Sh still talking to P and K.
SH says there's been things she thought were brilliant, and some that didnt turn out to be so brilliant. there's been embarrassment, sheer joy, dejection, pure dissappointment, every emotion under the sun.... its a roller coaster that could stop in the middle of the coaster and you think, oh this is ok, and it could change mid stream. go from lowest low to highest high or you could go from FF where we were highest hi to being absolutely dejected in a matter of hours. That, she has now learned, not good enough yet but equalize it without going in the corner and curling in a ball....
sh - still doesnt know if there is any greater torture than watching someone hurt. the anger that came at her in that room. she'll never forget her face for as long as she lives. and she doesnt know if Jo has ever been that mad, she was furious with me, hurt to the core. and you learn things from that. she is a kid, im a mom. i look at her and say , what if that was MY daughter and someone did that to MY daughters bf. how would she feel. and when you ahve a daughter and you can look at someone elses daughter in the eye that gave you a phone call, and know that you have just stabbed them in the back willfully, it hurts. and you know damn well they wanna pull that knife out of their hurt person and put it in yours, and thats life and you ahve to learn how to adjust to it.
(this whole time, Porscha is mostly rolling her eyes and K is just standing there waiting for Sh to stf up!)
Sh wants to know if anyone in here can really detach from the game personally... none think you can.