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Re: TAR28: Scott & Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber/Father-Daughter
« Reply #100 on: April 20, 2016, 12:28:16 AM »

Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race' team Scott Fowler and Blair Fowler talk (Part 1)
By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 04/12/2016

The Amazing Race eliminated "Father and Daughter" Scott Fowler and Blair Fowler during Friday night's broadcast of the CBS reality competition's 28th season.

The beauty YouTuber and her father became the fifth team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after they arrived at the Race's seventh Pit Stop at the Bridge of Peace in Tbilisi, Georgia, in last place.

Scott and Blair's fate in the Race came down to a footrace against Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Monday, Scott and Blair talked about their time on the show. Below is the first half. Check back with us soon for the concluding portion.

Reality TV World: So it appeared you got to the Pit Stop mat only a matter of seconds after Tyler and Korey. Is that accurate?

Blair Fowler: Yeah. It was definitely a very, very, very close footrace.

Reality TV World: What would you say was your downfall in the Georgia leg? Do you think it was a series of little things, like when your taxi driver had to stop for gas heading to the Roadblock for example, or one specific event?

Blair Fowler: I think it was definitely a series of lots of little things. Also, my knee had been hurt in a previous leg, and so, I think I was definitely pulling the team down a little bit.

Reality TV World: Was it a serious injury? Did you pull something?

Blair Fowler: No, I mean, I just think I needed to be able to kind of rest it and elevate it. But when you're in the Race, you don't really have time to do that. So, it was, you know, fine in the end, but it was definitely pretty painful.

Scott Fowler: Yep, and I would say we were a little extra careful with not rush, rush, rushing because of Blair's knee. But I mean, in that episode, there were so many opportunities to catch up and to fall behind that it's difficult to isolate one.

I think there was obviously a difference in the decision to stay at the candy vs. the wine task. Obviously that made a huge difference because we would've left with the dancers originally and almost certainly would've gotten to the dance hall significantly before everybody else if we had done that, because Tyler and Korey didn't leave until the dancers had come back.

So, I don't know exactly what happened because we did that pretty fast once we got there, but there were obviously some delays that occurred because of that decision. So that may have been it.

The second one was obviously picking up [Tyler's] bag -- that was sort of a little bit of a catastrophe because we were so close at the end, that I believe if we had taken advantage -- even though they did pass us and they had a crazy fast cab driver and they clearly had their bags in the cab.

Ours were in the trunk. There were just a whole bunch of little things at the end. And when you're splitting hairs, it could've gone either way, any way, at any point in the Race.

Reality TV World: So Scott, did you leave your bag at the theater and took Tyler's by mistake, or were you running with three bags but didn't realize it because you were in such a rush?

Blair Fowler: Yeah!

Scott Fowler: Yeah, so, we were running with three bags.

Blair Fowler: I had two bags. I had both my bag and Dad's bag, and Dad thought that I had his bag. And so, he thought he was reaching down to grab mine -- because I guess mine and Tyler's were kind of similar -- and so, he thought he was carrying mine. And then it wasn't until, you know, in the crazy moment of everything, it wasn't until we got outside that I was like, "Wait, Dad, you have Tyler's bag!"

Reality TV World: We saw [Dana Borriello and Matt Steffanina] initially switch Detour tasks from "String" to "Clean" because all of the stations were filled at the candy task. And you appeared to have the same issue. So how did you come to the conclusion of staying at the candy task? And looking back, do you regret that decision?

Blair Fowler: Originally, Dana and Matt were ahead of us in line for the next station, so at that point, we not only didn't have a station open for us, but also the first one to leave, Matt and Dana were going to get it. We were going to have to wait for another team to leave. And we didn't know how long it was going to take.

So, when Dad and I were trying to decide what to do, we said, "There's no chance we can stay here. It'll definitely be faster [to go to wine] even with the car ride to go." But then when Matt and Dana decided to go ahead and go to the "Clean" Detour, we knew that we were next up in line.

So, we did a little dance and were like, "We know where this is. We aren't going to get in a cab that's going to get us lost for 40 minutes. We can just stay here." And we decided to take that time to watch the other teams and figure out exactly what we needed to do.

