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Online RealityFreakWill

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Carolina Eastwood
« on: January 13, 2009, 12:18:45 PM »
Age: 26
Los Angeles, CA
Tribe: Jalapao
Born in Panama, Carolina spent the first six years of her life living in poverty until her father, an Army solider, moved the family to the Untied States so he could have the opportunity to provide a better life for them. Despite the adversity that Carolina has faced throughout her life, she has a positive outlook and views those difficulties as learning experiences that have pushed her to become the trash-talking firecracker and SURVIVOR of life that she is today.

Three years ago, with only $250 in her pocket, Carolina made the move from Florida to Los Angeles to accomplish personal goals and to fulfill her desire to help provide for her family. Life has not been easy for this California bartender but rather than succumbing to the negative pressures, she decided to face her inner demons and live life with a positive, compassionate outlook.

Carolina describes the relationship with her mother as an emotional rollercoaster but admires the woman that was able to overcome adversity and become a self-sufficient mother of three. Her mother has shown Carolina what dreams are made of by giving her a life that would have been impossible in Panama.

While her game strategy is still a work-in-progress, Carolina knows that the lessons learned from her life experiences have provided her with tools that may get her far in this game. If she becomes the next sole SURVIVOR, Carolina plans to give back to her mother, help her brothers with school, and donate to various organizations that aid victims of rape and domestic violence.

In her free time she enjoys spending time with friends and participating in outdoor activities such as surfing, snowboarding and hiking with her dogs, Sandy and Zoe.

Carolina currently resides in West Hollywood, Calif. Her birthday is October 27.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 01:40:05 PM by puddin »

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2009, 10:51:14 AM »
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Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 01:12:12 PM »

Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2009, 02:50:08 PM »
I sent an add to friends request and she approved me and even sent me a comment and here is what she said....

Ahh.. Thank you so much! Survivor was the BEST GIFT I have ever been given. Journey of a Lifetime! Hey I see your friends with Memphis from Big Brother. Yes he and I are friends we use to work with each other. If you into my pic's he is in the Privilege album. Again THANK YOU a TONS!! Wishing you all the best in life.

I looked in her photo album and found the picture of Memphis...

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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2009, 10:58:18 PM »
I loved her video, she is so open and nice! An early fave...
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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2009, 04:21:13 AM »
She's an early favourite for me too. I'm inspired by her already. :tup:

Offline marigold

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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2009, 05:02:44 PM »
An interview with Carolina:

"I knew there was a chance I was going home. But I didn't think it was going to happen that night"

What was your first impression of Brazil?
Carolina: Yummy. I loved it. It was beautiful.

How hard was that four-hour hike to camp?
Carolina: It was not okay. That was really hard. The landscape changes so suddenly - one minute you're on sand and the next you're in a swamp. It was the worst.

That's insane! What a way to start the game.
Carolina: Yeah, it was not cute,. It was not cute.

Did you like your Jalapao tribe?
Carolina: I loved my tribe. I'm very blunt and straightforward and I like to joke around a lot. I feel like maybe I was too eccentric for them. They didn't know what to think of me. But Jalapao's an awesome tribe.

Were you totally blindsided by what happened at Tribal Council?
Carolina: I was blindsided, but I wasn't. I just didn't get a good feeling. And you should never be cocky going into Tribal Council. You should never go in there thinking that you're not going home. You should always go in there very humble and pray that you're not the one going home. So, when I went in, I knew there could be a slight chance I was going home, but I didn't think it was going to happen that night! So yeah, I was blindsided but at the same time, I told myself to stay guarded and know that there was a possibility.

What was the hardest part about your three days in Brazil?
Carolina: Being voted out! That was very humbling and hard. I gained almost 20 pounds to do Survivor and put my body through so much. Then it got taken away from me right away. The hardest part about Brazil was definitely getting snuffed.

Would you do it all over again?
Carolina: In a heartbeat!

