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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #250 on: March 29, 2009, 12:30:50 PM »
Ali and Michelle Return

This last week's episode of The Biggest Loser Couples made me think back to my English classes when we were studying cultural and classic theater.  There was a quote from one that came to mind from a play called the "The Mourning Bride" (1697) by William Congreve that says:  "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned! "

I think we saw an example of that quote in Tara this past week.   No matter what they both teams piled on her, no matter how much giggling and humiliation they tried to heap on her, she served it back to them as their taunting (and Laura's encouragement) ignited a fire in her, leading her to a victory in the challenge.  It was almost unbelievable to watch her pull that car, with the additional weight of a person or two, and go from third to first place... ahead to two strong men, no less!  I'm telling you, that girl is a machine!  It was so very touching to see the others go back and help Ron pull his car across the line - this is one of the most endearing groups of contestants ever!

Last week we also saw Kristin become the first woman in Biggest Loser History to break the 100 pound weight loss while still on The Biggest Loser campus.  Do you think Kristin will raise the bar so high no one can beat it or will she be seen as a threat and get sent home... leaving the door open for the possibility that Tara will set the bar even higher?  It will be interesting to see which of these two ladies will be the champion of weight loss while still on the campus.  Yes, this could be a battle royale and is yet another reason to keep watching the show (as if we need another reason)!

Coming up this week:  According to the NBC website, the contestants get a blast from the past this week with visits from  Ali Vincent (Season 5 winner) and Michelle Aguilar (Season 6 winner), both filling in as host while Alison Sweeney is on maternity leave.

The contestants will also be surprised by the arrival of previously eliminated contestants which is really going to shake things up.  And while one player is sidelined by medical issues (will it be Ron or Kristin) the rest of the contestants compete in a balance and endurance challenge that has our them  standing on a platform that is suspended six feet over a pool.  And in usual Biggest Loser style, the lines will be removed, one at a time, until only the winner is left standing.  Finally, if you watched the trailer, there will be a medical emergency which could send the sickest player home.  Could this medical emergency be the reason one of the contestants is sidelined during the endurance challenge?

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #251 on: March 29, 2009, 01:10:51 PM »
An interview with Aubrey:

Pulling Cars and Shedding Pounds with Aubrey Cheney of The Biggest Loser Couples

THE DEADBOLT: How discouraging was it to be on the blue team and continuously be losing?

AUBREY CHENEY: [laughs] Oh, it was frustrating. I don’t like losing and I don’t like being the underdog, but I’m not a really strong competitor. I didn’t really help out a whole lot, I think, as far as when challenges are concerned. So I didn’t feel I had any grounds to complain about it. We were a really, really close team and I think that’s what made it easier. We really bonded as a team, we had an awesome team, and I think that’s what helped us get through it. Yeah, it was really frustrating. I mean, if you lose time and time again it’ll get to you eventually.

THE DEADBOLT: Which challenge was your favorite?

AUBREY: Well, I’d have to say my favorite was the one my sister, and I won. The rope challenge was definitely my favorite. I mean, how could you complain about an ending like that. That was awesome, and Mandi and I had fun. We actually had fun the whole time . Before it started we were messing around and laughing and joking and it came down to - just like the first challenge when we were inches away from winning - after that we were just like, ‘You know what? Challenges don’t put you below the yellow line. So let’s just do our best and count the calories and take it all in and whatever happens happens.’ But definitely the one that we won, sweet victory always makes everything better.

THE DEADBOLT: I liked the food bank challenge because it worked out for you in the end, even though the blue team lost.

AUBREY: Yeah, that one was awesome, too. That one emotionally was really powerful. [laughs] I’m trying to decide why we were crying so hard all of the time. But I think it was just emotion. I don’t think I was crying so much because we lost. I think I was crying because the whole situation was emotional. I’ve been on the other side. I know what it’s like and to be able to give back, especially in such a huge place where I know I’m going to be helping so many people is awesome. I can just picture the little kids. And I think the whole thing was just so emotional and it was really really good. Since that challenge, I think I’ll be involved in the Idaho food bank and I’ll be helping distribute food all around Southern Idaho as well. And then on top of Mike giving me the groceries, yeah, lots and lots of good came out of that one.

THE DEADBOLT: What did you first think when Alison told you guys you had to pull a car?

AUBREY: Well, when we walked up on the track and we saw all kinds of cars there, I was thinking, ‘This isn’t the right reality TV show to let us drive the cars.’ So I figured we’d be pulling it and the only thing I was worried about then was how far we’d be pulling it. And when she told us it was a quarter mile I was just thinking this is crazy, this is insanity, there’s no way I’m going to able to pull a car a quarter mile and ... Or was it a half mile?

THE DEADBOLT: It was half a mile.

AUBREY: Okay, there you go. I wasn’t paying attention because I’m thinking, 'I have to pull a car, who cares how far it is?' But yeah, it was hard and when she told us we were pulling cars it was like, ‘Okay, whatever you say.’

THE DEADBOLT: Even before that challenge there seemed to be a bit of tension between you and Tara. Was that just frustration on her part?

AUBREY: I think it was. I really think it was. I like Tara, and I know after [the] last episode it seemed like I don’t, but I really do like Tara. We didn’t connect in some of the ways that Kristin and I did. But like I was saying before, we are all there for the same reason. We all know what it’s like to be in each other’s shoes. And when you’re there to stay there as long as possible,and become as healthy as possible, and for somebody who’s there for the $250,000, if there’s somebody standing between you and another week on the ranch or you and $250,000, you’re going to do whatever it takes to slow that person down or eliminate that person, and that’s what we were doing.

It was survival of the fittest and that’s all we were trying to do, because we knew if we didn’t do something to slow her down she was eventually going to get rid of all of us. I mean, she’s the strongest player and we didn’t have a choice. She was going to continue to get immunity so that’s where the tension came from. And I told her she should take that as a compliment, that she is the strongest person and that should keep her motivated, because if I was the strongest person I would be really motivated that there’s eight other people coming after me and I need to run and do whatever I can to stay away from them.

I don’t know. It was probably just the stress of everything and being there. And it’s pretty hard to do that, even if you don’t have kids or a husband at home. I think it just all came to a head that it was something physical. When you’re on top, you know that you’re the best and everybody is trying to catch you, but you don’t actually see it. For everybody to put it in black and white in front of her, I think it hit her hard. I think it scared her and so I was just trying to tell her it’s ridiculous. You can’t get mad at us for doing the exact same thing that you’re doing and that’s playing the game.

THE DEADBOLT: How did you feel when Sione and Filipe jumped ship and started working out with you guys?

AUBREY: I didn’t really care, honestly. Bob was really good about making it really equal for all of us. He was really good about working all of us out equally and making sure that we all had a really strong workout. It’s not like he was there for two hours and that’s it, he’s leaving. So if he worked in Sione and Filipe, it would cut out on our workout time. Bob was really good about staying longer so we all had an equal amount of workout time. He would take us out singly and work with us and he was really good about it. So I really had no problem.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #252 on: March 31, 2009, 07:51:29 PM »
An interview with Aubrey:

‘Loser’ Aubrey fighting to reach 125

“When I looked in the mirror, I realized that I was humongous.”
Tara took a little bit of offense to you guys laughing at her last week. Do you think you were ganging upon her or was she just being oversensitive?
Aubrey Cheney: We were absolutely ganging up on her. We’re all there for the same reason, and that’s to change our lives and become healthy. But we are also involved in a game. And the game aspect is when there’s someone who is standing between you and a healthier lifestyle or $250,000, then your first instinct is to eliminate them or to try and slow them down as much as possible and that’s what we were all trying to do.

