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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #100 on: January 15, 2009, 05:35:22 PM »
An interesting article an interview with Jerry:

Biggest Loser’s Jerry Loses 96 Lbs.

In a heart-wrenching elimination that even had host Ali Sweeney wiping away tears, the show’s oldest contestants, Jerry and Estella Hayes, were sent home. The lovable 63-year-old grandparents of Team White were off to a scary start when Jerry collapsed in the gym on the first day. After bouncing back with an incredible 25-lb. weight loss in the first week, Jerry hit a roadblock in the dreaded second week and fell below the yellow line with Daniel Wright, 19, his good friend and the heaviest contestant in Biggest Loser history. In the end, Jerry was sent home to reunite with his wife and partner, Estella. With the support of his family and those emails from Jillian, he has lost 96 lbs. so far! Jerry spoke with reporters recently about his collapse on the show, how he’s getting fit and why Bob the trainer blew up at another contestant.

How much do you think your age factored into your physical fitness?
I don’t think it’s so much my age as much as it’s the fact that I was on a couch for 25 years not doing anything. As far as being old, I think I’m okay. I’m not going to be as fast or as strong as a 27-year-old, I know that. I’m not going burn the calories they burn or lose as fast. I’m getting my metabolism up and everything is working.

What’s the main difference in your life after being on the show?
I was a diabetic; I’m not a diabetic anymore. It’s gone — there’s no evidence of diabetes anymore. My blood pressure is well under control. My cholesterol is, I believe, lower than an 18-year-old. It’s unbelievable!

How did you feel about them keeping Daniel when you were voted off?
I love Daniel. I wanted him there. I actually talked to them and said they had to choose me. I had my wife and kids at home who were all very supportive. Daniel is very young and has his whole life ahead of him. They came to the right conclusion. I didn’t want to leave, don’t get me wrong. Daniel is a very special person, he’s going to be a Baptist minister and he’s just a kind and nice man. We are friends and talk all the time.

What is your favorite healthy thing to eat now and what is your biggest temptation?
I like yogurt with fruit in it. Besides the yogurt, my favorite foods are the same as before, we just modify them. I eat an omelet for breakfast like I did before, but the omelet I eat now is made out of egg whites and the calories are about a third of what it was, but it tastes the same to me. And I love spaghetti and I still have it but it’s wheat spaghetti with turkey meatballs and it’s much more healthy. The temptation is there but I haven’t fallen off the wagon.

What is your advice for other grandparents who are discouraged about exercising?
You need help and I have a trainer here. You just have to start slow but you got to get your mind on it and keep trying and trying. You’ll get faster; you’ll get stronger. You got to challenge yourself and you need support whether it is a spouse or friend. The health center we go to has a community of older people who feed off of each other. You just got to believe.

What did learn at the ranch that you were able to bring home with you and incorporate in your regimen to be so successful and drop 96 pounds?
[The doctor] recommended a 2 ½ hour cardio program and on top of that, I do another hour either with my trainer or I do weights that my trainer has laid out for me. I found that I cannot get into a weight room by myself without directions because I have the tendency to over-lift and I’ve always screwed up a muscle or something in my years of experience. But it’s essentially 3 ½ hours a day. The diet is the same as the diet they laid out for us up there … We follow the program and journal everything we eat. Me and Stella measure and we weigh everything. I’ve never read so many food packages in my life.

Did your trip to the hospital in the first week put any limitations on your exercise program that may have led to your disappointment on the scale in week two?
No. The first week I lost 25 pounds. But I was walking a lot for exercise and trying to make it up there. And by walking a lot I got these blisters on my foot and it made me do the bike more. But I think I lost so much weight the first week that the second week I didn’t recover from it. Once they found out my heart was okay, that took three days, I wasn’t limited in what I could do except for the blisters on my foot.

Was there something that happened in the second week that we didn’t see, which led to Bob’s big blow-up in the gym other than Joelle’s inability to stay on the treadmill for 30 seconds?
No, you saw it. Sometimes she just wouldn’t do the workouts. In the gym, there would be homework where for three or four hours we’d have to do our own program because they wouldn’t always be there but they’d tell us what to do and we’d do it. And she wouldn’t always follow that; she was doing her own thing at times. It just led up to it. But what you saw, I saw too, and I just couldn’t believe it. I guess he just got frustrated.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #101 on: January 16, 2009, 11:41:55 AM »

"The Biggest Loser" will continue to help Americans shed unwanted pounds -- at least for one more year -- as NBC today announced that the show has been given a pickup through the 2009-2010 season.

"I love that show. I inherited it," Paul Telegdy, executive vice president, Alternative Programming, NBC and Universal Media Studios tells ET exclusively. "I love it when you get a toy that you like. I love it when I talk to people who aren't in the business about that show. It is incredibly inspiring. Every year people make resolutions to be healthier and that show is the No. 1 tool kit available to people to be inspired."

As for the fate of Shannon, this season's "The Biggest Loser" contestant who was charged with domestic violence after an incident in suburban Detroit last month, a spokesperson for the show says that at this time the matter won't effect her participation in the series.

As for the themes for next season, Telegdy adds, "The challenge is to keep the cast and the stories amazing. Some of the transformations we saw in the last season where Michelle [Aguilar] lost 110 pounds was just extraordinary. We have to be careful we don't compromise health. I love the family stuff and the stakes between two competitors."

