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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2016, 02:51:38 PM »
live feeders ck out 7/23 5:54am camera 1
Corey's hand under covers seems to move to Nicole's leg or private area...which Nicole turns into Corey, throws her arm up over her few minutes are sweet, Nicole running her fingers threw Corey's hair, and over his back etc..., lasts for about 5 min. then Nicole turns away from Corey.

Nicole needs to get her head in the game, or get played once again. :hearts:

maybe someone will post pics.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 03:19:01 PM by unbelievable »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2016, 03:32:44 PM »
Jeff is on with feed updates...might be picking for veto or playing.

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2016, 05:37:11 PM »
False alarm, lol
« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 05:41:53 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2016, 10:46:31 PM »
Veto comp is underway!

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2016, 12:47:34 AM »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2016, 05:44:56 PM »
I just tuned in to live feeds for 1am 7/24...Nicole is saying girls aren't like that.  Corey saying he made a few trips to the bathroom overnight and sounds like he is hurting...Nicole said "I can sleep somewhere else"  Corey said No, it's ok,   :luvya:  oops...
Corey talking about some of the guys having wet dreams.
Nicole, Really does that happen often?  (discussion happening)

they must be referring to the other thing I
« Last Edit: July 24, 2016, 05:49:45 PM by unbelievable »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2016, 06:55:58 PM »
 :groan:  Frank talking with Paulie, saying he has to talk to Michelle then James to see if there's any wiggle room, then since she has a bad foot, maybe you, Corey, Paul, Vincent, Nicole and even Natalie and maybe Michelle on board to do this there would only be 2 people who would vote the other way  (not sure if he's talking about Bridgett or himself I know Bridge said she wanted to go home)
Paulie saying you know everybody lies, I have nothing personal against Bridgett, but I'd rather see you stay here than here (lies) 
Frank "I Know you do"
Paulie  I mean I think Bridgett is a cool chick and all
Frank  She thinks I will have all the guy votes and Michelles  (Frank's delusional)  and she will have the girls votes and maybe Nicole, she thinks she's going home and I think I'm going home (house wants you gone)
Paulie  now lying saying he thought James was with all of us...I know we all love Michelle and everything, but everyone danced like it was a super bowl
Frank said I know Bridge and I talked about it, and all you could hear was Michelle...oops interrupted Vincent came in  they are now talking about Veto Otev game and how everything was all spread out in Frank's old Otev, it took a hot minute to find it...Vincent said while you were all searching for it, Meech had stuck a bunch at the side.
Paulie said James didn't even find the first one...
Vincent...he told me he didn't throw it he didn't
Vincent...maybe he did
They are discussing that it made sense that James threw it
Frank saying he isn't going to campaign against Bridgette just let the votes fall as the may, but still wants to see if Michelle will use it and backdoor someone  DaVonne.  (lost cause they want Frank out no need to back door)
Frank saying that's his only chance of course ...then he'd come to you boys and say I have the votes...but hey if I leave on Thursday don't leave her out to dry with those mean girls, they treat her like ****...I told her that's what i'll worry about most is her going up on the block each week...please if you win don't keep putting her up on the block...
Paulie said yeh she's tough, she'd be able to pull out wins like you
Vincent said he thought she was going to win tonight, it was really close between those two.
Frank...I don't know what's going to happen between now and Thursday I'm working on the assumption I'm going home, I'd rather see us both come down off the block...(dreaming) I just want to know if I'm going or staying
Paulie...I'll let you know, yeh it's a ****ty situation
Bridgett walks in she's putting icey hot on her ankle, said it's still torn up
Vincent...saying his shoulder/neck hurts
Paul walked in  ?ing icey hot
Vincent said put it on your punishment for kids (not funny but he's lol)
Bridgett talking about tiger balm, trying to describe it similar to icey hot
Frank...who in the hell would put that on your eyes
Bridgett...used to put it under your nose opens you whole sinus up

talking a little dirty talk now  :groan:

