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Debra Beebe
« on: January 13, 2009, 12:24:33 PM »
Age: 46
Middle School Principal
Auburn, AL
Tribe: Timbira
A self-described people person, Debra Beebe is a middle school principal and married mom from Auburn, Alabama who believes that her natural leadership abilities and tactful problem-solving skills will contribute to her success as a castaway on SURVIVOR. Debra, also known as "Bubbles," feels that her enthusiastic and energetic personality, in addition to her take-charge attitude, will erase any doubts about her ability to succeed in this game.

The fact that she is one of the older castaways will not be a hindrance for this woman who previously trained alongside Olympic athletes and still rises every morning at 4:30AM to get in her daily workout before tackling a day filled with hundreds of pubescent teens, pre-teens, parents, faculty and staff. Not one to be intimidated (even at a tiny 5’2”), Debra juggles work, her husband and her children. It’s no surprise that this go-getter won “Alabama’s Principal of the Year” award yet still finds occasional free time for shopping and dancing.

Debra feels that her occupation has taught her how to deal with politics which she can apply to the group dynamics of her tribe. With her abilities as a natural leader combined with her bossy and competitive nature, Debra plans to focus on the weaknesses of others in an effort to get them eliminated.

Debra is married with five children and currently resides in Auburn, Ala. Her birthday is September 28.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 01:33:26 PM by puddin »

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2009, 11:43:10 AM »
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Offline hakushu8

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2009, 09:18:34 AM »
Fondly known as Merhag over at Sucks!  :lol: :lol:

But she's a pre-season love for me! Hope she goes far! <333
just dance
I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 01:10:00 PM »
I like her too, she looks like fun!
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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2009, 09:44:13 PM »
Pre season favourite for me as well! :hearts:

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2009, 11:57:21 PM »
I think she has the nicest opening credits i've ever saw on Survivor.

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 02:05:43 PM »
me too the nicest I have ever seen!  :lol:
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Offline RealityFreakWill

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2009, 12:24:52 AM »
Debbie:The Day After

credit to CBS

Offline RealityFreakWill

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2009, 01:39:29 AM »
Secret Scene: Debbie

courtesy of CBS

Offline puddin

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2009, 01:56:02 AM »
You might not know this Will but at survivor fevers home page you can scroll down to read the transcripts of most all the insider videos but this episode is not up yet, probably with in the next few days. Just an FYI .........

scroll down the center fo the page
and so on  :tup:

Offline RealityFreakWill

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2009, 02:01:59 AM »
You might not know this Will but at survivor fevers home page you can scroll down to read the transcripts of most all the insider videos but this episode is not up yet, probably with in the next few days. Just an FYI .........

scroll down the center fo the page
and so on  :tup:

Thanks, babe....

Offline RealityFreakWill

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2009, 11:14:06 AM »
“I Really Have Been Shocked the Last Couple Weeks” – RealityNewsOnline’s Exclusive Interview with Survivor: Tocantins’ Debbie

CBS P.R. Guy: Hi, David, I have Debbie to talk to you.

RealityNewsOnline: I was hoping you’d have Coach!

Debbie: Hey!

RNO: I say that because it means he would have been voted off last night!

Debbie: Oh, that’s sweet. Thanks! That’s a good way to start an interview.

RNO: Well, thanks for taking the time to talk to RealityNewsOnline!

Debbie: Sure.

RNO: You said we started off well, but now I have to ask – What’s $40 plus $20?

Debbie: (Sarcastically) Okay, you’re hilarious, David. It’s $60. Let me tell you, when you’re starved, adding wasn’t the first thing in my brain. I wanted those french fries! I’d have given my whole bag of money for those fries.

CBS P.R. Guy: You almost did!

Debbie: (Sarcastically again) Thanks. But I know how to add, David.

RNO: Starting at the beginning, what was your strategy coming into the game?

Debbie: My strategy coming into the game was really to not take a leadership role immediately. It was to be myself – I love to have fun and I knew my social part of the game would be easy because I really do like people. I knew I would have a hard time if we had people who were difficult to get along with – we are lacking so much that it makes life at least bearable if you have people you like around you. I was going to lay back and see how the chips fell early. It was very evident at Timbira that Coach took a leadership role immediately. He was more out there and Brendan was more secretive. Coach, Tyson, and I formed an alliance within the first three days out there.

RNO: J.T. and Stephen seemed to have a huge amount of respect for your strategic game – what did you do in the time after the merge that made them fear you so much?

Debbie: I’ve thought about that myself. First of all, I was very well-liked by my tribe, they really did love me and I feel the same about them. Second of all, I was a physical threat and I did well in the challenges. Even at Tribal Council last week, Jeff made the statement asking, “How does it feel to be such a threat out here?” I was a physical threat and a social threat. Plus, I stepped up and started really playing the game. You already had three Timbira members of the jury and me making it towards the end, they knew the possibility of Timbira staying with a Timbira member was pretty strong.

