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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2010, 11:02:24 AM »
Episode 9:

Frank eliminated himself, he reunited with his ex-girlfriend, Nicole


Chris L.

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2010, 11:05:39 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelorette': Episode 9

Somebody asked me via Twitter this week how the show changes after we get to the hometown dates. That’s a great question, especially because it really had an impact on what happened with Frank this week. Once we get to the hometown dates, everything is cranked up a notch. The guys really don’t see each other anymore — except at the rose ceremonies. The process becomes a lot more personal and emotional, and each guy has a lot more time to think about his own relationship with Ali — or in Frank’s case, to think about other relationships as well. I’ll give you my thoughts on Frank in just a bit, but first let’s discuss our final two men.

Although it was a wild rollercoaster ride to get here, I truly believe Ali has narrowed it down to two really good men. As you heard on their date, Roberto opened up and told Ali he’s falling in love with her. This was huge for Ali, as she’s always been a little worried Roberto was just too good to be true. One funny story from their date to that heart-shaped island of Tupai: Roberto picked up Ali and ran into the water. Well, guys do that expecting the water to get deep, and therefore they dive right in. Except that in Tahiti, it never really gets deep unless you run out about half a mile. Roberto quickly realized this and just stopped and laughed.

Ali also heard what she needed to from Chris this week. How moving was it when they were sitting by the pool in the fantasy suite and he hugged her and said “God I love you”? You can just tell with Chris that it’s taken a great effort for him to get to this point, and he seems almost relieved to feel this way again about a woman.

Now let’s talk about Frank. I knew he was going back to Chicago to see his ex Nicole before he joined us in Tahiti. It was my understanding that Frank felt like before he could fully give himself to Ali, he needed closure on his relationship with Nicole. I understood this and actually respected the fact that he felt that strongly about it. Obviously, everything changed once he saw Nicole. The day I went to talk to Frank, I was still under the impression he had officially ended things with his ex and was ready to move on with Ali. Once I heard he wanted to talk to me that morning, I assumed something was up. Talking with Frank was difficult. I had gotten to know the guy pretty well, so I knew this was tough on him. Even though I knew he would be hurting Ali, and I was disappointed in him for that, I have to admit part of me felt a little sorry for him. I think he overthinks situations and — though I hope I’m wrong — I’m not a hundred percent sure he knows what he really wants right now in his life. I do hope I’m wrong, and I hope he and Nicole truly do love each other and find happiness together.

Much like Jason Mesnick did with Molly, Frank took a huge risk, knowing full well that most of America would be angry with him, but he did it anyway. As you could tell, Ali had absolutely no idea about any of this when she arrived that day for what she thought was going to be a romantic date. She was floored. Looking back at their relationship, though, was this really a huge surprise? Ali and Frank always seemed to have something hanging over their relationship. How many times do people try to change the bad boy, fix the problem, or become the caretaker in a relationship, and how many times does that actually work out? We’ve all done it, and we can all relate to exactly what Ali went through with Frank. I do have to give Ali major props for the line she delivered to Frank when he said that he, too, gave up everything to be here. She quickly replied “apparently not everything.” Well played, girl.

When I walked out to sit by Ali on the beach, she was crushed. I felt so bad for her. I know it’s hard for viewers to understand, but even on a good day, this process will make you question everything about yourself. For this surprise to happen this late in the process made Ali so vulnerable and feel so weak and helpless, and I hated that. This situation was completely different than Justin leaving earlier. Her relationship with Frank was very real, and she could already see a life together with him. To have the rug pulled out from under you at this point can be devastating. I was really proud to see that after a good night’s sleep and time to reflect, she showed up to deliberation with a really good perspective on life again.

I really look forward to reading your comments on Frank this week. How do you think he handled the situation with his ex Nicole? How do think he handled the situation with Ali? Does is make any difference to you if he ends up living happily ever after with Nicole? Again, the guys don’t see each other before the rose ceremonies, so they had no idea Frank was gone. You couldn’t really tell on the show, but once Roberto got there, I walked off as if I was going to get Frank. I was really just waiting for Ali to get ready. I walked back up the stairs alone, and Chris and Roberto were completely confused. Ali did a super job explaining the situation.

Some of you might ask: Would Frank have gotten a rose if he had stayed? The answer is maybe, but we’ll never know. As you saw at this point, Ali is in love or falling in love with all three of these guys. There is very little separating them at this point. That’s what makes this season so compelling. In seasons past, it’s been more cut and dry, and the choice seemed obvious. That’s just not the case this year.

