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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2015, 07:47:59 PM »

Amazing Race's Kurt and Bergen: We Did Not Quit

by Joyce Eng | Apr 6, 2015 5:00 PM EDT

It was anything but a happy ending for Kurt and Bergen on The Amazing Race. The blind date pair, who definitely did not hit it off at the start line, seemingly threw in the towel on Friday's episode when they neither of them could drive stick shift in Bavaria and opted to incur penalties for taking a taxi. Unfortunately, it was a self-driving leg, which essentially guaranteed their elimination. After Phil Keoghan mercy-eliminated them at a train station, they each literally went their separate ways. But to hear the duo tell it, they did not quit the leg at all. Find out why below. Plus: Why didn't they learn to drive stick shift?

So that was a pretty dramatic exit for you guys. How accurate was that?
Bergen: [Laughs]
It was pretty accurate. We were at different mindsets. I was pretty frustrated. Kurt was a little more OK with the decision. I wouldn't say it was all us, but what you saw definitely portrayed our feelings at the time.

Kurt, you seem mentally checked out. Were you? How much of it was because sparks didn't fly?
Kurt: [Laughs]
It's not that. ... I was very excited about the blind date twist and finding love. Me and Bergen both instantly knew at the start line that nothing was going to happen. Neither of us got what we wanted when we told them what we wanted in a partner. I could've walked away right there and been like, "I'm here for love. I'm not gonna find this now." But I didn't because I still didn't wanted to do the race. Was I disappointed? Yes. But so was Bergen. I wouldn't say I mentally checked out. The race is not easy by any means and it's hard to explain how hard it is, especially with somebody you don't know and you're not on the same page. This last leg, I just kind of knew it was coming. Once the whole stick shift happened, I thought either A) We're gonna get in a car wreck in Germany -- no offense, I don't want to go to a hospitaltonight because of a car accident -- or B) We could take this route and take a cab and take the penalty and see what happens.

Would you say you tanked? It's pretty hard to stay on the show with multiple penalties unless it's a non-elimination leg.
Not that I wish this, [but] let's pretend Laura and Tyler did not find their fanny pack. That could've helped us out had they not found it. We could've beaten them had that happened. You just never know what could happen. I guess I was thinking the worst, being in the car. I was more so thinking we were gonna get in a car accident.

Would you have been excited had it been a non-elimination leg?
Oh, yeah, definitely. Why wouldn't you be happy to continue on? I would've been happy.

Did neither of you learn stick shift before doing the race? That's one of the golden rules of doing the show.
We both tried learning prior to the race, but we didn't have a lot of time to learn it. From the time we got cast until we started, there wasn't a lot of time to learn, unlike some of the other contestants. We were both hoping that the person we would get partnered with would know stick shift. That's one disadvantage of being a blind date couple. The pre-existing couples know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Half the couples had someone who didn't know. It was a crapshoot as a blind date couple. You had to either know everything and be good at everything or pray that your partner will be your better half and know the things that you don't and vice versa. ... I should've learned how to drive stick shift. But I've driven automatic. But I do take responsibility that I should've learned that, especially being a fan since the first season. That's part of The Amazing Race.
Kurt: I tried to learn too. It was something I just didn't pick up. I haven't done it ever in my whole life. But as Bergen said, we were both hoping we would be paired with a guy who would know it and drive us around the world in a stick-shift car.

How did you end up getting cast? Did you want to do it because of the blind date twist?
We were both recruited. I didn't even apply. I was actually a big fan of Big Brother. I had gone through their process three years ago back when I was in North Dakota. I randomly got a call from a producer. And she was like, "Hey, I'm working on Amazing Race. There's a new twist this season and we can pair you up with a blind date." I said, "That's pretty gnarly." I definitely wanted to put my hat in the ring for that. I had been single for three years and what better way than to go on The Amazing Race as a huge fan of the show and have the possibility of ending up in a relationship?
Kurt: I was honest from the beginning that I wasn't a big fan. I didn't watch it a lot. I knew Mallory Ervin, who was on it. I got a phone call one night from someone who was scouting. She had looked at my Facebook page and apparently saw something she liked and called me and asked if I would like to audition. I said sure, because why not? I've never been in a relationship, so I immediately knew I wanted to do it. I've said this before, but I also thought, what a great opportunity to show gay blind dating on TV. What a great opportunity for the gay community because unfortunately society has not yet fully come around to portraying and discussing that.

