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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #50 on: October 31, 2008, 11:51:44 AM »
An interesting article:

Top Chef Teases: It simply wouldn't be a new...

It simply wouldn't be a new season of Top Chef without some new twists, and we get a taste of one in a lengthy profile on NBC executive Lauren Zalaznick: "Andy Cohen, the head of original programming and development at Bravo, floated a proposal for Top Chef that would involve, early on in the new season, a surprise challenge and the swift elimination of a contestant. Zalaznick and company wouldn't allow me to give away what is known in the genre as "the reveal" — the unexpected dramatic twist — but suffice it to say, the challenge was an otherwise mundane cooking task that, when performed under pressure, would thoroughly unnerve the chefs."


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #51 on: October 31, 2008, 11:56:34 AM »
An interesting article:

‘Top Chef’ Producers Consider Elimination … by Death!

The New York Times Magazine is profiling Bravo head Lauren Zalzanick this weekend, but the article is online already. What tantalizing details does it have for Top Chef fans? Too few. But what we did learn tells us that the producers are getting deliciously diabolical:

The conversation eventually turned to “Top Chef,” a cooking competition that is one of Bravo’s most popular shows. For its fifth season (which begins Nov. 12), the show would be set in New York City. One contestant being considered, it turned out, had a seafood allergy. “That’s funny,” Zalaznick said, giving a purely professional assessment. “Let him do a seafood challenge.”

We're also titillated by this bit:

Andy Cohen, the head of original programming and development at Bravo, floated a proposal for “Top Chef” that would involve, early on in the new season, a surprise challenge and the swift elimination of a contestant. Zalaznick and company wouldn’t allow me to give away what is known in the genre as “the reveal” — the unexpected dramatic twist — but suffice it to say, the challenge was an otherwise mundane cooking task that, when performed under pressure, would thoroughly unnerve the chefs. “I really like it,” Zalaznick said. For her, the idea neatly captured the ruthless way in which the big city can chew up and spit out even the best provincial talents: “It’s like, you’ve really arrived in New York — it’s where you fight for your terrible pot-washing job after you’ve been executive chef back in wherever, and then you get fired for washing your pot wrong."

Anyone have any idea what that "mundane cooking task" might be? We vote knife skills.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #52 on: October 31, 2008, 11:59:56 AM »
An interesting article:

What ‘Top Chef’ Will Shill This Season

Expect to see Top Chef challenges incorporating Campbell's soup, Diet Dr Pepper, and the “Quaker family of products,” this season. Ad Age reports that the show’s producers have veto power on product placement and that no challenges will repeat from previous seasons. But if you have a soft spot for Gladware, don’t fret. Clorox (Glad’s parent), Toyota, and (a smaller-staffed) Food & Wine Magazine will still be crowding the Top Chef kitchen. In the first half of 2008, Top Chef was ranked third on cable for the most instances of product placement. Now there are even more opportunities to shill. We predict: Dr Pepper tacos or reinventing the casserole.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #53 on: October 31, 2008, 12:14:11 PM »
An interesting article:

The Affluencer

This article will appear in this Sunday's Times Magazine.

From her office to your (probably well appointed) living room: Zalaznick, a current queen of cable.

Back in mid-July, on one of those blithely sunny, long-gone summer days, Lauren Zalaznick, an executive at NBC Universal, met with two of her subordinates for a status report on Bravo Media, the network she took over in 2004 and turned into one of cable’s most remarkable success stories. Many of the development projects discussed that day in her office, at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, captured the glossy, upscale, insider sensibility that has come to characterize Bravo under Zalaznick’s watch. She heard updates on an untitled project about polo players, a reality show about high-end detox centers and another about “Filths” — an acronym for Fathers I’d Like to Have (or, as Zalaznick explained, “Very wealthy dads”).

The conversation eventually turned to “Top Chef,” a cooking competition that is one of Bravo’s most popular shows. For its fifth season (which begins Nov. 12), the show would be set in New York City. One contestant being considered, it turned out, had a seafood allergy. “That’s funny,” Zalaznick said, giving a purely professional assessment. “Let him do a seafood challenge.”

Andy Cohen, the head of original programming and development at Bravo, floated a proposal for “Top Chef” that would involve, early on in the new season, a surprise challenge and the swift elimination of a contestant. Zalaznick and company wouldn’t allow me to give away what is known in the genre as “the reveal” — the unexpected dramatic twist — but suffice it to say, the challenge was an otherwise mundane cooking task that, when performed under pressure, would thoroughly unnerve the chefs. “I really like it,” Zalaznick said. For her, the idea neatly captured the ruthless way in which the big city can chew up and spit out even the best provincial talents: “It’s like, you’ve really arrived in New York — it’s where you fight for your terrible pot-washing job after you’ve been executive chef back in wherever, and then you get fired for washing your pot wrong.”

“You don’t think it’s a little gratuitous?” asked Frances Berwick, the general manager for Bravo.

“Guess what?” Zalaznick said. “It’s the toughest city in the country.” She and Cohen tossed around a few ways they could ramp up the drama even more. Berwick laughed and shook her head. “That’s terrible.”

Terrible if you’re living it, great if you’re watching it — that is one of the basic formulas for reality TV, a genre that has been wildly popular for years, if never exactly hip. Zalaznick’s innovation has been to take this form of mass entertainment and make it boutique and chic, aiming for a small but young and affluent audience, the kind that advertisers covet.

Since she arrived at Bravo four years ago, Zalaznick has been polishing the genre of reality TV to a high sheen, taking its contestants off primitive islands and placing them squarely in sophisticated corners of cities like New York and Los Angeles. Instead of eating insects, navigating obstacle courses or flaunting their physical charms to woo lonely rich guys, the contestants on Bravo compete, with just as much zeal, to show their good taste and talent in high-status fields like food, fashion and design.

The formula may be lowbrow — attractive people pitted against one another, ruthless eliminations — but the content is, if not exactly highbrow, then certainly high-style. It’s voyeurism for the voyeur with a good eye.

It's a long article. To read the complete article click here:

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #54 on: October 31, 2008, 03:37:07 PM »
An interesting article:

How 'Top Chef' Cooks Up Fresh Integrations

Like al dente pasta, integrated marketing ideas for Bravo's "Top Chef" are constantly being flung at the wall to see what sticks.