Before I sign off I want to say a little something about the beautiful country of Tahiti and the island of Taha’a. Because of this show I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to the most beautiful parts of this planet. It’s very rare that you’ll hear so much hype about a place, and that place will live up to all that hype, but Tahiti absolutely did. As Ali told you, next we’re off to Bora Bora, but before the finale, it’s the “Men Tell All” episode. I’m looking forward to seeing most of the guys again. We have some great stuff planned that I know you’ll enjoy. Is it true what I heard about Kasey? Guess we’ll all find out together next week!

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2010, 11:10:18 AM »
Ali's Bachelorette Blog: Heartbreak in Tahiti

Each week, Ali Fedotowsky is sharing her thoughts about new episodes of The Bachelorette. “You’re going to see me get mad, cry, be happy, stressed out,” she says of her season. After visiting the families of the final four men and saying goodbye to Kirk last week, Ali writes in about her heartbreaking trip to Tahiti and the two “unbelievable” guys, Roberto and Chris, who are still on the show:

I want to start off by saying thank you so very much for all the wonderful comments on last week’s blog. I really enjoyed reading all of them.  Thank you SOPHIE C, PATTIE, MADDI, JENNIFER, MEGAN PA, KATIE, JON, ERIN, KATHY ROBERTS, JOHNETTE, ANDY, CHERYL RYAN, DENISE C, CHRISTINA, CELIA, EMILY, JANIS, KRISTEN ASHLEY, JUSTSOMETHINGBORROWED, KATHLEEN FLANAGAN, MICHELE, and many more!

Now let’s talk about these dates. We made it to Tahiti … finally! I cannot even tell you how long I have wanted to go to Tahiti. I am so very grateful for everything.

I was so glad my first date was with Roberto. He can make even the most ordinary place seem romantic, so I couldn’t even imagine how wonderful our time in Tahiti was going to be. I felt so bad for him though, because he was always sweating! Poor guy. You’ll notice that in one of his interviews he is holding a hand towel. He carried that thing around because he was so sweaty. It was super hot in Tahiti.

When Roberto and I flew over the heart shaped lagoon I could not believe how beautiful it was. I couldn’t help but giggle when I watched our date on TV because you’re literally shown about 60 seconds of me and Roberto making out. I swear we talked in between those moments. I said three or four words at least. Ha! Sometimes nothing needs to be said … you just know there is a connection. But in all seriousness, we did have some really great conversations on our date. Roberto is truly a wonderful man.

I could not wait to get some alone time with Roberto during our overnight date. Something really funny actually happened that night. It was about 4 a.m. (we were up all night talking) and all the power in our hut went out. We decided to stay in the hut anyway until the temperature climbed to about 100 degrees. We were dying of heat! So at 5 a.m., we snuck out of the fantasy suite and went back to my personal hut on the island. I remember trying to dodge the resort staff 007-style because we weren’t supposed to leave the room. Once we got to my room, Roberto was a little bit shocked to see how messy it was. Seriously, you could barely see the floor! Ha. My only excuse was that I threw everything around trying to find the perfect outfit for our date together.

My date with Chris was full of excitement. First of all, how cool was it that we found pearls? It was unbelievable. We also went fishing during our date. The fish count: Ali 2, Chris 0. I totally kicked his butt. First flip cup and now fishing. Time to step it up, Chris!  But Chris definitely wins in the swimming department. I am not a strong swimmer at all. In fact, I tend to sink like a rock. Chris was carrying me to shore because I honestly wouldn’t have made it otherwise. Once we got to shore, we cooked the fish we caught. I remember taking the machete we had and trying to filet the fish myself. I ended up cutting my finger and Chris took really good care of me.

It was so great when Chris opened up at dinner. I wasn’t expecting that from him. Since our relationship did develop a little bit slower, I thought maybe it would take awhile for him to open further. I was so glad that he could express himself in this setting. I also love that our date was both romantic and fun. We had sweet moments and were able to laugh and joke around, too. Chris is such a great guy.

At the end of the night, we got to do fire-dancing with Polynesian dancers that came over to our private island. When Chris first saw the fire dancers, he asked if he was going to have to wrestle someone again (like in Turkey). Ha! It was really funny. Leave it to Chris to make me laugh. 