And then when we actually sat down to do it, we did it very quickly and got it on our first try. So, I think having that disadvantage of having to kind of sit there and wait also let us perfect it before we even got to start.

Scott Fowler: Yeah, and just to add one thing to that, that may not be obvious from watching, is that the distance from the cab to the place where we were making the candy was not insignificant, and it was a walk or a run. And, of course, we decided to leave before Matt and Dana. We were actually on our way back to the cab but they ran past us at a pretty good [speed].

They're fast! They ran past us at a good pace, so it was clear we weren't going to get the advantage of that, and Blair's knee was bothering her, so we were obviously needing to take our time. So, complex decisions. But the decision to go back, now that we know it was something that could be done very quickly, that obviously is something that would've changed the outcome of the Race.

Reality TV World: I was going to ask why Scott ended up doing the dancing Roadblock task. Did Blair's knee have something to do with that?

Blair Fowler: Yeah!

Reality TV World: It just seemed like a little bit of a surprising choice -- even though not all women necessarily have rhythm or are good dancers.

Scott Fowler: Yeah, Blair probably would've been able to do the thing better, even with her bad knee. But the problem was, her knee really was an issue. It just hadn't gotten enough rest. So we actually debated about it. They didn't show it, but if we had thought Blair could've completed it without her knee giving out -- and I'll tell you, it was a strenuous dance. I'm not sure her knee would've made it through the dance.

Blair Fowler: Well, what's funny is, as Korey and Dad were going back and forth doing the dance multiple times, Tyler and I were kind of learning it just sitting there watching. And we thought it would be fun to kind of get up and do it with them.

I probably got through about four steps before I just sat down, and I was like, "Oh my gosh, if I had done this, we would've had to take a penalty." I would not have been able to complete it. And I can work through pain most of the time. This was, I mean, I was not going to be able to push my body to do it. It just wasn't going to allow it.

Reality TV World: Scott, what was the most difficult part of the dancing Roadblock for you? Was it the steps or was the pressure just getting to you since you and Korey were sort of battling to get out of there first?

Scott Fowler: Yeah, you know, I think I got it on the fourth time, and I honestly could've gotten it on the first. It was a little bit of a timing problem. I learned the steps, but when I got out there -- and I think somebody else had said this too -- how fast the music was, was an issue in the first try or so.

One of the problems with that dance is you really have to have the ability to sort of bend your foot backwards on the dance, and that was the most difficult thing for me. It wasn't necessarily learning the choreography or anything else.

And my instructor was very precise about what I needed to do. I'm sure all of them were, but you had to have your foot on a toe-up position when you brought your foot around to the back, and he emphasized that over and over again. He was just like, "If you can't do this, you can't do the dance." So I concentrated on that quite a bit, but it was difficult.

Blair Fowler: To give you some sort of an idea, Dad's two big toes are still black.

Reality TV World: Oh my gosh. (Laughs)

Blair Fowler: Yeah, we actually sent some pictures to the other Racers. And we were like, "Who else is experiencing this?!" And they're like, "Um, not us!" We were like, "Oh!" (Laughs)

Scott Fowler: Yeah, it was tough. The choreography, I mean, I wish I had been 20-years-old. But that was something I think I spent too much time trying to learn. If I had gone back earlier and just done the dance no matter how bad it was, I believe the learning curve would've been accelerated.

Blair Fowler: But either way, I still stand by 1,000 percent if we had to do it over 100 times, I would still have Dad go out and do that dance. Because when I tried on the side with Tyler, I just thought to myself, "Oh my gosh, this would 100% be it for us." At least with Dad doing it, we had a shot!

Scott Fowler: Yeah.

Check back with Reality TV World soon for the concluding portion of Scott and Blair's exclusive The Amazing Race interview.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 12:47:02 AM by Platrium »

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Re: TAR28: Scott & Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber/Father-Daughter
« Reply #101 on: April 20, 2016, 12:28:36 AM »

Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race' team Scott Fowler and Blair Fowler talk (Part 2)
By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 04/15/2016

The Amazing Race eliminated "Father and Daughter" Scott Fowler and Blair Fowler during the latest broadcast of the CBS reality competition's 28th season.

