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Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« on: April 30, 2004, 05:23:13 PM »
Surviving the All-Stars, Episode 13: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, MY FISH!
As relatives come for a visit, is paranoia running the camp? Can Shii Ann use it to her advantage to act as a swing vote and stick around another week? Or will the ex-Chaperans stick together despite any internal bickering and wishes that Jenna would just shut the hell up?
So here we are again. Last week, I was absolutely certain that Shii Ann would be leaving. Lo and behold, she stuck around through sheer willpower as she won immunity in what we have dubbed a Reality TV Hall of Fame Moment. Can she do it again? Well, as much as it pains me to do it for the second week in a row, I have to bet against her. I’m hoping she can pull something out, but it’s got to be another immunity. Despite her best efforts, the alliance has not cracked and people have not turned on Rob. So if she doesn’t win immunity, she’s gone. Let’s find out if I’m right.

Day 31. Birds are singing, it’s actually a nice day. Shii Ann says it’s the first beautiful day on Chaboga Mogo, but it doesn’t really help her spirits. She realizes that she has few friends – she’s stuck with five other people who don’t trust her or even like her. It’s very alienating and really unpleasant.

Speaking of unpleasant, we see Jenna being bitchy about something or other dealing with their food. Shii Ann says privately that she’s tired of Jenna and can’t stand her. She’s a bitch, and she’s bossier than anybody else. She just wants to strangle Jenna. I say go for it!

Rupert comes back from the sea with a bunch of fish, but he talks about the big ones that got away. However, he notices that when he came out of the ocean, nobody wanted to help clean fish, but all of them want to eat the fish. So he decides to only clean and cook one. If somebody asks which fish is theirs, he’ll tell them it’s the one they caught and cleaned.

Jenna isn’t happy with this turn of events and whines privately that Rupert can get fish because he’s a big strong man. But at her 120 pounds, the tides would crush her against the rocks. Oh, I think she should try! If she’s right, I’ll apologize to whatever’s left of her. Oh, come on. Please?

In addition to complaining to us, as Rupert’s alliance partner she also pulls him aside and whines to him. She says it’s a slap in the face. The next time she’s hungry, should she only cook one plantain for herself? He says they could have done their own fish cleaning. But she says she’s not talking for everyone else (I don’t know about that – she does enough talking to cover everyone else). He privately says she had nerve to bitch at him. She’s getting to be a pain in the ass and he’s very sorry he’s in an alliance with her! But still, Rupert comes back and talks to tribe about the fish. Shii Ann says he should eat all the fish – he doesn’t have to share with them at all. It’s a good try to break ‘em apart, though it doesn’t appear to go anywhere. However, she thinks the tribal dynamics are changing and tells those of us watching not to count her out yet, because the Shii Devil has some tricks up her sleeve. Personally, I hope the trick she has up her sleeve is winning immunity!

But before we can worry about that, it’s a reward challenge. The final six arrive and sit on two benches. It looks like American Idol’s results night before Ryan Seacrest splits them into groups. Anyway, host Jeff Probst says this time, he will show them their reward before telling them about the challenge. So here they come, beginning with Amber’s mom, Sheryl. Amber is allowed to run down and give her a hug as they both she tears.

Next up is Rob’s brother, Mike. Hugs and smiles from them, even a kiss. Awww. Then we have Shii Ann’s mom, Lily. Hugs and crying. Shii Ann even turns and introduces her mom to the others – how sweet!

Tom’s son Bo is next, and it truly is scary how much they are alike. Then they bring out Jenna’s brother John. Jenna asks about her daughters and John assures her that everybody is doing great.

And finally, we have Rupert’s wife, Laura. They share a huge hug and lots of tears. They suck face for so long that Probst has to give him a “Whoa!” and tell them to break it up!

So what’s the challenge? Probst says they have a menu of indigenous food items from the places they’ve played Survivor. Each round will feature a different item, and each round will lose one person – the slowest to eat the item. The winner gets an overnight with a loved one. Oh, and the Survivors aren’t eating – the loved ones are! Shii Ann looks over and says with concern, “Oh, Mommy…”

The first item is a fish head for everyone. Probst says they are popular in Malaysia. Remind me never to visit Malaysia. The last person to finish it is out. Shii Ann’s mom looks skeptically at it and then they’re off. John stuffs it right in. Shii Ann’s mom is not moving quite as fast. John is done first but Lily is second! Bo is next, then Laura. Rob talks his brother through it: “3, 2, 1 swallow it.” And he does. Sheryl is gone, and there are no hugs goodbye allowed, so she blows kisses.