When you returned home, you had a little bit of a struggle before picking yourself up again. What advice can you give to other moms in your situation?
AC: Come up with a schedule. There’s always an hour or two that you could be doing housework or you could be doing laundry, but you could also be going to the gym. Come up with a schedule, and see when your slowest time of the day is and take that time to go to the gym. You can always do laundry as you’re helping with homework or something else.

Mandi had said that it was actually your idea to come on the show. What was the turning point for you that you really wanted to do something about the weight?
AC: My husband and I watched every season of The Biggest Loser since it started, and during that time I gained over 100 pounds; from Season 1 until Season 6, and I was thinking, “Look at all of these people, and every season I watch and I’m heavier and I’m heavier and I’m heavier.” When I looked in the mirror or when I saw videos of myself - family videos or pictures that other people had taken – I realized that I was humongous.

You started out with Jillian but ended up with Bob; which trainer did you prefer?
AC: Bob was the best hands down. Jillian has a wonderful track record. She’s a genius when it comes to weight loss and fitness and health and nutrition. But I think there are different personalities that work with different personalities, and Jillian and I are both really strong personality types. I felt like I was doing it for her more than I was doing it for myself.

They said you gained nine pounds when you came home and then they said you lost 10 pounds. Did you lose the nine back and one more, or did you actually lose the 10?
AC: I gained the nine pounds when I got home. And then I lost 19. So all together I had lost 19.

What did you write in that note they showed right before you left for elimination?
AC: I was writing Kristin a letter, letting her know that I’m still rooting for her and she can do this. I just wanted to write something down so she could have and look at when she felt like she was getting caught up in any sort of mess or any sort of drama. I wanted her to know that we’re out here – meaning Kathy and I – are still rooting for her and pushing for her to continue to be honest and play as minimal games as possible and just to be there to be healthy and just wanted to let her know that I appreciated everything she did and I loved her to death and to keep going.

What have you been doing with your dad in terms of working out together?
AC: My dad and I have been to the gym together a few times. I’ve taught him some of the things that I’ve learned on the ranch as far as workouts go, like circuit training and stuff like that. I’ve tried to teach him a little bit about nutrition but it’s been so crazy as far as me trying to figure out my own schedule and how I’m going to take care of myself that dad’s the type of person that he needs someone to be with him; he needs someone to go to the gym with him.

He’s taken what I’ve taught him and he has been to the gym, he’s been working out on his own I think a few times and he’s lost an additional 16 pounds.

How discouraging was it to be on the blue team and constantly losing?
AC: It was frustrating. I am the type that doesn’t like losing, and I don’t like to be the underdog. We were a really, really close team and I think that’s what made it easier is everybody really bonded as a team. We had an awesome team.  It was frustrating, but I think the fact that our relationship was really good it made it a lot easier.

You’ve set a goal for yourself to be 125 pounds at the finale; how did you come up with that number?
AC: I just wanted to be what I was in high school, and that was around 120, 125. I figured had I been able to stay on the ranch from now until the finale then I’d probably be at 125.

How did you feel about the whole half-marathon?
AC: Running a half-marathon was more than I would have ever expected for me to do. It was very, very challenging, but I think my adrenaline and where my body was physically from being on the ranch and being trained and being conditioned and ready for it was - made it so much easier.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #253 on: March 31, 2009, 10:56:25 PM »
Well I only saw the last 10 minutes of the show so I know who was in the bottom yellow.  Will have to wait until the show is online.  I do find it itneresting that Filipe and Sione were going to boot Ron, I think they thought Tara would boot Ron.  Could be the best thing for Tara.  Now Mike and Ron will be mad at Filipe and sione and would probably boot them if they fall below the line.

What did the other players have to do to get back on the show.  That must suck to get back on and then leave right away.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #254 on: April 01, 2009, 12:06:31 AM »
 :groan: I have no idea Texan I missed it too .... a recap from my girl Sarah

'The Biggest Loser: Couples': Ron rage

"The Biggest Loser: Couples" has me nearly apoplectic with rage and bile, as someone comes back to the ranch, someone leaves, and someone (cough RON! cough) needs to disappear from my TV screen before I do some serious damage to my electronics.

Past winners Ali and Michelle stand in for Alison, who is busy giving birth, while three booted competitors get a second chance. Estella has lost 45 pounds and is pleased as punch. David loses just one more pound than Estella and looks mortified. Ali reminds me why I loved her so much during her season by telling him not to be downhearted -- you lost 46 pounds! That's something to be proud of! Use this is the springboard to make good choices. Damn straight -- that's the way you have to approach this. Ali rocks.

You  know who else rocks? Nicole. I always thought she was adorable and dedicated, and she proves me right. She's lost 87 pounds at home -- holy crap! That means she's back on campus, and she's got immunity* (we’ll get to that asterisks later). It also means she's got the second highest percentage of weight loss of anyone on the ranch. Let the freaking-out commence!

House drama
The rest of the competitors go into heavy game-playing mode, sucking up to Nicole and trying to give her "friendly advice." Tara is more freaked out than anyone, and she alternates between bravado -- I'm glad she's here! She'll make me step up my game! Bring it! -- and despair -- she lost 87 pounds at home! Woe is me! Jillian finally tells her to get a grip -- "Honey, you're manic!" -- and figure out what it is that makes Tara tick. Tara tries to quiet her monkey mind, but we'll see how that goes.

Filipe, Sione and Kristin are peevish that Ron lobbied to get Filipe kicked off at the last elimination. Apparently at the beginning of the season, Ron had made some sort of alliance with the Fijians, and Sione and Filipe are SHOCKED! that Ron would go back on that. Oh please -- Ron wants his son to win, and will do anything to make that happen. Bob agrees with me, and tells them to avoid the problem by staying above the yellow line. He works extra hard with Sione and Kristin to give them an edge. Filipe? Apparently Bob already thinks he's a lost cause.

Ron experiences light-headedness, cold sweats and chest pains. He's whisked to the hospital, where they rule out a heart attack but discover some half-healed (and moderately disgusting -- look, I stopped writing about radiology for a reason, thank you!) bleeding ulcers in his gastrically bypassed gut. They pump him full of fluids and meds, and he's eventually cleared to go back to the ranch.

The challenge
The competitors stand on board balanced on 40 ropes suspended over a pool. They can hang onto a rope overhead with one hand. As time goes on, ropes are cut. Last person standing wins a 1-pound weight credit. Since Nicole as immunity*, if she wins, she can give a 1-pound weight penalty to one of her competitors.

Filipe speaks for me by telling Michelle that this is a boring challenge and they need to cut ropes faster. Granted, that bit of bravado was misplaced, as Filipe was the second one (after Mike) to fall, but still -- watching people balance just isn't that exciting. After many splashes, it comes down to Sione and Kristin. Kristin blinks first, and Sione gets the weight credit.

The weigh-in
Here's where the * comes in. Alison(who is back from birthin’) announces that Nicole has immunity -- assuming she hasn't gained any weight. Wait a minute - they didn't mention that at the outset... Nicole's new routine, the stress she's under, and the change of scenery bit her in the butt -- she gains 5 pounds. Dammit! This is so not her fault! It's just her body reacting to being discombobulated! Don't take her immunity away for that! Alas, Alison doesn’t heed my pleas. Dammit.