Now onto the biggest shock of the season for me — Frank leaving. I don’t even know where to begin when trying to explain how I felt when this all went down. I guess I will start by saying that I did not expect it at all. Back in Iceland, I asked Frank about his ex girlfriends. I told him that I could sense that he was not over his ex, so I asked if he still had feeling for the ex that went to Paris with him. He told me that he did not have feelings for her anymore and we moved passed it. My instincts were dead on. I just didn’t have the right ex. I really wish that Frank had been more honest with me. This wasn’t the only time I gave him a chance to be honest. In Turkey, after Justin left, I went up to the guys’ suite, looked each of them in the eye and told them that if any of them had someone back home this was their chance to say something. I flat out asked everyone. Frank said nothing. If Frank has found love, then I really want to be happy for him. However, I have a hard time excusing what he did to me when I gave him so many chances to be honest.

I remember talking with the producers the night before my date with Frank. He and I were supposed to go sailing but something happened last minute with the boat and they had to plan a different activity. I was so upset because I wanted Frank to have an amazing date and didn’t want to take anything away from him. The producers and I were finally able to find another boat for Frank and I to go sailing on. Unfortunately, after all that work, it turned out that we didn’t really need it.

When I first saw Frank I thought maybe he was feeling unsure about the other guys again and that I had to reassure him again. Then I thought maybe something tragic happened and I was super worried for him. I quickly realized that Frank was leaving. I was heartbroken.

After Frank left, I felt defeated. Don’t get me wrong, I was very well aware that I had two unbelievable men left, but I couldn’t help but think that my journey as the Bachelorette wasn’t going to work out. This was not because I thought Frank was the guy for me, but because this was the second guy to leave the show for a girl back home. I remember thinking, “First Justin, now Frank. Who’s next? Can this really work for me?” In addition to that, I didn’t want the last two guys to think they were there by default. I think this was especially emotional for me because it has happened to me before in the past. A guy that I once really cared about left me for an ex.

In the end, Frank and I are both better off after what happened. I really cared for him and I always will.

I really loved the rose ceremony during this episode. It was so carefree and happy. No stress like all of the previous ceremonies. Chris Harrison was sweating so badly under his jacket during our talk before the ceremony. I remember joking with him about how it was payback since I had to wear a dress during the first rose ceremony when it was freezing outside. Speaking of Chris, I want to take a second to say how much I appreciate him. He was really there for me when I needed him this week and I really can’t thank him enough for that.

And finally, I just want to comment on how lucky I am to have Chris and Roberto left. I am truly blessed.

Until Bora Bora…

xo, –Ali Fedotowsky

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #53 on: July 21, 2010, 03:09:42 AM »
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
ABC Television Network


A Sneak Peek at the New, Sizzling Series, "Bachelor Pad," Will Also Be Showcased

"The Men Tell All" -- It's an explosive reunion viewers won't want to miss, as the most memorable bachelors from this season - including Kasey, Kirk, Craig R., Ty, Jonathan and Derrick "The Shooter" -- return to confront each other and Ali one last time on national television to dish the dirt and tell their side of the story. The men will discuss the difficulty of competing for Ali and focus on one of the most controversial bachelors of the season - Justin. Shocking revelations from Jessie, Justin's ex-girlfriend who surprises the group, confirm all the stories about the entertainment wrestler's passionate past. Exciting and funny unseen moments from one of the most dramatic "Bachelorette" seasons ever will also be featured, along with a special preview of the new series "Bachelor Pad," on "The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All," MONDAY, JULY 26 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Although one of the guys on everyone's lips this season - Justin - declined to be in the studio, that didn't stop the rest of the men from discussing his shocking exit from Turkey or from offering their opinions of this bachelor who had not one but two girlfriends back home in Canada. Kirk reveals new information that validates the shocking voicemail messages from Justin to his girlfriend Jessica.

Then a surprise guest enters - It's Jessie from Jake Pavelka's season, who tipped Ali to Justin's secret love life. She explains why she came forward, having confirmation that Justin and Jessica were in a committed relationship. She even saw the text messages between the couple.

A devastated Kirk takes the hot seat and explains how tough it was to be rejected by Ali and  also how he was understandably upset with Frank for "taking [his] place in Tahiti." He does credit Ali, however, for letting him see that he was now ready to find somebody to spend the rest of his life with.

Kasey, who went to extremes to win Ali's love, discusses his broken heart and his famed tattoo. He also has a surprise for Ali and stands firm that he was himself on the series, whether that scared the Bachelorette or whether he came on too strong.

Things heat up as the guys rip into one another. Jonathan explains why he thought Craig M. was dangerous. And the men make it known that they were unhappy with Frank's "selfish" behavior in regard to Ali and his girlfriend back home, Nicole.

