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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2010, 10:04:34 PM »
 :<3 :<3 :<3
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2010, 01:55:03 AM »
Claire is married and pregnant...and the Watermelon incident was just the tip of the iceberg of their race experience!

ET's exclusive Interview:

'Amazing Race''s Watermelon Girl Talks To ET

The "Amazing Race" watermelon-in-the-face video has gone viral. Now, ET has the exclusive interview with Claire Champlin, the woman who got the watermelon facial, and her partner on "Race," Brook Roberts.

"…I didn't know what hit me in the face," Claire tells ET. "I didn't really know what was going on until I started taking watermelon off my face."

A recent "Amazing Race" challenge turned back the clock to medieval times for one of their challenges on the new season premiere. The task task was to knock over a suit of armor, using a giant slingshot and watermelons as ammunition. But something went haywire and the watermelon shot out backwards.

"The slingshot was too big for the watermelon, so it wrapped around it," Claire says. "When I pulled back, it didn't release it and it came back and hit me in the face."

Both Claire and Brook want to make it clear that "Amazing Race" had medics standing by who came and checked Claire out immediately.

"We really want to clarify when she looks at me and goes, 'What do we do now?' it wasn't because 'I don't know what to do next.' It was: 'Are we going to be allowed to continue on because the medical team hasn't cleared us?' That is why you hear me whisper, 'I think we have to finish…' We were in shock. We didn't know what to do," Brook says.

Claire goes on to say that after she was checked out by the medical staff, she saw other teams racing up, so they had to make a rash decision.

She remembers thinking, "Oh, my gosh, do we go? Do we continue on the race? Or is this where we give up? Even though I couldn't feel the side of my face, I knew my legs still worked … the other teams are coming. The pressure is still on."

Both women were troopers, so the "Race" continued, and Claire shows she has a sense of humor about it, commenting to ET, "Thank God it was a watermelon, though, not a pineapple…"

Neither Claire nor Brook are at liberty to reveal the results of their time on the "Amazing Race," but Claire does break the news to ET that she got married one month after finishing and she is now four months pregnant. She wanted to make that clear so when we we see her at the finale and she is definitely showing, no one says, "Watermelon girl swallowed a seed."

Read more and see their cute video here:
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2010, 11:21:14 AM »
Big congrats to Claire on her marriage and pregnancy! :luvya:
If she is really 4 months pregnant, she was most likely in the very early stages of preganancy when she ran the race! If so, that is truly impressive and puts the watermelon thing into a whole new perspective!
All the best to her, her new husband and baby!

BTW~ is this the first time that CBS has aired an interview with just one team before the premier?

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2010, 11:28:14 AM »
I think this was a special watermelon issue, but all the teams should have hometown media interviews coming out on Thursday, we can add those to their own threads.
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2010, 07:48:13 PM »
Big congrats to Claire on her marriage and pregnancy! :luvya:
If she is really 4 months pregnant, she was most likely in the very early stages of preganancy when she ran the race! If so, that is truly impressive and puts the watermelon thing into a whole new perspective!
All the best to her, her new husband and baby!
BTW~ is this the first time that CBS has aired an interview with just one team before the premier?

Hmmm, if I count back 4 months from yesterday, I get May 21 - the race started May 26.
So, ummm how long were they in sequester before the race?
What a great "good luck on the race honey" present. :-[
Although I can't imagine running the race with morning sickness...
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2010, 09:31:57 PM »
Although I can't imagine running the race with morning sickness...

Well at least it wasn't only me counting back days. I doubt she even knew she was pregnant when she started the race...

but it was really......after all night transoceanic flight, then watermelon in the face, then morning sickness......what a trooper
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2010, 12:51:22 PM »
I just wanted to mention that according to website (which has those useful  weekly NFL game distribution maps for both CBS and FOX), the entire country in the eastern and central time zone (with two exceptions) is getting the same doubleheader late game. One of the two exceptions is in one of the North Carolina markets (no idea why as the game they're taking that otherwise airs on the west coast doesn't involve the Carolina team) and the St. Louis market, which is not airing a late game. I don't know if CBS will send them an on-time feed or not.
The bigger conflict for me, actually, for the first time since NBC started the Sunday Night games, is the New York Jets at Miami game. For the moment I'm going to have both that game and TAR on DVR record. It's insane but I'm thankful I can record both these days.
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2010, 08:27:35 PM »
Whoooo Boy!! Phil Interview w/ TV GUIDE!

