Author Topic: BB Canada ~ ``` Updaters Wanted!  (Read 16032 times)

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BB Canada ~ ``` Updaters Wanted!
« on: March 18, 2015, 10:57:04 PM »
So you have the live feeds, and want to share the love? Here is your chance. RFF is looking for people to help us update our live feed threads. There is no application process, no experience is needed, no time commitment, just help out whenever you can. RFF Updaters volunteer their time, it's a labor of love for us. And we'd love to have you be a part of it.

FAQ About Being An Updater:

(Q) So just how do I become an RFF Big Brother Updater?
(A) Just hop in to the current live feed update thread and start typing away about what you see and hear.

(Q) Can I post screen caps/videos what I see?
(A) Absolutely, we encourage all RFF updaters to post screen caps whenever possible. However, videos from the live feeds are strictly prohibited.

(Q) I would love to help, but am very busy.  What kind of time commitment is required?
(A) We do not require any time commitment from you. All we ask is you update when you can, and share your love of Big Brother. We could use help at anytime, but especially day side and the overnight hours.

(Q) Can I post personal feelings about what I am seeing on the live feeds in the update thread?
(A) We do ask that when updating you keep any personal assessment to a minimum and italicize them so everyone knows it is not related to the events of the house. Feel free to use the Live Feed Discussion threads to further to add your personal feelings or comments

(Q) I have a question that is not answered here, where can I can get answers?
(A) Please feel free to send a PM to any of our BB thread mods: KitKat, georgiapeach, HurricaneHowieWood, or our Assistant Site Admin Texaslady. Any one of us would be happy to help and answer any questions you may have about being an updater.

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