Mike has a stellar week, losing 11 pounds. Sione, Filipe and Helen each lose 6 pounds, while Filipe and Kristin lose 4 pounds. But Ron's hospital stay prompts him to gain 3 pounds, and Laura somehow gains 1 pound. Ron and Nicole are below the yellow line.

The elimination
We finally have the opportunity to boot Ron out, but he's up against a woman whose return freaked everyone out. Will people vote to save Nicole -- the woman who really, truly, honest-to-god deserves to be there -- or will they boot her as the biggest threat? Nicole refuses to beg -- I'll just remind you all of the things you said to me, about how you're glad I'm back and how I push you to do better. It's about your personal integrity now, she tells them. Oh, Nicole. You're doomed.

Filipe has the temerity to vote for Ron -- who tried to get him booted last week. Ron is offended. Alison asks him to explain. "People are making these decisions to help themselves," Ron gasps. Well, DUH! That's what you've been doing the whole time, Ron! Don't you DARE claim the moral high ground now! Mike accuses Filipe of lying to him, and Mike, I really want to continue liking you, so shut it. Filipe says no, I just told you Ron would be fine. Ron and Mike cluck and roll heir eyes and act like they've experienced a personal betrayal, and I'm ready to kill someone. SHUT. IT.

Sione is just as frustrated as I am -- quit with the "he needs to be here" argument, because we're all going home soon and we all need to suck it up. Begone, Ron! Helen also tries to cast out the Ron demon that is possessing the ranch. Alas, everyone else votes for Nicole to go home. Again. Dammit!

Nicole looks fantastic at the Look-at-me-now interview, but then, she looked fantastic when she walked back onto the ranch. Nicole, you're a sweetheart, I adore you, and you didn't deserve what happened to you. Congrats on all your efforts, keep it up for yourself, and don't let the malignant schmuckiness get you down.

Highlights, thoughts and odds and ends

Tara did seem a bit unhinged by Nicole's presence. She was parroting self-help phrases by the end, but I can't help but think there's something a lot deeper that needs to be addressed. And no, Dr. Jillian's two-minute sessions don't count.
Sione shoots an impressive Look of Death at Kristin during the challenge.
Mike talks about his prospects in the challenge: "I have zero balance standing up. It's a miracle I can walk." Heh.
When Nicole gains weight, Tara busts out this blinding grin. Grrr. Yeah, you're happy that she's here, you're glad for the extra incentive to do well. Pull the other one...
Seriously, how long will we have to endure Ron? He's even poisoning my appreciation for Mike. Make it stop!

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #255 on: April 01, 2009, 12:56:48 AM »
The Biggest Loser: Couples Episode Recap: "Week 13"

This week is full of past Biggest Loser contestants. When the players enter the gym, there are season five winner Ali Vincent — still skinny and buff. Ali announces that after the last elimination, Alison Sweeney had her baby. But that isn't the only big news of the day. Just as Ali was an eliminated competitor who was able to return to the ranch during her season, someone would be getting that chance this year as well. In walks Nicole, Estella and David who never got the opportunity to come back as their partners were eliminated early on in the game. Nicole looks fabulous, Estella also looks great (especially when we see her "week 1" flashback) and David, well, looks like he's had a tougher time keeping it up at home. The three weigh-in:

Estella- from 242lbs to 197lbs, she's lost 45lbs, 18.6 percent.
David- from 393lbs to 347lbs, he's lost 46lbs, 11.7 percent.
Nicole- from 269lbs to 182lbs, she's lost 87lbs, 32.34 percent.

Nicole gets back in the house, gains immunity for the week, and everyone is worried. 87 pounds lost at home is a pretty big feat, and at 11:04 pm, she's already hitting the gym only to go for a walk at 7:30 am the next morning. During her early morning stroll she encounters a very chatty Tara, and I'm sure all Nicole is thinking is, "Please just leave me be." She returns to the house where Bob sees her for the first time and is stunned — so stunned he even screams out an expletive. Tara, meanwhile, expresses her concern to Jillian as Nicole is now right behind her at number two in terms of progress. She also gets emotional when she tells Jillian she wants to focus on herself and figure out why she gained over 100 pounds in a year and a half because she's scared that she'll go home and do it again. They hug it out and return to workout. Ron has some more serious issues of his own. He feels chest pain so the medic sends him to Dr. H at the hospital. There he finds out he has bleeding ulcers caused by the gastric bypass he had done in his 40's. He'll need medication but can safely return to the ranch.

Michelle Aguilar, the winner of the "families" season, hosts this week's challenge about balance. She, too, looks great. The contestants have to hold a rope with one hand while standing on a platform balanced on 40 ropes, over a pool. Every so often, a rope will be released, making it harder. Mike is the first one out, followed by Filipe. The girls had a strong showing but eventually it comes down to Sione and Kristin. At over an hour and with only nine ropes left, Kristin falls making Sione the winner of a 1-pound advantage at the next weigh-in.

Alison is back in time for the players to step on the scale. Nicole is up first and shockingly gains five pounds. The worst part is that her immunity goes out the window as losing weight is a stipulation. Bob thinks it's stress, but I don't know what to think. Her overall percentage becomes +2.75. Everyone else went as follows:

Kristin- loses 4 pounds, 1.57 percent.
Laura- gains 1 pounds, +.47 percent.
Tara- loses 6 pounds, 3.08 percent.
Helen- loses 6 pounds, 3.39 percent.
Sione- loses 6 pounds so 7 with 1 pound advantage, 2.63 percent.
Filipe- loses 4 pounds, 1.52 percent.
Mike- loses 11 pounds, 4.17 percent.
Ron- gains 3 pounds, +.95 percent.

Ron and Laura also gained a pound. We know Ron most likely did due to his hospital visit, but could Laura have water-logged? I doubt it. It's Ron and Nicole below the yellow line, and Nicole asks her deciding opponents to consider how her being on campus has made them work harder. Ron tells them that in week four he asked them to save his son Mike, and now he's asking them to save him. Mike says his dad still needs to be there and that it's not fair to penalize him for going to the hospital. Although Filipe and Sione turn on their alliance and vote out Ron, somehow, yet again, he makes it through another week. What a bummer for Nicole. During her exit interview she remains proud and says that it's not about winning the title, but about how she feels about herself, what she's capable of doing, and the woman that she's become. Cue cheesy montage as she arrives back home to her loving fiancé Damien, who I'm sure will continue to workout with her as they keep up their progress!

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #256 on: April 01, 2009, 10:06:08 PM »
Alison Blogs:

Nicole's Return

Ok, so I have to say, I was SO thrilled to hear Megan’s name mentioned on BL last night. Dave and I tivoed back to listen to Ali V announce her birth like 3 times.

I’m so cheesy like that. But … on to the show:

It was weird watching it because while I’d heard what had happened during the week, I wasn’t there for stuff I’m normally there for! I was so sad not to get to see David and Estella. I thought Ali V did such a great job with everything, and it was so appropriate since she’d been a ‘return’ herself. And um, can I just say ‘wow!’ doesn’t she look AMAZING?!!! Nicole & Estella both looked fantastic as well. It was so wonderful to see how well they’ve both done at home, and hopefully David took the moment as Ali suggested, as a wake-up call. To not look back, but move forward from there. We’ll see at the finale (which is just weeks away! Omg!) Also, I must mention Michelle too. She seemed so happy and looked beautiful. What a crazy challenge. Whoa!