You guys obviously didn't work out, but what do you think of the twist? Do you think it's something the show should do again or was it a bust like the Family Edition?
I like the twist. I think when ... we were asked what we wanted in a partner, we were pretty specific about what we wanted and what we didn't want. And we got the complete opposite of what we asked for. It's not like I'm regretting any of this, but it's a little disappointing. Especially because, like I said, what a cool opportunity for the gay community if we had each gotten somebody we wanted and it had worked out better.
Bergen: I totally agree. It was a little disappointed coming into it. As soon as I got to the start line and was waiting to see who was going to run up the hill, it was the total opposite of the person I described I was looking for. That was a disappointment. But as a huge fan, I actually wouldn't like to the see blind date aspect again. I think it took away a little bit of the show. I like the pre-existing relationships, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it again. Maybe a few seasons down the road, but every season shouldn't be a blind date season. I don't want the show to turn into that.

Do you regret quitting?
I wouldn't say that we quit. We went to the Winter Wonderland. After our penalty, we got to Schliersee ... and got the Detour clue, and we were en route to the Stack Detour, but because it was so late, they told us to stop racing. I wouldn't say that we quit. We were at a hindrance because we gave up our car. [Laughs] We walked around a whole village, and I swear it was almost like a deserted town. You didn't see any people, you didn't see any cars, you didn't see any taxis. We only had the train, which comes in intervals of an hour. It was really hard and I totally understand how it was a self-driving leg. You absolutely needed that car the whole entire day.

How long did you wait for Phil at the train station?
It was probably only 45 minutes or so. We got our clue and we were coming back and it was getting dark. It was probably a safety issue. We were waiting for the train and all of the sudden, Phil came in.

It seemed like you guys gave up and sat at the train station waiting for Phil.
I know. We did not quit that show. Quitting is walking completely away from the situation and not even trying. We chose to take a different path on the show, and it just came down to a safety issue. But we were still continuing our journey. It might appear that [we quit], but that's the editing and everything else. But like Bergen said, we got our Detour clue and we still trying to get through the leg.

What are you up to now?
I'm back at my start-up in Mountain View [Calif.]. I got promoted to the HR operations manager, so busy, busy, busy with work. Traveling a lot. I've gone to see family and friends and some of the other racers. Just trying to get back to normal life, if that's such a thing.
Kurt: I'm just continuing with pageantry. I've booked some cool gigs since the show came out. I'm emceeing Miss Indiana United States. Just booking more pageant gigs here and there, and just doing what I'm doing!

The Amazing Race airs Fridays at 8/7c on CBS.
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2015, 08:02:45 PM »
Kurt: I was honest from the beginning that I wasn't a big fan. I didn't watch it a lot. I knew Mallory Ervin, who was on it. I got a phone call one night from someone who was scouting


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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2015, 09:01:13 PM »
They really did see the problem in the same way, and the explanation about the stick shift issue makes plenty of sense under the circumstances. But this team was put under a lot of disadvantages by casting, in effect, to be a throwaway team that would be eliminated, and it wasn't fair to either Kurt or Bergen. I hope they both get a chance for a redemption race with other partners of their own choosing. And I love the fact that casting didn't get the fighting that they wanted. That's what happens when one screws around too much with the format.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2015, 12:04:09 AM by theschnauzers »
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2015, 11:38:15 PM »
It is a shame the way the end came.

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2015, 04:05:33 PM »

Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race' blind-date couple Bergen Olson and Kurt Jordan Belcher talk (Part 1)

By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 04/07/2015

The Amazing Race eliminated blind-dating couple Bergen Olson and Kurt Jordan Belcher during the 26th season's fifth episode Friday night on CBS.

Bergen, a 23-year-old human resources project manager from Sunnyvale, CA, and Kurt, a 24-year-old pageant consultant from Butler, KY, were ousted from the race around the world after they finished the fifth leg in last place. They were the first blind-dating couple to be eliminated from this season.

Bergen and Kurt's downfall was the fact neither of them knew how to drive a stick shift in a leg where they were required to drive themselves to every destination.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Monday, Bergen and Kurt talked about their The Amazing Race experience. Below is the first half. Check back with us soon for the concluding portion.

