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Offline nelehrox

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New Videos on!!
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:31:47 PM »
On the Survivor: Vanuatu site there is now a video introducing each member of the cast yay! (If someone already posted this or the videos are not new then I feel dumb lol)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2004, 06:33:58 PM by nelehrox »

Offline puddin

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Re: New Videos on!!
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2004, 07:00:23 PM »
Ya beat me too it nelehrox  *()*

Copied from SurvivorFever

Survivor Insider Video Transcripts

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Ami:  Hi, my name is Ami Cusack and I'm from Golden, Colorado.  I'm 31 and I'm a barista in downtown Denver, which means I wake Denver, Colorado up every morning.  I'm not worried about the physical part of it, I think the part I'm most worried about is the bugs.  *laughs*  Bugs love me, I taste good.  I really do have survival skills... can you build a fire...can you catch fish, it's playing the game.  Just finding your path through the game.  I think I've got what it takes to make it down that path.  I want somebody to know that they can count on me.  Everyone's saying "don't trust anyone".  I can't not trust people.  I'm here definitely for the challenge.  I'm up for the challenge 

Brady:  Hi, my name is Brady, I'm 33 years old.  I'm an FBI agent from Huntington Beach, California.  I'm here because I love adventure and lying cheating and stealing.  I think a certain amount of deception, like we use on the job, is perfectly fine.  But I do have a problem with being conceived as a lying, backstabbing type of person.  So I'm not going to do that in the game, I'm going to figure out another way.  Odds are, I mean, females will win the show, more times than not.  I think there are alot of reasons for that.  One of them is...guys have an alpha male thing going on.  It's like my dog when I take him walking, he's fine with all the other dogs that are smaller than him, but he wants to pick a fight with the dogs that are bigger than him.  I'd like to see two guys as the last two people on the show this time. 

Brook: How's it going.  My name is Brook Geraghty.  I'm 27 years old, from a small bad ass town named Winthrop, Mass.  I was a customer service rep but hopefully after this I can travel the world.  You have to have a will to withstand the environment.  I have so much passion about this game that I'm going to be able to reach down deep every time this game gets going tough, every time I'm hungry, every time I'm cold.  If there was no million bucks I'd bring the same amount of passion to play just to be the sole Survivor.  My strategy doesn't involve lying to every single person.  Maybe silent lies type of thing.  I'm going to do whatever it takes.  I'm going to be as honest as I can as long as I can 

Chad: My name is Chad I'm from Oakland, Calif.  I have a wife, Diane and two beautiful children.  I have a prosthetic foot.  I had an amputation 20 months ago.  It's a secret from the other contestants as of now.  Cause I've just been wearing pants without showing anybody.  If somebody's noticed, I don't know.  I trained a lot in a sandy lake.  Did lots of exits and entries into water, like triathlon training, swimming, staying in shape, hiking, hitting the gym.  I did a lot of research.  A lot of reading about Vanuatu... survival skills. Just a ton of reading. 

Chris:  I'm Chris from South Vienna, Ohio, I work in transportation.  I'm here for the money.  I'm here to win a million dollars.  If the adventure comes along with that, great, I'll take the adventure too.  Bottom line: it's all about the million bucks. If somebody approaches me and wants to have a confrontation, fine.  I'm not somebody that's gonna back down.  I'm somebody that's gonna stand up.  My overall strategy in the game is basically going to be determined the day I step on the beach and talk to the 7 people in my tribe.  I'm gonna play the game, so I'm gonna adapt to the people around me.  I may have to change  I might not be able to be as blunt or as straight forward as I normally am.  For the people that take it too seriously about lying in this game, they need to go to church camp, or maybe they need to go to a church league and hang out there for the summer. The game is probably 80% mental 20% physical. Yeah, I'm mentally prepared. I've watched them all so watching just mentally prepared. 

Dolly:   Hi, my name is Dolly from Mercer, PA, and I'm better known as the shepherdess. People like me. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough. Dog gone-it, people like me.  Well, I think I will make it to the finals because I know when to talk and I know when to shut up and I think in this game, he who speaks the least, goes the furtherest.  I don't plan on lying and cheating but if the occasion arises to have to lie and cheat then yeah I could lie and cheat because after all, it's just a game.  Survivor is not a pretty show. I am not going to have a mirror to check my hair or primp and puff. 