Days is going on hiatus for the next two weeks. We’ve been pre-taping all these May sweeps scenes getting ready for the time off. Yowsers! I hope you all have your dvr’s set cause it’s really good stuff. I was watching the air show yesterday, I thought James and Joe did such an amazing job with the Tony scenes. Ari and I were talking today about that scene where Sami tells EJ (et al) that she is adopting a baby. We were both saying that those scenes totally caught us off guard, we read it one way, and then when we were out there, doing the scenes, we were both so affected by each other and James that they came out totally different. I watched them and had to tell her she was so great in those scenes! I mean fantastic, right?! I love working with her. We have so much fun together, when we were doing the comic stuff, as well as the serious intense stuff we’ve been doing lately. I was so happy to work with Bry again. I was so happy to work with Bry again. I miss him since we don’t work together all the time now. How funny was the line Will had about not getting his dad’s sense of humor? Cause I think Sami (& I) see such similarities between Will & Lucas, their humor and the way they handle Sami’s …sami-ness… so it was fun to play that moment.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #257 on: April 01, 2009, 10:12:22 PM »

Q & A with Michelle:

1) How has life changed for you both personally and professionally since winning The Biggest Loser last season?
Personally I have a better outlook on everything. I have found that since the show I take much more joy in the little things. Professionally I have yet to come back down to reality and get a 9-5 job, and I'll be honest, I kind of like it!!

2) How is your relationship with your mother?
My relationship with my mother is going great, I have been learning to better balance my time so that we can stay in touch.

3) Do you still keep in contact with the players from last season? What about the trainers?
I keep in contact some, our tech friendly society makes it possible. Jillian and still communicate reguarly and I do my best to meet up with her whenever I am in LA!

4) What is your daily routine that keeps you physically fit?
I know that I still need to keep a regular work out routine. I hit the gym 3-4 times a week and I focus mostly on cardio. When my schedule permits I get some strength training in as well.

5) Any advice for the players this season?
Whatever you do, make sure you are doing this for yourself. I promise there are tough days ahead emotionally, and if you have the right mind set you will get through it!!

6) How did it feel being back on the ranch? What was it like co- hosting with Ali V.?
Crazy being back on the show and cool at the same time. It was great to see Ali even if it was just for a moment!

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #258 on: April 02, 2009, 10:36:42 AM »
An interview with Nicole:

Biggest Loser Castoff Nicole Now Feels "Sexy, Beautiful, and Victorious"

Nicole Brewer certainly had her highs and lows on The Biggest Loser campus: First, a twist Week 1 sent her packing. A few weeks later, when her fiancé and Couples partner, Damien, was eliminated, she missed out on her chance to return and compete. But working hard at home paid off and losing 87 pounds on her own helped her earn a spot back in the game, with immunity to boot. Unfortunately, the change of environment proved to be fatal when Nicole gained five pounds, lost her immunity privilege and was voted out once again. checked in with the New Yorker (who's lost 107 pounds to date) to see why she gained weight and how it feels to prepare for her wedding as a fit bride-to-be. What was it like re-joining the group, especially when they bombarded you about game-play?
Nicole Brewer: It was overwhelming. It was also very awkward. As excited as I was to join the campus and as much as it seemed like it was this big, happy family, it wasn't. Rejoining that team at that time was really stressful; it was no longer just a group of overweight people who wanted to change their lives. I was joining the cast when it was the survivors, it was now about who was going to win the prize at the end of the game. So it was definitely a very different ranch and it wasn't a lot of fun. You've got to be careful what you wished for, because I worked so hard and when I found out there was actually a chance that I could get back on that ranch, I was so excited. But when you actually go back, the reality is that's not exactly where I needed to be. How long was it before you returned that you found out about the second chance?
Brewer: It was just a couple of days. I didn't have any time to prepare at all. Why do you think you gained weight during your week on campus?
Brewer: It was a completely different environment. I lost all of my weight at home, under no stress, with the man that I love. I also feel that, let's face it, every month women's bodies go through a fluctuation of fluids and unfortunately that's just something you can't ever anticipate. Just like people trying to lose weight at home, some weeks you gain, some weeks you lose, some weeks you don't lose as much as you want to lose, but it's something that you can't ever really predict. Did you know you'd lose immunity if you gained weight?
Brewer: I did. That was made clear to me from Alison Sweeney, so I was fully aware and I totally understand that rule. During your "Where Are They Now" piece, you looked stunning in that wedding dress. How did it feel to put it on?
Brewer: It was amazing. When I first went shopping for my wedding gown, I had the man who wanted to marry me, I have a beautiful wedding, but I was really unhappy that I was at that size. So going to shop for the wedding gown was totally a different experience. This time around, I could look at the dresses that I would have never looked at, at a size 24. I felt sexy, I felt beautiful, I felt victorious. As a fellow New Yorker, do you have tips for changing up your workout now that it'll be getting warm out?
Brewer: Absolutely. I'm just so excited to be in New York City because I've lived here for 14 years, [and] the only thing I ever did in Central Park, before The Biggest Loser, was go to a concert at Summer Stage. There are so many things you can do. Up and down the West Side Highway, you can roller skate, roller blade, ride your bike all along the Hudson River, which is such a beautiful view. It's a whole other workout and a whole other experience than being in the gym. I know that I love the gym and I know that I'll always have the gym in my life, but you can also exercise for free outside. So my biggest tip is just to get outside and get moving and go to places that you've never been before. And now that I have a new body, I'm going to start shopping. When I used to take cabs everywhere, now I might actually be walking. Damien said that you guys were working out 90 minutes in the morning and 90 at night, 6 days a week. Are you still doing that?
Brewer: We might bump it up a little bit, but one day of rest is absolutely necessary. Doing it in the morning, really revving up your metabolism, and getting your calorie burns started early is really important so that we can enjoy the day and enjoy the outdoors. But getting a solid, intense workout in is going to be the key and that's what our strategy is for the home stretch, getting to the finale and for reaching our goals.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #259 on: April 02, 2009, 10:59:27 AM »
'Biggest Loser' Nicole's Wedding Scoop!

Nicole Brewer was sent home after just one week on "The Biggest Loser" ranch. She returned on Tuesday night's episode -- and viewers were happily surprised -- her competitors not so much -- to discover that even though she only had a short amount of time to pick up weight-loss skills, she learned enough in that time to go home and lose 87 pounds all on her own.

"I had my calorie counter and I knew my calorie budget," she says when asked how she was so successful without the daily guidance of trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels. "I knew I had to cook my own meals to control my calories."

Nicole also learned how to workout that first week at the ranch. It also didn't hurt that she had a goal other than getting healthy: Her upcoming wedding to Damian Gurganious, who is also doing well since leaving the ranch. He has lost more than 100 pounds.

"Every day I am reminded I am marrying the perfect man for me," says Nicole, who has lost 107 pounds total, going from a size 24 when she weighed 269 pounds, to a size 16. Nicole and Damian have yet to set the exact date, but their wedding will take place sometime in late summer.

"When I first went shopping for my wedding gown, I was so happy. I had a man who wanted to marry me and I was going to have a beautiful wedding, but I was so unhappy that I was that size," she recalls. "This time around, I could look at dresses that I could never have looked at as a size 24. I felt sexy. I felt beautiful. I felt victorious."

