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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1275 on: September 17, 2012, 01:34:00 PM »
I think Danielle is just being a sore loser. Everytime she brings up how Shane got voted out only shows Ian how much she wanted him gone. And her getting so mad a Ian for "making a deal with that man/the devil" is ridiculous she has been riding Dans coattails this whole season. She is just pissed that Dan voted out her BF and her perfect final three in which Dan or Shane would have taken her to the final two is out the window. But the way she is yelling at Ian is just childish, I cant see Shane voting for Dan over Ian, Dan is the one who backstabbed Shane. Dani would vote for Dan to win no matter who he sat against, not to mention if Ian took Dani Jenn would obviously vote for Dani to win over Ian.

I predict if its a final two with Dan/Ian the votes will go:

Ashley- Ian
Frank-Ian - I think he is still pretty salty about the Dan situation
Joe-Ian- He hated the coaches the whole time and wanted Dan out constantly
Shane- This could go either way, I think it depends on how bitter he is towards Dan

Regardless I think Ian will take it. Dani can not taint the jury because she wont be able to talk to them, everyone in the jury has been screwed over by Dan and I think that will come back to bite him.


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1276 on: September 17, 2012, 02:07:41 PM »
Dani says she doesnt want to come back to BB without Dan.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1277 on: September 17, 2012, 02:28:03 PM »
the way i see it like this..if the jury is going on gameplay....dan should win even over ian....i know i would feel like a fool if i knew bb very well...and i let dan go to the f2..i would not play the game bitter..i would say..well done..if dan could get his way to the end...he should win..everyone knew that dan can mist your azz, :lol3: but they must have wanted to be mist, really i think if dan doesnt win this hoh, if ian took him out it would be 7-0 ian for the win, cuz dan is the big fish in the jury's eyes] and anyone that got dan out wins bb, ..but if dan is in the f2...dan could win, thats if the jury thinks game....which.. if frank is such a huge bb fan..he should put his getting booted out aside ...anyway..i love dan, and ian.
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1278 on: September 17, 2012, 02:55:58 PM »
sorry but dani is sooooooooooooooo making me speak up right now...1st of all ..janie WANTED all girls to go to the end..janie..and, listen up dani..was NOT jealious of you..hell janie wasnt even after you at all, janie wanted the girls to stay together to get the guys out...but noooooooooooooooooooooo, every year..and i mean every year..these women go in the bb house..and want to get the girls out..and let the guys play sick of it when the last girl is there,with guys ,and says ..why, arent you taking me to the f2, until women cast on bb, can STOP being catty, and stick together to go to the end..a man in my book will always deserve to win bb...girls, please just stop this BS..catty stuff..and get a alliance with 3 other girls stay together and go to the freaking end, and win.... i am so over dani (:;) :knuckles:..i mean...over.....her.....nuff,said. )-**
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1279 on: September 17, 2012, 03:00:49 PM »
and one more thing dani....janie's GREY picture on the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more BEAUITFUL then your's in color on that wall..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..sorry but enough with dani..Grace is back to  :keeta:
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1280 on: September 17, 2012, 03:19:06 PM »
i know i am typing to myself..again :lol3:...but i dont care....i am really sick of dani...i hope  hope   dan doesnt throw this hoh, and sends dani's ass out that door..i would take the 50k and not win ..just to send her out that door...she..lies..lies...lies..and lies....boobs are fake, everything in the world is wrong with her...hell dan ..wait a hoh..take dani...and shut her up in your jury speak..dan will win over dani :conf:..the jury will see that dani was dan's puppet..she did what dan told her to do allllllllllllllllllllllllllll through this game.....sorry guys..grace is a..ok..but dani is WACKED, or is it that grace is wacked :lol3:..if so, its cuz of listening to this crazy chick for days now..good me :groan:.. she is making me a freaking crazy person...dang it...dani..stop it (:;)..i mean it or grace..will get tickets, fly to LA ....get seats  at bb's finale..and boooooooooooooooooooooo the hell out of you ..when you walk out...then grace, will never..ever..get to go back to LA :lol3:
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1281 on: September 17, 2012, 03:22:11 PM »
 :hello2:  IMO the votes:

Dan no Frank and Shane.