Now entering its fifth season, "Top Chef" has emerged as the reality series for the NBC Universal cable network, now that the fate of former flagship series "Project Runway" remains in legal limbo between the Weinstein Co. and new cable parent Lifetime. But "Top Chef" has been coasting on a highly successful integrated-marketing strategy that has kept longtime sponsors coming back and recruiting new marketers for the upcoming "Top Chef New York," premiering Nov. 12 at 10 p.m. ET.

New sponsors make reservations
Returning for this go-round for season-long integrated sponsorships are Toyota, Clorox and Food & Wine magazine, with Campbell's Soup Co., Diet Dr Pepper and Quaker new to the table.

So what's Bravo's secret ingredient? Kevin McAuliffe, VP-branded entertainment for NBC Universal cable entertainment sales, said the answer is a strong commitment to creativity and keeping ideas fresh, which can take some doing.

"At the very early stages, we have gut-check conversations where we say, 'Here's the kind of things we'd like to creatively follow or look to bring into the show that fit its sensibility,'" he said. "Once we go through that, then we determine the kinds of ideas we're going to pursue based on the specific direction we get from programming and producers."

Challenges ongoing
The bulk of negotiations for "Top Chef New York" first began during the network's upfront conversations with advertisers in May and June, with deals often being inked five to eight weeks before any cameras start rolling. The show's producers, Magical Elves, and the Bravo programming executives have final say on each of the show's creative executions, which include a strict policy on not repeating any of the show's quick-fire or elimination challenges. So for returning sponsors such as Toyota and Clorox, Mr. McAuliffe's biggest task is to find new ways to incorporate different brands from each company's suite of products.

And because each sponsor is exclusive to its respective category, some precautions have to be taken to keep everyone pleased. In the case of season three, "Top Chef Miami," the show's producers wanted to use a stretch limousine to transport contestants to a challenge on a yacht. Mr. McAuliffe immediately got on the phone with the sponsors at Toyota to give them a heads-up that they would be using a non-Toyota vehicle on the show. "They were like, 'We get it, and by the way we're not competing with stretch limousines,'" a relieved Mr. McAuliffe recalled. "There is a lot of back and forth to make sure everybody feels protected."

Clorox, meanwhile, has used its sponsorship to provide contestants with Glad food storage and trash products, occasionally creating entire challenges around the brands. "We do a lot of collective brainstorming with the Bravo team, because you want to be unique, be relevant and still be interesting. It's not easy coming up with the challenge idea," said Ellen Liu, Clorox's media director.

And not all the branded integrations are appearing in the show itself. Prior to production, Mr. McAuliffe and his team ask the season-long sponsors their marketing objectives going into the upcoming season, and determine the best platforms in which to place the integrations. In the case of Glad, the company was looking to promote, an initiative to encourage home dining among families, and not necessarily within the context of a quick-fire challenge.

Nicole Sabatini, Bravo's VP-strategic marketing, said the network created a customized vignette for "Top Chef Chicago" asking different contestants their favorite meals to cook for family members, with a drive to a customized microsite featuring a downloadable recipe book featuring the chefs' favorite dishes. Glad also sponsored a sweepstakes awarding one family the chance to win a block party hosted by contestant Casey from season three. The partnership was able to air throughout the entire season, and was even extended into retail through Glad's existing in-store marketing relationships.

Marketers like what they see
The seamless integrations from brands such as Glad and Toyota were a big part of the appeal for attracting the new season's sponsors, including Diet Dr Pepper, the exclusive carbonated beverage partner for "Top Chef New York." Lauren Radcliffe, director of branded entertainment for the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, said the marketer's recent forays into brand integrations on NBC's "30 Rock" for Snapple and MTV's "Band in a Bubble" for Dr Pepper have raised the bar for her team's own media-planning strategy, so the goal for "Top Chef" was to outdo themselves.

"It was so apparent we'd be able to really communicate our brand positioning through the show and achieve a great audience fit in terms of viewers," Ms. Radcliffe said of the "Top Chef" deal. "We likened the brand to food in our advertising -- our tagline is 'Nothing diet about it' -- so we wanted to relate the brand to food in such a natural, organic place."

Attracting new sponsors will also be key to the show's future as the top reality franchise for Bravo now that "Project Runway" has said its fifth -- and, lawsuit pending, presumably final -- "auf wiedersehen." The show grossed $37.75 million in ad dollars for the network in 2007, with an additional $16.1 million in 2008 year-to-date, according to TNS Media Intelligence.

Recent Nielsen IAG research found Bravo to be the highest-ranked network on all of broadcast and cable TV in top categories for the first half of 2008, thanks to shows such as "Top Chef," "Project Runway" and "Make Me a Supermodel." The network took top honors for in-program placement brand recall (63% vs. No. 2 Fox's 46%), brand opinion (26% vs. Fox's 12%) and perceived fit (21% vs. Fox's 16%).

In a separate Nielsen IAG study, "Top Chef Chicago," the series' fourth and highest-rated season, posted high brand recall for sponsors such as Toyota (67% vs. the cable average of 49%), Glad (77% vs. the 73% cable average) and Food & Wine (77% vs. the 70% cable average).


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #55 on: October 31, 2008, 11:27:38 PM »

Top Chef New York Season 5

Episode 1: Melting Pot
The chefs team up to shop in various neighborhoods around the city in order to create dishes influenced by ethnic flavors.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #56 on: November 01, 2008, 07:57:04 PM »
The article with Padma in Harper's Bazaar:

A Fashionable Life: Padma Lakshmi

The Top Chef host is living the single life in New York City and flying high — and not only because she has a swing in her living room

Not that anyone asked, but Padma Lakshmi, the model, cookbook author, actress, jewelry designer, and host of Bravo's Top Chef, believes that her greatest asset is not her beauty, her intellect, or her indomitable gumption. Rather, it is her taste. "Whether it's my taste in food, my taste in clothes, my taste in music, furnishings, or art," she says confidently, "that is the one skill I have, and it can be applied to anything."

Due to the success of Top Chef, "I can get a table at any restaurant I want," Lakshmi says. And though she hates to drop names — "It makes me feel cheesy" — she now counts Charlize Theron as one of her fans. "She even did an impression of me. My assistant said, 'Oh, my God, that is totally Padma.'"

Originally, Lakshmi imagined the show as good publicity for her 2007 cookbook, Tangy Tart Hot & Sweet, but turned down the first season to work on a BBC miniseries. Katie Lee Joel hosted instead and was replaced. "She's a nice girl," says Lakshmi, "but she was ill prepared for it. I think a lot of it wasn't Katie's fault. The producers really wanted me and didn't get me, and it's hard for anyone to come into those shoes. But I don't think she's suffering at all."

