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Offline puddin

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New Media Pictures
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:02:37 AM »
Some new pictures from SurvivorFever

Offline puddin

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2004, 10:09:05 AM »

Offline puddin

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2004, 10:20:57 AM »

Offline puddin

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2004, 10:27:05 AM »
The thing that surprises me the most ..How Tall Dolly is..for some reason I pictured her as petite 8-)'


VO:  Every Survivor has started with a unique twist. 
Jeff Probst (speaking during Survivor: Borneo marooning): They've been given two minutes to salvage whatever they can.
VO: but now...
Helicopter Pilot:  We are aproaching Vanuatu: Islands of Fire.
VO:  ...what happens in the first 10 minutes of Survivor: Vanuatu, will blow you away.   Don't miss TV's greatest adventure.  Survivor Vanuatu Islands of Fire, premiering Thursday, September 16th on only CBS

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2004, 10:38:32 AM »
Great pics!  thanks puddin

Offline puddin

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2004, 08:59:04 PM »
 :)_{} More pictures from Fever

Dolly:  I'm not in your face, hopefully that works for me.
Travis:  I'm here because, it's an adventure.
Julie:  I am down to get dirty and do any physical challenge.
John P:  I'm a master at flirting and sex appeal.
Dolly:  *laughs

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2004, 01:27:58 PM »
You are soo good Puddin!!! thanks for keeping us up to date on the new cast.

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2004, 02:07:21 PM »
Aww No problem Texan ..I've been spendin most of my time surfing S9 spoilers ..I found alot of good stuff.. puzzles , boot lists..I'm totally hooked ..but, I want some solid proof before I post them..a lot of the great spoiling sites are being very cautious this season..extra carefull ..I have a bunch of good stuff saved in notepads ..lets see how the first 2 boots go ..
special thanks to knowsalittle.. :)() He/She has set me on the right track  ;) I beleive I beleive ..

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2004, 06:52:39 PM »
AWESOME pictures Puddin... Thanks!! :)_|
Wendy Jean


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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2004, 12:13:14 AM »
 ;;) Thanks Wendy & thanks to my fav site Fever  :)()

many more vidcaps here~


Tribal Council Tour with Jeff Probst



This is the Tribal Council for Survivor Vanuatu Island of Fire.  These are what the torches are gonna look like this season.   The stumps where the tribes will sit for flame.   

Special carved seat, fits my bum, thanks to Nick in the Art Dept. 

As you can see there's lots of little intricacies.

All of this coral around here...this set took 6 weeks to build.  Every piece put in by hand to build....every stone, every shell, lots of little pieces.  Skulls representing the cannibalism and spirituality of all these islands.

Right behind me is one of the largest totems you'll find around here. It was carved for us by the Ambrym folks.  And what they do is they actually go out into the jungle, where no one can see them. It took them two weeks to carve they did a lot of the totems around here for us...

So this is the entrance the Survivors make when they're first coming to Tribal Council. And as you can see, it's a beautiful set once again.  And it's complimented with a lot of fire, there are 35 different fires on this set.  I'm not gonna tell you how we do some of them, but that's part of the magic.  Obviously fire is a very big part of Tribal Council and Survivor...

This is the Voting Confessional, and once again one of the coolest parts is that,  just over the shoulder of the person voting, are the people they are voting for.  That's something we've been doing for the last few seasons, that adds a lot of conspiracy.  You have to 'whisper' when you're talking, and yet you're voting someone out.  The votes go into here, this is a very cool piece.  Everything on the show is handcrafted...

And all of this goes up for auction for Eliz Glazier Pediatric AIDS and makes alot of money.

For me, my personal favorite item is always the snuffer.  A good buddy, Mark Powell makes these every season in our Art Dept.  This is called a 'Nal nal' and believe it or not, it's an actual ceremonial pig sacrificing weapon...this is what they use.  So he took the idea and took one of these and shaped it into something that would also work as a snuffer.  It's the one piece of Survivor memorabilia that I take home every season. This'll be number 9 and it's as close as you're getting to it. 

And this is the walk you don't want to ever make.  If you can go 39 days and not make this walk, you have a one in two shot of winning. Because this is the walk for when after you've been voted out.  And there's some subtle lighting cues that change. It goes from a lot of fire around Tribal Council to a much bluer darker look as you get down here. Subtle, you definitely don't see it, but hopefully you feel it. But you are walking into darkness, cause the show is over for you.

That's the tour from Tribal Council from Survivor Vanuatu - Islands of Fire. I'm Jeff Probst, so long...

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2004, 02:49:22 PM »
Fever always has the greatest news for
survivor. Thanks for posting the pics puddin.
14 days and counting.