RNO: You’ve somewhat answered this already, but having now seen the episode and those leading up to it, do you have a good understanding of why you were voted off?

Debbie: I do – I would have played the game differently in a lot of ways. I wouldn’t have been so strong in challenges. Honestly, there’s a part of this game that I really didn’t wrap my brain around. I’m a very competitive person and when Jeff would say go, I’d go all out. But really, I wish I’d have stepped back and not been as strong a player in the challenges.

RNO: Did you have any idea of all the scheming and planning being done by J.T. and Stephen?

Debbie: I had no idea. As a matter of fact, I really have been shocked the last couple weeks because Stephen out in the game came off as a follower of J.T. and didn’t say much. Now that I watch it, Stephen was really manipulating this game and we didn’t give him enough credit out there. Whenever any of us talked, we talked to J.T.

I knew when Tyson was voted out, my days were limited. I liked J.T. and Stephen a lot, but I didn’t show Stephen enough respect. If you notice last night, Stephen said, “I don’t think we need to get rid of Debbie yet.” With Erinn, we knew if we took her to the merge, she would jump ship. All Erinn had to do was hear Stephen say one thing about me and she was like, “Take her out,” so that didn’t surprise me.
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RNO: You were with Coach longer than anybody. Can you explain how he could talk about how he’s never lied in the game when we saw him flat-out lie about the situation with Sierra last week?

Debbie: Right. You know, honestly, in his mind, I don’t think he thinks he lied. I don’t truly think he thinks he lied. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear me step up and admit to what I did. I said, “Yeah, we were checking out our options.” Coach was in there checking out our options too, but I really don’t think he honestly thinks he lied. I’ll man up and say I did – it’s a game, not a game of truth but a game of who can win a million dollars. I really don’t think Coach thinks he lied.

RNO: Why did you get so frustrated with Sierra in the discussion after the reward challenge last week?

Debbie: Because there was a lot of editing in that show. What you didn’t see was two days of stuff going down. Let’s just put it that way. Of manipulating, of arguing, of fits, there was a lot that wasn’t shown. I can take a lot but by then I’d had enough. I was like, I’m done, I’m done listening. Sierra and I have a relationship where we still call each other sisters today. It became a sister-mother-daughter relationship like I have with my own daughters where I’m like, “Stop – I don’t want to hear it anymore!” It wasn’t that I wanted to be mean to her, I had Just. Had. Enough. Sierra was determined to have her point heard out there for two days. It was enough for everybody. Sierra and my relationship was like sisters. We loved each other dearly but we also had our disagreements.

RNO: What made you decide to turn on Coach this week, in particular, when it seemed like the two of you were a lock to get into the final four together with J.T. and Stephen?

Debbie: I felt bad about it but I was out there to play the game. There wasn’t a lot shown as to what was really going on behind the scenes with Coach. Taj had had it with Coach, and Taj and I went on a couple walks where she really talked to me about it. J.T. and Stephen said the same thing. Erinn said the same thing. Basically, they were playing me to get over to what I felt was their side. And I did, and on the show it looked like me taking out Coach.

As a matter of fact, that will come to light hopefully in episodes coming up. I wasn’t angry but I was like, man, there would have been a lot of other things they could have done to blindside me other than to make me go against my alliance. Coach was getting on my nerves, but we had none of the basic needs and, at 33 days, tempers were short. I looked like one of those dried up apples, we were all were mentally exhausted, and we were all on each other’s nerves. Coach was driving me nuts but so were a lot of people. It looks like I tried to take him out and that absolutely was not the case.

RNO: If they had gone along with you and voted him out, would you have followed through on your promise to give away immunity at the final three?

Debbie: Absolutely. And we’ve talked about that since then. I would not have given my word to J.T. and Stephen privately or on national TV and gone back on it. I would have been okay with third. They were playing so hard and I wanted to get in with in them. Like they said last night, they didn’t know me that well, but they do now and I think today they might have gone along with me. They were worried I was going to win immunity and then one of them would have maybe lost their position in the game.

RNO: But you just said it’s a game for a million dollars, so why would you have given it up?
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Debbie: I really knew my head was on the chopping block – I really felt it. I told them I would have given it up to them. If I was sitting there with [the immunity necklace] on in the final three, I don’t know, but I really believe I would have followed through with my word. I was really proud of myself to make it as far as I did, so top three, I would have felt like a winner.

RNO: We’re about out of time, so do you have anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?

Debbie: My time on Survivor was absolutely the most amazing experience of my life. It was the hardest experience and there were times when I would have quit for a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. But I would not take back one moment of the entire experience – it was just a classy overall amazing experience. Not many people are privileged enough to get to do it. I’m just thankful I was selected to participate in this amazing event.