Next up we have flying cockroaches from Panama. Yum! Lily doesn’t look happy. John and Bo get it down quickly. Laura and Mike are next. That means Lily is out. Shii Ann says it’s okay, that Mom doesn’t want to live there anyway, it’s horrible.

The third item is fafaru, which Probst describes as the worst smelling stuff in the world. Rob tells Mike not smell it – and he should know, because they had to eat the stuff on Marquesas. For those who don’t remember, it’s basically fish that marinated in seawater for three days. Blech. And they have to eat it the way the contestants did on Marquesas, with their hands behind their back. They start and Laura is about to throw it up. Bob somehow manages to get it down. John is about to blow chunks, but he finishes done. Mike is having trouble. He shows his open mouth to Probst, but he has one last bit on his tongue. He swallows that down and Laura just can’t make it.

Next up we have tarantulas from Thailand. Probst assures us that they are cooked, so they are not harmful. Oh well, in that case, bring ‘em on! Bob digs right in. John takes a drink of water. Wait! He can’t do that! Probst stops him but he says Probst had said they could take a drink. But Probst says no, he said he could drink AFTER they show an empty mouth. John is not happy, but he is gone.

That brings us to the final delicacy. It’s a live grub from Australia. And faster than you can say, “Go!” Bo swallows it down in record time. It’s probably still alive in his stomach! Everybody is shocked at how fast he gulped it down, but he says if he got this far, he might as well go all out.

Big Tom comes off the bench to be with his son and they do a little dance. Like I said, it’s scary how similar they are. They will be going to an upgraded camp Chapera. But what’s good for two is better for four, so Tom has to choose one other Survivor to bring their loved one back and join him on the reward. Jenna encourages Tom to pick Rupert, but Tom picks Rob instead. It’s a smart game move. Will it help him? I doubt it. But it’s worth a try.

They arrive at camp to find pizza and beer waiting for them. Rob says it’s the best thing he’s tasted in the last 31 days. Well, Amber isn’t going to be happy to hear that! Ahem. They toast to friends and family. Tom privately says he didn’t pick Rupert because he couldn’t stand to see him slobber all over his wife.

They talk a bit about what the others are probably doing. The two notable ones are that Jenna is probably running her mouth and Shii Ann is trying to make an alliance with a bush because she’s tried everyone else. Heh.

By evening, there are a lot of empty beer bottles. Bo and Mike are on the Chapera swing while singing, “Swing low, sweet chariot.” Rob says they partied hard all night, and it’s what he needed to get to the end and finish the game.

Rob and Mike take a walk so each can have some private time with their relative, and both of them talk strategy. Tom tells Bo that the key to everything is Rob keeping his alliance with him. Meanwhile, Rob tells Mike about how he has an alliance with Amber first and foremost. Tom says he’s gotta get Rob to keep him. Rob laughs as he tells Mike about how he asked Lex to keep Amber, and “the dumbass” actually did it.

Tom talks more about how he hopes Rob will keep him, and Bo assures him he will. Tom even thinks he and Rob can get first and second. Only if you kiss as well as Amber, Tom… Speaking of which, Rob says he’s banking on Amber being solid – he can guarantee it. Tom, though, he doesn’t trust as far as he can throw him.

All four arrive back at camp the next day. Rupert decides to put all of ‘em to work getting wood and stuff. Tom says Bo been on a farm all his life, so he knows what work is. Rob and Mike, however, didn’t do diddly squat, according to Tom.

Next, Tom encourages Rupert to take Bo spear fishing. Rupert wasn’t going to give Bo a spear, as he likes to protect them even though he doesn’t talk about it. But Tom gives him one. Rupert sees that Bo is not the greatest swimmer and he uses the spear to propel himself rather than fish. Next thing Rupert knows, he looks over and Bo’s spear tip is gone. He admits he had a flashback to when Shawn lost the tip in Pearl Islands. However, Rupert doesn’t go off on Bo the way he did on Shawn. He says he’s not worried about it because has his spear. Rob says Big Tom is pretty dumb, but Bo is really out there too. Nice.

It’s time for the loved ones to leave. Mike says it was a dream to come out and see his “brotha.” He tells Rob to trust no one. Bo says the pressure is on and Tom needs to do some things. But his old man will fight to the end – he ain’t gotta worry about him.

Day 33. Treemail arrives in the form of a pail with a hole in it and a note. They will have to build a fire and do some running. The first with flame in sky will be safe. Shii Ann says she knows if don’t win, she may be next to go. May be?!

They arrive at the immunity challenge. Probst says this will test their ability to make fire quickly and keep it going. They have two buckets on either end of a big see saw like contraption. One is to build fire, the other is to fill with water. As they fill the water one, the fire bucket will lift. The first one to raise it up such that the fire ignites the fuse wins. But the water bucket has a hole in it, so they’ll have to quick about it. Plus, they’ll have to keep an eye on their fires, and they only have a limited number of matches.

