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CBS EP Recap 1/25
« on: January 26, 2005, 12:36:16 AM »
After running a relay race in Addis Ababa, Teams made their way to the island of Sri Lanka, where a missed train put formerly dating couple Adam & Rebecca squarely in last place. Meanwhile, married pro wrestlers Lori & Bolo led the way for much of the leg until being overtaken by long-distance dating couple Kris & Jon. A fatal mistake at a very close Roadblock made the difference, as Lori & Bolo became the seventh Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE.

Departing the Pit Stop in first place at 1:16 am, dating actors Hayden & Aaron discovered they must travel 14 miles to Lalibela Airport to sign up for one of two charter flights leaving half an hour apart to Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. Once in the city, Teams had to find a stadium for their next clue. Arriving at the airport in the order they were released from Lalibela Lookout, Hayden & Aaron, Lori & Bolo and Kris & Jon filled up the first charter flight, while engaged models Freddy & Kendra and Adam & Rebecca settled for the second flight. To make matters worse for the engaged models, Kendra spent her night in the airport bathroom ill, possibly from Ethiopian food.

Landing in Addis Ababa, Lori & Bolo got a jump on Hayden & Aaron and Kris & Jon, arriving at the stadium in first place. Opening their clue, the wrestlers learned they must choose a pair of Ethiopian runners and complete a four-man relay on the stadium track. The track coach would give them their next clue after they finished the race. As Lori finished her lap around the track, Hayden & Aaron arrived for their run, with Hayden supremely confident, having done track in school. As Hayden & Aaron and Kris & Jon tore up the track, Lori & Bolo completed the relay race. Opening their clue, the married wrestlers discovered they must fly over 3,600 miles to the city of Colombo in Sri Lanka. Once there, Teams must travel 80 miles by train to the city of Galle and hire a tuk tuk, a motorized rickshaw, to take them to their next clue at Fort Galle.

While the other Teams made their way to the airport, Freddy & Kendra struggled at the stadium because of Kendra's illness. On her jog around the track, Kendra remarked, "When I started running, my stomach just went into knots, and I was really in a lot of pain, and I ran like an 80-year old woman." Eventually the engaged models completed the task and joined the other four Teams on a 2:30 pm flight to Sri Lanka via Dubai.

Landing in Colombo, Sri Lanka, most Teams endured a scary taxi ride down the wrong side of the road except for Adam & Rebecca, who couldn't find a cab at all. As the other Teams arrived at the train station and purchased their tickets for the train leaving immediately, Adam & Rebecca were still in their cab. Arriving the station just as the train pulled out, the formerly dating couple now found themselves in last place with no train coming for another hour and a half. Furious, Adam threw down his pack and declared, "We just lost the whole game." Rather that considering other options, pessimistic Adam suggested returning to the airport and flying home. Rebecca, instead of reassuring Adam, walked into the street to hail a cab, saying sarcastically, "Let's give up! That's a great idea! Any other suggestions?" When Adam replied, "I suggest you stop talking to me right now," Rebecca responded with even more sarcasm, saying, "That's an easy one."

Arriving in Galle, Teams hired tuk tuks and battled their way through the crowded streets. The four Teams all reached the fort at the same time, but Lori & Bolo arrived at the cluebox in first place to discover a Detour. In this Detour, Teams had to choose between "Tree Trunks" and "Elephant Trunks." Teams choosing Tree Trunks must travel two miles by tuk tuk to a coconut plantation. Once there, they climb to the top of a 50-foot coconut tree, traverse the rope walkway and pick up a small jug filled with sap for making local liquor. Teams receive their next clue after both members retrieve a sap-filled jug. Teams opting for Elephant Trunks must travel 2.5 miles by tuk tuk to an elephant polo field. Then, each Team member, one at a time, must ride an elephant down the length of the field while dribbling a ball with a polo mallet, maneuver the ball around a pole, return up the length of the field, and shoot a goal to earn the next clue.

As Freddy & Kendra headed to the polo field, the other three Teams opted for Tree Trunks. Arriving in first place, Lori & Bolo began their ascent up the coconut trees. As Kris & Jon and Hayden & Aaron joined them, the race for the lead was on. Jon quickly passed Lori, tired from lifting the weight of her body, and Hayden, who was nearly paralyzed from a fear of heights. Soon, the long-distance dating couple completed the task and opened their next clue, which sent them 70 miles by bus to the Kandyan Art Association in the city of Kandy. Once there, they must purchase an offering and present it to a monk in the nearby Temple of the Tooth in exchange for their next clue.
As Kris & Jon headed to the bus station, Hayden confronted and ultimately conquered her fear of heights. On her triumph, a teary Hayden said, "You gotta get over your fears. The only way to do it is by doing them." The dating actors, as well Lori & Bolo, completed the task and took the first bus with Kris & Jon to Kandy.

