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--- Quote from: puddin on November 05, 2008, 12:42:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: georgiapeach on November 05, 2008, 12:17:36 AM ---I think party may be the source's interpretation, and it could be more of a Pitstop gathering.

And sure the Pavilion hall or wherever could have the art...

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So if Ken is partying with the pitstop gathering then hes not eliminated? Because the eliminated team is whisked away and do not see the other teams so?

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No, I don't believe this is the case once Sequesterville(s) are full. Eliminated teams finishing 6, 5, and 4 typically travel with the entourage and then participate in decoy operations at the final city. Now it matters greatly whether this "party" or gathering is after the first Moscow pitstop or the second. After the first is OK since eliminated teams will have time to get on the same set of flights as the Final 3 one day earlier(May 13) to Frankfurt and Portland. After the second does will allow not enough time to do that.

Since the source of the "party" is our eyewitness Robyn and the area that Ken is sitting in may very well be the All Russian Centre, which I think it is, then the date should be May 13th as in the final Moscow leg.


I'm re-thinking this confessional might be this coming leg, Moscow part 1. Could this be Nick covered in flour?

--- Quote from: puddin on November 02, 2008, 08:49:01 PM ---Do we know this place?

Nick: I think the budding romance between Dallas and Starr is kind of cute, shes my baby sister 

--- End quote ---

Moscow Botanical Gardens has potential  :umn:

 :waves: It also has the benefit of being at the back door (northern edge) of the exhibition center.


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