RNO: Thanks again, Debbie!

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2009, 04:43:12 PM »
It's too bad that she is gone, but the only reason she is, is because she is a back-stabber.  Even though I would like to see Coach gone.

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2009, 06:50:43 PM »
Castaway Commentary: Debbie

Courtesy of CBS

Offline puddin

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2009, 06:52:22 PM »
Insider transcipts going up at sucks Will thanks to James Barber

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2009, 07:01:25 PM »
Castaway Commentary: Debbie

She says they were famished and were happy when they realized it was the food auction but did not know they would see their loved ones She went insane when she saw the fries ..she had to have them. She didn't hear Jeff say 20$ increments she was focused on the food she could count lol
She says JT complained about only getting nachos, lol and that Coach ate his chicken/wine like he was fine dining.
They were getting sick watching Steve eat the chicken hearts and they were mad that there was no more food at that point. They didn't hesitate sharing their money with Taj because of her baby at home and they pulled together and cried hard it was emotional.
She talks about Tajs outfit and how they scavenged for clothes.
Deb says that when Taj heard she would see Eddie she looked like she was on The Price is right, lol and had just spun the wheel.
It still chokes Deb up to see the loved ones they couldn't wait to get back to camp ..they ran and ran and they never saw Taj so happy to go to EI.

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2009, 08:47:01 PM »
Survivor's Debra Beebe Talks Expensive Food, Losing 15 Percent of Body Weight

Debra "Debbie" Beebe was the latest victim of the J.T.-Stephen alliance on Survivor, but only after an emotional episode in which competitors were given $500 to take part in a food auction and got to see their families thanks to a sacrifice by Taj. Beebe, a middle-school principal from Auburn, Ala., talked to about what auction items were cut out of the episode, losing 15 percent of her body weight, and what her Timbira teammates have done wrong. How were those $120 fries?
Debra Beebe: Let me just set the record straight: When I laid eyes on those fries I didn't care if they were $500. I heard nothing else Jeff said, I was getting those fries. ... I won coffee and cake in [the auction] but you didn't see that. I sucked that coffee down and ate that cake so fast. ... They didn't get to show all of the auction. Like Erinn got a peanut butter sandwich that they didn't show. You were in great shape before, obviously, but how much weight to people typically lose in the game?
Beebe: I lost probably about 15 pounds and I usually weigh around a hundred. I gained a lot of muscle weight before I went out. I really did a lot of protein and weight-lifting and that kind of stuff. Stephen said on this week's episode that you're sweet and chatty but that something about you worried him. Do you have a ruthless side?
Beebe: I don't think I really have a ruthless side. I was out there to play... I knew my time was limited after Tyson was voted off. And so I was just doing whatever I could. You know, Timbira is going to go down as one of the stupidest tribes ever, just taking each other out because Stephen and J.T. just got us paranoid that we were after each other. Do you think your ex-Timbira teammates, Coach and Erinn, will team up with Taj to vote out Stephen or J.T.?
Beebe: Coach has really stuck to his word; he never threw me under the bus. I've got to give him credit. I see him sticking with J.T. and Stephen. I don't see him switching to Erinn. He and Erinn never have seen eye to eye on anything. ... It appears J.T. and Stephen are definitely controlling this game right now. How does dealing with the politics of Survivor compare with being a principal?
Beebe: I've been laughing about that, because we acted like middle school children out there. It really helped prepare me for all this. ... I also think I naturally have a bubbly, happy personality and like to have fun with life and I really think that that actually was the best attribute I had out there. What did you tell your teachers and students you were doing when you disappeared from school for 40 days?
Beebe: Well, they didn't know exactly what I was going to do. But they were great and supported me. The story that I was trying to sell was that I was going to go to different countries to look at different school systems to help poverty-stricken schools. And I did go to Brazil, and I did see those children... But you were really eating $120 fries.
Beebe: Absolutely. They were delicious. Actually, if I'm really honest, they weren't delicious. They were cold and crispy. I was soaking 'em in mayonnaise and ketchup and I was loving every bite.

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Re: Debra Beebe
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2009, 12:47:28 AM »
Crossing Tribal Lines with Debbie Beebee of Survivor Tocantins

In the most recent episode of Survivor Tocantins, it didn't take long for the alliances to be challenged after Sierra Reed had her torch extinguished the week before. But just as the remaining survivors were about to get down to tribal business for another week, Survivor host Jeff Probst served up a food auction that saw each player get some much needed fuel and a visit from their family members, aside from Coach who got a visit from his "assistant Coach". When the auction came to a close, the Forza tribe banded together to give Taj a much needed visit with her husband, and football great, Eddie George, on Exile Island before taking a break with their loved ones back at camp.