It's the bachelors like you've never seen them before! The special also includes a sneak peek at the season finale and the final two bachelors, Chris L. and Roberto, vying for Ali's heart and the final rose.

Finally, we get a preview of the hot new show, "Bachelor Pad," which premieres on ABC, Monday, August 9 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET).

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #54 on: July 27, 2010, 09:58:00 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelorette': The Men Tells All

I really wasn’t sure just how good this “Men Tell All” episode was going to be, mostly because I worried the guys were too buddy-buddy to give us any solid content. Oh how I was wrong! We shot this episode in a new, much bigger studio than the one we usually use. That meant we could fit even more fans in to see the show, which really helped crank up the atmosphere and excitement. I love hosting shows in front of a live studio audience.

The sit-down interviews I did with Ali to start the show were a blast. These little post-game chats have become a tradition now, and I love doing them. We shoot them after the show has been wrapped, so everybody has had time to watch the show back and really reflect on what’s happened. Ali was obviously relaxed and in a good place, so it was fun to go back over everything that had happened. As for the scenes you didn’t get to see, well apparently Ali didn’t remember all of them, either. It was hysterical how she forgot the space-helmet bit. I loved that our producer Cassie had the footage up on her computer, and we just brought it into the interview. Ali and I were laughing our butts off on that one.

We’ll hear much more from Frank next week when he appears with me on the “After the Final Rose” special, but it was very interesting to hear what the guys thought of him. I agreed with Craig R when he said this situation was very different than the Rated R situation. I look forward to talking to Frank next week because, honestly, I have more questions than answers right now: How did he and Nicole leave it when they broke up? When exactly did they break up? And what was their relationship when he came on the show? And that’s just for starters. Again, we’ll get all those answers next week on the “AFR” special.

Kasey was a very good sport at the special. I found it funny how all the guys gave him such backhanded compliments. “Yeah, you’re completely crazy but I love ya.” The thing I really wanted to hear from Kasey was where all the “guard and protect your heart” stuff came from, because I knew it had something to do with his past. Kasey’s been hurt badly before and he really didn’t want to see that happen to Ali. Maybe he didn’t go about presenting it the right way, but to a certain extent, you have to respect his sincerity. As a non-tattoo guy, I still have to say I don’t get the tat! No amount of explanation convinces me that was a good idea. I loved when Kasey got up toward the end of the show and sang another song for Ali. He still can’t sing worth a damn, but I told him afterward if he had shown that kind of personality during the season, he probably would have stayed around longer.

The segment with Kirk was the toughest by far. I could tell he really had strong feelings for Ali and was still a little hurt and confused as to what went wrong. It was also interesting to hear his take on Frank. If anybody got screwed by Frank’s selfishness, it was Kirk. I was glad he was honest about his feelings, saying even though he likes Frank as a person, he’s a little pissed he took that extra time away from him and Ali. It probably wouldn’t have made a difference in the end, but you never know, and that’s what bothered Kirk.

I’m not sure I can say anything more about Justin that Craig R didn’t say himself. I will admit I was a bit surprised at just how much the guys dislike Justin as a person. I knew they didn’t respect what he did at all, but they really have a dislike for this guy. I wish you could’ve heard the uncensored version of this segment and heard everything that was said. It was brutal! I thought having Jessie on was good because it really opened up and explained in even more detail just how sinister this dude is and was on our show. It was really disgusting to learn about the two girlfriends that live just miles apart and hear about the text messages and lies.

Overall we had a lot of fun taping the show, and as usual the biggest hit with the guys and the audience was the blooper reel. As I’ve said before, this group is as tight a group of guys as we’ve ever had on this show, and that made it really entertaining to shoot.

Now the fun and games are over and next week is the season finale. I can’t wait for all of you to see exactly what went down in Bora Bora. We will have much to talk about next week. In the meantime, I have something for you to pass the time. The Bachelor video game is out for WII and Nintendo DS gaming systems. I got a copy of the game and had fun playing it with the family. Well, that is until my son got the final rose from Deanna and was asking me about the fantasy suite. That’s when I realized it’s not quite time to have that discussion yet. But seriously, the game is a lot of fun, especially if you’re a fan of the show. It will be perfect for those of you who get together in groups to watch our show. Yes, I’m there every step of the way to help you out.

Oh, one last thing, mark your calendars: Bachelor Pad premieres Aug 9th on ABC, and as you saw in the sneak peak that we aired during the show, it is incredible. I love that show, it’s a lot of fun, and I really think you’ll love it too.

