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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2008, 07:07:30 PM »

The Biggest Loser Contestant Bios


Coleen is the second of four children in her family, but the only child who is overweight. Coleen has struggled with her weight since her early teen years. Being the only overweight child in her family has been tough on her. Never really feeling comfortable in her skin, Coleen searched for other ways to take the focus off of her weight. She is sociable, engaging and always has a hand to lend to whoever needs it. Growing up on fast food and quick-fix meals, Coleen began to pack on the pounds at a young age. Sitting at a desk and snacking all day is all part of her daily routine as a receptionist. Coleen is definitely a leader and loves to compete. She is a dedicated young girl who is sick of life flying past her. With life-sized goals set, this girl is ready to take on any challenge!

As a hardworking, fun and dedicated father/daughter duo, both are motivated to start living the best possible life by being healthy and fit. A true equation for entertainment, these two will inspire you with their drive for life. Both born and raised in Cleveland, they are not only good company, but great competition. Jerry feels that with the help and inspiration he gets from Coleen, together they will be unstoppable

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2008, 07:10:39 PM »

The Biggest Loser Contestant Bios


The idea of dieting and losing weight has been something Michelle has always feared. She has felt over the years that a diet would control her and not let her live her life. Since then, she has realized just how important it is, and knows at 26 years old, it has been just the opposite. Her weight has been controlling her life in another way—holding her back from living a full life. She has a beautiful face, but she knows she is not the total package on the outside until she drops to her ideal weight. This has prevented her from dating and also from pursuing a career path. She has the brains to take on any field, as she graduated high school in just three years and even earned her aviation engineering license. As a bridesmaid in her sister’s upcoming wedding, she struggles with the thought of being remembered as the “other fat girl” standing next to her pregnant sister.

These two look more like sisters than mother and daughter. When Renee divorced Michelle’s father, she did not speak to her mother for over six years. Michelle and her mom have finally rekindled their relationship and look forward to this chance to make up for lost time. Renee hopes this will lead to a full reconciliation with all of her children and she also hopes to meet her two-year-old granddaughter for the first time.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2008, 07:13:38 PM »

The Biggest Loser Contestant Bios


Renee has always struggled with her weight. She remembers her dad calling her a “Fat Tomato” as a child and it is something that has always stuck with her. She feels that giving birth to five children has been hard on her body as she has gained and lost weight from each child. However, she can pinpoint her divorce as the main cause for weight gain. Renee has since remarried and feels the extra weight she carries is a burden to the relationship; she lacks energy and it hurts their social life together. She even finds ways to avoid her husband’s formal dinner parties. At times, she does not even feel she recognizes the person she sees in the mirror. While she is active with volunteer work for her church, Renee knows she can be doing so much more. She also has a passion for interior decorating and travel. She hopes she and her husband can take a long overdo trip to Hawaii once she returns from "The Biggest Loser."

These two look more like sisters than mother and daughter. When Renee divorced Michelle’s father, she did not speak to her mother for over six years. Michelle and her mom have finally rekindled their relationship and look forward to this chance to make up for lost time. Renee hopes this will lead to a full reconciliation with all of her children and she also hopes to meet her two-year-old granddaughter for the first time.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2008, 07:16:32 PM »

The Biggest Loser Contestant Bios


Amy has her mom’s sense of humor. She is a very talented girl, with an amazing voice. She works full time in the purchasing department of an automotive company, she takes college classes online for her bachelor's degree, and goes to cosmetology school in the evenings. She has a hard time standing for so long during school because of her weight. “Sometimes, I just wish I could take my feet off, they hurt so badly,” says Amy. Most of her meals are eaten from a fast food drive thru. She has battled her weight since middle school, and has never been able to get a grip on it. Amy feels people do not look past her weight and although she may be smiling on the outside, inside she is devastated with her appearance.

Shellay and Amy are a mother/daughter team who love each other, believe in each other, support each other and encourage each other. These two are ready to be transformed, no matter what the cost! Shelley was always the “cool” mom when Amy was growing up, while Amy was the funny daughter. These two are so expressive and honest, and have a great sense of humor. Every mother and daughter can relate to their love, bickering, support and banter.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2008, 07:19:22 PM »

The Biggest Loser Contestant Bios


Shellay is a loving wife, mother and a great friend. She is always the person you can call on if you need anything. She has been a stay-at-home mom most of her married life and would like to look for a job, but she has lost confidence in herself because of her weight. She wakes up in the morning, thinking she will surf the web for a job, but ends up surfing the fridge for food instead. Exercise has never been a part of her life, but as she gets older she worries more about future health problems. She wants to be healthy and motivated, and she wants to prove she can do it!