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2016, 08:35:09 PM »
James, Michelle, Nicole Frank in the HOH what are we doing this week y'all
James, nice ice breaker throws his hands up (usual for him) I have no control man...the person that holds the fate of the key for the gate is at the foot of the bed
Michelle...mumbling hand in mouth...well, I don't know Frank, I'd have 9 people coming after me
James...yeh man, I'm only powerful when certain steps are made, so I really can't do anything at all my hands are tied.
Frank...what do you need me to do, get a group of people to show you numbers?
James...of course you need someone to use the Veto
Frank...I know that...I guess the hangnail on this whole thing
Michelle back towards him (mumbling hand in mouth)I won't use it if there's no numbers
Frank...well what do I need to do to show you the numbers
Michelle same (mumbling) repeats I guess get everyone who would (mumbling repeats) you need to get everyone who would in one room
frank...a lot of people from the house I think...looks over at Nicole you think we should have a little group meeting?
Frank ...we can
James...lets not beat around the bush...if its going to happen it will happen if its not its not you know (smart thinking  :groan:)
Frank...I mean I agree
James...not going to play between the grey lines and lead people on and its not going to happen
Frank...well Paul and Paulie are sleeping or I'd get them here...Nicole would you be on board
Nicole...if everyone else is, Michelle, Nicole, Corey and Natalie
James...obviously everyone needs to be in here, Day's sleeping and that's who your talking about replacing with
Frank...yeh if your down to do that.  that's obviously what I want I think its better for our game get everyone on board who are you going after
Frank...anybody you want, me and Bridget don't want to win right now
we just want the heat off our back, I don't want to...I've been telling you all summer James you know I didn't want to win anything
James...I didn't want to win either but it was an ego thing, I figured this might be my last season with BB I might as well go out with a win
Frank...I wanted to win the Otev because that's what sent me home the last time...but the girl from Michigan decided to put and end to that
Michelle...I won Otev right
James...if the group comes together and says I'm down and she uses the veto, then I'll do what I have to do...honestly there is a lot of stuff for that to occur
Michelle...what was that last night between you and Paul? and I were talking, and I was asking him to give us a minute, he thought I was going to talk to you about putting him up didn't ask that at all
Frank...he realizes that now, he's fine now, we were up eating a burrito...I think it would be a pretty exciting week of BB if we could do this would be fun it when the Veto gets used and the house flips...they don't necessarily love me
Michelle...they did
Frank...but me and Bridgett won't win, if that's what the house wants
wish they'd never put me up again lol
Michelle...I still want Bridgett gone
Frank...that's fine, but I don't think she deserves to go home before Day, and I don't think I do either...I feel like things will settle down in the house to if she leaves
James...well question is for next week, depending on who wins, who is the house going to put up, cause all pretty much in agreement...would have to double cross somebody that point I don't feel like its double crossing...a calm house going into doing something like a house up in arms and no one knowing exactly where everyone lies...but that's me
Nicole talking about peach fuzz on lip
James...Nicole how do you think Corey would go
Nicole, he would be down with what ever the house is doing, he feels pretty strongly towards'd have to ask him
Michelle...who would you think the house should put up next week
Frank...Zakiyah and Victor
Michelle, why Zakiyah and not Bridgett?
Frank, it wouldn't matter it would be to get Victor out...I mean that's what everyone wanted originally when we found out someone was coming back into the house...personally I like the guy, but he is a beast
Michelle...yeah he'll probably win next week, who knows who he'd put up
Frank...who do you think should go up
Michelle...the house is finally coming together for me its Bridgett, just being honest
Frank...I know that
Michelle...don't tell her I said that
Frank...I won't