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #55 on: July 27, 2010, 10:02:20 AM »
Ali's Bachelorette Blog: Facing the Guys at Men Tells All

Each week, Ali Fedotowsky is sharing her thoughts about new episodes of The Bachelorette. After getting heartbreaking news in Tahiti and then handing out roses to Roberto and Chris last week, Ali reflects on Justin, Frank and facing the eliminated guys on Monday’s Men Tell All:

Hi everyone! 

I want to start off by saying it was so great to see all the guys at the Men Tell All special. It is such a strange thing to say goodbye to someone on the show and then all of a sudden they are no longer a part of your life. Seeing everyone again made me feel so good. It validated that everything we had gone though together was real.

I’m glad that some of the guys realized that what Frank did was wrong and slightly selfish. That says a lot about my guys, because they are friends with Frank and it takes strength to call a friend out when they are wrong. In the end, I think we are all on the same page. Frank is a good guy who made some poor choices to stay on the show.

Watching what Kirk had to say during Men Tell All was really touching. After the guys leave during the show, I don’t really have time to reflect on how they must be feeling since I have to focus on the guys I have left. Therefore, it was hard to see how hurt Kirk felt after he left the show. I have so much respect for Kirk and I really hope he find an amazing woman to share his life with.

I am surprised that Justin didn’t show up. Honestly, I think this was his opportunity to finally explain himself after thinking about what happened. If I were Justin, I would have come to the Men Tell All in a spandex “Rated-R” suit and really played up the whole wrestler/villain thing. At the very least, that could have entertained us, plus given him what he always wanted — publicity. Ha ha ha! It was also interesting to hear Jessie talk about how everything came to her attention regarding the Justin thing. I never really knew how this all came about. Such a small world.

Some other random thoughts on the guys…

Kasey should make a CD! I’d buy it! Pure entertainment! Also, Kasey mentioned after the taping that he has a second tattoo. I didn’t dare ask where it was.

Chris N. talked so much! Who is that guy?! Ha ha. That was the funny, outgoing side of him that I never got to see. It is so great that he was able to express himself during Men Tell All.

In general, the Men Tell All was such a great night. I always knew I had a great group of guys, but seeing them all again just reaffirmed how great they really are.

And finally, can you believe that next week is the finale?!?! I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am that all of this is wrapping up. I know there have been a lot of questions out there about whether I am single or whether I am happily engaged. All those questions will finally be answered next week!

Until my future is finally revealed …

xo, Ali Fedotowsky

P.S. How funny was Jonathan‘s parody of Justin’s voicemails? I was cracking up when I watched that. Love Jonathan’s sense of humor.

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2010, 01:18:23 PM »
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
ABC Television Network



And Immediately Following the Season Finale, Both Chris L. and Roberto Join Ali
 to Look Back at the Dramatic Ending to Her Journey to Find Love,
on "The Bachelorette: After the Final Rose"

"Episode 610" - In this gripping special conclusion, Ali, who began her search for love with 25 bachelors, has survived a dramatic, rocky road and found herself falling in love with two wonderful men, Chris L. and Roberto. As she prepares to make one of the most difficult decisions of her life, she invites the two remaining bachelors to Bora Bora, Tahiti to meet her family. Then the men have one last chance to lay their hearts on the line, each trying to guarantee that he will be the one to get Ali's final rose. But Ali, who has risked everything for a second chance at love, has always feared that she might fall in love but not be loved back. When she finally lays it all on the line, will she find love or leave paradise with a broken heart, on the Season Finale of "The Bachelorette," MONDAY, AUGUST 2 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

With Ali's search for her soul mate over, she talks to Chris Harrison about her final three bachelors this season in "After the Final Rose" special. She'll take viewers back to exotic Tahiti when Frank dropped his bombshell announcement: He was in love with his ex-girlfriend and was breaking off his relationship with Ali. She will share how Frank's decision not only left her completely heartbroken, but questioning herself and what she was looking for in a man. Ali will discuss her different relationships with the final two men and the last minute, heart-wrenching decision which changed all of their lives forever. Both Chris L. and Roberto come back to sit with Ali and talk about the shocking outcome of the series. It's an emotional conclusion to Ali's heartfelt journey to find true love, on "The Bachelorette: After the Final Rose," MONDAY, AUGUST 2 (10:02-11:00 p.m., ET).

Ali's relationships with final two men evolved differently - with Roberto, it was hot and steamy from the start, and with Chris, it grew out of friendship. When Ali arrives In Bora Bora, she's in love with both men and ready to introduce them to her family.

