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Ace Gordon
« on: August 27, 2008, 10:43:23 AM »

Ace Gordon (27)
Hometown: Naples, Florida
Occupation: Jewelry Sales

Ace Gordon is a self-proclaimed charmer in every sense of the word. With an English accent and a shaved head, he is an absolute fan of the game and 100% confident in his manipulation skills. Born in New York but raised in London, Ace attended the prestigious Hill House School in Knightsbridge. His privileged background and world travels lead Gordon to mockingly state, "I'm probably better than you and highly more [sic] educated."

He has also run the gambit in terms of jobs and he's only 27. Over the years, he's sold cars for Porsche, been a massage therapist and cooked at an eco- resort in Hawaii. Currently, Ace splits his time between working for Cartier and running his own fashion photography studio.

One of Ace's biggest personality traits is his ability to flirt, almost without realizing it. Described as a natural salesman, Ace can cross the line between arrogant and elegant in whatever country he lives. He has actively sought to be immersed in new surroundings and experiences, be it martial arts or meditation. In fact, Gordon has lived in Hawaii, India, Thailand, and all over the U.S. studying religion, spirituality and alternatives to traditional Western Medicine.

Ace is single and currently resides in Naples, Florida. His birth date is September 3, 1980.

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:14:06 AM »
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 01:38:01 PM by puddin »

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 05:50:10 PM »


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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2008, 09:33:05 PM »
.... an interesting article:

We are here to win. Sometimes I think we forget that

Ace Gordon may already be the most-recognizable Survivor Gabon cast member, thanks to the airtime the bald, English-accented 27-year-old photographer is getting in promos for the new season. In those, he talks about his arrogance, and seems like a cocky ass.

The other members of the media who talked to him found him to be arrogant, too, but I liked him a lot, finding him to be thoughtful, intelligent, and engaging, although he’s also clearly aware that he’s charming. Perhaps that’s because, of the six media crews, just two of us were not videotaping our interviews, and to the other members of the press, he was already performing for the cameras, which itself would be troubling.

Those contradictions worry me, and I’m not sure which version Ace we’ll get on TV; while I hope it’s the one I talked to, the promos suggest otherwise. He also said, “Mark Burnett called me Dr. Evil”—not exactly a title one would give to someone who seems committed to spiritual growth and, among other things, wants to help artists “[get] their art exhibited so therefore they can dedicate more time to it.”

He lives in Naples, Fla., the conservative, Southwest Florida collection of strip malls and cookie-cutter subdivisions where I grew up, although we went to different high schools a few years apart. Ace, however, has lived everywhere from Hawaii to India, and has studied Eastern medicine and other practices. He watches Survivor with his family, and applied for the show once before leaving the country, and then again for this season.
Ace has a very interesting but hard to encapsulate philosophy, some of which he describes in the audio clip below, he’s clearly committed to growth that comes from varied experiences. “There’s more than just materialism,” he said. “I’ve given up monetary compensations in my life to do things that I thought would make me grow as a person.”

He also said, “I really believe in that idea that each person has something to give you. There would be no reason we wouldn’t meet them if they didn’t have something to learn from. So I think there’s 17 other people that must be amazing, because we beat all these other people out. … These people must be unique; I’m excited about meeting them.”

Like others, he cites “the challenge” as the reason for his participation. “I like things that are different.” However, he’s clearly ready to play. “We are here to win. Sometimes I think we forget that,” he said, almost sounding irritated by those who aren’t there to play. Talking about his previous work as a Cartier salesperson and the skills that involves, he said, “Sales are a manipulation. … You’re not hurting them, you’re just directing them. You’re re-orienting their brain in relation to what they thought they wanted. You give them options.”

As you can hear below, he said “I don’t consider it lying; I consider it manipulating.” That game player in him could be formidable, especially when hidden behind his genuine exterior, and he said repeatedly that “it’s nothing personal—as the Godfather said, it’s business, it’s nothing personal. Bang!”