 Phil Keoghan: A Game-Changer Does Amazing Race Good
Sep 24, 2010 04:30 PM ET
by Joyce Eng2

After seven straight wins at the Primetime Emmy Awards for reality-competition series, The Amazing Race was dethroned this year by Top Chef — a loss that Phil Keoghan sees as a positive. "Change is just a really good thing," the Amazing Race host tells "And it only makes us want to continue to make a good show, which I think we've done this year." The globe-trotting series' 17th installment kicks off Sunday with a new and heavily-hyped game-changer called the Express Pass. See what Keoghan has to say about the new element, what teams you should watch out for, and if Padma Lakshmi really hit him on the Emmys red carpet. I was bummed you guys lost the Emmy, but seven years is a really good run.
Phil Keoghan: Yeah, I think change is always good. It's funny because I was using a surfing analogy on the red carpet about how working in the entertainment industry is a little bit like surfing in a sense because if you get on a good wave, a wave will always break no matter how good the ride is. It was just weird that we went seven in a row and the wave broke, since in surfing, every seventh wave is the big wave and then it cycles again.

Hair stylists, home shopping hosts and yet another beauty queen set for Amazing Race 17 Padma Lakshmi claims she abused you on the red carpet. True?
Keoghan: [Laughs] She definitely gave me a couple of good jabs with her purse. I've never met her before, so I got such a shock, like, what?! It came out of the blue. All of the sudden, my arm was being pounded. I'm always respectful of the fact that people voted and this year they voted for another show. We really try to do new things every season and try to be as good as we can be. Speaking of new things, what can you tell us about the Express Pass?
Keoghan: Well, first of all, I think we've tried to always inject new things, but at the same time, we don't want to mess with something that's worked. Like I said, change is always good. It livens up the show and keeps everyone on their toes, especially for a show that's been on as long as ours. This is a tool that teams can use to help themselves stay in the race and it's something from the beginning that gives them an extra incentive to race really hard right out of the gate. It rewards the team that does well, but unlike the Fast Forward, its impact is not for one leg. It has an effect on the entire race. Was it just a coincidence that there are three hair stylists on three different teams this year?
Keoghan: [Laughs] You know, I wouldn't have noticed that had you not said something. We certainly didn't set about trying to pick a whole bunch of hair stylists. I don't know how interesting it would be to have a whole cast of hair stylists. Maybe it would be. Maybe we'd call it Hairspray or something: The Amazing Race: Hairspray. Which teams should we keep an eye on?
Keoghan: We have very strong, all-women teams this season, which is great. Michael and Kevin — father and son — have a really interesting dynamic. They're like Ron and Christina from a few seasons back. When there are two generations connected by blood, you can end up with these really cool dynamics because it's like they're living on different planets and they wouldn't in a million years be with each other if they weren't family. ... The father is funny, but he doesn't know he's funny. Because of that, it makes it so much more enjoyable. You're watching something that's real and raw. In the reality world, it's getting harder to make sure that you don't have people auditioning who are trying to pull the wool over your eyes because they come to the auditions with preconceived ideas about what they think they should be as opposed to what they are. "We should be like the crazy hippie couple." They try to fit something that they think we need. Just be yourself. If yourself is not what we're looking for, then try again. The cowboys last season is probably the most beloved team in Amazing Race history. Is there any team you think fans will take a liking to?
Keoghan: If I were picking an all-stars cast, I would definitely pick the cowboys to come back. That was the caliber they were, and we certainly have a few of those this season. One of my favorite relationships is Gary and Mallory. This is a beautiful woman who has so much bubbly personality that it just pours out on the screen. It's infectious energy. It's really exciting to watch her. Her dad really brought her up like a tomboy, so it's weird she's as tough as she is and she's Miss Kentucky. How about villains?
Keoghan: I'm going to leave that for the audience to judge, but there definitely are teams where people are going to be like, "Aw, man, I can't stand this team" or "I can't believe they did what they did." I think it's important to have those teams — those who are maybe overly confident and get knocked down a few pegs when they see how tough the race is. Or they made assumptions about other teams and find themselves in a situation where they're humbled. There's always a honeymoon period in the beginning where everyone's trying to be nice, but as the race goes on, it settles in and you have to do whatever it takes to win.

