rachel last year they didnt interview my family
adam maybe they will show Fara..or my freinds and family
rachel they show brendon last year
adam that was bad
rachel that WAS bad
adam she made herself look like a jerk
rachel she is a jerk
WBRB screen
serioysly?? u guys interviewed her last year the clearance waiver doesnt still apply? 
adam i told you that I was rooting for you
adam the guy is hanging around the pool table calling me kruddy (brendon)
rachel that was a joke.. brendon likes you and jreff is your friends
[iu] ohh adam doenst like being called kruddy!!

wait till he gets out and see's all the KRUDDY CLIPS!

rachel ragan was like talking about my zits on my chin.. that was mean
adam you came back in to pisss them off.. but i was not expecting that whole thing with ragan.. but i do get it when i said ragan you want an ooeeey gooeeeey cookie.. now that was bad
rachel revisists the ragan rachel fight
rachel hey now its the best reality fight
p[orsche ooohhh i cant wait to see that
rahel its disgustiong.. im not even the same girl