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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2008, 06:39:17 PM »
Ace Gordon photography myspace page

Ace Gordon photography website (under construction, only home page w/ very little info on it)

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 01:19:00 AM »

Ace Gorgon a bulletin from myspace:

Join me at Southstreet for survivor premier...

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2008, 05:01:38 PM »
 :'(  An interview with Ace:

Exclusive: Ace Gordon discusses his surprise 'Survivor: Gabon' ouster

Ace Gordon, a 27-year-old fashion photographer and Cartier jewelry salesman from Naples, FL , didn't set out to make friends on Survivor: Gabon -- even his closest ally referred to him as a "snake," but one thing was certain: Ace was truly in it to win it.

However, 21 days into the game, his perception as a threat to other castaways, combined with his closest ally's betrayal, led to Gordon becoming one of two members  -- and the seventh overall -- to be eliminated during the competition during Thursday's broadcast of Survivor: Gabon on CBS.

On Friday, Ace talked with Reality TV World about how he knew he was going to be betrayed by Jessica "Sugar" Kiper, what castaway he considers to be nothing more than a "patsy," and why his British accent is not a fake.

Reality TV World:  Why did you ask Sugar for the Immunity Idol before last night's Tribal Council -- were you worried that [Matty Whitmore] was going to flip on you or were you worried that Sugar was going to flip on you?

Ace: I actually was worried about both of them. Also I wanted to soothe Matty's worries that she had the Immunity Idol.

I sort of saw that Sugar was going crackpot so I wanted some form of protection.

Reality TV World:  Last night's broadcast only showed Sugar saying she was going to think about giving you the Idol.  Did she ever end up giving it to you?

Ace: No

Reality TV World:   So does that mean you had a feeling she was going to turn on you or did it still come as a surprise?

Ace: I knew she was turning on me.

Reality TV World:  Did she give you an explanation for not giving you the idol?

Ace: No, she just didn't say anything. She said "Give me some time to think," and I knew I was dead then.

Reality TV World:  Why were you immediately certain that it was Sugar and not Matty that had betrayed you -- was there some kind of giveaway on that part of Sugar's vote that the show blurred out?

Ace: No, just because... I don't know. At a certain point you know who... I'm a very good judge of character, let's put it that way.

Reality TV World:  Could you elaborate on how you could tell?

Ace: Well, the same way that people have "tells" when they play poker. It was obvious, she wouldn't look me in the eyes. Matty's one of the most expressive characters I know and the absolute look of fear, horror, and shock on his face when I was voted out sort of gave away the fact that he didn't vote for me. 

Reality TV World:  On Sugar's vote there was something that was written and blurred out on the broadcast. Do you know what that was?

Ace: No, I'm not sure.

Reality TV World:  You were pretty boastful and overconfident throughout the game, do you think that's what ultimately did you in?

Ace: No, not really. I mean I was confident and things like that but I mean... confidence and arrogance are akin I guess and that's why people would say that.

But on the same note, I tried to keep that purely for [my] confession[al interviews]. I tried to be quite secondary in relation to my interactions. I mean I do have a strong personality, I would never deny that and I'm not in any way in-adept. But at a certain point we can only hide so much.

Reality TV World:  This morning, [Survivor: Gabon host Jeff Probst] posted a blog entry in which he insisted you were blindsided but had been refusing to admit it.  Is that true?

Ace: Absolutely not because there's an interview -- if he really wants to argue about it -- right before me going to Tribal Council with me saying I'm about to be assassinated. He can... I don't know the most polite way to put that.

Reality TV World:  You'd convinced other people -- including Matty -- not to vote Sugar out of the game several times.  Did you plan on sticking with Sugar all the way to the end or were you planning on dumping her at some point? 

Ace: I mean I had sort of no reason to dump her she was a great person to bring to the Final 2.

Reality TV World: : How about Matty?

Ace: I made Matty a promise, I would've stayed [until the end] with him. I was very inclined to be next to him, he's a very physical competitor, which was good [because] one of us would have the personal Immunity Idol.

On the same note he could sway people, but only to a certain extent and I felt confident in my closing arguments that it would be to my benefit to have him there.