What's next for you?
Carolina: I came out to LA three years ago to be an actor or a host. Right now I'm focusing on my career and doing some work with some charities. So if anyone needs an actor, I'm here.

Great. Well good luck with everything and hopefully we'll be writing about you again in In Touch sometime in the future. Carolina: I know! I love your magazine. I read it all the time. I literally get mad if I go to the store and they don't have the new one.


Offline marigold

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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2009, 12:00:53 PM »
An interview with Carolina:

Survivor: Tocantins Exit Interview: Carolina Eastwood - A True Survivor

On the premiere of Survivor: Tocantins clever new twists made the game exciting from the very first moment. The castaways had to vote out 2 players before they’d even had a chance to introduce themselves. Or so they were lead to believe. The vote itself had a twist when the “unlucky” Sandy (too old) and Sierra (too weak) earned a helicopter ride to camp instead of slogging through a 4 hour trek.

One of the “lucky” players, Carolina Eastwood shouldered her burden on the walk, but couldn’t help showing the fiery side of her personality. At that time, Sandy was definitely a goner, so a little grumpy whining wasn’t too far out of line. But later, when Sandy showed her strength and smarts at the Immunity challenge, while Carolina hobbled along in a pair of cowboy boots, suddenly her grousing turned the tide against her.

After Tribal Council, Carolina smiled for the camera and congratulated her teammates for the blindside move they pulled, saying “You guys are good!” Even at her lowest moment, Carolina was pulling for her tribe

I spoke with her the day after and she continued to cheer for her teammmates, and for the life she’s carving out for herself since leaving the show. Carolina is the first to say that, although she spent only three days in Brazil, the lessons she learned will last a lifetime.

Hi Carolina. Thanks for talking with us today.

It’s my pleasure. Thank you.

So… what’s with the boots?

Those were JT’s cowboy boots. Those weren’t mine. My tennis shoes were soaking wet, and I didn’t have any other shoes to walk around in. There were really huge ants there, and none of us could walk around barefooted. JT had his boots and his sneakers, and I asked him if I could wear his cowboy boots. So I was walking around with my boots and tube socks. I thought I was cute.

That’s a good story. Now we know.

I’m definitely not a cowgirl, though. I’m more of a flip-flop girl.

So how are you doing now that the whole world knows who you are?

I’m good! I am SO blessed. I have an amazing group of friends around me, an amazing family and I am blessed. I don’t know if the whole world knows who I am. I was the first one booted out, but I’m being very honest and genuine by saying I’m doing really good.

Well, it is an achievement to make it to Survivor. It’s a hard thing to do and there’s not that many of you.

Yeah, it’s a journey of a lifetime. Survivor is a gift. It’s the best gift that anyone has ever given me. CBS, Mark Burnett and Jeff Probst, everyone that goes along with the show is everything you could ever imagine. It makes you think about things that are real and important. Everything that we forget in today’s society, and I am so blessed to be a part of something that’s so incredible.

Yeah, part of what makes Survivor so watchable is the transformation factor. Even though you were on so briefly, you had a nice moment with Sandy when you told her you felt bad about the words you used when you voted her off.

That’s just who I am. Yeah, I will speak my mind and tell you how I feel. But telling Sandy I was sorry for the words I used was just me. We all basically felt the same way when we voted her off. That was just for the tribe.

Well it was still anice moment.


After you got to camp, was there even an inkling that Sandy may have been spending her time looking for a rogue Idol, rather than getting things ready for you?

Honestly, no. And if any of the other castaways tell you different, they’re B.S.-ing you. Because we all sat and around and talked about her, everytime she would disappear, and only Sydney once said, “maybe there’s an Idol we don’t know about” and someone dismissed her. But none of us knew. We were obviously riding the wrong bus that day, because none of us even thought about it.

Well, it’s a brand new twist in the game.