Offline puddin

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2004, 05:56:51 PM »
11 more days BRL!!!!

another good site

Offline Bathfizzy

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2004, 12:37:45 AM »
 :)() :)() :)()Puddin, you have outdone yourself.  I was getting excited when I saw the shots of some of the men. Oooo lalala, yum, yum,  ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^.  I love that information that Jeff keeps all the snuffers from all the seasons.  I wonder how he has it displayed in his house.  Does he have a special survivor room where it is hung with care against the wall? ?:)? ?:)? ?:)?.  So Puddin when you talk to Probst next can you ask him that question for good ol Bathfizzy?? ?:)? ?:)?  Thanks for the great pictures of the tribal council area--those totem poles are beautiful. :)()

Offline puddin

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2004, 11:06:20 PM »
Hiya Bathfizzy ..are you getting excited ?mmm can't get enough of that Jeffy
I wonder how he has it displayed in his house.  Does he have a special survivor room where it is hung with care against the wall?   .  So Puddin when you talk to Probst next can you ask him that question for good ol Bathfizzy?? 
  I don't have to ask Jeff  ;;) We (Jeff & I ) call it our Survivor Trophy room.. :)* umm the rest I'll keep a secret  :)X

More Promo's from my favorite site ~ *()*

Survivor: Vanuatu CBS "Rite of Passage"  Promo

Airdate:  9.9.04

Voice Over

VO:  Every Survivor has started with a unique twist.  But now, before Survivor: Vanuatu can begin, 18 new castaways will have to go through a harrowing right of passage.   

VO: Don't miss the first 10 minutes of Survivor: Vanuatu.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2004, 11:18:11 PM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Jeff Probst on the Survivors
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2004, 10:30:54 PM »
Survivor: Vanuatu CBS Website Video

Jeff Probst on the Survivors
Find out why Jeff thinks the Survivors of VANUATU are closest to the Survivors of THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK
Voice Over

JP:  This group is the closest group to the Australia group that I think we've had, in terms of vitality and attitude and look.  It's a young looking group, good looking group and pretty confident.  They all seem to think they have a handle on the game.  And I'm sure more than a few of them will get themselves in trouble with that confidence.

I think Ami is a person that if she stays in the game long enough, people are really going to like her.  I think she's a genuinely cool person and her soul seems to just come out of her and I think people are going to see that.  She's very comfortable in her own skin... very comfortable in her body.  She's got an adorable smile and some interesting life experiences that I think may give her a bit of an advantage in the game.

Brady is our hero, one of the heroes. He's an FBI profiler, so in theory he should be able to look at these situations and access fairly well.  He's also going to be a target.  He's a good looking, young, strong guy.  Those guys always's a double edge sword, he can work for you or against you.   It depends on who he aligns himself with and what the take of it is.  But on paper, certainly a strong contender, I don't know if that means he'll go long in the game.

Brook Geraghty is a dark horse for me.  I haven't figured Brook out yet.  I think he could be a real hard worker and I think he could do well at getting along with the folks.  But he's got a bit of a mouth on him.  And it's fun, he's a got a fun sense of humor about himself.  It just depends how he handles the stress.  You know the first night, it poured on them.  I don't know how Brook is going to handle that.  That remains to be seen.  It's a question mark.  Brook is a question mark.

Chad is definitely an underdog and I don't think you're going to help but pull for him.  He's coming in missing one leg, so he has that obstacle.  But Chad's leg is not going to be a problem.  He's as fit as 80% of the people we've ever had on the show.  I think his problem is going to be people worrying about a sympathy vote.  Which is a fair concern, because this guy is out there probably kicking your ass.  And he's doing it with a huge physical limitation.  I think you look at Chad and you think, number one, the guy is fit and he's strong.  Number two, if I let him go deep in the game, people are going to pull for him because he's done with this physical challenge.  Chad probably has more going against him in this game than anybody else.  It's sort of ironic given that he's coming into this game with a physical limitation.  The sense will be that people will go easy on him.  No, no, no... people won't want him around.

If Chris is everything he purports to be, he'll do just fine in this game.  That's the question, is he putting on.  Or is he this strong, "I'll tackle anything, bring it on, you can't beat me" kind of guy.  I don't know.  I think he's one of those kinds of guys that could emerge really strong or fade fast.

Dolly, our first sheep herder, beautiful, young, athletic. She has a very strong moral side to her as well.  She's said many times, I will not do anything to compromise my dot dot dot.  Those are strong words in Survivor because usually there comes a point where you have to compromise.  That's part of the outplay, outwit, outlast.  So it's going to be interesting to see if Dolly can find a way to justify it.  That in the confines of the game, it might be ok to mislead or not.   Maybe that isn't even an issue for her.  I know the guys are going to want her to stick around because she's one of the good-looking women we have on the show.  I think her experience as as sheep herder will probably come into play.  This is a girl who obviously works with her hands for a living, which not a lot of young girls that are on this show do.

Eliza could emerge as a villain on this show, in the sense that she's very lippy.  And she will say what's on her mind and she will get into little cat fights.  She's adorable but her mouth could get her into trouble.  That's going to be her big test.  I think she may see that as an asset, lipping off.   But in this game I'm not sure it is, I think less is more in the case of Eliza.