Reality TV World:  So before last night's Tribal Council session, [Ken "Kenny" Hoang] and Sugar had a conversation where Kenny told Sugar that you'd told everyone that you'd planned to get the hidden Idol from her so that you and the rest of the tribe could blindside her -- was that true or did Kenny completely make that up?

Ace: He was making it up. If I really wanted to have blindsided her I could have done it three times in a row. Why would I do it the fourth?

Reality TV World:  It it safe to say that it stung because you protected Sugar for 21 days and then she was the person who ultimately voted you out?

Ace: I mean obviously it was a stunning thing too. On the same note it wasn't the fact that I so trusted her, it was more the fact that there was no point for her to do what she did. I understand people if I suddenly became a huge threat, or if I was gonna kill her or something of that nature. But she had two Immunity Idols at that point. Why vote for the person that's been protecting you when it's obvious he's been protecting you the whole time.

If it was a strategic move I would have respected it. The fact that it was all willy-nilly "I'm just gonna choose somebody and I'm gonna choose the person who's been saving my ass" was slightly frustrating.

Reality TV World:  Were you surprised at how strong a strategic player Kenny was?

Ace: Kenny's not a strategic player.

Reality TV World:  Well obviously he was swaying Sugar. Why do you think he wasn't?

Ace: Because of the fact that he just went along and played "patsy" for everyone. He didn't make any decisions himself. He thinks he's some sort of "mystic" in that respect and the man behind the scenes, but that was really not true.

Reality TV World:  Things didn't look very good for you when you first got switched to the Fang tribe. Were you surprised were you when the Fang tribe members decided to vote out [Danny "G.C." Brown] instead of Sugar or yourself?
Ace: No. G.C. had become a nightmare at that point. He's a very nice person outside of the game, but he was cracking at the edges at that point.

Reality TV World:  Except for Sugar and Matty, you didn't seem to be very popular with any of your other Fang or Kota teammates -- why do you think that was the case?

Ace: Did you say either of the tribes?
Reality TV World:  Yeah, the Fang or Kota tribes.

Ace: Oh, I didn't realize I was that unpopular in relation to Kota. On Fang it was because I had nothing in common with these individuals. There was no common ground.

Reality TV World:  Last week when [Kelly Czarnecki] was eliminated, you two had an exchange of rude comments and she said that you were lying. Looking back now do you have any regrets about that exchange?

Ace:  No. I mean, in retrospect, other things could have been said but at the time we were in the game. I think Kelly's a nice girl outside of the game. She's a friend of mine.

But at the time we were all particularly, comparatively vindictive.
Reality TV World:  Lots of people -- including Jeff -- have noted how your British accent seems to come and go and questioned whether it's real.  What do you have to say to that?

Ace: (Sarcastically) It's definitely fake. I mean, yeah I just put this on all the time because I have nothing better to do!

(Pauses) I mean, people can say what they want I don't really care to tell you the truth.

(Pauses again) I'm sorry, I'm not really frustrated at you, I've just had this question asked one-hundred times today so it's the same answer regurgitated over and over again.

You know, my accent comes and goes depending on who I'm talking to or what emotional state I'm in, so on and so forth. I lived in England for eight years. Both of my parents are English. I mean what do you want me to say?

If I was bother to lie -- if you really think about it in relation to the game -- I should have faked an American accent during the game and then put an English accent back on, or just let me have my normal accent, during confessions and it would have been great TV.

But the truth is I didn't think about it. my accent actually hindered me more than anything else because it made people question the fact as if I was loyal because I sounded different than they did. I was practically a black swan with the white swans [and] ostracized because of that. Why would I bother to exile myself on purpose when I have the intellect and capacity to understand what it would do if I didn't do it.

Reality TV World:  How were you cast on Survivor?

Ace: How did I get on the show?

Reality TV World:  Yeah.

Ace: I applied.

Reality TV World:  Had you applied before?

Ace: I had applied once six years ago. I moved towns so i got called back and then I just never went to completion.