And they’re off! They run to get sticks and straw, and Rupert quickly has a fire going. Shii Ann is taking her time, but Rupert is already getting water. Tom has fire, as does Rob. And then Jenna gets fire. Shii Ann is working up a good fire, trying to get something that will last. Amber is still working on it.

Rob’s bucket is moving and the fire bucket is up! But wait – his fire is not strong enough to light the fuse. So he has to wait for it to fall and do it over again because the fire went out!

Rupert and Tom go back to their fires and they are out as well. Even Shii Ann’s fire goes out. So they are all even again as Probst says the wind is playing a role.

But Rob is down to his last match. He can’t get a fire started with it and he’s out, slamming his hands down on the sticks in anger. Amber is out too, as is Rupert. Tom has another flame going, but Jenna is out. Tom and Shii Ann are the only ones left. Shii Ann asks where the fire gods are when you need them, but Tom is getting water again. Shii Ann has a fire going, but still isn’t getting water. She’s working on making sure her fire is strong. But meanwhile, Tom gets his bucket up. And… it lights the fuse! Tom wins!

Shii Ann’s apparent plan was a good one. Everybody else went out by moving too quick. She was already behind Tom, so by working on her fire, she had to hope his would go out. Alas, it didn’t work that way…

Back at camp, Tom does a victory dance. Good thing Alicia isn’t there, or she’d whine that he was gloating.

Time for some deal-making – or at least some attempts. Shii Ann says anybody who wants to be in the power position needs to use her as a swing vote. Tom tells Shii Ann that he wants Jenna gone. Shii Ann says Tom should do it, but he says he’s no hero. The two of them together are not enough votes. Privately, Tom notes that he wants Jenna out so Rob and Amber don’t pull her into the Final 3 instead of him.

Next, Shii Ann tells Rupert that Tom wants Jenna out and Rupert notes that Tom hates Jenna. He says he doesn’t care who goes as long as it’s not him. Sounds like he learned a bit from Sandra in Pearl Islands. Rupert says if there is a chance to do it, he’ll do it. OK, so that’s three. Still not enough. Shii Ann needs to pull Amber or Rob over to her side. Yeah, good luck there.

Shii Ann says that each of them is planning to stab the others in the back. Well, that kind of goes without saying, since only one of them can win. She tells Amber about Tom wanting Jenna out. Amber says she will entertain the idea, but it doesn’t sound promising. Jenna comes over to the two of them and suddenly the discussion changes to what Shii Ann will eat when she’s voted out. Privately, Jenna says she’s very angry with Shii Ann. When Shii Ann talks, Jenna feels like putting gun in her mouth. As I said at the end of last week’s recap – Shii Ann wants to strangle Jenna; Jenna wants to shoot herself. It sounds like a win-win scenario!

Next, Shii Ann talks to Rob about getting Jenna out, thus breaking the Rupert/Jenna connection. Rob says he made a deal (as if that would stop him), so it doesn’t exactly sound like he’s looking to break this particular one right now. Shii Ann says she’s got to go all the way fighting. She drops a veiled threat on Rob, saying that all she knows about the tribe will come out at Tribal Council. Somehow, I doubt Rob is going to respond well to threats.

And so we head to Tribal Council. The jury comes in, and – not surprisingly – Alicia does notlook happy. The first question is for Jenna, about who is working hard at camp. She says Rupert works by catching fish and getting wood, along with Tom. She is the only one getting plantains. So what is Amber doing? Jenna says Amber helps make the plantains and gets water and cooks. What about Rob? Jenna says he tries to fish, but the majority of the work is done by Rupert and Tom.

Probst asks Rob if he agrees with that and he admits that he hasn’t been as productive in fishing. He claims to have tried to fish as much as Rupert, though. Hmmm. The only time we saw Rob fish was when he wanted to show up Rupert. Now it seems that he has tried again since then, and not done nearly as good a job. Too bad we didn’t see that side of things rather than just the cocky Rob side.

Anyway, Probst moves to Amber and asks if she takes the whole 33 days into account when looking at people’s actions. She says they definitely factor in, and that people have changed a bit since Day 1. The paranoia around the camp is insane, and it’s gotten to the point where people are getting annoyed with it.

So Probst asks Rupert if he’s noticed a fracture due to paranoia. He says the paranoia is starting to rip apart friends and alliances. All I can think of is:

Paranoia runs deep
Into your heart it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the tribe comes, and votes you away
But anyway, he shares a laugh with Jenna about the whole fishing incident from earlier in the episode and admits he was pissed. Probst pulls out of him what happened and then Probst wonders if Rupert’s attitude means that whoever gets the fire going should be the person closest to it. Jenna chimes in about whoever gets the plantains should have those. Rupert admits that he probably freaked people out, but Amber says she wasn’t freaked out at all.