Reality TV World: You both left the show feeling very different emotions -- like Bergen, you seemed pretty pissed off, while Kurt thought everything was fine. Do you guys have any type of relationship now? Did you at least become friends after the show?

Kurt Jordan Belcher: Me and Bergen, I wouldn't call ourselves "best friends." We can both agree on that. I think we both are just going to have a mutual respect for one another that we were selected to be partners and we did race Season 26 of The Amazing Race. And I think that's that!

Bergen Olson: We were both put into an extreme situation and, we did, we raced around the world together. And, you know, even though we both didn't get what we wanted from the adventure, I think we both have an appreciation for each other -- not saying we're best friends or anything -- but we are civil and cordial to each other.

Reality TV World: Kurt, after watching the last episode, did you have any idea how frustrated or upset Bergen was with you while racing? Was that kind of news to you? 

Kurt Jordan Belcher: No, I knew Bergen was upset. I think, you know, we're just two different types of people on how we handle things. I remained pretty calm with it. I knew from the start line, I asked Bergen, "Can you drive a stick shift?" And we both kind of figured out that was going to be an issue at some point if that came.

 So, once we got to the car, I wasn't surprised. And I knew Bergen was getting upset and what not, and he was trying, but I just remained more calm. I kind of looked at it as, "Hey, I'm in Germany right now. We've been to a couple other countries. We won the last episode. If we get eliminated, we get eliminated. If we continue on, then let's continue on in the Race."

Reality TV World: The major storyline with you two was that Bergen thought Kurt gave up on the Race upon discovering there was no love connection. Kurt, could you talk about that a little bit? Is that true? Did you only go on the Race to find love -- not for the adventure or money?

Kurt Jordan Belcher: Well, here's the thing. To say that I quit because I didn't find love is irrelevant, because we knew at the starting line we were not a match. We were not at all a match. We asked for something specific and we were given the complete opposite.

 So, if I wanted to quit on the Race because I didn't find love, I would've quit right on the starting line and said, "I don't want to do this." But you know, it was what it was. But I was like, "Alright, let's race on." I think that it kind of appears I did because I talked about love a lot, but hey, I've never had a relationship.

 I don't know the feeling of having somebody love you in that sort of way, and I'm sitting there online and I get a phone call, "You want to go on The Amazing Race? It's going to be a blind date. You might fall in love." And I was just like, "Yeah, sign me up. I want to do it."

Reality TV World: Bergen, how much did competing and winning really mean to you compared to finding love on the show?

Bergen Olson: So, as a huge fan of the Race, you know, the first season came out when I was 10 and I remember sitting in the living room with my family and watching the show religiously. I mean, every single season. And so, getting that call to go on The Amazing Race when I hadn't applied or hadn't even put in an application was so overwhelming, you know?

 And then they mentioned, "Okay, it's a blind date." And then they mentioned, "Since it's a blind-date aspect, you could fall in love. You could get in a relationship," and that was like an added bonus for me.

 So I knew that coming on the Race, that was a possibility, but as you know, in reality TV, things don't always happen. Look at The Bachelor. Look at The Bachelorette, where they go through the whole season and then they propose and then they break up after a month or two months, you know?

 So I know reality and I'm a realist. Coming into it, I was focused on the Race. I am a very, very competitive person, and I think Kurt can back me up on that. He probably got really annoyed with me throughout the Race, but I am really competitive person and I know what I want and I get what I want by working hard.

 And the added pressure of the blind-date aspect was just an added bonus.  So, like Kurt said, at the starting line, we were like, "Okay, we know this isn't going to work out."

 And I do specifically remember Kurt coming over and the first thing that we said on the starting line -- our first words -- were, "You know how to drive a stick shift?" And we both kind of looked at each other and were like, "Oh, this is going to be our Kryptonite."

Reality TV World: So it sounds like you didn't learn how to drive a stick shift because you assumed your partner on the Race would know how?

Kurt Jordan Belcher: Yeah, I mean, we were looking for real, masculine men. So of course we thought he'd be able to in a race around the world. That's sexy.

Reality TV World: When host Phil Keoghan approached you guys, where were you and why were you just sitting there? Did you just get off the train?

Kurt Jordan Belcher: Yeah, we were heading to the beer crates, right Bergen?