Young John I don't think is long for the game.  I just don't think he has it.  I think the girls will like to look at him.  I think he will last a little while but I think he'll be one of the early ones to go.  And if I'm wrong, John, good on ya.

John P. is a strong guy.  He could be actually a good leader.  And he might have the skills to be the kind of a leader that can lead and still stay out of the way, still keep his place somewhere on the totem pole in the middle so that he's not always the guy that they're looking to knock off.  He'd be a guy that I'd look to that might last awhile in this game.

I think Julie knows she's good looking.  I think she's used her looks to get things in the past, like we all use our assets.  I think that's going to be her game plan coming in... "how can I use my sexuality in this game".  The fact that they were then divided into tribes of men and women may throw her for a little loop.  The other girls aren't going to care, and the guys that do care are on another island.  So we'll see how that goes.  I think Julie, I think she's a fighter.  I think if she digs deep, she may surprise some people.

Lea comes in with credentials that could make him really good.  He's a drill sergeant so he's used to being able to read people and access who needs to be lead and in which way.  The problem for Lea is, he's not a drill sergeant out here, he's just another guy.  So if he tries to play the game of, "listen to me I know what I'm talking about"...we've seen how that goes on Survivor.  It doesn't work too well.  But if he's able to back off and realize, "most of these people are younger than me, let them make their mistakes and I'll be here to clean up the mess"... he could do great.  And I think people might like Lea.  I think there's something about him that's really charming.

I think the fact that the tribes were split into men and women might help Leann.  She seems like she's at a point in life where she's looking for something new, to make new friendships.  Which is something odd, to think about in Survivor, but that's the place she's at in her life.  She's either going to be very welcomed by the other women or she'll put them off immediately.  But I don't think Leann is in the middle, one way or the other.  I think she's going to be old or cold.

Lisa is a mother of a small tribe of her own.  That life experience alone makes her a great candidate for the show.  I think she's going to be a hard worker.  She seems to have a great attitude.  And especially with the group staying as men and women for awhile, that could really work well for her. I think she might be around.

Mia is a sparkplug.  You just look at her and you want to smile.  She's got a great attitude.  Seems to be fairly physically fit.  So far my interactions with her, she's easy to get along with.  I think Mia might be a person that finds a way to just hover in the middle and not cause any problems and people might just forget about her for awhile.

I haven't figured Rory out yet. I won't lie, sometimes he seems slightly irritating and sometimes he seems like the most welcoming man on the planet.  I don't know how he's going to fair with all these other guys.  I don't know if he's going to be able to ease into the group or not.  You know from a cultural background he's a bit of a fish out of water.  It's a predominately group of white guys.  He's an older guy.  All those little things, they count.  Rory is going to work harder at fitting in.

Scout is one of my favorites.  I like her, she's overcome a lot.  This is a woman that isn't supposed to still be alive.  Here she is out here taking on, what for her will not be the biggest experience of her life but certainly a monumental experience.  I think there's something about Scout, that you want her on your side.  She doesn't seem to be an adversarial person.  I don't know what quality that is but I wouldn't be looking to kick Scout off.  I'd want her to hang around awhile, even if you're a threat in the game, I'd still want you around.  I think you're valuable and I think  you'd be fun to hang out with.  I think Scout will be a favorite for people.

You can't help but pull for Twila.  This is a woman that works 3 jobs.  She works 7 days a week with no days off.  She works 365 days a year for not a lot of money. Very little money.  When she sat down in the chair and we said "why do you want to do this?"... she said "I'm wearing out.  I can't do this much longer".  This is a woman who is here because a million dollars would change her life.  You look at her and you see the wear and tear that life has taken on her body already.  I'm pulling for her.  What's working against Twila is that she is so out of her element out here.  I don't know how she's going to handle the first 3 days.  If she can get through the first 3 days then maybe she can get some momentum.  But she's going to have an uphill battle.

Bubba is a guy I liked the minute he walked in the room.  He's our Big Tom of the season in the sense that he's full of colorful colloquialisms.  He's got a little way about him and he's got a little soft belly.   He's a handful of kids at home and he just wants to do well.  I like the guy.  I don't know if he's as strong as he's putting on that he is.  When push comes to show, will Bubba come through or will Bob Barker be sent home early? 

I gotta say, after going through all these people, I don't know anything, I'm just the host.  I have not been right in 8 seasons.  I look at these people and the guy that I say is going home early, walk away with the million bucks.  These 18 yahoos here in Vanuatu have no idea how difficult it is going to be.  We can tell them until we're blue in the face.  They can say " I'm ok will bugs. I don't need to eat that much.  Water?".   It's 3 days and they're already moaning.  Somebody has 38 days to go.  It's going to be brutal and I can't wait to watch it.

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Re: New Media Pictures
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2004, 12:17:42 PM »
Thanks Puddin.  I love Jeff's description of the players.  Let's see how accurate he is with someof them.