Nicole should feel like a winner. When she was on the ranch this week, she placed second on the list when it came to the percentage of weight lost.Tara Costa is the only one who out ranked her.

Now that her diet and exercise program is paying off big time, Nicole says she has not plans to slack off. Rather, she will be adding weights to her cardio workouts in order to "have a more sculpted body and look absolutely fabulous from all angles when I walk down that aisle." To her it is a dream come true that she is not going to get married "fat."

That said, both she and Damian are planning to invite their "Biggest Loser" competitors to the wedding.

"Damian is saying we are going to have a whole 'Biggest Loser' table," she says.

"The Biggest Loser" airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on NBC.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #260 on: April 02, 2009, 04:59:36 PM »
Jillian Michaels Reveals She May Not Stay with The Biggest Loser

Will she stay or will she go? That's the question being asked of Jillian Michaels by fans of The Biggest Loser since they announced the casting call for a new trainer on season eight. In an interview with Jillian Michaels by, she clarifies that she is in talks with NBC about her future with the show.

New York City, NY (PRWEB) April 2, 2009 -- In an interview with, Jillian Michaels discussed her role on the hit NBC reality program, The Biggest Loser. Due to a recent casting call for new trainers, she was asked if she'll be staying with the show. Jillian's response was direct, "I might not be."

"I need certain things to continue with the show, and if I can't get them, then no," says Jillian. She acknowledges that NBC has been great in negotiations, but that might not be enough because she's simply not happy.

 I need certain things to continue with the show, and if I can't get them, then no   
 keeping creative options open for next season   
"I am freakin' miserable!" she admits, noting that Biggest Loser Season 7 has been a tough one for her, going so far as to say that she really hated some of the contestants and that made it difficult to work with them.

In February, NBC announced the casting call for trainers to be a part of season eight, which will air in fall 2009. Speculation immediately rose amongst fans of The Biggest Loser. While an NBC spokesperson said they were merely "keeping creative options open for next season," Jillian clarifies that there are definite questions about her continued position.

News of a possible departure by Jillian has caused a flurry of activity amongst fans on message boards, many noting that Jillian is the reason they watch, that they'd hate to see her go and that they likely would no longer watch if she was not a part of the program.

You can hear the interview with Jillian Michaels in its entirety, as well as a part two in which she discusses her new book, "Master Your Metabolism," at

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #261 on: April 02, 2009, 05:03:05 PM »
If Jillian leaves the biggest loser I will be very dissapointed!  Last time in season three when she left it didn't seem the same!

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #262 on: April 03, 2009, 02:53:38 PM »
If Jillian leaves the biggest loser I will be very dissapointed!  Last time in season three when she left it didn't seem the same!

I agree thanks for the article

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #263 on: April 03, 2009, 03:42:34 PM »
An interview with Nicole:

Biggest Loser’s Nicole: I Don’t Need the Ranch to Lose Weight

In this week’s Biggest Loser twist, the Red Team’s Nicole Brewer, 37, earned a surprise return to the Ranch after losing 87 lbs. at home in 12 weeks. But her excitement quickly faded when game play ensued and Brewer realized that the Ranch was not where she needed to be in order to succeed. Just as quickly as she arrived, the wardrobe stylist was sent back home to Brooklyn, N.Y. Having lost 107 lbs. so far, Nicole spoke to about being targeted at the Ranch, her upcoming wedding and showing America anyone can lose the weight at home.– Rebecca Gross

What was it like rejoining the group?
It was overwhelming and also very awkward. Rejoining [the red] team at that time was really stressful. It was no longer just a group of overweight people who wanted to change their lives; I was joining the cast when it was the survivors, and it was now about who was going to win the prize at the end of the game. It was definitely a very different Ranch and it wasn’t a lot of fun.

When did you to notice that you had a target on your back?
On the very first day. Tara physically put an “X” on my back. So it was made very clear to me at that point. Especially coming in with the second highest total percentage of weight loss, Mike made it clear to me that I was taking his slot in the No. 2 spot.

You would have had immunity but you gained five pounds. Why do you think you gained weight?
I think I gained weight because it was a completely different environment. I lost all of my weight at home under no stress with the man [fiancé Damien Gurganious] that I love. Let’s face it: every month, women’s bodies go through fluctuation in fluids. So I believe it was the combination of the change of environment and the fluctuation in fluids.

What was your strategy to losing all your weight at home?
I knew that I had to cook all my own meals in order to control my calories. When I was heavier I would avoid stairs. And the very first thing I had to do at the Ranch was the Stair Climber. Once I realized I could do it…every day when I went into the gym that was the first thing I was going to do because it was my biggest fear and it was one of the things I needed to tackle. It got my heart rate up, it made me sweat and it made me feel like I accomplished something.

Being a wardrobe stylist, how does it feel to shop for yourself now?
It’s something so deeply personal but also professional for me. For my Where Are They Now shoot, I actually did have to go out and buy some new clothes. I was able to go into a store that I would normally go into for my clients. When I came out I just completely sobbed because I could not believe that I could wear clothes from a normal, regular-sized store.

So how did it feel to put on a wedding dress that was half the size of your original one?
It was amazing! When I first went shopping for my wedding gown, I was so happy I had a man who wanted to marry me…But I was just really unhappy that I was at that size. This time around, I could look at dresses that I never could have looked at when I was a size 24. I felt sexy, I felt beautiful, I felt victorious.

Tell us about your wedding!
I’m so excited and planning my wedding is one of the best parts about life after The Biggest Loser: Couples. We haven’t picked an exact date but it’s going to be a late summer wedding in New York. We are absolutely going to be inviting some of our new Biggest Loser family members to join us for our nuptials.

Do you feel a little “ripped off” that you didn’t get to spend very much time on the Ranch?
Having done so well at home and ending up not doing so well on the Ranch, I realized I didn’t really miss anything. I wanted to be the one to show America that you can do it at home. You don’t need a magical Ranch or someone screaming at you or telling you what to do, you just have to believe that you can do it.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #264 on: April 03, 2009, 10:19:08 PM »


Episode: 17

Air Date: April 28, 2009


This week, the tables are turned when contestants get to train their trainers and are only too happy to put Bob and Jillian through the paces! Later, the remaining five players have to race up and down hills while carrying bags representing their total weight loss so far in a particularly grueling challenge. Then it’s time to visit Dr. Huizenga for a progress report and to find out their new “real ages” now that they’ve lost so much weight. The players also try on their “goal outfits” and are amazed to see how far they’ve really come. Then after weighing in and eliminating one more contestant, the final four players head home, where they’ll stay for 30 days before returning to weigh in at the ranch one last time.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #265 on: April 04, 2009, 11:38:56 AM »
Losing a Grip on Immunity with Nicole Brewer on The Biggest Loser Couples

Although some of the competitors on The Biggest Loser Couples form lasting bonds with each other, even after they leave the ranch, others don't stay long enough to form any relationship. This week's episode of The Biggest Loser Couples saw the return of three competitors that were sent home - Nicole, Estelle, and David - to vie for a spot to stay in the game from losing the most weight at home. When the three stepped on the scales, it was Brooklyn native Nicole Brewer who won Biggest Loser immunity after losing a whopping 87 pounds at home.

However, when the regular gameplay resumed, with a grip challenging rope contest to balance their weight over a swimming pool, Nicole quickly lost the immunity when she stepped on the scales and it was revealed that she gained 5 pounds upon her return. After making it back to The Biggest Loser ranch, Nicole was sent packing almost as quickly as she came through the door.