It is just a few days after Lakshmi's 38th birthday. "I'm probably one of the few models or actresses who will just tell you my age. I feel good. I really like the way I look," she says while snacking on the almonds, olives, and dried plums she's laid out in the living room of the modest East Village apartment she moved into after her marriage with literary giant Salman Rushdie ended in the summer of 2007.

The living room's focal point is undoubtedly the swing. A businessman friend had it made for her after she searched, without luck, for one on Craigslist and eBay.

Lakshmi jumps out of her chair to demonstrate. "You really swing!" she squeals, her slippers dropping to the floor as she glides from her kitchen counter to her green velvet couch. Though Pamela Anderson cavorted in the nude on a swing in her living room while hubby Tommy Lee played the piano, Lakshmi claims hers isn't so naughty.

"I thought it would be a really romantic thing to have," she muses. "If I can't sleep, I come out here and swing in the dark."

The swing contributes to Lakshmi's idea of a little bohemia. Her life downtown is very different from when she was attached, for just over three years, to Rushdie. When asked if she misses married life, she thinks for a moment and answers, resoundingly, "No." She explains, "I miss the good times I had with the man I was married to, but I'm much happier today than I was a year and a half ago. In order to get there, I had to walk through an ocean of crap. But I've built my life around the way I want to live now, and my little corner of the world feels nice."

Days she is not filming Top Chef are shared with an assistant and a designer who, from a small office in her apartment, are helping her develop a line of Indian-inspired jewelry. "My success is their success," Lakshmi says steadfastly of her two employees. "That's really how it works." Sometimes the girls work until 10:00 p.m., "sometimes they leave at 4:00 for pedicures." It's a far cry from the global success of, say, Heidi Klum or Tyra Banks, but it's a living. "I wasn't a Sports Illustrated model. I was much more a couture girl. I'm sure that those girls made a ****load more money than I did," she explains. "It's with great humility that I say that those girls have achieved a lot."

She describes her apartment as something of a street fair. There's always "fairy water," Lakshmi's spice-and-fruit-infused water, and "there's always food, always music and candles and incense. I'll have a girlfriend who's a DJ stop by for a drink. My girls walk around barefoot. It's like Andy Warhol's Factory, but in gypsy-girl mode." Adding to the Warhol spirit is the large portrait of Lakshmi wearing a diaphanous red dress that exposes her breasts, painted by her longtime friend Francesco Clemente.

At the moment, Lakshmi's apartment is a shrine to her fashion obsessions. A few old Stella McCartney pantsuits and Tom Ford archival pieces hang in her bedroom closet, while a bureau is devoted to traditional saris and costumes from acting gigs like the Ten Commandments miniseries. Her dressing room features new Chanel boots, a new bejeweled Roger Vivier clutch she picked up in Paris, and the outfit her friend Marc Jacobs sent her to wear at his show.

Lakshmi's hope is that one day soon she will be able to expand into the townhouse she's eyeing eagerly next door. What's more, it would give her space to start a family. "I would like to have some children very soon," she says. As for her personal life, "I date some. I think it's hard. As you grow older, you become a little less malleable."

According to Lakshmi, what you see is what you get. "There was no interior decorator who came into my apartment and said, This would look kitschy and great. There wasn't a ghostwriter who said, It would be cool if you had an essay about Morocco in your cookbook," she says. "The things I've accomplished have really been on my own steam. For good or bad, every word, every picture, every taste is mine."


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #57 on: November 01, 2008, 07:59:12 PM »

.... some photos from the article:

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #58 on: November 04, 2008, 12:42:47 AM »
There is a really good and really long article and if I wasn't really tired I would post the whole thing:

‘Top Chef’ Season 5 Fellow chefs, barkeeps and ex-roommates give us the scoop on the new cheftestants

“Top Chef” fans are a pretty serious bunch. The minute one season’s winner is announced, the next batch of contestants are ready for some roasting. On the spit: “Top Chef” Season 5’s hopefuls, who mark the series’ return to New York after a brief detour to Chicago last season. (It debuts on Nov. 12.)

When taping on “Top Chef” Season 5 began in Brooklyn this past summer, the blogosphere was abuzz with chef IDs and speculation about who’d be the last cook standing. Yeah, Bravo's own Web site give you some quick, sugary bios on the contestants. We did our own sleuthing—here’s what we dug up...

Link to the article:

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #59 on: November 04, 2008, 10:52:06 PM »


Released by Bravo

Bravo Renews Series Partnership With Food & Wine Magazine For Fifth Season, Premiering Wednesday, Nov 12 At 10 PM ET/PT

Nielsen IAG Media Research Shows That Brands Do Better On Bravo

NEW YORK November 4, 2008 Bravo has inked partnerships with Diet Dr. Pepper, The Glad Products Company, Quaker, Swanson Broth and Toyota as official sponsors for the fifth season of Bravo's Emmy and James Beard Award-winning series and the No. 1 food show on cable, "Top Chef," premiering Wednesday, November 12 at 10 p.m., ET/PT. These multi-platform deals provide an unparalleled level of brand exposure through exclusive in-show product integration as well as a major on-air and online presence. The announcements were made by Susan Malfa, Senior Vice President, Ad Sales, Bravo Media and Oxygen Media.

Bravo's position with sponsors and brand recall once again sizzled with advertisers in 2008, as the network was ranked No. 1 in cable among adults 18-49 for program engagement and specifically, "Top Chef: Chicago" (3/12/08- 6/11/08) was ranked No. 1 in program engagement among all measured Wednesday primetime regularly scheduled cable programs, according to Nielsen IAG Media Research.

For the fifth consecutive cycle, Bravo continues its overall series partnership with Food & Wine magazine, including the expertise of the magazine's special projects director Gail Simmons as a series judge. The magazine will once again provide prizing for the series the winner of "Top Chef: New York" will be featured in an upcoming issue and will be showcased at the Annual Food & Wine Classic in Aspen.

"'Top Chef's' alliance with our sponsors has produced real results in brand recall, brand opinion lift and program engagement the highest in all of television," said Malfa. "A diverse group of partners who committed to the 'Top Chef' brand have benefited from Bravo's relentless drive to innovate, lead and learn about impactful and new advertising approaches."

