 AM »
Heidi Heidel? What were her parents thinking? I just hope her middle name is Ho. Or Doody.

Okay i went to school with a Heidi and she married Glen Duty...yes she was now heidi Duty...she has since changd the name ...can you believe??

Offline rmax

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2005, 11:22:48 AM »
Too funny, T_S!  See, truth *is* stranger than fiction, sometimes.

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race Boots Barbies ~ Tv Guide interview
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2005, 12:31:36 PM »
 {l{  lol Texan friend Kristas last name was Clymber she married a guy with the last name Bangor.
Krista Clymber Bangor (*( ( shes now is remarried..