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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2008, 05:12:13 PM »
An interview with Ace:

Survivor: Gabon "People love me or hate me - there's no happy medium"

What was your first impression of Africa?
Ace: It's like a beautiful wildcat after it's got mange - literally deteriorating. That's Africa. It has the capacity and raw power to be unbelievable but on the same note is sort of slightly used, abused and repulsive.

Which tribe did you prefer being on Kota or Fang?
Ace: Actually, I would have preferred being on Exile Island.

Ace, you made a lot of enemies after you stepped up as a leader. Do you feel like that put a target on your back?
Ace: I think I walk around with a target on my back, generally. I had liability either way. There's something about my accent, demeanor and personality that just seems to either make people fall in love with me or hate me. There's no happy medium.

What was the hardest part of Survivor for you?
Ace: I lost 35 pounds out there and that wasn't as bad as having to interact with the people who were just so unaware.

Since you can't win, who do you think deserves to win?
Ace: I don't know, honestly. I like Matty and I like Sugar - they're good people. They're genuine in their insanity I think it's anybody's game at this point. It's got a lot to do with talent and luck.

What are you doing now?
Ace: I'm working as a photographer and finishing a screenplay for Hollywood.


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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2008, 05:14:54 PM »
Sugar went crackpot, Kenny the patsy! I love it!! lmao!

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2008, 12:14:56 AM »
An interview with Ace and Dan:

Survivor: Gabon’s Ace & Dan Debate Rice Rations, Sugar’s Strategy and More

Thanks to a surprise double-ouster, both photographer Ace Gordon, 27, and attorney Dan Kay, 32, found themselves on the wrong side of Jeff Probst’s torch snuffer on this week’s episode of Survivor. They called from New York to settle debates about rice rations, Sugar’s smarts, Fang faults and what flavor of ice cream Marcus would be. –Carrie Bell

Both of you ended up on the opposite tribe at the switch. Do you think this helped you last longer in the game or contributed to your downfall?
Ace: 100 percent it contributed.
Dan: I would have ended up with the same fate. On Fang, I had a good alliance of four people but on Kota we won seven in a row so it wasn’t even an option to be sent home. Had I stayed on Fang, I would have enjoyed it more because I started to relax once I started to trust Matty, Randy and Susie.

Do you think Fang would have fared any better in its original state or are they just cursed?
Ace: I think at a certain point Kota would have kept winning and they would have focused on cutting away the fat and would have turned the tables on us.
Dan: I disagree. They had the food troubles and there are a few individuals on that tribe that are physically-challenged. And they never seem to vote to keep the team the strongest.
Ace: I was trying to be positive but it was a lost cause. The weak people were threatened by the stronger, smarter players but getting rid of them means you can’t win challenges. I was doomed from the switch. I can’t believe Crystal was an Olympic gold medal-winning runner. When I found that out, I just couldn’t believe how badly she performed. Who was she running against in Athens, disabled kids? Sugar was an idiot savant and Kenny weighed 90 pounds. That’s less than Courtney from China. And then I had Matty. ‘Dude.’ I was like, ‘Dude what?’ And he’d be like, ‘Dude, let’s vote our everyone.’ What kind of a plan is that? We could have lost even if we weren’t playing against anyone.”

Did you trust in your alliance with Sugar, and was it disappointing to have a friend stab you in the back?
Ace: Of course, I was disappointed. It didn’t make any sense for her to knock out her best ally. I would have respected it if it was a strategic move because it is a game after all. But she did it for no reason. I wasn’t out to get her. I had protected her four tribal councils in a row. Now she is unprotected and they all know she has the idol so she shouldn’t feel safe. We’re cool personally but strategically I did not think it was a good move. It would be like the US blowing up Britain. Why would you do that?
Dan: Because of their funny accents.

As we have interviewed exiting contestants each week, we get the most varied opinions about Sugar, ranging from instable and depressed to smart and cunning to ditzy and a follower. You seemed to get to know her the best so what’s your assessment?
Ace: I think she is an idiot savant. She is a brilliant numbskull. She is a lot of fun. Outside of the game she is pleasure to hang out with. But in the game, I don’t think she knew what Survivor was all about. I was trying to strategize with team members who didn’t know they were playing the game.