Ian no Frank, Big No from Dani and maybe a no from Jenn.

With the jurors meeting and discussing, it brings them around to either best game played or personal.  The HGs that vote personal don't get the essence of the game.  AGAIN IMO.   :peek

OH!! and Ian for AP.  :tup:


PS.  BIG BIG kiss and hug for the RFF posters, members and me.   :yourock:   Until next year...   :driveby


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1282 on: September 17, 2012, 03:31:35 PM »
:hello2:  IMO the votes:

Dan no Frank and Shane.

Ian no Frank, Big No from Dani and maybe a no from Jenn.

With the jurors meeting and discussing, it brings them around to either best game played or personal.  The HGs that vote personal don't get the essence of the game.  AGAIN IMO.   :peek

OH!! and Ian for AP.  :tup:


PS.  BIG BIG kiss and hug for the RFF posters, members and me.   :yourock:   Until next year...   :driveby

lovin your post [takeout] it's gameplay...period....i hope afew in that jury see it..and can make the others see it...frank is a huge fan of bb..and he was just as cutting as dan was...dan just got frank out before frank got dan out..[which frank, was going to get dan out that week....i am got played] based it on a freaking game....its not like the players hate i was on bb..i would give BIG shoutouts to RFF..and everyone here..but guys might hate me on bb..cuz i so would be playing the game....and getting to the end..whatever it in takeout..who you have it..takeout :lol3:..grace is silly today
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1283 on: September 17, 2012, 04:02:58 PM »
Ok Dani is driving me up the friggin wall!!!!! She just said she is burnin! Asks Dan if ahe's red, he says your face,she asks is he telling the truth or just saying that ??? then puts her up in a bun and turns her face to the sun! This girl is just off side! I don't care for Dan or Ian but they both deserve to be in the final two more than her! She has been nothing but a puppet for Dan and if it's him and her in the final two he is going to call her on it and all the lies he has got her to tell. He is going to sell her down the river! I don't have much respect for the game Dan has played but it's a game and out of them all he has played the best one. Ian not so much. He has been "misted" enough that it over shadows any moves he may have made. I have to confess I haven't had the feeds on much this year. Very disappointed with the whole season to tell you the truth, I have been watching them today and I have to say KUDOS to the updaters cause between Ian and the bouncing, the swinging, the twitching I'm exhausted! And if I have to watch Dani look at herself one more time in the mirror or here about one of her many fast appearing, disappearing ailments I'm going to SCREAM!!!!!! The one saving grace is watching Dan carve into Dani and she falls for it everytime! I just want her to go so she can see how little influence she has in this game. Even if she was able to talk to others in the jury I'm not so sure they would listen. They have had time to compare some notes and her lies will come back to haunt her. I hope jury votes for who played the best game cause if by some freak chance she makes it to final 2 Ian and Dan have both played a better game. JMO