Elements of the sponsorships and integrations surrounding "Top Chef: New York" include:

Diet Dr. Pepper joins the "Top Chef" team as a fully integrated sponsor and official beverage of the series, sponsoring an on-air quickfire challenge and a custom vignette series featuring past Top Chef talent Betty Fraser, Howie Kleinberg and Brian Malarkey. These chefs were challenged to create treats with Top Chef Season 4 Winner, Stephanie Izard directing viewers online to a custom microsite to see her comments, the chefs' recipes and additional guilt-free recipes. Diet Dr. Pepper is also the exclusive sponsor of Top Chef's weekly "Live Voting" where users can vote on each week's drama and enter to win a trip to New York City.

The Glad Products Company will provide a $100,000 cash prize to the "Top Chef" winner to use to advance his or her culinary career. A fully integrated sponsor, Glad products will be featured on-air and throughout the series. A custom spot featuring the chef'testants' favorite dishes to make with leftovers will be airing in the show this season as well. On, Glad will sponsor season one chef Lee Anne Wong's online exclusive cooking webisode series "The Wong Way To Cook," which teaches viewers how to make each week's winning recipe at home and another dish from the leftovers. Glad will also be sponsoring the "Top Chef" Foodie Flyaway Sweepstakes.

A fully integrated sponsor, Quaker will be involved in a quickfire challenge this season.

New this season, Swanson Broth is a fully integrated sponsor with elements that include involvement in a Quickfire Challenge, sponsorship of the "Top Chef" Foodie Flyaway Sweepstakes and a custom on-air vignette focusing on the Chef'testant's Kitchen Secrets. In addition, digitally the "Top Chef Recipe Finder," on will incorporate Swanson Broth recipes and a custom microsite will focus on providing holiday cooking ideas and will be updated after the holiday season to focus on the Everyday Cook.

Toyota is a fully integrated sponsor and will provide Toyota Sequoia's to serve as the primary transportation vehicles for the competing chef'testants as they make their way around New York for "Top Chef" challenges. Toyota will also prize an all-new 2010 Toyota Venza. Toyota will also be a sponsor for the "Top Chef" Foodie Flyaway Sweepstakes.

Bravo's "Top Chef" offers a fascinating window into the competitive, pressure-filled environment of world-class cookery and the restaurant business at the highest level. The series features seventeen aspiring chefs who compete for their shot at culinary stardom and the chance to earn the prestigious title of "Top Chef." Each episode holds two challenges for the chefs. The first is a quickfire test of their basic abilities and the second is a more involved elimination challenge designed to test the versatility and inventiveness of the chefs as they take on unique culinary trials such as working with unusual and exotic foods or catering for a range of demanding clients. The challenges not only test their skills in the kitchen, but also uncover if they have the customer service, management and teamwork abilities required of a Top Chef. The competing chefs live and breathe the high-pressure lifestyle that comes with being a master chef, and each week someone is asked to "pack up their knives" and go home.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #60 on: November 05, 2008, 12:25:37 AM »
Top Chef Blog:

Top Chef at Grand Central and Sweetbreads!

Hello again! Before I dive into this week's entry, I first want to respond to some of the comments from my last entry. First, a lot of you have been asking when the new season was starting. Wednesday, November 12th at 10/9c!!! I've seen the first episode, and I gotta say it's looking good. In my blog from last season, I compared Top Chef: Chicago to Season 1 (San Francisco for those who have forgotten) because it took awhile to get into the characters and have favorites. I think this season is more like Season 2 where the characters were really strong from the beginning. Let me know if you agree or disagree after you see the premiere. Anyway, Travis, I will find out where the Season 2 finale was set and get back to you. And to respond to my biggest detractor so far this season (It will be my mission to make you love me), "tdl1501," I did write my blog under a pseudonym last season, but fully disclosed that I worked on the editorial team here at So, integrity is in tact in OK -- so this past Monday our fabulous marketing department held Taste of the 5 Buroughs, a tasting event held at Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central Station to benefit City Harvest. I get to cover most of our events and I have to say this was probably one of the most fun. Before the main event, a VIP lounge at Charlie Palmer's Metrazur was held for radio winners and others to mingle with the new chefs. It was so great to see favorite like Spike, Andrew, Harold, Lee Anne, and others again as well. I had finally met Richard Blais a few days before at the last stop of the Top Chef tour bus in Union Square so it was good to see him again. And, guess what? I finally met Lisa! And I gotta say, she was perfectly nice to me. Chatty even. You can watch Andy Cohen's interviews live from the VIP lounge After the VIP event, one of our Bravo interns and I went to the main event where the city's best restaurants were offering tastings on one side of the hall while demos were being given on the other side. I had some fabulous food, but i gotta say with all the fancy stuff being offered my favorite was the pulled pork sandwich from Dinosaur BBQ. It really hit the spot after a long day of shooting. Probably the most amusing part of the whole day was the knife skills demonstration put on by Season 4's Spike and Andrew. I had been joking all week that one of them would hurt themselves, and sure enough Andrew did! He actually cut himself pretty badly, but was a trooper through the whole thing, and everyone was laughing hysterically. It was certainly not a surprise that the majority of the audience was women (sorry ladies, they're both taken.) Anyway, i couldn't tell if Andrew was hamming it up or not,but when i went backstage after the performance, he was still bleeding!! I checked up on him via e-mail a couple days later and he's fine. Phew! Watch video of Andy Cohen's interviews live from the VIP. You can also check out the beautiful photos our photo editor Bo took from the tour bus and the tasting event Did any of you guys get tickets and go? I would love to hear what you thougth of the event. I really thought it a very tasteful (har har) start for what is sure to be a really fun season of Top Chef.

OK, now completely unrelated. I mentioned last season that I'd never had sweetbreads, and i was determined to do something about it. So two Friday nights ago, my friend and I didn't know where to go to dinner. I suggested Perilla and luckily they had a cancelled reservation. I decided to try some new things. So for an appetizer i got the

Tai Snapper Crudo (green papaya, cucumber, rice pearls & tom yum broth.) Delish! Very light and clean. Then i got the Pan Roasted Stone Bass :Vitello Tonnato"

(wax beans, crispy sweetbreads, cippolini onions & marinated tuna sauce.) Is it wrong that the wax beans sold me? Anyway, it was amazing! The sweetbreads tasted like fried chicken. Everyone I've ever asked about sweetbreads says the same thing, and I'm wondering if I'd like them prepared differently. Whenever I think of someone eating sweetbreads I think of the episode of 90210 (the original) when Brenda and Donna go to France and order what they think is veal at a restaurant. After tasting it and finding the food a bit more mushy than expected, Brenda looks up the french dish in her dictionary, utters "It's brains," and Donna just lets the morsel fall out of her mouth. Anyone else remember that? Just me? OK. Anyway, I think Perilla has become my favorite restaurant in the city, and yes, I'm biased because Harold Dieterle owns it, but honestly the food is consistently good and I love the atmostphere.