Telegdy also says that host Alison Sweeney will not miss many episodes following the birth of her daughter Megan Hope Sanov on Monday, January 12. He jokes, "Ali was our biggest loser that day: 6 pounds 7 ounces."

"The Biggest Loser" airs Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. on NBC.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #102 on: January 16, 2009, 08:29:52 PM »
An interesting article:

Kristen Steede of Greenville survives second week on NBC's 'The Biggest Loser: Couples'

"The Biggest Loser" Tuesday was chock-full of drama. Even Cathy Skell thought it was entertaining.

"At that point of filming I was at home, so it was kind of like watching it all new for myself as well," said Skell, who can't reveal if she's at home in Shiocton or on the Biggest Loser ranch in California.

The first challenge Tuesday offered contestants $25,000 to walk away. No one took host Allison Sweeney up on the offer.

Kristin Steede, who as of last night has lost 29 pounds (more weight than she's ever lost before), may have been tempted, but participating on the show is not about the money, her mom said.

Trainer Bob Harper was seriously angry last night due to one contestant's lack of focus and 2-pound weight loss.

"He takes his job seriously … and when someone is not giving 110 percent, he gets upset because there's a lot of people that try out to be on that show," Skell said.

Last night's decision was to send contestant grandpa Jerry home.

"That is the hardest part of being there," Skell said. "You get so close. And not only are we motivated by (trainers) Bob and Jillian, we are motivated by each other."

When Skell was one of nine people sent home after the first episode of "The Biggest Loser: Couples," she headed to the gym.

On the recommendation of a friend, Skell, who has hopes of returning to the ranch in 30 days if daughter Steede still is in the game, hooked up with the Appleton-based Ellipse Fitness.

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Offline marigold

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #103 on: January 16, 2009, 08:32:18 PM »
An interesting article:

Mich. 'Biggest Loser' Contestant May Lose More Than Weight

A contestant on NBC's "The Biggest Loser" is a South Lyon city councilman, but he may not be for much longer because of a vote that could cause him to lose his position.

Ron Morelli and his son are winning challenges on the weight-losing show, but all his hard work could come with losing his seat on the council for absences.

The South Lyon city charter says a member can be voted off after three unexcused absences. Morelli has been missing meetings since September. He has three unexcused absences and two excused absences, according to city manager David Murphy.

Morelli's friend, Gary Childs, is trying to persuade the city to let him keep his place in City Hall.

"I spoke in support of him and filled out the comment section at the last meeting," said Childs.

Childs said the worst part is nobody has been able to contact Morelli while he's doing the show, so he doesn't even know about the controversy back home.

"South Lyon will go on, and Ron will go on. He can run again. Either way, Ron will be fine," said Childs.

Most city leaders are just learning why Morelli has been absent and told Local 4 they don't believe Morelli will be voted off, but hope he does well in the show.

Morelli has already lost 40 pounds while on the show.

Link to the article:

Offline marigold

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #104 on: January 16, 2009, 08:34:41 PM »
An interesting article an interview with Jerry and Estella:

Interview With Jerry and Estella of The Biggest Loser: Couples

Last week, on the season premiere of The Biggest Loser: Couples, contestants were shocked when most of their teammates were sent home to continue their weight loss journey while they would be left in the competition alone.  If they were still in the game 30 days later, their partner would come back and compete alongside them.  This week, two of Jillian's teammates, Dan and Jerry, fell below the yellow line.  The players deliberated and decided that 63-year-old contestant Jerry Hayes would be the one heading home, where he would continue to train alongside his wife, Estella.  Today, the couple talked to in an exclusive interview.
Q. Gina, How did the two of you end up being part of this season of The Biggest Loser?
A. Jerry: Good question!  We started to get information of weight loss.  We never thought The Biggest Loser would pick a 63-year-old couple who did not exercise for 25 years.   Our kids were 100% behind us and helped all the way.

A. Estella: We began with a call on the internet for interviews at the Lexus car dealership in Schaumberg, IL, followed by an hour interview in Chicago.  We went through more interviews in L.A.  After the first interview, we thought our chances were "a snowball's chance in Hell."  Then, we got a phone call and it's been rolling ever since then!
Q. Gina, Did you underestimate how difficult the workouts would be and what kind of physical toll it would take on your bodies?
A. Jerry: The workouts are tough and very hard on your body and mind.   I found my mind is more limiting than my body.  Beside the one week health problems, my body has performed well.  I have muscle pains but no joint or other body problems.  Enough sleep was a problem at times.

A. Estella: No, we didn't underestimate the difficulty of the workout and the toll on our bodies but we didn't realize our muscle mass under the fat had decreased so much.  For me, this has been the hard part.

Q. Gina, What was your reaction to the twist that almost every team would have a member sent home this season?
A. Jerry: At first, not good, but once I understood it was to show you can lost weigh at home, it was more acceptable.  I never like the idea of being separated from Estella.

A. Estella: Shock! Panic! Then, intense internal pondering of me staying vs. Jerry.  I talked to Sandy, the medical trainer, to see if Jerry could physically train hard, and he gave me the green light.  He said not to panic and he was right.  I could do this at home.  I could do more than I thought.
Q. Gina, Estella, when Jerry collapsed, did you have a moment where you thought that maybe this was going to be too much for the two of you?
A. Estella: With the initial collapse, it definitely got my attention and reaffirmed we needed to be here to make a change. Jerry had been on too many blood pressure medications and not enough potassium was the result from going to the hospital.  But we didn't want to give up.
Q. Gina, What qualities does Jillian bring to the table as a trainer that you appreciated?
A. Jerry: Jillian is great!!  She pushes you to be the best that you can be.  She also watches you like a hawk to ensure you will not hurt or disable yourself.  I learned from Jillian that my mind was my biggest problem to weight loss and physical exercise, not my body.  She is tough, but kind and fair at the same time.   She is great!