The next morning we hopped on the phone with Nicole Brewer, the now former competitor of The Biggest Loser Couples, to find out how she lost her grip on both the scales and immunity.

THE DEADBOLT: How did it feel when you first walked back in the gym? It seemed like you scared the crap out of everyone?

NICOLE BREWER: [laughs] You think so? You know, it’s so funny, because when I first walked in the gym I was just overwhelmed by how good they looked. You have to remember the last time I saw them was thirteen weeks before and they were heavy just like me. I mean, it was amazing. So my jaw dropped when I saw them. But when I saw their reaction to me, I was like, ‘Okay, I’m feeling good. I think I might have this in the bag right now.’ It felt really good, it was definitely a confidence boost.

THE DEADBOLT: It was pretty funny. You could see their faces lighting up and getting excited, then their expressions changed once it sunk in that they might be in trouble.

NICOLE: I know, especially when you watch them watching the videos of all three of us in that first week. And then when we walked in, that was pretty powerful.

THE DEADBOLT: You must have felt really proud when Bob saw you and he was speechless.

NICOLE: ‘What?’ - I think he thought when I did my little cat walk. I felt amazing, you know? It really felt good because I felt he was genuinely shocked that I was able to do what I did at home.

THE DEADBOLT: What was your main exercise at home that you feel helped you the most?

NICOLE: Well, when I first got home I gotta say, as cold as it was I - I live in Brooklyn, but workout in Manhattan - I can’t tell you how many miles it is, but I would ride from Brooklyn over the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan and back everyday, about six days out of every week. So that burned. That got my calories burning first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I have to say the thing I hate most about New York City, and the thing that, when I was heavier, I would avoid is stairs.

So the very first thing I had to do at the ranch was the stair climber. And once I realized that I could do it, I realized everyday I went to the gym that was the first thing I was going to do, because it was my biggest fear and it was one of the things that I needed to tackle. So I know it got my heart-rate up and I sweat, and I felt like I accomplished something every time I did the stair climber. I’m going to say the stair climber is the number one way I burned the calories.

THE DEADBOLT: Since you only spent a little bit of time at the ranch, do you feel a little ripped off in a way? You didn’t get that experience, really.

NICOLE: You know, I sure didn’t. It’s funny, because a lot of people were saying, ‘The red team got robbed.’ I laugh when people say that, and I think about - again, the reason why I wanted to be on The Biggest Loser was not just to change my life, I wanted to compete and enjoy the game and benefit from the trainers and enjoy the ranch. So I don’t know. Having done so well at home and ending up not doing so well on the ranch, I realized I didn’t really miss anything. If my true success came at home, then everything happened the way it was supposed to happen.

THE DEADBOLT: With your wedding coming up, are you and Damien seriously gunning for the $100,000?

NICOLE: [laughs] Well, I have to say there are so many people in this competition. I think what me and Damien are gunning for is to go out on that stage knowing that we did absolutely everything that we could with this opportunity of a lifetime, and know that we played the game with a certain amount of personal respect and personal integrity and dignity. So I know that there’s a lot of drama that goes on, a lot of gameplay, and I can safely say that we didn’t have anything to do with that. So we can go out there knowing that we did a really good job and the scale is going to prove it.

THE DEADBOLT: What was that rope challenge like?

NICOLE: That rope challenge was crazy. I loved how it was a metaphor for how to balance things in my life, which was kind of interesting, because that’s how I lost the weight at home. I balanced my life with my exercise and my diet and it was really about doing that balancing act. And I really tried to hold on to the very end.

But what was so crazy about it was, my hands were freezing cold. So I couldn’t look from side to side to see who was left in the game with me. But all I knew was that I was going to hang on as long as I possibly could. And it was exciting because that’s what I felt like I missed most, competing in those challenges. So at least I got to have that one challenge and at least make it to the final three. I showed that I was a competitor and had I stayed it was definitely going to be on.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #266 on: April 05, 2009, 10:14:27 AM »
The Biggest Loser: Couples
Only One Vote?!

Last week's Biggest Loser was just chock full of surprises.  Alison had her baby, Ali and Michelle came back to co-host, three people gained weight and the person winning her way back with amazing numbers, is sent packing before she can even settle in.

Although I felt bad for Nicole, that unfortunate gain of 5 pounds was something we haven't seen since the days of gaining weight by drinking massive amounts of water to throw a weigh-in.  I'm sure it was because of all the stress, but still, 5 pounds is a little shocking - but that's just my opinion.  She should get lots of kudos though for losing 85 pounds, at home, on her own, with no trainer or guidance.  Also, I had to agree with Mike - Ron should not have been penalized because he was pumped full of fluids at the hospital - maybe they should get something in place for their sickest contestants - especially if a contestant is taken to the hospital where they have no control over what goes into their bodies.  Want to bet he will have a double-digit weight loss next week?  Now Laura...  sorry, I just don't get Laura's weight gain.  She seems to be all over the place when it comes to weight loss.  Maybe it's time for Jillian to get inside Laura's head and find out why this is happening to her.

Mike, Sione, Filipe and Helen are staying on an even keel and seem to be under the radar of the other contestants - or maybe it's just that they are staying above that dreaded yellow line.  I don't have a clue which one of the remaining contestants has what it takes to win this whole competition.   With the exception of Laura, they all seem to be evenly matched - including Ron.  Only time and tough competitions will tell...

Coming up:

We had such a quick peek at the mess of sinful sweets all over the floor of the gym and not one hint to explain what was happening - so, it took a little checking around to understand that few seconds of footage.   I've read that the players will compete for the sole vote at the elimination during a risky temptation challenge.  Yes, you heard that correctly.  Our contestants will face a temptation challenge in which the winner of the challenge will choose the person that will be eliminated.  Sounds like a must-win for Tara if she wants to stay on campus.  I can't think of anyone else that has a bigger and brighter target ... and with so many people aiming for that target!

I'm hearing that we will, once again, be treated to a visit from Rocco DiSpirito as he teaches the contestants how to make healthy versions of restaurant dishes.  He is quickly becoming a regular on the Biggest Loser.   Don't know about you all, but I never get tired of Rocco!

I'm also reading that two former contestants will return to offer advice.  I wonder if it Ali and Michelle will be staying for an extra week since Alison came back so quickly, or will we be treated to some other past contestants offering up their words of wisdom?

The challenge this week will feature our players scaling the steps of a stadium.  Could it be something like a past season's challenge where hot dogs, pizza and ice cream are loaded up on the contestants tables?

Lots to look forward to when The Biggest Loser Couples 2 airs at 8/7c on NBC, Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #267 on: April 07, 2009, 08:42:14 AM »
click on link below to view video

'The Biggest Loser' Makeover Episode!

"Project Runway" mentor Tim Gunn transforms "The Biggest Loser" contestants with a Macy's makeover -- and ET has your sneak peek.

"I am very excited to get an amazing haircut and some new clothes and to finally feel good about myself. I haven't taken care of me on the outside, because I was ashamed," Tara Costa says, after host Alison Sweeney informs the remaining contestants that it is time to get stylish.

The final eight "Losers" on the ranch head to Macy's for their brand-new look and then to celebrity hairstylists Tabatha and Brandon Martinez for their new 'dos on the episode airing Tuesday, April 14.