But when the family members departed and the Tocantins game resumed, middle school principal Debbie Beebe scrambled to get a Survivor foothold in the alliance between Stephen and J.T. by throwing Coach under the tribal bus while also making a play that Erin should go home, too. When the Forza tribe went to Survivor Tocantins Tribal Council, Stephen and J.T. saw through Debbie's last ditch efforts to keep herself alive and rallied to send Debbie packing to the jury with former tribe mates Brendan, Tyson, and Sierra.

The morning after Debbie Beebee became the fourth member of the Survivor Tocantins jury, we crossed tribal conference call lines to chat with Debbie about whether she was serious about offering to settle for third place, why she didn't quit while she was ahead with Stephen and J.T., what she thought of Coach and Tyson, and whether she'll ever eat another plate of beans and rice.

THE DEADBOLT: How much of a boost was it to see your husband?

DEBBIE BEEBEE: You know what? It was awesome. I mean, obviously we travel in this experience, too, before the game even starts, so at that point it had been almost forty days since we’d seen anybody in our families. I didn’t know if my husband was coming or my mother or a friend, and just seeing somebody from home was just amazing.

THE DEADBOLT: Would you really have been satisfied with third place?

DEBBIE: [laughs] I’ve been asked that all day. Honestly, at that point when I said that to them, I really meant it, honestly, because I knew my head was on the chopping block after Tyson was gone. So to me third place would’ve been a big win for me and I really was sincere at the moment. Now I’m not going to lie to you and tell you if I was sitting there with that immunity necklace on, would I’ve done it? I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. But I really believed myself at the moment and I don’t know if I would’ve done it or not. So I’m not going to lie to you and tell you I would have, because I don’t know.

THE DEADBOLT: Well, hindsight is 20/20, right? It just seemed like if you would’ve stopped talking at a certain point, you probably would’ve been fine.

DEBBIE: You think?

THE DEADBOLT: Sure. Did you have any idea that saying those things to J.T. and Stephen would get you eliminated?

DEBBIE: You know, absolutely not. But J.T., Stephen and I sent a lot of time talking together, so of course they’re going to show - and of course it happened - the different scenes. But we all talked all of the time about different strategies. I mean, I even talked to Sierra about an all girl alliance at one point. I mean, we had to keep our options open and I really meant it, because at that point I knew - because Jeff even alluded to it at tribal the week before - that I was a threat and how did I feel at being a threat. And I know Stephen and J.T. were really beginning to believe that I was not only a physical threat but a social threat. So I wanted them to know that I really wanted to be in the group with them.

THE DEADBOLT: Since you were so close to Coach during the game, what is your overall impression of him?

DEBBIE: My overall impression of Coach is he is definitely a character. Honestly, watching the show I was like, ‘Whoa.’ I would see him talking the dragon slayer and dragon bowels and I didn’t know that stuff was going on, because they were private interviews. They take you very far away so you can absolutely not hear what anyone says. But I’ll tell you, he’s sticking true to his word in the sense of he stayed true to the alliance with me. I felt pretty crappy last night when he said Debbie he trusted 100%.

But at one point I even approached him about taking J.T. and Stephen out, because it was obvious they were running the game, and he said, ‘Absolutely not. I gave them my word.’ And I knew if Coach wasn’t going to turn, there was no way to move that around. So he’s a different guy. He’s a character. He believes he’s playing this game with integrity, 100%, and he believes he’s not lying. But I actually saw the deal with Sierra, where I was like, ‘Whoa, Sierra and I didn’t bring it up, you and I did.’ So anyway, yeah, he’s very unique.

THE DEADBOLT: What did your husband think of Tyson’s antics?

DEBBIE: [laughs] I don’t think he enjoyed those episodes too much, let’s put it that way.

THE DEADBOLT: What about the kids at your school?

DEBBIE: They think Tyson is hilarious. And honestly, Tyson is one of my very dear friends and he got me through a lot of that. Honestly, I was devastated the night he was voted out because he just kept me laughing. We kept each other laughing and I felt very safe with him.

THE DEADBOLT: Now that you’re back home, how often do you eat beans?

DEBBIE: Never, nor rice. And I’ll tell you, it just doesn’t get any better with river water and no salt or seasoning. I could never top it, so I’ll never eat it again.

THE DEADBOLT: What was your favorite challenge?

DEBBIE: I could tell you it’s the one I won, but, honestly, I’m a little embarrassed that’s the one I won because I thought it was kind of hokey where we just slid those disks. It wasn’t a lot of skill and we were freezing. I’ve never been more miserable in my life than that day. It was probably 45 degrees and wet. But I loved the pole challenge and I wish I had taken my shoes off, because Tyson had his shoes off and I think I could’ve stayed up there because I’m 5’2, and by that point I don’t know how much I weighed. But I think I could’ve hung on a lot longer if I had my shoes off.