Shellay and Amy are a mother/daughter team who love each other, believe in each other, support each other and encourage each other. These two are ready to be transformed, no matter what the cost! Shelley was always the “cool” mom when Amy was growing up, while Amy was the funny daughter. These two are so expressive and honest, and have a great sense of humor. Every mother and daughter can relate to their love, bickering, support and banter

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2008, 07:22:17 PM »

The Biggest Loser Contestant Bios


Tom is married with three children; two boys and one girl. He works very hard trying to keep everyone in the family happy, but would like to spend a lot more time with his wife and kids. Tom has been driving a taxi in Boston for the last sixteen years, and he has let his weight slip out of control. His family and doctor constantly remind him that he needs to lose weight, but because he sits driving all day he does not get to exercise. Plus, as a result of being on the go, he has become a fast food junkie. Tom Sr. wants to break the cycle and give his son an opportunity he never had!

Tom Sr. and Tom Jr. are the father-and-son team who really do not like to lose at anything they do. They are competitive to the end, but they enjoy life and have fun together. Their team motto is: "Play now, pay later!" This team from Massachusetts is ready to show the world how strong a father/son bond is. They will keep us laughing and crying throughout their experience on the show. While they look big and tough, these guys have a sensitive side that they cannot hide.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2008, 07:25:24 PM »

The Biggest Loser Contestant Bios

Tom Jr.

Tom Jr. is very outspoken and likeable. He has two siblings: a brother and sister, both younger. Tom Jr. has been overweight for most of his life. Even though he struggled with being overweight, he was a very active kid, and played a lot of organized sports such as football, baseball and basketball. Since he graduated high school he has put on significant weight. He now drives a taxi part time. He volunteer coaches Pop Warner Football for the kids in his spare time and the amount of time he has to exercise is limited. Tom never quits and will keep trying until the final whistle has blown.

Tom Sr. and Tom Jr. are the father-and-son team who really do not like to lose at anything they do. They are competitive to the end, but they enjoy life and have fun together. Their team motto is: "Play now, pay later!" This team from Massachusetts is ready to show the world how strong a father/son bond is. They will keep us laughing and crying throughout their experience on the show. While they look big and tough, these guys have a sensitive side that they cannot hide

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2008, 06:40:17 PM »
An interesting article .... an interview with mother daughter team Renee and Michelle:

The Biggest Loser: Families mother-daughter team Renee Wilson and Michelle Aguilar

If you tune in late to this week’s premiere of The Biggest Loser: Families on NBC, you might not be able to tell that Fort Worth’s Renee Wilson and her daughter, Michelle Aguilar, were estranged for several years. They seem to get along well in the weight-loss competition, which features two types of teams this season: husband-wife and parent-child. Wilson, 46, is the executive assistant in the senior pastor’s office at her church, and Aguilar, 26, is a former assistant TV director. In separate telephone interviews that are edited together below, we quizzed them about the experience.

1Your story is a little different from the other contestants’. What’s the background there?

Aguilar: When my parents divorced, I decided that for me, at the age of, like, 20, that it was better that I not talk to my mom. It was too painful, too hard. My mom would make small attempts to get in touch with me at holidays, birthdays, things like that, with a card or with a gift. . . . And then, a year ago, on my birthday, she actually showed up at the television network that I worked at, and she brought me a gift, and that was the first step in her really making a solid effort toward opening up our lives of communication. About five or six years had gone by at this point.

Wilson: I just felt like, "Enough’s enough. I’m just going to show up at her work and see what she does." . . . It was very awkward, but she didn’t say "Go away," and I vowed from that point on to keep on inviting her and calling her. She’d take my calls and come to dinner, so we were just taking baby steps. All along I kept praying and believing that we were one day going to reconcile our lives. Probably about four months after that, she called me and said, "You’re never going to believe this, and I understand if you don’t want to do it, but would you like to try out with me for Biggest Loser?" And me, being the mom who’d do anything to reconcile with her daughter, said, "Sure."

2In the premiere episode, at least, y’all don’t seem to have as many conflicts as some of the other teams.

Aguilar: It’s funny — the other teams, we noticed right away, would come in as families. A lot of these people, it’s their enablers that are coming with them. It’s the people they love the most. For my mom and I, we were almost walking in as strangers. Granted, of course, we’re bound by blood, but we didn’t know a lot about each other during the past six years, so I think we were able to both walk in with a "fresh start" mentality.