"It is a visualization of how far we have all come," Kristin Steede, who holds the record as the first woman to lose 100 pounds on the ranch, adds.

With a little advice from Tim, the women are dressed in gorgeous jewel tones in everything from a classic shirtdress to a plunging, V-neck cocktail dress, while the men are clad in classic menswear with some unexpected touches.

"They haven't been able to wrap their brains around the new size," Tim says. "They don't know how to dress it, so to be able to be with them and to nurture and guide them, is an honor."

It was especially emotional for Helen Phillips, who has lost 88 pounds at the point she goes shopping. She tells Tim, "I look around and things were untouchable before." Then she gets herself together and adds, "It is happening and I made the change."

Of course, when she gets a surprise visit from her husband, Russ, she is thrilled when he tells her, "Oh, my God, honey. You are so beautiful."

"The Biggest Loser" airs Tuesday nights on NBC at 8 p.m.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #268 on: April 07, 2009, 08:04:05 PM »
Interesting  show tonight.  I think Ron was wrong getting so offended about the votes.   I think Filipe takes everything so personal.

I also think Tara will be below the yellow line and not keep her power.  I think it will be Tara and Laura below the line.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #269 on: April 07, 2009, 09:41:18 PM »
WOW  LARA  would have had immunity... has she finnally realized she can do this or was she sandbagging before because she had Tara?

I think she made the right decision.  Sione was a bigger threat then Helen.  Plus if she falls below next week she MAY have help with Helen.

I have to say... I am loving Kristin.  She just gets it.  and I love that she is losing so much weight.  She seems to be making use of her time on the ranch.  Doing it for her self, and working LAURA as a back up for the game.  SHe is one to watch.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #270 on: April 07, 2009, 11:40:02 PM »

I completely agree Texan

Love Kristin the only reason why I continue watching and I was so glad to see Coleen and Jerry

Ron wants blood I never saw that coming “those of you who voted for me may you get struck down and die” omg

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #271 on: April 07, 2009, 11:47:38 PM »
A recap Episode 14:

The Biggest Loser: Couples': Gaining power, losing control

As you can imagine, last week's failed ouster of Ron made things Un! Comfort! Able! on "The Biggest Loser: Couples." So when the Losers were given the opportunity and a plausible reason to drown their discomfort with calories... well, most of them did.

Obligatory Ron Rant
Have I mentioned how much Ron bugs me? EVERYONE in the house is scared of him -- he's the Godfather, The Hatchet Man. Tara says she'd be afraid if she were the Tongans -- "They might find a horse's head in their beds.” The editors underscore all their Ron footage with Godfather-esque music from then on. 

When Ron gets back after the vote, he thanks those who voted to save him. "Those who didn't, may you get struck down and die." He intones that those who left the protection of the pack should expect to be set upon by wild dogs and have their entrails dragged out to the wilderness. Or to be voted off. Whichever. Fear of The Great and Powerful Ron runs deep: Kristin doesn't even want to be seen walking with the three outcasts, and she slinks away when Filipe asks her if she'd ever vote against Ron.

Mike is livid that Helen, Filipe and Sione dares trespass against The Holy Ron, and I really wish he'd shut up because I want to keep liking him and he's making it difficult.

Please, for the love of all that is good, SOMEONE get Ron out of there!

The Losers are confronted with 100 covered trays. Most of them contain high-cal snacks. A few contain product-placed gum with cash attached. And one holds "ultimate power" -- a golden ticket that will grant the user the sole vote in this week's elimination.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the Losers gets snacking. Just about everyone says they NEEEEEED this ticket to survive, but Sione, Filipe and Helen feel more urgency than most. Kristin realizes early that the power is fine, but only if you stay above the yellow line, so she drops out. Ron gets a string of lucky trays -- he wins $1,500 in gum money -- but he, too, starts having to eat.

Laura ends up winning the ticket, and she immediately starts scheming. Kneel before Zod! Laura! And get me breakfast in bed while you're at it! Kristin actually does suck up with breakfast in bed, and Helen tries to be motherly and concerned, then suggests that maybe Laura would want to vote her partner off. Wait, what? That's not going to happen.

Laura starts scheming -- Tara, why don't you throw the weigh-in, so you'll be below the line with someone else and then I won't have to make a tough decision! Tara resists, then wavers, then looks like she’s going to, then looks like she won't... she's undecided until late in the game, despite Jillian urging her not to take the risk.

The Challenge
Welcome to the Rose Bowl! Now run up and down all the steps in your half of the stadium. My knees start aching just watching them. It's boys against girls, and Sione and Tara win handily. Then Sione and Tara go head to head, and they swap leads. In the end, Tara's focus and her ability to pace herself give her the win. She gets a vacation for 4 at a fitness resort.

Sione is pissed -- I did my best, but I guess my best wasn't good enough, he warbles. (Ok, no singing, but he did get that song stuck in my head). He's feeling defeated. Uh-oh.

The Weigh-In
Ron has a stellar week, losing 9 pounds. Will no one rid me of this turbulent Loser? No, seriously-- anyone? No? Sigh. Kristin and Filipe also post great numbers (6 and 7 pounds, respectively), and are safe.

Mike and Tara hit roadblocks this week -- Mike loses "just" 5 pounds, while Tara drops "just" 3. Did she consciously throw the weigh-in? She says no, but Jillian shoots daggers with her eyes. But they're saved by Helen, who drops "only" 2 pounds, and Sione, who loses "just" 4. So long as Laura stays above the line, one of them will be going home. Ron smugly looks smug as he smugs his way to smugville -- one of the heretics will fall to the righteous sword of elimination! Grrr.

And who woulda thunk it, Laura didn't cave under the pressure. She has an awesome week, losing 8 pounds. Hooray! Now, get ready to crush some hopes and dreams!

The Elimination
At the judging table, Laura says Helen is like her mother, and Sione is like her brother. Well, Laura's brother, beware if you're in a lifeboat with her and your mom, because you're getting pushed overboard. Sione goes home. Sigh.

He looks spectacular in the Look At Me Now interview -- he's studying to become a trainer, he's working out his family, he gives his (adorable) small children athletic shoes, and takes his (adorable) wife to the gym. He's lost 137 pounds, and he looks gooooooood. Rowr.

Highlights, thoughts and odds and ends

Ah, Sione. You spoke truth to power -- "I don't owe anybody anything. I'm not here for Ron, I’m here for myself" -- and you got smote for it. Alas. We'll miss you.

Filipe gets emotional and tells Sione how much he means to him. Sione looks deeply uncomfortable.

I did like Sione asking Filipe to lead them in a Haka (or Sipi Tau, or Kailao -- I'm afraid I’m not up on my varieties of Tongan war dances). If I haven't pointed you here before, check out the Tongans vs. the New Zealand All Blacks before a rugby match. Now THAT, my friends, is a dance off!

Jillian and Bob are both utterly disgusted by the temptation challenge, and that their Losers succumbed. Jillian looks like she wants to get the gym reconsecrated after the blasphemous binge.

Both trainers enjoy kicking the crap out of the Losers in the post-temptation workout. I'm amazed we didn't see anyone puking. Grateful, but amazed.
At the weigh-in, Ron says he's fine with his loss, but "that put me above my son and I'm not happy." "Oh, shut up!" Mike says. "Be happy!" Heh. Finally!