A. Estella: Jillian calls it as she sees it and is not afraid to hold up a mirror in front of you with words to help you see or understand the potential for change.  That week with Jillian was life changing for me.  She challenged me to do the "impossible."  I am grateful everyday to have spent the time with this lady.  She is very competitive, fair and able to challenge you to do things you never considered.
Q. Gina, Last season, there was a lot of gameplay and alliances.  Did you see any of that this season?
A. Jerry: There was no game-playing during the show.  We played, laughed, and ate together as one team
A. Estella: I was there for one week and mostly occupied with concerns for Jerry and survival for me with the intense workouts and getting rid of the toxins in my body and feeling lousy.  But thank goodness that has eased.  Too busy for game playing.
Q. Gina, Which players are working the hardest and have the best work ethic?
A. Jerry: This is tough because most contestants work hard and had a great work ethic.  It is a small list of who did not have a best work ethic but I elect not to discuss that because we were one team and we were trying to do our best.

A. Estella: On Jillian's team: Tara, Aubrey, Mandy, Dane, and Daniel all worked hard.  We all tried to encourage each other.  Jerry couldn't work hard in the gym but walked so hard and so long that he got blisters and kept on going.  Carla, Kristen, Sione, Felipe, Nicole, Damian, Ron, Mike, etc.all worked hard and challenged us to work harder.

Q. Gina, What is your workout routine like at home and how has the show changed your lives?
A. Jerry: We work out three to three and half hours a day at home.  We are focused on changing our lives and we are going to be around a long time.

A. Estella: My workout routine include walking-jogging on indoor track at Wheaton Sport Center.  I take classes such a Zumba, Mixer, total body workout, water aerobics, and Spin.  I work out on the stairmaster, elliptical, and treadmill.  One day of doing a circuit of weights and 3 days with a personal trainer.  I workout 6 days, and rest one for at least 2 ½  hours of cardio daily.  The show has changed our lives by encouraging us to do things we never thought possible.  It has helped us to be around longer with the family we love.  It has given Jerry and I more time together, we appreciate each other more, and we are kinder to each other.  It has helped our children see us in a new light as people who can face challenges, become stronger and be role models.  They don't see us as someone to take care of but people to be proud of.  It's been an incredible ride and we are very grateful.

Link to the article:

Offline marigold

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #105 on: January 17, 2009, 02:07:31 AM »
Ali Vincent is blogging again :hearts:

Don't Just Sit and Watch, Participate!

January 16, 2009

I am so excited about this season. I think it's time. It's time after 5 years to not only watch every Tuesday and support the contestants but to get up and join them. This season will be like no other, we have the biggest contestants yet. This is America and it's time we join together and make a change. I can testify that The Biggest Loser is bigger than just a television show, it is a show that has inspired a country and now we have the opportunity to sign online and register together to put action behind our dreams.

I honestly can say I don't know what it would have been like to do my first workout on the ranch on my own. But I must admit these contestants looked so lost, they have NO idea what they are in store for. I think that Bob and Jillian know that this is serious and that there is a lot of work ahead of everyone on season 7. I guess I say a lot of work ahead for fear of saying these contestants are sick. America, we are killing ourselves by allowing ourselves to get so out of shape and living the convenient life of drive-thrus, and couches while watching TV. The upswing of such dire circumstances is that there is so much room for change and success and that is exciting!

Scared for Jerry

I got so scared when I saw what looked like the life drained out of Jerry. I know that the privilege of having been on ranch is to have constant supervision by trainers and doctors, so please be excited on your journeys but remember to check in with your doctors and trainers at home when starting and changing your activity routines and calorie intakes.

Picking teams is a horrible way to have to get on a team, I don't know why I hate situations like that so much. (I'm probably just too sensitive as Roger might say!) What I do know is that everything happens for a reason so I hope everyone likes their teams but whether they do or not, I know they are right where they are supposed to be. How cool for the purple team to go from feeling like they weren't being chosen to being the only team that got to choose their trainer, how about that Kristin and Cathy?!

Hardest Step

The first weigh-in is one of the hardest steps that anyone on the Biggest Loser has to take, as well as for every one of you at home. I know that there are those of you out there who do not feel like they need to weigh themselves in order to lose weight. What I have to say to that is, you are absolutely right. What you do have to do though is come up with a way for you to judge your progress.

So whether it's a scale or a pair of pants that you can pull up but are tight and unable to button up or maybe it's an elastic band that can't stretch anymore and cuts into your skin throughout the day, I don't know. I do think it is important to continue to have ways to judge progress in more ways than just feeling better. It is important to see success so we continue to be encouraged. And of course if you want to participate in the pound-for-pound match-up, you have to use the scale, so come on, do it for the hungry as well as yourself.

About the Contestants

Daniel is one of my favorites already. He is the heaviest contestant ever. I just want it for him sooooooo bad. I want him to finally for the first time in his life feel proud of himself and have success in a battle I can only imagine has caused him tremendous pain.

