Author Topic: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10  (Read 90771 times)

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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #175 on: August 13, 2010, 12:14:06 PM »
enzo I think he is leaning towards you matt and ragan

enzo he is thinking that ragan and britney go up and if one comes off then you go up

matt yeah but there is no hope of kathy

enzo no
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #176 on: August 13, 2010, 12:15:04 PM »
enzo he is wanting you and ragan or ragan and brit but he wants to keep lane because he is the saboteur

matt why would he want to keep the sab

enzo (inaudible)
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #177 on: August 13, 2010, 12:16:10 PM »
enzo brittany and ragan they are fng pussies so what are we keeping them in the house for

matt doesnt reply

hayden farts and enzo says nice one

FF to ragan heading to hoh
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #178 on: August 13, 2010, 12:19:49 PM »

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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #179 on: August 13, 2010, 12:21:59 PM »
ragan we have to have a conversation

brendon definitely and I apologizr for making personal attacks but watching rachael be upset it was hard for me

ragan I wanna discuss 2 things with you now and the 1st is how our friendship has fallen apart and 2 where do we go from here

ragan I dont tell people I am gonna do something and not do it and clearly I was on team B&R from the begininning

ragan n week 3 I said to matt I want get off the surfboard unless B%R are not going up and I still wanted to win hoh but the 1st thing that made me upset is when matt put up kathy and andrew and we were going into the pocv I was rooting for the 2 of you to win and everybody else was rooting against you and I felt like I was the only one who had you and rachaels best interest at heart and then you started campaigning for andrew to stay that told me that (feeds froze)

ragan I thought it was unfair and that was the first thing that made me mad and then rachael had the meltdown during her 2nd hoh and everyvody knew we were friends I was trying to tell her is that what she was doing was killing her game and after the melt down it was impossible for anyone not to put the 2 of you up and everybody in the house wanted you 2 up
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #180 on: August 13, 2010, 12:22:19 PM »
Ragan is talking to brendon and brendon is staying calm.  Ragan is going over why his attitude changed about Rachel after her 2nd HOH.

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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #181 on: August 13, 2010, 12:28:07 PM »
ragan the next hoh competition the house was saying whoever wins is gonna put B&R up

Ragan the only way the 2 of you werent gonna go up was if I won or you won and it was a complete mind F**K and I went into the DR ...WBRB

ragan I tried to tell rachael that this is not a season of alliances it is friends with groups of 2 and 3 with overlapping friends
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #182 on: August 13, 2010, 12:29:57 PM »
ragan me and matt are close and he is super close with enzo lane and hayden and lane and britney are friends but lane is super close with enzo matt and hayden you and rachael were super close and so the house with interlocking friendships we would have to put you or put a house target on whoever won and didnt put you up
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #183 on: August 13, 2010, 12:30:21 PM »
Brendon explains that Rachel was upset about the POV with hayden and kristen was that she wasn't sure what Britney would do and Kristen was close to winning it.

Ragan talking about this being the season of friendships and overlapping friendships.  rAgan saying he couldn't win the surfboard HOH because everyone wanted B and R up.

Ragan now talking about the paintcan and again was going to have to  put B and R up.  He knew the deal with Matt and that Matt said no.

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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #184 on: August 13, 2010, 12:31:46 PM »
ragan there was nothing I could do to change matts mind

brendon it was whatever and I knew eventually matt was gonna target us

ragan matt is the reason one of you didnt go home week 3 and when he makes a deal he stands by it

brendon yeah yeah

ragan rachael kept saying me and matt was in an alliance and it was ****ty for her to do cause we are friends and that is it
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #185 on: August 13, 2010, 12:34:23 PM »
brendon I am not taking anytinh persoally but first the andrew thing I dont know what was going on with him

ragan another thing that made me think that you 2 have a deal and you cut me out of I told andrew I hadnt made up my mind and when the conversation started to turn I told him I didnt agree with him putting you and rachael up if he stayed and won
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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #186 on: August 13, 2010, 12:37:11 PM »
Ragan Matt and I have never said we are in an alliance or going to final 2

Matt yeah

Ragan Rachel kept saying we were in an alliance and I got the impression that both of you thought that I was in Matt's ear telling him to put you guys up.  This was not a group decision and if it was it was a house decision you were going up.  

