Slop came into play during Season 7 - All Stars. Before that it was PB&J. Season 6 was the first season with the current house. Before that the HOH room was tiny, small!
I've been revisiting previous seasons of BB. I did not like Season 1 for various reasons, and think all of the changes have been for the better. I don't want to vote on the houseguests or who to nominate. I've started to dislike American Idol for that very reason, because its a popularity contest and not a skills contest necessarily.
The reality is that BB still kills it in ratings during the summer so I don't think they'll be changing anything anytime soon.
I would love to see the challenges mixed up a lot more. I don't like that the houseguests can predict the competitions. I think they could use some more originality in that respect.
I also think that production should stay out of the mix as much as possible. Quit planting ideas, quit giving hints.
Retire OTEV. Seriously.
And, I like the magician idea, but I think a pyschic would be better. Can you imagine what that person would know ahead of time? Heeheehee . . . . that might really screw with the houseguests.