Sione, when he leaves, pledges that the next time we see him, he'll be "the next Tongan Brad Pitt." Wait, there was a previous Tongan Brad Pitt? Where? Is he single?  :funny:

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #272 on: April 07, 2009, 11:59:26 PM »
From tvguide:

The Biggest Loser: Couples Episode Recap: "Week 14"

This week, there was nothing but drama in The Biggest Loser: Couples house as Ron was left in the game, despite receiving votes from his "alliance." The tension follows from the elimination room to the living room as Ron calls out Sione for telling him he was "fine" before the voting. Mike's also upset about his dad getting stabbed in the back while Kristin recognizes that Ron is both cutthroat and competitive. And as the producers like to dramatize, we see a little montage showing Ron as the king of the house.

The next day, Ali is waiting in the gym that's filled with silver platters everywhere: It's time for a temptation challenge. 100 trays are hiding snacks (mostly fattening, some healthy), cash and one lucky golden ticket that will give the player who uncovers it the power to cast the sole vote this week. Of course, nothing in the BL house comes calorie-free. As each player tries to get the lucky platter, they rack up the calories. Finally Laura gets the golden ticket, and she and Tara scream with excitement as they realize they'll be safe another week.

The trainers walk into the gym as the contestants are cleaning up the remnants of their temptations. None too pleased, Bob and Jillian train together to kick their butts and pretty much beat the crap out of them. I bet everyone but Laura is really regretting that temptation.

Jillian takes her team to Subway for a little <strike>product placement</strike> healthy meal. All of a sudden, in walks last season's father/daughter duo Colleen and Jerry looking great, and they the team how to make a healthy sandwich. Jillian gives them some tips, like using mustard and vinegar instead of oil and mayo, apples instead of fries and iced tea instead of soda. Minor adjustments that seem pretty easy to follow.

This week's challenge is at the Rose Bowl football stadium, and Filipe is more than stoked to be there (since my 'SC Trojans have often dominated there). Their task is to run the stairs — all 2,156 of them. It's also boys versus girls, with the winner of each gender to compete in a second heat. The prize is pretty sweet: a two-week trip for four at a fitness spa in Utah. It's no surprise when Sione and Tara win the first leg and have to face-off against each other. Is anyone else sick of these two going head-to-head? Although most of the race is pretty tight, Tara edges out Sione, once again, for the victory.

Back at the house, the scheming begins. Sione and Filipe pretty much tell Kristin if she falls below the yellow line she's dun-zo. Helen and Laura chat and Helen suggests maybe Laura vote off her own partner because, after all, they're not family. Really, Helen!? Kristin then suggests that Tara may fall below the yellow line on purpose, knowing her partner Laura won't vote her off. Oh, the possibilities.

After a little Marley & Me screening and a last-chance workout, it's time for the weigh-in. Mike goes first as he's nine pounds away from setting the all-time record for weight-loss at the ranch (144 pounds). Unfortunately, he only loses five, his lowest number yet, which gives him a 1.98 percent loss for the week. Here's how everyone else did:

Ron- loses 9 pounds, 2.84 percent.
Tara- loses 3 pounds, 1.59 percent. (Jillian sends her a scathing look as Tara swears she didn't lose a small amount on purpose)
Kristin- loses 6 pounds, 2.39 percent.
Helen- loses 2 pounds, 1.17 percent.
Filipe- loses 7 pounds, 2.70 percent.
Sione- loses 4 pounds, 1.54 percent.
Laura- loses 8 pounds, 3.76 percent.

Helen and Sione are below the yellow line, and it's up to Laura to cast the deciding vote. Sione tears up and asks Laura to vote with who she wants to be there while also slipping in that she can count on him every single week from there-on-out. Helen tells Laura that she and Tara are her closest people, and considers them daughters. So whose plea worked? After the cousins do one last Tongan chant, Sione, Helen and Laura head to the elimination room where Laura makes her tough decision; a power she regrets winning. She ultimately decides to send Sione home, but instead of wallowing, he's excited to go back to his family, share what he has learned and be a better father and husband.

Offline marigold

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #273 on: April 08, 2009, 11:13:36 AM »
An interesting article:

Cover Story: Biggest Loser Secrets Revealed

In only a few months on The Biggest Loser, contestants Tara Costa and Helen Phillips have managed to sweat and diet their way to newer, slimmer selves, dropping a combined total of almost 200 lbs. And exclusively in the new issue of OK!, these two inspiring women sit down to talk about how they did it — and how they plan to keep the weight off!

"I was a very sad person before," Helen confessed to OK!. "Coming here has actually saved my life."

Meanwhile, former plus-size model Tara admitted, "I was an overweight teen all the way up to 24... I did everything."

OK! caught up with both Tara and Helen when we visited the set of the hit NBC show's upcoming fashion episode, where the remaining contestants work with style guru Tim Gunn to pick new looks to highlight their svelte figures. And here for the first time is your preview of their new looks:

Integral to Tara's dramatic weight loss is her "6-Mile Workout," which consists of: Jogging 3 miles, doing 20 push-ups, jogging another mile, then another set of push-ups, another mile, more push-ups, one last mile and then one final round of push-ups. We're losing weight just thinking about it!

"Right now I'm embracing day in and day out of what I'm living," explains Tara. "I'm finally allowing myself to realize that, okay, I can lose weight and I can be small and the weight will come off. And the second that you start believing that it will come off, it comes off."

Helen hopes that she can be an inspiration to those who think they're too old to get healthy. I would like to be that help for someone else now to get people started," she tells OK!. "I want them to know that they can do it and it’s never too late. At one point I was thinking, ‘I’m 48, almost 50, this is my life now’ but don’t ever settle. Anything is possible and if I can do it, anyone can do it. You just have to keep trying, take little steps and work on it every single day."

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #274 on: April 08, 2009, 12:20:47 PM »


Released by NBC

Tim Gunn ("Project Runway") and Tabatha Coffey (Bravo's "Tabatha's Salon Takeover") guest star on one of the most eagerly-anticipated events of each "Biggest Loser" season – the makeover episode airing Tuesday, April 14 (8-10 p.m. ET) on NBC's "The Biggest Loser: Couples."

Before getting glammed up for their makeovers, the remaining seven contestants soar to new heights with this week's challenge. They'll have to cross a canyon – equivalent to a 10-story building at its highest point – on a zipline spanning 700 feet. The winner gets one of the most amazing prizes of the season – a $25,000 kitchen makeover.

After the kitchen makeover is awarded to the challenge winner, the contestants find out from host Alison Sweeney that they will all be getting makeovers. But this season, they'll be getting made over for their very own Hollywood premiere – complete with red carpet, reunions with loved ones, and a movie packed with emotional moments from their weight loss journeys.

First, the contestants head to Macy's where they find fashion guru Tim Gunn waiting to help them pick out stylish new outfits to flatter their slimmer selves. Guest hair stylist Tabatha (Bravo's "Tabatha's Salon Takeover") and celebrity stylist Brandon Martinez transform them further with complete salon makeovers. Then it's time for amazing reveals and emotional reunions when the made-over contestants show off their incredible new looks to loved ones flown in to help them celebrate their big day.

Later, back at the ranch, the contestants head to the gym for last chance workouts. But a visit with Dr. Huizenga reveals that one player is sidelined with a medical injury that will have a dramatic impact on workouts – and could affect her future on the show. And at this week's weigh-in, one player breaks the Biggest Loser record for most weight ever lost at the ranch. Then an emotional elimination sends another player home.