The beauty YouTuber and her father became the fifth team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after they arrived at the Race's seventh Pit Stop at the Bridge of Peace in Tbilisi, Georgia, in last place.

Scott and Blair's fate in the Race came down to a footrace against Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Monday, Scott and Blair talked about their time on the show. Below is the concluding portion. Click here to read the first half.

Reality TV World: We saw Tyler and Korey pass you in their taxi when you were driving to the Pit Stop. Did you have a particularly slow cab driver or was that just bad luck?

Blair Fowler: I don't think that we had a slow cab driver. I think that they had a crazy fast cab driver. (Laughs)

Scott Fowler: Yeah, I would agree with that. Our cab driver, I mean, the experience with the cab drivers is always interesting. But our cab driver was kind of average in the way that he approached it. Clearly their cab driver was in a huge hurry.

Reality TV World: During Friday night's episode, we saw both Blair and Brodie Smith talking about how there was a connection between you and dating was a possibility once you returned home. What's the status of your relationship now, Blair? Did anything happen after the show with "Blodie?"

Blair Fowler: Yeah, I think that we got back from the show and it was immediately the holidays and we hadn't seen our families in so long, and so, we kind of wanted to take time to do that.

And we just realized that we were going to be better off as friends, that it wasn't going to be a romantic relationship. I mean, we obviously have the connection of running the Race together and all of those experiences and memories, but at the end of the day, I think we both just agreed that we should keep it as friends.

Reality TV World: Before the most recent leg, Brodie and Kurt Gibson were one of the teams to beat. They were a really big threat with Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl. They kept bouncing back between first and second place every leg. In the Race, would you have ever U-Turned Brodie and Kurt under any circumstances?

Blair Fowler: Um, Dad? That's a good question!

Scott Fowler: Yeah.

Blair Fowler: Because I feel like Dad and I talked about this, and I think in the moment, I said, "No." And Dad said, "At the end of the day, it's a race." I don't know!

Scott Fowler: I can tell you because I remember the conversation exactly. Obviously Blair would've been conflicted on the issue, but Brodie and Kurt were clearly a threat in the Race, and I think we would've let the other teams probably deal with that threat if we could've.

But if we had gotten to a position where it was us or them, and the U-Turn was the only reasonable thing to use to do that, I think we would've U-Turned them!

Blair Fowler: I do too. And then I ended up asking -- after Dad and I had that conversation -- I think I asked Brodie and Kurt, and they were like, "Yeah, we'd U-Turn you guys!" Alright! Well!

Reality TV World: So you wouldn't have to feel too bad about it. (Laughs)

Scott Fowler: Exactly!

Blair Fowler: Right.

Reality TV World: Did you two feel like you had any alliances on the show? Maybe Brodie and Kurt were one of them?

Blair Fowler: Brodie and Kurt, I think, definitely tried to help us when, you know, they were at the same place and they were able to help us. But I kind of feel like not alliance, but friendship. I feel like I had something with all the teams. I know that sounds crazy, but like, I respect all of them so much.

And I think you've seen in the past episodes, if there's any way that Dad and I can help another team, we're definitely going to do it. And at the end of the day, that's just integrity.

Yes, we're running a race and stuff, but we're not going to sacrifice that. And that's something that Dad made sure to keep telling me, because I'm like, "Dad, come on! Let's go!" And he's like, "We're going to run this race right." And so, I really respected that.

Reality TV World: What were your expectations going into the Race? And based on how the experience you had compared or contrasted with those expectations, if you were to race again, how might you better prepare for next time? Maybe leave the hair styling products at home, Blair? (Laughs)

Scott Fowler: Yeah. I think if we had time and knew we were going to get to race again, we would've spent a lot more time on sort of preparing ourselves for the physical rigors of the Race.

You know, they say anybody can run that race, but the truth is, some people can run it a lot better than others. It's not just about making the right decisions -- although, those are critical and you can prepare for that -- but you do have to have a kind of mindset for the Race.

It's not a last-minute thing, so, I think knowing ahead of time enough and knowing that you were going to do it again and knowing what you already know about the Race, we could make ourselves much better competitors in a future race no question.