will finish this convo later

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2016, 06:47:08 AM »
7/25 3:10 meeting occurring in HOH everyone present...including Day, Frank and Bridgett. 
Paul starting meeting saying we are all here and all of us know what is going on so lets put our big boy/girl pants on and talk about it.  Frank is hesitant, Day is not... the veto is not going to be used
Frank...I want the Power of Veto used and I want Day put up in my spot
Paul to Day Did you know that?
Paul point A is there a point B?
? as who the veto is not going to get used that 100% sure
Michelle...says who wants Day gone?
Frank...nobody's going to say it with her in the room right now guys are in the room as well, all parties involved in compromise are all here the end of the day there only is one truth to my knowledge, but there could be another truth to (pointing to Frank) your knowledge, so since we are having this meeting lets bring out the truth so we know what the actual truth is and have breakfast lunch and dinner and go on with our lives.
Frank...but that's not what the games about
Frank...that's what the people at home are thinking, but that's not BB you know what the games about don't ya?
Day...according to you I know it very well
Frank...I think you as a fan sitting at home would want to know what's happening...know what's going on, back room deals, its part of the game
Day...and since we are all here what you are doing I respect you wouldn't just roll over and die, I would be pissed off ****
Day...I respect what your doing even if it is at my expense so don't get me wrong
Frank...I would hope that you would
Day...I knew there was a meeting so I think why not be present about it...I mean (to Frank) I've been crashing your little meetings all day
Frank lol I know you have, I get it you and Zakiyah tagging each other...If you knew it wasn't getting used why did you squash all the meetings
Day...because you make everyone feel uncomfortable that really the case right here, cause I'll quit campaigning right now, people feeling uncomfortable in here? one is going to say it Frank
Frank...just like no one is going to say they want you to go home Day, which one is real right there, I mean do I have a point?
Day...I don't know I was under the impression that this meeting was going to go a certain way, and certain information was going to be disclosed, that's not happening so should I exit and let you talk...crying (can't understand her)
Paul...we all know what's going on so
Day...this is what the problem is, he's thinking your all playing stupid in front of me, and I'm under the impression (cluck cluck cluck noise) in front of him
Frank...I'm not saying who's fing open
Day...well there you have it the same time I have a gut feeling, but everyone gets paranoid in this house, I don't know what to believe but I got to try
Day...oh and I know
Frank...the 2 people that are talking and no one else is speaking up
Day...I didn't call this meeting I was just told to be present
Paulie...F it I don't think its cool the way this is going down, the numbers aren't in your favor stop making yourself look like an idiot am I making myself look like an idiot?
Paulie...No your not making yourself look like an idiot, your doing what you need to do I didn't mean to say idiot thing to be in the conversation, but it is what it is, you want to call a house meeting about it when it could have been done in private, to save whatever character you might want to have saved
Frank...thank you Paulie
Paulie...nobody wants to say it, i'll say it, I was going to do it on a low key basis, but if everyone wants to come up here and do this **** and sit around and like sorry bro, I hate fing seeing you do this **** and like it's going to come to no avail, I hate seeing you try and it ain't going to of you guys is going home...I said in the beginning I didn't even know if it was worth it but I know you had to try for BB
Michelle...I told you downstairs even if I did use it on you Bridgett's going home, no one is going to vote Day out
Frank...that's fine all it just means  people don't shoot straight with me, people don't have backbones...backbones outside the house then they come in here and it is what it is...thank you Paulie for having a backbone, thank you Day for having a backbone...its all good in the hood...I ain't f.up about it
Frank, Paulie Victor leaves
Corey...I would think all of us would want to be heard out if we were in that position
Day...I been hearing it now for over 2 weeks, lets b/door Day, lets put day up, lets keep Tiffany...why do I have to keep listening to all this stuff and why was this even entertained for as long as it was

« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 08:42:57 AM by unbelievable »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/24
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2016, 09:31:45 AM »
Everyone in bed except Day and Bridget sitting by hot tub, discussing things that Frank told her
Day...did you have a foursome with Nicole and Corey
Bridget...says that's been ongoing for 2 weeks...we heard there was a fatal five all girl alliance that you, Nicole were in so we couldn't figure out why Nicole and Corey wanted a 4 alliance with Frank and I, but yeh that was happening.
Day...Frank filled me in on a bunch of things because even though we were on a roller coaster emotional thing, we still had respect for each other.  I guess before he leaves he wants me to know what he knows...I guess he wants me to have enough information to do what I need to do in this house while protecting you.  I know this game like the back of my hand, I may not be a good competitor.  You know Frank says a lot of things to save himself, but certain things he tells me I believe.  When he told me about her when we were on the wall, that's why I started crying, I was pissed (talking about Nicole) I mean this could be 50/50 he could be telling me a lie
Bridgett...No I heard it, but what I can't figure out is who is she playing, obviously she was playing me and Frank, but
Day...she is playing both sides
Bridgett...Nicole is really the only one who talks to me, we bonded over being ER nurses, I felt like I had 1 friend from that group because I felt so separated from all of you
Day telling Bridgett that she heard that Bridgette had a vendetta after every girl in this house...