How was it that Sugar found the idol on Exile and you didn’t?
Dan: I do give her credit for finding the idol. I’d like to think that some of the factors that went into my inability to find it were physical. I had heatstroke. I was dry heaving. I had barely any water because we had just gotten fire the night before and hadn’t boiled any yet. I had 12 blisters on one hand. I was miserable there. But the bottom line was that I was not intelligent enough to look harder and widen my search area.

You make an interesting point about the physical toll the game takes on players. Was that the hardest part?
Dan: Watching it on TV does not do it justice. It does not capture how mentally exhausted you are and how awful your body feels or how that affects your desire to play the game. I came home from exile and I said to the one of camera crew, ‘I think I’m quitting.’ It sounds silly to say that now because I feel healthy but at the time everything was kind of green.
Ace: Dan is hitting the nail. It is debilitating. I lost 35 pounds out there. Things you find so simple in day-to-day activities became a challenge. I would sit and think of things just so I would be sound of mind. You’d see people stand up and almost fall back down because they were so lightheaded. I would see black spots when I stood up at times. When I moved to Fang, it was traumatizing. Not only was I trapped on a team that with mental midgets, I was also starving to death.
Dan: Please, mental little people. Be politically correct. I lost 10 pounds before I went and I lost about 16 or 17 pounds while I was out there. We had more food than Fang. And, if you listen to Corinne, I was eating more of it than anybody else.

Did you realize you ate as much as you did or that your big appetite irked people? Did you contribute to Fang’s low rations before the tribe swap?
Dan: I didn’t realize people were mad. No, I don’t think I contributed to Fang’s food issues. I love going through this scenario logically. We cooked a half a pot of rice at each meal, probably 10 cups. The amount you are going to get out of it extra if you are hogging is only 4 or 5 extra scoops. By no means was I eating significantly more than anyone else. It was probably magnified by the fact that Corinne’s personality feeds on attacking others and negative energy. Maybe she feels she is making up for something lacking in her personal life. I love food. I enjoy eating. But I was also very cautious about what I ate. I counted the scoops Marcus was having and I always had the same amount as him. But people can get petty after 19 days. Had they called me on it, I would have apologized and made changes. Marcus was the only one who said anything to me and I told him I was only eating as much as him.
Ace: How dare you slander the golden child?

Do you think the food issue is why you were let go or do you think people thought you had the idol or your need for acceptance rubbed people the wrong way?
Dan: I wanted to trust them but I couldn’t. I by no means wanted to be accepted by Corinne. If I am and I become her friend then I am just as bad as she is. Can you tell I still have a little bit of issues with Corinne and Marcus? Judging my conversations I have had with other cast members, everyone is going through that a little bit. Hopefully I will have the maturity to work through my issues and bury the hatchet. I don’t think she’ll be a big part of my life ever.

Ace, you always made a point of saying that you didn’t care what anyone thought of you. Is this true or did all the trash talk sting a little?
Ace: I am a little manipulative. I don’t deny that. Anyway, I’m not the easiest person to get along with. If I like you, great. If I don’t, you might as well go away. I’m not a cookie cutter. If Marcus was an ice cream, he’d be vanilla. Everyone likes it but it gets boring as sh–. I’m something weirder like pistachio where you either love it or you hate it. If you want to dish, that’s fine but you are gonna get it back. I am a very nice person in my setting but out of it, I can be a righteous a–hole.

Who has this competition in the bag in your opinion?
Ace: Obama.
Dan: It’s anyone’s game at this point regardless of how things are coming across.
Ace: I agree. I’m not trying to be obtuse, but this game has so many twists and turns that you may as well put your hand in a hat and draw a winner.