Amazing Race's Daniel and Jordan: First-class move "made all the difference in the world" Dan and Jordan last season moved up to first class in the finale, but a lot of fans got all riled up about that, even though it's a totally legal move. They didn't buy first-class tickets.
Keoghan: I'm surprised actually because I got a lot of emails from people. It was so clear-cut. Normally, fans are very, very informed, but for some reason, they got confused about that one, and it was so simple. They asked, they didn't pay for it, and they moved forward. I think if it was a team they really liked — like the cowboys — they wouldn't have bothered making a stink about it. But there were some who were questioning it. It's totally within their right to do it. They never broke a rule. [Moving up to first class has] been done many, many times. I don't know if people realize how seriously we adhere to rules. We're traveling with a lawyer, consulting with lawyers back here about every rule and game judgment. There is a rulebook that we follow very, very closely. We're not going to jeopardize the franchise by changing things. You go to some new places this year: Bangladesh, Ghana, the Arctic Circle...
Keoghan: Yeah, Bangladesh is just a mind-blowing place to go to, one of the most densely populated places in the world. It can be an overwhelming experience for people who come from open spaces. The Arctic Circle — what makes the show so interesting is that the teams will fly from a place like Africa to the Arctic Circle, so, it's like I said in a script meeting, they're going from the furnace to the freezer.
You're constantly testing people and throwing them out of their element. Then you have them do the tasks that are always exciting. The tasks dictate the content since you never know how anyone is going to react to them. You've had some well-known people on the show and there has been chatter about a celebrities-only Amazing Race. Do you think that's a good idea?
Keoghan: I think we should listen to the fans and if the fans think we should do it, then we should. I think it would depend on who those celebrities were. I think there are some who I think would be really good. But then there are some who I think might want to go on, but not be that good. The other thing is, how realistic is it? I don't know if some of the celebrities who have spoken to me are fully aware of what exactly it entails. I think they like the idea of it because they see it on TV once a week for a few months, but I think living it might be a little different to what they're used to. There's always that unknown factor about what happens to someone when they travel. Then it comes down to if it's realistic for them to do it, if it fits into their schedule and if they can put up with our schedule. There's no trailer, hair or makeup or hotel to go back to. But I think it'd be fun to watch

The Amazing Race 17 premieres Sunday with a 90-minute episode at 8:30/7:30c on CBS.

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2010, 07:23:33 AM »
Thanks to a little sleigh of hand again using my DVR recorder settings, we have the title for episode 3 :In Phil We Trust."
-- theschnauzers

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2010, 04:35:00 AM »
Victor Jih blogs the first episode:

Victor Jih Predicts All-Girl Teams Will Define The Amazing Race
By Victor Jih

Monday September 27, 2010 10:30 AM EDT

And with an arch of an eyebrow from Phil Keoghan, The Amazing Race begins again. Eleven new teams raced from Gloucester, Mass., to London, England. Their destination: Stonehenge. From that ancient wonder of the world, they traveled to Eastnor Castle, where the first pit stop and elimination awaited.

When the watermelon face-smash video went viral, I hoped something special was coming. The first episode did not disappoint. In fact, this was the best first episode I have seen in a while. Why did I love it so much? Because the first leg was tough! Teams not only had to overcome the typical airport jockeying and start-of-the-race chaos, they also had to drive stick on the "wrong" side of the road, navigate confusing country roads that go in circles, storm a castle, figure out a tricky capsizing "turtle shell" boat, and tackle an outright dangerous watermelon slingshot. Watching as an ex-racer, I kept screaming, "Are you kidding me?" Even though I knew to practice driving a manual transmission as I prepared for my season of the Race, I would not have been prepared for this.

See what he thinks of the teams and Read the rest HERE:,,20429412,00.html
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2010, 05:11:05 AM »
Channel 5(Singapore) just aired a promo of Brook and Claire. It is their official CBS video. But i don't get why Channel 5 still use clips of TAR16.

Just saying :)

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2010, 05:44:29 PM »
Victor Jih blogs the first episode:

Victor Jih Predicts All-Girl Teams Will Define The Amazing Race
By Victor Jih

Monday September 27, 2010 10:30 AM EDT

And with an arch of an eyebrow from Phil Keoghan, The Amazing Race begins again. Eleven new teams raced from Gloucester, Mass., to London, England. Their destination: Stonehenge. From that ancient wonder of the world, they traveled to Eastnor Castle, where the first pit stop and elimination awaited.