Then there is Kristin and Cathy. I love their commitment to each other and Kristin's ability to see the glass half full. The silver and pink teams are both full of spunk which makes me love them. The black and blue teams are both from my home state and have what I imagine to be similar backgrounds. So there is that soft spot.

Oh and Damien and Nicole, so cute and in love and so much ahead of them. Who can't relate to Mandi and Aubrey, the sisters who will encourage and set each other off. I know what it feels like to feel uncomfortable in your own skin and my heart went out to Mandi when she said her husband doesn't even see her like that; I'm sorry but that has to put a strain on the relationship. She deserves to feel beautiful and sexy around the man that she loves and has chosen to share her life with.

What would it feel like to be too big to be a plus-size model like Tara and Laura? I can't imagine. I'm so excited to see Jerry and Estella going after it. I hate it when people think that it's too late, and they are too old. I'm glad that the white team is going to put that notion to rest. When I was on the show my grandma started walking to get the mail, which was a huge step for her. I can't wait to see the results of the power of a father and son team in Mike and Ron.

The First Challenge

Go Aubrey and Mandi! I love how they gave it everything they had. Even though they lost the coveted immunity, I was extremely impressed. It's at times like that I wish Alison would say they both get immunity but that's my fairyland lol.

I kinda feel like Bob and Jill both have come to the conclusion that there is absolutely no time to waste. At least that's what it felt like during the contestants' very first LAST-CHANCE workout. With each new season I try to remember how I felt -- it's amazing how our bodies change.

The twist of all twists, you could tell that Bob and Jill weren't buying the fact that there was not going to be an elimination as grounds to celebrate, and they were right. I think I would have died if I got that news. I don't know what would be more courageous, to leave or stay. Mike and Ron really took it home. Congrats guys!

What would it be like to decide between yourself and your dream and the opportunity of a lifetime and one of the most important people in your life? Both are such a hard spaces to be in, it truly becomes an act of trust. What is supposed to be, will be. The responsibility each team member must feel, this is good though… this is what it is all about, believing in yourself enough to create something far bigger than you can do on your own. Shanon was right when she said in her last campus interview this will inspire people. It has inspired me.

Let's talk real quick about the pound-for-pound match-up. This is probably the coolest thing Biggest Loser has ever been a part of and I mean Biggest Loser the community, the viewers, the club members and all of your friends. Let's make a pact to encourage everyone that crosses our path to go online and resister to get healthy and FEED the HUNGRY!

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Offline marigold

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #106 on: January 17, 2009, 04:45:03 PM »

 :funny: The Soup: The Biggest Loser: Couples 1/16/09

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #107 on: January 17, 2009, 04:50:51 PM »
... more about Ron:

Mich. 'Loser' Could Lose Post

A contestant on the NBC reality series "The Biggest Loser" is shedding dozens of pounds, but might be jeopardizing his political career in this Detroit suburb.

City Councilman Ron Morelli hasn't attended a meeting since Sept. 22. Mayor John Doyle says that under the city charter, members may face removal proceedings if they miss three consecutive meetings or four meetings in a year without being excused by their colleagues.

The "Biggest Loser" Web site says the 54-year-old Morelli has lost 44 pounds while competing on the show, which began its seventh season Jan. 6. He told the Detroit Free Press by telephone from California that he doesn't know why other council members would try to oust him.

Morelli calls his participation in the show a fight for his life.

Link to the article:

Offline marigold

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #108 on: January 17, 2009, 04:57:36 PM »
An interesting article:

The skinny on Wheaton's 'Biggest Losers' couple

Sport center happy to have them working there on weight-loss goals

The words on the health club sign flash red: "Biggest Losers Work Out Here."

Since the seventh season of "The Biggest Loser" started filming this past September in California, staff and members of the Wheaton Sport Center have been rooting for Estella and Gerald "Jerry" Hayes of Wheaton, both 63, who were contestants this season.

The first episode of the show aired Jan. 6, and on it, the contestants -- pairings that include friends, cousins, and in the case of the Hayeses, spouses -- were surprised with the news that they had to send one partner home from "the ranch."

For Estella and Jerry Hayes, the choice seemed obvious. Estella had far less weight to lose and fewer health problems than Jerry. She opted to go home and leave her husband of 42 years in the care of fitness professionals.

On the second episode, which aired Jan. 13, Jerry and one other contestant, 19-year-old Daniel Wright, "fell below the yellow line," meaning the men had the lowest percentage of weight loss that week. The other contestants were told to choose which man would be eliminated. Despite their obvious affection for Jerry, the other contestants felt that Jerry, not Daniel, would be equipped to continue a healthy lifestyle at home. They chose Jerry.

Their instincts were right. Since their return home, Jerry and Estella have been steadfast in their new, healthy habits. To date, Jerry has lost 96 pounds, from 369 to 263. Estella has lost 45 pounds, from 242 to 197. A recent physical revealed one sign of Jerry's dramatically improved health -- he no longer has the diabetes he had to manage for years.

"My grandson says, 'Grandpa, you're not so fluffy anymore,'" Jerry said from his home in Wheaton this week.

Far from over
But, Estella and Jerry are far from finished with their weight loss programs.
Karla Butler is membership director at the Wheaton Sport Center.

"Last fall, we had a kickoff party to celebrate Jerry and Estella being on the show," Butler said. "Our lounge was packed. Having them on 'The Biggest Loser' has been a huge encouragement for everyone here."