it's just Day and Bridgette updating each other...I'm leaving this convo

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2016, 05:23:40 PM »
7/35 5:00am live feed HOH
Paulie, Corey, Zakiyah, Paul, James, Natalie, Day, and Nicole
apparently after the HOH, when James promised not to put Bridgett up on the block, and did anyway (we all know James'  promises aren't worth a grain of salt)  he told Bridgett he was sorry, and she told him to go f himself!
So Paul's big mouth, Michelle and James are of course beating a dead horse over and over

these people are getting on my last nerve

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2016, 05:50:17 PM »
live feed 7/25 5:10am   ***warning*** this is a little gross
Michelle and Zakiyah in SR  Zakiyah looking for tampons, goes through several cabinets finds a full box opens and puts in her pocket...Michelle says never used them, Zakiyah says that good don't have to worry about toxic shock finds maxipads...leave SR and Nicole grabs them, they go back into stock room...Nicole and Michelle sit on the floor... :groan: :groan: : Zakiah opens up the maxipad and starts reaching down her shorts and putting it in her panties...James comes in and says what are you doing?  and turns his head just a little, then Paul comes in.  Paul looks at Zakiyah (still fumbling around) he asks her if she just put her tampon in? 
James in the fridge...Michelle just finished a bowl of cereal, ask James for the grapes...all sitting on the floor eating humus and crackers...
Paul says we are a weird cast, Paul says something about Zakiyah being out of commission for a week, James says that never stopped my girlfriends.

mind you there is no running water in the SR and Zakiyah is reaching in for chips and hummus  quit watching talk got a little gross
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 06:02:05 PM by unbelievable »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2016, 06:29:49 PM »
7/25 5:17am backyard
Paulie sitting alone with Bridgette...telling her that he told Frank that he was bringing a lot of heat on the both of them.  Saying he told Frank you need to let her play her own game.  Telling her he Frank trusted too many people that he shouldn't have.  (Paulie is one of them)  Paulie hugs her and goes to bed.  Bridgett doesn't want to go back inside with the others who are still up.
Talking outloud I suck at this game, I don't know what's true, I feel lonely, I don't know who to believe.   (I feel sorry for her)
(setting himself up to not go on the block if she wins HOH)

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2016, 06:46:06 PM »
7/25  5:22am he trying to mess up as much **** as he can before he leaves
Day...or is he trying to help before he leaves, that's what I want to's been planted in my head
(they are trashing over info about Nicole)
Day saying I felt like you were closer with her than with me
Zakiyah saying no the case that she just seemed to have a lot of info and I wanted (to tap) into it see if our names came up

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2016, 11:51:24 PM »
Frank Evicted 9-0

Paul is the new HOH!

Corey, Natalie, Paulie & Zakiyah are the Have-Nots for the Week
« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 01:21:32 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2016, 11:50:41 PM »
Paul is HOH

Natalie got the first America's Care Package. She is a Never Have-Not

Bridgette & Paulie Nominated for Eviction

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2016, 01:48:43 PM »

The veto players are Paul, Bridgette, Paulie, Corey, Natalie & Victor.

Nicole is the host.

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2016, 03:35:57 PM »
Paulie won the power of veto!

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 7/31
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2016, 01:44:05 PM »
Paulie used the veto on himself

Da'Vonne is the replacement nominee

Bridgette and Da'Vonne are the final nominees for the week!

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 8/7
« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2016, 11:49:14 PM »
Da'Vonne evicted 6-2

Da'Vonne is the first member of the Jury

Victor is the new HOH

Bridgette, Corey & James are the Have-Nots for the week

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 8/7
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2016, 03:13:08 PM »
So, no updates at all this season? I miss getting caught up after work. Everyone must be busy :(

