Archive > Glass House

Monday Night - 6/25/12 Show Thread

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Ashley is shocked Holly is crying because her picture is take off.

Apollo thinks he was in the bottom two because the viewers don't get his strategry

Ashley has no idea why.

Ashley and Appolo are in the bottom two.  Appolo talking about who to take to limbo with him if he loses.  Who he has the best chance of being voted for to stay.

Apollo and Ashley must draft there teams

Ashley gets to pic first because she got more votes then Apollo.

Apollo's team having a meeting...

Apollo thinks Gene was talking about him in the kitchen.

Gene tells Apollo they were not talking about him, he doesnt buy it.

Team Ashley is first.

The HGs must fly and throw eggs into a birdhouse.

Team that does it fastest wins.

Each birdhouse has a punishment or award that the viewers chose, and on the winning team, the HGs who's egg is in a given house wins that award or has to take that punishment.


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