Butler sees Jerry and Estella swimming and working with their personal trainer daily. The Wheaton Sport Center, she said, is a good fit for people like the Hayeses.

"I've been to gyms where you have to be a size 2 or have to be 25 years old in order to fit in," she said. "This isn't that kind of place. Everyone feels accepted here."

Jerry is a retired engineer and continues to work part-time preparing tax returns. He and Estella, a retired nurse, are the parents of three grown daughters.

One of the ways Estella and Jerry Hayes have maintained their exercise regimen over the past months has been to "learn to put ourselves first," Jerry said. "We're exercising like crazy."

Successful year
On the first week of "The Biggest Loser," during his very first workout on the show, Jerry fainted.
"I went from ending up in the hospital four months ago to where I can run up stairs," Jerry said. "I can play with my grandchildren. I can sleep better. Everything's better."

Jerry is bemused by the amount of attention he is getting after appearing on the show, but he isn't distracted from his goal. And, "The Biggest Loser: Couples" season finale is in May. Jerry and Estella will appear on the show and weigh in. The couple with the greatest percentage of weight loss will win, but Jerry said that regardless of whether they win the $250,000 prize, he'll consider this year a success.

"We never went into it for the money," Jerry Hayes said. "We're doing this for our lives. We both want to inspire older people to start taking care of themselves, too."

Link to the article:,6_1_NA16_WSLOSERS_S1.article

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #109 on: January 17, 2009, 05:02:49 PM »

Jillian Michaels on The View 01/16/09

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #110 on: January 20, 2009, 02:16:20 PM »

Peachy don't forget your tissues tonight  :'(  :lol:

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #111 on: January 20, 2009, 02:18:43 PM »
Is it actually on? ???

I'm all caught up in the Inauguration, and thought the coverage would preempt the show....

Just checked, looks like it is on! May have to be a TiVo job for me though, but thanks for the reminder!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 02:22:28 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #112 on: January 20, 2009, 02:24:53 PM »
Is it actually on? ???

I'm all caught up in the Inauguration, and thought the coverage would preempt the show....

Yes it is on tonight you could always record it and watch it later  :kuss:

I did post earlier the episode details but here it is again:

This week kicks off with a temptation that host Alison Sweeney tells the contestants will allow one player to reunite with their teammate at home and bring their trainer with them. But the reunion doesn't go exactly as planned when fireworks erupt between the two teammates after one player accuses the other of not doing all she can to stay on the ranch. Meanwhile the contestants check in with Dr. Huizenga to see how far they've come and how many medications they no longer need from the first three weeks of weight loss. Then a wild jump rope-like challenge results in immunity at this week's weigh in for the winner, followed by a surprising elimination that sends another contestant packing.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #113 on: January 20, 2009, 02:33:25 PM »
Heh, let me guess? Joelle takes the temptation, and I hope her teammate gives her hell heck.

Sounds like another good one! :yess:
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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #114 on: January 20, 2009, 07:42:42 PM »
An interview with Jerry:

“This body isn’t as old as I thought it was”

What was the biggest surprise about being on the ranch?
I thought it was going to be a gradual work up, not six to eight hours, boom, right off the bat, okay. And you had to cook for yourself; you did everything for yourself. Those were all kind of shockers. But after you’re there for awhile, you better learn how to cook for yourself.

The big scene this week was Bob’s blowup at Joelle. Did anything else happen that led to that?
No. You saw it. Sometimes she just wouldn’t do the workout. When we were in the gym, there was homework where they wouldn’t be there, and we’d go off and we’d have to do our own program at three or four hours. They’d tell us what to do, and we’d do it. And she wouldn’t always follow that. She was doing her own thing at times. So it just led up to that. I couldn’t believe it. He just got frustrated. I guess he never does - that was a unique situation.

Are you keeping up with your work outs?
Yes. Right now I’ve lost 96 pounds since I started on the ranch. I work out three and a half hours a day, six days a week. I’m not kidding you. I started out as a couch potato. Four months ago, I didn’t get off the sofa.

What benefits are you seeing?
We’re more active. We used to take our grandchildren places but we’d sit down on the bench and let them do it. Now we’re doing it with them. My grandson now calls me less fluffy. I’m not a diabetic anymore. It’s just gone. It’s gone. My blood pressure’s well under control and my cholesterol is - I think I’m lower than an 18-year-old, so - unbelievable.

What other changes have you made?
We used to go out to eat a lot. We don’t do that anymore. When our grandson spends the night with us, we get him stuff to eat, but we’re pretty good as far as food. We’re not tempted too much. And it’s probably because we’re doing it together.

What was the hardest part of the whole experience for you?
To get my mind around it that I could do it, to tell you the truth. I thought my body couldn’t do it. But my body was in much better shape for this thing than I thought it was. I’m very careful with my joints and everything. So this 63-year-old body isn’t as old as I thought it was. I think it’s not so much my age as the fact that I was on a couch for 25 years not doing anything.

Who are you in touch with?
Daniel and I are friends. We talk all the time. Joelle just called me. We’re starting to talk. I’m starting to talk to Shannon – emails right now. And, well, that’s about it. We do talk from time to time, all of us together.

What do you talk about?
It’s emotional. It’s more, you know, “How you doing?” You know, live strong, that kind of stuff. We don’t talk about weight loss so much, it’s more support.

