Author Topic: The Amazing Race All Stars 3 - Fantasy Edition/Trivia Game  (Read 1732 times)

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The Amazing Race All Stars 3 - Fantasy Edition/Trivia Game
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:19:42 PM »
Welcome to The Amazing Race All Stars 3 - Fantasy Edition!

Now, I want this to be pictured on the TV as if it were actually happening.

Okay, so Central Park in New York City is the gathering point; beyond the groups, several small structures are covered with sheets....hmm, what's under them?

Phil introduces the following teams, all brought to the park by buses:

Joe & Bill
Kevin & Drew
Paul & Amie
Blake & Paige
Oswald & Danny
Peggy & Claire
Teri & Ian
Ken & Gerard
Jon & Al
Kelly & Jon
Chip & Kim
Linda & Karen
Charla & Mirna
Colin & Jonathan
Don & Mary Jean
Hayden & Aaron
Kris & Jon
Meredith & Gretchen
Lynn & Alex
Ray & Deana
Debbie & Bianca
Linda & Rolly Weaver
Marion & DJ Paolo
Tammy & Billy Gaghan
BJ & Tyler
Ray & Yolanda
Lyn & Karlyn
Dustin & Kandace
Erwin & Godwin
David & Mary
Tom & Terry
Nicolas & Donald
Kynt & Vyxsin
Azaria & Christina
Ken & Tina
Andrew & Dan
Toni & Dallas
Mark & Bill
Kisha & Jen
Margie & Luke
Zev & Justin
Jet & Cord
Louie & Michael
Steve & Allie
Nat & Kat
Gary & Mallory
Marcus & Amani
Bill & Cathi
Laurence & Zac

Phil states that all of them are here for a final shot at a million dollars...
and then the theme song plays with photos of old locations...

Picture it: All of these teams standing before Phil and then he announces that only 13 teams will make it to the actual starting line. Before the Race even begins, Phil says that there will be a challenge that will determine  what teams get to move forward and represent their season(s). It will be a challenge requiring attention to detail and teamwork, Phil tells them, and the first 13 teams to correctly finish the challenge will move on after Phil checks their work and gives the okay. If a team thinks they are finished and it is incorrect when Phil checks it, the incorrect team will have to stand on a penalty mat, turn over an hourglass, and wait for the sand to run out before they can fix their mistakes.

The challenge is to go on laptops and put each order of elimination and all winners of all seasons of The Amazing Race into a spreadsheet; once the task is done, notify Phil by both team members raising their hands and yelling 'The task is complete!' Phil will then check their work and act according to what he finds...(see above notes for consequences of getting it wrong.)

The teams get to work and some DO make mistakes, forcing them to wait out penalties while others surge ahead. Finally, 13 teams emerge victorious.

The 13 teams are:
Linda & Karen
Ken & Gerard
Teri & Ian
Peggy & Claire
Louie & Michael
Toni & Dallas
Paul & Amie
BJ & Tyler
Joe & Bill
Lyn & Karlyn
Erwin & Godwin
Steve & Allie
Meredith & Gretchen

Phil then sends the 13 teams off to get their luggage and clues in the same order that they finished. The location is to where teams had to go in Leg 1 for Season 1 (this is the first trivia challenge for readers of the thread; guesses anyone?)

Once the 13 teams have left, Phil will tell the other teams that two additional teams will have a chance to get into the game at the pit stop. The catch is that they have to be first or second checking in at the FINAL first pit stop in order to secure a place in the Race and they cannot interact with the original 13 at all.

The 13 teams meanwhile will be blindsided by a mid-way elimination point where the last team to arrive is eliminated and the second last loses everything but clothes on their back, passports, and money. All teams are warned about the elimination at the end of the leg at that point, but are NOT told about the twist.

(Hint: the mid-way elimination point is "The Smoke That Thunders,")
(any guesses?)

Come the mid-way elimination point, the last two teams are:
Toni & Dallas (penalized)
Paul & Amie (eliminated)

At the END of the leg, after the last team is eliminated, Phil gathers the teams and in the most suspenseful way possible, explains the MAJOR twist, and introduces the two teams who made it in first and second place out of the eliminated group to the pit stop; after much suspense, the two winning teams are revealed to be:

Kevin & Drew
Tammy & Billy Gaghan

Phil congratulates the teams for their success, welcomes them back into the Race and the episode ends with comments from all the teams.
Note: I know TAR pretty well; the questions posed are for the readers!