A life-changing decision is quickly approaching, and Ali looks to her family for input on which incredible man they think would make the best match for her. When Roberto arrives bearing gifts, he makes a great impression. He has a heart-to-heart with Ali's mom, who says she's never seen her daughter so happy. After having a serious talk with Ali's dad to ask for her hand, Roberto is ready to get the entire group up to dance and have a good time.

When Ali's family find out that Chris L. is from their home state, he is an immediate hit. They're especially impressed with his devotion to his family, especially during difficult times. He, too, asks Ali's dad for her hand, and then the group has a great time laughing and splashing in the clear blue water. In the end, Ali's family offers glowing reviews about both men, and they encourage her to trust her heart and do whatever she feels is best for her in the end. Ali has to hope her last chance dates with these final to men will bring clarity to an impossible decision.

Ali's date with Roberto starts a fun day in the sun - jet skiing, swimming with stingrays and picnicking. However, with the sunset, their date turns more serious and Roberto takes this last chance to tell Ali exactly how he feels.

On another beautiful day in Bora Bora, the mood becomes emotional and Ali goes to her date with Chris L. with a new perspective. She meets the excited bachelor to start their fantastic day together, and their relationship takes a surprising turn.

From the very beginning of her journey, Ali has been open about her feelings, emotions and even her insecurities. For the first time ever, an unexpected turn of events leaves her risking it all for love. Ali has laid it all on the line and the end is here. But will she find the man of her dreams and get her happily ever after?

The two remaining men are:

Chris L., 33, landscaper from Cape Cod, MA
Roberto, 26, insurance agent from Charleston, SC

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2010, 02:23:18 AM »

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2010, 02:27:13 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelorette' season finale

I’m so happy this season is finally over and you’ve all seen how it really ended — and how beautiful that ending really was. There were more rumors, wild stories, and supposed leaks this year than ever before. I’ve wanted to tell all of you just how great this season really was, but didn’t want to give anything away and ruin the ending. Why anybody would ever want to destroy the ending of a show for you, I’ll never understand. Some people just have this need to tear down what others create.

I’ll be honest: Ali truly couldn’t have made a bad choice with her final two. Chris and Roberto are two of the finest men we’ve ever had on this show. Obviously in the end, Roberto was the right man for Ali. In true form this season, where rules are made to be broken, Ali took a bold step and let Chris go before their final date. I really respect Ali for doing this, and I know Chris does as well. Ali felt so much for Chris, respected him so much, that she didn’t want to lead him on any further when she was clearly one hundred percent in love with Roberto. While this was a respectful move, it was also a gamble. At this point, Ali was hoping for a proposal from Roberto, but she couldn’t be sure she would get one. This also changed things dramatically for the production. We not only lost a date that we would normally show you, but we also lost half of our proposal day. Like Ali, we never really know if there’s going to be a proposal until the bachelor gets down on one knee and pops the question. This is one reason I know this show is so compelling. When we’re taping that final day, we’re glued to our TV monitors just like you, waiting to see what happens.

When Roberto got down on one knee and proposed to Ali, we all went nuts just like you and your friends probably did. I know Roberto looked a little hot and sweaty, but he had good reason. First of all, he was about to propose and that’s enough reason to make any man sweat. What’s more, Roberto arrived by boat, and while trying to jump to me on shore, he missed and went ankle deep into the ocean in his tux. We then had to climb straight up a mountain to get to Ali — scaling about 100 stairs in ninety-degree heat and ninety percent humidity. The climb was obviously well worth it considering the view from the top of that mountain overlooking all of Bora Bora.

I have to admit I rather enjoyed not having a second guy in the mix for that final day. It meant that the day was going to be nothing but positive. I always hate that awkward meeting with the person who isn’t going to be chosen. By this point in the season, I know them very well and hate that they’re about to be hurt. So this time it was all good as Roberto was the only guy left, and I knew his feelings for Ali and vice versa. The only question remaining was whether there would be a proposal. It was a beautiful proposal, and I know these two truly love each other. I’ve seen Ali on several occasions and spent time with the two of them on the “After the Final Rose” set. They are incredibly happy and looking forward to moving in together and starting their new life together.

