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1/18 Show Recap
« on: January 19, 2005, 12:45:22 AM »
Haydon/Aaron claim First , Jonathan/Vic out ~

Penniless after a last-place finish in Corsica, dating actors Hayden & Aaron soared to the top as Teams traveled to the lush countryside of Ethiopia. With Teams neck and neck through much of the leg, battle lines were drawn when former dating couple Adam & Rebecca yielded engaged models Freddy & Kendra in an effort to help married entrepreneurs Jonathan & Victoria, who made a critical error after misreading their clue. In the end, the Yield didn't help, as Jonathan & Victoria became the sixth Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE.

Departing the Pit Stop at La Pietra at 12:12 am, Adam & Rebecca opened their first clue to discover they must travel by ferry to Nice, France. Once there, they had to make their way to the city garden to find their next clue in front of a bust of World War I hero Albert I. Because the first ferry to Nice left Corsica at 11:30 the following morning, all six Teams caught up. However, last-place Hayden & Aaron, stripped of all their money, faced the challenge of finding enough money to pay for tickets. After asking a series of locals and tourists, Hayden & Aaron raised the necessary funds just in the nick of time to join the remaining five Teams on the ferry to Nice.

Landing in Nice, Jonathan & Victoria got the jump on the other Teams by snagging the first cab in a race to the city garden, while long distance dating couple Kris & Jon struggled to find an available taxi. Arriving at the statue of Albert I, Jonathan & Victoria opened their clue to discover they must fly 4,500 miles to Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia. After landing, they had to find a ticket counter to sign up for one of two charter flights to a small town known as Lalibela, tucked away in the highlands of Ethiopia. The Teams' next clue would be waiting on van windshields outside Lalibela's airport.

Arriving at Nice International Airport, the six Teams jockeyed for the best flight to Addis Ababa. Married pro wrestlers Lori & Bolo appeared to be out in the lead alone by taking an early flight to Rome, but Jonathan & Victoria, Kris & Jon and Adam & Rebecca all caught up the next morning when all four Teams took the same flight from Rome to Addis Ababa, landing at 10 pm. Unable to secure this route, the model alliance, Freddy & Kendra and Hayden & Aaron, settled for a Lufthansa flight landing in Addis Ababa at 3 am.
While happy to be on the first flight to Addis Ababa, Adam & Rebecca once again found a reason to fight. After Adam got his Team on the flight to Rome to catch Lori & Bolo, Rebecca decided to give the information to Kris & Jon, which got them on the flight as well. Furious with Rebecca, Adam said, "She can't keep her mouth shut to save her life." Rebecca, unhappy with the chastising from Adam, cried, "I love being here. I love doing this, but I hate being with you. I'm miserable all the time." Trying to comfort his partner, Adam said, "I don't hate you for telling them. I think it was not the right move." Rebecca continued crying, saying, "I'm wasting so much energy on you. I'm not going to waste another minute." Ultimately, Adam took Rebecca's hand, saying, " I'm sorry Rebecca. I wish I didn't, but I love you. I'm sorry." On their argument, Rebecca commented, "It is so frustrating when we have a blowup like this because it just takes us out of the Race. Ultimately, we need to pull it together."

Landing in Addis Ababa at 10 pm, Adam & Rebecca took the lead, running through the terminal in search of the signup sheet for the charter flights. The pair rebounded from their rocky layover in Nice to become the first Team on the 8 am charter, followed by Jonathan & Victoria and Lori & Bolo. Kris & Jon had to settle for the second charter at 8:30 am with Freddy & Kendra and Hayden & Aaron, who arrived in Addis Ababa at 3:30 am.

Landing in Lalibela, Jonathan & Victoria, Adam & Rebecca and Lori & Bolo opened the clue on the windshields of their vans to discover they must instruct their driver to take them 10 miles to Lewz village, where their next Route Marker waited. The drivers would only go in whatever direction the Teams told them. With the arrival of the second charter, all six Teams, some uncertain of the direction they should be heading, began the drive to Lewz village. Jonathan & Victoria took the time to find a guide, which paid off as they arrived directly behind first and second place Adam & Rebecca and Lori & Bolo, who stopped to ask for directions. Opening their clues, the Teams found a Detour. In this Detour, Teams had to choose between Raise the Roof and Mud the Hut. Teams choosing Raise the Roof must join a group of locals to carry a thatched roof two-thirds of a mile to a small house. Once they placed the roof on top of the house, they would receive their next clue. While this task required brute force, Teams would get help from locals and could finish quickly. Teams opting for Mud the Hut must use a plaster made of dirt, water and straw to cover a wall of a traditional Ethiopian house. While the task didn't involve brute strength, working with the mud would be messy, and having to cover the entire wall could take a long time.

As Adam & Rebecca ran off to Raise the Roof, Lori & Bolo and Jonathan & Victoria prepared to get down and dirty, choosing to Mud the Hut. As the two married Teams hauled their first load of mud to the wall, Freddy & Kendra opted to join them, while Kris & Jon and Hayden & Aaron chose to Raise the Roof with Adam & Rebecca.