What’s your advice for other grandparents who are maybe discouraged about starting a fitness program?
I think you need help. I got a trainer. You have to start slow, but just keep trying and trying and you’ll get faster, you’ll get stronger. And you need support, whether it’s your spouse or a friend or — at the health center that we go to there’s a community of seniors that feed off of each other. And you’ve just got to believe. There’s a sign in the gym that says, “Believe in yourself, trust in the process and change forever.” I keep quoting that to myself whenever I’m doubting it. And it’s working.

Is your current trainer anything like Jillian?
She’s strong. She pushes me. Doesn’t quite as yell as much but pokes at me.

Are you in touch with Jillian?
Me and Jillian email once a week if not more. She’s cool. You could fire an email to her any night or day and within an hour you’ve got an answer back. You don’t see it in the gym, but she text messages constantly when she’s yelling and screaming at you. She’s great, great woman.

Link to the article:

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #115 on: January 20, 2009, 09:52:03 PM »

Huh funny no tears this episode what a relief  :lol:

I'm surprised how the votes went down

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #116 on: January 21, 2009, 12:12:16 AM »
I'm not happy with tonights results.......but ... I'm not sure if Joelle or Carla would have been able to succeed at home. 

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #117 on: January 21, 2009, 01:56:18 AM »
Recap from tvguide:

The Biggest Loser: Couples Episode Recap: "Week 3"

After the elimination of Jerry last week, the Biggest Loser contestants were sad about letting him go and disappointed that Joelle was able to stay. So does she redeem herself and prove she belongs on the ranch? Not so much.

Once again we were treated to some at-home updates and the temptations that they've been struggling with (well maybe just the men are struggling with). The women seem to be faring better: Aubrey has switched to turkey bacon, Shannon orders plain chicken breast and even when Laura is out with friends she sticks to tuna and sea bass.

Back on campus, it's time to be tempted. The contestants walk in to find a counter filled with food, each listing the amount of calories it contains. We've seen this one on previous seasons, but this time the at-home partners were involved as well. Each person would have their five minutes alone to decide how much, or how little, to eat. The team that racks up the most amount of calories has to train alone at home with their trainer. A good prize, but worth the cals? A few previews showed Damien inhaling the scents of the food trying to satisfy his meat tooth, Mandy tearing up while eating a slice of pizza in hopes that it will be enough to go home and see her boys and Joelle making a huge plate for herself. After everyone has gone, Alison reveals who had eaten what. While Filipe ate nothing, his partner Sione did the opposite. He scarfed down two slices of pizza and a taco to take the lead. Many of the teams stayed faithful to their diet. Team Purple ate nothing, as did Red, Pink, Green, Black and Brown. And then came Silver. Joelle shockingly changes her mind (pre-bite no less) and decides not to do it. Her partner Carla, on the other hand, ate away.  "Don't get mad, I need to see you!" was her justification. Joelle was pretty thrilled she was heading home for a bit, but her excitement upset Mandy, who missed her family.

Later in the gym, Bob learns he's going to Detroit — and what a trip it was. Once again, Joelle is the target of a blow-up, but this time, it's her partner Carla doing all the yelling. She's pretty upset that Joelle isn't pulling her weight (or losing it for that matter) as much as she should. Carla is urging her to sweat twice as hard for her, but Joelle remains blank and vacant (it was actually pretty odd). Things heat up as Carla yells, "You ain't showing me nothing. I'm trying to push you to see that this is for us." Later on at dinner, Joelle continues to be passive. Carla asks her to push on so that she can come back, and finally the tears come out as Carla admits she's mad that Joelle got the stay on the ranch and she didn't. Bob asks Joelle what she has to say, and all she mutters is, "Carla, I have vision for the both of us to come forth, to push." What does that even mean? Carla tells her it's unacceptable, and Bob steps in to say, "You have made your point." They just need to think about getting through the next weigh-in.

Back in Los Angeles, Bob and Joelle are back and it is time for the challenge. Once again, this looks familiar. Each person has to continually jump over a beam and not break it as it gets faster and faster. The winner gets immunity yet again. Joelle is the first one out, followed by Ron, Dan and Helen. Soon Damien is out and it's down to Mandy, Tara, Dane and Kristin. Although Mandy feels she could go all day long, something happens and she breaks the beam. After an hour and 45 minutes, Dane is out. Kristin feels a surge of adrenaline and desperately wants the win, but after 2 hours and 45 minutes, she breaks the beam leaving Tara victorious — again. But it's also bittersweet as she tells everyone, "I love Kristin," and didn't exactly enjoy beating her.

The last chance work-out is pretty standard. Joelle's talking to herself gets a bit annoying, especially when she says "no excuses" and then gives up. Jillian comments that she likes watching other people suffer and Bob almost makes Mike cry with his leg presses.

At the weigh-in, Tara goes first since she had immunity. She lost a solid 8 pounds. Here's how everyone else did:

Helen, Pink, lost 6 pounds for a total of 2.53%
Mandi, Yellow, lost 8 for a total of 3.27%
Joelle, Silver, lost 6 for a total of 2.04%
Filipe, Blue, lost 14 for a total of 4.14%
Mike and Ron, Brown, lost 11 and 9 for a total of 2.68%
Blaine and Dane, Black, lost 12 and 18 for a total of 4.21%
Damien, Red, lost 4 for a total of 1.13%
Daniel, Orange, lost 15 for a total of 3.56%.
Kristin, Purple, lost 7 for a total of 2.11%

So it's Damien and Joelle below the yellow line. No-brainer, right? Wrong. Even after a deliberations, where Joelle hesitates upon being asked, "Do you want to be here?" and Jillian's team agrees to send her home (thinking Bob would follow suit), it all went downhill. Filipe, Mike, Ron, Kristin and Helen voted to send Joelle packing. But Black turns it around voting Damien, with Tara, Mandy and Dan doing the same. I guess their thought was that Joelle needed to be there because she wouldn't be able to do it on her own. Well, tough. Shouldn't someone who gave 110% be able to stay? It also could've been strictly game play as Joelle won't be winning her team any challenges any time soon.