Shii Ann jumps in and says the paranoia about food is mostly caused by one person pointing it out all the time (like she just did in butting in to the Rupert/Probst discussion) – Jenna. Shii Ann says Jenna monitors the food, who makes it, who eats it, when they eat it, etc. She tells her that she needs to stop it. If Rupert catches the fish and wants to eat them all, let him! He’s earned it!

Shii Ann is on a roll. She says she’s going to call it as she sees it. She says that there are two power duos – Rupert/Jenna and Rob/Amber. She keeps wondering why neither has taken her and Tom as swing votes to eliminate the other. Probst asks if she’s got everything out now, but no, she doesn’t!

She says she’s wondering if she should vote for the most annoying person (read: Jenna) or the person who might win the game. If she does the latter, she’ll be making a statement about who people should be looking out for and who she thinks will win if people don’t watch them more carefully. So she says she’s going to shake it up so she can see what happens.

Before they vote, Tom makes it clear that he does not want to give up immunity! So now, as Probst says, it’s time to find out what’s going on in the tribe.

We see votes from Jenna and Shii Ann. Jenna, not surprisingly, votes for Shii Ann and says it’s time for her to go. And if Shii Ann is wondering how much she can eat because Jenna monitors that, she can eat a lot. Nyah nyah nyah.

Shii Ann votes for Amber, saying it’s out of respect. She thinks Amber is the mastermind right now, and she is sending the vote from one She Devil to another. Hmmm, interesting. I thought she was going to go after Rob, but apparently she thinks Amber is just using Rob as a shield of sorts. I wonder if that’s really the case. I find it hard to believe, but…

The votes are not surprising: Shii Ann, Shii Ann, Amber, Shii Ann, Shii Ann. So as pretty much everybody figured, Shii Ann is gone. She leaves with a smile and wishes them luck. Probst says she went out playing til the very end, and the next few days will show what, if any, impact her attempt to stir things up had.

In her final words, she says the Shii Devil did her best, she really tried. She played as hard as she could and played with the best of the best. She knew she was outnumbered, but she just wanted to warn everyone not to forget little Amber with the big green eyes. Hey, what’s this? No quote from me this time? Ah well. (For those who don’t remember, Shii Ann actually mentioned my “rule” against scheming and plotting too much when she was voted out in Thailand.)

So, will Shii Ann’s final act really stir anything up? Frankly, I doubt it. Rob and Amber still have everybody exactly where they want them. This time, there was little Shii Ann could do, because she would have needed to persuade either Amber or Rob to change their game plan – fat chance. So without immunity, it was indeed a foregone conclusion.

Next time: Only five are left, and paranoia goes to new heights. We hear Rupert saying he looked over and his heart sank because Rob was right there, which leads me to believe he was plotting against Rob and hadn’t noticed him standing there. We also see Rupert confronting Tom about whether he said they needed to get Rob off. Should be a good one!

Offline Greendeemer

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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2004, 05:26:40 PM »
Great review, dude! Couldn't have said it better myself!

Offline puddin

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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2004, 11:50:53 PM »
 ;) ;) Great job as always survivordude_JT ............


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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2004, 09:12:12 AM »
Very good JT! I enjoyed it alot.  ;D

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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2004, 01:13:59 AM »
 :;>) I enjoyed the review and your comments.  Thanks.


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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2004, 06:37:52 PM »
I just love to do it sorry it was sooooo longgggg   :-\

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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2004, 07:11:46 PM »
Nothing to be  sorry about survivordude_JT ?  :)...It was well done and appreciated.. :;>)

                                                                                                tks..puddin :)


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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2004, 11:48:19 AM »
It freakin took forever to type  :o

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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2004, 01:33:03 PM »
I bet it did!! Like I was well done and we do appreciate the hard work that you put into this board.. :;>)


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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2004, 11:54:07 AM »
Its really microscopic compared the things that you do puddin  :D

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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2004, 02:15:32 PM »
No way survivordude_JT ...I do a lot of copying and pasting..I hate typing.. :P but, thanks for the compliment anyway.. ;)


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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2004, 06:31:22 PM »
copying & pasting huh???? hummmm.... lol I:)

I hate typing also.....But i love doing this

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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2004, 06:48:26 PM »
I Love Doing this  :;>) :;>) :;>) :;>) :;>) :;>)


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Re: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2004, 06:53:00 PM »
Me toooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!