Speaking of the AFR special, I want to talk about Frank and his non-appearance. Last week in this blog, I talked about looking forward to speaking to Frank. We intentionally kept Frank off the “Men Tell All” episode so we could do a more in-depth interview on AFR. I was incredibly disappointed to find out he decided on his own not to show up. I find myself and many others constantly having to apologize for and defend Frank. I can’t do that for him on this one. He could have very easily shown up to face Ali, step up, and own what he did. I hear he and Nicole are doing well, and I wish them all the happiness in the world. All the more reason he should have shown up and just owned what he had done and how he feels. I don’t think anybody can blame the guy for not loving Ali and falling back in love with another woman. The heart wants what it wants. But the true measure of a man is how you handle it.

Next Monday night I hope you’ll join me for our new show Bachelor Pad. It’s everything a Bachelor fan could ever want and a little more. It’s fun, sexy, don’t-think-too-hard summer TV at its best. Sit back and enjoy! I want to put a bow on this season of the Bachelorette by thanking you, our fans, for once again making this franchise a huge success. And I want to say congratulations to Ali and Roberto: I wish you two all the best in your new life together.

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #59 on: August 03, 2010, 10:40:10 AM »
Ali's Bachelorette Blog: All About My Search for Love

Each week, Ali Fedotowsky has shared her thoughts about her search for love on The Bachelorette. After getting heartbreaking news in Tahiti and then handing out roses to Roberto and Chris two weeks ago, Ali made her big decision on Monday’s episode. In her final blog post, Ali reflects on her journey, Chris, Roberto and her future. Warning: Spoilers ahead!

I want to start off by saying thank you. This whole experience has been unbelievable and I am so grateful for all the support I have received from all of you. Now that the show has finished, I promise to keep in touch with all of you on my Facebook and Twitter pages. I actually can’t wait to respond to everyone! It’s fun sharing this wonderful experience with others. 

Honestly, all week I have been thinking about what I should write in this blog. How could I possibly put into words how I was feeling during this episode?! After much thought, I decided to call on the one person I knew could help me — Roberto. When I asked him, he said, “Start from the beginning. Tell our love story.” So that’s exactly what I am going to do!  Instead of just giving you my thoughts on the finale, I am going to start at the beginning. I won’t be able to share everything, but I just want to share little things that made me fall in love with him along the way. But before I do that, let me say a few last things about another wonderful man — Chris.

Chris is one of the most wonderful men I have ever known. He handles himself in such a way that you can’t help but be drawn to him. My family absolutely loved him, and they really loved that he was from Massachusetts. In fact, they pretty much loved everything about Chris! We all agreed that he is super fun and a guy that would make a great life partner, but in the end, I had to say goodbye to Chris. As hard at it was, I knew it was the right thing to do. My heart was with Roberto and I knew nothing could change that. I know Chris will find an incredible woman to share his life with. I wish him all the happiness in the world!

I want to take a moment to say that I do not discount any of the other relationships I had along the way. I needed to go through this experience and explore each relationship to its fullest to really figure out what guy was right for me. I value and cherish each relationship that I had along the way and cannot thank all of the guys enough for being there for me. I had special moments with each guy throughout this journey that you may have not seen; however, now is the time for me to tell you about those moments with Roberto. 

Now I finally have my chance to tell my love story with Roberto. Yay! The very first night that he stepped out of the limo, I felt this unbelievable connection. When I sat down with my producer Cassie to decide who I wanted to give the first impression rose to, I told her that I had to give it to Roberto because I felt in my heart that he was the one for me. It is so funny to think back to that night now and to remember how strong our connection was. I couldn’t explain it at the time, but now I know it couldn’t have been anything other than love at first sight. Chris’s dad actually told me that when his wife first saw him she said, “That is the man I am going to marry.” I had a similar experience with Roberto. Such a blessing!

As you remember, I did not have a date with Roberto the first week. I wanted to SO badly, but I knew that I was going to keep Roberto around for a long time; therefore, I knew that I could wait. I’m so glad I was patient because our first date the following week was perfect.

After the rose ceremonies, I would often wait in the hallway area for my ride home. One time, I fell asleep for a moment on the steps while waiting, and Roberto came down to kiss me on the forehead and say goodnight before I was brought back home. I’ll never forget that. Also, every time I saw Roberto he told me a Spanish word of the day. Some of the words were: incredible, adventure, smile, strength, adorable, dedicated and love. I will leave it to Roberto to translate. I’m still learning! Actually, since the show finished, I went out and bought Rosetta Stone so I can learn Spanish. Spanish is a huge part of Roberto’s life so it is really important to me that learn to speak it.  Check in with me in six months and ask me how I’m doing!

Lion King was another one of those unforgettable experiences for us. I truly belie that I could not have done that with any of the other guys. Roberto’s calm confidence helped me get through it.