Next time, I'll give some helpful hints for our new Top Chef Fantasy Game!!!


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #61 on: November 07, 2008, 09:40:06 AM »

VIDEO: Catch Up with Tom & Padma as Top Chef Brings the Heat to New York

The competition is just about to heat up as Top Chef season 5 premieres next Thursday, Nov. 12, on Bravo. This season, the cheftestants are competing in New York and the network promises intense challenges and some of the most accomplished chefs yet. The Big Apple location also means the competitors will be forced to take advantage of the city’s diverse food offerings and really investigate New York’s eclectic food scene.

As the season revs up sat down with head judge Tom Colicchio and Padma Lakshmi to find out what we can look forward to this season. The two also open up about the season’s other new surprise: guest judge Toby Young. Watch it here!

Link to view the video:,,20238735,00.html

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2008, 10:20:26 AM »
An interesting article:

Mac Gaming News - Play the Reality Show on Your Mac With Top Chef: The Game

Brighter Minds Media on Thursday announced that it has brought the popular reality TV series to PCs and Macs in Top Chef: The Game.

Players enter a virtual kitchen and try their cooking skills against other chefs, choosing the right ingredients to make a delicious meal.

Host Padma Lahshmi and head judge Tom Colicchio make virtual appearances.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #63 on: November 07, 2008, 04:00:12 PM »
An interesting article:

Tom Colicchio and Padma Lakshmi Take On the Haters

During a conference call today, we asked Tom Colicchio and Padma Lakshmi what they thought about Bruni’s assertion that Top Chef “gets [young chefs] thinking more about mass-media glory — about big, quick fame — than about disciplined professionalism, dedication, sacrifice.” Padma told us, “I don’t think anyone who has come through the process would say that laziness got them through the challenge. Of course it’s very lucrative to one’s career to have a platform on TV, but they’re on national TV and they are followed by seven or eight cameras in that kitchen. So if they’re sloppy or lazy, the camera sees it. If the food isn’t good, they’re eliminated.” Tom Colicchio had more pointed words — in response to Bret Thorn’s comments, he told us that the show’s viewers are very passionate about food, and he’s offended that some would dismiss them just because they can’t go into a fancy restaurant and eat.

We asked Colicchio what he thought about David Chang and others who've complained about the show's effect on young chefs:

I don’t think there’s any shortcuts to getting there — there’s a vetting process and you’re not going to get through that process if you don’t have some sort of skill. Our industry has changed a lot because of TV and media, and you know, it strikes me as very silly when you get chefs who talk about "back in the day" and "old-school this," "old-school that." My feeling is, if you weren’t working in kitchens before 1986, stop talking about "back in the day." … This is getting ridiculous. It’s very easy to badmouth the show if you’re a professional chef because some people look at this as a shortcut to fame … I don’t think it’s a shortcut.”

Padma noted that American food fiends always get knocked for being backward and uninformed, and that the show does a good job of correcting that. And she told us that of all the former cheftestants, Harold Dieterle is the one she’d hold up as the biggest success story: “Harold is one of those guys who’s very even-keeled … I think slow and steady wins the race. He’s not someone who’s going to charge headlong into something without looking [at it carefully] and ruminating about it first.”


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #64 on: November 07, 2008, 04:05:20 PM »
An interesting article:

More From Tom and Padma: Guest Judges, Food As Foreplay, and Colicchio As Sex Symbol

We weren’t the only ones who had questions for Tom and Padma during today’s conference call. They revealed, first, that most of the season was shot in Brooklyn (!!) and that (no surprise) ethnic cuisine will play a major role. Guest judges will include Eric Ripert, Dave Grohl, Martha Stewart, and (together at the table during the “last supper”) Lidia Bastianich, Wylie Dufresne, and Marcus Samuelsson. Expect Toby Young to be as harsh as we thought — Tom said, “He’s brash. He was opinionated — he was very funny and witty as well. I got many chances to roll my eyes at some of the things he said.” Ted Allen won’t be back, said Tom, because his Food Network contract didn’t allow him to work for Bravo. Below, more from the co-hosts.

Padma on guilty pleasures: “I like Tom's scrambled eggs — he made them for me in the dressing room once when we were in Chicago.”

Padma on gaining weight: “I gain about ten to fifteen pounds over the course of six weeks … I always go up one dress size, without fail … The woman who irons and gets our clothes for us has a lot to work to do, because she really has to think about that when she gets my dresses.”

Tom correcting a questioner: “‘Chain,’ I hate that word. I only have seven restaurants — it’s not a chain!”

Padma on Fabio: He’s very gregarious — he was fun to have on set … I had to really watch myself with Fabio because I would revert into Italian. I spent a lot of time in Italy so I love to speak in Italian … I didn’t want the other chefs to think I was saying anything that they couldn’t hear.”

Tom on why he’s a sex symbol: “It’s safe to assume more women watch the show than men, or at least straight men…”

Padma on Tom’s sexiness: “I think it’s because of Tom’s authority. I think there’s something very sexy about authority, and Tom dispenses his authority very lightly.”

Padma on the sexiness of food: “Food is very sensual — it’s very physical. It’s also something that includes all the senses — the touch, when it’s in your mouth (the mouth feel is what they call it, I guess), the smells, the sights, all of it. It’s very, very sexy and seductive."

Tom on same: “The act of cooking is what’s really sensual — it’s the ultimate foreplay if you’re cooking for somebody. There’s no better way to lube someone’s heart.”

Tom on low-key chefs: “Jonathan Benno, who runs Per Se … Grant Achatz is very reserved and quiet — you won’t see him on the show this season, but he’s such a wonderful cook.”

Padma on same: “April Bloomfield — she’s very shy and she’s not outlandish in her behavior but her food is solid and delicious and interesting…”

Tom on dealbreaking ingredients: There’s no dealbreaker … The ingredients I don’t like to see? Truffle oil, and mostly because there’s no truffle in there at all…”

Padma on same: “I really roll my eyes at truffle oil as well. I never used it, and when I tried it, I hated it, and now I know why [I never cooked with it].”

Tom on his favorite new food scene: “Portland … There seems to be such a tight-knit community of chefs who are doing the locavore thing — not because it's trendy, but because they’re passionate about it.”