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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #118 on: January 21, 2009, 01:59:20 AM »

I'm not happy with tonights results.......but ... I'm not sure if Joelle or Carla would have been able to succeed at home. 

Me too  :groan:  I don't know if I can take another episode with Joelle

I think Bob can't either  :lol:

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #119 on: January 21, 2009, 02:55:08 AM »
The show started with a temptation challenge. There were a table full of food with calorie count beside every dish. They were told that their partners back home had the same challenge. The team that eats the most, in calories, wins the challenge and the partner that is still at the ranch gets to go home with their trainer, Jillian or Bob and have a workout with the other partner already at home.

Mandi ate one slice of pizza, 380 calories, her partner at home, Aubrey, ate nothing.
Filipe ate nothing but his partner, Sione ate three slices of pizza and a taco with a calorie count of 960.
All other teams except for Joelle/Carla ate nothing.
Joelle did have a plate of food and came close to eating but stopped in the nick of time but her partner at home, Carla had a huge plate of food and ate it all with a calorie count of 2,710.
So, Joelle and Bob went to Detroit to visit Carla. Bob told Carla about his breakdown last week and that Joelle hasn't lost much weight at all. Carla and Joelle ended up fighting almost the whole time during the visit.   

They did an immunity challenge, jumping over the beam as it swing towards you. A new record was broken. Matt from another season held the record for 40 minutes and the new record was 2 hours, 19 minutes and Tara won immunity for the second week in a row, with Kristin finishing 2nd and Dane at 3rd. Joelle finished last.

Week 3 Weigh-In Results

Contestant               Starting Weight     Current Weight        Pounds Lost      Percentage

Tara                               272                     264                      8               not indicated/immunity

Helen                              237                     231                      6                    2.53%

Mandi                             245                      237                      8                   3.27%

Joelle                             294                      288                      6                    2.04%

Filipe                             338                       324                     14                   4.14%

Michael                          359                       348                     11
Ron                               386                       377                      9   20 combined 2.68%

Blaine                            335                       323                     12
Dane                             378                       360                     18  30 combined 4.21%

Damien                          355                       351                      4                     1.13%

Daniel                            421                      406                      15                    3.50%

Kristin                            331                      324                       7                     2.11%

Damien and Joelle falls below the yellow line and here's how the voting went.....

Filipe voted for Joelle
Ron/Michael voted for Joelle
Kristin voted for Joelle
Helen voted for Joelle
Blaine/Dane voted for Damien
Tara voted for Damien
Mandi voted for Damien
Daniel voted for Damien

They each got 4 votes and with Damien receiving the lowest percentage weight loss, he was sent home.         

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #120 on: January 21, 2009, 11:52:48 AM »
This is what I have to say concerning last night's episode...

I am so OVER Joelle! Her attitude totally sucks and I thought for sure she was toast last night! I was really shocked at how the votes went down. Bob's whole team wanted her out while Jillian's whole team kept her. Honestly, now that I think about it, I can understand why it went down that way. It just makes Jillian's team stronger and Damien was more of a threat than Joelle. But still, that lazy fat ass bitch needs to go. She does not deserve to be on the ranch anymore in my opinion. I actually feel sorry for Bob, I'm sure he wants to strangle her or something. I think Bob is really biting his tongue and keeping himself in check after that breakdown he had the other week and was probably embarrassed about it. JMO

Based on the previews they showed for next week, it does look like an emotion-packed episode. I have this really horrible feeling it's going to be Daniel's swan song next week. I pray it is not and am hoping what they did show on the preview was actually a trick to make us think that way. You know how the editors are on that show, they twist everything, to make it appear one way but actually it's not. We shall see!

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #121 on: January 21, 2009, 12:39:15 PM »
Alison Sweeney's Blog:

Bob goes to Detroit

Let’s talk about that challenge. 2 hours and 19 minutes??? Pretty much everyone acknowledged that Tara was going to be tough to beat at that challenge. She proved her strength and competitive spirit last week, charging past Blaine for victory. But I think we were all unanimously impressed by Kristin challenging her for so long. She definitely made Tara work for that immunity. What a huge success for Kristin – to go from not being picked by any of the teams on the first day, to completely proving how capable she was by lasting until the end in the week 3 challenge. She outlasted Dane, and of course everyone teasingly made sure Blaine and Dane knew they’d been beaten by BOTH girls.

Who knew what drama Bob would find himself in the middle of in Detroit? I heard some of the fall out from what happened there afterwards, but it still didn’t prepare me for actually seeing them square off like that. In the gym, In the middle of a work out. Yowsers. You all were probably doing the exact same thing I was doing, asking myself why Carla chose to go home and leave Joelle on the ranch. I am still, to this day, totally unclear about how that decision was made.

