The Amazing Race International Versions > TAR Canada

TAR CANADA 3 Contestants - Max Altamuro and Elias Theodorou (Dating)

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Max Altamuro and Elias Theodorou (Dating)
Max Altamuro

Age: 28
Occupation: Retail Manager
Current City: Toronto
Hometown: Whitby, Ont. 
Strengths: “Charming social butterflies and communication. We play to each other’s weakness and are unstoppable!”
Fears/Phobia: Needles and divorce
Favourite Travel Destination: Disneyland
Pet Peeve about Teammate: “Elias  sweats like a monkey!”

Elias Theodorou

Age: 26
Occupation: MMA Fighter
Current City: Toronto
Hometown: Toronto 
Strengths: “Charming social butterflies and communication. We play to each other’s weakness and are unstoppable!”
Fears/Phobia: Failure and heights
Favourite Travel Destination: Thailand
Pet Peeve about Teammate: “Max cries on command like a baby!”

Dream team Max and Elias are definitely not just pretty faces. These two have only been together for five months, but are completely in love and enjoy the limelight. Elias is a professional UFC fighter, and has graced the cover of several romance novels. Max is a confident, tough cookie who will stand up for what she believes in.

Elias and Max love to get comfy and have movie nights at home together, while enjoying some Chinese food and going into a sugar coma. Max also enjoys horseback riding when she’s not busy keeping Elias’s ego in check.

Elias would love to go backpacking through Europe given the opportunity. Max is in love with everything the magical world of Disney has to offer and would be thrilled at the possibility of being able to visit Tokyo Disneyland. 

Elias’s tough exterior is offset by his loyal and caring soft side when he’s with Max. “I’m just a 26-year-old-boy in the body of a fighter!” He’s sensitive and goofy around friends and family.

As for their biggest roadblock as a team? “We are both equally stubborn! But we play to each other’s weakness very well, so that will help balance us out,” says Elias.

Elias wants to invest his share of the winnings if the duo wins THE AMAZING RACE CANADA, while Max would love to buy herself a puppy and a Chanel bag.

Motto: “Don't look dumb on TV, and don't die.”
Team they most associate with from Season 1 or 2: “Hal Johnson and Joanne McCleod because we love staying fit and having fun, especially in 90s workout gear!”
What is your favourite TV show? “THE AMAZING RACE CANADA, obviously!”
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Elias: A transformer
Max: Zookeeper
If you and your teammate were a pop duo, what would your name be? Ace of Base

More team questions from their profile...

What’s your must-have beauty/grooming item? -Max
Hair products. But sometimes bed head works well, too. Max hates when that happens. Not my fault I have great hair!

How did you train for the race? - Elias
Aside from the usual training as a UFC fighter I learned how to tell true North and drive stick.

Why did you choose this as your racing outfit? - Elias
Because Max looks cute in her outfit and I look half decent in something tight and without stains.

What’s your must-have item of clothing? - Max
A good bra…I was told this is a family show.

What’s one thing you wish you could bring on the race? - Elias
Sour keys or any sour candy.

What’s in your backpack? - Elias
Clothes, makeup, 2 flat irons and lots of underwear!! Clearly all the racing essentials are covered.

Sorry should have posted this in spoilers discussion. I'll move it there.

When I first saw the team, I thought first boots.
Least interesting IMO


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