Was this a life-changing experience? Are you recognized in public and what are you up to now?
Ace: I have had a lot of people come up to me in bars and clubs. They want to take pictures. I was hanging out with Sugar a couple of days ago and she gets mad because the only time she gets recognized is when she’s with me. Work-wise, I am doing a lot of photography and am about to finish a screenplay that I think will be picked up in Hollywood.
Dan: I have been recognized, but I shaved my head so I don’t look the same. Life will go back to the way it was, but I think I will appreciate what I have in my life and the people in my life more since Survivor. I’m going back to the practice and stay a lawyer. I think I am better equipped to deal with the stress that comes with being a lawyer. If this experience doesn’t change you…
Ace: Then there is something wrong with you.


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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2008, 01:16:15 AM »

Survivor Spotlight Interviews Return: Ace Gordon & Dan Kay

Dan Kay and Ace Gordon appeared on WDEF News 12 at Noon for our "Survivor: Spotlight."

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2008, 01:34:20 AM »

Another video interview with Ace and Dan:

AOL Video Home Two fail to outlast on 'Survivor'

Link to view video interview:

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2008, 01:44:42 AM »

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2008, 04:09:59 PM »
An interview with Ace and Dan:

Exlusive Interview: Ace Gordon and Dan Kay of 'Survivor: Gabon'

On this week's episode of Survivor, Jeff Probst threw a twist at the contestants.  Players from both tribes were going to be eliminated and individual immunity would be up for grabs.  The contestants competed in a log roll, sometimes going head to head against their own tribemate, and in the end, Marcus won, beating Ace and Sugar.  It seemed that Susie and Crystal would be obvious targets for elimination, and they were, except that it was Ace and Dan who were voted out instead.  Today, they spoke to BuddyTV in an exclusive interview and neither held back when it came to their opinions about the people who sent them home!

Let me start with Dan. So I cannot believe that Corinne called you a supposedly former fatty last night. How do you even respond to something like that?

Dan: I thought it was funny. I really did. As much as it shows her maturity level and her personality, it was funny to me. So I mean… she speaks for herself. I don’t need to even do it. I mean, what am I gonna do? Cry over it? It’s Corinne! If Corinne likes you, then you need counseling too.

Well, I didn’t think that you were playing a weak game socially. Did you think that you were having problems out there?

Dan: With Marcus and Corinne, I felt like I was having problems. Like I said, it is what it is. Marcus is an accomplished guy and he’s tough to get to know. Corinne is in her own world and I think, for me, I feel like we all had issues on the show and we all have our personality flaws and it’s just a matter of which personality flaws you can accept. Marcus and Corinne are two people with personality flaws that I just couldn’t accept.

Ok so Ace, why in the world would Fang vote you out instead of Crystal?

Ace: ‘Cause they’re mental midgets.

What is anyone thinking in this game? I cannot believe that Susie and Crystal are still in the game and you and Dan are on the phone with me right now.

Ace: Crazy! If it makes you feel any better, neither can we! It was just a combination of the characters that we were playing with, honestly. Fang was a tribe of unique personalities. You know, somebody asked me earlier, “How would you describe them?” and I said, “Well, we’ve got Sugar, who’s an idiot savant. We’ve got Matty who’s ‘way dude’. We’ve got Kenny who think he’s a strategist, while being 12 pounds and we’ve Crystal, who really competed in the Special Olympics.”

Dan: You are unleashing on this call! BuddyTV is getting the exclusive!

Ace: The exclusive that Ace is an ******* if you really provoke him.

But Ace, I thought you were in an alliance with Sugar until last night. You blew my mind. I had no idea.

Ace: Sugar’s a nice girl. She’s a friend of mine in real life. It’s just that, on the show, she was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. She spent 10 days on Exile Island and she’s never been that mentally stable anyway. She just pushed herself over the limit. At a certain point in the game, she was like, “I didn’t even know I was playing the game.” I said, “You didn’t even know you were on the show.”

Well Dan, if you had made it to the merge, who would you have started aligning yourself with to get to the end?

Dan: I would’ve aligned with Matty in a heartbeat and I would’ve aligned with Ace. I know Ace had Sugar in his pocket and I would’ve done everything in my power to take Corinne and Marcus out, absolutely.

Ace, who is playing the game the worst right now?