You didn’t get to see much of us in Iceland. Our time at the Blue Lagoon was unbelievably romantic. I saved a special cave within the Lagoon for our one-on-one time, and things certainly got steamy in there!

Our relationship continued to grow in Turkey and Portugal. I especially remember not wanting to leave him after our date in Lisbon. Dancing in the street with Roberto seems like something you only see in the movies; however, that is life for us! Since the show has ended, we have had secret rendezvous together. During those visits, Roberto will spin me around in the living room and just start dancing with me. He is every bit as romantic at home as he was in Lisbon. I cherish that about him.

I was by far the most nervous visiting Roberto’s family, just because I really wanted to make a good impression. Roberto’s parents have such a lovely marriage. We will truly be lucky if our relationship is as successful as theirs. You didn’t see much of his brother Pete, his brother’s fiancée Christen, and his sitter Olga; however, they are all just as sweet and caring as Roberto. I am really lucky that I get to be a part of his family. They are wonderful!

Now onto Tahiti! During dinner in Le Taha’a, Roberto and I really wanted to be close to each other. I actually have a picture of us kissing while the audio crew was putting our microphones on us. I’ll have to post it to my Facebook Fan Page sometime so you can see it. It’s so cute! We really couldn’t keep our hands off each other! As I noted in my blog two weeks ago, Roberto and I had some funny experiences during our overnight date. Besides that, we stayed up all night talking. I remember not wanting the night to end. I just kept my iPod on repeat and listened to some of my favorite love songs with him all night. One song that I loved in particular was “Halo” by Beyoncé. I remember listening to that song while watching him sleep and thinking, “I have finally found my angel.”

My family absolutely adores Roberto. I love that when my dad gave him permission to propose to me he said, “I don’t see a problem with that.” Ha ha ha. That is classic Daddy Fedotowsky. He cracks me up. That was his way of trying to hide his excitement. My mom told me that during Roberto’s visit she was watching him talk to my sister and brother outside and it brought her to tears because she felt in her heart that she was looking at her future son-in-law. A mother’s intuition is never wrong.  I actually think we should do a poll after watching the finale. Instead of asking, “Who will Ali choose?” let’s ask, “Whose family is better at salsa? Ali’s family or Roberto’s family?” Tough choice I know. Ha ha.

I was positive my feelings for Roberto were unbreakable once we had our final date. It was perfect. We experienced some thrills (jet skiing and sting rays) and a lot of romance (how amazing with the rain?!?!). The reason I didn’t tell Roberto that I loved him back at the end of our date is because I hadn’t said goodbye to Chris yet, and I felt it wasn’t right for me to tell Roberto I loved him when I couldn’t give him my whole heart yet. However, in time, I was able to tell him exactly how I felt. His proposal to me is the most beautiful thing I could possibly imagine. I actually remember saying to a friend that if I was proposed to on the show it would just be a temporary proposal, and that I would want the guy to propose again out in the “real world.” Wow, do I feel differently now. Roberto’s proposal couldn’t have been more real or special. I wouldn’t ever want anything other than exactly how he asked me. Every word he said came from his heart, and I feel so blessed that he said those words to me. After Roberto and I saw the proposal for the first time at the After the Final Rose taping, we went home and watched it about 10 more times that night. After re-watching it so many times, we promised each other that whenever we get in a fight, we are going to pop the finale in the DVD player and remember that moment. So glad we have that on film. 

And finally, I realize that many of you are skeptical of relationships that come out of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette experience, and I am not asking you to feel any different about what I have found. But what I do want to say is this: I have found a love that is stronger than I ever thought was possible. Since the show finished filming, I have fallen even more in love with Roberto. Will we last the test of time? I cannot answer that for you. All I can say is that we will work on our relationship every day, and no matter what we do in our lives, we will always make our relationship our first priority. Roberto is the strongest man I have ever known, and I want spend every day of my life striving to be the best woman I can be for him. I have faith in our relationship. I love him. I cherish him. I am so very thankful to have found him.

Until … the wedding! 


Ali Fedotowsky

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2010, 12:39:25 PM »
Ali & Roberto on Live with Regis & Kelly

credit to bachfix

Offline LauraJ

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2010, 04:17:29 PM »
:noway:  :ythat:  :nopoints
I think the show totally sucks and Ali is a FMoron!

Offline LauraJ

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Re: The Bachelorette....sixth edition
« Reply #62 on: August 18, 2010, 05:07:56 PM »
Ali & Roberto on Live with Regis & Kelly

credit to bachfix

I feel nauseous! :eww