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1284 on: September 17, 2012, 04:07:19 PM »
now dont anyone take this wrong...please...i love Ian...but last night i was holding my earplugs so tight in my ears..trying to hear what ian was saying as he was rocking away on that hammock..i know...that makes ian release what he needs to..and he is a great player..but damn...i wanted to hear what he was saying cuz at this point we only know who is taking who by what they say when they are by themselves..and i couldnt hear anything ian was saying...but you cant black mail me..i am playing with children, i know he had to be saying who he was going to take if he win this hoh..but ..please...................that.......damn....hammock (:;) i sat and watched Ian on the hammock my hubby walked by..and he looked at Ian..then me..and was like WTH :lol3:...i  had my ears connected to every plug in you could think of .to try and here Ian...but all i got was the hammock sounding as Ian rocked so fast back and forth..the hammock sounded like it was saying Ian..Ian..Ian...with every freaking rock of it..and i looked like a crazy person to my hubby :lol3:..ofcoruse i talked myself out of being crazy to my husband..i told him got to check out this system when you can is soooooooooooo messed up...cuz i cant hear anything...the hubby ..said i know we might need a knew one do dont....
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1285 on: September 17, 2012, 04:09:36 PM »
now dont anyone take this wrong...please...i love Ian...but last night i was holding my earplugs so tight in my ears..trying to hear what ian was saying as he was rocking away on that hammock..i know...that makes ian release what he needs to..and he is a great player..but damn...i wanted to hear what he was saying cuz at this point we only know who is taking who by what they say when they are by themselves..and i couldnt hear anything ian was saying...but you cant black mail me..i am playing with children, i know he had to be saying who he was going to take if he win this hoh..but ..please...................that.......damn....hammock (:;) i sat and watched Ian on the hammock my hubby walked by..and he looked at Ian..then me..and was like WTH :lol3:...i  had my ears connected to every plug in you could think of .to try and here Ian...but all i got was the hammock sounding as Ian rocked so fast back and forth..the hammock sounded like it was saying Ian..Ian..Ian...with every freaking rock of it..and i looked like a crazy person to my hubby :lol3:..ofcoruse i talked myself out of being crazy to my husband..i told him got to check out this system when you can is soooooooooooo messed up...cuz i cant hear anything...the hubby ..said i know we might need a knew one we do not
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1286 on: September 17, 2012, 04:20:35 PM »
Ok Dani is driving me up the friggin wall!!!!! She just said she is burnin! Asks Dan if ahe's red, he says your face,she asks is he telling the truth or just saying that ??? then puts her up in a bun and turns her face to the sun! This girl is just off side! I don't care for Dan or Ian but they both deserve to be in the final two more than her! She has been nothing but a puppet for Dan and if it's him and her in the final two he is going to call her on it and all the lies he has got her to tell. He is going to sell her down the river! I don't have much respect for the game Dan has played but it's a game and out of them all he has played the best one. Ian not so much. He has been "misted" enough that it over shadows any moves he may have made. I have to confess I haven't had the feeds on much this year. Very disappointed with the whole season to tell you the truth, I have been watching them today and I have to say KUDOS to the updaters cause between Ian and the bouncing, the swinging, the twitching I'm exhausted! And if I have to watch Dani look at herself one more time in the mirror or here about one of her many fast appearing, disappearing ailments I'm going to SCREAM!!!!!! The one saving grace is watching Dan carve into Dani and she falls for it everytime! I just want her to go so she can see how little influence she has in this game. Even if she was able to talk to others in the jury I'm not so sure they would listen. They have had time to compare some notes and her lies will come back to haunt her. I hope jury votes for who played the best game cause if by some freak chance she makes it to final 2 Ian and Dan have both played a better game. JMO

BRAVO!!!!!!!!..great post...lovin..and did you notice you said, the one saving your post :-[ cuz it's my name..but i am with ya..i cant take dani any longer...when she ask someone if something looks ok on her..or if they think she did something..when they say you hear me DANI..when they say still are like........oh you dont mean it :groan:..i swear..i want her gone like today....i wish bb would just tell her in the as of right over for come this way...bye...bye
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1287 on: September 17, 2012, 04:24:47 PM »
Ok Dani is driving me up the friggin wall!!!!! She just said she is burnin! Asks Dan if ahe's red, he says your face,she asks is he telling the truth or just saying that ??? then puts her up in a bun and turns her face to the sun! This girl is just off side! I don't care for Dan or Ian but they both deserve to be in the final two more than her! She has been nothing but a puppet for Dan and if it's him and her in the final two he is going to call her on it and all the lies he has got her to tell. He is going to sell her down the river! I don't have much respect for the game Dan has played but it's a game and out of them all he has played the best one. Ian not so much. He has been "misted" enough that it over shadows any moves he may have made. I have to confess I haven't had the feeds on much this year. Very disappointed with the whole season to tell you the truth, I have been watching them today and I have to say KUDOS to the updaters cause between Ian and the bouncing, the swinging, the twitching I'm exhausted! And if I have to watch Dani look at herself one more time in the mirror or here about one of her many fast appearing, disappearing ailments I'm going to SCREAM!!!!!! The one saving grace is watching Dan carve into Dani and she falls for it everytime! I just want her to go so she can see how little influence she has in this game. Even if she was able to talk to others in the jury I'm not so sure they would listen. They have had time to compare some notes and her lies will come back to haunt her. I hope jury votes for who played the best game cause if by some freak chance she makes it to final 2 Ian and Dan have both played a better game. JMO

BRAVO!!!!!!!!..great post...lovin..and did you notice you said, the one saving your post :-[ cuz it's my name..but i am with ya..i cant take dani any longer...when she ask someone if something looks ok on her..or if they think she did something..when they say you hear me DANI..when they say still are like........oh you dont mean it :groan:..i swear..i want her gone like today....i wish bb would just tell her in the as of right over for come this way...bye...bye

I totally thought of you when I typed that!!!! lmao I love your posts! We don;t always agree on some things but I love your passion for BB!!!! and you make me laugh out loud all the time! Hubby thinks I'm nuts!!

