Author Topic: Paladin: Adria Kyne  (Read 1376 times)

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Paladin: Adria Kyne
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:02:22 AM »
Adria Kyne Paladin     

Adria plans to use her life experience to outwit her competitors. The mother of a young son, she adapts well to new situations and has lived in numerous locations internationally. Always a child at heart, she has a passion for video games and feels that she is never too old to play.

What is your earliest memory of the fantasy genre? What made you become a fan?
My Dad is a science fiction and fantasy fan, and he read The Hobbit to me and my sister as a bedtime story when I was about five years old. I was carried away by the grand adventure, and that was the start of me reading every genre book I could get my hands on.

What’s the craziest thing you've done in the name of fandom?
I've participated in a Live-Action Role-Playing game in below-freezing temperatures. I tromped around in knee-deep snow for a weekend while pretending to be a cyborg and fighting off giant radioactive moths. I had a great time. I'm aware of the cultural stigma that is directed at LARPers, but they are the most dedicated gamers that I know.

What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to the fantasy genre?
I read fan fiction: fan-written stories that continue where my favorite books left off, or offer alternate endings, or have characters from different fandoms meet -- it's fun. Originally I got sucked in through Buffy the Vampire Slayer cross-fandom stories, but then I found Harry Potter fic about them being grownups, and now I'm reading a lot of Avengers stories.

How do you define "hero"?
A person who is courageous and takes risks to help others.

Who is your real-life hero and why?
Anita Sarkeesian. She writes about sexism in popular culture, despite horrific backlash against her work. After she announced she was going to look at sexism in video games, she faced a deeply misogynistic online harassment campaign that included serious threats of violence. It's people like her who are leveling the playing field, and making it possible for everyone to have a place in the geek community, not just white, cisgender men.

Describe yourself in three words.
Enthusiastic, adventurous, logical.
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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Paladin: Adria Kyne
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 01:11:20 AM »
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Re: Paladin: Adria Kyne
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 09:59:27 AM »

New Britain native gets medieval

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 9:43 PM EDT

NEW BRITAIN — Rosemary Klotz should be proud.

Her daughter, New Britain High School graduate, Adria Kyne, has been selected after a national search to be one of 12 contestants on a new TV reality the show, “The Quest.” It will premier this Thursday at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Klotz active in city arts, has worked for Mayors Don DeFronzo and Tim O’Brien. The show, which was filmed in a European castle, is set in medieval times in a mythical kingdom. It is expected to appeal to viewers of the popular “Game of Thrones,” as well as fans of “cosplay” (costume play) and “LARPing” (a type of role-playing game where participants act out their characters without audience or script).

Kyne, whom Klotz affectionately calls “the nerd,” is a 1989 NBHS graduate, now living in Massachusetts. Her mother says Adria has been involved in the nerdy world of LARPing and costume play “since before it was trendy among the nerd community. She has always been a nerd and makes her living as a search engine optimization specialist.” (Kyne started her career with Microsoft in Seattle.)

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Klotz says Adria grew up playing Dungeons and Dragons with her Dad and his G.E. engineer buddies and made her own costume when she was only 3..

“She insisted on being ‘Wonder Woman’ for Halloween,” Klotz says, “and she’s been on a quest for adventure ever since.”

Kyne traveled to China by herself when she was 22 with enough money to stay a month; she got a job teaching English, stayed a year and learned Chinese before returning to complete her Masters in Chinese Studies.

Speaking by phone from Massachusetts, Kyne says she heard about the new show from an email list that serves the Boston-area geek community.

“They were looking for cosplayers and LARPers to have the adventure of a lifetime,” she says. She went to the audition with friends and was asked to create a six-minute video. Later she was flown to Los Angeles to meet the producers. The video was shots of her pursuing some of her hobbies: cosplay, LARPing, weightlifting and archery.

Klotz and Kyne say “The Quest” is different from other reality shows in that it is part scripted with paid actors and part unpredictable with competition among the 12 contestants called “Paladins.” Klotz admits she has never been a fan of “reality” TV, “this show does sound unusual and does not involve the negative back-biting and conniving strategizing among contestants that characterize other contestant shows.” Kyne believes she was selected for the show because its producers wanted “a 40-something mom” to compete against people in their 20s and 30s.

Reflecting on her teenage years, Kyne says New Britain “has amazing, rich resources in the arts. New Britain High has great opportunities for kids interested in the arts.” Kyne says she played violin in the school orchestra and was the Lady of the Madrigal Feast. “New Britain supported my imagination and helped me dream,” she says.

On “The Quest” you can expect to see Kyne riding horses, shooting crossbows, solving puzzles and sword fighting.

And Klotz says there is now another nerd in the family.

“Adria is the mother of my grandson, Freeman — a budding nerd like his mother,” she says.
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