Reality TV World: After spending so much time together on the Race, what did you learn about each other? And were you even expecting to get along as well as you did? You worked so well as a team when the stress and pressure of the Race can often cause tension and disagreements amongst teammates.

Blair Fowler: Yeah, that wasn't really any sort of issue or question in my mind. I mean, I've always been so close to my parents and they've been absolutely amazing and supportive.

I kind of knew that no matter what happened, it was nice to know that even if it turned out to be my fault that makes us lose the Race or something, at the end of the day, Dad and I were just really excited to have this time to travel together and to have this experience that you literally cannot pay money for -- to run around the world like this and do these awesome tasks.

So I think going into it, we both knew that, yes it's a race, and yes we want to win, but we also wanted to enjoy the different moments and aspects of it. And I didn't really have any fears that we would bicker or anything like that. I didn't even think that was going to be an option.

Reality TV World: How were you cast on The Amazing Race? Did you actually apply or did producers contact you since, Blair, you have the whole Beauty YouTube presence.

Blair Fowler: Yeah, so it's actually interesting because I almost did the Race four years ago. It wasn't able to work out and then they came back probably about two years later and said, "Are you interested in it now?"

And just the way timing works, because you have to be completely cut off from everything, other things were kind of just going on in my life and my work at that point, so I wasn't able to take that time off.

And then they contacted me for this one and it just happened to be a great time, and it was a time that Dad was going to be able to take off. And I said from Day 1, "If I have any shot at winning this race, it's going to be next to my Dad." So it was definitely just right timing for this round.

To read the first half of Scott and Blair's exclusive The Amazing Race interview, click here.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 12:58:02 AM by Platrium »

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Re: TAR28: Scott & Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber/Father-Daughter
« Reply #102 on: April 20, 2016, 12:59:44 AM »
Reality TV World: How were you cast on The Amazing Race? Did you actually apply or did producers contact you since, Blair, you have the whole Beauty YouTube presence.

Blair Fowler: Yeah, so it's actually interesting because I almost did the Race four years ago. It wasn't able to work out and then they came back probably about two years later and said, "Are you interested in it now?"

And just the way timing works, because you have to be completely cut off from everything, other things were kind of just going on in my life and my work at that point, so I wasn't able to take that time off.

And then they contacted me for this one and it just happened to be a great time, and it was a time that Dad was going to be able to take off. And I said from Day 1, "If I have any shot at winning this race, it's going to be next to my Dad." So it was definitely just right timing for this round.

:o I feel like this season was a bunch of social media stars who couldn't make it on the show previously :lol:

At least it's a good thing they are given the chance to race now. :lol:

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Re: TAR28: Scott & Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber/Father-Daughter
« Reply #103 on: April 20, 2016, 01:21:21 AM »

The Amazing Race: Scott and Blair Look Back on Season 28
April 15, 2016 – 11:05 AM – 0 Comments
By Josh Wigler

When Scott and Blair Fowler reached the end of the first leg of the race, they thought it was over. They were the last team to arrive, at the back of the pack after Scott struggled to complete the Road Block at Teotihuacán. But then something miraculous happened: Phil Keoghan informed the team that the first leg was non-elimination, and they would continue on with the race. Blair was so overjoyed by the news that she fell to her knees. Moments later, she picked herself up and continued speeding along with her father.

Several days and passport stamps later, Blair and Scott’s time on The Amazing Race 28 finally came to an end. They survived until the seventh leg, engaging in showmances (this is where Tyler Oakley would say “hash-tag, Blodie”) and forging friendships all along the way. In the end, a difficult dance in Georgia, a luggage mixup, and a very close foot race pooled together to cause the father and daughter duo’s demise in the competition.

Ahead of tonight’s new episode, Blair and Scott look back one final time on their experience with The Amazing Race.

PARADE | How intense was the race to the finish? How close was it, ultimately?
Blair: Within 100 meters. It was incredibly close and very intense.
Scott: Our cab got passed and then we stopped closer to the mat than they did, then we couldn’t get our bags out of the trunk because our driver took his time coming around to open the trunk. Then it was a foot race.

PARADE | Scott, what happened with the bag mix-up?
Scott: I thought I was picking up Blair’s bag – I had reminded myself not to leave bags and passports so many times it was automatic and Blair told me she had my bag. Actually, she meant she had both bags. Tyler’s bag was alone where we left our bags.