Ace: That’s a hard choice. I don’t know. Honestly, I mean, it’s part luck. It’s part luck out there. There’s some strategy but next week, there could be a switch-up that completely confuses everyone. The worst out there right now would have to be Susie.

Dan, is this gonna be a season where weak physical players get far in the game because they align together?

Dan: I think that if you wanna run statistics on that, there’s probably a lot of weak players left in the game so I’d have to say yes, based on statistical reason. You just don’t know what the producers are gonna throw at you or what challenges are coming up. That being said, it’s hard to determine. It could be anyone’s game.

Do you guys have any bitter or hard feelings about the way you guys went out of the game?

Dan: Absolutely and I’m working on dealing with those. I know it’s really immature and there are people that I’ve prided myself on being a little bit more mature than ‘cause there’s a lot of people between 22-25 and I think that age comes out in this game and you see that the lack of maturity. I kind of feel like I need to be more mature and deal with those feelings and I know a lot of people are dealing with those feelings but you know, I’m a little bit… I’m still a little bit upset, you know. I am.

What about you, Ace?

Ace: I mean it was just a game. I was disappointed. I was very disappointed in myself more than anyone else. I mean, I had no faith in any of them, to tell you the truth. So I was disappointed that I lost the log roll, I was disappointed that I didn’t have the capacity to keep Sugar under control, you know, and it was more that I was mad at myself than any of them. I mean, obviously, I was frustrated that I had saved for 4 weeks running suddenly decided to assassinate me for no reason. If there was a reason, I would’ve understood but it was just a complete pot luck choice. That was hard for me but otherwise, you know, I don’t care anymore.


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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2008, 12:18:05 AM »
An interview with Ace and Dan:

Survivor Exit Interview: Dan & Ace

Last time on Survivor: Gabon, Dan got caught in a web of intrigue, even though he should have been coasting along for at least another week. A surprise Tribal Council for both sides left him open to attack and Kota took the bait. Ace on the other hand was putting together an unassailable alliance at Fang when Sugar turned the tables on him to lead a revolt, knocking him out of the game. It gave us the first good shock to the system so far this season.

We caught up with the pair, who seem to be buddies now, during a round of interviews about the dramatic events on the show.

FC: Hey Guys! Where are you today?
D&A: We're in New York. Where are you?

FC: I'm in PA but I'm a native New Yorker.
Ace: You'd never know it by that accent.

FC: Well, we'll get to accents in a minute there Ace!
(Dan laughs) Ace: I've only been asked that 22 times today.

FC: Well then, we'll leave that one alone Ace, because I'm sure you have. Seriously, it's been awhile for you guys since you were voted out, but for us it was only last night. And no disrespect to you Dan but the big shock was when Ace got knocked out of the game.
Dan: It's no disrespect to me at all.

FC: Well, I mean you kinda got caught in the gears of the Survivor machine.
Dan: Well, I don't wanna take the question from Ace, but that's the way the game is played and these things happen.
Ace: Well, I did see that day that they were coming to assassinate me and I just couldn't see the logic behind it with Sugar. But the fact is she didn't understand the logic of what she did either. In perspective it was a big shock. By that time I had turned around Fang and I was in the position I needed to be in to actually move forward in the game productively. That's life.

FC: One of the great things about Survivor is there's always a shocker and this is the first one of the season so far.
Ace; It was unnecessary, that was the whole point, after I'd been protecting them for so long. So to kill me for no reason was slightly frustrating.

FC: Sugar may have been a little confused I think, and the way Immunity was handed out there, it was chipping away at your defences.
Ace: Very much so, I think you're completely right.

FC: In the normal course of events there you would probably have been able to dominate and take Crystal out.
Ace: Which is what I was looking for, I mean it was a rather unusual concoction, it's become a different game. As they say, it's not the Survivor of 5 years ago. It's not a game like Brian played in Thailand, because they've thrown so many twists in to make it good TV nowadays it's not really beneficial to Dan or myself in relation to being intelligent or physically adept, because they immediately think you're too much of a threat and they gang up on you.