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #65 on: November 10, 2008, 12:25:17 PM »
 :lol: An interesting article on TC's Judge Tom:

It's Never Too Late to Live Your Rock 'n' Roll Dream

For some NYC power players, living out guitar god dreams onstage is the new middle-age crisis.

Top Chef's Tom Colicchio grooves at the NYC Wine & Food Festival in October; security expert Alan Schissel lays a beat down for the Nerve.
It's a Friday night at Chelsea's Highline Ballroom, and both the floor and balcony are packed with fans slinging back drinks. As the lights go down, the place erupts with hoot-and-holler applause. There's nothing unusual about the scene—after all, this is a place where Pink, the Jonas Brothers and the Killers have played in recent months. Only tonight's act is hardly Top 40. And those screaming throngs? Well, they're foodies as much as music fans. When one of the musicians onstage announces the special guest, the place goes wild. For a chef.

Tonight, Tom Colicchio—owner of Craft restaurants and head judge on Bravo's Top Chef—has traded in his chef's whites for jeans and a black-and-white vest, and topped his chrome dome with a bowler hat that makes him look like a character from A Clockwork Orange. Armed with a Fender Stratocaster guitar, he bounds up to join NYC-based folk-rock singer-songwriter Milton, to lay down licks on songs like Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Green River" and Elvis' "Mystery Train." Bobbing his head to the music and smiling easily at the cheering masses, he seems as comfortable onstage as he is in the Top Chef kitchen, but preshow he admitted to stage fright. "When I play at home, I just sit down—standing up and playing is very different. Singing and playing is hard—and I'm going to be singing tonight," he says. "Plus, because of [the success of the TV show], there is more pressure—before, this wouldn't have ended up on YouTube! I don't need that."

So why in the world is a James Beard award winner with 21 restaurants, a hit TV show, a wife and 15-year-old son noodling around with a grown-up version of a garage band? "Every kid dreams of being a rock star," says Tom, 46, who started taking guitar lessons six years ago. "I'm a music fanatic. I play for an hour or two in the morning and an hour at night. Kenny Callahan, the chef at Blue Smoke, and I used to rent a studio every Tuesday night [to jam]. I'm doing this for myself."

Some men buy Ferraris. Others leave their wives for younger women. But among a high-profile circle of New York City professionals, the middle-age indulgence of choice is spending money on top-notch music equipment and living out Mick Jagger dreams. Take cantankerous James Dolan, 52, CEO of Cablevision and chairman of Madison Square Garden, who is the lead singer for blues and classic-rock band JD & the Straight Shot. "I'm just like thousands of guys who picked up a guitar when they were 15, except that I never put it down," he explains on the band's MySpace page.

And then there's Upper East Side plastic surgeon Mark Erlich, who already has groupies—the ladies who gush about his tummy tucks, boob jobs and facelifts. But if Mark had his way, these fans would also be raving about his slammin' guitar licks. The 57-year-old has been playing for two years with his band MDZ. As in "MDs," but with a Z to "funk it up." But Mark jokes that his bandmates—three plastic surgeons, ranging in age from 35 to 57—don't exactly party like rock stars. "We Botox each other," he laughs.

The good doctor dispenses advice to fellow middle-age rockers: Hire a roadie, just like a real band. "If anybody thinks that's crazy, I say, 'Yeah, well, I'm operating tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. and don't want a herniated disc,' " he explains. Medicine and music are clearly an easy partnership. Off the Chart is a band that consists of eight administrators at New York Presbyterian Hospital. In August, they surprised a hospital executive who had a heart valve replaced with a boisterous rendition of "Piece of My Heart."

Some of these rock-star wannabes even indulge in Mötley Crüe–worthy stage attire. Like drummer Alan Schissel, who designed his own Converse sneakers, decorated with skulls. The retired NYPD detective sergeant, who owns a private security and investigation firm, works in a sprawling office in Midtown that's decorated with photos of Ringo Starr, Bo Diddley and Ronnie Wood, in addition to an acoustic drum set. Alan decided to pursue his music dream two-and-a-half years ago, at age 46. "I vowed that for my 50th birthday in 2009, I wasn't going to hire the music—I was going to be the music." And now he is, playing with the Nerve, a group that also includes an accountant, a steamfitter, a teacher and an advertising executive. Alan insists this is not a midlife crisis. "It's so beyond that," he scoffs. "A midlife crisis is something that you can go into a store and buy and get tired of and then return. This is something you invest in—it's a passion." And that passion isn't limited to guys. Nancy Gerson—a 50-year-old Queens-based civil litigation attorney and mother of two—played with the Nerve at their first performance, and takes four hours of music lessons a week with a red Fender Telecaster guitar that she's nicknamed Ruby. "It's so liberating," Nancy says of living out her rock 'n' roll fantasy. "I feel like I'm more like who I was in my twenties than I ever felt since then." (The liberation hasn't stopped there—she signs her e-mails with "Peace, Nancy.")

The Nerve and many similar bands owe their existence to the Studio, a recording and practice space on the third floor of an old building on West 30th Street. Not only can bands rehearse here, they can also sign up for five-week workshops ($225) that match mature music-makers together in bands—like, well, a harmonious version of "In New York, everybody wants to stay young," says owner Bob Elliott, 52. "You can rock on and have fun until whatever age. That's why people live in this city, so they can continue to pursue their dreams."

And New Yorkers have big dreams. Like Alan, who's decided that just playing at his 50th birthday bash isn't enough of a challenge. His new goal? "Playing [Madison Square] Garden—opening for Pearl Jam," he laughs.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #66 on: November 10, 2008, 05:42:31 PM »
An interesting article:

Padma Lakshmi and Tom Colicchio dish about 'Top Chef: New York'

Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi said she's glad the series filmed its upcoming fifth season in "The City That Never Sleeps."

"I was so excited for it to be in New York. I really was," Lakshmi told reporters during a Friday conference call.  "I mean I'm very proud of this show for, you know, like not only going to fine restaurants... but also really looking at the city holistically."

While Lakshmi was enthused about the culinary competition series filming in New York City for its fifth season, lead judge and restaurateur Tom Colicchio said the setting didn't make it any easier.

"What's interesting about this season, it was somewhat of a difficult shoot.  Usually if we're on location somewhere else we sort of create our own little universe," Colicchio told reporters.  "I think because we were shooting in New York and we all live in New York, we're going back to our regular lives as soon as we were off the set, at least I was."

Colicchio added that despite the filming location making it "hard to sort of get back into the sort of mindset of the show," he also enjoyed shooting in the Big Apple.