Eliza: Hi, my name is Eliza and I'm 21 years old.  I'm a student at Syracuse University.  I'm from Washington, DC.  At Syracuse I'm dual majoring in International Relations and Political Science and I'm pre-law.  I have wanted to be on Survivor since I saw the first episode of the first season.  I fell in love with the show, fell in love with the adventure.  I'm hoping that they will think that my age is a detriment and that "oh we can just tell her whatever we want, she's only 21, she doesn't know any better, she doesn't have the life experience".  I want them to underestimate me because then I'll be able to turn around and bite them in the ass.  I will be fighting until the very last second.  I won't be like "oh well I guess it's just my time to be voted off".  No that won't happen with me. 

John K:  My name is John Kenney, I'm 22 years old.  I'm a mechanical bull operator at Saddle Ranch up in Hollywood.  I think I'll win because I want it more than anyone else.  This is not even close to a dating game, this is a game for a million dollars.  It's a flirting game because I can get a million dollars out of it but other than that, that's about it.  I'm not above lying and cheating and stealing.  I'll do all of that stuff.  I won't do anything to break the rules but there aren't too many rules in this game. 

John P:  My name is John, I'm 31 years old.  I work as a sales manager at Home Depot.  I live in Los Angeles, California.  My strategy is called The 3 M Strategy.  The first M is manipulation.  I'm very good at massaging people, making them feel good about themselves and I'm going to use them and abuse them.  Number two is misdirection.  I'm going to come at you in different ways, I'm going to turn you, twist you, spin you.  You're never going to know where John is coming from.  The third is misconception.  I'm going to lie, I'm going to cheat, I'm going to steal.  I am who I am whether you like me or not I'm coming after ya.  I'm a master at flirting and sex appeal.  A lot of people call me Superman.  Smiling plays an important role, flirtatious plays a huge role in this game. 

Julie:  Hi my name is Julie Berry, I'm 23 years old and I am a recent college graduate, woohoo!  I am living in Gorham Maine.  This is your one chance to be selfish and you know kinda be any character you want to be. You aren't going to be able to do this in your normal life you know. You get an excuse to lie, cheat, and steal which...why not, we all kinda of want to do it every now and then.  I'm down to get dirty, rough, and do any physical challenge that is out there. I'm really aggressive, a tom boy growing up.  Umm strategy, is gonna be umm anything, anything that goes, I'm going to do it, whatever I got to do of my capabilities, befriend people, I'm gonna turn on people, I'm going to do whatever it takes.  I'm going to win, yes. So clear it right now. I am going to try my damndest to do whatever I have to do so. And I hope that is good enough, so we'll see. 

Lea:  Hi, my name is Lea, I'm 40 years old. I'm a drill sergeant from Columbia, South Carolina, been in the army for 18 years.  Being in the military and being able to violate my morals and values as far as lying and cheating, we live by Southern army values and so I am going to have to try to persuade people instead of lying to them.  If I give someone my word, and I say I won't not do something, I won't do it.  I will say, if at all possible, if I put that if at all possible, I still have a backdoor for my answer and or for my actions.  Me being in charge as a drill sergeant is my biggest fear because I have to know how to stop and not say anything. I am so used to jumping when something happens that I don't like, I jump right into it into. Something I have to learn over the 39 days that I can't do that, I have to wait to see what happens and react afterwards, instead of before.  My strategy on the show is an immediate identification on who I am dealing with, their weaknesses, their strengths.  Playing them against each other, instead of focusing on me, I want them to focus on each other. I will give them the fuel necessary to do that. 

Leann:  Unavailable


Lisa:  Hi I'm Lisa, I'm 44 years old. I'm a real estate agent in Mandeville, Louisiana.  I'm here to win so I am working the game, I'm working the strategy, and I am physically fit and I think, you know, a lot of people underestimate that age, well yea, they are getting up there, but you know, I'm more fit than I ever been.  I do have a lot of strategy planned. I think the first thing is to work hard. You know, show that I am willing to do what it takes to have a good tribe. 