Wilson: It worked to our advantage, in a way, because we just felt like we were going to give it everything we had. We didn’t have much conflict at first. It was just kind of more a quietness and learning to open up to one another and learning to trust one another through challenges and working together and being together 24/7. . . . It was definitely a life-changing event.

3How did you feel physically after the first day of working out? [The show’s trainers, Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels, put the teams through especially rigorous, hours-long workout routines.]

Aguilar: I wanted to die. [Laughs] I am not the athletic kind of girl. Never have been. Never thought of myself that way. So that first day was a rude awakening, and it was a rude awakening because I didn’t realize how unhealthy I was. I [realized], "I’ve got to change. Because this is so painful, I want this pain to stop, and the only way this pain can stop is if I keep at it."

Wilson: I thought, "What have I done?" [Laughs] Obviously, I weighed a whole bunch and I was living a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I really did think, "What have I done? Oh, my gosh. This is the first day. It’s just not going to get easier from here." But I’m not a quitter, and I vowed that I was going to do my best. I wanted to look back, so whether I was there for a week or for three months, I would have no regrets.

4What was your biggest reality check?

Aguilar: That I was so unhealthy. I think I thought if I dressed a certain way and I camouflaged my body just so, that people wouldn’t notice that I’d slowly gained weight over the years. Being on the show, having to put on spandex and a sports bra, is a reality check. You can’t hide who you are anymore. . . . Especially for women, this is a big huge deal: "Oh, this is what I weigh. And I’m going to tell the world."

Wilson: I knew I was in poor health and I knew I had to change my life, and this was the way I was going to do it. When Jillian would yell at us and scream, I’d cry, but then I’d tell myself, "You know what? She cannot kill me! She can yell at me all day long, but she cannot kill me! So just keep working!" And it worked.

5It’s lunchtime here, and I’m considering having a burger and fries or a tuna-salad sandwich. Which one should I have?

Aguilar: Don’t have either. Tuna [salad] has too much mayonnaise in it, so you don’t want that. You could do the burger, but take off the bun and leave all the tomato and lettuce on it. Don’t get the fries. You could get a fruit cup instead.

Wilson: I’d say maybe tuna salad, no mayonnaise. . . . Or how about burger and a salad?

[Reporter’s note: Aguilar and Wilson have continued their workout regimens. I, meanwhile, had the burger and didn’t take their advice. My loss.]


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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2008, 01:58:50 PM »
An interesting article .... an interview with father daughter team Jerry and Coleen

Ten Minutes With ... a father-daughter team on 'The Biggest Loser'

Family is the team theme for the sixth edition of NBC's weight-loss reality series, "The Biggest Loser." And the eight duos include a father-daughter team from the Cleveland area: Jerry Skeabeck, 51, a police sergeant in the village of Highland Hills, and his daughter, Coleen Skeabeck, 23, a former receptionist at a court recording firm in downtown Cleveland. He lives in Middleburg Heights. She lives in North Royalton. Their competition for the $250,000 grand prize: three other parent-child duos and four husband-wife teams.

The season has been filmed, except for the live finale. So the Skeabecks are back in Northeast Ohio, sworn to secrecy on how much they lost and how far they went in the competition. They shared some thoughts about facing this reality experience recently with Plain Dealer television critic Mark Dawidziak.

Coleen, I get the feeling this was more your idea.

Totally. Once my weight got to the point where it was like, "I gotta do something now," I felt that this show was the answer for me.

How did you persuade your dad to do this with you?

I told him this was the opportunity of a lifetime to change his life and, "We can go and try for this and lose weight together, and be healthy and happy together." And he was all for it, and here we are today.

Was that how it went down, Jerry?

Pretty much. I'm sure you'll relate to this: I'll do whatever I can for my kids. This meant a lot to her and was a big part of her dreams, and all I had to do was say one word, yes, to make this dream come true.

Had you ever watched "The Biggest Loser?"

Jerry: I caught the last four episodes of last season. I'm not much of a television person. I catch the Browns games and that's about it.

Coleen: I'm not a big reality watcher myself. I could just tell, from watching "The Biggest Loser," that it was not like any other reality show. People really cared about each other on the show.

Did you ever stop and think, "What are we getting ourselves into?"

Coleen: There is that moment of, "What am I doing? This is insanity." But then you realize, "This is the most amazing feeling ever. I'm changing my life, and I'm inspiring millions of Americans to do the same."

Jerry: Before I saw those episodes, there was a concern about, does this make fun of the chubby people? And then, of course, you realize how out of shape you are and how much you need to do to get yourself better.

What did you find out about yourselves?

Coleen: I knew I was a goal-oriented person, but I had to wake up and find out what my goals were. And I had to realize I have the potential to reach my goals and not to settle for less.

