Author Topic: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Sunday 7/10  (Read 17969 times)

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Saturday 7/9
« Reply #100 on: July 09, 2016, 05:32:06 AM »
back to Paulie and Zak
Zak tells Paulie to feel her leg of her pants...he says it's a splinter...she says trying to set me up
Paulie says he is being respectful
Zak says being respectful, coming from the same guy who's been grabbing on me, tickling and rubbing,,,
Paulie "I wouldn't call that grabbing, I can show you grabbing, and tickling, and I have nibbled but I haven't bitten. have bit me she points to her side area and says you bit me right there.  She says lyin' ( lol can't understand her)
Paulie...if I would bite you I would leave a mark
Zak...she says Shut up, and then sounds like lyin' Paul Christopher (middle name...then she ask him to say his last name and she repeats it with the "lying" in front  she says her last name is ghetto...then they go back and forth again... blahblah
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 06:43:24 AM by unbelievable »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Saturday 7/9
« Reply #101 on: July 09, 2016, 06:26:14 AM »
back to the HOH...Paul finished shower and left
James is laying on the bed looks like he fell asleep while Bridgette gave him a facial...girls were talking about their lives and boyfriends etc.

Paul shows back up...James is up now rinsing facial off and putting on a night cream.
Paul has an infection on his nose with the nose ring.  Girls want to ck it out he says no

Paul and James, and the girls joking around...
James and Paul in bed with the girls... :groan:
Paul leaves, James tucks himself in...James smiles at the camera, says he's dying right now :hearts:

« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 06:39:26 AM by unbelievable »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Saturday 7/9
« Reply #102 on: July 09, 2016, 06:27:19 PM »

Offline RealityFreakWill

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Saturday 7/9
« Reply #103 on: July 09, 2016, 08:43:46 PM »





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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Sunday 7/10
« Reply #104 on: July 11, 2016, 06:56:36 AM »
live feeds 7/10 starts about 4pm camera 3/4
Paulie (sorry but this one is an idiot) Corey, James and Paul...Paulie telling Paul about their elaborate plan to back door Frank next week.  Tells Paul he's tired of seeing him go on the block every week.  Tells him that Franks been winning the Roadkill and putting up the girls.  (here we go again with trying to get the message out)  Paulie calling Frank the puppet-master and how he has deals with everyone in the house...(most all of them do)  Zak on the other bed listening to them...then Paulie gets up goes over to Zak and puts his face in her crotch, she pushes his head back.  Lots to go over from last night...will start in new feed

In my opinion the only ones smart enough playing the game right now is the "SpyGirls"

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Sunday 7/10
« Reply #105 on: July 11, 2016, 07:28:39 AM »
Last night (I am not sure who all won this) Frank, Bridgette, Paul, Bronte, Michelle, Da'Vonne I think were at the Outback feast in the backyard...on the BBAD, Michelle and Bridgette came off as being somewhat inebriated.  Bridgett went up in the HOH with Frank and watch the monitor while the downstairs houseguest were carrying on.  The girls except Bridgett, DaVonne and Tiffany were doing a sexy dance for the guys...and the guys to do one for the girls...what ever group wins was supposed to get a 10sec lap-dance from the others...each group practiced...they agreed Paulie should be in the next Magic was Zakiyah's (finally getting these names down) Birthday, both were pretty good, but the girls weren't going to do lap-dances...they tried to hook up Corey with Nicole, Nicole said No she wasn't comfortable with it. Paulie picked up Zakiyah and put her on the chair and you got it a lap-dance and a grind by her but not on her face Michelle and Paul doing rap , and some a little foul mouth at each other.  Paul later said he helped Michelle throw up...she was wasted.  Corey, Nicole, Paulie and Zakiyah in the br on the benches...Corey picks up Nicole, he was going to take her into the lr to do a lap-dance...and she's yelling at Corey to put her down...saying it's not right, and made it more like how he wasn't feeling good (was taking pepto bismal all day) Nicole says to Zakiyah and Paulie that they should cuddle...all the while Paulie was running his fingers over Zakiyah's chest and actually appeared to have fondled her boob, she looked down at his hand and back at him.  She made a reference back at Nicole that it wasn't going to happen that if it happened she would be called a whore.  Nicole said something like it's just cuddling (she's hard to hear when she whispers)

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Sunday 7/10
« Reply #106 on: July 11, 2016, 07:42:46 AM »
Bridgett and Frank in HOH...both fully clothed lying under the covers, Bridgett putting her head on Franks shoulder then chest,  they were discussing the rest of the crew as they were watching them on the monitor...Frank told her that he was the one who won  :sab roadkill and put up Bronte...she asked him why and he told her to make her stronger to go out and win that pov...she seemed ok with what he told her, and still that he is a beast and that she trust's him...he then told her he won the first  :sab roadkill and put her up...they discussed it, she was ok with that.  He said he knew she wasn't a target and wasn't in jeopardy because the house backed it and if  Jozea won pov it would have been Victor to replace him.  BBAD kept cutting away between their conversation, so I can't expand on this yet...going to ck the live  :spy: feed and write later today.

