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Amazing Race - Cheating caught on tape! (Spoilers)

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--- Quote from: Hoya Guru on November 25, 2012, 10:57:57 PM ---If you have the 11/25 show recorded, feel free to check this out if you don't believe it. During the show, the Twins chose to use the Fast Forward. Their task involved both of them eating 5 pickled herring. At the moment both twins were taking their first bite, the twin on the right's hair was in a bun on top of her head, and the twin on the left had her hair in some weird unkempt hairdo that was DEFINITELY not a bun. Keep in mind, this can be seen as they are both taking their first bite of fish. About 2 or 3 minutes later, they are shown eating their last bites of fish, and the twin with the unkempt hair suddenly has a nice neat bun on the top of her head, exactly like her sisters.

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I went back today and looked at that scene, you are right, the hair changed. You have excellent powers of observation. Their hair was down and loose when they arrived at the mat.

Welcome to RFF Hoya Guru!



--- Quote from: zelda on November 26, 2012, 08:06:16 PM ---Actually Natalie said on twitter that it took multiple attempts for them to complete the fast forward so your observation that things changed is in keeping with what they reported; nothing nefarious happened.

From Twitter (

Natalie Anderson ‏@NatalieeAnd

@dantran88 did it twice before we got it. CBS likes to make it seem easier than it was. Ugh! But thanks! ^_^

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Thanks for the information zelda.  I did go back and look and the hair did change. I'd hate to eat herring twice. Once would be bad enough.  :flipper

Welcome to RFF!


Thank you Texas Lady!  :hello2:

Reilly Queens:

--- Quote from: Alenaveda on November 25, 2012, 11:10:51 PM --- :welcome2: to RFF Hoya Guru

They had to eat the earrings in seven minutes, before the bus returned to solid ground.  If they couldn't do it, the bus took them back to the Van Gogh Caffe for a ten minutes period, and then try again to complete the FF. 
So GMR 602 is correct in the presumption that the task was edited.

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Well I sure hope they took the pointy part off first before eating! That's a stomach destroyer! :oh

Show was fixed, to get rid of Abby and Ryan so they would not have a chance to win and claim 2 million dollars. Since the season is ending Dec 9, next week will probably be non-elimination, and the 2 hour finale will probably be like last season 1 team eliminated the first hour, the final 3 racing to the finish.


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