Meanwhile, Freddy & Kendra, relying on the speed of elephants to complete their task, now fell to fourth place. However, they weren't concerned with the time spent playing polo because they wanted the once-in-a-lifetime adventure this option offered. Their enjoyment of the elephants came with a price, because they had to settle for the second bus to Kandy.

Adam & Rebecca, behind by over an hour, finally arrived in Galle and traveled to the plantation to climb coconut trees. While the pair completed the task in short order, Rebecca summed up her thoughts while boarding the third bus to Kandy: "Today's been a rough day, and I'm assuming we're done with the game." However, her assumption proved false when she and Adam discovered all the Teams waiting for the Kandyan Art Association to open the following morning at 8:30. On their good fortune, Rebecca commented, "We're still in it, and tomorrow's a new day. I'm feeling strong."

The following morning at 8:30, the Teams hurried into the art association to purchase rice for the temple. While some Teams hesitated in finding the Temple of the Tooth, Lori & Bolo led the way once again, first to receive their clue and a blessing from the monk after making their offering. Opening it, the pair discovered they had to travel by bus almost 50 miles to the city of Dambulla. Once there, Teams needed to take a tuk tuk to the ancient city of Sigiriya and locate the dominating granite peak known as Lion's Rock to find their next clue.

With all five Teams arriving together in Dambulla on two separate buses, Kris & Jon took an early lead in their tuk tuk en route to Lion's Rock while Adam & Rebecca fell to last place when their driver stopped for gas. Arriving at Lion's Gate in first place, Kris & Jon opened their clue to discover a Roadblock. In this Roadblock, one Team member must climb over 1,000 steps to the top of Lion's Rock. Next, using binoculars to scan the jungle from the vantage point 600 feet above the ground, they must spot a flag, descend Lion's Rock an with their partner, find the flag, swim the length of the pool next to it, and check in at the Pit Stop.
With a sizable lead going up the monument's steps, the remaining four Teams, having gotten lost, arrived at Lion's Rock. Whereas Hayden & Aaron and Adam & Rebecca carefully read their clue stating that the person performing the Roadblock needed to bring their admission ticket with them to present along the way, Freddy & Kendra and Lori & Bolo did not. Freddy quickly realized this and doubled back to get his from Kendra, while Lori continued running up the steps. At the point where she needed to present her ticket, Lori was turned away, forcing her to go all the way back down. At the bottom, Lori screamed to Bolo, "I told you to read the additional information, didn't I? Now we're frickin' last!" Kris tried to console a disappointed Bolo by saying, "Positive thoughts."

While Lori struggled to catch up, Jon spotted the flag from atop Lion's Rock and quickly descended the stairs to whisk Kris away in a tuk tuk to the swimming pool next to the flag. Arriving there first, the long-distance dating couple dove in and swam the length of the pool to where host Phil Keoghan waited on the mat at the other end. Stepping onto the mat in first place, Kris & Jon were informed by Phil that they had won a vacation to romantic Europe, compliments of American Airlines' website,

The race for second place resulted in a very crowded swimming pool as Hayden & Aaron, Freddy & Kendra and Adam & Rebecca all arrived at the same time. The athletic Hayden & Aaron took charge to finish second, while the confused Adam & Rebecca, at first not realizing they needed to swim, settled for fourth place.

Not being able to overcome the critical mistake of the forgotten admission ticket, Lori & Bolo arrived in last place at the Pit Stop, where Phil informed the duo they had been eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE. On his partner, Bolo commented, "She's one of the strongest women you'll ever meet." On her partner, Lori remarked, "Bolo is the love of my life. He is a challenge. He don't back down. He gives me something to work towards, and I think if we can make it through all of this, then we'll probably be together forever."

This episode of THE AMAZING RACE was filmed in Sri Lanka several weeks before a deadly tsunami struck the country. We dedicate this episode to the memory of the thousands of people who lost their lives in this terrible tragedy and to our courageous friends and coworkers in the region who are coping with its aftermath. Relief agencies throughout the world are coming to the aid of those directly impacted by the deadly tsunami disaster. Visit the American Red Cross website to learn how you can help with the relief effort.