FC: What was your attitude coming into the game. You seem like you're a student of the game to me.
Ace: Yes, I've watched a lot of the game. My attitude was to be as fluid as possible, to make my way through without having to align to anyone specifically but still keeping people close. And that's what Sugar was. She had the Immunity Idol, she was another vote in my pocket and on the same note, it wasn't any sort of emotional connection. It was more the idea that you need numbers. I mean the fact that people leave the alliances open up until the last moment just means you can be assasinated right off the bat.

FC: Well you were playing a smart game, I thought you were the best strategist there.
Ace: Thank you very much.

FC: And Dan, like I said, you just got caught up in the gears. When Kota was forced to go to Tribal Council, that was a bad twist for you.
Dan: I think the worst twist was when we switched up tribes. That was new this year and for 5 hours, I was really happy, because I was comfortable and then that switch happened, so I think both of those combined were unfortunate incidences, where the game itself caused my downfall.
I think more importantly and ultimately, mentally I was having difficulty being in the game. Part of the game is trying to relate to people that you don't like, and there were 2 people I didn't like on Kota. But I should have played it more into that strategy.

FC: Last night's edit showed maybe you were a little over compulsive. I'd never seen that before, but they really played it up.
Dan: Yeah, when it got to when I was starting to feel a little more insecure, it was getting more difficult to work with them. The more I got to know Corinne and Marcus the more I didn't want to be a part of their mindset. There was a lot they didn't show. With Marcus I was trying to get him to feel more comfortable, and then we would reverse it. I would ask if I could trust them and he would just shrug it off. That started to really bother me.

FC: Let me ask you something about Exile Island. Part of the reason you got squeezed was speculation you may have had the Immunity Idol, although you stated many times you didn't have it.
Dan: There comes a point where the Idol does more harm then it does good. There were times where I envisioned myself faking that I did have it. I wish I'd have done it.

FC: That's the ultimate case of "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" I've ever heard.
Dan: Yeah, I know but... everything happens for a reason.

FC: Ace, when did you learn how to do a log roll?
Ace: (chuckling) I don't know! I think it was more of an act of balance. I just like running. I used to run across rocks as a kid. We all do that growing up, and I think it just added into it. I'm quite nimble on my feet. But I would have been better off if I was in either Marcus' or Sugar's position, and not in the center.

FC: Well, you seemed to be in the center from the very beginning.

FC: Before I let you guys go, can I get a prediction on a winner?
Ace: I think Obama.

FC: Barack On!
Dan: I'm gonna refrain, but I will say I predict it will be the person who gets the most votes at the last Tribal Council.

FC: That's a sound prediction! Ace, how about it?
Ace: I really can't say. I just don't know who is gonna win.

FC: Alright guys, thanks for talking with us today. Good luck and I hope you feel proud of yourselves. It's no small accomplishment to be on Survivor in the first place.
Dan: Thanks alot!
Ace : Thanks for the conversation!


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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2008, 01:39:31 PM »
From reality-blurred....

Ace Gordon arrested for disorderly intoxication, resisting arrest after reportedly hitting a woman

Survivor Gabon cast member Ace Gordon was arrested in Naples, Fla., early Sunday morning for resisting arrest after he was kicked out of a bar for reportedly hitting a woman. He was voted out of the game during its seventh episode, which aired Oct. 30.

According to his arrest report, he was arrested at 2:22 a.m. and booked into jail at 6:26 a.m. “Gordon resisted arrest and had to be taken to the ground to be handcuffed,” The Naples Daily News reports, citing Collier County Sherrif’s deputies’ reports.

Earlier, Sway Lounge security staff “told deputies Gordon had struck a woman in the bar before being asked to leave. As he was being escorted out, Gordon reached toward a deputy’s face in an aggressive manner,” according to the report.

The best part: The report says that “while en route to the Collier County jail, Gordon repeatedly told deputies he was famous.”

He has since been released on $1,500 bond.

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2008, 01:42:40 PM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: Ace Gordon
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2008, 02:01:38 PM »
To view Ace's arrest report and see his mug shot, click on the link below and scroll down to page 12....