Brendon said that he is not taking anything personal.  

Ragan brings up a convo with Andrew and that he would like to see Andrew stay and I didn't agree with things Andrew was saying about going after  you and putting you on slop and Andrew kept saying you haven't talked to Brendon

Brendon oh wow.  He is a confusing person.  I didn't quite buy it that Andrew was against us.  He was saying things to keep himself here.

Ragan I got it that yall you were to work together and make it seem like you weren't.  That is what Rachel and I had been doing.  My problem was that I was working iwht you and I went out on a limb to keep you and I was cut out of things.

ragan I have a long emotional history

Brendon apologizes for putting him as have not

Ragan I will be a mess

Brendon you can come up here when you need to

Brendon I was doing things for you to hate me


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #187 on: August 13, 2010, 12:44:18 PM »
Ragan is explaining that he was upset with Rachel becasue he cried to her about his past history of bullying and then they bullied him.  He felt like he is guilty of the friends he has made in the house like Kristen.  He couldn't believe that Brendon attacked him.  Ragan I wasn't attacking her.

Brendon afterwards I realized that Matt wasn't saying anything.  I was wrong. 

Ragan then you went out there and told everyone that we were bullying Rachel and we weren't I felt like it was a slap in the face.

Ragan now about the hammock conversation. I was giving time and waiting to have a talk with her.  I was being self aware.  It was not the time to have the convo with me.  That was how it started.  Where things went off were my version of events vs. hers.  You can say what you say about me but I call it like I see it.  There was night she asked for a convo and I told her not right now.  Then her tells Brendon about the crazy laugh Rachel did to him at the kitchen table.  Then she went outside and said I didn't  have to say anything to him.  She said that didn't happen.  I didn't get it.  I can talk to someone and through my problems if we can agree on a common reality.  But that was not the case.  We weren't raising voices and I asked if I could hold her hand and she got up and left and was upseet.  Then you came at me. That was you defending RAchel/

Brendon that was personal and I was hurting my chances to stay here.  I felt like she deserves it more and I am iin love iwht her.  I am sorry for all the personal stuff.  I am going to apologize to Britney also.  Especially about the POV.  That was me wanting to be sent home.


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #188 on: August 13, 2010, 12:47:05 PM »
Ragan accepts his apology.

Brendon I am sorry for making you feel that way especially with what you have been through.

Ragan that's past now let's talk future.  You are going to do what you have to do and the game has changed since you are playing as an individual and that would have happened also with RAchel.  Here's my pitch

Brendon let's go

Ragan I think you are an intelligent person and you can sense and predict what is going ot happen at the next hOH despite waht people are saying.  It has been the sentiment since week 1.  Be observant and know what is real and what is fiction.

Brendon is the sentiment Rachel is gone and I am next

Ragan overwhelmingly


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #189 on: August 13, 2010, 12:55:13 PM »
Ragan so you need to think about each person and what will they do if they win HOH next week despite what htey are telling  you.

Ragan I realize with the week we had I am not sititng pretty at all and I think what I have on my side and Matt's, but we are playing as indviduals.  I think that your probably aware that will tell you what you want to hear

Brendon absolutely

Ragan then cut your throat next week.  I am not one of those people

Brenodn I believe you you were the more genuine.  Your problem is your emotions get the best of you.  It is hard for you to say things without meaning it and it speaks volume.  There will be people who will try to be genuine and it is hard for me because I want to give pepole the benefit of the doubt.  That makes me want to trust you more.  I do apologize most of it was spur of the moment.  If I give you my word I give you my word.  I think we are a ways out of the game ot have to stab each other in the back.  But hwen it is final 4 tha is different.

Ragan I can promise you right now in this game. If you don't make real deals. I am not talking BS deals.