Jerry: It was a personal reality check, but, in a bigger sense, it was really eye-opening and an awakening about how serious the obesity problem is in this country.

You can't say how much you lost, but what were your starting weights?

Coleen: 218 pounds.

Jerry: And I was at 3,744 ... no, 380 pounds.

Short of knowing whether you're in the running for the $250,000, did you get what you wanted out this experience?

Coleen: We went into this to change our lives together. And the fact that my dad accepted my offer to go on the show meant more than anything in the world. The fact that he wanted to change his life, too, meant everything. The smile from ear to ear on both our faces says everything about how this has changed our lives.

Jerry: Sounds good to me.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 02:41:47 PM by marigold »

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2008, 03:29:01 PM »

Reminder:  :jumpy:

The Biggest Loser Families Season 6 Premieres Tonight 8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 02:37:48 PM by marigold »

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2008, 02:42:09 PM »
The Biggest Loser Season 6 Update:


More Digital Entertainment Content For New and Returning Shows

NBC today announced its new content for the fall season. Each new NBC Entertainment show will launch with robust digital entertainment offerings. Each returning show's digital extensions will benefit from the significant evolution of material, which incorporates heavy feedback from the users. The announcement was made by Vivi Zigler, President, NBC Universal Digital Entertainment.

"NBC's content offering continues to grow exponentially - there is truly something for everyone," said Zigler. "The fans are interacting and having fun with their favorite NBC shows as they've never been able to before."

A description of the fall digital entertainment offerings on NBC follow:

"The Biggest Loser" - In addition to the recently announced "Biggest Loser League," fans will find extended versions of the elimination scenes, exclusive weekly bonus scenes, a new season of Alison McSweeny's blog and recipes from Rocco deSpirito.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2008, 11:44:37 PM »

Episode 1:

The Green Team Adam and Stacey have been eliminated

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2008, 11:48:29 PM »

Episode 2 next week on The Biggest Loser Season 6:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 (8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST)


The contestants get to bid on the percentage of body weight they think they'll lose this week,

and the highest bidding team can win $10,000 -- but only if they reach their weight loss goal.

Then it's off to a wild "sprint and slide" challenge, with the winning team earning a phone call home.

Later, Chef Rocco DiSpirito drops by to teach the contestants how to shop for and make healthy,

tasty and affordable meals before an elimination round sends another team packing.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2008, 05:43:55 AM »

An interesting article an interview with Stacey and Adam:

Last night, The Biggest Loser kicked off its 6th season with contestants competing in pairs. Bob Harper led the teams of husbands and wives while Jillian took on parents and their children.  Among the husbands and wives were Stacey and Adam, of Washington D.C.  The two made it onto the show but unfortunately, their time was cut short when they were the first team eliminated.  Stacey may have lost 9 pounds at the weigh in, but it wasn't enough compared to the double digits the rest of the women pulled.  Up against Heba and Ed, the orange team, the contestants decided that the green team would be the first to go and today, they spoke to BuddyTV in an exclusive interview!

“I was happy and excited that we made the show,” Adam told BuddyTV today. His wife was a bit more enthusiastic, especially when she came face to face with her trainer for the first time. “I was ready to pass out! I could not believe that Bob came all the way to D.C. to surprise us. I just kept saying ‘Oh, my God!’ We were so excited and knew it was the beginning of a brand new life for us.”

Heba and Ed may have landed in the bottom this past week, but Stacey and Adam think that they might be the team to looking out.  When asked who had the best work ethic, they were unanimous in saying that it was the oragen team.  "Heba and Ed have the best work ethic," Stacey told BuddyTV.  "They put in the time at the gym.  Heba is SO awesome at pushing Ed at those critical moments. They have the desire and competitive spirit to make it happen."

Despite the fact that Vicky and Brady, the brown team, made the assumption that the green team acted like they had nothing to worry about the day of the weigh-in, Adam says that he didn’t feel misunderstood by any of the contestants and it’s not the reason they went home. “We got voted off for working hard - we worked hard because we were worried about going home that first week,” Stacey agreed.

Stacey and Adam may have been eliminated first this season but that doesn’t mean that their week with The Biggest Loser didn’t teach them life lessons that they took home with them. “One of the biggest changes has been getting more exercise into our daily lives and portion control,” Adam told BuddyTV. “ I am surprised that even though we do not eat as much, I am never hungry because I eat more frequently.” Since leaving the show, Stacy has lost 46 pounds and Adam has lost 54 pounds.