"Obviously shooting in New York lent itself to a lot of just amazing things that New York has to offer - you know, a lot of different ethnic cuisines," he said.  "That sort of worked itself into the challenges at a lot of different locations."

Top Chef: New York filmed in Brooklyn over the summer and it is currently slated to premiere November 12 at 10PM ET/PT.

"We shot everything through the finale," Colicchio told reporters.  "We'll go back and [film the finale] in January sometime.  I don't think we have a location nailed down yet for the finale."

Rounding out the judging panel with Colicchio and Lakshmi are Food & Wine magazine editor Gail Simmons and new judge Toby Young.

"Toby is somebody that I had never met before except for on the set on the first day of shooting that he came in," said Lakshmi.  "I didn't know what to expect, but I found him very charming, very witty, and very sweet."

Lakshmi added she "didn't always agree" with Young, but said she was "always very interested to hear his take on things."

"He was brash. He was opinionated," said Colicchio.  "He was very funny and witty as well.  I really enjoyed working with him."

Young, a best-selling British author and food critic, will replace Ted Allen, the former Queer Eye expert who had served as a judge on Top Chef's last two seasons.  Earlier this summer, Allen began serving as the host of Food Detectives -- a new Mythbusters-like Food Network series that attempts to debunk food myths.

While a Bravo spokesperson had told Reality TV World last month that Allen hadn't been able to participate due to the show's time commitments, Colicchio told reporters Food Network actually disallowed Allen's Top Chef participation.

"Ted got a show picked up on The Food Network and The Food Network, they have this little policy," said Colicchio.  "That's why you don't see any of the chefs that are on a Food Network show."

Despite the absence of Allen and other Food Network chefs, Top Chef: New York will feature guest appearances by several culinary and mainstream stars including Martha Stewart, The Foo Fighters, Jean-Georges, Eric Ripert, Rocco DiSpirito, Wylie Dufresne, Jean-Christophe Novelli and Natasha Richardson. 

"To have all of those palates on one table was, for me, a great, great honor," said Lakshmi.  "And, you know, also obviously the Foo Fighters being on was pretty damn cool."

Top Chef: New York's 17 contestants range from 21- to 44-years-old, hail from across the country and have a wide variety of culinary credentials.

"They're an interesting bunch," said Lakshmi.  "I thought they really held their own. I think the one thing I noted this season is that it was really interesting to watch the evolution of more than a few of them.  I think they really are - were very quick learners. And so some of the contestants over the course of the challenges and weeks really surprised us."

Lakshmi said she feels the keys to succeeding at Top Chef's challenges are composure, using the provided resources and attempting to not only survive to the next round -- but hit the challenge out of the park.

"How can I, you know, do something that's really interesting or do something that's really simple but just execute, you know, execute it to the fullest," explained Lakshmi about the contestants' mindset.

Since the judges are "not privy to all the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on," Lakshmi added the winner is solely based on their finished product.

"We're not there when they're shooting it. We don't really know much about it," she said.  "We strictly judge on food."

Colicchio agreed that "the strategy of winning and getting to the finale is making great food."

"I think it's pretty well documented that we only -- we just [go] each episode to episode and challenge to challenge.  We don't look at past performances," he said.  "And it's for a lot of reasons. You know, there's a saying in our industry that you're only as good as your last dish."

In addition, Colicchio assured viewers that the Top Chef judges taste everything that is presented to them by the contestants in an effort to ensure that the best participant wins.

"We're getting everything when it's hot, when it's first made so it's not sitting around for five or ten minutes, sitting around wilting," he said.  "So much of eating is obviously visual, and so food will start to change very quickly after it's plated. So we're very, very much on top of making sure we get everything, you know, as soon as it's finished."

Lakshmi added the amount of food and lack of time does make the judges' job more difficult.

"The amount of food consumed is staggering," she said.  "And also, we -- especially in the first half of the show when we have so many contestants -- you know, I feel and I'm sure Tom would agree the (onus) is on us to make sure we sample every contestant's dish adequately, you know, in fairness. So it does become difficult."

Having been with Top Chef all five seasons, Colicchio said it's been a "mission of the show to try to always find better contestants" -- something he thinks has been achieved despite recent comments by The New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni.

According to The Times, Bruni recently stated Top Chef "gets [young chefs] thinking more about mass-media glory -- about big, quick fame -- than about disciplined professionalism, dedication, sacrifice."

"I find that to be a very strange comment," Colicchio told reporters.  "I don't think there are any shortcuts to getting there.  I mean there's a vetting process and, you know, you're not going to sort of get through that process if you haven't some sort of skill."

"It's very easy to badmouth the show for - you know, if you're a professional chef for whatever reason because some people look at this as a shortcut to fame.  But you know what, most of these guys who have been on the show, if they don't back it up in their everyday life they're going to fade away, you know, a year from now. They're going to have their 15 minutes."

Lakshmi -- not surprisingly -- also defended Top Chef and said nothing the contestants do escapes the cameras.

"I think Top Chef is a great opportunity," she said.  "If you're lucky enough to actually make the cut and be one of the contestants, it's just a chance to show if you're good or not.  But if you're not good, you're not going to last on the show. And that comment about how TV and media has changed, you know, the food industry, guess what? The TV and media have changed all of our lives in every industry."

In addition, Lakshmi said Top Chef contestants aren't the only ones who benefit from the show.

"I think that Top Chef also does a great service in informing people about food and cooking technique, and eating right and using good local ingredients," she said.  "You'll see that a lot, especially on this season.  And so for that, too, I think it - yes it has - TV has changed the way people look at food for the good, you know, for the better I believe."


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #67 on: November 11, 2008, 02:53:22 PM »
An interesting article:

Top Chef: New York

Reality’s culinary challenge takes to the Big Apple for season five. First, 17 talented competitors (such as cute and cocky Jeff and feisty lesbian Jamie) must impress host Padma Lakshmi and her cojudges by peeling apples (one player gets booted on the spot). Another task — create a dish inspired by an NYC neighborhood — soaks up the local flavor, and the results are nail-biting. Compliments to the exciting Chef for keeping things fresh.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #68 on: November 11, 2008, 03:52:19 PM »
An interesting article:

Review: 'Top Chef: Season 5'

THE SHOW " Top Chef: Season 5"

WHEN|WHERE Wednesday night at 10 on Bravo.

REASON TO WATCH A well-balanced combination of ego and frenzy, drizzled with balsamic reduction.