When the watermelon face-smash video went viral, I hoped something special was coming. The first episode did not disappoint. In fact, this was the best first episode I have seen in a while. Why did I love it so much? Because the first leg was tough! Teams not only had to overcome the typical airport jockeying and start-of-the-race chaos, they also had to drive stick on the "wrong" side of the road, navigate confusing country roads that go in circles, storm a castle, figure out a tricky capsizing "turtle shell" boat, and tackle an outright dangerous watermelon slingshot. Watching as an ex-racer, I kept screaming, "Are you kidding me?" Even though I knew to practice driving a manual transmission as I prepared for my season of the Race, I would not have been prepared for this.

See what he thinks of the teams and Read the rest HERE:,,20429412,00.html

If Victor has been reading spoilers on RFF, he would already know that all female teams have a 2/3 probability of winning AR17. He mentioned 4 F/F teams but only listed Nat/Kat, Claire/Book and Katie/Rachel. I hope he does not put Andie and Jenna in the category of  "capable of winning" AR17. I could not read the article beyond its first page. Can somebody correct that, please?

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #37 on: October 02, 2010, 10:57:07 AM »
Episode 4's title to air on 10/17 "We Should Have Brought Gloves and Butt Pads." (Same source as the last three weeks.)
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #39 on: October 09, 2010, 10:48:55 AM »
Episode 5 title to air on 10/24 is "Tastes Like A Million Dollars."
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #40 on: October 09, 2010, 10:28:10 PM »
if they're still in Sweden for Leg 5.

The episode description for episode 5 indicates the teams are in Norway. No clue as to where the teams reach the Arctic Circle in episode 4.

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #41 on: October 09, 2010, 10:37:18 PM »
link or quote please? it. "Teams race in Norway."
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 10:57:21 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2010, 01:21:58 AM »
Stetind Mountain is in Norway and North of the Arctic Circle   :tup:

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2010, 01:24:23 AM »
Let's take all this to ep 5 discussion please after this?

YAY for identifying a new Intro cap!!
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2010, 01:25:58 AM »
You know I did that about a week ago  :lol:

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2010, 02:20:52 AM »
I was a really good one too!!
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2010, 07:11:48 PM »
Victor Jih's latest blog/recap can be found here:,,20433597,00.html

Love this part:

To be fair, simple tasks become difficult under the pressure of the race.


The most telling task for me was the African geography quiz: In truth, this was not about testing knowledge of geography. I doubt any one (other than maybe Kevin) actually knew from personal study where Ghana is on a map. Instead, this was a test of who was playing to win.

Teams should have known where Ghana was because they should have anticipated it. In my experience, teams typically fall into two categories.

There are teams who race to win: During our season, there were teams who would spend every spare moment obtaining information. At airports, my sister and I would make sure we figured out exchange rates, learned what the flag looked like and grabbed every free map.

Then there are teams who just want to enjoy the ride: As Kevin puts it, "To us, this is worth more than the million dollars we are competing for. We just want to stay in each leg to experience these different countries."

It is clear certain people anticipated and were prepared for the quiz, namely Chad, Thomas, Rachel and Nat. Unlike others, they didn't need to rely on the process of elimination or lucky guesses. If those are the teams that are doing the extra preparation work between tasks, then barring bad luck or bad judgment, I would think they are the ones more likely to last the longest in the race.

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2010, 02:34:43 AM »
It is clear certain people anticipated and were prepared for the quiz, namely Chad, Thomas, Rachel and Nat. Unlike others, they didn't need to rely on the process of elimination or lucky guesses. If those are the teams that are doing the extra preparation work between tasks, then barring bad luck or bad judgment, I would think they are the ones more likely to last the longest in the race.

I think Conner and/or John should be added to this list. While they did not get it correct straight away, they knew the rough location of Ghana and I think were only downed by the high number or small countries in that area.

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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2010, 03:57:19 AM »
Yeah....Victor forgot about Gary aceing the exam too. Gary/Mallory had car/taxi breakdowns the first two episodes. Episode 3 was first time they didnt have car trouble. Guess Victor thinks them coming in 2nd was a fluke.
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Re: TAR 17 Media
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2010, 10:54:34 PM »
It's Saturday night, so it's time to check and see if my Mediacom DVR future recording schedule has information on the October 31st episode of TAR......and it surely does:
"Run,Babushka, Run!" The Race continues in St. Petersburg, Russia.

(That's one way to confirm a spoiler report isn't it?)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 11:53:50 AM by theschnauzers »
-- theschnauzers