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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2008, 01:30:20 PM »

 :popcorn: The Biggest Loser Episode 2 is on tonight

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2008, 05:23:30 PM »
Grey Team is by far my favorite.  I think the show lacks some of the personalities that last year had, but LT seems like the new man on campus.  I'll be watching tonight.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2008, 09:40:06 AM »
I did not see the first show but watched last night.  Seems like this is going to be an emotional season.  First I have to say Colleen was really arogant and I think proably lost any kind of alliance she could have made.  Plus with her lasting so long on the slide challenge if they last until individuals she will be a target.

The orange couple should have stuck to their guns and promise and not voted the gray team.  If their vote did not matter in the over all count stick with your friends.  They had a valid point in that they saved them the week before and they were returning the favor.

There are some people that need to lose ALOT of weight and some that need to lose a smaller amount.  It will be interesting to see how they will do over the next couple of weeks.  Like Jillian said week one you lose alot due to the change in exercise, water and food and then platue in week 2 . . . . week 3 will be a combination of all of it.

Right now I think my favorites are the purple and pink team.  They seem to really be supporting each other.  I liked the orange team but was disappointed in them not returning the favor.

The after shoots of the gray team looked wonderful.  I am happy they are both getting healthy and helping their family.  The Dad really seems torn and upset about his families weight and blames himself.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2008, 06:09:43 PM »

The Biggest Loser Episode 2:

Eliminated: Grey Team Father and Son Tom Sr. and LT

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2008, 06:11:58 PM »
An interesting article and interview with LT:

Fans of The Biggest Loser know that the second week is always toughest on the contestants. They seem to drop huge numbers in the first week and hardly anything in the second. The body is still trying to adjust to the amount of exercise and healthy food it’s getting. Coleen and Jerry made a bet, in a challenge, that they would lose 14 pounds. If they were successful, they’d win $10,000 but if they weren’t, they’d automatically fall below the yellow line. Together, the dropped 11 and, had they not made the bet, they would’ve ended in 3rd place this week. Yet, it was Tom and LT, the grey team, that ended up getting sent home after a shocking weigh in. Today, LT (Little Tom) spoke to BuddyTV about his weight gain, his elimination, and his relationship with his dad.

At the weigh in, jaws dropped when LT put up a +3 on the scale. His trainer, Jillian Michaels, was the only one in the room who was able to hide her shock, just saying that strange things happen in the second week. LT couldn’t seem to shed any light as to why or how he ended up gaining weight instead of losing it. “I don't know, still to this day it baffles me because I worked really hard in the 2nd week even more than I did in week one,” he told BuddyTV. “All I know is the body does things in mysterious ways.”

LT does admit that the second week was harder than the first – not just for him, but for everyone. “The workouts increased as well as the intensity. It was extreme in that second week,” he said. He felt that he and his father were a great team, because they were both great competitors and worked well together. He even went as far as to say that the grey team had the best work ethic of anyone this season. “I think our work ethic was overlooked by some of the contestants on the show,” he admitted.

Since leaving the show, LT has lost 81 pounds and Tom has lost 65.  "Everything we used to do before The Biggest Loser we changed, from eating to exercising and working," LT told BuddyTV.  "It all changed for the better. We are glad to have been a part of this."


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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2008, 06:23:01 PM »

Next Week On The Biggest Loser:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST

Episode 3


This week, the contestants take a road trip to one of the most beautiful places in the world - the Grand Canyon! On the way there, they stop by a convenience store for a temptation challenge with host Alison Sweeney that will provide the winning team a much more luxurious trip for their scenic getaway. Once they arrive at the Grand Canyon, they have to figure out how to work out with no gym and no trainers. Later, the family teams compete for an amazing prize in a kayak challenge on the Colorado River before heading back to the ranch, where medical problems threaten to sideline one contestant. Then a surprise shake-up at the weigh in makes for the most difficult and emotional elimination so far.

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #45 on: September 24, 2008, 06:25:11 PM »
Ali's Grand Canyon Photos:

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #46 on: September 24, 2008, 07:54:58 PM »
I thought the part where they made them go down the slip & slide was GREAT. That was so funny. Humiliating for the people, great for us!! LOL

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #47 on: September 24, 2008, 10:03:41 PM »
I thought the part where they made them go down the slip & slide was GREAT. That was so funny. Humiliating for the people, great for us!! LOL

LOL the slip & slide challenge was awesome

That looked like fun maybe not running back uphill but going down looked like a blast  :funny:

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2008, 10:05:37 PM »
slip and slides hurt :(

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Re: The Biggest Loser Season 6
« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2008, 10:30:39 PM »
slip and slides hurt :(

lol maybe a little but its still fun