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Sunday 7/10
« Reply #107 on: July 11, 2016, 08:18:03 AM »
drive by  Spy girls sleeping in the HOH
Live feeds 5/11 5am Nicole and Corey in the by on the hammock Nicole talking about her brother and his girlfriend and Corey would like them...she hopes he would have a baby soon...Corey says Auntie Nicole...she says she belongs in their family.  She is living at the house taking care of her dogs.  Corey says sleeping in your room, she said no sleeps in Jessie's room...Corey says your parents allow that?  Nicole says yeh.
James came out doing laundry...
Nicole says her Dad was so mad about the Derrick stuff and asked her did you learn from it for this time...she says her Dad is very competitive and her Mom is the most selfless Mom always caring about everyone.  Says they are so welcoming to everyone, she could bring home the worst person, Corey says like Paul he laughs...she says yeh, they wouldn't say anything until she broke up with them, and then it's like what the hell were you thinking!!
says her Mom knows everything about her. 

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Sunday 7/10
« Reply #108 on: July 11, 2016, 08:54:40 AM »
live feeds 7/11 3am
Nicole and Michelle out on the hammock Corey on the ground next to them...they are discussing Tiffany going, and how she brought it on herself etc...and here comes Tiffany "I'm scared being in the have not room by myself...(what a lame excuse lol)  the hammock is damp so she went back in...and Zakiyah came out and joined in...BB next telling Tiffany to put her mic on they are making fun of Bronte's voice. 
DaVonne and Tiffany on b/y seating...Tiffany saying that Frank is talking to different ones getting them to target each other...(wrong) when Frank won this roadkill he went straight into the have not room...Michelle, James, DaVonne, Zakiyah were all there when he told them he won it, because he was goofing around with Michelle about he knows she won it, she said I did not, and he said I know I now DaVonne knows Tiffany did not know he won it, so she lets it out that Frank won it and said don't tell Michelle cause I night have to put her up...and DaVonne says Are you stupid shes on your team you can't put her up...Tiffany says Frank won it?  DaVonne says "you didn't know?"  (this has to backfire not sure if Tiffany to look like an idiot...she tells Michelle, she knew who all Frank told or DaVonne looking like a fool trying to get this message out that Frank put Bronte up)
DaVonne says I'm saving this for next week to tell Paul so it blows up with Bronte...I'm sure Tiffany is going to put this out there now, thinking it will save herself! 
Feeds came back up  going in and out, just enough to see Corey and Nicole sleeping together in one of the have not cars.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 09:16:20 AM by unbelievable »

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Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/2 - Sunday 7/10
« Reply #109 on: July 11, 2016, 10:03:53 AM »
still 3:22 am 7/11 DaVonne and Tiffany b/y
DaVonne says she was saving it for next week to tell Paul, because she wants him to get mad that Bronte was voted out because of Frank.  She says about taking her to the dinner, was either because he wants to put her up, which won't work because I have the votes to stay, or he doesn't want my team and team unicorn to talk.  (surprise DaVonne whatever you think your trying to do here is going to fall back on you)
She says at that time they will all be locked in the house for an hour...and they all can replay their notes...cause she knows that he has planted seeds in some of the others about getting her out next week!  Tiffany says she didn't hear that!  apparently its for him not to win HOH next week but to win roadkill  and lie to everyone he didn't win then put her up he hasn't factored in that we are all sticking together and we caught on to his ****.  He probably knows that I've caught on and put all the pieces together and you (Tiffany) caught on to his bull**** like that...Tiffany did he think that he would have the numbers to get me out?  DaVonne some told him yeah were all trying to make him think he has our trust...she says I told him that she ain't coming after some of us or me, if you want to get her later on in the game that's cool.
Tiffany asked her about Nicole was she thinking she was going up...DaVonne says no she's worried about Corey...I told her who cares if he goes up, you need to get yourself together.  Tiffany says I just want one of us to win HOH next week...DaVonne stops her and says the plan is for everyone to throw the HOH to me.  DaVonne says it has to be a backdoor so say we are both up on the block next week, when Julie announces I'm going to look right at him and say good playin' with ya! Tiffany taking all this in.  They are just passing gullable info back and forth... blahblah

note(DaVonne along with Frank wanted her up and out because she was messing with her game play and with the Corey Nicole info, Tiffany for certain will take that info of them sharing a bumper car bed)