Bergen Olson: Yeah the "Stack" Detour.

Kurt Jordan Belcher: We were going to continue the Race... but we missed the train. Was that it, Bergen?

Bergen Olson: Yeah, we made our way back to the train station but we saw that a train wasn't going to come for another -- I want to say, like, 30 to 45 minutes or whatever. And so, we walked around the village trying to find a taxi.

 But (laughs) it was vacant. I mean, there was no one in that town. And then that's when it clicked with me, like, "Oh, no wonder you need a car for this leg of the Race, because you literally can't get around without a car."

 And so, we went back to the train station and we got on it, but then we missed our stop. And so, when we got off at the train station, we were sitting there waiting for the next train, and it was getting dark. And so, we were told to stop racing.

 And at that point, that's kind of when we knew, like, "Yup, they are coming to eliminate us. We can't even go finish this leg." So, yeah, reality hit home pretty quick... So we were en route to the "Stack" Detour and we weren't allowed to continue.

Reality TV World: Did you have any hope the leg might be a non-elimination?

Kurt Jordan Belcher: I was confident that that was not going to happen.

Bergen Olson: Yeah, same here. As a fan of the show, you don't see two non-elims [close to one another]. So I wasn't hopeful. And even if it was a non-elim, we would've been hours and hours and hours behind for the penalties of not using the car.

Reality TV World: Any idea how far behind Michael Dombrowski and Rochelle Nevedal you were?

Kurt Jordan Belcher: We were waiting at Winter Wonderland, waiting out our penalty, and I think we had like 45 minutes left in the penalty and Mike and Rochelle still hadn't gotten there.

 And so, we hid next to the polar bear and when they backed up, we were in the Winter Wonderland. They were so confused, like, "What are you guys doing?!" So when they left, we probably only had, like, 30 minutes left to wait. So we weren't that far behind at all.

Check back with Reality TV World soon for the concluding portion of Bergen and Kurt's exclusive interview.
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2015, 05:07:39 AM »

« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 05:19:14 AM by nosyrabbit »
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2015, 06:22:17 AM »
For f*cking real? WTF!?

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2015, 06:28:25 AM »
OMG. I would be less shocked if Blair & Hayley getting engaged than these two.

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2015, 06:35:08 AM »
holy crap?!!?!?!? Congrats to Bergen & Kurt!
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2015, 06:50:42 AM »
What? How? Why? Is this a joke?  :iok

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2015, 06:54:42 AM »
This has to be a joke. There's no indication of them being in a date or anything and now they're engaged? Something's off.

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2015, 07:07:22 AM »
Pardon my language but

What in f**ken hell happened for this to happen?

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2015, 07:31:47 AM »
Pardon my language but

What in f**ken hell happened for this to happen?

I'm thinking the very same thing...
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2015, 07:33:45 AM »
WTF :lol:

I think this is like what Tim & Marie did, no way in HELL is this true :lol:

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2015, 07:57:37 AM »
WTF :lol:

I think this is like what Tim & Marie did, no way in HELL is this true :lol:

I am one of the people who believed Timreally proposed Maria back then.

Looking at Hayley expression in the picture. I am pretty sure this is real. But, IDK. It could be a joke too.
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2015, 08:10:56 AM »
If it was a joke then I would think that they would have posted that it was a few hours after this post.

Maybe they are proposing to never meet each other again. That seams more probable then this newfound romantic relationship they would have for each other.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 08:57:16 AM by theamazingracer21 »

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2015, 08:23:10 AM »
TAR Jeopardy Revival: here

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2015, 10:10:36 AM »
Guys, the engagement is a PRANK! Kurt's mom commented on FB that they were joking.

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #44 on: May 17, 2015, 10:12:57 AM »
ewww attention whoresssss

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2015, 10:42:32 AM »
Well, at least they are on better terms now.

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2015, 11:22:39 AM »
Got along without you before I met you, Gonna get along without you now.

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2015, 11:38:36 AM »
awk :lol:
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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2015, 04:57:37 PM »
Ok so he'll hasn't frozen over.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 03:57:11 AM by amazingracer21 »

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Re: TAR 26: Bergen Olson & Kurt Jordan Belcher "Blind Daters"
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2015, 08:16:09 PM »
Didn't think they would eve talk to each other after the show O_o