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1288 on: September 17, 2012, 04:29:17 PM »
ok goes..and texaslady..and ugot..will know i am like crazy..when i say about what my mind, just told my fingers to type just now..i think i rather see that freaking house right now ..then that took ALOT for my process that to even muchless type that..cuz i cant stand boogie..i mean i cant stand him..but yes the brain, said ..Grace..type that you would rather see the person you cant stand the most in allllllllllllllllllllllllll off bb history [that would be boogie] to be in that house right now...more then...dani brain.
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1289 on: September 17, 2012, 04:30:06 PM »
Thanks TexasLady for moving my post! I almost had a heart attack when I saw where it posted and I couldn't figure out how to move it! Thanks again!  :<3

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1290 on: September 17, 2012, 04:58:29 PM »
After watching BBAD this morning and reading todays live feeds. I'm thinking Dani is the 'devil', she's certainly nasty and has the social game of a bad fart. Threatening Ian to the point he broke down, all the nasty comments about other players, all the BS about her various imaginary illnesses, but worse of all, was the implication that Dan got "promiscuous" after her telling of the fake boobs, has to be the nastiest thing of all knowing his wife is watching.

I have never heard of antone having surgery to SEE if they have cancer, a simple white bloodcell count will tell you that. She takes on other peoples past life pretending it's her, she is so emotionaly disturbed it's no wonder she can't keep a guy. She has lied the whole game and was never taking Dan to f2, she was to stupid to realize that Shane only got 'interested' in her when there was 5 players left.

It's Ian and Dan f2, and Ian takes it.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1291 on: September 17, 2012, 05:00:08 PM »
Ok Dani is driving me up the friggin wall!!!!! She just said she is burnin! Asks Dan if ahe's red, he says your face,she asks is he telling the truth or just saying that ??? then puts her up in a bun and turns her face to the sun! This girl is just off side! I don't care for Dan or Ian but they both deserve to be in the final two more than her! She has been nothing but a puppet for Dan and if it's him and her in the final two he is going to call her on it and all the lies he has got her to tell. He is going to sell her down the river! I don't have much respect for the game Dan has played but it's a game and out of them all he has played the best one. Ian not so much. He has been "misted" enough that it over shadows any moves he may have made. I have to confess I haven't had the feeds on much this year. Very disappointed with the whole season to tell you the truth, I have been watching them today and I have to say KUDOS to the updaters cause between Ian and the bouncing, the swinging, the twitching I'm exhausted! And if I have to watch Dani look at herself one more time in the mirror or here about one of her many fast appearing, disappearing ailments I'm going to SCREAM!!!!!! The one saving grace is watching Dan carve into Dani and she falls for it everytime! I just want her to go so she can see how little influence she has in this game. Even if she was able to talk to others in the jury I'm not so sure they would listen. They have had time to compare some notes and her lies will come back to haunt her. I hope jury votes for who played the best game cause if by some freak chance she makes it to final 2 Ian and Dan have both played a better game. JMO

BRAVO!!!!!!!!..great post...lovin..and did you notice you said, the one saving your post :-[ cuz it's my name..but i am with ya..i cant take dani any longer...when she ask someone if something looks ok on her..or if they think she did something..when they say you hear me DANI..when they say still are like........oh you dont mean it :groan:..i swear..i want her gone like today....i wish bb would just tell her in the as of right over for come this way...bye...bye

I totally thought of you when I typed that!!!! lmao I love your posts! We don;t always agree on some things but I love your passion for BB!!!! and you make me laugh out loud all the time! Hubby thinks I'm nuts!!