Mia:  Hi my name is Mia, I'm 29 years old, I'm from McKinney, Texas. I am an accountant during the day and a waitress at night.  I'm extremely competitive and an extremely bad loser. I hate to lose, I'm a total sore loser. Yea, I'm very competitive. I try not to be and I go into things thinking maybe I won't be, and I just become psychotic. And yea, extremely competitive.  I am a total spazz. But actually, it's kinda good for me to do accounting during the day because it kinda chills me out. I'm definitely very high energy, and it kinda brings me back down a little bit. I am probably going to always waitress or bartend or do something like that.  The key to winning the game, I think is to just to play hard, and keep playing, constantly play, don't let your guard down. And just always remember that it's just a game. It's great to form friendships out here to win and We're all out here to win, and its a game, and I think that's the key, is to just keep that in your head the whole entire time. It's not personal, it's a game, we're out here playing a game. 

Rory:  Hi my name is Rory, I'm 35 years old from Des Moines, Iowa. I work for the city of Des Moines housing services. I will lie, cheat and steal to win this. I will do anything that I need to provide for my wife and my son.  Am I one particular Survivor?  No, I am Rory Freeman and quite frankly there's not going to be any Survivor that's been on that is quite like me.  I think that all I need to be is I need to be faster than the slowest person, and be the stronger than the weakest person and I need to be smarter than all of them. And I think I can handle that. I can be sociable and smile and laugh and get along with people and three seconds later, I'll cut you if I need to. 

Scout:  Well hey, I'm Scout, I'm a rancher, a corporate trainer, songwriter- singer, motivational speaker, kind of a jack of all trades, entrepreneur. You don't know anything about life until you are right smack dab in the middle of it. So from the moment I downloaded that application, to sitting right here, has just has been an amazing journey. I'm a piece on a giant game board and this time instead of directing the action I'm in it.  Well I think I am a character. I'm in pretty good shape to be nearly 60.  And I got some disadvantages, you know I don't run as fast as some of these young kids. I got an artificial knee.  Well you know what, I am going to start out with integrity and fairness and loyalty, and if all else fails, lie, cheat, and steal. Go for the best you know.  Play with the best and shuck the rest. 

Travis:  My name is Travis. I am a loss prevention officer and also a deputy sheriff,  reserve deputy sheriff, 33 years old. I have four beautiful children and a wonderful wife.  I'm here because, you know, it's adventure. I love adventure. I was a professional wrestler for 7 years, I worked for the drug task force, I've been a police officer and now I'm a deputy sheriff. It's adventurous.  I'm plain-spoken, if someone asked me for my opinion, I shoot it to 'em straight, I don't sugar coat it. My philosophy in life is: friends don't stab you in the back, they stab you in the chest.  The skills in professional wrestling that would help you out here is: politics. Champions aren't made in the ring, they're made in the back. And you got to be political strong.  I'm not going to lie, I am not going to be shady.  If somebody asks me "do you want to join our alliance" and I don't want to join that alliance, I am going to wait to know the people better before I decide who to be with because once I give my word you know, I ain't got much in my life, my family and my word, that's all I got and I ain't about to give either one of them up. 

Twila:  Hi my name is Twila Marshall, Missouri and I am 41 years old.  The bugs and the elements are not going to be as much as the people are going to be. I feel like I am going to have to watch my back at all times. I am here because I  (inaudible)  There are a lot different of reasons I guess, but the main reasons is if you win a million dollars, you can change your life. I can quit working three jobs, have a life. I would say I have no life. Work is my life. If I won a million dollars, that can all change.  I think the hardest part of this game for me will be keeping my mouth shut. I'll have to learn how to lie and cheat and do whatever it takes to win this game. It's something that nobody wants to do, well there are some people in life that does it quite so often and does it freely. But no, lying and stuff is part of the game, you got to. 

Offline BeyondRealLife

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Re: New Videos on!!
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2004, 12:07:42 AM »
Cool I'll have to check these out tomorrow. :)()
Thanks for the heads up.


p.s. puddin that has got to be THE best animate sig. I've ever seen.