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 8/7
« Reply #46 on: August 05, 2016, 06:53:55 PM »
James won the care package
James, Corey and Paulie pow wow in backyard seating
Paulie...making plans on pecking order, says Victor wants to keep Bridgett longer, Paulie wants to take her out in the DE, saying we have three of the 5 girls watching our backs, and Bridgett probably trust us more than them, thinking we hang on to Nic and Nat the longest...of course Corey and James 100% on board  :funny: saying how they can control them
Paulie...We want to go after Vic's and Paul's girls
Corey...Paul thinks he has Michelle
Paul... lol yeah 100% , but all I have to say to him is, before you came into the room, Michelle said you and James annoy her
James...I'll throw it in that Michelle said she doesn't trust me anymore because I threw her name under the bus...which is true
Paulie...we have to look out for the alliance, Michelle might not be a threat in your eyes, but if she wins she will come after alliance members
James...who is she (Michelle) calling 2-faced?
Paulie...I don't know Nat says it was Bridgett, but I don't believe she would do that
Corey...Michelle or Bridgett this week
Paulie...Michelle this week...and you know we need Z, Nic  and Nat to take a shott at Bridgett, because if any of us do it we'd just look like A-holes (TOO LATE) :funny:
James...I'm telling you right now Nat is not going to put Bridgett up
Corey...Nat won't put any girl up no matter what, if its you (james) next to a girl, your going home, she wants a girl to win. 
James... is  ??? about this (this info is confusing him)  who said that Bridgett?
Corey...No...She is 1000% not putting a girl up and wants a girl to win
Paulie...well Nic and Z then to get her out
Corey...well we can get Natalie out whenever we need to  (James looking back and forth Corey to Paulie looking very concerned, doesn't want his girl out)
Paulie...yeah unless she is hiding something, like last night, she is really showing what kind of game she is don't put me up...even during the HOH she started that crying to Vic, and when it looked like Vic wouldn't get off, she got was all just an act, Paulie turns to James did you catch that???
James lol a little saying yeah, yeah
Corey, it went from a cry to an evil smile just like that
Paulie... sort of staring at James for a reaction (james has sunglasses on)  I think she is a little more cunning than she lets on to I mean why would she be in a room with Michelle and Day
James...idk if she is trying to get a lot of info from me, I mean she normally tells me a lot of ****
Paulie...if we can take care of Bridgett in the DE, than Nat will be at 100% confide in you, cause Michelle will be gone already. long as it is not Bridgett I can tell Nat to put up whoever and she'll do it, I could be wrong, but from our talks she tells me she needs my help if she wins HOH
Paulie...ok well that's the way we will do it
James...I mean if you feel like Nat has to be the first one of the girls that has to go
Paulie...obviously, Michelle needs to go, Bridgett needs to go, then we will cross that bridge when it comes, Z and Nicole haven't won anything, so out of the three of them it doesn't matter who goes first because none of them are winning anything
Corey...Nicole is going to win a mental comp at some point, I mean she is a super fan
Paulie...Nat will take a shot at Vic, Nicole is more level headed and Z is emotional, Paul is petrified of Nicole, but I'm not, he thinks Nicole will put 2 of our guys up
Corey...Who Nicole?? no, no Nicole's not putting any guys up
oop's  James said we have to back door Paul think?  He'd have to really really pull it out
James...thinking about Nicole, if she take's a shot at him and miss's, because of Victor you'd have to tread lightly on him.
Paulie...if the girls take a shot at him, it's whatever, hey man, we knew whenever one of them got anything they would take a shot, gives us another week to figure out how to get him out
James...if he takes himself down we'd have to figure out who to put up next to him
Paulie...well we have 3 girls to rotate around...that's why I think we need to take a shot at Victor while there are still 3 girls, and not down to the guys because then we are playing Russian roulette and one of us leaves
James...exactly that's what I was trying to get at, the girls will vote him out like that no problem
Paulie, but if we take a shot at him and miss, the only sacrificial one is Paul, that's why I feel like we need to take a shot at him while we have the 3 girls left...Vic can't play in the DE, thinking next time Vic drops out, we tell the girls wait till we all drop out, give it to one of the girls
James...which girl???????????
Paulie...any girl...

(they are just repeating all this over and over...they are discussing their pecking order...wish these girls would start playing and get these guys out) :groan:

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-Sunday 8/7
« Reply #47 on: August 05, 2016, 11:43:13 PM »
Victor is HOH

James got America's Care Package

Michelle & Zakiyah Nominated for Eviction

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-8/28
« Reply #48 on: August 06, 2016, 01:33:43 PM »

Playing in it are Victor, Michelle, Zakiyah, James, Nicole and Paulie.

Paul is the host.

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/11-8/28
« Reply #49 on: August 06, 2016, 09:10:55 PM »
Paulie won the Power of Veto!