Brendon I got ya

Ragan if you don't make real deals and win POV next week you will go home

Brendon yeah

Ragan I wanted to talk to you early and think about the game and I am not thinking of myself sitting pretty and I did help you when it wasn't popular and there is no one else that can say that especially in regards to you.

Brendon def.

Ragan I never lied to you this week.  You will have convos with people who can't say that for a fact.

Ragan talking about his break down being a combo

Brendon afterwards I thought I shouldn't have made Ragan one

Brendon I was pissed off

Ragan I get it

Ragan the game really said something to me about the game being interactual and how I didn't know the difference at times of the front and back of the rope and that is what I was unpakcing in my mind.  When we play this game there are decisions we have to make in this game that are going to moves us forward or get us tangled and you have to make decisions that will move you forward. I am open to working an dmaking deals.

Brendon yes

Ragan and you know where I stand

Brendon things change her

Brendon I can see the forest through the trees


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #190 on: August 13, 2010, 01:00:24 PM »
Ragan the last thing I want to go home is Britney and Matt, but if one of them goes home then I only have 1 person here and no one else has my back and that puts us in a similiar boat. This game is crazy

Brendon did you think we would make it this far

Ragan no

Ragan if I go up against Britney I go home. If I go up against Matt I go home.

now talking about the house voting as a house vote

Ragan what determines the vote is that there are a cluster of votes

Ragan Enzo makes his decision based on what Lane does and Lane and Brit make a decision together and then rest follow suit

Ragan there was one person last week saying why not get rid of brendon

Ragan yeah

Ragan lets see if you can guess who to see how you read people

Ragan this is not in my best interest

Ragan Enzo to where a number o fpeople were like what is Enzo thinking.  he kept saying it.

Ragan think about moving foward in this game

Ragan I adore Enzo but we not alligned in this game that is a bit of info for you


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #191 on: August 13, 2010, 01:01:35 PM »
Brendon appreciates Ragan coming to talk to him and he knows it was hard for him to do.

They hug and Ragan goes to DR


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #192 on: August 13, 2010, 01:04:10 PM »
Matt I am a character of incomprehensible behavior but one thing is not a bitcher (in reference to eating slop)

Brendon yeah you are......................not the incomprehensible behavior.......but not bitching about things


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #193 on: August 13, 2010, 01:06:46 PM »
Enzo and Hayden are going to tell Brendon to put up Britney and Ragan

Enzo what if he says Ragan and Britney has been talking ****

Hayden I will be like yo who has hung out with you the whole time and supported you

Enzo and Hayden are going to say that they didn't know until the last min. on how to vote and not to worry about it

They are laughing about it


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #194 on: August 13, 2010, 01:11:07 PM »
Enzo and Hayden talking about Lane hanging with Britney on the hammock for an hour.

hayden who can you say 100% has your back

Enzo Brendon because he has know one

Enzo I'd like to test them because I think they will put one of us up and if Brendon wins the POV next week we are ****ed

Hayden next week we have to put mattie up wiht Ragan and if Ragan wins POV we back door pOV and if doesn't win POV we put Ragan and Kathy up and Ragan goes home.

Enzo I want Britney and Ragan gone and then Brendon.

Enzo we need to string along brendon and let them worry about getting him out


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #195 on: August 13, 2010, 01:15:35 PM »
Hayden and Enzo saying Ragan has to go before final 6 otherwise he will come after them.

Enzo we need to sit the brigade down and say we understand we have side alliance but we are together as one alliance and that they will just go after each other's side alliance

Hayden don't be jealous because our side alliance is better.

Mattie had told Enzo that Brendon is the biggest threat in the house so it is not a good side alliance.


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #196 on: August 13, 2010, 01:16:53 PM »


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #197 on: August 13, 2010, 01:18:37 PM »
Matt's going to brush his teeth and then he and Brendon are going to talk


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #198 on: August 13, 2010, 01:19:23 PM »
Britney out back in the hammock


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Re: BB12 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/13/10
« Reply #199 on: August 13, 2010, 01:20:41 PM »