Archive > The Amazing Race

Amazing Race 6 - Cast Photo & Team Descriptions

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1. Jonathan and Victoria: The guy dyed his hair blue for the race. The girl's an ex-Playmate.
2. Lori and Bolo: Pro-wrestlers.
3. Rebecca and Adam: Ex-daters. Looks like Colin and Christie type.
4. Kris and Jon: Long-distance daters. Another alpha-team.  My pre-race pick for the winning team
5. Freddy and Kendra: Models.
6. Lena and Kristy: Sisters
7. Aaron and Hayden: Dating models.
8. Hera and Gustavus: African-American Daughter/Father combination.
9. Maria and Meredith: Best friends and both 26.
10. Donald and Mary: Oldest couple in Amazing Race history. 69 and 65.
11. Avi and Joe: Only Male-Male combination. Look like nerds.

 :)() Excellent find marv this from TV Guide?? Nice job..  *()*
I heard about that dude with the blue  :)_|  Cheers to you marv .. :)_|
Let the spoiling begin !

the pictures were posted by Glebe


4. Kris and Jon: Long-distance daters. Another alpha-team.  My pre-race pick for the winning team

they look like the couple in the first picure!! we have a match ..thanks again marv..your the bestest !!

Thanks for the TAR6 team list & info, Marv!  :)_| Wow, now I'm ready for the show to hurry up and begin...even tho there are PLENTY of shows to watch...with the Fall season beginning.

Ruday ;D


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