The whole silver team situation has made me love Bob more than ever. I mean, last week, when he finally lost his cool – I mean, when the Zen master loses his cool, you know it’s serious, right?! – and then dealing with Carla and Joelle duking it out in Detroit, not to mention you know he flew both ways with Joelle, and still had to give everything he had to the rest of his players when he got home. And through it all, he was able to have a sense of humor and perspective about his own reaction, as well as what he was dealing with. Yup, I love Bob.

Everyone was heartbroken to see Damian lose only 4 pounds. I love how he talks about Nicole, the smile it brings to his face, and it was sad knowing we wouldn’t have Nicole’s bright personality back on campus in 2 weeks. She is a truly beautiful person, and so sincere in her love for Damian and her dedication to getting healthy together


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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #122 on: January 21, 2009, 12:42:03 PM »
Alison's blog....week 3

January 21, 10:23 AM

Bob goes to Detroit

Let’s talk about that challenge. 2 hours and 19 minutes??? Pretty much everyone acknowledged that Tara was going to be tough to beat at that challenge. She proved her strength and competitive spirit last week, charging past Blaine for victory. But I think we were all unanimously impressed by Kristin challenging her for so long. She definitely made Tara work for that immunity. What a huge success for Kristin – to go from not being picked by any of the teams on the first day, to completely proving how capable she was by lasting until the end in the week 3 challenge. She outlasted Dane, and of course everyone teasingly made sure Blaine and Dane knew they’d been beaten by BOTH girls.

Who knew what drama Bob would find himself in the middle of in Detroit? I heard some of the fall out from what happened there afterwards, but it still didn’t prepare me for actually seeing them square off like that. In the gym, In the middle of a work out. Yowsers. You all were probably doing the exact same thing I was doing, asking myself why Carla chose to go home and leave Joelle on the ranch. I am still, to this day, totally unclear about how that decision was made.

The whole silver team situation has made me love Bob more than ever. I mean, last week, when he finally lost his cool – I mean, when the Zen master loses his cool, you know it’s serious, right?! – and then dealing with Carla and Joelle duking it out in Detroit, not to mention you know he flew both ways with Joelle, and still had to give everything he had to the rest of his players when he got home. And through it all, he was able to have a sense of humor and perspective about his own reaction, as well as what he was dealing with. Yup, I love Bob.

Everyone was heartbroken to see Damian lose only 4 pounds. I love how he talks about Nicole, the smile it brings to his face, and it was sad knowing we wouldn’t have Nicole’s bright personality back on campus in 2 weeks. She is a truly beautiful person, and so sincere in her love for Damian and her dedication to getting healthy together.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #123 on: January 21, 2009, 06:54:21 PM »
An interview with Damien:

The Biggest Loser's Damien: "My Goal Weight Is 180, a Sexy 180"

When Damien Gurganious and his fiancée Nicole stepped on to the Biggest Loser ranch, they had their sights set on slimming down and getting sexy before their upcoming wedding. But a first-week twist sent Nicole packing, leaving Damien to fight for the prize and a chance to bring her back to compete. Week 3 saw his shocking elimination after being in the bottom two with Joelle, who most thought would be the one to go. caught up with Damien to see what life is like back home with Nicole, how he plans to reach his goal weight ("my goal is 180, a sexy 180"), and what he learned from his time on the ranch. The Biggest Loser: Couples airs Tuesdays at 8pm/ET on NBC. Whose idea was it to apply for the show?
Damien Gurganious: Nicole actually set me up. One day I [was working at] home and she kept talking to me. The Amazing Race was on, and she turns to me and goes, "Would you be up to doing a reality show?" Just so she'd shut up, I said yes, and went back to work. Would you believe the next frickin' day, we saw a commercial for Biggest Loser auditions in Rockefeller Center? She looks at me, like, you said yes! We ended up going down at 5 in the morning, waiting in line for two hours, and the rest is history. Do you have a pre-wedding diet plan that you're trying to follow?
Gurganious: Right now, there are only three things that we actually follow: our calorie intake, working out, and water. That's the basic premise. It's minimum 90 minutes in the morning, 90 at night. Eat your calories and drink lots of water so that you can get rid of the salt, the sodium that comes with your food. That's what we do six days a week. One day we just relax and sleep. And which day is that?
Gurganious: It's today [Wednesday]. Do you have a favorite healthy recipe?
Gurganious: I make this low-sodium chicken soup. Let's be honest, vegetables aren't the greatest unless they're salted down, almost fried. But I've figured out a way to make a chicken soup where you get the flavor in a nice dense soup. The soup is so hearty and filling that it fixes that snack tooth. What's the biggest lesson you took away from being at the ranch?
Gurganious: The biggest lesson is honestly the simplest thing: You don't need the show to do it. You just need to want to do it for yourself. If you're unhappy, only you can change it. After being eliminated, you go through this cleansing process where you write down everything you learned on the show and what you're taking away from it. For me, it was three things: I've got to believe in myself, I've got to want it for me and I've got to be committed. That was all I wrote down. I didn't write down exercising, I didn't write down food, I didn't write down who I respected. It was just those three things. It's all about setting that goal. There's nobody else involved. The thing is, you know how much weight you have to lose, you know where your weak points are, and you just work around those. Once I had that figured out, I came home and lost nine pounds that week.


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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 7
« Reply #124 on: January 21, 2009, 06:57:26 PM »

 :hearts: Coleen Skeabeck - Biggest Loser Recap Season 7 Episode 3