Some of my points are a little convoluted, shall we say, bear with me ><
I felt Grace was mocking Paul when she was asking for a high-five and a hug.
I agree, although in this situation I could easily understand how she had no idea she was making it worse. By trying to play it down she's almost trivialising the issue, but in a bad way, in a "let's not properly deal with this" way, in a "I'm going to mess around with you and then try and make you laugh at how stupid I've made you look in front of all of these people" way; she's rubbing his face in it. The most curative thing for Paul to do would have been for him to say "I don't appreciate you treating me like this" and the most curative response from Grace would have been to apologise, stop her actions and leave it at that.
Do you think Grace would have wanted a high 5 and a hug from Paul after her fall? It's a similar scenario, she felt like she had been bullied by him and what she then wanted was to give him a wide berth, not to carry on as if it was all a joke.
It would be a whole lot easier to side with Paul if he hadn't already knocked over Kym & Donna's pots in India, and if he didn't constantly talk about bowling people over.
He's made it clear that he's more than willing and capable of bulldozing someone, so it's impossible for me to side with him.
The footage of the incident in India pretty much shows that while he didn't do anything to stop their pots from falling, Paul also did not actively push them off the cart. I don't think that incident that is not entirely his fault makes it easier to blame him. It's true that he talks a big rough game but when it comes down to it, actions speak louder than words and I personally haven't found Paul's actions to be consistent with his bowling people over mentality.
Paul did prove he is smart in the past 2 roadblock, didn't he?
And what does that have to do with the price of china?

A smart person, as Paul has proved himself to be, would know better than to abuse someone much smaller than themselves especially given the unfavourable atmosphere already surrounding him and even more especially when SURROUNDED by cameras which will go on to make television.
I agree. I am on Paul's side too. Grace is comment.. But I do know that OTHER RACERS DO NOT LIKE HER EITHER. I saw one of the racers posted on Twitter :"OMG! You should see how her true colours come out very soon. She is not what you think" and other negative tweets about Grace. And more than one racer posted that so...
While I've spent most of this post defending Paul I have to say:
“Truth is not determined by a majority vote.”
― Pope Benedict XVI
So maybe a poll is not the best idea ^^