Hunted > Hunted

Hunted: David Windecher & Emiley Cox (Dating)

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David & Emiley

David Windecher
Age: 38
Occupation: Criminal Defense Attorney
Current City: Miami, FL
Three Words That Describe You: Disciplined, passionate, adventurist
Character Traits: Fitness fanatic, street smart, paranoid, calculating, loyal
Catchphrase: "One step ahead or a thousand steps behind."

Emiley Cox
Age: 27
Occupation: Online Clothing Boutique Owner
Current City: Anniston, AL
Three Words That Describe You: Adventurous, ambitious, rebellious
Character Traits: Fitness fanatic, excitable
Catchphrase: "Cool deal!"

Relationship: Dating


Dramatic Start!


Meet David & Emiley

Opposites may attract, but can they coordinate?

In terms of going off the grid and avoiding capture on the new series Hunted, partners David Windecher and Emiley Cox couldn't be more different.

As a criminal defense attorney with a hardened criminal background, David has tons of life experience to prepare him for the challenges ahead.

His girlfriend Emiley, on the other hand, has never been on the run before, which could potentially cause friction between the couple down the line. In fact, Theresa Payton, who is the Command Center's Head of Intelligence on Hunted, is counting on that friction.

Payton, the former White House chief information officer, predicts they will capture David and Emiley in about 20 days, with a combined Fugitive rating of 7/10.

Will David's street smarts keep both him and Emiley safe from their pursuers? Or will the pair's relationship crack under the pressure?

They are definitely getting a very good edit. What do y'all think?

--- Quote ---David and Emiley seem to be getting the “winner’s edit” on Hunted so far. That’s a term that reality show enthusiasts use for contestants who ultimately win. They may be edited in a more positive light than other contestants, so that viewers will be more excited when they win. They may also be featured early on or more frequently to start setting the tone for their win. (In addition, David and Emiley are being pretty smart about their evasion tactics, which we’ll talk about a little later.)

David and Emiley were the first couple featured on the premiere. They are featured frequently. And most of their clips show them in a positive light. Plus, their “bios” at the beginning of the show make them a couple that we’d want to root for. Sure, they’ve had some missteps here and there, but overall they’re a positive force on the show that viewers are rooting for.
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