TAR36: Ep 9: "My Precious Cacao" (5/8/2024)

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All these caps are from the Charcos de Damajagua (the Damajagua Waterfalls):

Bringing this from the Live Sightings:

--- Quote from: Jjw26 on November 13, 2022, 09:17:52 PM ---Thanks to some sources, I believe teams visited the Damajagua Waterfalls and some sort of farm or orchard in the town of Altamira which I believe is the town or near the town where the waterfalls are. Not exactly sure what exact farm, orchard, or whatever it was, but it had avocados, oranges and papayas (not confirmed if any of those food were involved in a task). Altamira is only about a 35-40 minute drive to Puerto Plata so I believe teams must have started there and then drove into the city to finish the leg.

--- End quote ---

Following what Jjw26 found, I wonder if the cacao task was placed in Chocolates Altamira.

Bartolo Colon also is from Altamira which might place the baseball task in the same area

The starting point of the leg is the Puente Peatonal de Charcos de Damajagua.


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