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TARCAN 9 Ben & Anwar: Friends
« on: June 21, 2023, 06:49:18 PM »

Ben Chutta (he/him)
Age: 31
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Current City: Winnipeg
Hometown: Winnipeg
Strengths: Confident, problem solving, adaptable
Fear/phobia: As of today, I have no phobias!
Pet peeve about your teammate: He takes life too seriously and doesn’t prioritize fun.

Anwar Ahmed (he/him)
Age: 32
Occupation: Former Talent Acquisition Specialist
Current City: Toronto
Hometown: Winnipeg
Strengths: Detail-oriented, strategic thinker, good hand-eye coordination.
Fear/phobia: Deep water
Pet peeve about your teammate: He looks too much like me.

As first-generation Canadians, Ben and Anwar have overcome many obstacles in pursuit of their success and hope to show other kids from similar backgrounds that anything is possible. The two met competing against one another on the basketball courts in high school, but didn’t become close friends until they attended university, eventually forming what they call a “brotherhood.”

Surrounded by war, economic downfall, and famine, Ben’s parents fled on foot from Ethiopia before immigrating to Canada. As a result of his family struggles, Ben has lived in more than 20 different homes and attended 10 different schools by the time he graduated high school. Having to grow up fast, Ben’s resilience and adaptability eventually led him to excel in university, where he secured 17 scholarships and has started multiple small businesses. A true lover of travelling, Ben has explored 52 countries across six continents.

Having fled the war in Somalia, Anwar's parents met and married in Italy before immigrating to British Columbia for a better life for both themselves and their future children. In order to achieve her greatest goal of moving the rest of the family to Canada, Anwar’s mother, along with Anwar and his sisters, relocated to Winnipeg. Despite shouldering the immense responsibility as the “man of the house” from a young age, Anwar has always been inspired to live life to the fullest and travel the world. Before moving to Toronto, he spent time backpacking around Europe and also lived in Australia.

Ben and Anwar are motivated to win THE AMAZING RACE CANADA and give back to their families who gave up their own dreams to create a better life for them. They hope to become role models to their Black brothers and sisters in their communities and to prove that anything is possible, despite life’s hardships.

Fun Facts
What team do you most associate with from previous seasons of THE AMAZING RACE CANADA and why?

We are a hybrid of two different teams: Gino and Jesse from Season 3 because of their competitive nature and will to win, and Brendan and Connor from Season 8 because of their playfulness, positive energy, and free spirits. They were the embodiment of “just have fun.”

Why did you choose your partner?

Ben: Anwar is a strong competitor. His experience playing high-level sports will transfer to the Race, and he’s very disciplined and detail-oriented. We’ve been great friends for more than 13 years and we complement each other very well.
Anwar: Ben is the reason why I started travelling in the first place. He’s a competitor with a ton of experience travelling and is extremely savvy. He’s a natural when it comes to being resourceful and problem-solving.

What is your team motto?

“When the door is closed, look for the window.”

What will you do with the prize money?

Ben: I will immediately celebrate by taking my mom and brothers to Spain and Portugal on vacation. I’d also put a down payment on a house, make professional travel videos, and invest the rest.
Anwar: Fund my new podcast project, travel with my family, and invest in real estate.

What fruit or vegetable matches your personality and why?

Ben: A banana – I love to hang outside in the sun. I’m not too complicated but you have to peel off a layer to fully enjoy the benefits of my personality.
Anwar: Sweet potato – healthy, rough outer layer, soft and bright inner layer. It’s versatile and complements many dishes.

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Re: TARCAN 9 Ben & Anwar: Friends
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2023, 06:50:03 PM »
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Re: TARCAN 9 Ben & Anwar: Friends
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2023, 12:18:36 PM »
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Re: TARCAN 9 Ben & Anwar: Friends
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2023, 09:54:35 AM »
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