While the Teams choosing Mud the Hut had an early lead due to the close proximity of the houses, it soon became apparent that Raise the Roof was the better choice when Adam & Rebecca walked past the three muddy Teams carrying their roof with the help of seven locals. The extra exertion in transporting the roof paid off as Adam & Rebecca became the first Team to complete the Detour. Opening their clue, the formerly dating couple learned they needed to deliver two donkeys three miles to St. George's Church. Soon, Hayden & Aaron and Kris & Jon placed the roof on their houses as well to pull ahead of the Teams at the mud.

With Adam & Rebecca, Kris & Jon, and Hayden & Aaron all struggling to steer their donkeys on the path to St. George's Church, other Teams ran into complications at the mud. While digging mud for his Team, Freddy sliced open his finger, but continued to work through the pain while Kendra offered her support. Then Victoria cut her finger as well, screaming in pain. Instead of running to her side, Jonathan continued to slap mud on the wall, saying, "I don't know what's wrong with her." This prompted a furious Kendra to shout, "Jonathan, help her!" After pouring water on the cut, Victoria, still crying, returned to the Detour, screaming, "I'm not going to be eliminated because my fingers hurt." Eventually, Lori & Bolo completed the mud hut first, followed by Jonathan & Victoria and Freddy & Kendra, now in last place and afraid of being Yielded. However, Jonathan took Victoria the long way around to the holding pen of the donkeys, allowing Freddy & Kendra to pass them. Added to being in last place, Jonathan & Victoria, not having read the clue properly, took only one donkey on the walk to St. George's rather than the required two donkeys.

Arriving at St. George's church in first place, Hayden & Aaron delivered their donkeys to the farmer, who pointed the pair to the Yield mat. This was the second of three Yields on the Race allowing one Team to halt the progress of another for a pre-determined amount of time. Having opted not to exercise their Yield power, Hayden & Aaron opened their next clue to find a Roadblock. This Roadblock required one Team member to walk down into the 850-year-old St. George's Church carved into the rock hillside. After receiving a pendant from the head priest, the Team member must search among over 100 worshippers for the person wearing the matching pendant. When they found the match, the worshipper would hand them the next clue. Walking into the church for her Team, Hayden remarked, "The energy inside the place was just like nothing I've ever experienced." Hayden quickly found the worshipper with the matching pendant to receive the next clue. Opening it, the dating actors were instructed to walk one mile to the Pit Stop at the scenic Lalibela Lookout.

As Hayden & Aaron started their journey to the mat, Jonathan & Victoria realized the mistake they made by bringing only one donkey to the church. While upset, Jonathan kept his head and asked Adam & Rebecca to yield Freddy & Kendra to buy some time as the married entrepreneurs headed back for the second donkey. Deciding to grant the wish, Adam & Rebecca stepped onto the mat and Yielded Freddy & Kendra who were delayed by a slow donkey. With the new lease on life, Jonathan & Victoria ran as hard as they could down the path back to Lewz Village.

As Kris & Jon and Lori & Bolo finished the Roadblock, Freddy & Kendra discovered they had been Yielded. Kendra simply said, "Well, it looks like we're going home." However, the engaged models caught a break as Adam, performing the Roadblock for his Team, took the advice of a local and ran directly away from the church, wasting valuable time. By the time Adam realized he had gone the wrong way, Freddy & Kendra had already begun the Roadblock, completely negating what Adam had hoped to accomplish.

Reaching the Pit Stop at Lalibela Lookout, Hayden & Aaron stepped onto the mat in first place. For the efforts, the pair was rewarded with a vacation to exotic Mexico, compliments of American Airlines' website, Lori & Bolo finished in second place, while a lost Jon & Kris claimed third.

As Jonathan & Victoria started the walk back to St. George's Church, Freddy and Adam began the hunt for the matching pendant among the many worshippers. Receiving payback for the Yield, Freddy quickly found the pendant and left the church with Kendra, on the way to a fourth-place finish.

As Adam finally found the matching pendant, Jonathan & Victoria arrived at St. George's Church with two donkeys. Even though Victoria quickly completed the Roadblock, she and Jonathan had too much ground to make up, as the married entrepreneurs stepped onto the mat in last place. Phil informed Jonathan & Victoria that they had been eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE. On the experience, Victoria remarked, "Despite the fact that we fought so much and we were so angry, we're definitely connected at the soul. We enjoyed every minute of the Race no matter what it may seem like."


Offline HaydennAaronFan

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Re: 1/18 Show Recap
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2005, 11:56:58 AM »
Thanks puddin for sp[ending so much time to find that info! =]/

Man, there's a lot~ `/~

See you around... :<(
Hayden n Aaron #1 Team on The Amazing Race 6!

Amazing Race 7 Picks:

Megan and Heidi
Ron and Kelly
Rob and Amber
Greg and Brian

Survivor Picks:

Kim and Stephanie (Sorry Jeff , Too bad lose)!!