Yeah, a very new twist. You think you know Survivor, man, and you don’t. And there’s so many creative minds behind that show. I have so much respect for that crew. Just the hardest working people I’ve ever seen in my life. And their imaginations are insane. That’s why Survivor is as good as it is.

That’s true. It’s still fresh.

Oh yeah. I have nothing but respect for them.

Being the first player knocked out of the game gets you noticed a little more than the others, at least until the final few.

Really? I feel like everyone’s going to forget about me. I trained really hard, but it wasn’t my time. I feel like God gave something to me, but whether you’re first, second or third, you really learn from it. You grow because of it, and I have nothing but respect for my castmates. I feel like we all went through something, and I made friends I will always have. And I’m grateful to Mark Burnett and CBS, but especially the fans. They are the ones who watch every week. That’s why Survivor is going on its 19th season now, and I’m so blessed to be a part of this.

What was your family and friend’s reaction. Were you watching at home?

No. I only told a few people, we have to sign confidentiality agreements. But I told my brother, he’s amazing, and my boyfriend. I didn’t go home for the premiere, I stayed here in L.A. but my friends found out and said “we have to throw you a party.”

So they threw me two huge partys, one at Happy Endings and the other at Green Door, a huge club in L.A. and when the show was airing, like 50 of my friends came. They watched it with me, and when I got voted out, I did like Rocky, with a punch in the air, showing everyone that I was okay, and I took a bow. I was like, “that was me” and everybody in the room was completely shocked. Everyone’s jaw hit the floor and I started laughing.

You have to understand, I got voted out, like a month or two ago. But I wasn’t going to allow myself to relive that pain. I was allowing myself to enjoy the moment. Because so much more came out of that pain than winning Survivor. So looking back on it, with my friends, laughing, I will never forget that moment for the rest of my life.

Because it was the moment I realized, that my dreams, my goals, my life, was just as important as anybody else’s. And if I live the next 5 years of my life like most people won’t, then I’ll live the next 30 years of my life like most people can’t. And that was the moment I realized it.

My parents, I haven’t even spoken with them yet, but because of the three hour time difference, my father, he kept calling me with a countdown, and I was like, “OK I gotta get off the phone now, and if I don’t pick up when you call me at the end of the show, I’m sorry.” But my dad, he left me messages saying “I’m so proud of you” and even though I haven’t spoken with him yet, I know what he’s thinking.

That’s great.

My dad, he doesn’t get mentioned much in any of my publicity, but my dad is my hero. I feel like in a way I kind of let him down and talking to him is going to be really emotional.

So we get you first. Earlier today, you did a live chat with Fancast. I want to thank you for that. On there you mention acting. Are you an actor?

Yes, I am. That’s why I moved out to L.A. I’ve been working my butt off. Everything I have, I got on my own. Nothing was ever handed to me. But now I’m pursuing acting 150 per cent because it’s been my dream, my passion since I was a little girl. My mom says I was always performing. So yeah, I’m an actor and I’m looking for work and I’m available. That’s why I moved to L.A. and I will make it happen.

So what’s the plan between now and the finale?

Just working and focusing on my career. Trying to stay positive and working out with my trainer. Just trying to make my dreams come true, and that will happen. Mostly, working on my acting career.

Well, having Survivor on your resume can’t hurt. Maybe it’ll open some doors, I hope.

I hope so too. And I’ll be looking forward to seeing how my tribemates do. I have nothing but respect for each and every one of them. I’ll be watching to see how it turns out. You know, gotta support Survivor!

Who do you hope will win?

I want to see either Taj or Stephan. I hope to God that Taj or Stephan go far. Those two people, they’r both really involved in charities, they will really give back. And if you’re not giving back, you’re not living.

So true. Thank you Carolina. Good luck! We’ll see you at the finale.

Thanks! I look forward to it!


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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2009, 09:12:40 PM »
She's great! But she had to go first though.. :(

Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: Carolina Eastwood
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 11:00:07 AM »
Secret Scene: Carolina

Posted by CBS