WHAT'S ON THE MENU After gigs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago, "Top Chef" has finally hit the big time. Not that any of those four distinguished cities are dabblers in the restaurant world, but New York is the acknowledged gastronomic center of the country, if not the world. After all, Tom Colicchio, Padma Lakshmi and Gail Simmons all live here.

For the uninitiated, the three aforementioned personages make up three-quarters of "Top Chef's" "judges' table." The fourth judge, British new guy Toby Young, is AWOL on premiere night. Instead, New York restaurateur Jean-Georges Vongerichten rounds out the table.

New York itself has a starring role. The "cheftestants" meet one another in New York Harbor, on the ferry to Governor's Island, for their first challenge. Thereafter, they fan out across the city to patronize various ethnic markets. When they go home for the night, it is to a palatial apartment in Williamsburg.

AND WHAT OF THE CHEFTESTANTS? The cast strikes me as a talented and entertaining bunch. New Hyde Park's 's own Danny Gagnon (currently chef de cuisine at the Babylon Carriage House) ably fills the role of the tough-talking, possibly hotheaded young Turk. He has a more effete side, though: It's Gagnon who creates the episode's only foam.

The strongest competitor may well be Stefan, born in Finland, trained in Germany and Switzerland and a veteran of kitchens in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Quietly aggressive, possibly cruel, he is the Daniel Craig of the competition or, with his shaven head, at least the Michael Chiklis.

He and Florence-born Fabio form a European alliance. Fabio claims he'd never been to New York, but he is clearly familiar with the cross-cultural fusion that characterizes American cooking in 2008. Bravo's Web site reveals that he is chef-owner of Café Firenze, "one of the most recognized restaurants in Ventura County," and that "Fabio also works as William Shatner's private chef."

BOTTOM LINE By dint of smart casting, imaginative challenges and A-list guests, "Top Chef" retains its three stars for culinary entertainment.



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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #69 on: November 11, 2008, 04:25:46 PM »
An interesting article:

Review Top Chef: New York

New York - the foodie capital of the word - is the setting for the next season of this ever-popular reality competition show. A new group of 17 hopefuls battle it out all over New York, tapping into the Big Apple's ample supply of famous chefs as judges. Right off the bat, you get a mini-tour of the city, when the contestants are assigned an ethnic neighborhood and must each cook a dish that reflects that neighborhood's cuisine. Here's the difference between this show and other competition series: When you watch it, you can actually learn something that you could do at home yourself.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #70 on: November 11, 2008, 04:45:10 PM »

 :jumpy: Yippie I can't wait for Top Chef to start  :wohoo:

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2008, 11:54:00 PM »
An interesting article:

Foo Fighters to guest-judge on 'Top Chef'

As we learned during our visit with with the Foo Fighters last summer, Dave Grohl is no stranger to the kitchen. The Foos' frontman — and soon to be father of two — proudly displayed a secret recipe he called Dr. G's Strip Steak at a barbeque to celebrate the band's latest album, 2007's Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace. And now, hears, he'll make an appearance on Top Chef this season. The episode, titled "Foo Fighters' Thanksgiving," will find the remaining culinary contestants trying to impress the Grammy Award-winning rock band at a tour stop in Rochester, New York (restaurateur Grant Achatz, who was recently named 2008's Best Chef by the James Beard Foundation, serves as guest judge). It's scheduled to air Nov. 26. In the meantime, those looking for a fresh Foos fix can give thanks to the makers of the video game Rock Band. All tracks from the band's seminal 1997 album, The Colour and the Shape, have been made available for download (and play) starting today.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #72 on: November 11, 2008, 11:58:42 PM »
From EW:

Must Watch of the Week Season Premiere Top Chef: New York

It's not easy to keep a reality show fresh, and Top Chef is trying every trick in the cookbook. For its fifth season, Chef relocates to New York City, where tonight competitors concoct dishes inspired by different ethnic neighborhoods. A few contestants immediately stand out: Hawaiian dishwasher-turned-humble chef Eugene, and the much-lauded Stefan, who egotistically launches into an ''a vinaigrette is not an emulsion'' rant. And then there are the always-important nutjobs: ''I want to be led to do this dish, basically, by my spirit guides. That's how I do it, '' says Carla, a screechy caterer. The one questionable ingredient is the new judge, Toby Young (How to Lose Friends and Alienate People), who will begin in the seventh episode, when levelheaded Gail Simmons vacates to get married. Will he be as bland as occasional judge Ted Allen or give the show the jolt of flavor it needs to keep us hungry for more?


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #73 on: November 12, 2008, 09:05:03 AM »
An interesting article:

What's Cooking with Season 5 of Top Chef?

This season of Top Chef (premieres Wednesday at 10 pm/ET on Bravo) is all about the apple — the Big Apple. With the world-famous food mecca as the background, the chefs of the Emmy-nominated competitive reality show are the most diverse, facing some of the toughest (and coolest) guest judges to date.

Host Padma Lakshmi said Season 5's chef-testants "were very quick learners and over the course of the challenges and weeks really surprised us."

And the personalities weren't the only thing that made for great TV. "Shooting in New York lent itself to amazing things that New York has to offer, a lot of different ethnic cuisines. And that worked itself into the challenges at a lot of different locations," said head judge Tom Colicchio. Even the first quick-fire challenge was inspired by the locale, which involved an apple and the chefs showing off their intense (or lack of) knife skills.

British journalist Toby Young will join Padma, Tom and Gail Simmons at judge's table this season. The newcomer is "brash and opinionated," Tom told "What was the title of his book? 'How to Lose Friends & Alienate People' — he lived up to that. But he's a lot of fun."

Although Padma said she found him "charming and witty," he was a bit tougher to the contestants.

Familiar faces Eric Ripert and Wiley Dufresne are among a list of returning guest judges, while home-style maven Martha Stewart, world-renowned chef Jean-Georges and even the Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl will lend a hand in deciding which chefs will pack up their knives and go.


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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #74 on: November 12, 2008, 09:08:41 AM »
 :jumpy: An interesting article:

Tonight's TV Hot List: Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008

Top Chef: New York 10 pm/ET Bravo

Order up! The culinary-arts competition series gets cooking with its Season 5 opener, served up in a supersize ration no less. Tonight we meet our 17 new chef wannabes, who descend on New York City doubtlessly making the mean streets even meaner. In their inaugural challenge, the foodies create dishes based on ethnic flavors of the city's various districts. The new locale isn't the only change this season: Food critic and author Toby Young signs on as a new series judge. Not to worry, though. Host Padma Lakshmi and head judge Tom Colicchio are back, and that's easy to swallow.