PARADE | How difficult was the dance to master?
Scott: It would have taken days to master. But “good enough” was also hard. This was a difficult dance for me.

PARADE | Blair, can you talk us through your relationship with Brodie this season?
Blair: During the race, you have a lot of down time to get to know the other contestants. There was a mutual interest between Brodie and I that grew organically.

PARADE | Scott, what was your take on Brodie?
Scott: I really did not get to know him. I got to know Kurt better since we had some time sitting together on the plane. Decent fellow.

PARADE | What’s the status of the relationship today?
Blair: When we got back from the race, we decided it would be best to remain friends.

PARADE | You were the last team to arrive on the first leg of the race, but were saved by the non-elimination. How did that experience fuel you moving forward in the race?
Scott: Greatly. It changed the entire approach to the roadblocks; began learning to be aware of what other teams are doing and aligning with other team members. We were getting better as the race progressed but were still making mistakes.
Blair: That really lit a fire under our booty! We also decided that anything we got to experience after this would be bonus and to enjoy every second.

PARADE | What was your favorite location to visit during the race?
Scott: I liked them all, but the weather in Chamonix was exceptional the day we were there … combined with the excitement, it was the “never again” experience.
Blair: Chamonix was so beautiful, but I also loved Georgia. It’s somewhere I don’t think I would have gone on my own but I’m so thankful I got to see it! Mexico City was also fun to see, because my grandmother was raised there and I’ve never been.

PARADE | What was the high point of your experience on the race? What was the low point?
Blair: I had so many high points! Learning that the first leg was non-elimination and we got to keep going, soaring over the French Alps, watching Dad help Sheri with the oil, and many more. The low point was definitely getting eliminated when we weren’t ready to go.

PARADE | What did you learn about each other while on the race?
Scott: Blair is a great partner. Our relationship transcended parent-child and became a working adults relationship. It was becoming more efficient every day.
Blair: I already knew he was a super dad who could do anything, but this solidified it.

PARADE | What advice do you have for anyone who wants to attempt the race?
Scott: Get out and do things – watch the race episodes to fully understand the game – play games and even the practice the game – travel the world, do unusual things – work with others – be physically up to the task – keep your focus in the game – never give up.

PARADE | Would you do this again? If so, what would you do differently, if anything?
Blair: Oh in a heartbeat! I would leave today if you asked me to! I would train harder, pack lighter and pre-film some videos!
Scott: I would train and execute better to the game, form alliances earlier and keep a focus on learning from others – get ahead early. We were getting better and may have made it further if we had not had the knee injury preventing Blair from doing the dance in Georgia.

The Amazing Race airs Friday at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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Re: TAR28: Scott & Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber/Father-Daughter
« Reply #104 on: July 16, 2016, 02:06:45 PM »
You Won't Believe These Fun Facts About The New Amazing Race Cast

What are Scott and Blair most excited to do on the Race?

For this father-daughter pair, it's simple: The Race offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the pair to hang out and make new memories with each other.

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Re: TAR28: Scott & Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber/Father-Daughter
« Reply #105 on: November 16, 2016, 06:23:27 PM »
Anything on any of the NCIS shows? Your pick. —Deena

Well, I’ve got this: YouTube fashion guru Blair Fowler (aka JuicyStar07) will guest on an upcoming episode as Poppy, a viral star whose meet-and-greet with fans takes such a nasty turn, no less than Sam has to intervene.

Blair is going to guest star on an NCIS Los Angeles episode :lol:


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Re: TAR28: Scott & Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber/Father-Daughter
« Reply #106 on: June 09, 2019, 08:12:57 PM »
Anything on any of the NCIS shows? Your pick. —Deena

Well, I’ve got this: YouTube fashion guru Blair Fowler (aka JuicyStar07) will guest on an upcoming episode as Poppy, a viral star whose meet-and-greet with fans takes such a nasty turn, no less than Sam has to intervene.

Blair is going to guest star on an NCIS Los Angeles episode :lol:


Blair should on next all star with Brodie, team Blodie as loud as u can get
Swarm stupidity