thats..great..that is what makes like some..and not others ..but we respect one another[ why do i have to always sing that song r.e.s.p.e.c.t] in my head before i type i aint going to spell it right..i promise everytime i spell respect..i sing that song first :lol3:...maybe the hubby is right...Grace does go alittle crazy during bb time.....dont ..worry, my hubby thinks i am so nuts for being into's like he will ask me everyday..when is bb over..and he starts asking that like the 1st week it starts :lol3:..i hear ya..kakes...and you make me laugh out loud also....i  :hrt: you all
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1292 on: September 17, 2012, 05:18:36 PM »
now.. i am going to be serious...for once..i know dani does have problems with her dad[ she said so on the feeds, thats why i can speak of it] but dani lying to me :groan:...good gawd..lets say she isnt, why does bb cast people that cant handle being in a game like bb....come on season you better go back to your former hgs...and for the love of GOD....why do you keep brining jesse back into that play a monkey..and got jesse to play Santa, you, scared all the children of the world,with that one (:;)....anyway...i guess that is why dani is the way she is....i dont know, cuz i think she is lying..cuz her dad did sign for her to use his name..and pictures..IDK..just please!!!!!!
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1293 on: September 17, 2012, 05:29:01 PM »
sorry i took the day off i can just type away..sorry to all that have to endure..Grace today...anyway..alittle off topic my birthday is oct 28th..i have been telling my hubby, i want for my birthday the last few years is to go to aton of haunted houses...well he booked us a fly to austin..i live in houston..austin has like the most scarey haunted woods..houses....parks...then i am SACRED :o...will Grace make it out of the woods ok...idk..about this..maybe this is really the hubby's way..of :o

oh, if anyone wants to be facebook bb fans..or just fans...go to Trisha facebook..that way we can keep up with bb.and make sure you hear from me come nov 1st...that is when i am suppose to get back from austin..i think it would be fun.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 05:32:57 PM by Grace23 »
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1294 on: September 17, 2012, 05:47:06 PM »

oh, if anyone wants to be facebook bb fans..or just fans...go to Trisha facebook..that way we can keep up with bb.and make sure you hear from me come nov 1st...that is when i am suppose to get back from austin..i think it would be fun.

Noooo, if the ghosties get ya we'll miss your amaZING posts.    :lol3:

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1295 on: September 17, 2012, 05:48:58 PM »
Grace.....There are definately some strange scarey things in the Austin area. But don't worry if you can't find your way out of the woods. Just sit down and wait and Someone or Something will find you. :stare :lol:

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1296 on: September 17, 2012, 05:51:21 PM »
I haven't read any of the feeds today-- but from what I'm reading here--- I thought Ian and Dan said they were just to try and stay away from Dani??????

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1297 on: September 17, 2012, 06:23:55 PM »
Grace.....There are definately some strange scarey things in the Austin area. But don't worry if you can't find your way out of the woods. Just sit down and wait and Someone or Something will find you. :stare :lol:

as long as it ..isn't ..dani..i am A Ok :keeta:
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1298 on: September 17, 2012, 06:33:28 PM »

oh, if anyone wants to be facebook bb fans..or just fans...go to Trisha facebook..that way we can keep up with bb.and make sure you hear from me come nov 1st...that is when i am suppose to get back from austin..i think it would be fun.

Noooo, if the ghosties get ya we'll miss your amaZING posts.    :lol3:

tons of  :ghug:..go to the facebook...if dani aint in the woods.....then ..a..ok...i just thought it would be fun to have some bb fans on facebook..cuz my family just doesnt get bb..they never have,,and they never will it would been fun to share pictures..and all that jazz...BTW..i love your post also..there are a few here, that just make me know that a cartoon laugh...where you just cant help do that hehehehehehehehehehe you make me laugh that way...anyway back to bb for i get in trouble..

GO DAN.....GO IAN... :conf:
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #2
« Reply #1299 on: September 17, 2012, 07:10:30 PM »
Grace.....There are definately some strange scarey things in the Austin area. But don't worry if you can't find your way out of the woods. Just sit down and wait and Someone or Something will find you. :stare :lol:

as long as it ..isn't ..dani..i am A Ok :keeta:

 :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

You should soon have a friend message from someone with the same first name!