The Amazing Race International Versions > TAR Asia


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Wow, i seriously was hoping Claire and Michelle will win the leg! But guess they got lost to the pitstop and dropped to third place! But i'm not sad, at least they're in the final three! WOW, who would have thought that they would be the ones to go to the final three without winning any legs at all?? They're really the underdogs and it makes this race so exciting! GOOOO CLAIRE AND MICHELLE!

As for Hussein and Natasha, YAY FOR WINNING TEAM NUMBER ONE! At least it didn't go to the RICHARDS! :lol: They're the true underdogs and i'm so happy that they are in the final three!! :jumpy:

As for the Richards.. they're really nice people. But hell no for alpha male teams to win 3 seasons in a row. I only want Claire and Michelle to win or maybe Natasha and Hussein..

And Jess and Lani, i guess they're a nice team.. they just got a bad edit as they just happen to be not in the final three. Your downfall was when you refuse to pay for a cab to bring you around.

Detour was good and interesting, Roadblock was lame.. somehow it's just warriors and temples throughout the episode.. nothing special about South Korea based on what i've seen this episode?? Not really an exciting leg i say.. i thought the editing at the back made me really worried whether Claire and Michelle got eliminated or not??

WHOOOOOO. SINGAPORE TEAM IN THE FINAL THREE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hearts: GO CLAIRE AND MICHELLE AND ALL-FEMALE TEAM POWER!!!!!!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

This is a horrible leg in my opinion. Not the place, It's the tasks! It sucks big time! i mean c'mon! Bow & Arrowing a team's picture? Isn't that hurtful?! Oh! and don't get me started on the roadblock.

Anyways... I'm a little glad on the Final Three! :D Although i pity Jess & Lani, another case of 1st to Last. Don't you think TARA has the disaster curse too?  :'(


--- Quote from: jps0228 on November 26, 2010, 08:16:32 PM ---This is a horrible leg in my opinion. Not the place, It's the tasks! It sucks big time! i mean c'mon! Bow & Arrowing a team's picture? Isn't that hurtful?! Oh! and don't get me started on the roadblock.

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Agreed. It's nasty that you'll have to put up a picture of a team. Just plain nasty and ethically wrong.  (:;)

On a happier note, Im rooting for Team Singapore!  :hearts:
They may not be the best team out there but great job in getting to the Final Three! Whoever knew that Hussein and Natasha will be in the Final Three? Everyone thought that they will be eliminated! And can someone tell me whats wrong with the Richards? I can sense that a lot of people dislike them?  :duno:


--- Quote from: GreenNegg on November 27, 2010, 05:38:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: jps0228 on November 26, 2010, 08:16:32 PM ---This is a horrible leg in my opinion. Not the place, It's the tasks! It sucks big time! i mean c'mon! Bow & Arrowing a team's picture? Isn't that hurtful?! Oh! and don't get me started on the roadblock.

--- End quote ---
Agreed. It's nasty that you'll have to put up a picture of a team. Just plain nasty and ethically wrong.  (:;)

On a happier note, Im rooting for Team Singapore!  :hearts:
They may not be the best team out there but great job in getting to the Final Three! Whoever knew that Hussein and Natasha will be in the Final Three? Everyone thought that they will be eliminated! And can someone tell me whats wrong with the Richards? I can sense that a lot of people dislike them?  :duno:

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I actually kind of go awww when the Richards were saying about how they like all the teams.. really nice team we have here. Competitive, maybe not as competitive as Marc and Rovilson.. but definitely competitive and they have had their fair share of mistakes as well. It's kind of expected for them to be in the final 3... i don't know why people do not like them.. but i'm definitely neutral towards them.

I thought putting up a team's picture at the Detour was... :res: but kudos to Jess and Lani for putting their own photo up.. :tup:


--- Quote from: Joab on November 27, 2010, 05:58:40 AM ---I actually kind of go awww when the Richards were saying about how they like all the teams.. really nice team we have here. Competitive, maybe not as competitive as Marc and Rovilson.. but definitely competitive and they have had their fair share of mistakes as well. It's kind of expected for them to be in the final 3... i don't know why people do not like them.. but i'm definitely neutral towards them.

I thought putting up a team's picture at the Detour was... :res: but kudos to Jess and Lani for putting their own photo up.. :tup:

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Is it just me or is everyone trying to compare the Richards with Marc and Rovilson? Haha, you get what I mean when I say why people do not like The Riches!

Agreed that Jess and Lani are awesome for putting their own photos up. Are the other teams are actually trying to find fault with them? Because it doesn't seem like they backstab teams or do anything scheming. Jess and Lani are just focusing on the Race and doing their own thing!


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